K. HOVNANIAN’S® Four Seasons at Manalapan An Active Adult Community The Official Publication of the Four Seasons at Manalapan Homeowners Association, Inc. www.fourseasonsatmanalapan.com Volume 8, Number 3 "Who has seen the wind?" Daffodils I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high p'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. By William Wordsworth MARCH 2015 2 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Award Winning Landscaping LLC Tel: 732-598-0338 / 732-780-1643 Contractor Lic. # 13 VHO3392800 SPECIALIZING IN LANDSCAPE AND HARDSCAPE DESIGN $1,500.00 Off Any Job up to $10,000.00 Not Valid with Any Other Offer. Expires 4/30/15 $2,500.00 Off Any Job over $20,000.00 Not Valid with Any Other Offer. Expires 4/30/15 FREE In Any Job over $9,500.00 Drip Irrigation Line Pre-Wiring for Outdoor Lighting First Year Maintenance Included Not Valid with Any Other Offer. Expires 4/30/15 SPRING SPECIALS 2015 Featuring Techo-Bloc Pavers, 60:40 Ratio Sitting Wall Design, Soldier Course and/or Ribbon Design, Circle Kit Option, Choice of Capping and Pier/Column Option, Polymeric Sand, Patio Built to ICPI Standards Special I - 375 Sq. Ft. $5,200.00 • • • • Special II - 375 Sq. Ft. Sitting Walls 26 Linear Feet 21” High $7,400.00 Special III - 375 Sq. Ft. Sitting Walls 51 Linear Feet Perimeter $9,900.00 Prices based on level grade; build up option priced separately Patio depth based on setback Offer not to be combined with any other offer Offer expires 4/30/15 • LANDSCAPE DESIGN • LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION • HARDSCAPING • MAINTENANCE SERVICES • MANY BEAUTIFUL PROJECTS COMPLETED IN FOUR SEASONS AT MANALAPAN, REGENCY AT MONROE • REFERENCES AVAILABLE “No Two Jobs the Same” Your Paver Selection will have Color through & through. Fade resistant and full color pigmentation throughout the stone. Techo-Bloc Warranty Fred Arbeitman, Owner N.J. State Certi�ied Horticulturalist “ I am here for you every step of the way. ” CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 732-780-1643 OR 732-598-0338 Call us now for your free consultation, and let our award-winning, unique and distinguished landscape designs enhance the value of your home and property. ads-1091J We Landscape In Color for All Four Seasons by Richard Leimsider An Active Adult Community Pegasus Press Staff A light exists in spring Not present on the year At any other period. Editor-in-Chief............................................................... Richard Leimsider When March is scarcely here…* Distribution Editor................................................................ Warren Carter Photographic Editor..........................................................Harvey Salzman Copy Editor.......................................................................... Bernard Jacks Production Proof Reader..................................................... Warren Carter Copy Assistant/Columnist................................................. JoAnn Abraham Columnists at Large ............................................... Steven Blumerman, Sue Goulden, Kal Silverman, Carol Krimko, Bunny Libenson, Anne Quatrochi, Stuart Speck, Bernard Jacks, Steve Resnick Research Assistant.............................................................. Warren Carter Photography Sub-committee....................................... Eleanor Goldstein, Harvey Salzman, Jerry Simon, Kim Silverman Distribution Staff........................................ Warren Agate, Ellen Deutsch, Laurie Feldman, Murray Friedman, Christine Fornes, Hannah Gold, Diane Goldstein, Gail Lassoff, Arnie Lifland, Barbara Scheinerman, Iris Silverman, Dave Sobel, Stuart Speck, Barry Tepp, Lydia Leimsider Past Editors.............................................. Andrea Shorr, Bunny Libenson, Carol Krimko, Maria Sabatino, Barbara Sugarman Community Services Community Property Manager Kimberlee Weisneck 732-786-1725 KWeisneck@taylormgt.com sK 44 Palomino Drive, Manalapan, NJ 07726 Fax - 732-786-1728 Lifestyle Director Diane Sheehan 732-786-1727 DSheeDSheehan@taylormgt.com Four Seasons at Manalapan Clubhouse 732-786-1724 44 Palomino Drive, Manalapan, NJ 07726-9566 Assitant Property Manager Debbie Impresa 732-786-1725 DImpresa@taylormgt.com Gatehouse (Security) 732-446-6478 Emergency Services 800-956-1097 Warranty Services 1-800-428-2516 Jane Edisonservice@KHOV.COM Important Phone Numbers Emergency phone numbers during non-business hours (5 P.M. - 8 A.M.)* In the event that you have a true emergency after normal business hours, call the number for the following emergencies: Plumbing Emergency............. F & W Mechanical......................... 732-286-4747 HVAC Emergency.................. Kool Vent........................................ 732-905-3756 Electric Emergency................. Mac Electrical Contractors..............732-684-1129 ...........................................................................................................732-522-7088 *In the event that you experience an emergency after normal business hours, please inform your Homeowner Service Coordinator on the next business day. Emergency phone numbers during normal business hours (8 A.M. - 5 P.M.) Fire & Rescue.......................... Manalapan Fire Dept...................Emergency 911 ........................................................................................................ 732-462-1112 Police................................................................................................................911 ........................................................................................................ 732-446-4300 Electric Company.................... JCP&L............................................ 800-662-3115 Gas Company.......................... NJ Natural Gas Co......................... 800-221-0051 Telephone Company................ Verizon........................................... 800-675-9966 Sewer....................................... Western Monmouth Utility Authority ........................................................................................................ 732-446-9300 Garbage................................... Manalapan Twp............................. 732-446-8404 Irrigation................................. Down to Earth......................... 800-280-1837 x15 Water...................United Water Matchaponix, Inc........................ 732-446-5102 K. HOVNANIAN’S FOUR SEASONS AT MANALAPAN K. Hovnanian Homeowner Service Office 110 Fieldcrest Avenue, Edison, NJ 08818 • Phone 732-225-4001 / Fax 732-623-6925 Cover and Centerfold created by Harvey Salzman A-L-L Irrigation questions, concerns or EMERGENCIES should be directed to Down to Earth Irrigation 800-280-1837 x15 – Jessica, at any time (day / night / weekend) I’m looking out my back window as I’m writing this… the pond is frozen over, and snow covers the vast expanse of uninhabited space beyond the patio. Up the berm toward Woodward Road, then gently sloping down, forming undulations in the now hidden terrain. It is a winter wonderland, a Currier and Ives print, there in my own backyard. Two small, perhaps frightened, deer stop for a moment, eye the sleeping shrubbery, then bound away, noiselessly, into the whiteness. The winter sky looks down, with gray, leaden eyes. It’s quiet out there. I have a confession to make… I like it when it snows. Each snowflake, I am told, has its own, unique shape: Nature’s reminder of individuality. The sky fills with them, an incredible profusion of swirling, whirling, twirling bits of icy joy. The hoary blanket covers the grass, then the rooftops, the sidewalks, the streets, and the driveways fill in, like the remaining pieces of a child’s puzzle. All is hushed, except perhaps for the song of the wind as the snow is blown and thrown, to and fro, back and forth, destination – unknown. They promised the “blizzard of the century”; well, it was going to happen anyway… I tried to see the bright side. Obligations would be postponed, travel impossible, and respite from the daily humdrum, at least one full day, maybe with a little luck, two – or even three… such freedom! Freedom to watch, aimlessly, as each flake falls, taking its place next to or above its fellows. Freedom to gaze as drifts are born and disappear, and then are born again. Freedom to sip a warm drink in a cozy spot. Freedom to curl up by the fireplace with that oft-neglected book, perhaps to daydream a bit about one thing or another… And then, betrayal. One day of mere inconvenience, and then, back to normal. Such disappointment! Such deprivation! Yes, I know, spring is on the way. The flowers will bloom, the trees will once again be dressed in varied hues of green, the poets will rapture. There will be balmy days, walks in the park, outdoor sports, and pleasant nights under starry skies. Away with the furs and the heavy coats and the vestiges of cold, lifeless days. Down with shorter days and longer nights and bleak horizons. Bring on the rebirth, bursting with vitality and activity! But… gone will be the pristine beauty of the trees’ bare branches, and the moments to feel the joy of warmth as we seek sanctuary against the cold. Gone will be the chance to reflect upon Nature’s other side, superficially cruel, but laden with opportunity. Gone will be the possibility, unencumbered, to read that book, dream that dream. Winter, I’m going to miss you. *From “A Light Exists in Spring” by Emily Dickinson Statement of Editorial principles Pegasus Editorial Staff The goal of the Pegasus Press, the official publication of the Four Seasons at Manalapan community, is threefold: -To provide information to residents of FS@M from the Board of Trustees, its committees and clubs, the property management company, and the township -To inform the residents of FS@M as to social, cultural, and educational events in the community and surrounding area -To establish a means of communication within FS@M that fosters community spirit and goodwill among residents All articles and opinions expressed in the Pegasus Press represent the viewpoint of the respective authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the FS@M community or its editors. We assume no responsibility for the contents or the accuracy of the same. Pegasus Press reserves the right to reject, edit, or condense all submissions and will not accept any article it deems libelous, inflammatory, plagiarized, or in bad taste. Senior Publishing Company prints the Pegasus Press at no cost to the FS@M Homeowners Association. The publisher and not the editorial staff of this publication have solicited most advertisers. We disclaim all responsibility for the goods and services advertised herein. Pegasus Press • March 2015 Four SeasonsAt Manalapan 3 Letter From The Editor K. HOVNANIAN’S® Pegasus Press • March 2015 4 From Your Board of Trustees Rick Gross FYI Stu Abraham David Miller Gene Avidano Janet Adrian Professionally managed by Taylor Management Company 44 Palomino Drive • Manalapan, NJ 07726 (732)786-1725 A note from the Board of Trustees - Four Seasons at Manalapan A periodic bulletin from the Board of Trustees to keep the FS@M community informed of Board activities. Bulletin #7 - February 2, 2015 Snow Clearing Procedures Our recent snow events, including the "Blizzard of 2015", have generated a number of questions and concerns from our homeowners. Based on a review of the concerns raised, the Grounds Committee and the BOT working with Down To Earth (our contractor) have made some changes to improve the situation. Effective immediately, Down to Earth (DTE) will clear all service walks (i.e., the path to your front door) and driveway aprons (the concrete portion of the driveway from the street to the sidewalk). There has been some confusion among the crews as to clearing the service walks and aprons when there is a vehicle in the driveway, but this has now been clarified and all walks and aprons will be cleared. In addition, DTE has now agreed to clear a narrow path down the driveway from the service walk to the street. The path will be cleared along one side of the driveway adjacent to the grass. There has also been some concern raised about our procedure of not clearing driveways with vehicles parked on them. The genesis of this procedure is threefold: DTE uses heavy equipment to clear the driveways that cannot be safely used with a vehicle present; use of manual labor with shovels to work around the vehicles is time-consuming and costly; concerns by DTE that even shoveling could damage vehicles in the driveway. For this season, the current procedure will apply — driveways with vehicles in them will not be cleared. As a reminder, any resident who wishes to have their driveway cleared can remove their car from the driveway when the snow removal equipment is approaching their house and then return the vehicle to the driveway after it has been cleared. The second option is to park the vehicle in the Clubhouse parking lot (after advising the Management Office) until the driveway has been cleared. The BOT, in conjunction with the Grounds Committee, will assure that these matters are reviewed as part of the negotiation of future contracts (we are presently in the middle of a three year contract). All the impacts of making any change to this policy will be assessed. The potential extra time to clear the community, the possible extra cost of the manual labor, and the remaining potential hazard to vehicles in the driveway will be analyzed. From the Desk Of Your Lifestyle Director Diane Sheehan Hi Everyone, By now most of you have seen my name eblasted announcing the arrival of your new Management team. I have received a warm welcome from many of you already. If you haven't stopped in to see me yet, please do. I can't promise that I'll remember your name right away, but over time I'm sure I will. I'm in the office Monday through Friday, from 10 A.M. - 2 P.M. I will be working closely with the various Clubs and Committees, but I would love to get ideas and suggestions from you- please email me at dsheehan@taylormgt.com. I can't promise all your dreams will come true, but I will do my best to consider your thoughts. I've had the suggestion of a Choral Group for anyone in our community to join. I'm trying my best to get one off the ground. There's a folder in the rounder if you're interest- or you can drop me a line and I'd be happy to add your name to the "interested" list. The Senior Olympic is in the beginning planning phases. Watch your emails and the Pegasus Press for Save the Dates and information about signing up. Stay warm and remember Spring is right around the corner! Diane Do Not Forget!! Daylight Saving Time Sunday March 8th! 5 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Prior Studies on page 31 Replacing Your Outdoor Energy Star Lighting Fixtures The outdoor lighting fixtures installed by KHov in the front and rear of some of our houses are Energy Star fixtures that are designed to be on for many hours each night without consuming a great deal of electricity. They have photocells which automatically turn on the outdoor lights at dusk and off at dawn. There may come a time when those fixtures will have to be replaced. After all, nothing lasts forever. So when that day comes, you are required to install a fixture that complies with Four Seasons at Manalapan standards. The fixture should look similar to the one the builder installed, have a photocell, and use CFL or LED bulbs. The fixture must be approved by the Architectural Committee. Application forms can be found on the wall opposite the fitness center in the Clubhouse or the community website. Remember, when shopping for your fixture ask for Energy Star qualified fixtures. These fixtures are easy to install and replacement does not require a township permit. Keep in mind that a qualified electrician should install it to insure that it is mounted properly and the electrical connections are correct. An alternative to turning the fixture on and off with a photocell is a timer. The wall switch can be replaced with a programmable timer so the fixture turns on and off at your desired time. A variation of this timer is one that can be programmed with your location on the earth so that the built in computer will know when the days get longer and shorter so that the light turns on only when it’s dark. It also knows when it is daylight savings time. By using a timer you can buy a fixture without a photocell. Leviton VPT24 and Honeywell RPL740B-7 have these features. For your information we are at 40 degrees N latitude and 74 degrees W longitude. Ask Roy Roy Nathan, a member of the Homeowner Maintenance Committee, is a retired engineer. He is available to answer any questions that you may have concerning your home. He can be reached by phone at 732-851-6855 where such questions can be directed to Roy. This will be a direct confidential conversation between the homeowner and Roy. Community members should know that the Code of Ethics of the Homeowner Maintenance Committee requires that all committee members keep all personal information confidential. The committee may use a general problem for an investigation to share with the community but personal information will be held in strict confidence. ads-668D ads-668D Dr. R. J. Scarpellino Chiropractic Physician 145 Route 33, Manalapan, N.J. 07726 Corner of Millhurst and Route 33, east 732-431-5030 chipperboy@optimum.net 30% OFF Any Crystal Chandelier 4345 Rt.9 North NJ 07728 Previous salesyork or inhouseuniversity orders not eligible. Freehold, graduate of new and 732-780-8900 Discount is off lighting expos every day low price. Not valid on ceiling fans, furniture, marked the chiropractic college ofor new york 1293 Rt.23 South down items. You must show your community ID at register for discount. Cannot be combined with any other discount or deal. 30% OFF Any Crystal Chandelier Previous sales or inhouse orders not eligible. Discount is off lighting expos every day low price. Not valid on ceiling fans, furniture, or marked down items. You must show your community ID at register for discount. Cannot be combined with any other discount or deal. 4345 Rt.9 North Freehold, NJ 07728 732-780-8900 1293 Rt.23 South Wayne, NJ 07470 973-696-2185 Wayne, NJ 07470 973-696-2185 Neck, back, arm and leg pain and numbness, soft tissue pain. Auto accident injuries. Headaches. Call for free consultation. Let us discuss your problem to determine a course of treatment, if it is amenable to chiropractic. You are under no obligation to continue after the consultation. ads-4315 Breast Cancer Support Group FSM Women's Club "You'll Never Walk Alone"* Judy Epstein and Carol Lifland FSM Women's Club Co-Presidents Diagnosis: breast cancer. Hearing those words is every woman's nightmare. The day I became a breast cancer patient, I could not understand or believe how I could deal with this. So many thoughts, doctors appointments, tests, medical opinions and decisions needed to be made. I quickly found out you do what you have to do to live. Medically, what needed to be done was done. Family and friends were wonderful, caring and always there for me. But, something was missing. I felt like I was the only woman to have to bear this terrible experience. I needed to speak with other women who have gone down the same road. So, I found a support group online and started to have conversations with women who could understand how I was feeling. They all had stories to tell. They gave me insight to different treatment options and more important , they just listened and understood how I felt. I knew how important that was for me. The Women's Club in Four Seasons at Manalapan offers a Breast Cancer Support Group. I have met some fabulous women in our group and it has humbled me. Their knowledge, enthusiasm and support makes me feel so good. There is something very comforting in knowing you are not alone on this road. Some of us are many years free from this disease and some of us are still going through treatment. These women have such brave hearts. Nothing will diminish their love of life. They have shown me so much courage, proving that it is possible to win the fight with support, awareness, the right care and hope. Our Breast Cancer Support Group is a safe and confidential place. We share encouragement, laughter, helpful suggestions and so much more. We try to help you survive and thrive. Please remember that early detection is so important. Schedule your yearly mammograms, discuss other screenings and report any breast changes to your doctors. Have any questions? Please call Diane Goldstein at 732-446-2443, Flo Miller at 732-536-3375 or me, Goldie Golden at 732-851-6637. Our next meeting is Saturday, March 7, 2015, 9:30am, in the Women's Card Room. “Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone”* *Lyrics written by Rogers & Hammerstein • Home inspections • Cottonswab mold testing • Thermal imaging inspections • Radon testing • Air quality testing • Prelisting inspections • Warranty inspections • Certified infrared thermographer g alizin Speci arranty in W ections Insp Report defects found in your home so they can be corrected by the builder at their cost BEFORE your 1-year warranty expires... ...Afterwards, it is your responsibility! Call today for an inspection before your year runs out!! 21 Shoemaker Road, Manalapan NJ 07726 NJ Home Inspector Lic #24G100091600 732.792.6687 • www.InspectItNeil.com The FSM Women's Club February hiatus is over and we gladly welcome the month of March as it brings us closer to Spring, longer days, and warmer weather. Although we were on hiatus, we thank Learning 4 All Seasons for presenting two films in February to brighten up some dreary winter days. Please watch for e-blasts, e-mails and the Women's Club monthly Newsletter from Find Name, check the lobby TV monitor and the lobby bulletin board for all Women's Club upcoming events. Learning 4 All Seasons will be announcing its film and lecture series as well. Be sure we have your correct e-mail address. Not a member yet? A check for $25 made out to FSM Activity Fund is all you need to join. If you are a brand new member, fill out the information sheet in the folder as well. The membership folder is on the rounder in the lobby Here are our March events: Wednesday, March 11 in the Clubhouse lobby - 4-5:30P.M. - By invitation only - new member/new resident- wine and cheese -learn about our FSM Women's Club, meet the Women's Club Board. Wednesday -March 18 - Dinner at Knob Hill Country Club at 7P.M. Thursday - March 26 - Bus trip to Macy's Herald Square-8:30A.M. -4:30P.M. Docent-led tour of Macys, lunch at the cafe, flower show, shopping Here are our April events: Wednesday, April 15 in our Clubhouse ballroom at 12 noon. Buffet luncheon catered by Destino's. Open table seating. Guest speaker Shelly Strickler, formerly of WOR Radio. Topic- "The Naughty Boys of Politics" from Thomas Jefferson to the Present. Women's Club members only. Cost $27. Sign- up folder on the rounder in the lobby. Space limited! Thursday evening, April 23 Bus trip to George St. Playhouse. Play: "Six Degrees of Separation." Dinner at Old Man Rafferty's. Women's Club members only. Cost $90. Sign-up folder on the rounder in the lobby. 70 seats reserved (2 buses) PLEASE HOLD THE DATE -WEDNESDAY-MAY 6 FSM WOMEN'S CLUB 2nd ANNUAL AUTHOR LUNCHEON Author - Julie Orringer Book - The Invisible Bridge Location - Eagle Oaks Country Club Farmingdale, New Jersey This event will be open to Women's Club members and friends and family (women only). Up to 14 women per table. Sign up with your table. If you need a table, we will be glad to seat you. Cost - $55 for Women's Club members $60 for non members One check per person; sign up folder will be on the lobby rounder REMINDER: Sunday, June 14, Our paid-up membership brunch at Battleground Country Club. We are always planning ahead, so watch for other events/entertainment not yet posted. We look forward to meeting and greeting old and new members at all of our future events. • Home inspections • Cottonswab mold testing • Thermal imaging inspections • Radon testing • Air quality testing • Prelisting inspections • Warranty inspections • Certified infrared thermographer FS@M Women's Club Programming for 2015 lizing Speciaarranty in W ections Insp Report defects found in your home so they can be corrected by the builder at their cost BEFORE your 1-year warranty expires... it is your responsibility! Judy Epstein and Carol...Afterwards, Lifland, CoPresidents Call today for an inspection before your year runs out!! 21 Shoemaker Road, Manalapan NJ 07726 NJ Home Inspector Lic #24G100091600 Please check your e-mails for732.792.6687 e-blasts and •WC Newsletter for complete www.InspectItNeil.com WC Program information. We may add or possibly delete events as we continue planning ahead. PLEASE BE SURE WE HAVE YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS ads-3602 by Goldie Golden ads-3602 6 Pegasus Press • March 2015 CLUB NEWS 7 CLUB NEWS Pegasus Press • March 2015 Women’s Club By Janet Gross VP Membership On January 7, the Women's Club had a wonderful birthday bash. It was an amazing evening of musical entertainment, sweets, friendship and giving. Over 200 women participated and we raised over $4,000 for Make A Wish NJ. We truly made a very special wish come true! Over 430 gals belong to the Women’s Club. There are many new members and it is exciting to meet both old and new gals at different events. There is so much to do! We hope that you will renew your membership and join the fun and friendship we offer. If you are new to our community, we hope that you will join. Dues are $25.00 and your check should be made out to FSM Activity Fund. Your check can be placed in the envelope in the membership folder on the rounder in the Clubhouse lobby. New members please fill out the new members form and be sure to include your email address. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. jlg118@aol.com Thanks. Italian American Cultural Club Roger Colarusso – President The Italian American Club is the youngest of all the clubs at the Four Seasons. We were sanctioned in October of 2014 and had our first annual Christmas Party in December with a surprise visit from Santa. Our second event was a tribute to Frank Sinatra in a café setting with cold antipasto, cheese, crackers, Italian bread and dancing to the songs of Frank Sinatra. This year we have many great events planned: • March 25 Vic DiBitetto - Comedian - Ballroom • April 21 Ellis Island/Statue of Liberty Bus trip with Dinner ( Italian Restaurant) • April 26 Grandma’s Sunday Dinner - Ballroom with Entertainer • June 17 Songs from the Heart by Julian - Night Club Entertainer and AARP American Idol 2014 Winner - Ballroom • Sept 12 San Gennaro Feast - Bus trip • Oct 10 One year Anniversary Party - Ballroom • Dec 12 Longwood Gardens - Bus trip • Dec 13 Kids Christmas with Santa - Ballroom • Dec 19 Christmas Party - Ballroom As you can see, our Social Committee and Trips & Tours Committee have been very busy. There is still more to come from our Cultural Committee. Our March event, Vic DiBitetto, is now posted in the lobby carousel. I would also like to thank all the other clubs and committees for their support in guiding us through all the necessary procedures of running affairs and making our club a success. Our Executive Board Is: • Roger Colarusso - President - rmrussotwo@msn.com • Ray Angelini - Vice President - rangelini9@verizon.net • Frank Marotta - Treasurer - frankgm65@gmail.com • Bob Botta - Secretary - beachhaven24@yahoo.com Anyone interested in joining can sign up anytime at the Clubhouse. Our club is open to all residents of the community. Hopefully, I will see you at our next event. Thanks. Please Patronize Our Advertisers For Advertising Contact: Senior Publishing Company 1520 Washington Avenue, Neptune, N.J. 07753 888-637-3200 The Weekend Gardener Anne Quatrochi THIS YEAR I RESOLVE TO………… worry less, gain control of my many plant articles, weed my garden more frequently, get more limber, lose a few pounds, be better organized, read more books, try to control the number of emails, plant more flowers, shop less, eat better, keep better records of the plants I have grown, and reconnect with old friends. Heck, there is a problem with the annual taking stock of and resolving to improve oneself with the new year. You can see I am into March and still making a list. There is too much to fix, how can I cope? I need a strategy or else I will end up feeling worse for striving to be better. I need to take some of these aspirations off the table and make the list more manageable. I need to choose more carefully. The odds that I can accomplish everything aren’t so hot. I need to set smaller goals to manage my time or at least not feel bad if I fail to do them all. But what can I eliminate? Certainly not anything to do with my plants and garden. Everyone has capabilities in different areas. I vow this year to be more organized, but to hear my husband, I am too organized to a fault. Since this is a gardener article I need to focus on the spring. See, already I am off and running with my plants. They make me happy, there is no denying that. Focus on what you can do and hope to accomplish to make you happy (decorate with plants). As a beginner your best strategy is Start Small. Perhaps a container on your front porch or patio will be a start. There are things you need to know to make the right choices when you go to the garden shop. Your plan: What is the area you will be putting your plants like? • Sun all day • Sun in afternoon only • No Sun ALWAYS CHECK THE LABELS ON THE PLANT, do not put a plant that requires full sun in an area that is shady all day. They will not produce or maybe die. Many people make that mistake and then think they cannot garden. YES you can, if you follow these important instructions. Geraniums love sun, they are easy to grow and will reward you with flowers. They only require that you remove the spent flowers when they are finished flowering: cut the flowers off where they are attached to the plant. Create your own outdoor area. ADD SOME PIZZAZZ…… Vinca plants in many colors can be planted directly in the ground also. You can provide color throughout the growing season. The first plants you will see in the spring are pansies. They will be the first plants you can put in. I am giving everyone time to plan, look at books that show plants to plan. Whenever you choose a plant from a nursery you are better off picking one that is smaller and has buds rather than flowers; they will open in your garden. That insures that the plant has a chance to acclimate to the ground more easily. You can choose ceramic planters in upbeat colors and flank your front door. Colorful plants can zip up your landscaping. You can also rotate plants in a flower box if you have railings on a porch. Create a cheery entrance. See, I have lost control trying to rush the season! But I want to encourage someone to try gardening this spring. Happy Gardening! 8 Pegasus Press • March 2015 CLUB NEWS Photography Club Meeting Book Club By Debbie Weissman Well, the holidays have come and gone and some of you might have gotten a new camera as a gift. You have been faced with the unpacking of the camera from the box. Now, you are asking yourself, "What do I do next?" You might feel somewhat intimidated by all the buttons and dials on the camera and what does the manual really say and mean. It can be very tempting to put the camera back in the box and the manual you just want to throw away. But, it might not be long before you take the camera out again, look at it and become a bit more inquisitive. You are now looking at the camera in a different "light" and you are now eager to start taking pictures. First off, you need to understand the main dial on your camera, which outlines the "shooting modes." This dial is usually labeled with auto, AV, TV, P, and M. Sometimes there might even be more. When you select a mode, this is telling your camera how you want to shoot. For an example, if you select the "auto" mode, the camera will do all the work for you, such as the exposure, aperture and shutter speed. AV or Aperture Priority is similar to a semi-automatic shooting mode. When this is selected, you are the one who sets the aperture and the camera will automatically select the shutter speed. The aperture is the size of the opening in the lens through which the light is allowed to pass when the shutter is open. FYI...the larger the aperture, the more light will pass through. (This can also be called your "F"-stops, which is usually pin-pointed by using an "f-number," such as f/2.0, f/2.8, etc. This means the ratio of focal length over the diameter of the opening. So, in laymen's terms, the larger the aperture (a wider opening) has a smaller "f" stop , and a smaller aperture has a larger "f" stop number, such as f/2.0.which lessens the amount of light allowed to enter the camera. I know this sounds confusing, and I am still learning to understand this, but the aperture is one of the most important aspects of your picture taking because it directly shows the depth of field, which means the amount of an image that is in focus. If you use a small aperture, then a large distance with the scene is in focus, such as the foreground to the background of the picture. Then on the other hand, if you use a large aperture (a small f-number) it would produce an image where only the subject is in focus and the background is out of focus. I think I have given you some important information to start off with. Next month, I will share some additional information on your camera's dial. I hope you will play around with your camera and work on your AV or Aperture Priority. Have fun! Our March meeting will be with Anthony Bianciella: Essentials of Photography-Moving Off Auto Mode. He will also be our judge on "Abstracts," which is the topic of the month. If you are interested in hearing what he has to say, you may join us on: March 9, 2015, 7:30 P.M. in the Men's Card Room. All are welcome. If you have any questions, please contact me at: maremanna2@gmail. com (Debbie Weissman) The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion (January, 2015 selection) Does “love conquer all”? In Graeme Simsion’s The Rosie Project, it does. Don Tillman, a genetics professor has Asperger’s Syndrome, although he does not know it. When Don decides it is time to find a wife, his approach is orderly and methodical; he designs a questionnaire to test each candidate’s suitability. When Don meets Rosie Jarman, “the world’s most incompatible woman,” Don’s orderly world is thrown into chaos. Despite her obvious unsuitability, Don becomes more involved with Rosie as she begins a quest to find her biological father. The pair enters into numerous humorous adventures as they attempt to collect DNA samples from prospective “fathers”. Along the way Don breaks some of his strict ethical code; however, he learns that the world is not black or white but filled with nuances of color. Forced out of his comfort zone, Don finds love and a wider world. The reader roots for him all the way. By Helaine Cantos The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield The gothic mystery novel The Thirteenth Tale begins when Margaret Lea, a bookish young woman working in her father’s antiquarian bookshop, finds a handwritten letter addressed to her from Vida Winter, a famous novelist in England. The letter is a proposal that Lea write a truthful biography of her before she succumbs to her illness. Vida Winter has made a career out of keeping her past a secret to the point of creating elaborate stories of things that never happened to her, in response to the many requests for the truth. At their meeting, Lea expressed many reservations, including minimal biographic experience, to taking on this assignment. However, when Vida Winter begins her story with “once upon a time there were twins…” Lea is riveted as those words touch upon her own family secrets. She stays, and becomes Vida’s biographer. As the story unfolds, Vida’s haunted history, filled with dark family secrets are revealed as she recalls her days at Angelfield House and the families that lived there. The Thirteenth Tale is a book that shifts between two main stories. One tells of the life of amateur biographer Margaret Lea and her exploration of the Angelfield/March families’ past. The other is the story which Vida tells Lea. Both characters grapple with the themes of death, loss, and identity. However, Vida’s story is far darker and much more compelling. This gothic tale is evocative of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and, in fact, the title of this book is mentioned on several occasions in Setterfield’s work. By Lydia Leimsider The Book Club’s upcoming selections are: For March: Life Animated by Ron Suskind Theme for February: "Open" BEGINNER In the Middle of Nowhere Wai Seto 1st Place Good Book Ben Gold 2nd Place The Birds Ben Gold 3rd Place INTERMEDIATE Autumn Leaf Marty Sicular 1st Place Flying Through the Air Ron Rutolo 2nd Place Splish Splash Jerry Avergon 3rd Place ADVANCED Patterns in the Fronds Jerry Deutsch 1st Place Colorful Lady Alan Bogard 2nd Place Boulder View Alan Bogard 3rd Place In his memoir, political reporter Ron Suskind recounts how he and his wife used Disney characters to communicate with their autistic son Owen in an effort to bring him out of his “wall of silence.” For April: The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer* Is it “survival of the fittest” or does luck play a role in determining one’s outcome? Set largely in Hungary and Paris in the late 1930s, The Invisible Bridge tells the story of lovers who are tested and brothers who struggle to survive and remain connected as war looms in Europe and persecution of the Jews mounts. *Julie Orringer will be the guest speaker at the Women’s Club Author Luncheon on May 6, 2015 Please join us on the first Wednesday of each month (March 4 and April 1) at 7:30 P.M. in the Crafts Room for stimulating discussions of our latest selections. 9 Thank you, Four Seasons Pegasus Press • March 2015 By Susan Broderson and Judy Campbell The Social Committee would like to thank the Four Seasons community for their generosity during our annual holiday toy drive. It is so wonderful to live in a caring community. We collected a substanial amount of toys that were delivered to needy children, many of whom would not receive anything without our help. The toys were donated to three charitable gropus: County of Monmouth Department of Human Services, St. Thomas More Catholic Church (who donated the toys to Samaritan Center), and Jewish Family Services of Central New Jersey. Below are letters of thanks that we received: STEVE FERRARA 732-446-1165 Quality Craftsmanship and Service! • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CABINETRY • MEDIA CENTERS • BAR UNITS • CUSTOM BUILT-INS FREE In-Home Design Service ads-870a REFERENCES PROUDLY AVAILABLE IN Your COMMUNITY STEVE FERRARA 732-446-1165 Quality Craftsmanship and Service! • RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CABINETRY • MEDIA CENTERS • BAR UNITS • CUSTOM BUILT-INS FREE In-Home Design Service ads-870a REFERENCES PROUDLY AVAILABLE IN Your COMMUNITY Looking for full time, part time, or live in employment. Work with both male and female Ten years experience, references available upon request. Grocery Shopping Light cooking and cleaning General errands ads-4791 Please Call 917-923-4524 ads-4791 NJ State Certified Home Health Aide Pegasus Press • March 2015 10 11 Germ-Free Pegasus Press • March 2015 By Bernie Jacks Before I moved to FS@M, I thought the gym I was going to was a classy your making skin contact with some nice, fresh e-coli; and, for the same place, but a sign appeared one day over the fountain where I filled my water location, replacing conventional door knobs with large u-shaped handles bottle: ‘PLEASE DO NOT SPIT IN THE FOUNTAIN.’ that allow you to pull the door open with your forearm. (Exit doors that Was such an appeal necessary? One would think that not spitting in a you can just push with your shoulder would be handy. Duh.) And there are fountain would be a given, and someone who is comfortable spitting into people who advise you to put germ-laden hotel TV remotes in plastic bags, one would not be deterred by a neat paper sign asking him (no way a her) not and not to use the in-room coffee cups, and to pull the bedspread off and to. But whether or not the sign would work on our secret spitter, it spoiled toss it facedown into a corner, not to mention hosing yourself down with the party for everyone. Spoiled it for me anyway, because as I stood there Purell just in case you actually made skin contact with something, and… with my BPA-free water bottle filling slowly from the spout, the sign forced whoa…I’m making myself crazy here. That’s enough of that. me to envision the incident that got it posted. I won’t trouble you with the But no! There’s more! Airplane tray tables have been found to harbor details of my mind-movie. the nasties, and need wiping down with sanitizer, and now people are Once, all the gym needed was a single sign in the shower area with the bringing on board their own seat-and head-rest covers, and even complete general directive, “No Spitting.” (This was posted right next to the sign that body coverings. said “Anyone Using The Sauna Must Keep His Private Parts Covered At Health authorities say this aversion to touching anything is overblown All Times.” I didn’t know if there was a similar sign in the women’s sauna and hysterical. They say all that’s needed is a thorough soap-and-water wash area. I tried to find out by making earnest inquiries of women emerging in warm water for thirty seconds, which is as good as a swab with alcoholfrom their locker room, but none seemed willing to share information with based gel that rids your skin of 99 percent of the bacteria happily creeping me about their private parts.) around your palms. But I have devised a better system: first wash my hands And talking about public sanitation, an article in the Times a couple of for thirty seconds with soap in warm running water, which is supposed to years ago, said that a survey showed something like 75-80 percent of men remove 99.99 percent of the millions of microbes living on my hands, and who used a public rest room washed their hands before leaving the room. then wash again, this time with a grape-size blob of antibacterial gel for Really? First of all, the reporter did not define “wash hands.” From another thirty seconds to get that last 0.01 percent of germs off my hands what I saw at the gym and places like a crowded theater restroom or the – or at least 99.99 percent of the .01 percent of germs left by the soap and Port Authority bus terminal, “hand washing,” if it happens at all, consists water. That would leave…um…move decimal point four places to the left, of guys wiggling their unsoaped fingers under the water for a millisecond, times ninety-something…and, well, anyway, not many germs still standing. then running off to catch their bus wiping their hands on their pants. They A couple maybe. Don’t touch your face. even skip using those cool new high-pressure hand-drying blowers that are I tested this double-wash protocol at a Broadway theater during interso powerful they can blow freckles right off the back of your hands. mission. I’m sure the guys crowded and pushing around me at the two-sink I tried doing a formal hand washing survey at the Port Authority Bus facility while the lights were flashing to signal the impending start of the Terminal, but a suspicious Transit Cop took away my checklist and pencil second act were envious as I spent a full minute and seventeen seconds before I had a decent sample size. I never got my clipboard back. washing my hands, including rinsing my nail brush. I offered a squirt of These days people have an aversion to touching anything, except per- gel to the guy behind me, but he accidently shoved me out of the way, and haps a loved one, and then only if absolutely necessary at the moment. To lunged for the sink. assuage these universal concerns – nay, these fears - there are companies It’s okay–I wasn’t hurt. Anyway, now that my soup has been boiling now making gadgets like portable subway straps that promise to eliminate for 12.5 minutes, I’m going to have lunch. Then I’m off to our (hopefully) the need to “reach for a slimy overhead bar” and dispensers to be mounted spit-free gym, and later, to bed, where I’ll read a bit of Allison Janse’s book, next to restroom exit doors that provide door-knob-size tissues to avoid “The Germ Freak’s Guide to Outwitting Colds and Flu.” I find it relaxing. The finest in custom drapery & blind cleaning Commercial and Residential 9 Memorial Dr. Neptune, N.J. 07753 732.897.9306 800.924.7730 www.archwaycleaners.com ads-740f ads-74 12 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Pickleball Thriving at Four Seasons By Steve Ellis Pickleball is a combination of tennis, badminton, ping pong and racquetball, and it is one of the fastest growing sports in America. It is extremely popular in adult communities, but it is also gaining in popularity in public schools and community recreation centers because it is a fun, easy-to-learn game that can be played indoors and out by men, women and children of all ages. Pickleball is undoubtedly a strange name for a racquet sport. One story about the name – some folks think it is apocryphal – is that it comes from the name of a family dog, Pickles, whose ball was used when the game was invented by two families on Bainbridge Island in Washington state. Notwithstanding the name, Pickleball is a fast-paced sport that is easier to play and which places less strain on the muscles and joints than other racquet sports. It is played with a light-weight, short-handled plastic or wooden racquet (or paddle) and a low-bouncing plastic ball somewhat like a Wiffle ball. Since a Pickleball court has only about one-third the area of a tennis court, there is much less running during a game, especially when playing doubles, the form of the game played most often. Pickleball is so easy on the muscles and joints, in fact, that folks with knee and hip replacements can readily adapt to and enjoy the game. Over the years, the game has attracted many female as well as male players, and it is common for folks in their 70’s and 80’s to play the game. FS@M residents of both sexes have won many medals in regional and state-sponsored Pickleball tournaments over the past few years. Pickleball has been played at FS@M for several years. There are two regulation Pickleball courts in the Clubhouse parking lot, in a section of the lot that is usually reserved for Pickleball, but which can be converted back to parking space if needed. Although these courts are considered “temporary,” it has been the community’s practice to set up the courts towards the end of March each year, after the winter weather abates, and to leave them up until the end of November. The courts may be used by residents and their guests anytime they are available, or they may be reserved in advance for singles and doubles play via the on-line reservation system on the FS@M web site. Once the weather permits and outdoor play begins in the Spring, the parking lot courts are usually filled on weekend mornings and on late afternoons Tuesdays and Thursdays with members of the Pickleball Club, a sanctioned FS@M club that has grown to over 30 members during its four years of existence. Play during these times is reserved for members of the Pickleball Club and its guests, who frequently include residents new to the game who are looking to learn about Pickleball and to try their hand at it. The Club also holds training and informational sessions for residents who want to learn more about the game. Look for posted and email announcements in the Spring if you are interested in attending these sessions. While you don’t have to join the Pickleball Club to play Pickleball at FS@M – wooden racquets and a few pickleballs are kept in the Clubhouse for all FS@M residents who want to play when the courts are available – most residents who enjoy the game do join the Pickleball Club. In addition to playing together and socializing during the Club-reserved times on the Courts, the Club organizes special events for its members such as an annual dinner party. In the past, the Club has fielded a Pickleball Team which has competed very successfully against other communities in local tournaments. This past year, the Club worked with Manalapan Township municipal and school officials to arrange for indoor play for Club members at one of the local Township school gymnasiums one or two evenings a week during the cold weather months. If you should develop a passion for the game and want to compete with the best players in the country, keep in mind that there are Pickleball tournaments sanctioned by the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA) held every weekend somewhere in the U.S. Although most of these tournaments are held in other states, some are within driving distance of FS@M. You can see a listing of these tournaments on the USAPA website at http://www. usapa.org. Anyone looking for more information about Pickleball can contact the President of the Club, Steve Ellis, on 732-709-3552, or via email at she17a@ gmail.com. You can also find a wealth of information about the game and see tournament and tutorial videos at the USA Pickleball Association website (http://www.usapa.org) or on YouTube. Something to Crow About births Congratulations to grandparents Deborah and Robert Weissman upon the birth of Sophia Paige Weissman. She was born on January 14, 2015 and weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long at birth. Parents Genna and Michael Weissman welcomed Sophia with opened arms. 13 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Four Seasons at Manalapan Women’s Club Presents: SHELLY STRICKLER “THE NAUGHTY BOYS OF POLITICS” Wednesday, April 15th Doors Open at 11:45am Buffet Lunch 12noon-1:15pm (Catered by Destino’s) Open table seating Cost: $27.00/person WOR MULTI-AWARD WINNING BROADCAST JOURNALIST, RADIO SHELLY STRICKLER, PRESENTS AN INFORMATIVE AND ENTERTAINING LOOK AT “THE NAUGHTY BOYS OF POLITICS.” SO MANY SEX SCANDALS AMONG MAJOR POLITICIANS. BUT DID YOU KNOW THAT BEFORE THERE WAS KENNEDY, CLINTON JEFFERSON, AND WEINER, HAMILTON THERE AND WERE CLEVELAND? SHELLY STRICKLER WILL TAKES US THROUGH HOW THE MEDIA HAS HANDLED POLITICAL SCANDALS THROUGH THE AGES. Women’s Club Members Only Deadline for signup and refunds April 8th, 2015 Make checks payable to: FSM Activity Fund One check per person please SPACE IS LIMITED SO SIGN UP EARLY! For More Information Contact: Goldie Golden 732-851-6637 Judy Epstein 732-446-1889 Carol Lifland 732-492-7822 Arlene Lomasky 732-446-4602 SHELLY STRICKLER Multi-award winning broadcast journalist who has worked for more that a quarter century at famed WOR radio. Shelly has accumulated more that 50 awards during her career including several from the prestigious new York Press Club, AP and Women in Radio and TV Township of Manalapan The Manalapan Arts Council Presents SALSA NIGHT Saturday, March 7th 7 P.M. to 11 P.M. Knob Hill Golf Club 3 Course Dinner/Cash Bar/DJ Music/Dancing Tickets: $39 Per Person To make a reservation please contact Irene at 732-446-8308 or email info@mtnj.org 3/15/15 3/15/15 3/15/15 Pegasus Press • March 2015 14 15 57 Pegasus Press • March 2015 ads-3757 —Full Service Agency— Specializing in: Cruises River Cruises Tours All Inclusive Resorts New Senior —Full Service Agency— Weekday Larry Iserson Active Seniors, our favorite clients! EST SERVICE – BEST PRICES 732-851-3099 byebyebirdietravel@gmail.com Specializing in: $2,150 New Senior Weekday $2,150 www.byebyebirdietravel.com Membership has its Privileges Membership has its Privileges Cruises River Cruises njgolfclub.com Tours(732) 607-2582 Larry Iserson All Inclusive Resorts 1 Fairway Lane Old Bridge, NJ 08857 ads-4790 Active Seniors, our favorite clients! 1 Fairway Lane Pegasus Press Old Bridge, NJ 08857 BEST SERVICE – BEST PRICES 732-851-3099 njgolfclub.com (732) 607-2582 byebyebirdietravel@gmail.com www.byebyebirdietravel.com ads-4790 Please Say You Saw It In Pegasus Press Our Generators Give You Power When the Electric Company Can’t Serving Ocean, Monmouth, & Middlesex Counties Automatic Standby Generator Call Today for Scheduled Maintenance on Your Existing Generator. www.jctelectric.com 732-780-1644 Family Owned & Operated - Fully Trained Technicians FREE ESTIMATES - Senior & Military Discounts - Generator Financing Available • • • • • • • • • • electrical Services: Emergency Service- 24hr Expert Troubleshooting Renovations Attic Fans Ceiling Fans Flat Screen TV Installation Outdoor Lighting Surge Protection Recessed Lights Generators Fully Licensed & Insured $500 OFF 15% OFF Installation of a standby generator for all new customers Cannot be combined with other offers. Restrictions may apply. Max savings $200. Cannot be combined with other offers. Restrictions may apply. HIC#13VH04938600 LIC#15721 Pegasus Press • March 2015 16 Photos of Distinction Open 1ST PLACE BEGINNER "In the Middle of Nowhere" By Wai Seto INTERMEDIATE "Autumn Leaf" By Marty Sicular 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE ADVANCED "Patterns in the Fronds" By Jerry Deutsch 17 Pegasus Press • March 2015 18 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Arts & Crafts for Charity It Might Be Cold Outside ... Women's Club Blanket Workshop 19 Pegasus Press • March 2015 frank Sinatra Night Ice Cream Club Chinese New Year but We Are Still Having fun Men's Club Superbowl Party 20 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Women's Club Learning 4 All Seasons Films, Food and Conversation Planting Seeds at the Garden Club Shore Birds If you’ve been reading my articles each month you know my favorite subject is nature. Many animals are not as active in the cold months, and many birds leave the area and go south. There are other birds that migrate here from the northern reaches to escape the ultra harsh winters there. This gives us the opportunity to photograph different species. Unfortunately they are not as colorful in the winter plumage, but it’s still a nice challenge to find them. I especially like to find the different ducks and shore birds that arrive in winter. They are generally found in the inlets and around the jetties. Some are quite difficult to reach, but others can be found along roadways and parking lots near rivers. A long lens is very helpful. Focus carefully and have the proper exposure. Fast shutter speeds will help keep them sharp if they are moving in the waves. It is not an easy shoot, but can yield great results. That’s it for this month. As always you can email me with any photographic questions at bill@KirmsPhotography.com. If you’d like to see more of my images visit my site www.KirmsPhotography.com. Remember to keep shooting and trying to improve your images, but most importantly, have fun with your camera. Harlequin Duck Common Loon Red-necked Grebe Long-tailed Duck 21 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Pegasus Press • March 2015 22 23 Pegasus Press • March 2015 25.00 OFF $250.00 $ 50.00 OFF $500.00 $ 100.00 OFF $1000.00 or More $ Cannot be combined with any other offer. Ad MUST be presented at time of order. 199 Ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 Full Line of Window Treatments blinds - Shades - Plantation Shutters Draperies and more VerTICAl blINDS PleATeD SHADeS CellulAr SHADeS mINI blINDS WooD/FAuX blINDS DrAPerIeS SeATS / CHAIrS beDSPreADS PlANTATIoN SHuTTerS WINDoW SHADINGS roller & romAN SHADeS SKYlIGHTS & more... Take Advantage Of This Opportunity. Call Us For A No Cost, No Obligation In-Home Consultation Over 25 Years Of Experience Art’s Windows www.artswindows.com Serving NJ Since 1981 Free In-Home Consultation Full Line Of Window Treatments Factory Showroom 199 Ocean Ave. (Rt.88), Lakewood, NJ 800-822-8920 • 732-367-1770 HuNTer DouGlAS GrAber • lAFAYeTTe ADo • roberT AlleN mICHAelS TeXTIle NormAN • ComForTeX TImber • & more SHoWroom HourS mon-Thurs 8-6 Fri-Sat 9-5 • Commercial • residential • ads-698E ART’S WINDOWS ART’S WINDOWS Pegasus Press • March 2015 24 25 Presenting Julie Orringer the author of The Invisible Bridge s e m i kT r o Y w A Ne ble Book Nota . . : Pegasus Press • March 2015 Four Seasons at ManalapanWomen's Club Invites You to Our Author Luncheon 26 Reinvent Your Garage Pegasus Press • March 2015 Ad 4583 Do it Right the First Time! 015 The entire Four Seasons community send their heartfelt condolences and Rita and Bob Keane and Guy and Gloria Arcuri upon the untimely passing of Robert A. Keane, son of the Keanes and son-in-law of the Arcuris. Robert’'s wife Lauren and his three children, Alexis, Ashley, and Jake are so lucky to have such a warm and caring support system during this most tragic time in their lives. Call Call For For Free Free Estimate! Estimate! Hildy Warren, upon the passing of her father, Julian Grodjeski. We should all be as lucky to live until 97 years old. Leda Tepp upon the passing of her mother, Helen Fischer. She died on December 23rd and also lived to a ripe old age of 96 years old. Iris Silverman upon the passing of her father, Abraham Sartzyk on December 23rd. We send our condolences to Laurel, son Eric, daughter Dena and Mark Feinsand and grandchildren, Ryan and Zack, upon the untimely passing Richard Lichtenstein. We send condolences to the family of Patricia Baxter, who died on December 31st. We send our deep condolences to Jerry Silverman and family, upon the passing of his mother, Regina, on december 3rd. May you and your family take comfort in all wonderful memories. Get Well Ad 4583 10% OFF thru the end of February 2015 I wish to thank all of my wonderful friends in our community for the many get well wishes that I have received, as I continue to recuperate. www.GarageFloorCoatingsofGNJ.com Bunny Libenson EXTRAORDINARY REACH UNCONDITIONAL CARE MPROVEMENTS N, Condolences CABINETS • COATINGS • ORGANIZERS NEW JERSEY 07726 NJ HIC #13VH0117400 eeds for over 60 years” placement Windows ite In & Brown Outside) cial Pricing for Covered Bridge b & Shower Enclosures een & Glass Repairs pairs, Service & More rvice Available! g Available. wroom Hours ay thru Friday am - 4 pm Saturday am - 2 pm n o i t rip ery c s re Deiv P e re &p More & Windows • Siding • Doors F•Roofing u ck i P “When It’s Time to Replace - Call ACE” ACE HOME IMPROVEMENTS 342 ROUTE 9 NORTH • MANALAPAN, NEW JERSEY 07726 • Fabric Awnings • Insulated Glass • ALL services and repairs • FRee estimates • Home Generators • Entry, Storm, & Patio Doors • Garage Doors, Openers, Service • Finished Basements • Kitchens (732) 617-4070 Porcelain, and more Partial or entire estates This month’s columnAsk will be for a littleJeff, different; I will give youDaryl some reaPeter or sons to make a specific investment. I, and many big name financial people 800-290-5401 believe that there is a tremendous investment opportunity in the energy sector. As you know, the price of gasoline has dropped significantly over 848-466-9000 the past six months. The oil commodity is down over 50%; no one knows where the bottom is. To the consumer, there is a huge benefit; to the energy companies, especially those connected to or producing oil, well, they’ve really taken a dive. The benefit of the reduction in oil prices, I am told, is twice as great as the detriment is to the oil companies. We all use energy; it is a necessity of life, certainly not a luxury. At present, the supply of oil is greater than the demand – thus the lower price. Because of this, many companies are closing rigs, wells, and production until it is profitable to start them up again. If you believe that the price of gasoline will increase in the near future, and that the supply and demand for oil will come into balance, then energy stocks are a buy. As I stated, no one knows where the bottom is, but there is a bottom. If you buy the biggest and best oil stocks now, you will receive a very nice dividend, in excess of 3%, and you can then wait for the rise in price. The dividends are qualified, so your federal tax exposure is limited to 15%, which is a tremendous benefit. I would recommend the names you are familiar with: Exxon, Chevron, Conoco Phillips, Marathon, Phillips 66, Shell, etc. They all pay in excess of 3%, and will probably increase their dividends every year, as they have done in the past. There is also an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) – XLE, which includes over twenty-five companies, but only pays about 1.8%. It is quite diversified; this explains the lower dividend. It has recently lost about 20% in value, and, in effect, is on “sale” now. The Master Limited Partnership (MLP) is AMLP, which has also dropped in price, and now pays about 6%. If you think oil is going lower, then dollar cost average when you decide to buy. My opinion: the drop in oil prices is a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy large, quality energy stocks at very good prices. I firmly believe that this is a conservative income idea that will accrue to our benefit. We all wait for sales on clothing, cars, and food; now energy is on sale. Don’t miss the opportunity! $ Will pay CASH for $ Costume & Fine Jewelry, Silver, Watches, Coins, Antiques, Art, Sculpture, Furniture, Lighting, Musical Instruments, Porcelain, and more Partial or entire estates Special care for senior citizens Your satisfaction is our goal Ask for Jeff, Peter or Daryl 800-290-5401 848-466-9000 Our New State of the Art Office is Now Open! Patient Centered Care • Affordable Options and our signature Paradigm Plan Conveniently Located just 3 miles from 4 Seasons on Rt.33 in Dugan's Corner Plaza - Next to Franklin Medical Center James C. Burden, D,M,D,. F.A.G.D 514 Highway 33 West - Suite 3 Millstone Township, NJ 08535 732-414-1888 Ad 2778 A www.NewParadigmDentistry.com Pegasus Press • March 2015 AD 4688 By Stuart Speck Your satisfaction is our goal 27 Special care for senior citizens RETIREMENT INVESTING 28 Pegasus Press • March 2015 Fully Insured Sales - Service - Contracts Free Estimates on Installations HIC Reg. #13VH04384700 Fully Insured Sales - Service - Contracts Free Estimates on Installations HIC Reg. #13VH04384700 FUeL OIL • GAS R CONDITIONING • heATING Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 FUeL OIL • GAS Duckett & Laird A Division Of Lawes Coal Co. Inc. AIR CONDITIONING • heATING 732-462-1044 71 Bannard Street • Freehold Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 Duckett & Laird A Division Of Lawes Coal Co. Inc. 732-462-1044 71 Bannard Street • Freehold REPAIRS DONE RIGHT! The Best Service, Parts, and WarrantyThat’s The Guardian Advantage Service • Repair • Sales • Installation Winter Special Get Your NEW Insulated Door Today Senior Discount (excludes Sale Items) SeRvICING ALL BRANDS OF GARAGe DOORS & OPeNeRS Broken Springs Replaced • Rollers & Cables Replaced Transmitters & Receivers oNLy $649 Insulated Installed regularly $849 SALE DOOR 8x7 NJ Cert #13VH01882000 No sUBCoNTRACToRs spc-882c Fast, Professional Service “Family Owned and Operated” 732-269-9667 • 609-693-8040 www.GuardianGarageDoors.com • Fully Insured There are four steps to vacation: planning, packing, getting there, and returning. Between steps three and four is supposed to be either relaxing or touring, depending on your choices. And step four is supposed to leave you refreshed and happy to be home. But it doesn’t always work out that way. Planning is the most fun. First you figure out where you want to go, and when. Then you deal with the airlines or cruise lines or hotels. That’s fairly straightforward. Next comes packing. In our house, that’s a fairly frantic affair, done at the last possible moment. The Love of My Life puts the things he wants packed on the bed. I do the same. Then I go through both piles, removing redundant items (I don’t need four white short sleeved t-shirts and he doesn’t need four white sun shirts when we’re going someplace with a washing machine and dryer). I also look for items that can be left behind. For example, if some of my white t-shirts are about ready for the rag pile, I’ll put them in the “ready to pack” pile, instead of new ones. Of course, I then plan on leaving those sorry shirts wherever we are before we pack to come home. This serves two purposes: it is a guilt-free way to eliminate items that should have been tossed at the end of last season, and it guarantees there will be room in the suitcase for the things I buy while we’re away. Then I take out the suitcases, and begin packing, using all those plastic bags we get from the cleaner. I use them to separate each layer. You’d think it would make the clothes slide around. But nope! Everything stays neat and just where it’s supposed to be. Works like a charm. The process of running the gauntlet at the airport is enough to drive a person to drink. Which is just what we do before boarding. Then the minute I click my seatbelt, I’m out. I usually sleep straight through to landing. Now, don’t tell me you can’t do it. You can. I spent a bunch of years traveling for business, which often meant I had to pop off a plane after a 10 or 20 hour flight and go right into meetings. So I learned how to sleep when I could. The key is to change your watch to the time of the place you’re going as soon as you get on the plane. That tricks your brain into thinking it’s time to go to sleep. Then remember that you can’t really do anything about the flight. It’s all out of your hands. And bingo! You’re relaxed and asleep before the plane takes off. Given all the hassles you’ve been through to get to this point, sleep is a relief. Besides, isn’t vacation supposed to be relaxing? Might as well start on the plane, instead of waiting until you get to the hotel. As, yes. The hotel. This is the moment I find the most challenging, because I’m very fussy about the room and the bed. If we’re at a beach resort, I don’t want a room facing the golf course. If we’re in a city, I don’t want the room facing an alley. And I absolutely don’t want a saggy bed. The Love of My Life has learned over the years. When we get to the lobby, he takes the bags and sits down until I’ve concluded the negotiations. I have a friend who says he goes to the desk, and politely but firmly asks to see the third room. He tells the person at the desk, “I won’t like the first room or the second. So why don’t we save us all a lot of time. Just show me the third room.” The Written Word... From “Of Spring” by Dr. Samuel Johnson …The Spring affords to a mind, so free from the disturbance of cares or passions as to be vacant to calm amusements, almost every thing that our present state makes us capable of enjoying. The variegated verdure of the fields and woods, the succession of grateful odours, the voice of pleasure pouring out its notes on every side, with gladness apparently conceived by every animal, from the growth of his food, and the clemency of the weather, throw over the whole earth an air of gaiety, significantly expressed by the smile of nature. Dr. Samuel Johnson, (1709-1784) was an English poet, editor and lexicographer. His most famous work, A Dictionary of the English Language, was the standard for modern English for over 150 years. Pegasus Press • March 2015 By JoAnn Abraham 29 The Vacation Round-About I’m not fixated on the number of rooms I see. Still, I figure it’s our vacation. I make it clear that the hotel will be happiest if we are satisfied. And they usually agree. There was one occasion when the first room was perfect. And there was another time when the second was spectacular. Those are rarities. I’m always prepared to see more. Meanwhile, the Love of My Life is more than willing to loaf until I’m content. Eventually, we get to our room. We unpack. We relax. We then begin to connect with everyone back home, making sure that wherever we are, the weather is much, much better than what’s going on at home. We enjoy new foods, meet new friends, and in general have a wonderful time. We – that is to say, I – have no problem repacking to go home. We pile all the goodies purchased for bargain prices on the bed with the items to go home. With any luck, one of us has had the discipline to remove from the pile the clothes we meant to leave there. In all honesty, sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes one of us decides we really can’t live without that raggedy, newly stained t-shirt. So I use it to wrap one of the gifts! The running of the gauntlet in the airport then begins in reverse. The challenge there is to get through the duty-free section without buying more than we can carry. We blew it last time. Especially after we’d collected our luggage and had to juggle eight large, heavy bags with four hands. It was ugly. Coming home is not always the joy you’d wish. You may have to get used to making your own bed again. You may have to remember how to prepare a meal. You may have to be reintroduced to that weather you wanted to get away from. You may have to get used to a far less social life. And you definitely have to wash and put away all that dirty laundry. Then you put the luggage away. And the house looks like you never left. One could actually think that it might be easier never to leave home. That’s when we start talking about our vacation. And looking at the photos. And remembering what a great time we had. Then we start thinking about where to go next. And so the round-about begins again. by Steve Resnick That’s a swell piece of advice, a quote from the first act of Hamlet. It’s part of Polonius’s advice to his son Laertes as the kid is off to Paris for an education. The full quote is, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft loses both itself and friend. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.” Because Polonius is talking about friends and about husbandry, you know, household economy, it is generally understood he was talking about personal loans and not the kind of loan a business might make to buy inventory, or a bank might give to a business. Of course in the days of Polonius, as today, both types of loans existed. Back then people engaged in the business of giving credit and collecting debts were looked upon with scorn. Remember, another of Shakespeare’s creations was Shylock, who back then gave everyone in the lending business a bad name. But nowadays, in our age of “plastic money,” even though telling your kid not to borrow or lend is still good advice, being in debt is accepted and more commonplace than when Shakespeare was writing. Being in debt is the norm for many people today. It is so common in our modern world that there are many businesses that now exist only to loan money, and other businesses that now exist only to retrieve it for the businesses that loaned it in the first place. Borrowing and lending is so common that there is an entire body of law devoted to it. Interestingly enough, when I started law school at the end of the 1960’s this body of law was called “Creditors’ Rights.” The emphasis of the law, its perspective, was that those who loaned money were entitled to the utmost protection. That’s not to say that debtors weren’t entitled to due process, just that the weight of the law was behind the creditors. For example, the concept of “self-help” existed. That meant that if you could access property that you had loaned without violating any criminal laws, such as breaking and entering, etc., you could recover what was owed to you without filing an action in court. And should you have needed to go to court, the law allowed you almost unfettered discretion to seize property to pay off any judgment you did obtain, and to question the debtor or his associates in order to locate such property. I remember in law school the professor teaching Creditors’ Rights was an experienced collections attorney. He told the class that on one occasion when he had deposed a judgment debtor about the location of the debtor’s assets, the debtor had made it clear he owned nothing, and had no money. The professor said once this fact was on the record, the debtor was asked, how, if he had no assets, he had gotten to the deposition. The debtor explained he had borrowed a subway token from a friend. When asked how he intended to get home, the debtor said he intended to panhandle on the street to get the carfare. The professor said that at this point in the deposition he asked the debtor what time it was, and as the debtor exposed the watch on his wrist to get the time, the professor jumped forward and pulled the timepiece off the debtor’s wrist. The professor explained to the class that, given the debtor’s answers, that he was “judgment proof,” this was the only property he expected to get from this debtor. The lesson being, do whatever you can to get whatever you can, even taking the guy’s watch, because there are times when the debtor truly is judgment proof, and you won’t be able to collect anything else no matter how much you harass or inconvenience him. That was then, this is now; these Creditors’ Rights rules have changed since the late 1960’s. Polonius, Laertes and Shylock, watch out! Today there exists in the law The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. This law, in conjunction with the even more recent Fair Credit Reporting Act, have leveled the landscape for certain debtors. Not business debtors but consumers who previously had found the quality of their lives destroyed by aggressive collection practices. And although the legal system still protects creditors, in recent years it has increasingly provided substantial protection for debtors from coercive credit collection practices. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act applies only to individuals, that is, consumers. It is designed to help those who have become indebted for personal, family or household purposes. The law protects these consumers from the third party debt collection companies by making illegal the traditionally permitted abusive practices used by these debt collection businesses. The law does not include the creditor itself, only the third party debt collector hired by the creditor to recover what is alleged to be owed. Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act the Debt Collector may not, absent consent from the debtor, communicate with the debtor at any unusual time. That is defined as any time before 8:00 in the morning or after 9:00 at night. Nor can the Debt Collector harass, oppress or abuse any person to collect a debt. Not only is the debtor protected, but family members, business associates or others who are in some way involved with the debtor are protected as well. There’s more. If the Debt Collector is told by the debtor, or the debtor’s lawyer, that the debtor won’t pay the debt or denies the existence of the debt, the Debt Collector may contact the debtor only once more, and only to acknowledge it will no longer contact the debtor, and to list the lawful remedies, (usually filing a court action,) it will pursue. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act provides some specific examples of what constitute harassment, oppression and abuse. Things like threats of harm to people or property, using obscene language, publishing a list of debtors, advertising the sale of the debt, letting the telephone ring endlessly, constant calls to the debtor or the debtor’s relatives, friends or place of business, are prohibited. Nor can the Debt Collector use deception or false or misleading statements to collect a debt. And the Debt Collector is prohibited from unfair practices such as adding fees or charges not contained in the original agreement by which the debt was created. Nor can the Debt Collector accept a post-dated check and negotiate it before its date, even though doing so may not otherwise be illegal. And the Debt Collector can’t use self-help! These are by way of example, not limitations, and the Act is clear that other attempts to collect other than through the courts are suspect. The other change to the law I mentioned, The Fair Credit Reporting Act, provides remedies for false reporting of credit information, and methods and procedures consumers can use to correct the record when a Debt Collector makes an erroneous or false entry on the record. The Debt Collector can report the debtor’s failure to pay the obligation to a credit reporting agency, but the submitted report must be accurate. Both The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and The Fair Credit Reporting Act provide for penalties for violations. Penalties for intentional violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act include reimbursement for any actual damages, plus up to $1,000 for each instance of an intentional violation, plus the costs of suit. It is not recommended that an individual consumer approach the Debt Collector with their complaint. Instead, it is recommended the consumer contact the relevant government agency, such as the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs or the Federal Trade Commission. Sometimes it will require action by the debtor’s personal attorney. The scope and value of penalties assessed against the Debt Collector could add up to a significant amount, although it is unlikely to be a massive recovery for any individual consumer. But, to collect it, whatever the amount, the consumers get to sic their own Debt Collectors on the erring Debt Collectors. The lawyers should do well, though… In other articles we may discuss other legal topics. However, with the topics discussed in this article, we are speaking in generalities, and nothing written here should be construed as legal advice for a particular case. A specific set of facts may invoke other legal principles and require a different conclusion. It is always best to consult a lawyer, with all the facts of the case so as to be able to ascertain exactly what your rights and responsibilities are in a particular situation. Stacey Shorr-Klompus Meadow Creek Resident GOT TO GO ALLOWS YOUR PETS TO STAY HOME WITH ALL THEIR FAMILIAR SIGHTS, SOUNDS & SMELLS IN THE SECURE SURROUNDINGS OF THEIR OWN HOME ENVIRONMENT. When You Got To Go We Take Care Of What You Leave Behind. VETERINARIAN RECOMMENDED • BONDED & INSURED • POOP REMOVAL • CHANGE & CLEAN LITTER BOXES • EXERCISE PETS • ADMINISTER MEDICATIONS (ORAL & INJECTION) • HOUSE WATCHING (BRING IN MAIL/WATER PLANTS, ETC...) • PET TRANSPORTATION • FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION TO MEET YOU & YOUR PETS • DAILY IN-HOME VISITATION WHILE YOU’RE AWAY • AFTERNOON WALKS WHILE YOU’RE AT WORK • MAINTAIN PET’S REGULAR ROUTINE & DIETS 732-369-6539 When You Got To Go www.gottogollc.com info@gottogopets.com GOT TO GO ALLOWS YOUR PETS TO STAY HOME WITH ALL THEIR ads-1140a 30 Pegasus Press • March 2015 “NEITHER A BORROWER NOR A LENDER BE” FS M 31 When is it Time to Change Smoke Alarms? All of us who are living in FS@M have two types of alerting life saving devices. One is the combination CO/smoke detector. What this does is just like the name describes, it detects smoke and CO (carbon monoxide). Carbon monoxide is a tasteless, odorless, silent killer. We hear of deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning every winter, caused by malfunctioning equipment. Its presence can only be detected by an inexpensive CO detector that sounds a screaming alarm when CO reaches dangerous levels. When one alarm sounds, all of them will, because the wiring is interconnected. CO is a byproduct of combustion produced when our water heaters and our furnaces are running. When everything is operating properly there should never be a problem. Sometimes a malfunction occurs and CO can find its way into the house. That is when these detectors save lives. These units must be maintained by replacing the battery once a year and also replacing the device at the recommended interval, which is seven years. There is a date of manufacture written on the base of every unit. This is the anniversary date we must use, not the date we closed on the house. We also have smoke detectors. They detect smoke and sound an alarm when they sense a high enough level of smoke, usually caused by fire. (They cannot tell if the smoke is from cooking, etc.) They also must be maintained by replacing the battery every year and replacing the unit every 10 years. Ask Roy Roy Nathan, a member of the Homeowner Maintenance Committee, is a retired engineer. He is available to answer any questions that you may have concerning your home. He can be reached by phone at 732-851-6855 where such questions can be directed to Roy. This will be a direct confidential conversation between the homeowner and Roy. Community members should know that the Code of Ethics of the Homeowner Maintenance Committee requires that all committee members keep all personal information confidential. The committee may use a general problem for an investigation to share with the community but personal information will be held in strict confidence. ACE HOME IMPROVEMENTS ACE HOME IMPROVEMENTS 342 ROUTE 9 NORTH • MANALAPAN, NEW JERSEY 07726 Barry and David Fisher NJ HIC #13VH0117400 “Serving your home improvement needs for over 60 years” ****** • Replacement Windows • PorchTraining Enclosuresand Health You First Personal Coach - Vicky Farrell (White In & Brown Outside) • Replacement Glass NASM certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Specialist *Special Nutrition Pricing for Covered Bridge (For Windows & Patio Doors) • Tub & Shower Enclosures • All Types (732) of Doors610-6486 • Screen & Glass Repairs Email:• Closet youfirst@youfi rstpersonaltrainer.vpweb.com Mirror Doors • Repairs, Service & More Website: youfirstpersonaltrainer.vpweb.com Shop home Available! Free Consultation plus 10% off@your firstService multi session purchase. We offer one on one training, small group, and group training. We Accept Benefits of a personal training program include an increase in balance, and Financing Available. coordination, strength, cardiovascular endurance, controlling weight, managing Showroom Hours cognitive or reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood, promoting well-being and boosting energy. Monday thru Friday Checkout my website to see what the Personal Training Features 8 am - 4Program pm Saturday 8 am - 2 pm “Our Computer Guy” (732) 617-4070 THOM HEALY GUARDIAN 732-412-9312 y” O The detectors we have are known as ionization detectors. They detect light white smoke. There is another type, a photo-electric detector. To the best of our knowledge we do not have these detectors. This type is more sensitive to heavy black smoke. Kidde, the manufacturer of these devices recommend that one or two of the ionization detectors should be changed to a photo-electric type or use a combination detector that is also available from this company. That will protect us from both types of smoke. A convenient time to check the date of manufacturer is when changing the battery. Make a note of this and schedule a detector change at the required interval. Because homes are built over a long period of time changes in materials and components will vary from home to home. It is impossible to know and recommend specific products. It is up to the homeowner to identify the unit that is installed in their home and replace aged units with compatible ones. Compatibility is necessary so that the electronics allow them to communicate with each other so they can all sound simultaneously. It is recommended that a qualified serviceman install new detectors. YOU! ads-880c Windows • Siding • Doors •Roofing & More “When It’s Time to Replace - Call ACE” 342 ROUTE 9 NORTH • MANALAPAN, NEW JERSEY 07726 • Fabric Awnings • Insulated Glass • ALL services and repairs • FRee estimates • Home Generators • Entry, Storm, & Patio Doors • Garage Doors, Openers, Service • Finished Basements • Kitchens • Windows • Decorative Molding • Much More! (732) 617-4070 Ba Resid rry & Dav id Fis ents he of Fam Four Se r ily O a sons wn Sinc e 19 ed 53 FOR ALL YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS… CE! DON’T HAUL IT TO A SHOP… WE COME TO YOU! You First Personal Training and Health Coach - Vicky Farrell NASM certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist ! 610-6486 REASONABLE RATES FOR GREAT SERVICE (732) ads-4381 Email: youfirst@youfirstpersonaltrainer.vpweb.com Website: youfirstpersonaltrainer.vpweb.com www.AceHomeImprovementsNJ.com Free Consultation plus 10% off your first multi session purchase. We offer one on one training, small group, and group training. Benefits of a personal training program include an increase in balance, coordination, strength, cardiovascular endurance, controlling weight, managing or reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving mood, promoting cognitive well-being and boosting energy. And Financing Available NJ HIC #13VH0117400 ads-880c Pegasus Press • March 2015 Current Studies on page 5 32 Pegasus Press • March 2015 SAT/SUN March 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY 9:15 AM - WC-Bd Meeting 7:00 PM- Grounds Committee Meeting (C2) 2 3 1 9:00 AM- MC Meeting and Breakfast (B) WEDNESDAY 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen(F) 9:30-10:30AM Aquacize Group 11:00 AM- 3D Art (CR) (Indoor Pool) 1-4:00PM - Fun Billiards- Open to 9:40 AM- Yoga w/ Brian (F) All (BR) 6:30 PM-Zumba Sculpt w/Sarah(F) 7:00 PM CIC Meeting (C2) 7:00 PM- Clubhouse Committee 7:30 PM Book Club (CR) 7:30 PM Ballroom Dancing (F) (C2) 9 10 4 MC- Trip to the Train MuseumCHANGED TO FALL 7:00 PM - Garden Club(C2) 7:30 PM - MC Bd Meeting (MCR) 23 SAT/SUN 6 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen (F) Trips and Tours- TBD 11:00 AM - Billiards Mtg (MCR) 13 14 11:00 AM -MC Circus CD Team 9-Ball (BR) 6:30 PM - SC Meeting (C2) 15 Ice Cream Club Pizza Run 10:00AM - Shalom Club (B) 9:30-10:30AM Aquacize 18 Group (Indoor Pool) 1:00 PM - Arts and Crafts for 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen(F) 9:40 AM- Yoga w/ Brian (F) Charity (CR) 11:00 AM- 3D Art (CR) 10:15AM-12:00PM ACC Mtg (C2) 7:00 PM- Finance Committee (C2) 6:30 PM - Trustee Working Group Session (MR) 7:00 PM- MC Boy’s Night Out -Fernando’s 7:30 PM Ballroom Dancing (F) 24 19 20 21 MC - Entertainment - TBA 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen (F) 22 9:00 AM - MC - New Memeber Breakfast 8:00 PM - Movie Night (B) 26 25 9:30-10:30AM Aquacize WC- Macy’s NYC (TBA) Group (Indoor Pool) 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen(F) AB Team 8-Ball (BR) 9:40 AMYoga w/ Brian (F) 11:00 AM- 3D Art (CR) 7:00 PM- Italian American Club 7:00 PM- Monthly BOT Meeting Entertainment (B) (C2) 7:30 PM Homeowners Maintenance Com. (MR) 7:30 PM Ballroom Dancing (F) 27 28 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen (F) 7:00 PM - Wine Club (B) 29 31 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen(F) 11:00 AM- 3D Art (CR) CR=Craft Room • MR=Media Room • B=Ballroom • MCR=Men's Card Room • C2=Upstairs Conf. room • BR=Billiards Room L=Library • A=Atrium • F=Fitness Room • LB=Lobby ***All events subject to change. Please check the online calendar for the latest information*** QUESTIONS 732.446.8404 7 8 12 11 17 30 FRIDAY 5 6:00 PM - Ice Cream Club Bd Meeting (MR) 6:00 PM - Clark Fitness Core Fusion (F) 7:00 PM- Shalom Club Bd Meeting 10:15 AM - Body Toning w/ Ellen(F) 9:30-10:30AM Aquacize Group (MR) 11:00 AM- 3D Art (CR) (Indoor Pool) 7:00 PM - Election Committee (C2) 7:00 PM- Pegasus Press(C2) 9:40 AM- Yoga w/ Brian (F) 7:30 PM - Photography Club 4- 5:30 PM - WC- New Member Meeting (MCR) Wine and Cheese (L) 7:30 PM Ballroom Dancing (F) 16 THURSDAY Garbage Pick-Up Monday & Thursday www.mtnj.org : No Recycling or Garbage pickups are made on the following holidays: New Years Day Thanksgiving Christmas 33 Pegasus Press • March 2015 ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE CONTACTS PHONEEMAIL Architectural Control Committee Wed. 11:00 A.M., based on need Joel Scheckner 780-3108 Rubbleman2@aol.com Bike Group Thursdays Steve Koster 709-3432 Rollerkost@aol.com Billiards Oct.-Jan./Feb.-May Larry Gens 598-1289 lg0607@aol.com Bocce Seasonal Mark Handwerker (240)620-6929 Book Club 1st Wed.. 7:30 P.M. Marcie Case 792-3849 Marciec39@aol.com Bowling Monday 7:00 P.M. Arnie Klein 851-6451 aklein@cruiseholidays.com Breast Cancer Support Group 1st Sat. 9:30 A.M. Diane Goldstein 446-2443 beeg4@aol.com Civic Issues Committee 1st Wed. 7:00 P.M. Larry Cooper 446-3704 LSC-electric@optonline.net Clubhouse Committee 1st Tues. 7:00 P.M. David Sobel 675-8283 dave07747@aol.com Election Committee January—May Barry Tepp 792-0422 bltepp@verizon.net Finance Committee 3rd Tues. 7:00 P.M. Steve Blumerman 446-3503 sblumerman@aol.com Garden Club 3rd Monday Anne Quatrochi * Betty Sargiotto * 446-3369 446-0438 ron.who@verizon.net newjmom@aol.com Grounds Committee 1st Mon. 7:00 P.M. Ron Quatrochi 446-3369 ron.who@verizon.net Homeowners Maint. Comm. Last Wed. 7:30 P.M. Marty Mindlin 446-3906 MartyM86@aol.com Ice Cream Club Whenever Marcie Case 792-3849 Marciec39@aol.com Italian/American Cultural Club Whenever Roger Colarusso 446-0283 rmrussotwo@msn.com Judiciary Committee As needed Jerry Judin 656-9699 jayjaylaw1@aol.com mark.handwerker@gmail.com Mah Jongg A.M. & P.M. groups See Message Board http://www.fourseasonsatmanalapan.com/ for new games forming thread_list.asp Men’s Club 1st Sun. 9:00 A.M. Brian Shorr 890-2988 brianshorr@yahoo.com Men’s Club Breakfast 2nd & 4th Wed. 9 A.M. Brian Shorr 890-2988 brianshorr@yahoo.com Mexican Train Dominos Thursdays 7:30 P.M. Pat Foley 446-3962 djfpcf@yahoo.com Movie Night 3rd Fri. 8:00 P.M. Al Lassoff 780-4167 alassoff@hotmail.com Pegasus Press Newspaper 2nd Tues. 7:00 P.M. Richard Leimsider 305-6354 busnlink@aol.com Photography Club 2nd Mon. 7:30 P.M. Alan Bogard 446-0967 anbche@optonline.net Pickleball Sat. 9:00A.M./Tues.-Thurs. 4:00P.M. Steve Ellis Allan Doyno 709-3552 972-3964 she17a@gmail.com allandoyno@gmail.com Pinochle Mon. 1:00 P.M., Wed. 7:00 P.M. Ken Smolack 446-4611 kennys1171@optonline.net Share and Care 2nd Mon. 10:00 A.M. Arlene Molnar 446-3832 jnamolnar@optonline.net Social Committee 2nd Thurs. 6:30 P.M. Arnie Klein 851-6451 aklein@cruiseholidays.com Texas Hold ’Em Mon. 7:00 P.M. & 8:15 P.M. Bob Gewirtz 598-9963 thegoo123@aol.com Wine Tasting Club Every other month Kal Silverman 536-5161 kalsilverman@gmail.com Women’s Club 2nd Wed. 7:30 P.M. *Co-Presidents/Chairpersons/Editors Judy Epstein* Carol Lifland* 446-1889 446-1040 judyepstein57@gmail.com clifland2000 @yahoo.com 34 Pegasus Press • March 2015 DIRECTORY ELECTRICIAN Specializing in Residential Installations and Repairs NJ License and Business Permit #6448 Insured and Bonded Howard Appel Electric Manalapan, New Jersey, 201-926-1060 Pat McBride Fireplaces, LLC - Annual Maintenance - Gas fireplaces serviced and repaired - Fan Kits - Marble/Granite - Mantle Upgrades and Installs - Remotes Days, nights, and weekends Call Pat at 609-839-8754 A & S Furniture Service FOR ALL YOUR FURNITURE PROBLEMS REPAIRING • RESTORING • REFINISHING FRENCH POLISHING (732) 300-5072 • Fax (732) 833-1592 JOSEPH AMOROSO CLAIM ADJUSTING A.H.s. 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