Impure tokamak PEDESTALS with strong radial electric field Silvia ESPINOSA, and Peter J. CATTO {espinosa, catto} Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. Theoretical modelling Tz [eV] From radial impurity force balance principles understanding of ETBs has not yet been obtained. Numerical and analytical studies areTcomplicated by the short pol T pol 1 @pzradial scale lengths in the pedestal [11, 12] and experimental Ttor Er = + Vz,tor Bpol andVusually Btor measurements are challenging limited to a single z,pol Zenz @r poloidal location, such that information Ttor about variations of 600 400 400 200 200 HFS LFS H-Mode parameters: Ip=0.62 MA, PRF=2.6 MW B0=5.5 T, BφHFS=8.1 T, BφLFS=4.1 T BθHFS=0.72 T, BθLFS=0.56 T neped=1.3 1020 m-3, Tped=350 eV Vpol > 0 a) Strong radial electric field (Kagan et al [3–5]) 0 on a flux surface is often missing. As plasma parameters 40 Vpol > 0 I-Mode parameters: poloidal asymmetries are expected to scale with the ratio Eofr Vtor 20 20 radius and radial scale length poloidal Larmor [13], they Ip=-1.3 MA, PRF=4 MW Er Vtor could be important E inrthe pedestal region. Recent neoclassical B0=-5.6 T, BφHFS=-8.4 T, BφLFS=-4.2 T dia V > 0 0 0 tor E r Vpol calculations have indeed revealed strong poloidal asymmetries BθHFS=-1.62 T, BθLFS=-1.07 T (b) ped associated with−20 steep pedestal gradients [12, 14]. neped=1020 m-3, T =800 eV −20 Er dia Bφ, Ip >0 In this paper, we present new experimental insights on −40 −40 the poloidal structure ofE the pedestal. In particular, our r Vpol Figure 1. Left: typical magnetic equilibrium of a lower single null measurements indicate that in the pedestal, plasma potential discharge on C-Mod. Arrows indicate the positive direction of HFS −60 −60 Er H-mode, and temperature are not necessarily constant on a flux and LFS poloidal flows as well as toroidal flow, magnetic field, and Er low field side −80 −80 surface. The measurements, performed on the Alcator C-Mod plasma current. Right: some key parameters of the discharges [15–17], are 0.9 enabled a recently developed gas- discussed in this paper. 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 tokamak 0.98 1 0.92using 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 Nucl. Fusion 53 (2013) 122002 Letter ρ puff charge exchange recombinationρ spectroscopy technique 18 18 x 10 x 10 (GP-CXRS) [18], allowing for measurements at both the high collisionality, while I-mode is a low collisionality regime, 5+ gure 3. (a) GP-CXRS 6 measurements (B ) at the LFS midplane in H-mode. The 3 top panel shows boron temperatures measured with LFS orradial high-field sideobtained (HFS) using and the outboard or ,low-field oidal and toroidal viewing optics. The bottom panelinboard shows the electric field equation (1). Er,dia ELFS usually obtained with the ion ∇B drift away from the active r,Vpol , and Er,Vtor HFS ow, respectively, the4 contributions from the individual terms on themidplane. right of equation (1).technique (b) The same in (a) for measurements at the HFS 2 This side (LFS) hasas previously allowed X-point. The decoupling between energy and particle transport S midplane. insights about poloidal1 variations of toroidal flow and impurity in I-mode, as well as other properties [6, 25, 29], make it Nucl. Fusion Letter 2 53 (2013) 122002 (a) I-Mode, LFS (b) I-Mode, HFS density on Alcator C-Mod a promising regime for future fusion reactors. Some key 18 18 [19, 20] and ASDEX-U [21, 22]. x 10 x 10 0 0 6 3 As shown here, GP-CXRS reveals clear Er wells and impurity scalar parameters of the EDA H-mode and I-mode discharge 1500 1500 600 800 LFS LFS T temperature pedestals at both measurement locations in I-mode investigated here are given in figure 1. Both discharges are tor HFS 4 600 HFS 2 1000 1000 400 and TEDA plasmas. When HFS measurements are run in a lower single null configuration. The I-mode discharge tor H-mode 400 Tpol 2 1 500 mapped along magnetic flux surfaces to the LFS, there is an is performed in reversed field, with toroidal field and plasma 500 200 Tpol 200 uncertainty in the radial alignment of HFS and LFS profiles current in the counter-clockwise direction if viewed from 00 0 0 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 0.9 magnetic 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 600 800 due to uncertainties in the reconstruction. Aligning above. Figure 2 displays radial profiles at the LFS midplane of ρ 60 60 ρ B θ 600the impurity temperature profiles align the profiles such that and ρ = ρ , the radial temperature the ion Larmor radius ρ i 400 i Bθ i Er Vtor(TB ) from an EDA Figure Figure 40 1. Boron density (nB ) and temperature E Vtor 2. Boron density(nB ) and temperature (T ) from an 40 B 400shift well and with respect results ofHFS thenB HFS Er rsquares, and electron density scale lengths LT = |Tz /(dTz /dr)| and H-mode, with the HFS nB in green squares, and the LFS in nB an in outward L-mode, with the in green the LFS nB in to 200 red circles. present. 20 20 A clear in–out density asymmetry isthe circles. asymmetry is LFS one by ared substantial ofnotitspresent. width. On the other Lne = |ne /(dne /dr)|, and the collisionality [30] ν ⋆ = 200 In–outfraction 1.5 00 hand, aligning the 0 location 18 of the Er wells results in LFS to 0 qR/(ϵ vth,i ) in these plasmas. Electron density ne is ν ˆ ii E dia x 10 0.94 density 0.96 0.98 1 Large 0.92 boron impurity asymmetries are observed in 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 r E dia ρ HFS impurity ratios up to ≈1.7. ρ r measured at the top of the machine with the Thomson scattering all types ELM-free, and temperature −20 −20of H-mode plasmas on C-Mod: EDA, LFS 2 zfluxzsurfaces z to the z ELMy [22]. These H-modes encompass range of section pedestal 2, we discuss the experimental setup and diagnostic [31] and mapped along magnetic Figure 1. Boron density (nB ) and temperaturea (T )In from an EDA Figure 2. Boron density(n ) and temperature (T ) from an HFS B B B −40 main −40 ionwith collisionalities high collisionality regime H-mode, the HFS nB covering in green the squares, and the LFS n in L-mode, with the HFS n in green squares, and the LFS nB in B Belectric field measurements Er Vpol diagnostic technique. Radial LFS midplane. In figure 2, we also show the radial profile of red circles. A clear in–out density asymmetry is present. (Pfirsch–Schl¨ u ter), intermediate (plateau), and collisionless 1 In–out asymmetry is not present. red circles. Er Vpol −60 −60 term (banana). The density asymmetry is alwaysare with apresented larger boron in section 3, followed by inboard-outboard a clear pedestal. the impurity (B 5+ ) temperature, Tz , revealingInertial r ucl. Fusion 54 (2014) 083017 C. Theiler et al 18 rfrominin−80section −80 density on boron the HFS. Note that this asymmetries asymmetry isare opposite x 10 Large impurity density observed comparisons 4. In the latter, we also discuss Here and throughout this paper, the radial coordinate ρ = r/a0 0 that expected due to centrifugal effects [23]. all types of H-mode plasmas on C-Mod: EDA, ELM-free,related and −100with questions the measurement technique and (b) H-Mode, E aligned LFSgive −100 1000 (a) H-Mode, T aligned is used. It is a flux surface label, where r is the radial distance 0.92 0.92 0.94 r 0.96 0.98 1 0.94 0.96 a range 0.98 of pedestal 1 ELMy [22].0.9 These 0.92 H-modes encompass HFS further details in appendix. Sectionρ 5 describes simplified of a flux surface at the LFS midplane from the magnetic axis ρ high collisionality main600 ion collisionalities covering the regime 600 3.2. L-mode measurements 500 (Pfirsch–Schl¨uter), intermediate (plateau), and collisionless 1 which species are to determine expected to have and a0 is the value of r for the last closed flux surface (LCFS). Tpol,LFS Testimates pol,LFS In general, accurate boron density measurements are difficult (banana). is always4.with larger boronto Thea equivalent figure 3temperature, for I-mode. 400 The density asymmetry Figure 400 poloidally varying what poloidal potential Typically, a0 ≈ 22 cm on C-Mod. Figure 2 shows that for in ohmic L-mode plasmas due to a reduced level of boron density on the HFS. Note that this asymmetry is opposite from T in plasma due (leading to lower signal).[23]. In L-mode plasmasimply for00the pol,HFS asymmetries electron density, T0.96 the H-mode case, the main ions are in the plateau regime, 2 0.94 0.98 and 1what insights 1.02 thatthe expected to centrifugal effects 200 200 pol,HFS 1000 mainly by the poloidal with sufficientdrift signal, there is no discernible boron densitydetermined ρ e electron diamagnetic direction. It shows onlyget a weak and the toroidal velocity ⋆ we from total parallel force balance. Section 6 summarizes 1 < ν < ϵ −1.5 ≈ 6, and, from the center of the Tz pedestal z asymmetry (these plasmas are generally RF-heated, with the p around the3.2. mid-pedestal, where a strong dip is observed in terms equation (1).from As an inI-mode, H-mode, is also 0 0 in 3. L-mode measurements Boron density with toroidal the HFS nBvelocity in the drift results. active40X-point in the unfavourable ion ∇B direction 40Figure500 at ρ ≈ 0.985 outwards (towards larger minor radii), in the mode. At somewhat larger minor radii, however, there is a green squares, and the LFS nB and in red circles. sheared near the LCFS co-current in I-mode [38] strongly E HFS to general, ensure the plasma doesn’t transition to anr H-mode. In Er HFS e In accurate boron density measurements are difficult Pfirsch–Schl¨uter regime. In I-mode, main ions are in the ong shear in poloidal velocity and the velocity is oriented at the HFS. theohmic rare the plasmas plasma transitions to an H-mode this 20 20 cases in L-mode due to a reduced level of inboron ⋆ matches well between the LFS and HFS, similar to the < 1, almost all the way to the LCFS. In banana regime, ν 0very and ong the ion-diamagnetic drift direction near the LCFS. While 2. Experimental setup diagnostics magnetic geometry, an impurity density asymmetry forms). in the plasma (leading to lower signal). In L-mode plasmas 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 1.02 L-mode plasmas. An example is shown in figure 3 for an Figure boron forboron an to RF-heated amagnetic and toroidal terms also contribute the agreement with previous studies [3, 6], we find that in the 02 showsvelocity with sufficient signal,density there ismeasurements no discernible density 0 ρ ped ped I-mode plasma with parameters I = 1.2 (MA), T = 800 e p θ variations ofAlcator temperature and potential L-mode plasma with Ip = (MA), Te = 400 (these plasmas are1.1 generally RF-heated, with the4. Poloidal , this shear in poloidal velocity is responsible for(eV), ucture of Erasymmetry and L can be comparable to ρ pedestal region both L The experiments are performed on the C-Mod tokamak ped T ne 20 −3 i. ped Figure 3. Boron density from an I-mode, with the HFS n in 20 −3 (eV), n = 0.8 × 10 (m ), P = 3.0 (MW) and B e RF X-point in (m the unfavourable ion ∇B drift direction neEr−20 =well 0.95 in × 10 ),with PRF = (MW) and B0 = 5.8 (T). −20 I-mode, a 1.5 stronger shear layer asymmetricactive green nB in reddevice circles. operating at These are conditions not covered by any current analytical at MIT, a compact, walled B0 = squares, 5.6all-metal (T).and the LFS to ensure theofplasma doesn’t transition to an H-mode. In The position the slight break in slope of T , at ρ ≈ 0.96, is B the outer edge of the Er well. This asymmetric structure is In figures 3 and 4, we have shown HFS and LFS radial treatment of neoclassical theory (see e.g. [12]). We note that the rare cases the plasma transitions to In an H-mode infields, magnetic used as the pedestal top location (‘ped’). this plasma, Tthis −40 B −40 densities, neutral opacity, and parallel heat LFS E profiles of T and E as a function of the coordinate ρ. For tually observed in all I-modes investigated with GP-CXRS. z r r matches very well between the LFS and HFS, similar to the magnetic geometry, an inimpurity density asymmetry forms). is at the same level as the H-mode plasma (see similar figure 1), to4.those Comparison of E boron densityHere, pedestal parameters r LFS depending on the application, a more accurate expression for fluxes expected in ITER. we focus on L-mode plasmas. An example is shown in figure 3 for an the mapping of the discrete radial measurement locations of well. It is FS measurements in I-mode also reveal an E r Figure 2 shows boron density measurements for an RF-heated but the −60gradient in TB and ne (not shown) are much reduced −60 ⋆ ped ped than the one above could be used [32, 33]. Replacing q by ν measurements in enhanced D-alpha (EDA) H-mode [7] and I-mode plasma with parameters I = 1.2 (MA), T = 800 e p The boron density profiles at the LFS and HFS are fit using (i.e. at L-mode levels). Additionally, the density fluctuations L-mode plasma with Ip = 1.1 (MA), Te = 400 (eV), ped ped tanh fits between location 4 −80(eV), ne[25],=and 0.8the ×difference 1020 (m−3 ), PRF the = pedestal 3.0 (MW) and L∥ /(πR) for instance, with L∥ the distance along the magnetic measured reflectometry are1.5characteristic L-mode 23–26]. These are both high-confinement regimes ne −80 = 0.95from × 1020 (m−3 ), PRF = (MW)I-mode and B0of=[6, 5.8 (T). at0the LFS(T). and HFS, "ρped = ρped,HFS − ρped,LFS , is shown in B = 5.6 plasmas. The position of the slight break in slope of Twith ≈ ETB 0.96, isthat B , at ρ field between LFS and HFS midplane when going around the an typically does not 0.96 feature ELMs. Different 0.9 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1 0.9 4 for 0.92 0.94 0.98 1 figure several H-mode, I-mode, and L-mode shots. For used as the pedestal top location (‘ped’). In this plasma, TB ⋆ near the direction opposite to the X-point, would reduce ν ρ ρ edge instabilities, the quasi-coherent mode in EDA H-mode [7] the H-modes, an upward trend in "ρ with q is seen. ped 95 is at I-mode the same level as in the H-mode plasma (see figure 1), 4. Comparison of boron density pedestal parameters 3.3. measurements It is important to realize that for H-mode plasmas the separatrix, by a factor 0.65–0.75 for ρ = 0.99–0.999. the weakly coherent mode in I-mode [6, 27, 28], are but the gradient in TB and ne (not shown)and are much reduced igure 5. Effects of different radial alignments of the HFS and LFS measurements for the H-mode of figure 3. In (a), profiles are aligned I-mode plasmaslevels). are characterized generally by an H-mode- The growing difference in nB pedestal location between theusing LFS boron density profiles at the and LFS and HFS are fit at L-mode Additionally, the aligned density fluctuations The main diagnostic used in this work is GP-CXRS [18]. believed to regulate particle transport avoid impurity uch that the T(i.e. profiles align. In (b), the E wells are instead. Also shown in (b) as a red curve is the HFS E well calculated from z r L-mode-like electron density r the pedestal width like temperature pedestal, but an and HFS is notand justthe a simple shift,between but rather tanh fits [25], difference the pedestal location measured from reflectometry are characteristic of L-mode quation (2). Itprofile is the[24]. HFS The Er profile expected fromshow theaccumulation LFS measurement the LFS assumption that plasma potential is a flux function. these regimes. EDA obtained at A localized source of neutrals leads to charge exchange B5+ density profiles a steeper gradientinand on the is also increasing with q95 , whereas the HFS boron at the LFS and HFS, "ρped =H-modes ρped,HFS − ρare plasmas. ped,LFS , is shown in Shot: 1120803014 Time:0.922s −0.999s ) Models need to allow strong impurity diamagnetic flow e↵ects. 5+ (m−3) 5+ B n B T 5+ (eV) B n 5+ (m−3) Larger impurity density in the high field side ) Need to allow strong in-out asymmetry. (eV) 5+ Shot: 1120803011 Time:0.93459s Shot: 1120803011 −1.1202sTime:0.93459s −1.1202s Shot: 1120921026 Time:0.966s −1.145s (eV) n B 5+ B 5+ (m−3) TTz [eV] (eV) n B 5+ (m−3) 2-In-out impurity density asymmetry [2] X 5+ 1110309024 Shot: 1120907026 Time:1.2334s Shot: 1120907026 −1.3614s Time:1.2334s −1.3614s Er [kV/m] Shot: 1120803014 Time:0.922s −0.999s 0 40 5+ 5+ 5+ Shot: 1120921026 Time:0.966s −1.145s B 5+ T B T Er [kV/m] 5+ 5+ 3-Potential and impurity temperature pol. variation [1] 5+ 5+ n B 5+ 5+ B 5+ B (eV) T Tz [eV] 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ Shot: 1120803014 Time:0.922s −0.999s r 5+ Shot: 1120803014 Time:0.922s −0.999s E [kV/m] T B 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ Shot: 1120824011 Time:1.1308s Shot: 1120824011 −1.2137s Time:1.1308s −1.2137s 5+ (m−3) 5+ (eV) 5+ 5+ 5+ 5+ n 5+ (m−3) Due to magnetic equilibrium reconstruction uncertainties in E is undetermined. the pedestal, the proper profile alignment E ) Potential and impurity temperature are NOT flux functions simultaneously. 5+ Main hypothesis: - E ⇥ B drift comparable to the poloidal projection of vk . v v Physical insight: - Also electric trapping of ions. c) Novel features Hypothesis: Strong E (sonic impurities allowed) & Magnetic trapping 1 @pz pz @ Electric and magnetic trapping 0 Trapped u vi i Passing Trapped Energy scatter - Bootstrap current enhanced. Pitch angle scatter 0 v vi - Inwards E in subsonic pedestal. b) Impurities (Helander et al [6–8]) Pot.grad. Inertial term 2 nz 1 @pi pi @ Main hypothesis: Weak electric field & ⇠ Parallel momentum conservation for impurities: ( ( ⇠ ( ⇠ ( ⇠ ( m n V · rV · b + r p + n zer + b · (r · ⇡ ) = R ( ⇠ z z z zi k k ( ⇠ ( | {z } |{z} {z } | {z } | {z } | Press.grad. mz nz Vz · rVz · b + {z } | Viscosity rk p z | {z } Press.grad. Frict. By quasineutrality, assuming Ti and Te are flux functions: z nz T e T i @nz + T i b · r✓ = Rzi |{z} hn i (Ti + zi Te ) @✓ | {z } Friction Press. + pot. grad. Energy conservation for impurities: Equilib. Tz ⇡ Ti ( ) ) Impurities rearrange on each flux surface, reducing their parallel friction with the bulk ions. 5+ 1 2 Tz | 3 2 Vz · r {z Tz nz ! References [1] C. Theiler et al., Nucl.Fusion 54,083017 [2] R.M. Churchill et al., Nucl.Fusion 53,122002 r [3] G. Kagan et al., PPCF 52,055004 nd "ρ = 0.03 (I-mode) with respect to the position indicated y EFIT. We now discuss different approaches to align HFS 3 ! dρ " ! dr " [4] G. Kagan et al., Phys.Rev.Lett. 105,045002 [5] P.J. Catto et al., PPCF 53,054004 [6] P. Helander, Phys.Plasmas 5,3999 Viscosity Pot.grad. } + ⇠ ⇠ r · q z ⇠ | {z } Compressional heating | {z Viscous } Results: • Strong impurity diamagnetic flow e↵ects X 4570 Frict. 2 nz B = hnz i hnz i Dn E z B2 d d d d nz (Tz Ti ) ⌧zi | {z } Equilibration Poloidal impurity density are observed on many tok Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 54 (2012) 045004 Chen et al. Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 7, No. 11, November 2000 • Strong poloidal imp. density variation: X Tz d ln pz zz e d + D E Tz d ln pz + zz e d ) nz higher in the HFS FIG. 7. The hollowness of the carbon profiles against the toroidal rotation in a number of discharges. Asymmetry of light impurities on JET n! z nz free and ELMy phases. The evolution of hollowness in the discharge follows the increase and decrease of the toroidal rotation. Plotting the hollowness against ! for a number of discharges in Fig. 7, there appears to be an interdependence of these two parameters: The faster the plasma rotates, the hollower the carbon becomes. If the ion distribution were strongly affected by the toroidal plasma rotation, the asymmetric distribution of the density profile in the midplane would have a hollow profile. In JET the in–out asymmetry has been observed in a high confinement discharge.15 In Fig. 8 the tomographic image is of the soft x-ray emission that comes mainly from carbon and other light impurities judging by the spectroscopic measurements. The emission, which is proportional to the impurity density, becomes progressively peaked off-axis following the increase of the toroidal rotation velocity. Note that the Mach numbers of carbon, neon, and chlorine all exceed one. This indicates that toroidal rotation could be one of the driving mechanisms for the hollow carbon profiles. B Figure 8. Comparison of measurements (solid) with modeling (black dashed 6 centrifugal force and cyclotron heating. For a HFS-heated plasma (a), includ LFS-heated plasma (b), the extended theory (8) is shown to agree well with m 5 4 3 0 0.9 FIG. 8. The poloidally asymmetric emission from mostly light impurities. preciably in the time period of residence of nickel ions in the Figure 9. Demonstration of the sensitivity of the ICRH-driven plasma, and thus a constant background wasfraction, subtracted. in/out asymmetry to the minority fm . NearThe r/a ∼ 0.5 whereradiation the largest inboard impurity accumulation observed, the background-subtracted measured by soft isx-ray asymmetry is shown to have a weak dependence on fm , presumed to cameras is identifiedbefrom spectra the soft x-ray pulsedriventhe by the drop in Tof ⊥ /T∥ as the minority fraction is increased. height analyzer as line radiation from helium-like nickel. An At r/a ∼ 0.5 the modeling shown in figure 9(b) for the LFSasymmetry in the background-subtracted reconstructed soft heated plasma that matches experiment, this results in drift x-ray emission is shown in Fig. 9 for 6.440 s. It is believed velocity that varies over the flux surface ∼v sin θ with the Figur e[φ(θ (right figure modi the o and i abov in fig neces that h tool f field. of wh inclu R on an accum rever [12, 1 asym d radial drive velocity, vd , approximately 3.5 m s−1 , as shown in figure 10. No significant flux-surface averaged, radial particle flux will occur unless the density also has a non-zero up/down asymmetry. In this work, the main focus has been in/out asymmetry driven by minority heating and the centrifugal force, and future work will focus on ion-impurity friction effects which are responsible for the up/down asymmetry. Neoclassical theories have shown that a poloidal potential ˜ e ∼ ε, variation of order of the inverse aspect ratio, eφ/T can impact transport by causing electrostatic trapping which complements the magnetic trapping inherent to the tokamak. It was shown that radial electron transport can, in some ˜ e rises to ∼4ε cases, be enhanced by a factor of 2 as eφ/T [11]. The bootstrap current can also be influenced by this 8 IV. ASYMMETRIC DISTRIBUTION OF IMPURITY IN RADIO FREQUENCY HEATING ONLY PLASMAS An in–out poloidal asymmetry of the impurity distribution has been observed in a plasma "pulse 40051# with rf heating only in an optimized shear experiment. The rf heating power was 3 MW. The asymmetry is reversed in comparison with the asymmetry due to the unbalanced neutral beam heating. An asymmetry of tomographic reconstructed nickel soft x-ray emission was observed during nickel injection experiments. Nickel was injected at 6.405 s. The electron temperature and density profiles in this discharge do not change ap- 2 1 ) Allowing the impurity pressure to vary strongly radially allows not only strong impurity diamagnetic flow e↵ects, but also the strong poloidal impurity density variation observed experimentally. Acknowledgements [7] T. Fu ¨ lo ¨p et al. Phys.Plasmas 8:3305 [8] M. Landreman et al. Phys.Plasmas 18:092507 = ( ( ( ⇡z : rVz ( Div.heat flux 5+ than that of the electron density in I-mode, due in part to density width remainsI-mode, fairly constant. It is noteworthy figure 4pedestal for several H-mode, and L-mode shots. For 4+ ionization physics (the ionization energy of B is ∼330 eV, so that through all the changes between the different regimes, the H-modes, an upward trend in "ρped between with q95 isHFS seen. he CXRS diagnostics to ρ-space, we have used magnetic now results in substantial differences and LFS 2 3.3. I-mode measurements the B5+ profile will tend to follow the background temperature the HFS boron density pedestal remains relatively fixed in It is important to realize that for H-mode plasmas the quilibrium reconstruction from normal EFIT [39]. Due to impurity temperatures in the pedestal region, with LFS values anddifference position, while the LFS boron density pedestal width profile). plasmas In the I-mode plasmas, the boron impurity density width 5+ are characterized an H-modegrowing in nBby pedestal between ncertaintiesI-mode in the reconstructed locationgenerally of the by LCFS of exceeding the HFS ones a factorlocation of up to ≈1.7.the LFS like temperature pedestal, but an L-mode-like electron density and HFS is not just a simple shift, but rather the pedestal width ≈5 mm [20, profile 40], there is some freedom in the radial alignment Wethenote that used an alignment ofthe theHFS Erboron wells in [24]. The B5+ density profiles show a steeper gradient 3 on LFS is alsowe increasing with q95 , whereas f HFS and than LFSthat profiles. Throughout paper, due for LFS figures 5(b)pedestal and 6(b) a proxy to constant. minimize HFS - LFS of the electron densitythis in I-mode, in part to density widthasremains fairly It isthe noteworthy ata, the location of the LCFS, ρ = 1, isenergy adjusted thateV, so asymmetry in plasma potentialbetween #. Indeed, assuming plasma ionization physics (the ionization of B4+such is ∼330 that through all the changes the different regimes, 5+ the Bcoincides profile will tendthe to follow the background temperature the HFS density pedestal relatively fixed inHFS approximately with temperature pedestal foot potential is aboron flux function, we can remains determine the expected width and position, whileone the as LFS boron density pedestal width profile). In the I-mode plasmas, density ocation. This requires radial shifts of "ρthe = boron 0.01 impurity (H-mode) E profile from the LFS follows ⇠ ⇠ ⇠· ⇡z ) = Rzi + nz zerk + ⇠ b ·⇠ (r |{z} {z } | {z } | Energy conservation for impurities: Text 1 @pz pz @ zz 1 @pi zi p i @ ⇠ Momentum conservation for impurities: Pitch Energy angle scatter scatter Passing k • −3 Despite substantial (a) H-Mode, LFSE × B flow [9, 10]. (b) H-Mode, HFSprogress, a first 600 C. Theiler et al C. Theiler et al Novel features • • • m ] Nucl. Fusion 54 (2014) 083017 cl. Fusion 54 (2014) 083017 Helander et al [6–8] 18 1-Impurity diamagnetic flow e↵ects [1] X Kagan et al [3–5] • z Interesting Alcator C-Mod H-Mode observations: Physics in theoretical model Strong radial electric field Impurities Poloidal density variation Poloidal variation of Tz / Strong ion temp. gradient n [10 Challenge: Understanding the edge to control confinement. Chen et al. POP 2000 Motivation and Experimental evidence Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Award Number DE-FG02-91ER- 54109 and by ”La Caixa” Fellowship. FIG. 9. Tomographic reconstruction "background subtracted# for the nickel injection in the rf heated plasma at 35 ms after the nickel injection. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 15:15:33
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