OCCIDENTAL INSTITUTE RESEARCH FOUNDATION MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. B o x 1 0 0 Penticton British Columbia V2A 6J9 CANADA TELEPHONE: (250) 490-3318 FAX: (250) 490-3348 W E B S I T E : w w w.o i r f.c om E-MAIL: support@oirf.com Thursday, 05 March 2015 MARCH UPDATES Dear Colleagues, Friends and supporters of OIRF, Here is a very important reminder – there is still time to register for this workshop:  Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training for Detecting Parasites and Dental Problems, March 27-29, 2015, St. Louis, Missouri. This training is specially geared and limited toward MD, DO and DDS in active medical/dental practice. About this workshop sponsored by Dr. Simon Yu: “We cannot make a diagnosis based on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) alone but it can be a valuable tool to assist your clinical decision making. It offers a quick insight – a Pattern Recognition – into initiating treatment as well as for monitoring the progression of healing. AMA can be applied in conjunction with standard medical/dental evaluations. The class consists of lectures and lots of hands on boot camp drills for two and a half days on March 27-29, 2015. This class will be small, hands on, somewhat experimental and spontaneous. There will be two additional instructors from Canada, Dr. Robert Cass representing Avatar EAV and Gordon Johnston representing Kindling. Doug Cook, DDS will also join us for a special training for the dental elements of AMA.” I (Carolyn) representing OIRF and MORA will also participate in this workshop informing participants about the EAV learning materials available through OIRF. For all details and to register follow this link to the Prevention and Healing website: http://www.preventionandhealing.com/pah-training.php  We send heartfelt sympathies to the family of our longtime member, friend and supporter Abram Ber, MD(H). Dr. Ber passed away 23 June 2014 and I quote from the comments of Dr. Victoria Bowmann: “On the wall in his office was a star registry, with a star named after him. So when you gaze into the clear night sky, know that Abe is twinkling down upon you. I would like to imagine if he could say some parting words, they might be, ‘May you shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. May you excel above your expectations. May you live your life to the fullest’.” He will be missed by many. Page Two; 05 March 2014  Here – repeated again for your early schedule and conference planning – is the preliminary information and dates for our 2015 Biological Medicine Tour program to Germany. Once again the tour dates will “umbrella” the dates of the famous Baden-Baden Medicine Week Congress. The Tour program will begin on the evening of Tuesday, October 27 and end on the evening of Monday, November 2, 2015 (begins and ends in Frankfurt, Germany with ground transportation in Germany included). As in the past this tour program will be hosted by Carolyn Winsor-Sturm with the able assistance of our Medical Advisor and Director Marguerite Lane, ND (Australia). Many lectures and presentations are being confirmed now and the actual schedule and itinerary will be finalized over the next weeks. From all indications this program will involve minimal travel within Germany, and many speakers who are participating in the Medicine Week Congress (with German language lectures) will be able to join us to give a private English language presentation to our group. One of our Keynote Speakers will be Prof. Dr. Roeland van Wijk. Dr. van Wijk was a colleague and co-researcher with Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp (retired now) and he will present their latest research on Stress, Fatigue and Biophotons. They are also doing some interesting work with stem cells (among other things on the role of biophotons in activating these cells). Please see Page 13 of this Issue for information on Dr. van Wijk’s new book! Additionally, we will likely also be hearing from a roster of speakers including: ¾ Dieter Jossner (physicist/BioPhoton technology), ¾ Dr. Silvia Binder (Focused field stimulation combined with Biofeedback/Ondamed technology), ¾ Dr. Nuno Ruivo (BioResonance/MORA technology), ¾ Andre Rasche (engineer, BioResonance/BioKat technology), ¾ Dr. Uwe Uellendahl (BioResonance/Kindling technology), ¾ Dr. Uwe Reuter (Biological Medicine/Natural Medicine Clinic), ¾ Dr. Ivan Engler (Inhaled Ionized Oxygen Therapies/Pulsamed technology), and ¾ Dr. Jürgen Nienhaus (BioResonance and BioCybernetic research Society). Personally I wouldn’t miss this program – but then I am a bit prejudiced! Haven’t participated in one of these tour programs yet? Separately I have published a short “diary” of some of the activities and events that took place during the 41st Tour Program last Oct/Nov. Here’s a day by day report that will show you some of the excitement and value of the information received by participants of this program. Follow this link for the Germany Tour 2014 Report. Plan now to attend and be sure to mark your calendars with these important dates!  Following is an article I recently ran across from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (please see subscription information at the end of this article) which adds a bit of humor to the ongoing controversies about vaccinations. Yet another perspective . . . Page Three; 05 March 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, September 13, 2014 Ebola, Enterovirus, Dirty Dishes and Plague by Andrew W. Saul, Editor (OMNS Sept 13, 2014) If Abraham Lincoln were to describe the germ theory, I think he might have put it something like this: "You can infect some of the people all of the time, and infect all of the people some of the time; but you cannot infect all of the people all of the time." The question, of course, is, Why? Why do some people have high resistance to illness? Why do some people seem to get sick looking at a picture of a germ? Certainly their level of nutrition, perhaps more than any other single factor, is reason number one. I think "germs" are a much smaller reason. I first learned this in 10th grade, not from my biology teacher, but from the sickest kid in school: my lab partner, Mike. (If you haven't just finished eating, and if you have no immediate culinary plans, may I add that the whole disgustingly delightful story awaits you at http://www.doctoryourself.com/germs.html) Frantic media alarms over Ebola and other viruses fill the airwaves. All this cannot help but make you panic just a little. And personally, I think it's intended to. Some businesses, and a lot of people that invest in them, stand to make a pile of money if they can keep you frightened and on edge. Such a state makes you into an obedient follower, and most especially, a willing consumer. Five Cantankerous Contagion Questions Ebola and enterovirus cannot be any greater threat than was the Black Death. The highly-contagious plague famously killed tens of millions of people. It did not vanish after the Middle Ages, either: there are deaths from plague every year, in the United States, today. So have you had your plague shot? You haven't? Then why isn't your doctor urging you to get one? Do you know anyone who has had a plague vaccination? Then why is there no plague epidemic? Now to really scare you. I have just discovered a life-threatening new epidemiological phenomenon, and I am announcing it right here, right now: Saul AW. Soiled dishes syndrome (SDS): An overlooked public health disaster in the making (J Overblown Med Anxiety. 1:1, Oct 2014.) To summarize: A major epidemic is looming on the horizon, largely due to hurried housewives, careless bachelors, lazy teenagers and slovenly college students. It is called Soiled Dishes Syndrome (SDS). SDS is caused by food particles, lipstick traces, grease, grime, milk rings and other culinary crud left on cups and cutlery by sloppy dishwashers in a hurry. Suspected for decades by patrons of every Greasy Spoon restaurant on the planet, SDS is certain to spread an extraordinary variety of viruses and Page Four; 05 March 2015 bacteria at a truly alarming rate. If you've ever shared a student apartment kitchen sink with way too many others, you have been exposed to SDS. If you've ever eaten off plates and silverware that were not autoclaved for at least an hour, you are at risk of pushing up the daisies. If you've ever had your own kids do the dishes. . . well, words fail me. What can be done? Absolutely, positively nothing. Even if you are a scrupulously careful dishwasher yourself, sooner or later you will eat off dishes that look clean but actually still have two or three (million) invisible bacteria on them. Then, over the lips, past the gums, look out stomach, here they come. The situation is hopeless. Nasty microbes are simply everywhere. Dire problems are expected for babies who put their fingers in their mouths (Soiled Fingers Syndrome, or SFS), toddlers who put toys in their mouths (Toddler Toy Syndrome, or TTS), and adults who put anything but a brand-new toothbrush in their mouths (AWPABABNTBITM). Vaccinations for SFS, TTS, and especially AWPABABNTBITM are needed immediately. It is recommended that a million zillion tax dollars be granted to the pharmaceutical industry without delay. Until a vaccine is developed, here are two ways to protect yourself: 1. Don't eat fresh food, because fresh food is not sterile. (UFS, Unsterilized Food Syndrome) 2. Do not drink directly from a juice bottle, blow a whistle, or ever, EVER play a harmonica, trumpet or clarinet. (UEES, Unsterilized Everything Else Syndrome) We expect summer camp counselors and philharmonic horn and woodwind sections will soon be dropping like flies. I hope you know that I am kidding. Yet, as Lincoln said, quoting what the girl said as she put her foot into her stocking, "It strikes me that there is something in it." Exposed to a limitless quantity of potential pathogens every day, it is nothing short of remarkable how nearly 7 billion people manage to be alive at one time on this utterly unimaginably unsterile Earth. Thank heaven for homeostasis, the body's active promotion of life. I used to define homeostasis for my students by (badly) impersonating John Travolta's dancing in Saturday Night Fever. I'd do his famous one-hand-pointing-up-and-out, onehand-pointing-down-and-away move, and smoothly say: "Stayin' alive." Nobody missed the homeostasis question on the exam. It is the preference of nature to keep you alive. Your anatomy was assembled and grown without regard for your opinion. Your physiology carries on immeasurably complicated biochemistry every second of your day, night, and life without ever asking you how. I maintain that a healthy body will fight, and beat, the vast majority of viral and bacterial invaders if nutrient intake dosages are sufficiently high for prevention, and, if need be, astronomically high for cure of serious illnesses. The prescription? It's the simplest imaginable: Follow a healthy lifestyle. Live right, exercise right, eat right, and get your rest. Take your vitamins every day, especially lots of vitamin C, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Page Five; 05 March 2015 And while you're at it, wash those dishes. I mean, why push your luck? (Andrew W. Saul is editor of the recently published Orthomolecular Treatment of Chronic Disease, and author or coauthor of over a dozen other books on nutritional medicine.) This article may be reprinted free of charge provided 1) that there is clear attribution to the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, and 2) that both the OMNS free subscription link http://orthomolecular.org/subscribe.html and also the OMNS archive link http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/index.shtml are included.  And here are our special feature items for March 2015. All of the materials listed below are excellent resource materials for participants of the Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training for Detecting Parasites and Dental Problems workshop March 27-29, 2015, St. Louis, Missouri. For all details and to register for that workshop follow this link to the Prevention and Healing website: http://www.preventionandhealing.com/pah-training.php Are you testing your patients with an EAV (Electro-Acupuncture according to Dr. Voll), EDS or AMA type of approach? Or, are you working with the new MORA Nova which has multiple diagnostic programs based on the EAV approach? Beyond the Diagnostics Seminar videos with the late Dr. Walter Sturm here are the resource materials that will guide you to correct and effective point and medication testing. Content details and ordering information can be found on our website at the links below. ¾ The OICS ‘Voll’ ELECTROACUPUNCTURE DESK REFERENCE MANUALS Between early 1978 and mid-1981, the research staff of the OICS Alumni Association planned, researched and made available to its Members a comprehensive, yet simplified "EAV" Program. It was our intention to produce an organized, refined, yet simplified EAV 'Desk Reference Manual'. PART I: Each page of the Manual has a separate diagram showing the exact location of one EAV point, along with a verbal description of its location along with the energetic relations, usually treated disorders, commonly tested medications and often special comments, point measurement hints or cross-reference diagnostic information. All of the EAV points are given by sections according to their respective organ or tissue system ‘categories’, to facilitate clinical usefulness in diagnosis/treatment. PART II: It contains two complete transcripts of EAV seminars to introduce the System to those who were unable to attend them (including relevant technical information on EAV, medication testing, and instrumentation). Recently, every page, point and detail has been carefully scanned, reviewed, edited and revised. Newer and better diagrams have been prepared so that points are shown more clearly and precisely. Everything has been reformatted into 21st century data files. All of these files are now available in PDF format, which means you will be able to use standard Adobe search engines to locate information and diagrams! This entire two part manual is available on CD. You can order a printed copy (for $200) or the disc for the special feature price of $175 plus shipping. ¾ SPECIAL REPORT ON MEDICATION TESTING: Dr. Fritz Kramer of West Germany has given us the most complete, step-by-step guidelines available for learning “Voll”-type medication testing on your own, as well as suggested the preparations to start with. This is based on his seventeen years of practice and teaching. Report is over fifty pages. Preparations are not included. Available in digital PDF or print formats for $35 plus shipping. Page Six; 05 March 2015 ¾ For more information and instruction about Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques in Biological Medicine with emphasis on BioResonance Therapy be sure to order the recently re-released videos of Dr. Walter Sturm’s seminars.  Watch for Volume 11, Issue #3 of “The Bridge” newsletter which will appear in your Inbox in mid-March with a feature article from Dr. Michael Galitzer entitled “Metabolic Typing: Identifying Your Key Hormonal Gland”. Thank you for your support and we look forward to speaking with you again soon. Yours in health . . . Carolyn Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm Managing Director Phone: (250) 490-3318 support@oirf.com To Unsubscribe send an email to support@oirf.com with “unsubscribe” in the Subject Line. Published by Occidental Institute Research Foundation P. O. Box 100, Penticton, BC V2A 6J9 Canada Telephone: (250)490-3318 Fax: (250) 490-3348 Email: support@oirf.com Website: www.oirf.com Published in Canada
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