WELLERS HILL STATE SCHOOL Strive to Succeed WHAT’S ON AT WELLERS Friday 6 March – Student Leader Presentation Principal:Mr John Webster Deputy Principal: Mr Jack White Deputy Principal: Mrs Louise Hart Yr 6 School Captains: Darcy Helmore, Elsie O’Brien Yr 6 Vice Captains: Benno Cairncross, Finn Magill Friday 6 March – Family Fun Night Telephone: 07 3249 1333 Fax: 07 3848 0228 Web: www.wellhillss.eq.edu.au Email: admin@wellhillss.eq.edu.au Wednesday 4 March, 2015 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Community Members I hope that everyone had a great weekend. The BIG NEWS for the week is the Family Fun Night, which will be held this Friday 06 March, commencing at 5:00pm. The night is a fun family occasion for children and adults, and I am sure everyone who comes along will have a great time. Hope to see you there. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • FAMILY FUN NIGHT – 06 March 2015 Let the fun begin at the Family Fun Night this Friday night from 5pm to 8pm and Swim Club's "Bring a Friend" Night (starting at 6.30pm). This is the first social event on the school's calendar and is a great opportunity to catch-up with families from school. Ride tickets are 2 for $5 or $3 each and include: Rollercoaster Laughing Clowns Game Giant Tiger Slide Chuggy the Train Lost Temple Jumping Castle Cheek Stencilling Animal Farm There are plenty of food & drink stalls available including: Turkish Pizzas Potatoes on a Stick Fish, Calamari & Chips BBQ Sweets & Treats Sno Cones Drinks Bar Swim Club's Bring-A-Friend Night starts at 6.30pm and is a good opportunity to check out the Swim Club. Reminder: Kids can bring their swimming bag to go for a swim in a race. 1 Sweet Stall Donations for Family Fun Night Fudge, toffee, coconut ice, cupcakes and all small delicious lolly stall treats are desired for our Family Fun Night Sweets Stall. Think of your favourite small fete sweets such as lolly necklaces, popcorn cups, flash back to your past…….. Please bring your wonderful creations to the school staffroom this Friday 6th March from 8.15 – 9.15am and 2.30 – 3.30pm. This is a great chance to have a bit of fun in the kitchen, make as few or as many as you like, all donations will be greatly appreciated. Please contact Kerry Cox on darkchild1971@hotmail.com if you have any questions about the Sweets Stall. Thank-you to Volunteers and Contact Details Thank-you to the volunteers who have contacted us to help out in stalls and to supervise kids’ entertainment. This night would not be possible without you. If you have any questions regarding Family Fun Night, please contact: Simone Flint krisandsimone@optusnet.com.au Deanne McDonald sdlcmcdonald@optusnet.com.au or 0422 632 951 Student Leaders Parade This Friday, 06 March 2015, our school celebrates the investiture of the 2015 School Leaders. There will be a whole school parade attended by special guests Mr Graham Perrett MP – Federal Member for Moreton; The Honourable Mark Bailey MP Member for Yeerongpilly Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports and Minister for Energy and Water Supply; and Councillor Steve Griffiths Brisbane City Council Moorooka Ward. The students will be presented with their badges and our invited guests will address the parade on various aspects of leadership. This is an extremely proud day for the students and parents / guardians / family and friends are invited to join with the students at the parade. School Captains School Vice Captains EMU HOUSE KANGAROO HOUSE KOALA HOUSE PLATYPUS HOUSE Choir ICT MATES ART Band Strings Sustainability LOTE Library Darcy Helmore Benno Cairncross Eva Wright Josie Hicks Eloise Sanders Megan Bekker Eva Kotzur Caleb Bragg Matisse Milady Lauren Trumbull Kasper Hendriks Celina Lituri Sam Cartwright Chelsia Tom Shae Godfrey Elsie O’Brien Finn Magill Jesse King Daniel Beitz Hunter Hopkins Michael Bekker P & C Meeting The first P & C Meeting for the year was held last Wednesday. It was fantastic to see some regular faces, as well as a number of new faces. The next meeting will be the AGM on 25 March, commencing at 6:30pm; followed by the March General Meeting. All parents and interested community members are invited to attend. Have a great week. John 2 FROM THE P&C PRESIDENT Family Fun Night THIS Friday night 6 March starting at 5pm Due to the cyclone and resulting bad weather the Family Fun night was postponed to THIS FRIDAY. Deanne McDonald and Simone Flint have done an amazing job co-ordinating this event and had extra work to do with having the night rescheduled. The Swim Club Open Night is being held the same night starting at 6.30pm. Bring the kids swimmers and come along to see what happens! Thank you in anticipation to the families who will be volunteering their time to convene stalls or supervise rides or sell food and drink. The Sweet Stall is being run by Kerry Cox and still needs some donations of home-made sweets. Sweet donations to the school staffroom on Friday 6th March 8.30 – 9.30am and 2.30 – 3.30pm. This Friday night let someone else cook dinner, have a drink, catch up with old friends and meet some new ones and have FUN at the FAMILY FUN NIGHT. Please see the flyer in the newsletter for further details of what’s in store! WHSS Family Portrait Fundraiser The P & C is holding a Family Portrait Fundraiser on Saturday 21 March in the library annexe from 9am – 4pm. We did this last year and the families who had photos taken were very pleased with the results. Brett McDonald from BMG photography will provide you with a Family Portrait for only $20 (valued at $80) choice of colour or black and white mounted print. 100% of this money is retained by WHSS. Please contact Narelle Cooley on 0414 835 359 or narelle@cooleyfamily.com.au to reserve a time. A number of slots have been filled but from 11.30am there are still times left. We need 30 families for this to proceed. The photos only take 10 minutes. Additional photos will be available for purchase at no obligation. These additional photos featuring your Family Portrait & other photos taken on the day Opportunities to volunteer! Research has found that parental involvement in schooling was a strong indicator of a child’s success. Children whose parents had high aspirations for their kids, backed up by their involvement in the school community, had a better chance of doing well regardless of wealth, ethnicity or the kind of school they attended. I understand that not every parent is able to volunteer time during week days (I work full time), but there are always opportunities for parents and grandparents to get involved in the school community. The P & C and their sub committees always welcome fresh ideas, and attending the monthly meetings gives unique insights into the issues facing school and the chance for informal chats with other parents. Helping out on tuckshop, assisting with reading groups, covering books for the library at home, pulling weeds at a working bee or baking cakes for the cake stall are all ways that we can be involved. Whatever time or knowledge you are able to offer, know that it will be much appreciated – every little bit counts! If you are already involved in the Weller’s Hill school community you will know how rewarding it is – huge thanks to all those fantastic volunteers. If you are reading this and thinking I don’t have anything to offer … think again! ‘Harmonies on the Hill’ our school fete and music festival will be held in August and everyone who wants to could find a way to utilise their talents. Maybe you assist in setting up, serve on a stall selling food or drink, organising the raffle, supervising the rides etc. Over the past few years the P & C has organised one working bee each term to focus on areas around the school that need improving. We need a person who would be willing to co-ordinate the ‘Working Bees’ for 2015. Most working bees are on Saturdays or the occasional Sunday so it doesn’t clash with the many sporting events and activities our kids are involved in. Think about taking on this important role – if you are interested please email me ASPA. There will be lots of tasks that need to be done and as the saying goes ‘Many hands make light work’. Please consider volunteering and know that all your efforts go to helping the students at WHSS. Our P & C motto is ‘IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS’. Looking forward to seeing you around the school. Narelle Cooley narelle@cooleyfamily.com.au 3 TRAFFIC ACTION GROUP The Traffic Action Group will have our first meeting of 2015 next Thursday evening, 12 March at 6:30 in the library annexe. We will again be looking at the issues and challenges that exist around traffic at Wellers Hill State School. - - key concerns are around traffic congestion at the Scout Den carpark and the Toohey Road two minute zone at pick up time in the afternoon. we ask that if parents can delay their journey by 10 – 15 minutes it will ease the congestion considerably to aid the collection process, we are asking that the family surname is displayed on the on the dashboard or back of the passenger side interior sunvisor which can be put down as the approaches to assist us to have the children ready to get into cars as they approach. The name cards will be printed by the school and can be collected from school administration we are also seeking volunteers to assist as marshalls. Training for the marshalls will be provided. Remember: Toohey Road – School Side Between 7am – 9am and 2:30pm – 3:30pm strictly 2 minute zone – NO PARKING. Parents are not to leave their cars during these times. Toohey Road – Opposite Side Between 7am – 9am and 2pm – 4pm strictly 10 minute parking zone. Please observe the yellow lines and do not park past the designated area. As Toohey Road is very busy during these times, parents parking over the yellow lines are making it very difficult for our neighbours to enter and exit their properties. Scout Den Area There are designated parallel parking spots and a large gravel/dirt area for parking. Parents are not to park in the circular area of the driveway, one half is no standing and the other is a 2 minute drop off zone between 7am – 9am and 2:30 – 3:30pm. (Signs to be updated by the council). Parents are to drop students only in the 2 minute drop off zone and not in the driveway entry closest to Weller Road. Chamberlain Street There are some designated parallel parking spots. Could parents please ensure that they do not park too close to the neighbours’ driveways as this hinders the entry and exit to their properties. Abiding by the above ensures the safety of all our students. CAPTAINS’ CORNER Congratulations to all who participated in the Biathlon last Friday. A big thanks to all the teachers, parents and students who helped make the event a huge success. But none of it would have happened without Ms Sloan organizing it right down to the last detail. We hope everyone had fun on the first day of Interschool sport and Rec sport. Don't forget that we have Family Fun Night and Bring a Friend Night at the school pool on the 6th of March. Darcy Helmore and Elsie O’Brien Year 6 School Captains 4 2015 National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence Orange Day Assembly: We will be holding our annual “Orange Day” assembly on Friday 20 March. March as part of the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. We will again take the pledge and students, teachers and parents are encouraged to wear something orange on the day to show their support. (Given the nature of the occasion, there will be no donation required and students must wear appropriate clothing and no hair dye etc) POSTER COMPETITION A poster competition is now open to all students in Prep to Year 6. We are looking for the most powerful and thought provoking poster to carry a message that bullying won’t be tolerated in the school. Poster entries need to be submitted to the Office by Wednesday the 18th of March. The winning Posters will be announced on assembly on Friday the 20th of March and displayed prominently in the school for the entire school year. Posters are to be submitted A3 or A4 size. Please make sure you clearly mark your name and class on the back of your poster. RESOURCES FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN AFFECTED BY BULLYING Parents are strongly encouraged to read the Wellers Hill’s State School Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students and to browse the Bullying No Way Web Site which has been created by the government to support all school communities deal proactively with bullying and violence If you wish to discuss any matter relating to bullying or violence within the school please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher in the first instance or the administration of the school. FAMILY STATEMENT - EXCURSIONS Family statements were issued last week. Attached was a list of the year’s activities for each year level. Beside most activities is a PAYMENT DUE DATE. We wish to advise that individual reminder notices will not be issued. It will be the parent’s responsibility to ensure payments are sent to the office by the due date. Payments received after the due date will not be accepted and students unfortunately, will not be able to attend the activity/excursion. Another copy of the Activities List is at the end of this newsletter. Thank you 5 REC. SPORT NEWS GROUP 1 1. Luisa Cavallaro Tasman B 2. GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 GROUP 5 Ann Lutteral Mary Low 4MH Joshua B 4W 6J Suzette Edwards Sam K 4E Mitchell H 4G Maria Horton Canaan A Niamh C 6J Harry P 4E James L 4G Joshua C 4MH Lauren B 4W 3. James G 6J Hanako S 4E Izaak L 4G Yianni H 4MH Daniel C 4W 4. Robert L 6J Lillian T 4E Rylan M 4G Ellie J 4MH Melanie C 4W 5. Joshua N 6J Olivia W 4E Chillion M 4G Finn M 4MH Lauren C 4W 6. Max P 6J Chelsea W 4E Chariie R 4G Tommie N 4MH Lachlan C 4W 7. Bridget W 6J Fergus W 4E Elliott S 4G Sabrina O 4MH Will H 4W 8. Andrew B 4CM Torin B 5IR Zack Z 4G Lilly P 4MH Jet K 4W 9. Amber B 4CM Joshua R 5IR Herschel A 5R Jack St 4MH Kate M 4W 10. Sarah C 4CM Isobelle A 5L Joshua H 5R 6O Ruby M 4W 11. Jackson H 4CM Joshua A 5L Matthew P 5R Nicholas B Joshua B 6O Phoenix S 4W 12. Andrew H 4CM Angus B 5L Kate W 5R Emma J 6O 4W 13. Kiki P 4CM Aidan B 5L Benjamin W 5R Celina L 6O Harrison W Lachlan W 4W 14. James V 4CM Riley C 5L Alec W 5R Ella M 6O Darcy H 5/6P 15. Micah P 5R Kyan M 5L Cerys B 6TL Elek P 6O Brian L 5/6P 16. Tara C 5C Shyam P 5L Imogen W 6TL Chelsia T 6O Thomas M 5/6P 17. 5C Riley W 5L Jesna J 6TL Tara W 6O Jibraan K 6TL 18. Elizabeth C Lucas K 5C Jacob D 5C Matisse M 6TL Mia S 5C Zephyr P 6TL 19. Chiara K 5C Jonah L 5C Dion L 5C Joseph G 6TL Elishka V 5C Jessica W 5C Jet T 5C 20. 21. REC SPORT ROTATIONS TERM 1 TH FRI 27 WEEK 5 FRI 6 WEEK 6 TH FRI 13 WEEK 7 TH FRI 20 WEEK 8 TH FRI 27 WEEK 9 TH FRI 24 WEEK 1 TH FRI 1 WEEK 2 ST TERM 2 TH FRI 8 WEEK 3 TH FRI 15 WEEK 4 FRI 22 WEEK 5 GROUP 1 Swim Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Swim Just Dance Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis Just Dance GROUP 2 Swim Swim Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Just Dance Just Dance Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis GROUP 3 Tennis (#) Swim Swim Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Just Dance Just Dance Ball Games Outdoor Games GROUP 4 Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Swim Swim Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Just Dance Just Dance Ball Games GROUP 5 Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Swim Swim Ball Games Outdoor Games Tennis (#) Just Dance Just Dance A Parent Helper is needed for Swimming. Unfortunately, No Parent No Swim. If able to help, please let their ‘Group’s teacher know. 6 MUSIC NEWS Strings No Intermediate Strings Rehearsal on Friday Please note there will be NO rehearsal before school at 7:30am for the Grade 4 strings this Friday morning the 6th of March. Lessons will still be on, so students will still need to bring their instruments. General The Music year is in full swing with the term half over already! Please remember that performance uniforms should be ordered by this Friday March 6th to be sure that students will have them by the first performance – ANZAC Day Parade. Ensembles performing in the parade include all choirs – Junior Choir, Senior Choir and Vocal Group, the Senior Band, and the Camerata Strings. Please see the music performance uniform below: 2015 Performance White Black Black Blue Girls/ Cummer- Blazer Uniforms Music Trousers Shoes Hair Boys bund Shirt & Ribbon Tie Socks Junior Choir Girls X X X X (Year 3 & 4) Boy X X X X X s Senior Choir Girls X X X X X (Year 5 & 6) Boy X X X X X s Vocal Group Girls X X X X X X (5 & 6 by audition) Boy X X X X X X s Beginner Strings Girls X X X X (Year 2 & 3) Boy X X X X s Intermediate Strings Girls X X X X (Year 4) Boy X X X X s Senior Strings Girls X X X X X X (Year 5 & 6) Boy X X X X X X s Camerata Strings Girls X X X X X X (5 & 6 by audition) Boy X X X X X X s Junior Band Girls X X X X (Year 4 & 5) Boy X X X X s Senior Band Girls X X X X X X (Year 6) Boy X X X X X X s Ensemble Rehearsals: Senior Band – 7.20 – 8.40 Monday Senior Choir – 7.25 – 8.30 Tuesday Senior Strings – 7.30 – 8.30 Wednesday Junior Band – 1.10pm – 1.50pm Wednesday (begins 25/03) (eating included) Camerata Strings – 7.30 – 8.30 Thursday (by audition) Junior Choir – 8.00 – 8.40 Thursday Vocal Group 7.25 – 8.30 Friday (by audition) Intermediate Strings - 7.30 – 8.30 Friday Please ensure band and strings students arrive 10m prior the start time. Please ensure choir students arrive 5m before the start time. Happy Music Making! Mrs Kristensen, Mrs Price, and Mr Bell 7 UNIFORM SHOP Wednesday 1:30 to 3.30 p.m. Friday 8.00 to 10.00 a.m. Deb Love Telephone 3249 1361 School uniformshopwhss@gmail.com INTERSCHOOL SPORT UNIFORM ITEMS If students are playing rugby or soccer, long soccer/rugby socks are available at the uniform shop in the WHSS colours - $8.00. Students may wear their own socks but are encouraged to wear the school socks so as to look more uniformed. As well, students playing rugby may wish to purchase rugby shorts available at the uniform shop these are not compulsory but are more so for comfort and better suited rather than students wearing their school shorts. Students playing soccer should be ok to wear their school shorts. The uniform shop also sells draw string bags similar to a swim bag so students can carry their shoes/spare clothes to and from school in the bus. Netball visors are also available. FROM THE LIBRARY HELP NEEDED IN THE LIBRARY Hi Everyone If anyone has some spare time I would love your help in the library. Jobs include returning books, putting books back on shelves, covering books either in the library or taking some home. I need most help in returning books Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30am. Also, if you arrive in the afternoons a little early to pick up your children there will always be books to reshelf. Please feel free to drop in to have a chat on when it suits you to help. Book Club orders are due on Wednesday 18 March. Kind regards Bernadette Hoffman, Librarian DATE CLAIMERS and DUE DATES FOR PAYMENTS Year Level 3&4 2 Prep 3 1&4 Whole School 2-6 1-6 Event Due Date 06/03/2015 09/03/2015 20/03/2015 20/03/2015 27/03/2015 01/04/2015 01/04/2015 01/04/2015 Artslink “Last tree in the City” Qld Museum All Families are Special Maths Problem Solving Dance Fever (Term 2) Mathletics Diagnostic Testing District Sport Levy Amount $8 $14 $8 $8 $22 $10 $7 $4 Payments must be deposited in the payment box located in the office. Do not give payments to Class Teachers. Multiple excursions/activities can be paid with one cheque or EFTPOS transaction (located at office). Cash is also acceptable. On each excursion letter will be a DUE DATE for payment. No monies will be accepted after the due date. Therefore, unfortunately, students will not be able to attend the excursion/activity. 8 FROM THE ART ROOM Every student needs to wear an art shirt for activities in the Art Room. These shirts provide some protection against paint etc. and help keep uniforms clean. There are still many students without an art shirt. It would be appreciated if you could check to see if your child/children have some sort of protective garment. This does not have to be a purchased apron. The best thing is a large, old t shirt as they cover everything, are easy to put on and don’t cost anything! Thank you for your help with this small issue, and thank you also for all of the materials that have been sent to the Art Room over the past few weeks. Your help and support are much appreciated. Art Club will be on a Monday this year, in second break at playtime. All students are welcome to come and share in creating a collaborative artwork or to work on their own projects. A number of our staff will be attending a Primary Arts Network twilight conference which will be held on Thursday March 5. I have been invited to present a workshop at the conference, which will be based on a unit of work I have developed for Queensland Studies Authority using the new National Curriculum for the Arts. Warmest Regards, Carolyn Peisker Art Teacher President: Narelle Cooley (narelle@cooleyfamily.com.au) Secretary: Rob Beaumont 3161 7909 Email: wellershillpandc@gmail.com • Bring a friend night is this Friday March 6th. This night is a great opportunity to bring along a friend to show them what fun Friday night club can be. There will be a free sausage sizzle. • We had a successful win last month against Marshall Rd Swim Club in the Drayton Shield. Well done to all the water ratz swimmers & everyone who helped make the day a success. • Congratulations to all the swimmers who swam at the District trials recently & a special mention to Brian, Ella & Darcy who will compete at Regionals this week. • Remember Friday night club starts at 6.30pm so nominations need to be done by 6.15pm on the night or mid week online. • For anyone interested in advertising their business within the pool complex can email the club: admin@wellersratz.com. There will be a 12 month or 3 year period available with high visibility within the pool area. 9 Wellers Hill State School Fete – Sunday 2 August This year, the school’s biennial fete called “Harmonies on the Hill” will be held on Sunday 2 August This event is the biggest fundraiser on the school’s calendar and is an opportunity to showcase the musical and artistic talents of our students, so please keep this date free! Wanted! Stall conveners A fete is only a great fete because there are great stall conveners. Many of our 2012 stall conveners have volunteered to convene stalls again. Thanks heaps! However, personal commitments change & some conveners no longer have children at the school. All classes will be assigned a stall, so now is the time to have your say and volunteer for the stall of your choice! The BBQ and Jams & Pickles stalls both require a convener. We’re still in the process of contacting 2012 conveners and will advise of other vacancies in coming weeks. Please, please, please…. contact the Harmonies stalls co-ordinator, Fem Castles, at femkeboer@icloud.com if you’re able to convene a stall. Sponsorship! We're actively seeking sponsorship for the fete from local and regional businesses and members of the community. If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact Rosie Payne at email rosemary.stead@gmail.com. If you know of businesses or members of the community who may be interested in providing sponsorship for the fete, please feel free to pass on Rosie's details. “Your fete is in our hands” Wellers Hill State School Fete – Sunday 2 August Trash and Treasure donations “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure” so please consider this when you’re having a spring clean at home or moving house. Items wanted - Anything old or new in good condition - china, kitchen items, household items, small furniture, glassware, toys, baby items, pictures, frames, baskets, tools, games and anything you think 10 would be suitable for the Trash and Treasure stall. Arrangements for dropping off items will be made at a later date. Clothing wanted for Nearly New Stall Having a clean-up at home? Please donate any clothing and accessories to the Nearly New stall at this year’s fete. We are looking for clothes, accessories, jewellery, handbags – any items for adults, kids and babies. Soon you’ll see the brightly coloured wheelie bins around the school and you’ll be able to drop off your donations in these bins. Second hand book donations Are your bookshelves sagging? Are your cupboards bulging? Well, now is the time to think about collecting the books you wish to donate to the second hand book stall. We’d love any book, don’t throw it out, donate it! Arrangements for donation of books will be made at a later date, so please hold onto your books for now. Harmonies Bring-In Days In 2012, Bring-In Days were popular. This is where school families were encouraged to donate a designated item to be used by the stall conveners. The generosity of the school community was overwhelming. Harmonies Bring-In Days will commence again later this term. Further details will be included in coming weeks. Please note that participation by families is voluntary. Contact your Harmonies Committee Fem Castles (Stalls only please!) Rosie Payne (Sponsorship) Brigitte Braddock (Marketing) femkeboer@icloud.com rosemary.stead@gmail.com brigitteandterry@hotmail.com SACCS Easter Vacation Care -Our Easter Vacation Care Program is already in the planning stages. We have some new and exciting ideas to explore, however we are always open to any suggestions from children and their families. If you have recently visited a new location or done something new as a family that might be suitable as a Vacation Care activity or destination, please share it with us. We have your children best interests in mind and we appreciate your help in designing an exciting program that keeps them engaged and having fun. The program will be released on Monday, 16.03.2015 and the bookings will commence immediately. The early birds closing date will be on Friday, 28.03.2015. 11 MUSIC SUPPORT GROUP Contact us: wellershillmusic@gmail.com) LEVY PAYMENTS All students new and continuing in the instrumental program have been issued levy notices. Payment by the end of this week Friday 6th March. If you have not received a notice or have any concerns please email Melissa E: spscontact@yahoo.com.au. Payment via:• Direct Deposit to Acct: WHSS Music Support Group; BSB 064-162; Acc No. 10308176. (Please add child's name as reference) • Flexischools - www.flexischools.com.au (this allows for credit card payment) * NO CASH OR CHEQUES PLEASE * Choir levy notices will be given out next week. PERFORMANCE UNIFORMS All students in the WHSS music program are required to wear the correct performance uniform. If you require new performance uniform items, you may purchase through the WHSS uniform shop. Please note items must be ordered NO LATER than Friday 6 March 2015. Need an order form? email us at: wellershillmusic@gmail.com MUSIC SUPPORT GROUP - Why not lend a hand? On 18 February we had our first Music Support Group (MSG) meeting for the 2015 year. It was great to see new faces and make a start planning the year ahead to support the wonderful WHSS music program. There are lots of items in our 2015 agenda - like purchasing new string insruments, organizing music performances, competitions and talent shows, etc. If you would like to be part of this enthusiastic group of parents - as a committee member, or a helping hand - we'd love to hear from you! Please send us an email or just turn up to our next meeting in March. You can contact us at: wellershillmusic@gmail.com UNIFORM SHOP Wednesday 1:30 to 3.30 p.m. Friday 8.00 to 10.00 a.m. Deb Love Telephone 3249 1361 School uniformshopwhss@gmail.com INTERSCHOOL SPORT UNIFORM ITEMS If students are playing rugby or soccer, long soccer/rugby socks are available at the uniform shop in the WHSS colours - $8.00. Students may wear their own socks but are encouraged to wear the school socks so as to look more uniformed. As well, students playing rugby may wish to purchase rugby shorts available at the uniform shop these are not compulsory but are more so for comfort and better suited rather than students wearing their school shorts. Students playing soccer should be ok to wear their school shorts. The uniform shop also sells draw string bags similar to a swim bag so students can carry their shoes/spare clothes to and from school in the bus. Netball visors are also available. 12 TUCKSHOP Thanks so much to those who have contacted us to volunteer in the tuckshop this year. We still need volunteers for most afternoons (1.10pm to 1.50pm) but we really need volunteers for Monday mornings (9am to 11.30am). If you can spare one Monday morning per month we would really appreciate it. Please come and see us in the tuckshop or email us at whsstuckshop@gmail.com. Thanks. OPEN DAY IN THE TUCKSHOP We are having an “open day” in the tuckshop on Thursday 12 March from 2pm to 3pm. If you have any questions regarding helping out, the menu, the tuckshop’s role in the school, etc, please feel free to drop in before pick-up time for a coffee and a chat. We look forward to seeing you then. Thanks Carolyn and Ros DAY Thursday 5 March 9am to 11.30am Vanessa C 1pm to 2pm Gina G Friday 6 March Kimberley L Linda C Jane M Monday 9 March Louise C HELP NEEDED Tuesday 10 March Kelli O Kerry C Wednesday 11 March Kym M HELP NEEDED Thursday 12 March Kym A Nicole R Jana N Friday 13 March Michelle N Carmen E Monica K Monday 16 March Brenda T HELP NEEDED Tuesday 17 March Sandra O HELP NEEDED Wednesday 18 March Amanda A HELP NEEDED If you are unable to do your tuckshop roster please contact us as soon as possible. If you would like to volunteer in the tuckshop, our phone number is 3249 1318 or you can call Carolyn (0409 053 742). You can also email whsstuckshop@gmail.com. WELLERS HILL COOK BOOK Any parents who ordered and paid for the Cook Book and have not yet collected them, please now call into the office to receive your cook book. 13 SPORTS SUPPORT GROUP Biathlon Thanks to all the amazing parents and committee members who helped with the biathlon last Friday. A big thank you to Coco’s Annerley for donating the watermelons; Murray Bros at Rocklea for donating loads of apples, bananas and oranges; and McDonald’s Salisbury for providing the ice. Come Join Us The Sports Support Group (SSG) supports the schools’ sports programs. We do this by purchasing equipment as well as contributing to the upkeep of the larger sporting facilities, eg tennis courts and ovals. We are an active group of parents who are passionate about children being physically active. Our meetings are generally held once a term. We actively fundraise through running the school discos. These are all well attended with many parents offering to help. We are always looking for new parents to come and join our group, If you have an interest in sports at Wellers Hill State School, please contact Leanne Cleary on leanne@clearymail.com or 0437 471 240. COMMUNITY NEWS NEXT DANCE – Friday 6th March 2015 ANNERLEY & DISTRICTS BLUE LIGHT DANCE PARTY *****Supersized Dance Party including Rides will be held on Saturday 2nd May 2015 4pm – 9.30pm******* Other Dances : Friday 5th June & 3rd July 2015 AGES : 7yrs. – 15yrs TIME: 7pm-9.30pm COST: $10.00 PLACE: Marymac Community Centre (616 Ipswich Rd, Annerley) CONTACT : Senior Constable Lisa VOYSEY or Constable Rachel CUCKSON Annerley Police Station Ph: 3892 8222 Supervised by Police & Community members No smoking, no alcohol, no drugs, no objectionable behaviour. Thank you for your continued support for Blue Light in your area. Annerley Blue Light Branch. 14 _________________________________________________________________________________ HOLLAND PARK STATE HIGH SCHOOL See our highly effective smaller school culture Hear about our outstanding OP achievement and vocational opportunities Visit classrooms to see Triple E (Excellence, Enrichment, Extension) in action Our next Open Morning Tour is Tuesday 3 March at 9.15am followed by morning tea with the Principal www.hollparkshs.eq.edu.au Telephone: 3347 0111 ________________________________________________________________________ SUNDAY SCHOOL – ELIM GOSPEL CHURCH, Cnr. Weller & Fernvale Roads, Tarragindi – Presents an action packed hour of “Singing, Bible Stories, Games and Prizes”. Time: 9am-10am – Ages: 4-12yrs. Come along and bring your friends – Parents are always welcome – Transport available. Contact Mrs. Rochelle Collard 0402 074 303. ___________________________________________________________________________ LOST PROPERTY UNFORTUNATELY WE ALREADY HAVE A HUGE AMOUNT OF LOST PROPERTY COULD PARENTS AND STUDENTS PLEASE CHECK THE LOST PROPERTY BOXES LOCATED IN THE SCHOOL HALL FOR ANY ITEMS THEY ARE MISSING. 15 Excursions/Activities for 2015 with payment due date. Year Level Date Activity Cost Whole School Years 2-6 Mathletics Diagnostic Tests $10 $7 Due Date 2015 Wed 1 April Wed 1 April Years 1-6 District Sport Levy $4 Wed 1 April Prep Years 1-6 Eldest Year 5 3 March Resource Levy Voluntary Contribution The Commissariat Store $120 $100 $9 Year 3 9 March $8 Year 4 9 March $8 Fri 6 March Year 2 Prep 11 March 25 March $14 $8 Mon 9 March Fri 20 March Year 3 Year 1 Year 4 25 March 23 April – 25 June 23 April – 25 June Artslink – Last tree in the City Artslink – Last tree in the City Qld Museum – 2M,2R &2BL All Families are Special Show Maths Problem Solving Dance Fever Dance Fever Wed 1 April Wed 1 April Mon 2 March Fri 6 March $8 $22 $22 Fri 20 March Fri 27 March Fri 27 March Year 6 Year 4 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Term 2 11 May & 12 May 29 May 17 June & 18 June 14 July or 21 July LOTE - Canvas Toohey Forest Education Skylab Prof. Jelly Bean Lone Pine- 2M, 2R &2BL $10 $17 $9 $12 $21 Year 3 16 July – 17 September Dance Fever $22 Year 5 16 July – 17 September Dance Fever $22 Year 6 16 July – 17 September Dance Fever $22 TBA Fri 8 May Fri 22 May Fri 12 June Wed 24 June Wed 24 June Wed 24 June Wed 24 June Year 1 Year 3 Year 2 Year 5 Year 3 & 2/3BL Year 4 Term 3 Term 3 Term 3 Term 3 5 & 6 August 1 & 3 Sept Artslink – Park Cleaners Artslink – Park Cleaners Drum Workshop LOTE - Placemat Reverse Garbage St Helena Island $8 $8 $8 $6 $9 $33 Year 1 1 September Starlab $9 Prep Year 2 Prep 9 September 8 Oct – 10 December 8 Oct – 10 December Seasons Show Dance Fever Dance Fever $8 $22 $22 TBA TBA TBA TBA Fri 31 July Fri 21 August Fri 28 August Fri 4 Sept Wed 16 Sept Wed 16 Sept Whole School Year 2 Year 1 Year 3 Year 6 Prep Term 4 Term 4 Term 4 20 November 10 December 2 December Life Education 12th Night Theatre Drum Workshop Underwater World Wet & Wild Christmas Show $10 $20 $8 $36 $32 $8 Fri 6 Nov TBA TBA Fri 13 Nov Fri 27 Nov Fri 27 Nov 16 17
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