March 15

Tabernacle United
March 2015 Edi-
Spring Forward With Jesus!
4495 Kenleigh Forest Road
Tobaccoville, NC 27050
Worship - 9:45 a.m.
Sunday School - 10:45 a.m.
Pastor - Rev. Jenna Grogan
Telephone - 336-983-2423
Church website
Happy St. Pat24
~ Lenten Poem ~
By Ann Weems
Jenna’s Thoughts
There were very few of us present—maybe because the day had been
a long one. I don’t know. All I know is that there were three from Tabernacle and six from Mount Pleasant at the meeting. And the clergy
attendance was low as well. Only three of us were there—three of us
who represent seven of the twelve churches in the network—none of
the pastors with single charges were there. So did that mean we care
more about the poor and the marginalized than the others? No—I
don’t think so—again, it was probably just a long day.
When the meeting began we talked about the homeless shelter and
lined up a date to serve. We discussed what meal to take and who
would volunteer to spend the night. We were told that if there was
plenty of food—then they would eat plenty—but if there was little—
they would simply make do. We talked about our network again working to raise money and then packing meals for, “Stop Hunger Now.”
Then we discussed our second annual “Spring Fest” planned for August. The first “Fest” had been a lot of fun and we reached a lot of
needy people so everyone was on board to do it again.
In Deuteronomy 15, Moses instructed the Israelites, “Do not shut your
hand from the poor brother, but…open your hand wide to him.” You
see an open hand symbolizes the way that God wants his people to
provide for those who have nothing. In fact having “wide-open hands”
means that the giving is done both willingly and freely with no excuses—no holding back—and no reasoning that it had been a long day.
And giving back should not be a difficult choice because when we offer
open-handed help to the poor—God blesses us. After all, that’s what
the Psalmist meant in 41:13 when he wrote, “Happy are those who
consider the poor—the Lord delivers them in the day of trouble.”
Lent is a time to take to let the power
of our faith story hold of us,
a time to let the events get up
and walk around us,
a time to intensify our living unto Christ,
a time to hover over the thoughts of our hearts,
a time to place our feet in the streets of
Jerusalem or to walk along the sea and
listen to his word,
a time to touch his robe
and feel the healing power and a time to wonder…
Lent is a time to allow a fresh taste of God!
Perhaps we’re afraid to have a time to think,
for thoughts come unbidden.
Perhaps we’re afraid to face our future
knowing our past.
Give us courage, O God,
to hear your word and to read our living into it.
Give us the trust to know we’re forgiven
and give us the faith
to take up our lives and walk.
Tabernacle United Methodist Church Staff Volunteers
Established 1884
Newsletter Editor - Gail Caudle - phone - 336-985-5216
e-mail - gacaudle@windstream or
Sunday Bulletin - Lloyd McCormick - phone - 336-924-2958
e-mail - pat
Church Website - Larry Shamel - phone - 336-983-5313
e-mail -
~ Lessons I Have I Learned & Re-learned ~
Rebecca Barlow Jordon
What is God teaching you? What lessons have you learned? It would
take a book to list them all and to explain how, when and where God reemphasized His truths for me. But here, in a nutshell, are 20 simple
lessons I have learned and re-learned:
God is in control (and I’m Not).
Friends matter
What we see as failure, God sees as an opportunity to grow.
Waiting is never wasting-time (if we’re waiting on or with God).
If God is in it, He will make a way.
Physical rest is sometimes the most spiritual choice to make.
God specializes in special surprises.
Give more.
Breathe. Relax. Enjoy what God has given.
A smile costs nothing. Offer it freely, because it can change someone’s day.
Divine appointments are far better than man-made appointments.
God’s strength will carry us through our weakest moments.
Don’t fret over little things. God has a way of working them out.
Be who you are and who you were made to be.
Your message is unique. And so are you.
God is still writing our stories.
Pursue your craft with excellence, not perfectionism.
God cares about the details of our lives.
Gratitude is always the best attitude.
God still answers prayers.
Last week I learned about a family who just lost everything in a fire—
they need clothing, and furnishings—and items for a new baby that’s
on the way. But will we help? The heart tree in the sanctuary stood
there throughout the month of February covered in colorful pieces of
paper listing the many needs of the homeless—but did we help? And
did we help enough? Or did we simply intend to help—yet did not?
How wide open are our hands?
We claim to believe that God creates, God sustains, and God provides.
But how often have we demonstrated our faith in Him and in His
power? We need to remember that there is absolutely nothing that
doesn’t belong to God—and that there is nothing that belongs to us—
that is not already God’s. In his book, Crazy Love, Francis Chan wrote,
“We are loaded down with too many good things, more than we could
ever need, while others are desperate for a small loaf. The good things
we cling to are more than money; we hoard our resources, our gifts,
our time, our families, and our friends. But when we begin to practice
regular giving we can see just how ludicrous it is to hold on to the
abundance God has given and merely repeat the words, “thank you.”
Remember that God didn’t just give a little for us—He gave His best—
He gave Himself. So perhaps with that in mind—we can learn to let go
of what we think of as ours—and open our hands wide to share with
those in need—after all real love always requires a sacrifice.
1st John 3:16-20
I hope these simple lessons encourage you somehow throughout each
day. As always, God is faithful to teach. Will you be faithful to learn or
“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God,
that he may exalt you in due time.”
1 Peter 5:6
Our Family Prayer Concerns
Tabernacle’s Special Request:
Ethan Graf, Randy Cockerham, Nellie Broyhill,
Tabernacle’s Special Friend & Family Request:
Gary Moser, Paul Gerritson, Ronnie Roberts, Stephen Miller, Carry
Roop, Wayne Sprinkle, Linda Fishel, Melinda Fishel, Glenn Miller,
Patsy and Dennis Keiger, Peggy and Max Wood, Bobby and Eula
Long, Rev. Jeff Hamrick, Lynn Lyons, Jen Smith, Chad Edwards,
Gordon Yates, Mike Edwards, Al Harris, Jennie Freeman, Jamie
Cleary, Connie Matthews, Gaye Hughes, Kerry Mitchell, Tracy Riazzi,
June Cockerham, John Whitley, Martha Brown
Mt. Pleasant’s Special Request:
Tommy Harden, Charlotte Miller, Charlie Allen,
Judy & V.D. Wall, Gywn Kirby
Homebound, Retirement/Nursing Home:
Betty Lou Edwards, Peggy Edwards, Betty Long, Janie Myers,
Earline Speas, Milton Long, Lonnie Walker, Don Grogan,
Johnny Cleary, Dot Yates, Sylvia Shore,
Cora Hutchins, Ruby Scott, Oscar Helsebek, Terry Shore,
Kathy Speas, Charles Rierson, Betty Adams, Dianne Robertson,
Rose Sprinkle, Roberta Merritt, Stella Boles, Audrey Holder,
Paul Willard, Hazel Long, Jean Robertson, Mildred Veach,
Dottie Whitman, Everette Butner, Nedra Proctor,
Our U.S. Military:
Cody Hauser, Randy Fry, Kristy and Steve Hurst, Keifer Uphaus,
Ashley Underwood, Zac Coone, James Cockerham
Deepest Sympathy to the Family and Friends of:
The Tarpley family, Robert, Hunter, John Lawson, Gage Edwards,
Fred Hutchens, Dean Smith, Coach Tartanium
6. Have Faith
I see a lot of things from up here that you can’t see from where you are.
Have faith in me that I know what I’m doing. Trust me, you wouldn’t
want the view from my eyes. I will continue to care for you, watch over
you, and meet your needs. You only have to trust me. Although I have a
much bigger task than you, it seems as if you have so much trouble just
doing your simple part. How hard can trust be?
7. Share
You were taught to share when you were only two years old. When did
you forget? That rule still applies. Share with those who are less fortunate than you. Share your joy with those who need encouragement.
Share your laughter with those who haven’t heard any in such a long
time. Share your tears with those who have forgotten how to cry. Share
your faith with those who have none.
8. Be Patient
I managed to fix it so in just one lifetime you could have so many diverse experiences. You grow from a child to an adult, have children,
change jobs many times, learn many trades, travel to so many places,
meet thousands of people, and experience so much. How can you be so
impatient then when it takes me a little longer than you expect to handle
something on my to-do-list? Trust in my timing, for my timing is perfect. Just because I created the entire universe in only six days, everyone thinks I should always rush, rush, rush.
9. Be Kind
Be kind to others, for I love them just as much as I love you. They may
not dress like you, or talk like you, or live the same way you do, but I
still love you all. Please try to get along, for my sake. I created each of
you different in some way. It would be too boring if you were all identical. Please know I love each of your differences.
10. Love Yourself
As much as I love you, how can you not love yourself? You were created by me for one reason only - to be loved, and to love in return. I am
a God of Love. Love me. Love your neighbors. But also love yourself. It makes my heart ache when I see you so angry with yourself
when things go wrong. You are very precious to me. Don’t ever forget
With all my heart I love you,
Your Heavenly Father
Effective Immediately
Our Service Opportunities for March
Effective immediately, please be aware that there are changes you need
to make in your life. These changes need to be completed in order that I
may fulfill my promises to you to grant you peace, joy and happiness in
this life.
1. Quit Worrying
Life has dealt you a blow and all you do is sit and worry. Have you forgotten that I am here to take all our burdens and carry them for you? Or
do you just enjoy fretting over every little thing that comes your way?
2. Put It On The List
Something needs done or taken care of. Put it on the list. No, not
YOUR list. Put it on MY to-do list. Let ME be the one to take care of
the problem. I can’t help you until you turn it over to me. And although
my to-do list is long, I am, after all, God. I can take care of anything
you put into my hands. In fact, if the truth were ever really known I take
care of a lot of things that you never even realize.
3. Trust Me
Once you’ve given your burdens to me, quit trying to take them back.
Trust in me. Have the faith that I will take care of all your needs, your
problems and your trials. Problems with the kids? Put them on my list.
Problem with finances? Put it on my list. Problems with your emotional
roller coaster? For my sake, put it on my list. I want to help you. All
you have to do is ask.
4. Leave It Alone
Don’t wake up one morning and say, “Well, I’m feeling much stronger
now, I think I can handle it from here.” Why do you think you are feeling stronger now? It’s simple. You gave me your burdens and I’m taking care of them. I also renew your strength and cover you in my peace.
Don’t you know that if I give you these problems back, you will be
right back where you started? Leave them with me and forget about
them. Just let me do my job.
5. Talk To Me
I want you to forget a lot of things. Forget what was making you crazy.
Forget the worry and the fretting because you know I’m in control. But
there’s one thing I pray you never forget. Please don’t forget to talk to
me OFTEN! I love you. I want to hear your voice. I want you to include
me in on the things going on in your life. I want to hear you talk about
your friends and family. Prayer is simply you having a conversation
with me. I want to be your friend.
March 1 - Building Fund Sunday
March 8 - United Methodist Men’s breakfast - 7:30 a.m. in the
church fellowship hall. Cooks will be Lonnie Ring, Ed Graf
& Melvin Long. All the men of the church are invited to attend.
March 8 - Cluster Service - Doub’s Chapel - light meal at 6:00 p.m.
Service begins at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Jeff Patterson will be the
speaker & special music by the “Cluster Choir’
March 21 - YV District United Methodist Women’s Mission
Study - Sedge Garden UMC - 9:00 am. - 2:00 pm
March 22 - “Make a Joyful Noise” during morning worship
March 24 - United Methodist Women’s meeting - 7:00 pm at the
church. Dawn Hall will lead our devotional. All the women of
the church are invited to attend.
March 29 - PALM SUNDAY!
March 29 - April 3 - Holy Week Cluster Services - 7:00 pm. There
will NOT be any meal served during these services except for
the Maundy Thursday meal.
March 29 - New Hope UMC
March 30 - Antioch UMC
March 31 - St. James UMC
April 1 - Tabernacle UMC
April 2 - Respective Churches (Mt. Pleasant)
April 3 - Elm Grove UMC
And saying, “the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is
at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
~ Mark 1:15
Our Presence and Gifts
Average weekly attendance for February Worship Service….. 32
Average weekly attendance for February Sunday School …… 28
Average weekly offering for February ……..………....$ 1,038.41
(offering needed per week to meet our 2015 budget - $ 1,007.52)
Mission Opportunities for March
King Outreach Ministry - item for the month is macaroni.
Church-School Connection - item for the month is underwear.
Church Mission Project - “March out Hunger” - we will be
collecting the following items for the Senior Services (Meals on
Wheels) to help for the low income homebound older adults.
Small canned hams
Canned chicken
Canned tuna or salmon
Peanut butter
Canned fruit or fruit cups
Cans of Boost or Ensure
Cans of Chef Boyardee
*Boxes have been placed in both buildings for your convenience for
each of our mission projects.
**All boxes have been label appropriately so please place items in
the appropriate box.
*** Please DO NOT remove any of the boxes from the buildings.
Congratulations to …
… Lonnie and Shirley Ring as they celebrate their
wedding anniversary on March 30th
~ God’s Word ~
Glenna M. Baugh
In God’s world happiness is found in how we live
By the things we keep and the things we give
Making plans on what we can do each day
And helping others along their way
The bible tells us of the rules God set
Working hard we can see they are met
Dreaming dreams that reach the sky
We can enjoy God’s world as time goes by
There is a miracle in every living thing
The beauty of nature He does bring
We experience the seasons of God’s pageantry
In God’s world all creation is a mystery
God’s world is filled with love for you and me
In His world we live by what we believe
Courage and hope He will always supply
Living by faith our prayers He will not deny
~ God’s Word for You Today ~
Chuck Davis
Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of
them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they
made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then
lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he
said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Mark 2:3-5
Faith. With it we can receive salvation. Without it we can accomplish
nothing. Faith. A simple five letter word in the English language. It has
kept people from falling apart. It has held people to do amazing things.
It is what many strive for, are jealous of and inspire to build and grow.
And in most cases it is something people decide they need to strengthen
and increase and usually to help them to face some brobdingagian obstacle. Like the ant and the rubber tree plant. And we put the pressure
on ourselves that WE have to build, keep, grow and increase faith by
our own attempts and strength. Yet Jesus said your faith, even only as
big as a mustard seed, is all it takes to receive eternal salvation.
Maybe we don't grow because we keep expecting to do it ourselves.
All ya gotta do is have faith. He does the rest.
"Break Me and Make Change"
Birthday Greetings to…
The Daily Encourager
Have you ever heard the saying that old habits are hard to break?
That means that change is hard to do. The definition of change is "to
alter, to transform, to switch, or to transfer". However, the definition
that really stuck out the most to me was "to break", meaning "to shift to
a lower register" as in to "Make Change".
My oldest daughter is in the 3rd grade and she has learned how to
count money. She is amazed at how many ways you can make a dollar
out of change. Two half dollars = $1.00, 4 quarters = $1.00, 10 dimes =
$1.00, 20 nickels = $1.00 and 100 pennies = $1.00. No matter which
amount you have, it all equals a dollar.
In order to "Make Change" out of a dollar, it has to be
"broken". When you allow God to make change in your life, things you
have, have to be broken. You may end up having a lot of fragmented
pieces once He starts breaking things down in your life, but it's
okay. You may end up as 4 quarters or even 100 pennies, but once he
adds all the change, you end up being whole again.
“He heals the broken hearted, and binds up their wounds.”
(Psalm 147:3)
Familiarity is often hard to walk away from, but it breeds complacency and stagnation. While on the other hand, change is altering doing away with a routine or habit. Change is a breaking point in our
lives where we have to step out of the ordinary to step into the extraordinary. To change means we have to sacrifice things to become broken - to be made whole.
Allow God to "make change" in your life. A path in a circle eventually takes you back to where you started, so you end up going nowhere.
You end up in a cycle that seems to keep repeating itself over and over
again... The same bad choices with the same results. The same mountain. The same test that you have taken so many times that you end up
memorizing the questions. If this applies to you, you need God to break
you and "Make Change".
"Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. Create
in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not
cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. Restore
to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain
me. My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite
heart you, God, will not despise." (Psalm 51:8-12; 17)
3 - Rick Robertson
11 - Austin Willard
13 - Lloyd McCormick
15 - Vernon Truesdale
23 - Lily Bartlett
1 - Charles George
3 - Ed Graf
19 - Betty Long
21 - Janie Myers
23 - Madelyn Bartlett
Special thanks…..
Thank you Melvin and Judy for getting the ball rolling and keeping it
rolling until the job was complete on replacing the furnace in the
Educational Building. I know that Judy made numerous trip between
home and the church while the installation was going on. Judy has done
most if not all the cleaning of the upstairs, downstairs and airing out of
the building. THANK YOU Melvin and Judy for a job well done.
Lloyd McCormick
Take Note:
Pat Graf - 336-416-4622
Ed Graf - 336-287-1597
If you have any changes to your personal information
please notify me in person, by phone 336-985-5216 or
by e-mail
If you have anything you wish to have published or want to have
published in our church newsletter please feel free to pass it
along to me by the last Sunday of each month.
Thank you!
Gail Caudle
Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur.
meeting @ Choir
6:30 pm
@ 7:00pm
meeting @
6:30 pm
meeting @
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
meeting @
6:30 pm
3. Come Out of the Tomb – Noticing the Gifts God Gives You
4. Feed My Sheep – Noticing When Christ Heals You for Mission
A Disciple’s Heart – Growing in Love and Grace by James Harnish.
The Wesleyan tradition finds its center in the transformed heart as the
love of God redirects our passions, restores our relationships with God
and others, and reshapes our lives into the likeness of Christ. A Disciple’s Heart facilitates this process of “Christian perfection” by helping
to develop your own daily spiritual practice, define next steps for
growth, and learn and grow with others in community following the
pattern of the first Methodists. This is a six-week study.
What Every Christian Needs to Know About Passover – What It
Means and Why It matters by Rabbi Evan Moffic. Explore the history
of the biblical Exodus and the significance of the Last Supper in this
book. Rabbi Moffic shares the Passover observance with twenty-firstcentury readers.
The Resource Center has the 2015 VBS starter kit for
G Force, as well as the Cheetah puppet, available for
your use. If you would like to use the puppet in your
VBS this summer, please reserve it early!
All resources are available from the District Resource Center located at
the District Office. Contact Amy Johnson (336-725-4502 or for more information.
A Prayer of Illumination!
God of our creation and re-creation, you who are constantly at work
to shape me in the wholeness of Christ, let something essential happen
in me as I walk this Lenten Journey.
You know the harness of the structures, of my being that resist your
shaping touch. You know the deep inner rigidities of my being that reject your changing grace. By your grace soften my hardness and rigidity; help me to become pliable in your hands.
Even as I read this, may my holy discontent and my desperate longing bring about a melting of my innate resistance to your transforming
love. Creator God, let something essential happen to me.
new expressions of worship and ways of doing ministry and even the
new geographic locations became opportunities for God to do a new
work in me and my family. I often suggest to people that if they want
to see where God is at work in their lives presently, the best place to
look is to that point in their lives where they are the most uncomfortable. The itinerancy has given me many opportunities to be uncomfortable as I get pushed beyond my comfort zone. The gift of the itinerancy have given me many opportunities to learn love, patience and
trust. The itinerancy has taken me places I would have never chosen to
go, but I have found God’s perfecting Spirit at work in every season of
Please remember to pray for the Bishop and Cabinet as we continue the long, prayerful process of appointment making.
With Confidence in Christ,
Jeff Patterson
New Resources Received in the District Resource Center
The following new studies and books are available from the District
Resource Center:
Jesus Apprentice by Jeff Kirby – is a four-session DVD study that
helps to sweet aside the clutter of our daily lives and takes us to the
heart of Jesus’ message. Explore Christian belief through Christian action, following in the footsteps of Jesus. The four sessions are:
1. The Message and Methods of Jesus
2. Share the Good News of God’s Kingdom
3. Heal the Sick and Suffering
4. Push Back the Darkness
From the men’s corner:
… The Methodist Men met on February 8th for our monthly breakfast in
the fellowship hall of the church. There were 9 present from Tabernacle, 2 present from Elm Grove, 5 present from Mt. Pleasant and 1 from
Doub’s Chapel. We welcome Steve Masencup to breakfast again. We
hope those absent from our breakfast will join us soon. We were
blessed with a total of 18 present, representing at least 5 churches at our
The cooks were Bill Tuttle and Melvin. With all the men helping out
in the kitchen where ever needed. They did a great job preparing the
tenderloin, bacon, eggs, gravy. Thanks to Larry for baking the bread for
our meal. All those present enjoyed a good meal and great fellowship.
We appreciate Greek purchasing the food, and setting up the tables.
Our thanks to Wilburn for the Pear Preserves and Jellies that the UMM
place on the table to be eaten with our meal. We appreciate all those
that help wash dishes, clean off the tables, sweep the floor and get the
fellowship hall ready for the next event.
We at Tabernacle enjoy the fellowship between all of the men that
attend our breakfast from all of the different churches.
It was announced at December meeting of the UMM of Elm Grove
that this would be their last breakfast, they were disbanding their organization due to the lack of participation. We at Tabernacle will surely
miss the fellowship with their group. But we welcome with open arms,
all of Elm grove UMM to our Breakfast on the second Sunday of each
month. Please come and be a part of our organization at Tabernacle
Lloyd McCormick
Tabernacle United Methodist Church
Unusual Healings by Adam Thomas. Persons participating in this
study will learn that responding to Jesus’ call in our lives will lead to
healing, a new life, and mission. This four-session DVD study explores
the following topics:
1. Get Up and Walk – Noticing when Healing Happens to You
2. Go and Wash – Noticing an Identity You’ve Always Had
From the women’s corner…
… Our monthly meeting was canceled due to inclement weather. With
the snow and cold temperatures, it was better for us ladies to stay in and
not take a chance of someone falling or having an accident. I hope the
weather will subside and we can get back to our regular scheduled
meeting next month.
Gail Caudle
Tabernacle United Methodist Women
Follow Up from Feb. 22 Northwest Missional
Network Meeting
1 - We've scheduled to provide a meal and stay overnight at New Story
Homeless Shelter on Friday, March 20. Let me know if you are interested / able to stay overnight - we need at least four to do so. Cherie
Daily from Mt. Pleasant is coordinating the meal that we are serving, so
if you'd like to help, contact her at 983-4111.
2 - New Hope is having their outreach meal on Thursday, March 5 at
6-8 PM. They are looking for volunteers to help with greeting and
interacting with the guests.
3 - New Hope is also having a "Spring Fling" on Saturday, March 14
from 9-1. All are invited.
4 - Discussion about a food packing event this year. We're looking at
joining in with Faith UMC on their "Stop Hunger Now" effort. Stay
5 - Holy Week Services are scheduled the week of March 29-April 3, 7
PM. The schedule:
March 29 - New Hope
March 30 - Antioch
March 31 - St. James
April 1 - Tabernacle
Killarney and tour Blarney Castle. Visit the Rock of Cashel, the most
photographed site in Ireland. End your trip back in Dublin as you visit
St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Visit the site of St. Mary’s Church, where John
Wesley preached his first sermon in Ireland. Costs are $3396 from
Charlotte or $3496 from Greensboro and includes roundtrip international airfare from Charlotte or Greensboro, basic tour and guided sightseeing, daily buffet breakfast and dinner, deluxe motor coaches, first
class hotels, etc. You may also add a pre-tour to Scotland (July 23-27,
2016 for $1198) or an extension to Belfast (August 4-7, 2016 for
$1098). Save $$$ when you register early. For more information, contact Dr. Patterson at or 336-725-4502.
~ Words From Our District Superintendent ~
Appointment season is upon us. As I discuss appointments with
pastors and Pastor Parish Relations Committees, I am being reminded
that the way that we deploy clergy (i.e., the itinerancy) is a means of
grace. The itinerancy is not just a Methodist thing, but I truly believe it
can be a God thing. Through our willingness to go where needed, we
are following in the footsteps of St. Paul and all those throughout history who have offered their lives in ministry for the cause of Jesus
Christ. By yielding to an authority other than our own in the choosing
of our place of service, we open ourselves to learn submission and
obedience to God.
I am not sure that everyone sees the itinerancy as a means of
grace. Some people seem to never think of the itinerancy as a means
of grace but only as unrealistic burden of an antiquated system. And,
sometimes it is. But, it also can be a powerful means of grace. So much
of life, so much of our serenity is a matter of perspective.
Over the years, I have come to appreciate the itinerancy as a
means of grace. Seven times now I have been appointed to a new
place and season of ministry. Particularly in retrospect, I know that in
each appointment God was doing a new work of grace in me and my
family. Even when I wondered if God was in the making of a particular
appointment, I had no doubt that God was present in the appointment
when I showed up to serve. The losses I experienced as a result of leaving an appointment, the diversity of the congregations, the challenges
with which I dealt, the people’s giftedness that I would experience,
BOOK DISCUSSION WITH THE DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT: On Mondays (3/2, 4/6, 5/4) at 2:00 p.m. in the District Office,
Dr. Patterson will be leading a discussion on Mainline or Methodist?
Rediscovering Our Evangelistic Mission by Scott Kisker (Professor at
Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.) The premise of this
book is that trying to be both mainline and Methodist is a deadly combination. In fact, according to this book, it's a leading cause for the denomination's spiritual and numerical decline. ""Real Methodism declined because we replaced those peculiarities that made us Methodist
with a bland, acceptable, almost civil religion, barely distinguishable
from other traditions,” writes Kisker. ""Like the Israelites under the
judges, we wanted to be like other nations. We no longer wanted to be
an odd, somewhat disreputable people. And we have begun to reap the
consequences." So...where do go from here? In his passionate yet critical review, Kisker says we must reclaim the rich roots of salvation, disciple-making and witness that made the tradition so strong. In Mainline
or Methodist? he reveals what's not working and unveils a vision of
renewal that embodies the distinctive Wesleyan tradition of the apostolic and universal Christian faith. To participate in this discussion, get
a copy of the book and come prepared to discuss chapters 1 and 2 on
Monday, March 2. If you think that you would like to be part of this
discussion, please let the District Office know.
Upcoming Events:
April 5 - Easter Sunday
April 12- 15 - Spring Community Revival
April 19 - Administrative Council Meeting - Tabernacle - 2:00 pm
Travel with Dr. Patterson to Ireland in 2016
Join Dr. Patterson as he travels to Ireland July 26-August 4, 2016. The
tour, sponsored by Educational Opportunities, will arrive in Dublin and
pass through the Irish Midlands, where John Wesley repeatedly returned to preach and shepherd the circuits and societies. Visit Connemara, a land of lakes and rivers, bogs and mountains, stone walls and
thatched cottages. Worship with a United Methodist congregation in
April 2 - Maundy Thursday at our respective Churches
April 3 - Elm Grove
6 - Final Winter Service on Sunday, March 8 at Doub's Chapel. A choir
made up of members from all the churches is planned with a practice on
March 5 at 7 PM at Doub's.
Have a blessed week!
Larry Bridges
(Church, District, Conference & Community Events)
Prayer Meetings - Wednesday’s at 6:30 p.m.
Prayer meeting is open to everyone!
Monthly Recycling for the Village of Tobaccoville
March 2nd & 3rd
March 2 - Bible Study
Mt. Pleasant UMC - 7:00 pm
“Your Divine Design: How to discover, develop and deploy
your spiritual gifts’ by Chip Ingram
This is open to everyone so please see Jenna if you are interested.
March 5 - Community Meal - 6 - 8 p.m.
New Hope UMC
They would appreciate any volunteers to help with mingling
among the folks during this time
March 5 - Cluster Choir - 7:00 p.m.
We would like to have a charge choir the evening of March 8th .
Would you please invite any choir members or congregants interested in joining a "Cluster Choir?" We will rehearse at Doubs
Chapel. Music (mostly hymns) will be provided that evening at
practice. Everyone is invited to join the choir.
March 7 - Faith UMC - 6:00 p.m.
They are located at 1645 Griffin Road in Rural Hall & they will have a
Rock and Roll Review. Enjoy classic hits from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and
80’s with a few surprises along the way. Hot dog dinner is at 6:00
p.m.with the show beginning at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $7.00 each.
Please contact Amy Johnson at the District Office (725-4502 or if you wish to purchase tickets.
March 7 - Sedge Garden UMC - 7:00 p.m.
Located at 794 Sedge Garden Road in Kernersville
They will host the Glory Street Quartet in concert
Please bring three cans of food to benefit the local food bank.
March 8 - Danbury Community Church - 4:30 p.m.
They are at located at 300 Main Street in Danbury, invites you and your
congregation to view the film, “Inequality for All.” This is neither a
'religious' film, nor a 'political' film. It does, however, raise concerns for
those of us who try to follow Christ. Following the film, you are invited
to a light supper in the Fellowship Hall where we will also have the opportunity to have some discussion about the film, the questions it raises,
and what Scripture has to say. Please RSVP by March 1 to Rev. Ruth
Lenger, or 336-802-6958.
March 8 - Cluster Service - Doub’s Chapel
They will be a light meal served at 6:00 pm and the service will begin at
7:00 pm. Everyone is invited to come and sing in the Cluster Choir plus
Dr. Jeff Patterson will be the guest speaker.
March 12-15 - Men’s Emmaus Walk
Please be in prayer for all of these pilgrims and their leaders as they
embark on the journey of a life changing experience.
March 13 - 15 - Hyatt Place Charlotte/City Park
your relationship for an entire weekend. Every marriage deserves that
kind of attention! Rediscover the spark that was there on your wedding
day! Rediscover the best friend you had when you were first married!
Join the millions of couples worldwide who have learned how to keep
their marriage vibrant and alive There is a $100 registration fee. There
is no other cost for the weekend, but a love offering will be received at
the end of the weekend. To register, or to find out more, go to or call Rev. Mike Macdonald at 828-644-8553.
The weekend is open to all married couples, not just United Methodist.
Marriage Encounter United Methodist is an affiliate member of the
General Board of Discipleship.
March 14 - Spring Fling
New Hope UMC - 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Homemade crafts, bake sale, decorative items, jewelry & accessories
Breakfast & lunch available!
March 19 - 22 - Women’s Emmaus Walk
Please be in prayer for all of these pilgrims and their leaders as they
embark on the journey of a life changing experience.
March 20 - New Story Homeless Shelter
We are planning a meal and an over night stay to help those in need.
If interested in helping with the meal contact Cherie Daily .
If interested in staying overnight contact Larry Bridges.
Any and all help is appreciated.
March 21 - YV UMW Mission Study
Sedge Garden UMC - 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
“The Church and People with Disabilities:
Awareness, Accessibility, and Advocacy”
March 21 - Shoals UMC BBQ
Cost $10 - adult $ 5 - child
Chopped BBQ, baked beans, potato wedges, hushpuppies,
slaw, drink & dessert
Takeout available or eat in!
The focus of Marriage Encounter United Methodist is on communication between husband and wife. It is an opportunity to spend a weekend together away from the distractions and the tensions of everyday
life and to concentrate on each other as a couple. It's not a retreat, nor a
marriage clinic, nor group sensitivity. It's a unique approach aimed at
revitalizing Christian marriage. This is a time for you and your spouse
to be alone together. To rediscover each other, and together, focus on
New Hope UMC
Meal at 6:00 pm followed by Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 pm
April 2 - Community Meal