March 2015 K i n g s M o u n t a i n A r c h e r s Volume 57, No. 3 Dates To Remember KMA Club Business Meeting – March 5, at 7:30 PM KMA Unmarked 3D – March 7, at 9:00 AM KMA Club Shoot – March 8, at 9:00 AM *** KMA Club Business Meeting – April 2, at 7:30 PM KMA Unmarked 3D - April 4, at 9:00 AM 5th Annual KMA Indoor Championship - April 11, at 10:00 AM & 1:00 PM MTBA Field-Hunter-Animal Regional Tournament - April 12, at Mt. Madonna February Club Shoot The February Club shoot was rained out. It is unfortunate for all those who wanted to participate in the shoot, but Hooray! RAIN! KMA March Club Meeting March 5 at 7:30pm The March Club Meeting is held at the Veterans Memorial Building, 1455 Madison Ave, Redwood City. All club members are invited to attend the Business Meeting. Hear what exciting things are happening at KMA. Vote in the amendments to the Constitution and Bylaw. And more importantly—Refreshments will be served! Mailing Address: King’s Mountain Archers, P.O. Box 2794, Redwood City, CA 94064 Internet URL: Phone: 650-851-4546 email: Work Party 2/21/15 Apparently my email to the membership did not work properly and only twelve members arrived for the work party. Most members I talked with did not receive the emails I sent out. The event was listed in Rabbit Tracks, but it was also missed by the majority of the membership. We did manage to replace seven complete targets on the field and practice ranges. We have developed a new target platform and mounting technique that simplified the installation. Eventually the whole range will be converted over to the new system. I am planning another work party for the first week in April, but I am not sure of the date at this point. Needless to say the club needs more members to assist in the maintenance of the range. Thanks to the following who did show up: Tim Blauwcamp; Mike Orange; Jeff Buell; Keith and Kristen Julien; Mark Melanson; Matt Martinelli; John Viney; Jim Sullivan, Jim Camozzi, Rick Hanson, Mike Adolph and Vince Nalam (who is a member at SF Archers and wanted to help out even thought he is not a member at KMA). I also want to thank Mike Fuge and Rick Lombardo for painting the inside of the clubhouse within the last few weeks. Now the new cabinets are installed, the new windows are in and the inside is painted. A few more touches and it will be done and ready for the Father’s Day shoot. I arranged for the Cal Fire/Department of Corrections crew to spend the day at the range on 2/19 and they cleared the remaining brush near the picnic areas and removed the old scoreboard. We now we have a 50’ fire break and a nice view of the bay and east bay hills from the picnic area. Next week on the 27th the California Conservation Crew is arriving for their first work day at our range. Black Mountain Bowmen and Mount Madonna use these crews at their ranges and I have arranged for them to assist us with our every growing list of projects. I plan to have the crew move the large pile of wood chips that was left in front of the 20 yard practice stakes. They will begin the process of leveling the walking paths and shooting areas on the entire field range. Eventually, I plan to use the crew to add and repair all the steps on the range and maybe add some handrails where needed. Great deal since the only cost is the price of lunch for the crew. See you at the range, Gary Johnston, Range Captain 2 KMA Indoor Championship The 5th Annual KMA Indoor Championship is scheduled for April 11, 2015, Saturday, at Palomo Archery. It will be a 450 round using Vegas targets, as it has been in the past. The event is open to all KMA members. Awards are given out to the champion in each style. The event will cost $20 and the shoot times are 10am and 1pm. The awards will be given out at the December Awards Banquet. This event has drawn up to 45 shooters in the past, so reserve your time slot early and have fun. To reserve your preferred time, register at: Questions? email For address, directions and / or practice hours: Thanks, Mike Anderson, Director of Archery Instruction 3D Shoot Spot Pot Congratulations to Jacob Gano for hitting the SPOT! His arrow found the yellow spot at the February KMA 3D shoot. The Spot Pot total was $246. Jacob donated $123 to the 3-D target fund. Thank you for the donation, Jacob. 2015 Archery Lessons We currently run a free lesson program for the general public. Classes are given by our NFAA-certified instructors, and are appropriate for ages ten years old and older. Classes cover an introduction to the use of the traditional recurve bow, with emphasis on range safety and on learning how to hold, draw, aim, and shoot a successful archery shot. All equipment and supplies are provided. As usual, the lessons will be given on the last Saturday of each month, March through October. Two sessions will be held, mornings at 10:00AM and afternoons at 1:00PM. Reservations for the March 28 Introductory Archery Lesson are now full. April reservations can be made starting March 29. Send your archery deficient family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers to the KMA Lesson page for more details: If you think you would like to be an instructor, let me know: Thanks, Mike Anderson, Director of Archery Instruction 3 Membership Please join me in welcoming our newest club members: Drake Mosier of Palo Alto, returning members Debra and Wade Leschyn of Belmont, returning member Eric Kretzer of Millbrae, Mario Rodigheiro and Candace Cavanaugh of Foster City, Phillip and Barbara Arellano of San Mateo, Irma and Robert Mitton of Pescadero, Alexandria Inga of Clayton, Blake Hajek of Menlo Park and returning member Jeff Camozzi of Moss Beach. Although three of our members have moved out of the area and requested that they be dropped from our rolls, our current membership now stands at 270 households. Thank you to all new members who have returned their confirmation forms which verify that you have received your membership packages and that you’ve caught all my mistakes! If you have not yet returned your confirmation form, then please do so as soon as you can so that we know that I’ve mailed your membership card to the right place! If you have moved since your last contact with us then please update me with your snail mail address so that we can keep in touch! Some of you still get bounced hard-copy mail from us and have not responded to my emailed requests for a mailing address update. Please note that the post office – for some inexplicable reason –holds on to such mail for sometimes months at a time before returning it to us! Annual Membership Renewals By now, all of you should have received the PINK renewal form and had plenty of time to look it over, make any necessary changes and think about sending it back with your membership dues. If you are declining renewing with us at this time please mark your form accordingly and return it to me so that I don’t bug you throughout the remainder of the year. You can still renew at any time later during the year but the fee will be the same (I caught that little trick a few years ago!). IF YOU DID NOT RECEIVE A RENEWAL NOTICE THEN CONTACT ME RIGHT AWAY SO I CAN SEND YOU ANOTHER ONE! As of Thursday afternoon we have eighty-seven renewals in hand (thank you very much!) which represents nearly a third of our membership. Before you ask: New membership cards will be printed during the weekend following the club business meeting in March. They will be in the mail by Monday, March 9th. - Steve Russell, Membership Chair RUSSEST@SHOESTRING.COMCASTBIZ.NET 4 Dedicated archers working hard to keep our beautiful range in good condition. Constitution and Bylaws Updates Upon further discussion and review, it was noted that the 2011 C&BL was ratified and passed back in 2011. However, to ensure accountability, we voted to ratify that version again in February and a new 2011 copy in PDF format should be available on our web site. If you do not have a registered email address then you should be receiving a paper copy sometime after the beginning of the membership year (April 1). Of course, there are a few, tiny updates that need to be corrected from the 2011 version so the 2015 changes are still under review with even more, new and exciting issues to address! (hence the mailing delay!). The 2015 modifications to the Constitution and Bylaws is on the agenda for the March Club meeting. A quorum of KMA members is required to approve the updates. Please come to the meeting on March 5, 2015. If you have any comments or complaints, questions or concerns about the C&BL or the way the club is headed then it is up to you to bring these issues to a member of the Board of Directors or attend a club meeting in person so they can be addressed publicly. KMA exists for the benefit of you, our membership, and not just the handful of members that attend the once-a-month meetings. Come and tell us how we can make your experience better or point out some of our shortcomings so we can all work on them together. - By-Laws Committee Like Us on Facebook at King's Mountain Archers Fan Club 5 Range Visit in February I hadn’t been to the range in an embarrassingly long time so, with the lesson program getting ready to start for another year, my girl and I went up to grab target cardboard for the Kid’s Corner; sixty sheets of weirdly creased and cut target backing for this year’s lesson targets … starring SPONGE BOB!!! In the process I took a look around and saw how all the brush along both sides of the practice range and behind the toilets and storage containers had been cleared. Who knew how steep that drop-off was behind the storage containers? With the Manzanita cut back like it was, there is a pretty decent fire break now. Of course, the Manzanita is making a valiant effort to recoup its losses and has already grown up about a foot or more in several locations where their old trunks were still present. I also see that they finally discovered where the septic tanks are located. We have two new tank covers, in a lovely shade of green, that allow access for maintenance of the system. I stood on one, bounced on it a bit and decided that you probably should avoid parking on one … maybe even avoid driving across them, too. The real treat was a visit to the club house where we found a new back counter and cabinet set, plus new sofas and chairs. The impression of a larger space was very welcome. The only thing missing seemed to be the file cabinets, where things like membership applications and range maps were usually stored. I’m hoping those will be located in the near future so I can send up some more applications and maps. Alas, the flyer boxes on the side of the club house have both suffered insults of a pointy nature by a disgruntled visitor or two (I also noted a tiny ding in the club house bulletin board … but I rebuilt it with polycarbonate the last time it got busted and it’s just a wee bit tougher now). I don’t know how many times we’ve reminded everyone but still, on Sunday the 18th [February] I found both bathrooms open (a good thing, public relations-wise) but the locks were dialed in and just left hanging from the hasps (a bad thing) because; (1) someone could be locked in; (2) someone could read the combination off the lock and; (3) someone could steal the lock. Remember – forever and always, if you open a lock then lock it back up and zero the combination. On the bathrooms, lock the doors closed or lock them open – but lock them. At the gate, club house and target shed, lock the gate and doors closed when you’re not actually in attendance – but always zero the lock. In my last fourteen years with the club I don’t recall ever having to reset the combinations in the middle of the year because they were compromised – a very fortunate circumstance for us. However we’d still lose the occasional lock, but that’s rather rare and we’d like to keep it that way! Although I personally don’t shoot anymore (for a variety of reasons), I think our range is one of the nicest in the area and I think our Range Captain and his minions are doing a terrific job of keeping it that way. - Steve Russell; KMA Member 6 KMA Calendar of Events 2015 (Mar—Aug) March: 3/5 General Meeting, 3/7 Unmarked 3D shoot, 3/8 KMA Club Shoot, 3/28 Archery Lessons April: 4/2 General Meeting, 4/4 3D Shoot, 4/11 KMA Indoor Championship, 4/12 Regional Field/Hunter Championship @Mt. Madonna Bowmen, 4/25 Archery Lessons May: 5/2 Unmarked 3D Shoot, 5/7 General meeting, 5/10 KMA Club Shoot, 5/30 Archery Lessons June: 6/4 General Meeting, 6/6 Unmarked 3D Championship, 6/14 KMA Club Shoot, 6/20 Work Party, 6/21 Father’s Day 3D in the Redwoods, 6/27 Archery Lessons July: 7/2 General Meeting, 7/4 Unmarked 3D shoot, 7/12 KMA Club Shoot, 7/25 Archery Lessons August: 8/1 Unmarked 3D Shoot, 8/6 General Meeting, 8/9 KMA Club Shoot, 8/23 Regional 900 Round @ Black Mountain Bowmen, 8/29 Archery Lessons *** Club Officers President Kristen Julien 1st VP (Target) Hal Lonhart nd 2 VP (Hunting) Greg Kesner Secretary Open Treasurer Les Vander Wal Range Captain Gary Johnston Scorekeeper Jim Purcell Publicity Guy B. Purcell Member at Large Matt Martinelli Member at Large Mike Anderson Member at Large Keith Julien This is the official club newsletter for King’s Mountain Archers. It provides information of value to KMA club members. If you have scores, awards, shoot reports, or anything else you want published in Rabbit Tracks, then send it to me (email: by 25 Mar 2015. Copywrite 2015. Rabbit Tracks is published monthly as a function of the Publicity Office of King’s Mountain Archers, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions of Rabbit Tracks may contain unsolicited contributions from other sources with no intent to assume ownership of the same. The public may download a full-color PDF version of the current issue of Rabbit Tracks from a link presented on the front page of our club web site, Current club members may download back issues of Rabbit Tracks from the “members-only” section of the KMA web site – in spectacular, breath-taking COLOR! 7 Spring Shoots in Northern California Spring is a beautiful time for field Archery. Explore the other clubs/ranges with these shoots: March 7 Bowhunters Unlimited Al Hartford / Fred Bear Legacy Shoot Cupertino March 7 Straight Arrow Bow Hunters 2015 Cabin Fever Redding &8 March 7 Yahi Bowment Spring Fling Modesto &8 March 15 Black Mountain Bowmen Golden Arrow San Jose March 15 Yolo Bowmen Oasis Shoot Davis (Dixon) March 29 Madera Field Archers Bounty Hunt Madera April 12 MTBA Field-Hunter-Animal Regional Tournament Gilroy April 12 April 19 April 19 West Valley Bowhunters Annual Spring Shoot Maya Archers Around the World 2015 SF Archers Pacific Traditional Rendezvous Orland Roseville San Francisco For more information on field archery events & shoots in California, visit the CBHSAA site: 8
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