BCT Temple Times Weekly Newsletter www.salvos.org.au/brisbanecity 8th March 2015 P: 3221 3461 On behalf of General André Cox, Commissioner James Condon has made the following announcement of appointments. Lieutenant-Colonel Mark Campbell currently serving as Secretary for Business Administration, is appointed Chief Secretary, Australia Eastern Territory, effective 1st July. He will take up his new appointment with the rank of Colonel. Lieutenant-Colonel Julie Campbell currently serving as Assistant Secretary for Personnel, is appointed Principal, School for Officer Training, effective 1st July. She will take up her new appointment with the rank of Colonel. We assure Mark and Julie of our thoughts and prayers. This news has certainly come as a surprise to them so early into their new appointments in 2015. God be with them in this time of transition and change as they prepare themselves for these new appointments. Colonels Richard and Janet Munn will be returning to their home Territory of USA Eastern Territory. Colonel Richard Munn will be taking up an appointment as Territorial Secretary for Theology and Christian Ethics, effective 1st July. Colonel Janet Munn will be taking up her appointment as Principal, College for Officer Training, USA Eastern Territory, effective 1st July. Colonels Richard and Janet Munn have been a gift to the Territory for the last two years and we thank them for their dedicated, whole-hearted service to the Lord and to the Army and its mission in this Territory. They will be missed. We remember them in our thoughts and prayers during this time of transition and change as they prepare to return home. It's a BOY! Congratulations, to Majors Dean & Vicki on the safe arrival of a beautiful baby grandson. Their daughter Yvette and husband Daniel welcomed into their family Isaac Samuel Walters who was born at 9:03am on Tuesday 3rd March. Weighing 3.2 kg 7lb 2 oz and 5ocm long. All is well - praising God - thanks for your support and prayers over recent days. A little brother for Judah. BCT is now on facebook like us, share us, invite your friends facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ Salvation-Army-Brisbane-City-Temple/155269697845634 OR Search facebook for “Salvation Army Brisbane City Temple” Do YOU have photos of life at BCT ??? Special events of your sections activities? Photos of enrolments, that we can use for promotion as part of our 130 years celebrations? We would love to hear from you! You can email or hand into the BCT office. TODAY at BCT 9. 30am YP & CC 9.45am Prayer Meeting 9.45am Temple Band QSM 11.00am Morning Worship 2.30pm GENR8 Service 2.30pm Life Groups Info 5.30pm Gods Sports Arena NEXT SUNDAY at BCT 9. 30am YP & CC 9.45am Prayer Meeting 9.45am Temple Band at The Cairns Centre 11.00am Morning Worship 5.00pm Divisional Welcome at TSA Lifeworks Slacks Creek DIARY DATES MARCH Coffee Morning Sat 14th March 13 Div Missionary Fellowship 14 TimeOut for Coffee The Coffee Club - 9.30am Reddacliffe Place City 14 BCT Men Coffee morning 15 Divisional Welcome ‘bring a mate!’ Lt. Cols David & Sandra Godkin 20-22 Riverfest ‘Youth Councils CRECHE ROSTER TODAY: Catherine Philpot with Laura and Anna Murray NEXT SUNDAY: Anne York with Rebekah James & Ethan James TUESDAY 9.30am Friendship Club 7.00pm Youth Life Groups 7.30pm Bible Study Groups WEDNESDAY 9.45am Women’s Bible Study 11.00am Women’s Home League 6.45pm Songster Rehearsal 8.30pm Temple Band Rehearsal THURSDAY 9.45am mainly music FRIDAY 6.00pm 6.15pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 22 Major Works Concert 2pm 22 Life Groups 2.30pm 27 SAGALA YP Final Term 1 King George Square Car Park YP Singing Company Senior Timbrels SAGALA YP Timbrels & YP Band MARCH SECURE Parking WELCOMER’S ROSTER Sun Sun 15th 9.00am - 5.00pm TODAY: Jayne Krieger & Barbara Brown SECURE Parking MARCH Sun 8th 9.00am - 5.00pm Sun 15th 9.00am - 5.00pm Sun 22nd 9.00am - 6.00pm NEXT SUNDAY: Sun 22nd 9.00am - 6.00pm Sun 29th 9.00am - 5.00pm Joy Heathcote & Joy Strong Sun 29th 9.00am - 5.00pm 8th 9.00am - 5.00pm In the event of a fire proceed to the closest exit ASSEMBLE in the FORECOURT Opposite BCT in ANN Street DO NOT evacuate to BCT Car Park WORK ZONE Repair Work has commenced on waterproofing our front wall. This will mean that the only toilets open for use are those located behind the Multi-purpose hall & the toilet on the worship level. The toilets & storerooms on the lower floor will be closed and no access will be permitted. Thank you for your understanding during these months of repairs & renovations.
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