This weeks Newsletter - Greymouth High School

Greymouth High School
Te Kura Tuarua O Mawhera
Parents’ Newsletter
Wednesday 4 March, 2015
Week 5 - Term 1.
From the Principal…
Kia ora koutou
Last week, we were joined by two new teachers which brings us up to a full complement of teaching
staff. Mr Nathan Bergin joins us to teach Science and Maths, in a return to his home town after
teaching at Aparima College in Riverton. Mr Patrick Brand has recently returned to New Zealand from
teaching in Egypt and will be teaching English and History. He has previously taught at St Kevin’s in
Oamaru and lived in Greymouth whilst studying Outdoor Recreation at Tai Poutini Polytechnic.
Last Friday we held a hui to discuss the role of the Pumanawa. Anata Iraia stood down from the role
due to personal commitments, showing impressive integrity, and Kiwa Kahukura Denton was selected
to work alongside Hazel Connolly. The Pumanawa represent Māori students as part of the school’s
student leadership team.
We have had a push around school to get litter put in rubbish bins, rewarding students who show
they respect our school environment. Your help at home by reinforcing our expectations that rubbish
should always go in a bin (it is not the cleaners’ job!) would be really appreciated.
Our hard-working Board members have met every Wednesday for the last four weeks. I would like to
thank them for their valued contribution to our governance.
Thank you too, if you came to the information evenings on NCEA or the Parent-Teacher interviews:
Thursday 5 March for seniors and Thursday 12 March for juniors. Appointments to be made
on line via our school website.
Next Wednesday 11 March will be PTA AGM in the
staffroom from 7.30pm.
Nga mihi
Andy England
13 March. Normal school day applies.
FOUND on Athletics Day
A large sum of money was found on Athletics Day.
Please call the school office for more details.
Drink Bottles
During this spell of hot weather, parents
are asked to make sure that their son/
daughter brings a drink bottle to school.
We have water coolers at school for
student use. These are located in the
Student Café and Hall foyer.
What’s inside?
Front page: From the Principal /
Teacher Only Day Postponed /
Found on Athletics Day / Drink
Pages 2-3: School News.
Page 4: Sporting News.
Pages 5-7: Athletics Day Report
and Results.
Page 8: School Calendar.
School Contact Details:
PO Box 192, Greymouth 7840
Telephone: 768 0472
Fax: 03 768 6293
School News
Year 9 Phys Ed - It’s all about teamwork!
Students are participating in an Adventure Based Learning unit this
term where they learn about co-operation, problem solving, decision
making and trust within a group. 9SB is captured moving heavy
tyres around the school.
Level 3 Phys Ed
The Level 3 Phys Ed class is back working with Martin Greaney from
FitFX for 2015. On Friday we got personalised programmes from him
so we can do some self-managed training during class time.
Cara Sibtsen
HOD Phys Ed
Careers – 2015 Liaison Visits and other Activities of Interest
Friday 6th March
Thursday 19th March
Monday 20th April
Wednesday 6th May
Southern Wings Aviation
College Presentation.
Defence Careers Bus Year 10 students
timetabled throughout
the day. Other students
interested can go through
at interval/lunchtime.
Lincoln University.
CPIT – Presentation.
Library Annex
11.20am (P3)
Outside Lab C & D
All day.
Library Annex
Library Annex
8.50am (P1)
9.50am (P2)
CPIT Midwifery Information Session
During March and April, CPIT will hold information sessions for our Bachelor of Midwifery. Students
can learn about what to expect from a career as a midwife and about the programme itself. The
information sessions will outline the blended delivery (a mixture of classroom and online learning)
techniques we use that enable students to study and work in their own community, and about the
support they’ll receive from midwifery lecturers based in their region.
Midwifery Information Sessions for 2015:
Tuesday 31 March, 4pm-5.30pm, Tai Poutini Polytechnic, Room CB 1.
Tuesday 21 April, 4pm-5.30pm
Tai Poutini Polytechnic, Room CB 1
To find out more, call 0800 24 24 76 or visit
ICAS English
This year we are offering this competition to students at all year levels. All students are welcome.
The English test paper will require students to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding to
locate, identify, interpret, infer and synthesise information in and about texts. Students will read a
range of texts that cover different forms and purposes.
The cost to enter is $8.50. This can be paid at the school office up until Monday 22 June 2015.
For more information, please see Mr Brand or your English teacher.
Science Department
CREST student product development challenge
(Open to Year 11, 12 and Year 13 students only)
The Challenge is designed to encourage students to be innovative, creative and to problem solve in
food science and technology. The Challenge requires teams of Year 11/12/13 students, who are
studying NCEA science and/or food technology, to develop a new food product for an industry client,
Teams must comprise no more than 4 students, but only two if the project is to be submitted to a
Science and Technology Fair. Individual students are not eligible, as this is a team challenge.
Students must be Year 11-13 (although perhaps better suited to more senior students). Where
possible, Teams should be multi-disciplinary, including both science and technology students.
Each team is supported by a CREST Consultant/Mentor, a professional from the food industry, who
could be also be a Futureintech Ambassador or NZIFST member.
Interested? See Mrs Newberry, HOD Science in Lab C.
Text Book Amnesty
If you have found school text books at home please return them as soon as possible to the
school office as they are needed at school for students. Thank you.
School Uniform
If you have any school uniform items that you wish to donate, please drop them into the
school office. They must be in good, clean condition. Thank you.
Uniform Shop Hours
Thursday from 12.00 noon to 6.00pm.
New World Supermarket
Please be aware that New World supermarket requests that students do not shop there
during school hours (including before school).
Sporting News
Dragon Boating
This email message was received from a member of the public to the school late last week.
To the Principal
Last weekend we were camping at Waipara Boys Brigade Campsite on what has become an annual
Church family event at this site for over 30 years. As the convener of the committee I was
approached by your school’s Lara Thompson, via Lenore Williams at the camp, for help with
accommodation for your dragon boat team. This help was in the form of our groups both sharing
facilities on Saturday evening to Sunday morning. We have never been asked to share facilities
before, and the thought of a large group of high school students “invading” our space certainly set
alarm bells ringing! This was a family camp, with lots of young children after all.
After some debate, we decided to do the right thing and re-work our programme to help the team
out. At this point I would like to say that our fears were unwarranted. Your group were model
students. Their behaviour and manners were exceptional and they are a credit to your school , and
their parents! I guess they had to share with us as well – a two way street.
Please pass on to Lara and the team, our thanks for the minimum of disruption and I hope
that we helped in some way towards a rewarding, stress free, and fun weekend for them.
You should be proud of them.
Dave Hall
Parish Steward, Christchurch North Methodist Parish
Waro Rakau Rugby League Registration Day
Saturday 7th March, under 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14. 1.00 – 2.00pm at Ngahere Hall. New players
very welcome. Inquiries to Sharon Gibson 7626221 or 0273197722.
SUBURBS Schoolboys Rugby League
Registrations Thursday 5 March, 4.30 – 6.00pm at the Suburbs Clubrooms, Domain
Terrace, Karoro. Any queries:
Deb Campbell 768 7130
Nic Neame 768 9201
NBS Karoro Hockey 2015 Registration Evening
NBS Karoro Hockey club extend a warm welcome to all new and existing members for a Registration
evening on Sunday 8th March 4-5pm at the Turf. Primary, Collegiate and Premier Mens’ grades.
Bring along your hockey stick & mouth guard for a friendly hit-around.
Enquiries to Jack O’Connor 768 0775.
Greymouth Hockey Club Inc.
The Greymouth Hockey Club will hold an Opening/Registration day,
Speight’s Westurf Stadium, Wednesday 11th March.
Junior teams 5.00-6.00pm followed by a BBQ.
Premier teams 6.00-7.00pm followed by a BBQ.
Members and intending players are urged to attend or phone 7686745 or email
Graham Bone
Greymouth High School Athletics Day
Once again Greymouth High School was blessed with a gorgeous summer’s day for its Athletics
sports. Each house got into the swing of the day, dressing in house colours and the appropriate de
This year organisers decided that students would register for their events on the day and this
contributed to the groove. There was a much greater student engagement and entries were up
substantially on the day. The high jump was so popular that the U15 boys were still jumping off after
the House Relays when most students were heading back to school. Many thanks to Mr Louie and Ms
Reij for their unbroken vigil on this event.
Highlights on the day were Logan Holden-Boddy’s stylish equine 400m. Giddy up mate!
Navarre Jacobs blitzed the senior boys’ in the 100m with a time of 12 sec flat. Sientje Joosten ran
slashing times in taking the U14 girls’ sprint – 100/200m double. Tessa Neame, Aylah Peterson and
William Clarke all won sprint doubles in their respective age groups. Maggi Johnston, Janelle Van der
Westhuizen and George Rubbo took out middle-distance doubles. Liam Williamson, Jai Hill and John
Dowling all won doubles in the field but probably the outstanding athlete on the day was Caitlin Glue
who went in every senior girls’ event, winning four and placing 2 nd in three events and earning a total
of 66 points for Rata house. James Bell’s 1.70m in the high jump was probably the outstanding
performance in the field, but it was Samson Ziyambi, the Kahurangi flash with his dashing 200m
victory in his underwear that stood out most for me.
Robbie Barrow
Sports Coordinator
2015 Greymouth High School Athletic Results
2-13 March
Thursday 5 March
Tuesday 10 March
Wednesday 11 March
Thursday 12 March
Friday 13 March
Wednesday 18 March
Thursday 19 March
Friday 20 March
Wednesday 25 March
Wednesday 1 April
Thursday 2 April
Monday 20 April
MSA Induction Course, Burnham Military Camp.
Years 11-13 Parent/Teacher Evening, Technology Block
School Swimming Sports.
AGM Parent Teacher Association, 7.30pm in the Staffroom.
GHS Tennis Champs.
Years 9 & 10 Parent/Teacher Interviews, 5.00-7.30pm
Technology Block.
Teacher Only Day: POSTPONED. Normal school day applies.
West Coast Secondary Schools’ Athletics.
Defence Careers Bus @ school.
West Coast Secondary Schools’ Athletics postponement day.
Rugby 7s, Greymouth.
Junior Boys’ & Girls’ 7s, Hokitika.
Term 1 Ends.
Term 2 Starts
Student Absences - 0800 GREYHIGH (0800 473 944)
Tutor Time
Wednesdays after school: 3.15-4.15pm in the Art Room. Kai provided. Students
are invited to come along if they want help with homework or classwork in any
Greymouth High School Parent Teacher Association Meetings 2015
11 March AGM
13 May
10 June
12 August
9 September
11 November
December - TBC
Meetings are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month (except during holidays), 7.30pm in
the Staffroom.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 11th March – AGM.
We warmly welcome our new parents to attend.