The Comparative Essay • A question that requires you to compare and contrast two societies in a certain time period • You have 40 minutes to write the essay • You are normally given options, like: – Middle East – China – Rome Typical Comparative Question • Analyze similarities and differences between the role of the state in Japan’s economic development and the role of the state in the economic development of ONE of the following during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: – China – Ottoman Empire – Russia Basic Core Rubric • Has acceptable Thesis (1) • Addresses all parts of the question (2) • Supports thesis with appropriate historical evidence (2) • Makes at least one relevant, direct comparison between/ among societies (1) Basic Core Rubric • Analyzes at least one reason for a similarity or difference identified in a direct comparison (1) 7 Extended Core Rubric • After earning 7 points, students can earn an additional 2 by exceeding expectations: – Provide a great deal of historical evidence – Puts the comparison in a global context – Discussing multiple similarity and differences 9 Acceptable Thesis (1) • The thesis is essentially your answer to the question, which you will then defend with the majority of your paper • Just like any other thesis, it should be short, to the point, and most importantly: • ANSWER THE QUESTION! Addresses All Parts of the Question (2) • Make sure that you address every aspect of the question (Econ/Pol) • You will need to provide at LEAST one difference and at LEAST one similarity • These do not necessarily need to be addressed evenly, so feel free to focus on one Substantiate Thesis with Historical Evidence (2) • You will need to provide historical evidence for your thesis • This is the most difficult part of the essay, because you must have outside information • A minimum of FIVE pieces of historical evidence is necessary to get full credit (split) Makes at least one direct, relevant comparison between societies (1) • This must be a completely separate comparison from the ones made previously • This is a comparison you need to make later in your paper that you know a great deal about, and can provide evidence • This is like saving your best moves for last Analyze at least one reason for a similarity or a difference (1) • Or in other words, “The Word because is your friend” • This portion needs to be dedicated to explaining why a specific diff/sim exists • For example: – The Romans had a different slave system from the Han, because the Han method was not practical in Rome. Breakdown of the Essay • First paragraph: – Thesis • Second Paragraph: – Either comparison/ contrast (2) • Third Paragraph: – Opposite of 2nd (2) • Fourth Paragraph: – Direct Comp/Cont • Fifth Paragraph: – Analyze Comp/Cont The Bad News • BYOI • You must be well versed in the topic you have chosen/been given • There’s much more urgency about staying on topic and within the time period asked about • You must also talk exclusively about the geographical region The Bright Side • The comparative is not graded nearly as hard as the DBQ • Your historical evidence doesn’t need to be nearly as concrete as the DBQ • Stay on topic and get it in the ballpark, and graders will normally give you the BOD
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