BEHIND THE BARN The official Newsletter of the Monterey Bay Equestrians www/ President’s Message Hi y’all, March, 2015 (St. Patrick’s day) *Remember Daylite Savings PokerRidePokerRidePokerRidePokerRidePokerRidePokerRidePokerRidePokerRide!!!!! It’s bearing down on us at lightning speed! We are so blessed to get to host our event at Lake San Antonio Again! Here’s hoping that a MAHvelous turnout will prove to the powers-that-be just how beloved and important this spot is to us equestrians. Inside this issue 1… President’s Message 2… Club Meeting info. .... Member Birthdays ….Sunshine Report ….Announcements Due to the Lake Comanche & Poker Ride dates being on the second Thursdays of March and April, our next 2 VERY important meetings will be held the FIRST Thursday of March and April (Mar. 5 and April 2). Make a note of that! Both meetings are being kindly hosted at Headin’ Home Ranch 772 Buena Vista Dr., Watsonville, at the corner of Buena Vista and Larkin Valley Rds. Thanks to Merry Lee Rae and Gary Watrous for hosting the meetings! Please plan to attend! We will be collecting Prize Corral items and getting folks signed up for PR duties. And fun stuff. We’ll do some fun stuff.;-) 3…Editor’s notes …Meeting Minutes 4…Advertisements ….Poker Ride reminder ….MBE cookbook 5…General Poker Ride Info 6 ...Poker Ride Volunteer Job descriptions 7…Upcoming Rides & Events. 8…Club ride/event schedule 9…Other Events of interest 10 ….List of club Officers, Board, & Chairpersons Happy trails and hope to see you at the meetings! Syd Page 2 March Birthdays Ashley Dillard Patti Aguirre Margaret Pare Jan Isasi Jeannie McCrary Cathleen Sittig Syd Blankenship Mike Pinto 08 10 10 12 14 25 29 31 Member’s Meeting *** March meeting coming up on FIRST Thursday of the month, March 5, 2015. Meeting to be held at the MerryLee & Gary’s Residence located at: 772 Buena Vista, Watsonville (corner of Buena Vista and Larkin Valley Rds. Meeting snacks provided by: ANNOUNCEMENTS!!!!! Sunshine Report TALE OF A SALE Submitted by Liz “sunshine” Gheen Card sent to: *Patti & Mando: loss of their horse Jet ___________________________ MBE monthly club meetings The club meeting is on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Time: 7:00 pm Place: Odd months = Watsonville Even months = Prunedale Watsonville location: Watsonville Hosp.. 75 Neilson St., Watsonville, Ca 95076 Conference rooms 1 & 2 Prunedale location: Prunedale Library 17822 Moro Rd., Prunedale, Ca. 93907 Melinda Kehn (below is a twist on the lyrics of an old sailor song called “Whale of a tale”) I’ve got a tale of a sale to tell you lads; A tale of a sale or two. ‘Bout the land I love and the sky above A tale of a sale and I’m so blue, A tale of a sale and it’s all true, I swear by my tattoo! (tattoo??? Maybe, maybe not) TALE: I have owned my ranch since 1995 when my husband and I decided to vacate the city life. We always had horses, but they were housed at my parents ranch with us living in the city. Fast forward to 2008…….after 28 years of marriage, it ended. That’s the bad news. The good news is that our friendship did not end and today we still remain best friends. But, after dwindling assets (50% of what we had before the split), and my retirement, and, that old menace called old age, I finally had to admit that continuing to keep up with a large ranch is getting more difficult to maintain and more expensive than I want to afford on the fixed income of a retired person. Therefore, in January 2015, I decided to put it up for sale and move to Oregon, where it is decidedly less expensive to live & own land. I interviewed 3 different realtors, all of whom came up with the same pricing and the same warning.. “the size of the ranch means my buyer pool would be considerably smaller than the average”…..average being a single family home or condo in or near town. So, I was prepared to go through an estimated 1 year period to sell the ranch. To my surprise, in less than 5 weeks, I received and accepted an offer. So, this means I will have to replace the MBE Obstacle Challenge scheduled for March 29, to a ranch sale. I will send each of you flyers with more detail in case you are interested in ranch equipment, saddles or tack, chaps & other leather western wear, furniture, etc. Hope to see you at the sale: March 29, 2015 in the covered arena of The Isasi Ranch, 2300 Salinas Road, San Juan Bautista, Ca - 831-623-4915 Page 3 Editor’s Notes *Daylight Savings time starts March 8, 2015. Remember…… Move your clocks 1 hour forward (spring forward) *Reminder: The club group facebook page address is: Eprivate/ This is a fun place where we share info, photos, events, ride updates, newsletters, etc. among ourselves. For more info or assistance, you can contact the Facebook committee members. Contact information for board and committee members is on the last page of this & every newsletter. Meeting Minutes Meeting held at Prunedale Library *Called to order by Sydney Blankenship at 7: 12pm *Attendance: 6 members & 3 board members (VP Doug Jones absent) Secretary’s Report: Debra Means January 2014 minutes read and approved Treasurer’s Report: Mike Pinto 2014 balance sheet handed out & approved by member vote. Bank balance for club as of Feb. meeting date is $16,258.17 Membership Report: Debra Means Welcome 2 new members (couple membership); Sarah Alm & Neil Veik from Corralitos. **91 total members so far: *66 members: 2 honorary, 3 family, 20 couples & 26 individual memberships *All additions & corrections to the 2015 membership list will be posted on website. Correspondence: None Newsletter Report: No Report Website Report: No Report Sunshine Report: *One of Margaret Pare’s dogs went to heaven *Patti Aguirre’s 30 year old gelding went to heaven TRAIL ADVOCATE: No Report RIDE/EVENT SCHEDULE *Turkey Hill campout 3/12 – 3/16 almost filled up. Please RSVP to Debra Means ASAP *Debra handed out flier regarding the Pescadero 5/17/15 day ride hosted by Gina Silva. The ride will start at Windance Farm behind Pigeon Point Lighthouse & cost $40 per person/horse. Lunch & portapotty provided. San Mateo Horsemen are also invited. RSVP to Gina Silva or 650-245-0129 OLD BUSINESS: *Manzanita Park gate issue still not resolved. Upcoming meeting not yet scheduled. Susan Ferry, a former MBE member will attend the meeting & support MBEs interest in keeping the gate open for all users. NEW BUSINESS: *Patti Garcia handed out informational cards for April’s upcoming Poker Rie. Contact Patti for cards to hand out to local feed stores, friends, or whomever. *Syd & Debra will be in charge of the Cowboy Dressage clinic in the arena during the Poker Rie. Krista Koenig & Dave Kneller have been asked to offer their Cowboy Dressage expertise to the participants. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm Next MBE meeting will be held Thursday, March 5, 2015 at the Merry Lee & Gary residence, ALERT……… March and April Club meetings will be the FIRST Thurs. of the month (not second Thursday as normal). Reasons? Conflicts with campout in March & Poker Ride in April. Meeting dates: March 5, 2015 & April 2, 2015 Both meetings to be held at 7 pm at Gary & MerryLee’s residence - 772 Buena Vista Drive, at the junction of Buena Vista & Larkin Valley Rds, in Watsonville. Take the Buena Vista Drive exit off Hwy 1. Easy directions from the freeway. Group emails will be sent out for reminders of these changes. Page 4 Advertisements None submitted REMINDER!!!!!!! Our 2015 Poker Ride Fund Raiser is coming up. THIS IS A REMINDER ABOUT THE NEED FOR PRIZES FOR OUR “PRIZE CORRAL” AND “TICKET DRAWINGS” Please start collecting items for our prize corral NOW!!! Margaret Pare is the person to contact with your items for the prize corral. Her contact information is: Phone: 831-659-8568 Email: Patti Garcia’s Poker Ride Announcements!!! 1) Need old beat-up cowboy boots. Any size, child to adult works. Please bring them to March club meeting. 2) Patti will bring to the meeting, sign-up sheets for volunteers and more cards to hand out. If you can volunteer to help out at the Poker Ride fund raiser in April, please contact Patti Garcia at: 663-5377 and/or email her at: Page 5 MEMBERS - GENERAL Poker Ride INFORMATION 1 ..If you plan to arrive early for the Poker Ride ... YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO PAY THE CAMP FEES FOR THE NIGHTS YOU ARE THERE PRIOR TO FRIDAY NIGHT. Pay at the kiosk if it is open or Use the envelopes provided at the self pay station & put the receipt on your dash 2 ... DO NOT PARK in the First 2 Hook Up spots … these are reserved for Registration and Prize Corral Chairmen. 3 ... If you sign up for a job, PLEASE show up on time. There is a lot of work to be done and We depend on you! 4… CORRAL SPACE - Members – PLEASE bring and use your portable corrals. In order to save the limited available corral space for the guests and people that do not have Portable Corrals. 5… Remember to write “WORKING (whichever committee)” on the appropriate meal space when filling out your REGISTRATION FORM IF you want a free meal. 6… Any DESSERTS you’d like to bring would be greatly appreciated. If you plan to make / bring a dessert, please Email Patti Garcia – …so I have an idea of how many desserts I’ll have … THANKS!!! Page 6 2015 POKER RIDE Committee Job Descriptions Call or Email the Chairperson If you want to sign up for a committee or have questions regarding the job. GROUNDS CREW Job Description Contact: Mike Garcia: 663-5377 home / 320-9073 cell Email: SETUP: Arrive at camp on THURSDAY and set up your camp … OR … be at camp and READY TO WORK at 9am on FRIDAY MORNING. Set up must be completed by Noon Friday. 9am FRIDAY Morning Mike and Crew will unload awnings from MBE trailer, set up Prize Corral, Poker Hands Awning and Registration Awning. Put up appropriate signs (Prize Corral, Poker Hands, Registration). Put up lights on Prize Corral and Eating Area Awnings. Run electrical for coffee pots and buffet tables. Registration gets 2 picnic tables. Prize corral gets 3 picnic tables, Poker Hand Booth gets 3 picnic tables. Arrange picnic tables under Eating Area Awnings. Remove tables from MBE trailer and set them up in front of the kitchen and one on the side of the building in front of the window. Whatever else that may come up and needs doing till set up is complete. THROUGHOUT THE WEEKEND Check on kitchen garbage cans frequently as the Kitchen Crew fills them up quickly. BEFORE EACH MEAL: Check garbage cans that they are empty and have a plastic liner in them so guests have a place to throw their plates away. AFTER EACH MEAL: Empty garbage cans and replace the plastic liners. BREAKDOWN: SUNDAY … AFTER BREAKFAST: Break down everything that was set up on Friday Morning and pack it up to go back into the MBE trailer. GREETER Job Description Contact Liz Gheen - home: 663-6544 / Email: Depending on which day you work, you’ll get dinner free. Arrive at your specified time and Greet Guests as they drive in. Point out where they should go to park and where the Registration booth is. You must stay at the post during the entire shift, or find someone to stand in if you need to go on a break. Bring a chair. There will be an awning for shade/rain protection. POKER HAND Job Description Contact Gary Watrous - cell: 408-583-5779 Email: You’ll get your Saturday Dinner Free. Arrive at the Poker Hand Booth by NOON on Saturday. Plan to stay until the booth closes at 5:30-6:00pm. Teams of 2 will be created. DEALER to collect the Poker Hand Tickets and any money for extra cards or an extra hand, shuffle and present the cards to the player. RECORDER to fill in the form with the name of the player and record their cards for each hand played on separate sheets. NOTE … no one under 21 years old is allowed to play at the Poker Hand Booth PRIZE CORRAL Job Description Contact Margaret Pare – home: 659-8568 / Email: Saturday Dinner Free Check with Margaret to see if you can help her prior to the poker ride with prize collection/logging, etc. Arrive at the Prize Corral Friday morning to set up the booth and prizes MEMBERS please obtain or donate a prize or two to our Prize Corral. We need lots of PRIZES for the PRIZE CORRAL! If Possible - Bring your prizes to the MBE Meetings in March & April (March 5, 2015 and/or April 2, 2015). (Note the March & April meetings are 1 week early) March & April meeting dates to be held at 772 Buena Vista, Watsonville, Ca. (corner of Buena Vista & Larkin Valley Rds.) This will give the committee a head start on the HUGE JOB of logging in each prize. If you get a donation from a business .. get 2 of their business cards. One will be attached to the gift in the Prize Corral, the other will be used to send a “THANK YOU” letter to the person/business. FOOD/MEAL HELP Contact: Patti Garcia - home: 663-5377 cell: 262-5068 Email: THURSDAY CHOPPERS: Your THURSDAY NIGHT CAMP FEE will be free for helping all day in the kitchen. Chopping begins as EARLY as choppers are available. Hopefully by 9am. Arrive at Camp Thursday AM, set up your camp. Come to kitchen as soon as possible. Bring your favorite Veggie Chopping knife, or use one of ours. We will be chopping and doing the majority of the prep work until late afternoon. Friday AM: Meal Tables Set Up : 10 am (or as soon as the Grounds Crew Guys are finished walking to the tables to set up the lights) We’ll be setting up the dining tables, putting the oilcloth tablecloths on, arranging the centerpieces, preparing the Utensil baskets, wrapping the plasticware in napkins, setting up the buffet tables, etc … DINNER HELPERS: Depending on which meal you work, you will receive that meal free. 5pm – arrive at kitchen, we’ll be prepping the salads and cold foods first. Setting up the buffet table and various other jobs to prepare that meal. The plan is to have the majority of the meal helpers go thru the food line first, to allow you time to eat, then to be able to return to the kitchen to help with the after meal cleanup. BREAKFAST HELPERS: Depending on which meal you work, you will receive that meal free. 6:30AM – arrive at kitchen, we’ll be making coffee, fruit salad, muffin trays, etc. & setting up the buffet table and various other jobs to prepare that meal. The plan is to have the majority of the meal helpers go thru the food line first, to allow you time to eat, then to be able to return to the kitchen to help with the after meal cleanup. Cowboy Dressage Contest!!! Contact Syd Blankenship or Debra Means to get information about the Dressage Contest and what you can volunteer to do. Their contact information is: Syd = 633-3810 Debra = 359-2503 Page 7 Upcoming Rides/Events TURKEY HILL – LAKE COMANCHE - CAMPOUT Date: March 13-16 Ride Host: Debra Means - phone: 831-359-2503 email: Directions: For GPS, use the address of 11700 Wade Lane, Valley Springs, Ca 95252. From Santa Cruz, Watsonville area make your way to Hwy 152 E, towards Pacheco Pass. From Santa Clara County area, go South on Hwy 101 to Hwy 152E From Monterey area, go North on Hwy 101 to Hwy 152E. Once on Hwy 152E continue until you see I-5 exit ramp to Sacramento. From there travel approx. 68.9 miles to Calif. 4E exit (towards Stockton). Merge onto CA-4E, travel 2.6 miles and exit onto 68B to merge onto CA-99N towards Sacramento. Go 1.8 miles and take exit 255. Merge onto CA-88 E/N Hwy 88/Waterloo Road. Travel 19.1 miles to CA-12E. Stay straight to go onto CA-12 and travel 10.8 miles & turn left onto Burson Rd. Stay on Burson approx. 1 mile and turn right onto Pattison Rd. Pattison dead ends into the park kiosk. (**note: Do not turn onto Wade Lane even though you are using Wade Lane address for GPS). Wade Lane is the park’s business address and you want to bypass that to get to the horse camp. (*An alternative once you are on CA-12 is to turn left onto Camanche Pkwy S which turns into Pattison Rd). Trails: Mostly flat and friendly. Terrain: Flat & soft inclines and some moderate turns. Gates & bridges to negotiate., Facilities: Good camping spaces, water, picnic tables and center fire pit & area for group meals. Bathrooms. Coin operated Showers are located about ½ mile from horse camp. OBSTACLE CHALLENGE & CLINIC - Cancelled due to ranch sold IF YOU ARE STILL INTERESDTED IN COMING TO THE RANCH ON THAT DATE….THERE WILL BE A RANCH SALE!!!! Date: March 29, 2015 Sale Host: Jan Isasi --- contact info: 831-623-4915 Ranch phone 408-439-0706 Cell phone email contact Directions: Hwy 101 to Hwy 156 towards San Juan Bautista. Turn away from town (towards hills) at the stop light on corner of HWY 156 and Alameda. Once on Alameda, road will split into Y….stay to your right and you will automatically end up on Salinas Road. Isasi Ranch is exactly 2 miles from the junction of Hwy 156 & Alameda – ranch is on the left. Accommodations: For sale items include ranch equipment, tack (saddles, bridles, leather western wear( i.e. chaps, etc). household furniture (mostly Spanish/mission style)) Page 8 MBE RIDE/EVENT SCHEDULE - 2015 Date Day Time CAMPOUT – Turkey Hill/Lake Comanche Mar. 13-16 Mar 29 Location Sun. Apr. 26 Sun. Obstacle Challenge Cancelled due to ranch being sold. There will be a ranch sale for those of you interested in tack, ranch equipment, furniture, leather goods, etc. Isasi Ranch, 2300 Salinas Road, San Juan Bautista, Ca. - Covered arena CAMPOUT - Poker Ride – Lake San Antonio ***CLUB FUND RAISER*** Skyline Ride, Day ride (above Saragota, Ca) May 17 Sat. Pascadero Day Ride (starts @ Windance Farm) Apr. 10-12 9:30 am gates open 11:00 am ride time June 19-22 CAMPOUT - Napa Skyline Wilderness, Napa Calif. Henry Coe, Hunting Hollow – Day Ride Gilroy, Calif. CAMPOUT – The Indians (new destination) July 9-14 CAMPOUT – Jack Brook, San Mateo, Ca. June 6 July 25 Sat. 11:00 am ride time (new destination) PJ Myatt 11:00 am ride time Mike Garcia TBA Liz Gheen Henry Cowell, Felton, Ca. – Day Ride 11:00 am ride time Lois Connell (Tuolumne County) The Aguierre’s will host. Sat. CAMPOUT – Eagle Meadows, Strawberry, Ca (same trails used by “High Ride” event) Chabot (East Bay) – Day Ride (new destination) 11:00 am ride time Sat. CAMPOUT - Wrights Lake, Sierra-Nevada Desolation Wilderness Pebble Beach / Del Monte Forest – Day Ride Syd Blankenship Liz Gheen 11:00 am ride time Syd Blankenship No Host – Must make your own reservations Sept. 3-8 Sept. 26 Doug Jones Gina Silva Sat. Aug. 13-18 Aug. 29 Debra Means Jan Isasi Patti & Mike Garcia We will be riding with San Mateo Horsemen members as well. Fee TBA (for lunch & portapotty) May 21-26 Host Oct. 9-12 CAMPOUT – Pt. Reyes – Stewarts Horsecamp, Olema, Calif. Call for Res. 415-6631362. Camp fee = $17.50 per nite. CASH Huddard Park, Woodside, Ca. – Day ride 11:00 am ride time Nov. 21 Sat. Wilder Ranch, Santa Cruz, Ca. – Day Ride 11:00 am ride time Dec. 5 Sat. Christmas Party TBD Doug Jones Patti & Mike Garcia PJ & Georgia Randall TBD Dec. 10 Thurs Special club Meeting to work on 2016 Ride Schedule. - Prunedale Library location 7:00 pm MBE board/officers Oct. 24 Sat. CAMPOUT – Lake San Antonio Nov. 5-8 Page 9 PLEASE NOTE…….. As a courtesy to the Ride Host, please RSVP at least 48 hours in advance via Email or Phone for day rides, and at least * one week in advance for campouts. Please note that campouts with asterisk represent places that have limited space, so the longer you wait to RSVP, the higher the risk that we run out of space for you. Day ride start times will be adhered to, so please arrive at least 1 hour in advance to check in and saddle up. Directions to each ride will be posted in our monthly MBE newsletter on the appropriate month of the event. OTHER DATES OF INTEREST: March 14-15, 2015 - BCHC Rendezvous Trail Challenge. Calaveras County Fairgrounds, 101 Frogtown Rd., Angels Camp, Calif. Sat. Classes = 9am, Open, Amateur, Packer Sun. Classes = 9am, Novice, Wrangler ENTRY: $50/Rider For further information you can call Carlena Kellogg @209-505-0122 email: Rendezvous Info can be viewed on web site: March 14-15, 2015 - SCCHA is holding a ACTHA event in Santa Cruz. SCCHA is asking MBE members for volunteers to help them out. “Seeking Volunteers! We need folks to help with hospitality, judging, set-up, & food at the ACTHA Obstacle Course & Competitive Trail Ride in Santa Cruz on March 14-15. Any help you can provide is welcome! Free training for judges & assistant judges. Call Heather at 650-714-5125 for more information. Thank you.” April 25-26 - 2015 – 22cd annual Spring Stampede Wine ride (ride thru & visit wineries in Livermore, Ca.) ALSO includes CSHA sponsored horse show, gymkhana events, stock horse events and Arena trail/obstacle competition. Location: Robertson Park/Rodeo grounds, Livermore, Ca For more info, contact: June – 5 – 7, 2015 – Western States Horse Expo ( Cal-Expo – aka State Fairgrounds, Sacramento, Ca) Clinicians featured this year are Chris Cox, Pat Parelli, Julie Goodnight, Eitan Beth-Halechmy & more, including Dr. Robert Miller, famous for his book on newborn Imprint Training. Other events include “Magnificent 7”, a horse sale, lots of art, all horse breeds represented, music, Horse trailer displays & sales, & food booths of all kinds, etc. For more info, go to: July 16-19, 2015 – California Rodeo at Salinas Sports Complex, Salinas, Calif. July 26 – Aug. 1 – Twain Harte Horseman’s High Ride Event. This is a camp and trail ride. Location: Eagle Meadows (Directions: 12.8 mi. east of Strawberry on Hwy 108. Right on 5N01 to Eagle meadows. Camp is 6.9 mi. from Hwy). Ride includes: camp site, 3 meals per day, & 1 bale of Hay for each rider. Contact info: 209-532-5858 OR Oct. 10, 2015 - WHOA – Woodside Day of the Horse – Downtown Woodside & Mounted Patrol Grounds Activities include: Blessing of the horse; Horse Fair @ Woodside Town Hall; Vet demos, Horse club informational booths; petting zoo; stagecoach rides; Puppet Show; Sponsor exhibits; Lots of food; AND, Progressive Trail Ride. For more info, contact WHOA (Woodside Horse Owners Assoc) at: Page 10 2015 MBE Officers, Board, & Chairpersons President - Sydney Blankenship – 831-633-3810 Email: Vice Pres. - Doug Jones Email: Secretary/Membership: Debra Means, 831-359-2503 Email: Treasurer – Mike Pinto; 831-659-3315 Email: Newsletter Editor: Jan Isasi , 831-623-4915 Email: Sunshine: Liz Gheen, 831-663-6544 Email: Fashionista: Caroline Spicher 831-624-3297 Email: Social Media Committee Chair: Doug Jones 650-224-4494 Email: *other committee members: Deb Means, Patti Garcia, Sydney Blankenship Poker Ride Committee: Patti Garcia, Chair –(food & volunteer list) 2015 Nomination Committee Chair: TBA Margaret Pare – Prize Corral. Syd Blankenship – Pres. Deb Means – Cowboy Dressage contest. Trail Advocate: OPEN – NEED VOLUNTEER Email: Trail Advocate: P J Myatt, 831-458-3132 Email: 2015 Christmas Party Committee Chair: TBA 2014-15 MBE Cookbook Committee Chair: Cathleen Sittig Email: 831-578-7745
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