KS4 SPANISH HOMEWORK GRID Year 10 - Term 1 Las vacaciones Each week your teacher will set you one of the tasks below. You may at any point during the course of the term complete the challenge or Exam and assessment tasks/ questions. Focus Homework Tasks Current Learning From your student workbook please complete the exercises under the following headings: 1. Repaso ¿Adónde fuiste? 2. ¿Qué tal tus vacaciones? 3. En el hotel 4. Reclamaciones 5. Gramática Revision Log on to www.linguascope.com username bfs; password languages and follow these steps: click on intermediate, español, las vacaciones. Now complete the activities below. 1. Dialogo de introducción: scroll through the different slides and note down in English the key points of the conversation, questions and answers. 2. Reordena las viñetas: Put the four interactions of the conversation in the correct box. Press check and print screen to prove it. Complete three conversations. 3. Opciones múltiples: choose the picture that best fits the phrase. Try for 20 minutes and screen shot your best score to prove it. 4. Elige y coloca: drag each word into the space where it makes most sense. Try for 20 minutes and print screen your best shot. Save this to help with controlled assessment. 5. Mensajes de móvil: reorganise the words in the scrambled text messages so they make sense. Screen shot the time – keep going until your time is under 5 minutes. 6. Log on to www.vocabexpress.com and gain at least 300 points per week on vocabulary that will support you with this module of work. 1. Go onto the webpage www.elpais.com and click on the magnifying glass (search) icon on the top left of the page and type in “vacaciones” and enter. Chose one of the 20 articles that come up and describe what the article is about in no more than 100 words in English. 2. Go onto the webpage www.olivepress.es and click on the magnifying glass (search) icon on the top left of the page and type in “holidays” and enter. Write a 400 word essay about one or more of the articles, either strongly agreeing or disagreeing with it in English. 1. Prepare responses to the 6 questions on the topic of holidays. 2. Write notes on a past holiday, particularly focussing on interesting use of time markers and adjectives to enrich your language. Challenge Exam and Assessment tasks KS4 SPANISH HOMEWORK GRID Y10 Spanish Term 2: De paseo por Sevilla Each week your teacher will set you one of the tasks below. You may at any point during the course of the term complete the challenge or Exam and assessment tasks/ questions. Focus Homework Tasks Current Learning From your student workbook please complete the exercises under the following headings: 6. Repaso 1 Mi vida 7. Repaso 2 En ruta 8. Comprando recuerdos 9. Tomando tapas 10. En Sevilla 11. Las fiestas 12. Gramática Log on to www.linguascope.com username bfs; password languages and follow these steps: click on intermediate, español. Now complete the activities below. 7. Click on ‘De viaje’: dialogo de introducción: scroll through the different slides and note down in English the key points of the conversation, questions and answers. 8. Click on ‘En el hotel’: reordena las viñetas: Put the four interactions of the conversation in the correct box. Press check and print screen to prove it. Complete three conversations. 9. Click on ‘En el restaurante’: opciones múltiples: choose the picture that best fits the phrase. Try for 20 minutes and screen shot your best score to prove it. 10. Click on ‘Ir de compras’: elige y coloca: drag each word into the space where it makes most sense. Try for 20 minutes and print screen your best shot. Save this to help with controlled assessment. 11. Click on ‘Información’: mensajes de móvil: reorganise the words in the scrambled text messages so they make sense. Screen shot the time – keep going until your time is under 5 minutes. 12. Log on to www.vocabexpress.com and gain at least 300 points per week on vocabulary that will support you with this module of work. 3. Imagine you have just finished your Alevels and have a full 6 weeks of holiday to play with before you start university or your full time job. Money is no object! Go to the website http://www.southamericatourism.com/ and research the trip that you would most like to take. 4. The only catch is that you must write a tweet at least for each week that you were away (140 characters and no more) in Spanish in review of your trip. 3. Prepare responses to the 6 questions on the topic of tourism. 4. Write notes on a particular trip you have made to a city of your choice, particularly focussing on interesting use of language to compare it to where you live. Revision Challenge Exam and Assessme nt tasks
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