® FEB - MAY 2015 GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR GREEKS ABROAD FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY PLATINUM GOLD Disclaimer: Programme details are correct at the time of printing but are subject to change where necessary and without notice. Please check website (www.festivalhellenika.org.au) or Facebook (FestivalHellenika) for updates. FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY SILVER D & S GROUP OF COMPANIES BRONZE Apostolis Poulis Axios Architects Jimmy Elias & Son Pty Ltd Seafood Processors Dr & Mrs A Giannopoulos Greek Community Tribune Greeks of Egypt & Middle East Society of SA Inc Neos Kosmos Organisation Of Hellenic & Hellenic Cypriot Women Of Australia Ray White - Semaphore SBS Radio Sparthenian Pty Ltd Western Districts Motor Body Repairs Zak’s Cafe Restaurant FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® is an exciting and diverse arts festival fostering Hellenic links to the arts and celebrating Hellenic culture. ‘Hellenic’ because the focus is not on Greek nationality but Hellenic culture, both inside and outside Greece. Anybody with an interest and a passion for Hellenic art and culture is welcome, indeed encouraged to participate. Hellenism represents a culture beyond borders, with a long and significant tradition both inside and outside of what is now the Greek Nation. It flourishes in Cyprus, The United States, Canada, Brazil, Australia and elsewhere, with major contributions from many diverse people, from Lord Byron to Con the Fruiterer. FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® (formerly The Greek Cultural Month) has been held annually in Adelaide during March, April and May and is a major part of the Hellenic cultural scene in South Australia. It is an open platform for people of any background to showcase Hellenic connections to the arts and their Australian manifestations. We actively support local artists and work to make FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® accessible to the broader community. In this way we inform, broaden horizons, breakdown stereotypes, and foster greater harmony and understanding. FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® is coordinated by the South Australian Council for the Greek Cultural Month Incorporated. It is a community, umbrella organisation, with membership open to any group, organisation and society with an interest in Hellenic connections to the arts. Established in 1991, with the support of the Consulate General of Greece in South Australia, it is non-political, non-sectarian, non profit and independent. The Governing board of volunteers is elected every two years by member organisations. Life comes to the Festival through artists, presenters, sponsors and audiences like you. We welcome you all and invite you to come join us in celebrating with FESTIVAL HELLENIKA®, as a vital part of Australia’s cultural diversity. MEMBERS OF THE SA COUNCIL FOR THE GREEK CULTURAL MONTH INCORPORATED ΜΕΛΗ ΤΟΥ ΝΟΤΙΑΥΣΤΡΑΛΙΑΝΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΟΥ ΜΗΝΑ ›› Cretan Association of SA ›› Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint ›› Constantinople Hellenic Society of SA Panteleimon ›› Inter-Communities Council of SA ›› Cypriot Community of SA ›› Malona Society St George Rhodes ›› Friends of Ecclesiastical SA Incorporated & Byzantine Music Association ›› National Union of Greek Australian ›› Glendi Greek Festival ›› Greeks of Egypt & Middle East Students SA ›› Organisation of Hellenic & Hellenic Society of SA Incorporated ›› Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Prophet Elias ›› Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Saint Spyridon ›› Greek Orthodox Community of Port Adelaide The Nativity of Christ ›› Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Saint George ›› Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of Saint Anthony Cypriot Women of Australia ›› Panarcadian Assoc SA ‘Kolokotronis’ ›› Pan Ipirotikos Society of SA ›› Pan-Laconian Society of SA ›› Pan Macedonian Association of SA ›› Pan Rhodian Society ‘O Kolossos’ ›› SA Friends of A.A.I.A Inc. ›› The Vrinean Society ›› Zakynthian Society of SA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS ΜΕΛΗ ΤΟΥ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟΥ Apostolou George Boravos Thomas Capetanakis Tassos Dacolias Loula Dimopoulos Eva Fotopoulos Adonis Kelakios Sabina Kouzionis Matoula Kritas Stamatiki Papafilopoulos Zoi Potiris Anastasia Tsalikis Joanna Kriaris Nick Simos Sam Papametis Sia Greeks of Egypt & Middle East Society SA (Treasurer) Friends of Ecclesiastical & Byzantine Music Assoc Co-opted member Greek Orthodox Community & Parish of St George Pan Ipirotikos Society SA The Vrinean Society Pan Rhodian Society ‘Colossus’ Constantinople Hellenic Society SA Inc. Pan-Laconian Society SA (President) Panarcadian Assoc SA ‘Kolokotronis’ (Vice President) Glendi Greek Festival (Secretary) Organisation of Hellenic & Hellenic Cypriot Women of Australia Associate Member Associate Member Associate Member 6 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ΜΗΝΥΜΑ ΤΉΣ ΠΡΟΕΔΡΟΥ Centre and all our generous sponsors for encouraging and supporting us to not only extend to new horizons but keep reinventing ourselves to become better and bigger year by year. Welcome to another exciting FESTIVAL HELLENIKA®! In 2015 we will be celebrating Hellenic culture through our annual gathering of artists and audiences in South Australia. Our long-standing aim to encourage, stimulate and promote all aspects of artistic creation by investing in local as well as international artists continues. Παραμένοντας σταθεροί στις αρχές που θέσαμε πριν από χρόνια, συνεχίζουμε να αναδεικνύουμε τη ελληνική δημιουργία σε όλες τις εκφράσεις της εδώ στους Αντίποδες και ελπίζουμε για τους επόμενους μήνες να γεμίσουμε την καθημερινότητα μας με αδρεναλίνη μέσω της τέχνης! Through the multi-disciplinary programme of FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® 2015 we offer a wide range of live performances, screenings and events that truly reflect the talent and passion that exist in South Australia! We are convinced that art brings people closer and I hope we succeed in submersing you and Adelaide in the adrenaline rush of art in the next few months! FESTIVAL HELLENIKA® is made possible through the hard work and enthusiasm of all the committee members, who I thank for their ongoing support. I would also like to thank our major partner the Adelaide Festival Yours sincerely, Stamatiki Kritas 7 CONTENTS TALK 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27 MUSIC 10, 16, 18, 21, 25, 29, 30 FORUM/EXHIBITION 17, 27 THEATER 20 TOUR 12, 14, 22 Disclaimer: Programme details are correct at the time of printing but are subject to change where necessary and without notice. Please check website (www.festivalhellenika.org.au) or Facebook (FestivalHellenika) for updates. 8 IONIA PRESENTS A MUSICAL NIGHT/ “A REFUGEE SINGS WORLD SONGS” OVER 200 SHOWS IN LONDON WITH LOUCAS LOIZOU CABARET Music / Μουσική βραδιά DATE: Saturday 21 February @ 7.30pm Music / Μουσική βραδιά A musical night of Rebetika, Laika and songs from Stelios Kazantzidis. DATE: Saturday 28 February & 7, 14 March @ 8pm WHERE: Cypriot Community Centre, 8 Barrpowell Street, Welland Loucas Loizou in a dazzling song cycle.Original and World songs from UK, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Cyprus. Also Oscar winner Manos Hatzidaki’s songs made known by Nana Mouskouri. Diners welcome from 6.00pm.”SBS Radio 5 stars” “Mesmerizing, heavenly” MTV London “Amongst the best 5 shows” Advertiser Fringe 2013. TICKETS: $20 BOOKINGS: For bookings please call 0411 660 156. WHERE: The Hilton Hotel – Fedora’s Function Room 264 South Road, Hilton TICKETS: $15/$25 BOOKINGS: Available at the door & Adelaide Fringe Tix www.adelaidefringe.com.au/ fringetix 10 Νέα Ελληνική Μετανάστευση Η Ελληνόγλωσση Εκπαίδευση στη Διασπορά Σήμερα Talk / Ομιλία (Greek) Talk / Ομιλία (Greek) DATE: Monday 2 March @ 7pm DATE: Tuesday 3 March @ 5pm Presented by the Greek Department, Flinders University & LOGOS, Pan Macedonian Association of SA & SACGCM Inc. Presented by the Greek Department, Flinders University & LOGOS, The Modern Greek Language Teachers Association of SA & SACGCM Inc Σας ΠΡΟΣΚΑΛΟΥΝ, στην ομιλία του Καθηγητή της Παιδαγωγικής του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης, κ. Μιχάλη Δαμανάκη με θέμα: Νέα Ελληνική Μετανάστευση και στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου: Νέα Μετανάστευση από και προς την Ελλάδα (επιμέλεια: Μιχ. Δαμανάκης, Στεφ. Κωνσταντινίδης, Αναστ. Μ. Τάμης) Σας ΠΡΟΣΚΑΛΟΥΝ, στην ομιλία του Καθηγητή της Παιδαγωγικής του Πανεπιστημίου Κρήτης, κ. Μιχάλη Δαμανάκη με θέμα: Η Ελληνόγλωσση Εκπαίδευση στη Διασπορά Σήμερα WHERE: Adelaide High School, West Terrace, Adelaide WHERE: Pan Macedonian Hall, 94 Henley Beach Road, Mile End TICKETS: Admission Free TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: N/A BOOKINGS: N/A 11 CLASSICAL GREEK COLUMNS WALK GREEK LIFE BY EUGENIA PANTAHOS Workshop on the Move / Ξενάγηση Book Launch/ Παρουσίαση βιβλίου DATE: Monday 9 March @ 10 am (approx 2 hours) DATE: Wednesday 11 March 2015 @ 6.15pm Presented by the SA Friends of AAIA Inc & SACGCM Inc. An archaeological walk designed for everyone, especially young students. The event will involve walking, at a leisurely pace from Victoria Square to the Art Gallery, via King William Street & North Terrace, and looking at the facades of some of Adelaide’s finest classical buildings. Your guide will be Spiros Sarris, President of the SA Friends of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens. Presented by Eugenia Pantahos Come along to join in the celebration of Greek Life and to meet the author. Book signing on the night. Light refreshments. WHERE: SA Writers Centre, Level 2, 187 Rundle Street, Adelaide TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: For more information please call or text 0412 056 262. WHERE: Meet 9.45 am in front of SA Water Building (SE corner of Victoria Square – corner with Angas Street) TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS:Bookings essential - RSVP by Friday 6 March by calling or text message to Spiros Sarris 0404 145 455 or email: spiross@adam.com.au Note: The holding of this outdoor event is subject to prevailing weather conditions; therefore please wear appropriate attire/hats etc 12 13 THE MUSEUM OF CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY Tour / Ξενάγηση (English) DATE: 16-20 and 23-27 March (approx 1 hour) Sponsored by SACGCM Incorporated. FREE - FOR THE FIRST 5 SCHOOL GROUPS TO BOOK! All groups will be accompanied by a tour schools liaison officer provided by the Adelaide University. The Museum of Classical Archaeology is the only institution in South Australia devoted entirely to the archaeology of the ancient Mediterranean world. Displays of art and artefacts from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Etruria, Rome, and Byzantium! This little museum is one of Adelaide’s secret gems. We encourage you all to support it by organising your own groups and making a booking within the hours of 9-5, Mon-Fri, and excluding the first Tuesday of any month ($55 per group of no more than 30). The Museum is a registered charity. WHERE: Lower ground floor, Mitchell Building, The University of Adelaide next to the Art Gallery TICKETS: Group Booking $55 (incl GST) by cheque or money order made payable to The University of Adelaide and presented to the schools liaison officer at the visit. A receipt will be mailed out within 30 days. BOOKINGS: All bookings are to be made by telephoning the School of Humanities Office on (08) 8313 4249 during normal business hours 14 15 GENEALOGY AND MIGRATION HISTORY FOR BEGINNERS MUSIC HELLENIKA® 2015 Concert / Συναυλία Talk / Ομιλία DATE: Friday 20 & Saturday 21 March @ 8pm DATE: Wednesday 18 March @ 7pm sharp (approx 2 hours) Presented by SACGCM Inc. & the Adelaide Festival Centre. (Workshop presented by Spiros Sarris) (English). Presented by the Ellin Corporation on behalf of the SA Friends of AAIA Inc & SACGCM Inc. ‘Greece, Mother of Mine’ / «Μάνα μου Ελλάς» Music by Stavros Xarhakos. Come along and get some ideas on how to commence your research and document your findings. The workshop includes visiting Australian archival websites; so bring along your notebooks, iPhones, iPads, and tablets. Be prepared to undertake some practical research on the night! Musical Director: Tsambika DeGeorge. WHERE: Greeks of Egypt & Middle East Society Hall, 56 Richmond Road, Keswick TICKETS: $40 Featuring vocalists Jim Mountzouris, Stathis Papastergos, Deanne Taliangis, Stephanie Gates + 8 piece band. WHERE: The Space Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre BOOKINGS: Available from BASS 131 246 & Spartan Electrical 8352 4222, 140 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville. TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: RSVP by calling or sending text message to Spiros Sarris 0404 145 455 or email: spiros@ellin.com.au 16 “Ένας μεγάλος Έλληνας που άλλαξε την όψη του πλανήτη μας!” SENSUAL SIGHTS, HELLENIC THEMES Talk / Ομιλία (Greek) DATE: Monday 30 March – Sunday 19 April Art Exhibition / Έκθεση Presented by Desma Kastanos. DATE: Sunday 22 March @ 4.30pm An art exhibition by Desma (Despina) Kastanos featuring mixed media paintings and drawings. The exhibition will also include collaborative works with artists from Tutti Arts. Words that describe Desma’s art are experimental, exciting, beautiful, lovely use of mixed media. Her meeting with Greek artist Takis Moraitis of Athens in 2013 inspired this journey and she was able to complete a residency at his studio while in Greece. All works are for sale contact Desma Kastanos on 0409 112 404. Ελληνική Συμφωνία – “Εταιρεία Φίλων της Μουσικής, του Λόγου και της Τέχνης” παρουσιάζει oμιλητής Κωνσταντίνος Γκρους. Πάρα πολλοί λαοί τον τίμησαν και τον ευγνωμονούν. Πρέπει να είμαστε περήφανοι κι εμείς σαν Έλληνες. WHERE: Don Pyatt Hall, Norwood Town Hall, 175 The Parade, Norwood TICKETS: Admission Free WHERE: City of West Torrens Auditorium, Hamra Centre, 1 Brooker Terrace, Hilton BOOKINGS: Dinos Grous 8232 4074 TICKETS: N/A BOOKINGS: N/A 17 K.P.KAVAFIS BY HEART AND BY SONG Concert / Συναυλία DATE: Tuesday 31 March @ 8pm Presented by SACGCM Incorporated and sponsored by Blue Star Ferries®. Festival Hellenika proudly presents from Greece The “Kavafis Group” of the Cultural Society of Upper Syros in an internationally renowned musical presentation «Κ.Π. Καβάφης - απ’έξω και τραγουδιστά»(“K.P.Kavafis - by heart and by song”) Recitations, narration and musical presentations by poems of the great Alexandrian poet performed by a twelve member ensemble. WHERE: Marion Cultural Centre, 287 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park TICKETS: $30 BOOKINGS: Spartan Electrical 8352 4222, 140 Henley Beach Road, Torrensville & limited tickets available at the door. 18 IS SAPPHO A ROLE MODEL FOR TODAY’S FEMINISTS? Talk / Ομιλία (English) DATE: Thursday 2 April @ 7pm Presented by Beatrice Howarth. Beatrice Howarth continues her engaging and informative series of talks on the lives and contribution of ancient women. Sappho was a Greek lyric poet, born on the island of Lesbos. The Alexandrians included her in the list of nine lyric poets. It is believed she was born around 630 and 612 BCE and although little is known about her life, her writing was thought to have exerted considerable influence on the classical world. This talk will look at the historical, economic and cultural developments of Greece during Sappho’s time and how her life and works influenced later generations. The talk will be fully illustrated and include readings of selected works by Sappho. WHERE: Thebarton Community Centre, Corner South Road and Ashwin Parade, Torrensville TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: N/A 19 THE GOOD SON BY ELENA CARAPETIS Theatre / Θέατρο (English) DATE: 8 April – 25 April @ 7pm Presented by THE OTHER ONES. Frank yearns for a different life. He is the loyal, loving son of Meda, a Greek immigrant divorcee. They share a close bond but the line between parent and child has become claustrophobically blurred. But Meda harbours a dark secret that threatens to crush Frank’s dreams and catapult Meda towards certain disaster. Inspired by true events, The Good Son is a bold, funny and electrifying new play that explores our idea of family, loyalty and lengths we go to change the cards life has dealt us. The Good Son is the debut play by award-winning actor Elena Carapetis (Between Two Waves, Othello), reuniting her with award-winning director Corey McMahon (Between Two Waves, Eh Joe) as the creative partnership THE OTHER ONES. Featuring: Renato Musolino, Eugenia Fragos, Adriana Bonaccurso and Demitrios Sirilas. The Good Son is supported by Arts SA through the Independent Makers and Presenters Program. Please note: This production contains strong language and adult themes. WHERE: The Bakehouse Theatre, 255 Angas Street, Adelaide TICKETS: Until 15 March: $25/$20 From 16 March: $30/$25/$20 BOOKINGS: www.bakehousetheatre.com or on (08) 8227 0505. Tickets also available at the door. 20 NANA MOUSKOURI - A CELEBRATION LIVE IN AUSTRALIA Concert / Συναυλία DATE: Thursday 16 April @ 8pm Presented by One World Entertainment. One of the top selling female vocalists of all time with fans in every corner of the globe, the much loved ‘White Rose of Athens’, legendary Greek superstar NANA MOUSKOURI will return to Australia in April 2015 for a series of exclusive concerts. The much loved world famous singer who has sold over 300 million CDs is coming to Australia as part of her world tour where she has been celebrating her 80th birthday as well as the composers and writers who inspired her singing throughout the years. WHERE: Festival Theatre, Adelaide Festival Centre TICKETS: $98/$142 BOOKINGS: Available from BASS 131 246. 21 MEMORIES OF LEMNOS, AUSTRALIAN NURSES AND THE ANZAC CENTENARY Function / Talk / Tour (English) DATE: Sunday 19 April @ 12pm Presented by OEEGA. Australia’s Commemorative ANZAC Plaque on the Greek Island of Lemnos reads: “AUSTRALIA AND LEMNOS ISLAND ARE FOREVER LINKED BY THE EVENTS OF WORLD WAR ONE (1914 - 1918)”. Although neutral during the early stages of WW1, in 1915, Greece offered the allies the island of Lemnos as a hospital camp and strategic naval base from which to launch attacks on the Dardanelles and Gallipoli. Australia’s first overseas deployment of over 130 nurses, led by Matron Grace Wilson, served under great adversity in the camps and hospital ships. This moving event includes the laying of a wreath at the Gallipoli memorial, a special guest speaker and lunch, followed by a tour of the Army Museum of SA. WHERE: Army Museum SA, Keswick Army Barracks, Anzac Highway, Keswick. TICKETS: $30 BOOKINGS: Petula 0439 830 142 or Helen 0404 210 553. 22 HIDDEN TREASURES: REDISCOVERING THE GREEK PAST FROM NEWLY FOUND MANUSCRIPTS AND PAPYRI IN THE 20TH CENTURY Talk / Ομιλία (English) DATE: Wednesday 22 April @ 7pm Presented by Dr Han Baltussen. Over the last three decades, the development of modern technology is revealing a greater depth of information about the ancient Greek past. Professor Han Baltussen Hughes Professor of Classics at the University of Adelaide, will engage and surprise us with this illustrated lecture, giving us a greater knowledge and insight into this fascinating subject. WHERE: Room G04 Napier Building, The University of Adelaide. TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: N/A 23 BYZANTINE WOMEN Talk / Ομιλία (English) DATE: Wednesday 29 April @ 7pm Presented by Toula Kritas. What was life like for women living in the Byzantine Empire? What role did women play? The Byzantine Empire, which lasted for over 1100 years, is generally perceived as a patriarchal society. However, women actively participated in many aspects of Byzantine society, including the political, religious and economic spheres. This talk will explore the lives of empresses, saints, nuns and the ‘ordinary’, everyday Byzantine woman using evidence from a variety of sources. Subjects will include Empress Theodora who was a circus performer prior to marrying Emperor Justinian I, Empress Irene who reigned as a sole ruler for a number of years, female saints and their healing shrines, the so-called “Transvestite Nuns,” historian Anna Komnena, hymnographer Kassiani, and others. Come along and meet some of these fascinating and often un-celebrated citizens of Byzantium. WHERE: Greeks of Egypt & Middle East Society Hall, 56 Richmond Road, Keswick TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: N/A 24 CONCERT/ΣΥΝΑΥΛΊΑ Concert / Συναυλία DATE: Sunday 3 May @ 4.30pm Ελληνική Συμφωνία “Εταιρεία Φίλων της Μουσικής, του Λόγου και της Τέχνης” παρουσιάζει Καλλιτεχνική εκδήλωση με μικρή κλασική ορχήστρα, πλαισιωμένη και με απαγγελίες. WHERE: Don Pyatt Hall, Norwood Town Hall, 175 The Parade, Norwood TICKETS: $15 /Family $30 BOOKINGS: Dinos Grous 8232 4074 25 IT’S MORE THAN SOUVLAKI: A GREEK FOOD FORUM Forum / Exhibition / Δημόσια Συζήτηση DATE: Sunday 24 May 2015 @ 1.30pm Presented by OEEGA. Greek cuisine has a tradition dating back nearly 4000 years. The food and its flavours change with the season and its geography and yet the rich variety of regional Greek food has often been overlooked. Today it remains one of the great cuisines of the world and is celebrated as the ‘Mediterranean diet’. Don’t miss out on this exciting and delicious event presented for The South Australian History Festival, ‘About Time’. Come and see our audiovisual display and hear our guest speaker Dr Evangeline Mantzioris on the traditions of Greek cuisine. We want to hear your stories and share your family recipes. WHERE: The Chapel, Migration Museum Courtyard, 82 Kintore Avenue, Adelaide TICKETS: Admission Free BOOKINGS: N/A 27 DINNER WITH... FESTIVAL HELLENIKA Dinner with... Festival Hellenika – Hellenic Tastes. As Hellenic Cuisine is more than the Souvlaki, the following restaurants will be presenting Greek dishes, exclusively for Festival Hellenika during the festival period, February-May 2015. WHERE: Argo Hellenic Café Restaurant 41 Commercial Rd, Port Adelaide 8241 2223 Astros Greek Restaurant 45c Sussex Terrace, Hawthorn 8271 8277 Greek Olive 2/4 Rupert Street, Bedford Park 8277 9994 Jam The Bistro 112-114 Wright Street, Adelaide 8231 7411 Metro Oyster Bar 27 Field Street, Adelaide 8231 5683 Nikita’s Greek Cuisine 40a Unley Road, Unley 8357 0009 The Greek on Halifax Café Restaurant 75-79 Halifax Street, Adelaide 8223 3336 28 LAIKO & REMBETIKO NIGHT Music night / Μουσική Βραδιά DATE: Saturday 16 May 2015 @ 7pm Presented by Ionia Rembetiko. Songs from Kazantzidis and Others. WHERE: Adelaide Bowling Club, Rymill Park, Cnr Dequetteville Terrace & Rundle Road, Kent Town TICKETS: $35 including Meze BOOKINGS: 0411 660 156 29 ROMANTICA Music night / Μουσική Βραδιά DATE: Saturday 30 May 2015 @ 7.30 Be prepared to be swept away with this romantic evening concert and the music of Donizetti, Puccini, Theodorakis, Hatzidakis and other composers. Luscious and engaging, this concert will showcase arias from the classical repertoire and traditional Greek songs and melodies. Featuring Ioannis Frangos (tenor), Victoria Kakoulis (soprano), Katerina Stevens (violin) and other guests. WHERE: Marion Cultural Centre TICKETS: $30 BOOKINGS: 0406 312 525 30 UPCOMING EVENTS GREEK SONGS BY THE SEA Music night / Μουσική Βραδιά DATE: Saturday 20 June 2015 @ 6.30pm GLENDI DATE: Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 November 2015 WHERE: Bonython Park, Adelaide www.glendigreekfestival.com.au Presented by MERAKI MUSIC. A music night of Greek island music (nisiotika) and urban music (rebetika) to warm the spirit. Songs of love, celebration and the mesmerising sea. A FAMILY AFFAIR 3 GENERATIONS, 2 COUNTRIES, A FAMILY OF MUSICIANS Featuring Michael Tyllis (vocals, oud), Kat Stevens (violin), Demeter Tsounis (keyboard, toumberleki) and friends. (Documentary/Concert) / Ντοκυμαντερ & Μουσική WHERE: Seacliff Surf Lifesaving Club, 248 Esplanade, Seacliff www.seacliffslsc.com TICKETS: $20 BOOKINGS: 0410 765 942 A feature documentary about the intertwined lives of a unique musical family, brought together and apart by their love of music. Disclaimer: Programme details are correct at the time of printing but are subject to change where necessary and without notice. Please check website (www.festivalhellenika.org.au) or Facebook (FestivalHellenika) for updates. ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΣ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΤΙΚΟΣ ΜΗΝΑΣ 2015 MUSIC HELLENIKA 2015 PRESENTED BY THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL FOR THE GREEK CULTURAL MONTH INC AND THE ADELAIDE FESTIVAL CENTRE AS PART OF FESTIVAL HELLENIKA 2015 “GREECE MOTHER OF MINE” «ΜΑΝΑ ΜΟΥ ΕΛΛΑΣ» MUSIC BY: Stavros Xarhakos Σταυροσ Ξαρχακοσ FEATURING VOCALISTS: ACCOMPANIED BY: Jim Mountzouris Stathis Papastergos Deanne Taliangis & Stephania Gates Con Dalagiorgos Con Dalas Tsambika De George John Diamantis Anne Douglas Paul Gelios John Kourbelis Steve Papadopoulos Bouzouki Drums Piano Bouzouki Floute Bass Keyboard Guitar MUSICAL DIRECTOR: Tsambika De George GENERAL ADMISSION: $40 Friday 20 & Saturday 21 March 2015 - 8.00pm Space Theatre – Adelaide Festival Centre Tickets at Spartan Electrical, 140 Henley Beach Rd, Torrensville 8352 4222 or at BAS 131 246
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