The Gathering
Prelude & Welcome
Confession & Forgiveness
Opening Song
The Word
Children’s Message
First Reading
Holy Gospel
Song of Praise
Prayers of the Church
The Meal
Offering Time
Holy Communion
The Sending
March 7/8, 2015
the Cross
Laborers in the Vineyard
Wedding Banquet
Bridesmaids (or Talents)
Last Judgment
Triumphal Entry
Christ Died for All
Great Commission
Peter’s Vision
Paul’s Mission
Closing Song
This weekend we welcome
Paul Hanson “Associate Director—Operations”
from Luther Crest Bible Camp.
 Please sign the Welcome to Worship book today at the end of
your row when it is passed to you. Please include your contact
 Join us for fellowship & coffee at 9:35 am every Sunday.
 Nursery is available during Sunday services for children,
Infant – age 5.
 We practice open communion – all Christians who believe that
Jesus Christ is truly present in the Lord’s Supper bringing His
forgiving grace are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Contact an usher if
you have mobility problems and communion will be brought to you.
Gluten free wafers are available, pick up from small table by organ.
 Sunday Jam for ages 3 – 2nd grade available Sundays at 8:30 am
and 9:35 am, September – May.
 3rd-9th grade, faith forming activities on Wednesday nights,
September - May.
 Celebration is a youthful, active, vibrant and growing family of
faith. We are people just like you. We know the busyness and
challenges of life and the need and desire for friends and community.
Mission of the Month
Luther Crest Campership Support
Celebration is a supporting member and partners in ministry with
Luther Crest Bible Camp. The cost of camp has been steadily rising
and Celebration would like to help. Celebration has dedicated
March as the Mission of the Month to help kids go to camp by
offering camperships.
Thank you for your help.
Camps do an excellent job of developing young adult
Camps are incubators for participants to learn to live in
Christian community
Carefully selected and trained college-aged staff as
Christian role models.
Camp is a community which fosters an opportunity for
people to walk and grow in faith.
Please see the bulletin board in the Gathering Space for more
information. Thank you for your support!
Visit us online at celebrationlutheranchurch.com and on Facebook at “Celebration Lutheran Church”
We Prepare For Worship
First Reading: Psalm 45
Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:1-14
Sunday’s Music: Celebration Singers & Virginia Shimota
Black Bible: pg. 449
Black Bible: pg. 803
To prepare for worship on March 14/15 read:
Matthew 25:1-13
Next Sunday’s music: (8:30) Witness Choir & (10:30) Spirit Choir
Saturday’s music leader: Heather Reiners
Sunday’s Music: Celebration Singers & Virginia Shimota
Opening Songs: “Come, All You People”
WOV #717 (blue book)
Song of Praise: “As We Gather at Your Table”
Communion Songs: “We Come to Your Feast”
Closing Song: “Take the Word of God With You”
Hearing devices are available for those in need during our worship services. Ask an usher to assist you in getting started.
We want you to fully experience today’s service with ease.
WELCOME TO WORSHIP BOOKS: Please sign the Welcome to Worship Book as it is passed to you during the Children’s Sermon.
This helps us know who is visiting and who is actively involved with Celebration, and for keeping contact information up-to-date
Fall Worship Schedule
Sat: 5:00pm & Sun: 8:30am & 10:30am
Child care (through age 5) is provided in
the nursery at all weekend services.
Worship Attendance Last Week
February 28/March 1 Total: 487
5:00 –133; 8:30 – 172; 10:30 – 182
3/1 Total 401
Prayer Requests
Lavender Prayer Request Forms are on
the information rack by the office. Prayers
are listed for 4 weeks; contact the church
office to extend.
In Our Prayers: Betty Batdorf, Travis
Brandt, Kathleen Engel, Daniel Hansen,
Elliot Imdieke, Mike Jurek, Vicki Klever,
Kim McMillan, Jeannie Peterson, Jill
Scherr, Rachelle Voss, Ryan Voss, Carol
Ann Zika,
Mike Bick (Ben Dirkes’ cousin)
Marjorie Botzek (Jackie Peterschick’s mother)
Donna Braaten (Connie Hauer’s mother)
Derek Brandt (Travis Brandt’s brother)
Arianna Brooks (friend of Hammond’s & Wills)
Alice DeJong (Bev Zupfer’s mother)
Jeff Lantis (Eric Lantis’ father)
April McMillan (Kim McMillan’s sister)
Mary Pohl (Madonna Maas’ mother)
Nick Prom (friend of Zika’s and Winch’s)
Carmen Schmoll (Jeannie Cashman’s
Laura Schrag (Dick & Jackie Lundstrom’s
Our condolences are extended to Verna
Beyer, Dawn & Jerry Grant and family
on the death of husband, father,
grandfather and Celebration member
William (Bill) Beyer who passed away
Monday, March 2. Memorial service
was held at Celebration on Saturday,
March 7. May the promise that our
Lord Jesus Christ is the resurrection and
the life, comfort and strengthen all who
We celebrate as the following children
are welcomed into God’s family at
Celebration through the gift of Holy
Baptism. 10:30-Elijah Daniel, son of
Michael & Jaclyn Ekern. Sponsors: John
& Angela Taylor.
Hospital Visits: Pastor Jeff, Pastor
Elizabeth and/or Vonnie Ottem would
love to visit and pray for you during
your hospital stay. Please contact the
church office 255-0488 ext 0.
Please take home the green colored
insert which has text background and
Bible verses for this week.
2015 Giving Update through
March 1, 2015
Annual Mission & Ministry Fund
Budgeted Expenses
Year-to-Date Gifts
Given Last Weekend
Mortgage and Maintenance Fund
Needed for 2015
Needed Each Week
Needed Year-to-Date
Year-to-Date Gifts
Given Last Weekend
Year-to-Date Status
Thank You
…to all who donated to the Place of
Hope matching funds. We raised
Joyful Jar-Mission of the Month
Joyful Jar offering in February totaled
$1257.49. The Mission of the Month
was South African Companion Synod.
Thank you children, youth and all who
Opportunities to Serve
Looking for a way to serve at
Celebration? We are looking for people
to help with our re-enactment of Jesus’
foot washing on Maundy Thursday,
April 2 at the 6:30pm service. Please
contact Teresa with interest, or with
any questions: 255-0488 ext 170, or
Attention! Do you have a passion for
hospitality? Would you like to see
Celebration Lutheran become the most
friendly and welcoming place it can
possibly be? Please join us for
“Hospitality 101” on March 15 at
11:30am to learn more. Thank you!
Worship Volunteers are needed for
March/Holy Week and Easter. Please
stop at the Volunteer Bulletin board,
the church website, or contact Teresa
Ahrendt to see all volunteer openings
and to sign-up: 255-0488 ext 170,
Celebration will be serving the Palm
Sunday Dinner at Place of Hope!
March 29. Sign-up on the Bulletin Board
in the Gathering Space to help and/or
provide food. We will be collecting
Coborns Ham Cards to donate to them
also, turn into office. All are welcome
to join us!
HELP US BUILD!! The members of the
Uganda '15 team invite Celebration
members to help us build for Watoto
Child Care Ministries this July. After all
services the weekends of March 7-8
and March 14-15, we will be selling
"bricks" for $10 each. If you will buy a
brick or two, we promise to put them
all in place. We want you on our team.
Opportunities to Grow
CARVE with Sara Orjansen, carving
time to connect with others and with
God. Come for fellowship, soul-sharing
stories, and Bible teaching on
RELEASED, Living in Grace Space, on
Saturday, March 14, 9:00-10:30a.m. in
the Commons. Childcare available,
please sign up for childcare by calling
the church office (Chris) 255-0488 x100.
Divorce Care We will meet every other
Tuesday from 6:30-8pm in the Fireside
Room. Next date is March 17. All are
welcome. Contact Jill George with
questions. 320-293-0838
Mid-Week Lent Services:
“Open Our Eyes, Lord, to the
needs around us”
Wednesdays Feb 25-Mar 25: 6:30pm
Super suppers: 5:00-6:25pm
March 11 – Mac n’ Cheese/Hotdog
March 18 – Potato Bar
March 25 – Beef & Barley Soup
Non perishable food items are being
collected during Lent, please bring your
donations to the Wednesday services.
Send your pictures of the ways you
helped the needs around us to:
Music Ministry:
Jennifer Ross Ambrosier 255-0488x103
Men’s Choir: Calling all men, we need
your voices. Rehearsals are Thursday
evenings at 8:00pm beginning March 5.
The choir will lead service music on
Good Friday, April 3.
Come say farewell to our South African
guests. Zwelihle Khumalo was at
Celebration last weekend. There is a
Farewell Sandwich Supper Meal at
Atonement Lutheran Church at 6:00pm
on Monday, March 9. Sandwich
provided but please bring a salad or
dessert as potluck. Free will offering for
Sandwich Supper and South Africa
Partnership Projects and Activities.
Annual Pancake Breakfast
9:30am-12:30pm on Palm
Sunday, March 29 hosted by
Jr. High Mission Trip youth.
Purchase tickets at the door on Palm
Sunday. All are invited!
Mission Quilters will meet Thursdays,
March 19, from 9am until noon in room
317. Come join us.
Donate Toward Flowers for our Easter
Worship Services. This is a special way
to remember and celebrate
loved ones during the season of
Easter. Find donation forms &
envelopes at the Welcome Center.
Deadline to order is March 25.
WELCA Great River Conference Spring
Gathering: “A Day Without Laughter is
a Day Without Sunshine.” Saturday,
April 11, 8:30am-noon at Peace
Lutheran in Cold Spring. Registration is
$8.00 and deadline is Wed. April 8.
Habitat for Humanity is looking for
skilled construction volunteers and
volunteer help at the ReStore:,
If you’d like to learn more about either
opportunity, contact Melanie Blake,
Volunteer Manager, at (320) 248-8256
or melanieblake@cmhfh.org.
Y o u t h C o n n e c t i o n!
Summer is Coming: It is time to start
planning your week at Luther Crest
Bible Camp. All Celebration Youth are
invited to go to camp this summer, and
we’d like to help. The first 15 youth
who register for camp this year will
receive a $100 gift from Celebration to
help lower the cost of camp! Register
by March 17 to save another $50 thru
Luther Crest. Pick up application forms
at the Luther Crest bulletin board by
the kitchen.
Family Skate Event: Come join us on
Sunday, March 8, from 1-3pm at Skatin’
Place in St. Cloud! You need to mention
you are from Celebration to get our
“deal” of $6 per person includes skates.
Inline skates are additional $2. We will
have a table/area reserved toward the
back for families to gather.
Mark your calendar for Summer Fun!
Vacation Bible School is June 8-11.
Come climb Mt. Everest with us with
two sessions 9-11:30am or 6-8pm.
Are you a planner? VBS planning team
will meet March 18 at 7:30pm. Contact
Nicole to join the team!
Luther Crest led Day Camp at Watab
Park, August 3-6; 9am-3pm grades K-3
(based on 2014/15 year) Camp without
the overnight. An awesome experience!
Primary (Birth – Gr. 4)
Nicole Oftedahl 255-0488 x 105
& Mindi Scholz 255-0488 x 110
Sunday JAM Happenings:
This week (3/8): "A Hole in the Roof".
We will hear more of Jesus' healings
through interactive fun and activities
Next week (3/15): "Two Miracles".
Hear about TWO miracles of healing
that Jesus performed!
BLESSING BAGS: We will do our
"Blessing Bags" Service project for Place
of Hope on Sunday, April 12. We are
now collecting donations in the hallway
under the Primary Bulletin Board.
GodZone this week: (3rd and 4th grade
ministry) GZ continues through Lent
with family worship each Wednesday at
6:30pm. Remember to work on your
Lent Calendar for the 40 days of Lent.
Middle School (Gr. 5-8)
Aaron Dowzak: 255-0488 x 107
Youth Group Time: Sun., March 8. We
will go skating from 1pm-3pm. The cost
is $6 (+$2 if you would like to rent
inline skates).
High School (Gr. 9-12) 255-0488
Zero Gravity (Sr. High Youth Group)
continues to meet during Lent on
Wednesdays at 7:30pm. Join us for fun,
food, games, and great discussion.
9th Grade required Confirmation
Retreat at Luther Crest Bible Camp,
March 14/15. Meet at Church at 9am on
Saturday, returning Sunday at 1pm.
Watch for info in the mail.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study will meet
on Tuesdays at 7:40am at Liquid Assets,
Sartell. All high school youth are invited.
8:30am & 9:35am: Sunday JAM
Age 3 yrs – gr 2
GodZone and YDT continue thru Lent
at the 6:30pm Wed. worship service
5:30-6:15pm: Witness Choir gr 3-6 and
Spirit Choir gr K-2
Zero Gravity at 7:30pm during Lent
Upcoming Events:
Mar 11: Mid Week Lent Service 6:30pm
Mar 14: CARVE 9:00-10:30am
Worship Volunteers March 7 & 8, 2015
SUNDAY 8:30am
Adam Magarian
Lisa Scharf
Sue Roelofs
Sheila Olund
3rd Station
Nancy Elstad
Self-Serve Nursery
Usher Captain
Communion Prep
AV Techs
Bruce Jacobson
Brad Rohlfs
Ben Rohlfs
Tim Magarian
Will Magarian
Thomas Magarian
SUNDAY 10:30am
Tyler Werk
Izzy Pederson
Kim Tjaden
Julie Ellis
Gary Orman
Lori Glanz
Linda Orman
Madonna Maas
Claudia Dumont
Chris Simonsen
Barb Ringstrom
Jaden Nguyen & Josh Nguyen
Cindy Pederson
Lead= Bethan Jou
9:30am Lead=
Lead= Bethany Joul
h= Garrett Nelson
Abby Lyon
Nate Crowe
Laurie Allen
Terry Evavold
Jackie Evavold
Greta Evavold
Doug Batdorf
Kasy Jensen
Jane Scherber
Marshall Weems
Melanie Zenzen
Kevin Maas
Erik Maas
Madonna Maas
Sheila Olund
Colleen Toebe Shari Pretzer Lori Glanz
Terry Rykhus
Keith Yapp
Les Engel
Patty Rykhus
Tammie Yapp
8am-10:45am: Laurie Allen, Sara Schreifels, Joni Rasmussen
9am-noon: Paul & Pat Schlauderaff
1500 Pine Cone Road N., Sartell, MN 56377
Phone: 255-0488 Fax: 255-9378
Office Hours: Monday -Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Lead Pastor: Jeff Sackett (x 101)
Congregational Life Pastor:
Elizabeth Strenge (x 102)
Director of Worship & Music Ministries:
Jennifer Ross Ambrosier (x 103)
Director of Operations:
Terry Hagen (x 109)
Director of Youth & Family Ministries:
Primary: Nicole Oftedahl (x 105)
Asst. Primary: Mindi Scholz (x 110)
Middle School: Aaron Dowzak (x 107)
Sr. High:
Y & F Assistant: Rita Bartlett: (x 108)
Pastoral Admin Assistant: Chris Garman (x 100)
Director of Volunteer Ministries:
Teresa Ahrendt (x 170)
Business Manager: Tammie Yapp (x104)
March 2015
8 Baptism Wknd
8:30 & 10:30am Worship
Luther Crest at Worship
9:35am Fellowship
8:30 & 9:35am Sunday JAM
1-3pm Family Skate
8:30 & 10:30am Worship
Pastor Elizabeth Sabbath
9am Women’s Gather Grp FR
7pm Endowment Team 317
9:15am Staff Mtg CR
8am-3pm Knowledge Bowl
SS Rooms, GS,
8:30-11am Preschool 315,CM
7pm BELLievers
8pm Proclaim
7pm Boy Scouts CM
Pastor Elizabeth Sabbath
9:30am AV Training
9:35am Fellowship
7pm BELLievers
8:30 & 9:35am Sunday JAM
8pm Proclaim
11:30am AV Training
1pm 9th Grade Returns from 7pm Boy Scouts CM
Luther Crest
6:30pm NYG Mtg CM
5-6:30pm Super Supper CM
Mac’n Cheese/Hotdogs
5:15pm Youth Music Reh
5:30pm Spirit/Witness Choir Reh.
6:15am Exec Mtg CR
6:30am LIFE Group FR
8:30-11am Preschool 315,CM
12:30pm Men’s Group @ Blue Line
Pastor Jeff Sabbath
6:30am Study Group
8:30-11am Preschool
6:30pm Lent Worship Service
9:15am Staff Mtg CR
8:30-11am Preschool 315,CM
Noon Sartell Ministerial @ Blue Line
6:15pm Council Mtg FR
6:30pm Divorce Care 317
5pm Worship Service
8-9 Grade serve in worship
7:30pm Strengthening Families
& Small Groups Mtg FR
7pm Celebration Singers Reh
8pm Men’s Choir Reh
5-6:30pm Super Supper CM
Potato Bar
5:15pm Youth Music Reh
5:30pm Spirit/Witness Choir Reh.
19 6:30am LIFE Group FR
8:30-11am Preschool 315,CM
12:30pm Men’s Group @ Blue Line
6:30pm Lent Worship Service
5th Grade serve in worship
7:35pm Middle School Youth
& Family Team Mtg
7:30pm VBS Meeting CR
9:15am 9th Grade Luther
Crest Retreat
9-10:30 CARVE CM
3pm ReFuel Practice
7pm Celebration Singers Reh
8pm Men’s Choir Reh
Pastor Jeff Sabbath
6:30am Study Group
8:30-11am Preschool
3pm ReFuel Practice
5pm Worship Service