Registration Form NAME: ______________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________________ CITY:________________________________________ STATE:_______________________ZIP:_____________ PHONE: Day__________________________________ PHONE: Evening ______________________________ FAX:________________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ PATH Intl. MEMBER NO. (required)__________________ Please register me for the following: ______ ______ ______ ______ Instructor Workshop ONLY* $450.00/ June June 25, 26 2015 $50 Late Instructor Workshop AND One-Day Certification* $750.00 June 25, 26, 27,28 2015 Certification Only** June 27, 28 2015 $400.00 Instructor Workshop Audit $125.00 **MUST have proof of having attended a PATH Intl. Approved On-Site Workshop within the previous two years or provide certification resubmission letter. *Upon receipt of forms and payment, TRRC will send you a PATH Phase Two Packet. Directions From Baltimore and North Take I-695 to I-70W via Exit 16 toward Frederick. Take the MD-32 S Exit 80 toward West Friendship/Howard County Fairgrounds/Clarksville. Turn LEFT onto MD-32 S/Sykesville Rd. Continue to follow MD-32 S. Take the Burntwood Road exit to a roundabout. Go 1/2 way round towards Burntwoods Rd. At the second circle take the first right onto Burntwoods Rd. Follow Burntwoods past Glenelg High School to the third roundabout. Take third exit (3/4 around) onto Sharp’s Road. Follow Sharp’s Road to Shady Lane. Turn RIGHT onto Shady Lane. End at 3750 Shady Lane on the left. From Washington, D.C. and West Take I-295 North. Merge onto I-95 toward Baltimore/College Park. Merge onto MD-32 W via EXIT 38B toward Columbia. Take exit marked Burntwoods Rd. Roundabouts at the top of the ramp will take you to Burntwoods Road. Once on Burntwoods, pass Glenelg High School on the left. Enter next roundabout and take 3rd exit onto Sharp’s Rd. Go to end. Turn RIGHT onto Shady Lane. End at 3750 Shady Lane on left. From Annapolis and South and East Take US 301/US 50 W. Merge onto I-97 N toward Baltimore. Keep RIGHT to take MD-32 vW via EXIT 7 toward MD-3 S/ Columbia/Bowie. Continue on Rte. 32 27.2 miles (becomes two-lane). Exit off Rte. 32 to Burntwoods Rd. Take 2nd exit off roundabout onto Burntwood Rd.Pass Glenelg HS on left. Take third exit off next circle onto Sharpe Rd.; Turn right at the end of Sharpe Rd. onto Shady Lane. 3750 Shady Lane on left. Lodging *Lunches, snacks and drinks are served during Workshop; snacks and drinks are served during Certification. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MAY 20, 2015 This deadline may be extended for participants in the Workshop Only. First priority for certification candidates is given to candidates who are also attending the Workshop. Refunds are offered only in cases of documented illness or injury. Mail registration form, fee, and confirmation letter to: Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center, Inc. Attn: Lisa Bartell 3750 Shady Lane, Glenwood, MD 21738 443-992-3833 Courtyard Columbia 8910 Stanford Blvd., Columbia, MD 21045 Telephone: 419-290-0002 Hampton Inn Columbia 880 Columbia 100 Parkway Columbia MD 21045 410-997-8555 Doubletree by Hilton 5485 Twin Knolls Road Columbia, MD 21045 410-977-1060 PATH INTL. REGISTERED INSTRUCTOR On-Site WORKSHOP and CERTIFICATION On-Site Instructor Workshop June 25, 26, 2015 On-Site Certification June 26, 27 & 28 with OCTAVIA BROWN, Ed.M. PATH INTL. Master Instructor Professor of Equine Studies, Centenary College & Mandy Branton, RN PATH Intl. Advanced Instructor Certified Equine Interaction Professional Hosted by the Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center, Inc. 3750 Shady Lane, Glenwood, MD 21738 Phone:410-489-5100 * Fax:410-489-3663 3750 Shady Lane, Glenwood, MD 21738 410-489-5100/Fax: 410-489-3663/ PATH Registered Instructor Certification Process PATH offers three levels of Instructor Certification for therapeutic riding: Registered, Advanced and Master. The focus of this workshop and/or certification is the Registered Level. In order to become a PATH Intl. Certified Instructor, you must successfully complete the two Phases of the certification process. For additional information on this process, please refer to thePATH website at www. under the Instructor Certification drop down menu. Any questions that you have regarding Phase One should be directed to the PATH Intl. office, and questions regarding Phase Two should be directed to PATH Intl. or TRRC Phase One (PATH) With the submission of your Registered Instructor Certification Application Form, a $55 application fee, copies of current CPR and First Aid certification cards, and PATH Intl. membership number or membership application ($45 membership fee) to the PATH office, you will officially enter into Phase One. Upon receipt, PATH Intl.will e-mail you a Phase One Packet. Phase One Packet includes access to the following on-line components: • Center Accreditation Training Course (CAT) • CAT Instructor CAT Exam • Instructor Self-Study Course • PATH Intl. Registered Instructor Open Book Exam NOTE: You will have six months to complete the Phase One Packet. Please note the CAT Course/Instructor CAT Exam has a 60 day timeframe and the Instructor Self-Study Course/Instructor Open Book Exam has a 6 month timeframe. Upon successful completion of Phase One you will receive a confirmation of Instructor-In Training status letter from the PATH Intl. office. At this point, you are considered a Path Intl. Instructor in Training. You may retain this designatlon for twelve months from the date of your Confirmation Letter. Phase Two (Host Site TRRC) Within the twelve month time frame, you must have completed all the components of Phase Two. These components are: • • • Complete 25 hours of practice teaching mounted therapeutic riding lessons under the guidance or direct supervision of a PATH Intl. Certified Instructor Attend a Registered Instructor On-Site Workshop. You must attend a workshop PRIOR to the certification component Successfully complete a Registered Instructor OnSite Certification. If you are interested in attending the On-Site Workshop and/or Certification please complete the attached form and mail with appropriate fees to the address listed. You will also need to include a copy of your confirmation of Instructor-In-Training status letter from Phase One if registering for certification. Candidates are registered on a first come-first served basis, so make sure to register early. All Certification Candidates must register 32 days prior to OSWC. Once registered for the workshop and/or certification, we (TRRC) will send you a Phase Two Packet. The packet will include the following information and will need to be completed depending on whether you are registering for workshop and/or certification: • On-Site Registration Form • Additional Forms for certification candidates: instructor resume, personal reference, professional reference, and essay questions • Emergency Medical Treatment, Liability, and Confidentiality Forms • Documentation of Teaching Hours Form You will need to complete the Phase Two packet (depends on participation for workshop and/or certification) and return to the TRRC with a copy of your PATH membership card, and current copies of your CPR and First Aid certification. All Phase 2 Forms must be returned to the Host Site 32 days prior to the beginning of the OSWC. WORKSHOP & CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE Day 1 –Thursday, June 25th, 2015 Workshop Topics (9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.) • Disabilities • Teaching theories, methodology and techniques • Rider posture and alignment • Tack fitting and adaptive equipment • Horse analysis • Mounting and dismounting techniques • Volunteer management Evening (Certification candidates only) If a large number of Certification candidates sign up the riding exam will be split. Half of the Certification candidates will take riding exam (pattern outlined in the Phase Two application materials). Candidates may choose between Western and English for their riding pattern. TRRC horses can accommodate riders up to 190 lbs. Day 2 – Friday, June 26, 2015 Workshop Topics (9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.) • Qualities of an instructor • Skill progression and task analysis •Teaching and learning styles • Class structure and format • Goals and objectives • Lesson plan development • Role plays with horses and riders Evening (Certification candidates only) Other half or all of the Certification candidates will take riding exam. Weekend teaching exam assignments are given so candidates can review rider profiles and develop lesson plans. Day 3 & 4 - Saturday, June 27 & Sunday, June 28 (Sunday only if large number of candidates) Certification Candidates Only (8:30 a.m–2:00 p.m.) Candidates teach a 20 minutes class of two riders with special needs (mild physical and/or cognitive disabilities) at their assigned Saturday or Sunday teaching time. On weekend evening(s), candidates have the option to meet with Evaluators to review and get feedback about their Certification riding and teaching exams.
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