OLLI Newsletter - Coastal Carolina University

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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Coastal Carolina University
843-349-5002 (Conway), 843-349-2767 (Myrtle Beach) or
843-349-6584 (Litchfield/Georgetown)
News and Activities for March 3-23, 2015
Dear Lifelong Learners,
The time is right. With the winter term winding down and the completion of all the preparations necessary to
deliver the spring term, with all four outreach centers operating smoothly with good staff and facilities, with
newly elected officers for the OLLI Board of Volunteer Leaders and the adoption of a fresh mission statement
and strategic plan for OLLI’s future, I feel confident that my April 1 retirement is timed to provide the smoothest
transition period from my 11-year tenure to the next generation of leadership for the Osher Lifelong Learning
Institute at Coastal Carolina University. The administration is busy planning my succession, and I am busy
assembling documentation that my successor may find useful.
I am grateful to the University, the Bernard Osher Foundation, the OLLI instructors, students and volunteers for
helping to build one of the largest and most diverse OLLIs in the country. All have contributed to the program’s
current operation – the University’s support providing half the program costs each year; the Osher Foundation’s
grant support totaling $450,000 over the past eight years, plus the security of its $1 million endowment to OLLI
at CCU; the students’ course and membership fees funding more than a third of the program costs; and the
teachers and volunteers helping to keep these costs low. With this foundation laid for future program
sustainability, one of my major goals for our community has been met. Now, onward to the next!
“Snow Day” makeups will be included in the Tuesday (March 3) listing of courses and events.
The Spring OLLI catalog for April and May will be at the outreach centers on Wednesday! The entire catalog is
downloadable and printable from the website above. There are many lifelong learning courses, single lectures
and club meetings still scheduled for this month, along with our “snow day” make-up classes. There will not be a
Free Week for the spring term, however our “try-it before-you-buy-it” policy welcomes you to sit in on the first
class of any course that has enough students registered to go forward, has not reached capacity and meets more
than twice. Your winter membership fee is good through Aug. 31, so you do not need to pay that again until the
fall semester.
Kudos to the Great Decisions team for a well planned, delivered and attended Foreign Policy series under the
auspices of the Edgar Dyer Institute for Leadership and Public Policy (Virginia Shoemaker Norris, coordinator).
Academic Outreach staff provided outstanding hospitality for the stimulating program which averaged 100
participants per week, most of whom learned of the program through OLLI or by invitation of those who attend
OLLI programs. The ILPP staff expressed appreciation for your spreading the word about Great Decisions. It was a
unique opportunity to bring together current CCU students and lifelong learners to enjoy a program of universal
interest. An evaluation form has been uploaded to the OLLI website for you to share your assessment of and
suggestions for this and future events. Printed copies of the evaluation are available at the Myrtle Beach
Education Center’s front desk as well.
Congratulations as well to Josette Sharwell, OLLI foreign film instructor, for planning and delivering the OLLI-cosponsored (with the Friends of Waccamaw Library) French Film Festival at the new Waccamaw Neck Branch
Library this past weekend. The films were terrific, attendance was great, and the spectacular library facility is
rapidly becoming the beating heart of the Waccamaw Neck community.
Photo IDs will only be available at Baxley Hall (corner of Chanticleer Drive and University Boulevard on
campus) Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. We regret this inconvenience and will email your
registration confirmation on request so you can take advantage of the partnership benefits that are dependent
on proof of active OLLI membership. Send an email to olli@coastal.edu or call or stop by your outreach center.
Corrections to the Winter Catalog! These corrections have been made in WebAdvisor.
 A new book club is being held in Georgetown under the leadership of Ann Carlson and Sandra Quinn on
the first Monday each month (March 2, April 6 and May 4) from 3 to 4:30 p.m., the focus will be on
Southern authors and subjects, fiction and nonfiction.
 Social Ballroom Dancing in Myrtle Beach will be divided into two six-week sessions at $60 each. The first
session is underway, and the second session (XMUSC 625 M02) will run Thursdays, March 5-April 9, 6:30
to 8 p.m.
 The Litchfield iPad and Mac Clubs scheduled for March 6 have been moved to Friday, March 13.
 The Coastal and Marine Systems Science Seminars and Suppers will continue in Georgetown on
Thursday, March 12, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. (XSCI 937 G01, free with OLLI membership but registration
 Rebecca Zdybel’s Paint Like Picasso workshop in Myrtle Beach, originally scheduled for March 17, has
been rescheduled for March 24.
 Paige Sawyer’s Georgetown Photo Safaris will be combined into one outing on March 26 to include both
land and bay photo opportunities. The price remains the same ($50, XPHO 163 G02). March 12 has been
The EXSS 415 Fitness Leadership class is excited to involve faculty, staff and community members again in a
unique opportunity to receive personal fitness training from our students. We will be extending the program and
offering fitness testing and training over a six-week period, starting Thursday, March 19, and concluding
Thursday, April 23. This year, as part of the experiential learning aspect of the class, students will be responsible
for recruiting their own volunteers (“clients”) from the Coastal Carolina and surrounding community. To
volunteer, you must be willing to commit to two 60-minute time slots on Tuesday and Thursday at 4:30 or 5:55
p.m. Exercise sessions will take place in the Williams-Brice Fitness/Wellness facility operated by the Department
of Kinesiology, Recreation and Sport Studies. The students will be responsible for screening your health,
assessing your risk, getting a physician clearance for exercise (if needed), testing your baseline levels of fitness,
developing a personalized fitness plan and personally training you twice a week. At the end of the six weeks, the
students will reassess you, celebrate success with you, and deliver to you a progressed exercise program that
you can continue to follow after the class. Please note that full commitment to participating in all of the sessions
is required. If you anticipate work conflicts or missing days, then it might be best to volunteer to participate
during the Summer I session or the fall semester. Each week the students will be working closely with their
participant. Having a participant absent would take away from the learning and educational experience for the
student. If you are interested, and would like to be put on our list of “leads,” please contact Jason Cholewa,
assistant professor of exercise and sport science, 843-349-2041 or jcholewa@coastal.edu.
The Eighth Annual Winyah Rivers Foundation Photography Contest has begun! The purpose of the contest is to
help promote the beauty of our local rivers and to raise funds for the Waccamaw RIVERKEEPER® Program. For a
copy of the contest flyer and rules for entering, visit wrk@coastal.edu or 843-349-4007.
Seacoast Artist Guild announces Art in Common, 2015 Arts & Crafts Festival at Valor Park at The Market
Common, Saturday and Sunday, April 25-26, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Exhibit space, $90 for Guild members and $100 for
nonmembers. Artisans’ applications are available at SeacoastArtistGuild.com.
e-Newsletter Format
Black ink is the mainstay of OLLI items, with red ink indicating changes (additions, corrections or
cancellations). A new code of yellow highlighting indicates the class may be canceled if additional
students do not register the week prior. Teal ink is for CCU cultural calendar entries. Violet indicates
community partners and activities. If you know of events planned in your community that you believe
OLLI members would enjoy, please send the particulars (not just a link to a website) to
Wi-Fi Challenges for Outreach Centers – The ITS staff, along with Academic Outreach staff and OLLI course and
club leaders, are working to improve Wi-Fi access while maintaining the integrity of the University’s security
system. With all the various devices, it can be time consuming to get everyone on the same page. Here are a few
things students can do to in advance to help:
 Know what device make and model you are bringing. An Android tablet does not operate the same as an
iPad. If you are unsure, contact the outreach center where you will be taking the class, and they will help
you verify that you do in fact have an iPad for an iPad class or club.
 Have your email already set up prior to attending class.
 Know your own password and how to access your email.
 Bring a cell phone that can receive text messages.
Tuesday, March 3 – Snow Day Makeups (SDM) Below
10 a.m. to noon
and 1 to 3 p.m.
12:15 to 3:15 p.m.
12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
3 to 4:30 p.m.
3:30 to 5 p.m.
End-of-Life Readiness Workshop (2 wks, 2/24-3/3)
Snow Day Makeup (course to be completed in one day)
Mah-Jongg II: Beyond the Basics (4 wks, 3/3-3/24)
Horry County History Experience (SDM to be determined)
Spain Under Islam (4 wks, 3/3-3/24)
Beginner’s/Chair Yoga – SDM Today (4 wks, 3/3-3/24)
The next 4-week session will run 3/10-3/31
Pinterest (3/3)
Simply Yoga – SDM Today (4 wks, 3/3-3/24)
The next 4-week session will run 3/10-3/31
Donna Hutter
XHEAL 742 C01
Shelly Bennett
Walter Hill
Don Ullmann
Donna Carr
Donna Carr
Debbie Peret
Donna Carr
Donna Carr
XSKIL 715 C02
XHIST 470 C01
XFITN 709 C02
XCTEC 211 C01
XFITN 710 C03
9 to 10 a.m.
9 a.m. to noon
Taoist Tai Chi III & IV (T&Th, 10 wks, 1/20-4/2, no break)
Discovery Art Group (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Elizabeth Hileman
Barnie Slice
10 a.m. to noon
Academy of Gardening Club (1st Tues., 3/3)
Sue M. Myers
XGAR 914 L01
10 a.m. to noon
10:15 to 11:15 a.m.
10:30 to 12:30 p.m.
The Mystery of Money (6 wks, 1/20-3/3, SDM)
Taoist Tai Chi I & II (T&Th, 10 wks, 1/20-4/2, no break)
Malala, Champion of Girls’ Education (3/3)
Bob O’Brien
Elizabeth Hileman
Samih Baalbaki
XHIST 460 L01
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
5:30 to 7 p.m.
The Middle East presentation on 2/24 was canceled for weather (SDM to be determined)
1 to 3 p.m.
1 to 4 p.m.
2 to 3:30 p.m.
2 to 4 p.m.
2:30 to 5 p.m.
3 to 5 p.m.
3 to 5 p.m.
4 to 5 p.m.
6 to 7 p.m.
6 to 7 p.m.
6 to 8 p.m.
7 to 8 p.m.
Economic Challenges Facing the USA (4 wks, 2/17-3/17, SDM)
Painting with Acrylics (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Golden Age of Music (7 wks, 2/3-3/24, SDM)
Mah-Jongg Club (8 wks, 1/27-3/17)
Current Trends in Foreign Films (6 wks, 1/20-3/3, SDM)
Advanced Photography (6 wks, 1/20-3/3, SDM)
Introduction to iPad (4 wks, 3/3/-3/24)
Stress-Free Yoga Meditation (6 wks, 1/20-3/3, SDM)
Investor Education Club (3/3)
Basic to Intermediate Shag (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Introduction to iPad (4 wks, 3/3-3/24)
Social Ballroom Dancing (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
James O’Sullivan
Barnie Slice
George Devens
Carol Meldrom
Josette Sharwell
David Fattaleh
Roy Frost
Paula Kenion
Tim Miller
Sandra Lucas-Hyde
Roy Frost
Sandra Lucas-Hyde
9 to 10:30 a.m.
9 to 10 a.m.
10 a.m. to noon
10:15 to 11:15 p.m.
10:45 to 1:15 p.m.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
Basic Conversational Spanish (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Taoist Tai Chi I & II (T&Th, 10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
World War II in Europe (8 wks, 1/20-3/17, SDM)
Taoist Tai Chi III & IV (T&Th, 10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Intermediate Conversational Spanish (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Colonial Women - 1600-1800 (4 wks, 2/24-3/17, 3/4-3/24)
History of the Holocaust (Shoah) (8 wks, 1/20-3/17, SDM)
Luz Greene
Holly Uzun
Bob Poirier
Holly Uzun
Luz Greene
Jo Ann Tufo
Bob Poirier
12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Batik Workshop I: Shibori (2 wks, 3/4-3/11)
Alice McInvaill Estes $30+
XART 105 M04
1 to 3 p.m.
1 to 4 p.m.
1:30 to 4 p.m.
6 to 8 p.m.
6 to 8 p.m.
Laughing Ladies: Women of Comedy (4 wks, 2/24-3/17, 3/4-3/24)
Whole Brain Drawing to Boost the Brain (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Advanced Conversational Spanish (10 wks, 1/20-3/31, SDM)
Photojournalism/Picture Stories (8 wks, 1/20-3/17, SDM)
Self-Empowerment & Self-Realization (4 wks, 3/3-3/24)
Jo Ann Tufo
Ana von Hofmann
Luz Greene
Keith Jacobs
Stan Gravely
XTHRA 620 M01
XART 170 M01
XSPAN 303 M01
XPHO 157 M01
XPERS 709 M02
Canceled this Week
XCTEC 294 L02
XFINC 701 L01
XCTEC 294 L03
XSPAN 301 M01
XFITN 704 M01
XHIST 492 M01
XFITN 706 M01
XSPAN 302 M01
XHIST 465 M01
XHIST 475 M01
CCU Department of Music presents “A Lovely Light” featuring Patti Yvonne Edwards and Andrew Fowler in a
world premiere performance of this song cycle for soprano. A well-known composer, Fowler serves on the music
faculty at Coastal Carolina University, where he teaches theory and aural skills. At Edwards’ request, he has
composed a unique song cycle for soprano based on the works of poet Edna St. Vincent Millay. They will also
present “Savannah’s Aria” (from The Prince of Tides) and “And Can It Be” (from Directions for Singing). Tuesday,
7:30 p.m., $5, Edwards Recital Hall, 843-349-2707.
Wednesday, March 4
March 4 (Wed.)
Charleston Art Galleries of the French Quarter
Robin McCall
XHIST 457 L12
Stroll the cobble-stoned streets and gaslit alleyways in the Old French Quarter where we will visit Anne Worsham
Richardson Gallery, Dog & Horse, Gay Sanders Fisher, Pink House Gallery and Coleman Fine Art (Mary Whyte).
9 to 10 a.m.
10:15 to 11:45 a.m.
Intro to Gardening in Horry County I (weekly, 1/14-4/1)
Academy of Gardening II (weekly, 1/14-4/1)
Faye Akers
Carol Peeples
XGAR 914 C01
XGAR 914 C02
12:30 to 2:30 p.m.
1 to 3 p.m.
3 to 5 p.m.
5 to 6 p.m.
5 to 8 p.m.
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Urban Sketching II (6 wks, 3/4-4/8)
Highlights of the Book of Judges (4 wks, 3/4-3/25)
Basic Drawing Skills I MAKEUP II (6 wks, 3/4-4/8)
Spanish Conversation Club (1st Wed., 3/4)
Physics for Everyone, III (6 wks, 3/4-4/15, x3/11)
Portrait Drawing I MAKEUP II (6 wks, 3/4-4/8)
Michael Gay
Lydia Barrows
Michael Gay
Luz Greene
Ron Revere
Michael Gay
XART 153 L02
XREL 860 L01
XART 103 L02
XSPAN 310 L01
XSCI 922 L01
XART 141 L02
10:30-12:30 p.m.
12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
1 to 3 p.m.
1 to 3 p.m.
4 to 5 p.m.
Malala, Champion of Girls Education (3/4)
World Cultural Tours Presentation on the Southern Italy Trip
Sorrento/Amalfi Coast – Nov. 6-14, 2015
Batik Workshop I: Shibori (2 wks, 3/4-3/11)
Current Events Club: Middle East (alt. W, 3/4)
Topic: Homeland Security: Is it working?
Afternoon Tea Party (3/4)
Middle Eastern Dance (5 wks, 3/4-4/1)
Sam Baalbaki
Bryan McDowell
XHIST 460 M01
Free and open to the public
Alice McInvaill Estes $30+
Sam Baalbaki
Tom Russo
Sue Ann Whittick $20+
Ellen Jampole
XART 105 M04
XGOVT 403 M01
XHIST 417 M01
XMUSC 628 M02
The Aristocats (featuring OLLI instructor Lloyd Kaplan on clarinet and saxophone, Nat Piccirilli on guitar and
banjo and Joseph Moyer on electric drum) perform every Wednesday at Croissants (38th Avenue and Grissom
Parkway, Myrtle Beach), 6-8 p.m., no cover but reservations recommended, 843-448-2253.
Thursday, March 5
9 to 10:30 a.m.
7 to 10 p.m.
Simply Yoga (4 wks, 3/5-3/26)
Gilles Bridge Society (ongoing, year round)
Donna Carr
Wally Lasher
XFITN 710 C04
XSKIL 736 C01
3 to 5 p.m.
iPad Club (1st Thurs., 3/5)
Roy Frost
XCTEC 200 G01
9 a.m. to noon
1 to 3 p.m.
1:30 to 3 p.m.
2 to 4 p.m.
Making Money with Kindle Publishing (3/5)
Rice Plantations of Georgetown County (6 wks, 3/5-4/9)
Longevity & Healthy Aging (4 wks, 3/5-3/26)
Classic Book Club (1st Thurs., 3/5)
Topic: Look Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe
Tea & Poetry (1st Thurs., 3/5)
David Powers
Robin McCall
Daphne Trent
John Hobson
XWRIT 543 L01
XHIST 432 L01
XHEAL 733 L01
XLITR 512 L02
3 to 4 p.m.
Meyers/Bernardin Free & open to the public
Jo Angela Edwins teaches creative writing, literature and composition at Francis Marion University in Florence, S.C.
Her poems have appeared in various venues, including New South, Calyx, Fall Lines, Naugatuck River Review, and Sojourn. She is the 2014
recipient of the Carrie McCray Nickens Fellowship in Poetry from the S.C. Academy of Authors, judged by Lavonne Adams who
commended Edwins’ work for its “coherence of voice” and “mastery of form.” Open mic. As part of the grand finale of our 2015 series, all
poets in the audience are invited to read a short poem that he or she has written. (Please keep your reading to a single poem no longer
than a page.) We’ll all look forward to hearing a variety of voices, including yours. Please join in!
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
2:45 to 4:45 p.m.
6:30 to 8 p.m.
Simply Yoga (4 wks, 3/5-3/26)
Spanish Conversation Club (alt. Thurs., 3/5)
Social Ball Room Dancing (6 wks, 3/5-4/9)
Donna Carr
Luz Greene
Sandra Lucas-Hyde
XFITN 710 M02
XSPAN 300 M01
XMUSC 625 M02
Team “Angels of Hope” presents a Spring Fashion Show (hosted by Chico’s Clothing of Pawleys Island) as a
fundraiser for the American Cancer Society “Relay for Life” at St. Michael’s Church, Garden City. Food (chicken
salad and ham & cheese croissants, sides, desserts, beverages), raffle tickets for gift baskets. Thursday, 5-7 p.m.
(doors open at 4:30 p.m.), $12 presale, $15 at the door, purchase at St. Michael’s Church office or Mary Thomas
at 856-906-4224.
Winter Band Concert at Wheelwright Auditorium. The Coastal Concert Bands join with the Aynor High School
Concert Band to present an evening of great music. Each group performs a round of selections, then all
musicians combine into one huge band. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., tickets (OLLI discount), 843-349-2787.
March 5-8 – “Doubt, A Parable” at Atlantic Stage (Myrtle Beach Education Center). In this brilliant and powerful
drama, Sister Aloysius, a Bronx school principal, takes matters into her own hands when she suspects the young
Father Flynn of improper relations with one of the male students. “All the elements come invigoratingly together
like clockwork in ... a gripping story of suspicion cast on a priest’s behavior that is less about scandal than about
fascinatingly nuanced questions of moral certainty. Something rare for this season: a laudable new American
Play.” Also offered March 12-15. Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 3 p.m., tickets (OLLI discount), 877-2878587.
Friday, March 6
9 to 10 a.m.
10 a.m. to noon
iPad Club (1st Fri., 3/6, 4/3)
Mac Computer Club (1st Fri., 3/6, 4/3)
Ed Robidoux
Ed Robidoux
XCTEC 200 L01
XCTEC 200 L02
9 to 10:30 a.m.
Yoga Stretch (9 wks, 1/21-3/25, SDM ON 3/6)
Cathy King
10:30 a.m. to noon
1 to 3 p.m.
Genealogical Treasures: What do I do with all this stuff? (3/6)
Memory & Aging: How to Remember Not to Forget (3/6)
Claire Fleming
Bert Hayslip
XSKIL 738 L01
XHEAL 768 L01
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Noon to 2 p.m.
2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Basic Drawing Skills I MAKEUP (6 wks, 3/6-4/10)
Urban Sketching II (6 wks, 3/6-4/10)
Portrait Drawing I MAKEUP(6 wks, 3/6-4/10)
Michael Gay
Michael Gay
Michael Gay
XART 103 M02
XART 153 M02
XART 141 M02
Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown presents “Elsa and Fred” (2014) at 2:30 p.m., and “Third Person”
(2013) at 7 p.m., $5 for Strand Cinema members, $7 for public admission, 843-527-2924, ext. 3#,
David Zinman’s Friday Night Classic Film Series begins at the new Waccamaw Library (41 St. Paul Place,
Litchfield). The first film is “North by Northwest,” featuring Cary Grant. David Zinman, author of 50 Classic
Motion Pictures and other film books, will lead a discussion after each showing. Popcorn and drinks available –
small donation suggested. Friday, doors open at 6:30 p.m., movies at 7 p.m. Film descriptions and event details
at georgetowncountylibrary.sc.gov.
Saturday, March 7
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Gullah Dollmaking Workshop (3/7)
Batik Workshop: Shibori and Block/Tjap Stamping (3/7)
Zenobia Washington $90
Alice McInvaill Estes $50+
XART 110 L01
XART 105 L02
Otter Celebration at Brookgreen Gardens. Special crafts, keeper talks and animal enrichment celebrating our
North American River Otters and their wetland habitat. Saturday, 10 a.m. on, free with garden admission (OLLI
discount), 843-235-6000.
Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown presents “The Theory of Everything” (2014) at 2:30 p.m., and
“Love is Strange” (2014) at 7 p.m., $5 for Strand Cinema members, $7 for public admission, 843-527-2924, ext.
3#, StrandCinema.org.
Sunday, March 8
The Long Bay Symphony presents Pomp and Circumstance: English Splendour at Myrtle Beach High School
Music and Arts Center. British music has its own distinct character, reflecting the noble air and nostalgia of a
great empire. Selections include Vaughan Williams' Norfolk Rhapsody, Elgar's Pomp & Circumstance, Britten's
Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra and Walton's Violin Concerto. Returning as guest soloist is distinguished
violinist Jessica Lee. Sunday, 4 p.m., tickets (OLLI discount), 843-448-8379.
Monday, March 9
9:30 a.m. to noon
10 a.m. to noon
1 to 2:30 p.m.
Susan Duke
Michael Gay
Susan Galante
XART 126 C02
XART 103 C02
XLITR 512 C01
1 to 3 p.m.
3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Watercolor Painting (6 wks, 3/9-4/13)
Basic Drawing Skills I MAKEUP (6 wks, 3/9-4/13)
Book Club (2nd Mon., 3/9)
Topic: The Paris Architect by Charles Belfoure
Urban Sketching II (6 wks, 3/9-4/13)
Portrait Drawing II (6 wks, 3/9-4/13)
Michael Gay
Michael Gay
XART 153 C02
XART 141 C02
1 to 3:30 p.m.
Adobe Creative Cloud: Lightroom 5 & Photoshop (4 wks, 3/9-3/30)
Ed Robidoux
XCTEC 227 G01
10 a.m. to noon
Coastal Carolina Travel Club (2nd Mon., 3/9)
Bill/Judy Blackburn OLLI
XPERS 700 L01
10 a.m. to noon
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
1:30 to 4 p.m.
2 to 4 p.m.
Using the Internet, Level 1-World Wide Web (M&W, 5 sess, 3/9-3/23)
Watercolor: Inking & Pen Work (4 wks, 3/9-3/30)
Mah-Jongg II: Beyond the Basics (4 wks, 3/9-3/30)
Computers for Absolute Beginners, Level 1 (M&W, 5 sess, 3/9-3/23)
Coastal Carolina Travel Club (2nd Mon., 3/9)
Angela O’Sullivan $50+
Alice McInvaill Estes $50+
Shelly Bennett
Angela O’Sullivan $60+
Bill/Judy Blackburn OLLI
XCTEC 217 M03
XART 104 M02
XSKIL 715 M02
XCTEC 201 M02
XPERS 700 M01
Tuesday, March 10
10 a.m. to noon
Helping a Loved One Deal with PTSD (3/10)
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. How the U.S. Economy Works (3 wks, 3/10-3/31)
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Middle East - Show & Tell (3/10)
Topic: Sue Ann Whittick - My Trip to Marrakesh and Belly Dancing
2 to 4 p.m.
Mah-Jongg Club (8 wks, 1/27-3/17)
2 to 5 p.m.
The Spring Feasts of Israel (3/10)
David Powers
XPERS 757 C01
James O’Sullivan
Guest Presenter
XGOVT 417 L01
XHIST 459 L02
Carol Meldrom
Lydia Barrows
XSKIL 717 L01
XREL 858 L01
Atalaya's 3-in-1 Day at Huntington Beach State Park. March 10, the mutual birthday and wedding anniversary of
Archer and Anna Hyatt Huntington, is celebrated with a special event including “wedding” cake and
refreshments, at their former winter home. Atalaya is a National Historic Landmark, and this event is a fundraiser
for the Friends of Huntington Beach State Park. Tuesday, $10 (space is limited), 843-237-4440 or
Georgetown County Women’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony and program honoring the legacy of Ruby
Middleton Forsythe will be held at Holy Cross Faith Memorial Episcopal Church, featuring guest speaker Valinda
Littlefield, author and scholar. Tuesday, noon, $35, 843-546-8436 or www.VisitGeorge.com.
Wednesday, March 11
March 11 (Wed.)
Revolutionary War Trail & Joseph Kershaw House, Camden
Robin McCall
XHIST 457 L13
Camden has the distinction of being the oldest inland city in S.C. We’ll visit the Joseph Kershaw House (1758) and
Revolutionary Park where we will learn about the two local battles. Then drive through the historic home district and visit
Camden Museum.
9 to 10 a.m.
Intro to Gardening in Horry County I (weekly, 1/14-4/1)
Faye Akers
XGAR 914 C01
10:15 to 11:45 a.m.
Academy of Gardening II (weekly, 1/14-4/1)
Carol Peeples
XGAR 914 C02
10 a.m. to noon
Current Events Club: The World (3/11)
Bob Poirier
XGOVT 401 L01
10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The Middle East - Show & Tell (3/11)
Sam Baalbaki
XHIST 459 M02
Topic: John Hymes – Life in a Turkish Village- 1964-66 and Henry Garbelman – My Trip to Istanbul
1 to 2:30 p.m.
French Conversation Club (alt. W, 3/11, 3/25)
Sam Baalbaki
XFREN 310 M01
1 to 3 p.m.
Lloyd Kaplan invites OLLI members to attend the final class of Traditional Jazz today, with guest musicians
Nat Piccirilli and Clare Fancher. Free.
The Aristocats (featuring OLLI instructor Lloyd Kaplan on clarinet and saxophone, Nat Piccirilli on guitar and
banjo and Joseph Moyer on electric drum) perform every Wednesday at Croissants (38th Avenue and Grissom
Parkway, Myrtle Beach), 6-8 p.m., no cover but reservations recommended, 843-448-2253.
Thursday, March 12
7 to 10 p.m.
Gilles Bridge Society (ongoing, year round)
Wally Lasher
XSKIL 736 C01
9 to 4 p.m.
4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Photo Safari by George by the Bay (3/12)
Coastal & Marine Science Seminar & Supper (3/12)
Paige Sawyer
CCU Fac/Students
XPHO 163 G01
XSCI 937 G01
10 a.m. to noon
End-of-Life Readiness Workshop (2 wks, 3/12-3/19)
Donna Hutter
XHEAL 742 L01
Salt Marsh Stroll at High Tide. The salt marsh takes on a new and refreshing look during high tide as animals
move over the marsh with the incoming waters. Stroll along our marsh boardwalk to observe firsthand some of
the unique high tide wonders and learn what Baruch scientists have discovered about the animals that use these
productive coastal resources and call them home. Bring binoculars and cameras if desired. Weather permitting;
limited to 14 participants; please call to register. Thursday, 1-4 p.m., free, 843-904-9016 or -9017.
March 12-15 – “Doubt, A Parable” at Atlantic Stage (Myrtle Beach Education Center). See March 5 entry for
details. Thursday-Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Sunday, 3 p.m., tickets (OLLI discount), 877-287-8587.
March 12-15 – Murrells Inlet Community Theatre presents “Love Always” by Renee Taylor and Joe Bologna. Also
offered March 19-22. Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m., Sunday, 2 p.m., $12 (OLLI members and groups of 15 or more,
$10), 843-651-4152.
Friday, March 13
March 13 (Fri.)
Charleston Churches
Robin McCall
XHIST 457 L14
10 a.m. to noon
iPad Club (2nd Fri., 3/13)
Roy Frost
XCTEC 200 C01
1 to 3 p.m.
Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia (3/13)
Bert Hayslip
XHEAL 752 L01
Well known as the “Holy City,” Charleston churches are both beautiful and historic. We’ll visit five: First Scots Presbyterian,
First Baptist Church, French Huguenot Church, Saint Michael’s and Saint Philips.
Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown presents “My Old Lady” (2014) at 2:30 p.m., and “Two Lives”
(2012) at 7 p.m., $5 for Strand Cinema members, $7 for public admission, 843-527-2924, ext. 3#,
Saturday, March 14
Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown presents “Rosewater” (2014) at 2:30 p.m., and “Rudderless”
(2014) at 7 p.m., $5 for Strand Cinema members, $7 for public admission, 843-527-2924, ext. 3#,
Hobnob at Hobcaw, a benefit in support of the Waccamaw Riverkeeper Program at Kimbel Pond Shelter,
Hobcaw Barony. Come out and enjoy Southern food, beer and wine. Saturday, 4 p.m., $25 (WRF/RK member),
$30 (nonmember), 843-349-4007, www.winyahrivers.org.
Sunday, March 15
CCU Piano Concert Series at Edwards Recital Hall presents Angela Cheng. Consistently praised for her brilliant
technique, tonal beauty and superb musicianship, Canadian pianist Angela Cheng is one of her country's national
treasures. Cheng made her highly acclaimed Carnegie Hall debut with the Edmonton Symphony. Cheng has been
Gold Medalist of the Arthur Rubinstein International Piano Masters Competition. Sunday, 4 p.m., tickets (OLLI
discount), 843-349-2787.
Monday, March 16
10 a.m. to noon
1 to 3 p.m.
Choosing a Remodeler or Contractor (3/16)
Explore Your Inner Mermaid (3/16)
David Powers
Sue Ann Whittick
XPERS 782 L01
XPERS 772 L01
Jasmine Saxophone Quartet in Edwards Recital Hall. Monday, 7:30 p.m., tickets, 843-349-2787.
Tuesday, March 17
10 a.m. to noon
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Planning for Life’s Disasters (3/17)
Getting Started with Your iPad (2 wks, 3/17-3/24)
XPERS 721 C01
XCTEC 294 C02
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Wadja (Film & Discussion): Daily Life in Saudi Arabia (2 wks, 3/17-3/24) Sam Baalbaki
2 to 4 p.m.
Mah-Jongg Club (8 wks, 1/27-3/17)
Carol Meldrom
XFILM 612 L01
XSKIL 717 L01
1 to 4 p.m.
Rebecca Zdybel
Robin McCall
Painting a Portrait Picasso-Style (3/17)
David Powers
Rosemary Browne
XART 140 M01
Wednesday, March 18
March 18 (Wed.)
Magnolia Plantation & Gardens
XHIST 457 L15
Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, Magnolia has been in the Drayton family since 1676. Featured here are
“the most beautiful gardens in the world” with more than 500 acres of grounds to explore. The oldest plantation on the
Ashley River, it was awarded the 2010 Heritage Tourism Award for its interpretive program at the slave cabins.
9 to 10 a.m.
Intro to Gardening in Horry County I (weekly, through 4/1)
Faye Akers
XGAR 914 C01
10:15 to 11:45 a.m.
Academy of Gardening II (weekly, through 4/1)
Carol Peeples
XGAR 914 C02
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Wadja (Film & Discussion): Daily Life in Saudi Arabia (2 wks, 3/18-3/25) Sam Baalbaki
XFILM 612 M01
12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Batik Workshop III: Block/Tjap Stamping (2 wks, 3/18-3/25)
Alice McInvaill Estes $30+
XART 105 M05
1 to 3 p.m.
1 to 3 p.m.
Current Events Club: Middle East (alt. W, 3/18)
Explore Your Inner Mermaid (3/18)
Sam Baalbaki
Sue Ann Whittick
XGOVT 403 M01
XPERS 772 M01
The Aristocats (featuring OLLI instructor Lloyd Kaplan on clarinet and saxophone, Nat Piccirilli on guitar and
banjo and Joseph Moyer on electric drum) perform every Wednesday at Croissants (38th Avenue and Grissom
Parkway, Myrtle Beach), 6-8 p.m., no cover but reservations recommended, 843-448-2253.
22 – Bulls Bay Nature Festival, Awendaw, S.C. The second annual Bulls Bay Nature Festival – From the Forest to
the Sea – will be held all day Saturday at conservation centers, refuges and parks near Charleston. The festival
raises awareness about the natural heritage of South Carolina’s coast. Activities, including a saltwater fishing
derby, nature walks, archery, crabbing, cast netting and more, will be held at Cape Romain, Francis Marion
National Forest and Sewee Center in South Carolina’s Lowcountry. For more information on the festival, contact
the Sewee Center at 843-928-3368 or email rustin_gooden@fws.gov.
Thursday, March 19
10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Wadja (Film & Discussion): Daily Life in Saudi Arabia (2 wks, 3/19-3/26) Sam Baalbaki
7 to 10 p.m.
Gilles Bridge Society (ongoing, year round)
Wally Lasher
XFILM 612 C01
XSKIL 736 C01
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Poetry Workshop: Letting the Poem Take Over (3/19)
Libby Bernardin
XWRIT 524 L02
2:45 to 4:45 p.m.
Spanish Conversation Club (alt. Thurs., 3/19)
Luz Greene
XSPAN 300 M01
March 19 – Indigo Choral Society presents “A Time to Remember,” a collection of Gospel favorites treasured by
conductor Thom Martin, at Belin Memorial United Methodist Church, Murrells Inlet, on Thursday, 7 p.m. Also
offered Sunday, March 22. Free (contributions are gratefully accepted).
March 19-22 – Fiddler on the Roof at Carolina Forest High School (700 Gardner Lacy Rd., Myrtle Beach).
Commemorating its 50th anniversary, Fiddler on the Roof is being presented at the CFHS Auditorium. Joseph
Stein’s classic musical takes place in a Jewish Russian village in 1905. Tevye and his wife Golde guard “Tradition.”
Along with Yente the local matchmaker, the dairyman looks for husbands for his five daughters, but Tzeitel,
Hodel and Chava have marriage plans of their own. Meanwhile, the political situation is tense, and persecution
threatens Tevye and the Jewish community. You’ll be smiling from “Sunrise to Sunset” when you see this
talented group of high school and younger aged talented performers. Thursday to Sunday, times and tickets at
www.cfhsshows.com or 843-236-7997.
March 19-22 – Murrells Inlet Community Theatre presents “Love Always” by Renee Taylor and Joe Bologna.
Thursday-Saturday, 8 p.m., and Sunday, 2 p.m., $12 (groups of 15 or more and OLLI members, $10), 843-6514152.
Friday, March 20
March 20 (Fri.)
68th Annual Festival of House & Gardens, Charleston
Robin McCall
XHIST 457 L16
In the prosperous decades preceding the American Revolution, some of the finest mansions in the city were built along the
South Battery. Charleston’s classic single house was constructed in this neighborhood into the 19th century.
1 to 3 p.m.
Coping with Loss in Later Life (3/20)
Bert Hayslip
XHEAL 750 L01
10 a.m. to noon
iPad Club (3rd Fri., 3/20)
Roy Frost
XCTEC 200 M01
Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown presents “Rudderless” (2014) at 2:30 p.m., and “Rosewater”
(2014) at 7 p.m., $5 for Strand Cinema members, $7 for public admission, 843-527-2924, ext. 3#,
David Zinman’s Friday Night Classic Film Series at the new Waccamaw Library (41 St. Paul Place, Litchfield)
features “Moonstruck” with Cher and Nicholas Cage. David Zinman, author of 50 Classic Motion Pictures and
other film books, will lead a discussion after each showing. Popcorn and drinks available – small donation
suggested. Friday, doors open at 6:30 p.m., movies at 7 p.m. Film descriptions and event details at
Saturday, March 21
Burgess Community Cleanup. Register at South Strand Recreation Center at 9 a.m., refreshments provided.
Volunteers will be transported to clean up litter along community roads such as Holmestown Road and
McDowell Shortcut. Residents, students, volunteers – waivers required. Keep Horry beautiful will provide safety
vests, gloves and bags. Sign up by March 11 for free T-shirt, breakfast biscuit/coffee and lunch snack on day of
cleanup. Sign up at GreaterBurgessCommunity.org. Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon, free,
Strand Cinema on Front Street in Georgetown presents “Two Lives” (2012) at 2:30 p.m., and “My Old Lady”
(2014) at 7 p.m., $5 for Strand Cinema members, $7 for public admission, 843-527-2924, ext. 3#,
The fourth annual Smith Sapp CPAs Choir Challenge will take place in Wheelwright Auditorium at Coastal
Carolina University. During the Smith Sapp CPAs Choir Challenge, local choirs will compete for $1,000 as voted by
the audience. The Choir Challenge will benefit Each 1 Teach 1, a mentoring and entrepreneurship skills
development program for local youth. Come and listen to inspiring music to help inspire young minds. Saturday,
6 p.m., $8 in advance or $10 at the door ($5 for children 10 or younger), 843-349-2787 or
Sunday, March 22
Indigo Choral Society presents “A Time to Remember,” a collection of Gospel favorites treasured by conductor
Thom Martin, at First Baptist Church, Georgetown, on Sunday, 3 p.m. Free (contributions are gratefully
Monday, March 23
10 a.m. to noon
Book Club (4th Mon., 3/23)
Topic: The Black Count by Tom Reiss
Anne Duncan
XLITR 512 L01
Looking Ahead!
March 27 – Annual Oyster Roast & Pig Pickin’ hosted by the Prince George Men’s Ministry will take place at
Hazzard Marine, 200 S. Meeting St., Georgetown. Friday, 6 p.m., $25, 843-545-8291.
March 27 & 28 – 68th Annual Plantation & Townhouse Tours, sponsored by Episcopal Church Women of Prince
George Winyah Parish. Tours of historic plantation homes and townhouses, midday musical moments at the
church, afternoon tea at the Winyah Indigo Society Hall, home baked goods, original framed art by local artists,
books from Georgetown Historical Society. Limited number of tickets for each day; advance ticket sales early Jan.
through early March. Friday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m., $40 per day or $70 for both, 843-545-8291.
March 29 – Waccamaw Animal Rescue Mission (WARM) has been selected to be the recipient of this year’s
Myrtle Beach Harley-Davidson Bluegrass Festival proceeds for “much needed” operating funds. The free family
and pet friendly event, complete with food, entertainment and adoptable dogs, will be held at MB HarleyDavidson (4710 S. Kings Highway). WARM is selling 50/50 raffle tickets (one for $1; seven for $5 and 15 for
$10). To buy tickets, or even help sell tickets, contact gailmfishman@hotmail.com. Sunday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., free
to attend, 843-369-5555.
March 30 - The Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum in conjunction with a Pawleys Island
family (selected to host the Sacred Art Tour group) will host the creation of a mandala over a five-day period by a
team of Tibetan monks from Drepung Gomang Monastery. In keeping with Buddhist tradition, upon completion,
the mandala will then be dispersed into the Atlantic Ocean in a ceremony of worldwide healing. The monks' visit
and work is being underwritten by Gabriella Plaza-Goldschmidt and Dr. Leonard Goldschmidt, Esq. of Pawleys
Island. The opening ceremony, including the beginning of the sand mandala construction, will be held at the Art
Museum on March 30 from 2 to 6:30 p.m. The monks will continue construction of the mandala the following
day, working from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, through Friday, April 3. A closing ceremony at 2 p.m.,
Saturday, April 4, will include a procession carrying the sand painting to the ocean for the ritual of healing. While
the monks are constructing the mandala, the Art Museum will offer visitors an opportunity to work on a
community mandala, mirroring the ancient art form. The museum will also offer children’s art activities to
coordinate with the event. For information about these activities, call the museum at 843-238-2510.
April 3-16 – The Seacoast Artists Guild announces the 12th Annual Spring Art Show and Sale to be held at the
Seacoast Artists Gallery (3032 Nevers Street, Myrtle Beach), in The Market Common. Artwork will include
paintings in oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel and mixed media as well as fiber art, sculptures and photography by
members of the Seacoast Artists Guild. Deadline for entries is Tuesday, March 17. The judge for the Spring Art
Show will be award-winning artist, Jim Calk. An awards reception, open to the public, will take place on Saturday,
April 4, 6-8 pm. The public will also be voting for their favorite artwork. The Seacoast Artists Guild will announce
the winner of the “People’s Choice” trophy on Sunday, May 3. Gallery hours, Mondays through Saturdays, noon8 p.m., and Sundays, noon-6 p.m. Visit SeacoastArtistGuild.com for entry information.
April 10 – Relay for Life annual event at Coastal Carolina Track & Field. Join “Colleges Against Cancer” for the
Friday, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. event. Register at www.relayforlife.org/ccusc.
May 1 – Shred Event: The Horry County Sheriff’s Office, along with AARP South Carolina and Shred Alert, is
hosting a shred event on Friday from 8 a.m. until noon. The event is free and open to the public. To help fight
back against identity theft, the public is encouraged to bring up to three bags or boxes of your old personal
information to a mobile shredding truck that will be located at the Horry County Government & Justice Center,
1301 2nd Ave. in Conway and at the Shred Alert office located at 4727 Northgate Blvd. in Myrtle Beach. No need
to remove staples or paper clips.
All the best,
Linda Ketron
Director, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Coastal Carolina University
14427 Ocean Highway
Pawleys Island, SC 29585
Travel Opportunities with OLLI Partners:
Earth Travel Pals is offering several small group excursions during the coming year. Summaries of proposed trips
can be found at EarthTravelPals.com or contact judy@EarthTravelPals.com (843-222-5839) or
kathy@EarthTravelPals.com (843-450-2032).
America’s National Parks, 10-day tour from June 5-14, 2015 (date change). View the Wonders of the
West, plus stunning scenery and amazing wildlife, through its best-known national parks, gold-mining towns and
old saloons on this colorful vacation. Among the places we will visit are: Mount Rushmore; Crazy Horse
Memorial; Black Hills National Forest, Deadwood, S.D.; Black Hills National Forest , Sheridan, Wyo.; Little Bighorn
Battlefield in Montana; Cody, Wyo.; Buffalo Bill Center of the West; Yellowstone National Park with all its
wonders; Grand Teton National Park; Jackson Hole, Wyo.; and Salt Lake City, Utah. VIP access and skip the lines
for the must-see attractions; great hotels in the right locations; tour directors to make every destination
fascinating with transportation to sit back and enjoy the ride! New lower prices are $2,219 per person for double
occupancy or single available for $3,004. Included meals are daily breakfast and four dinners. Deposit is $250 per
person. Estimated air at $630 per person not included. Optional travel insurance available for $199 per person.
Pre- and post-night stays available.
World Cultural Tours offers “Southern Italy,” a nine-day (Nov. 6-14, 2015) motor coach tour of Sorrento, Naples,
Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast (with an optional tour of the Isle of Capri) and Rome (with an optional tour of the
Vatican) for $2,999 (per person, double occupancy). Included in the fee: roundtrip airfare from Myrtle Beach
(including air taxes up to $600), seven nights’ accommodations, luxury motor coach, professional tour manager,
all breakfasts, welcome and farewell dinners, as well as three additional dinners, sightseeing fees, wine and
cheese tasting. Itinerary available at the CCU outreach centers. World Cultural Tours will give a PowerPoint
presentation on this tour on Wednesday, March 4, 12:30 p.m., at the Myrtle Beach Education Center (79th &
U.S. 17), free and open to all interested.
Ongoing Programs/Activities Offered by OLLI Partners:
Through March 7 – Silent Cities at Brookgreen Gardens. Ride on the new Trekker down back roads and explore
cemeteries on this two-hour excursion. Walk through former slaves and plantation owners’ graveyards and hear
about the historical burial customs of European and African origin. Visitors who purchase tickets for this
excursion will receive a discount coupon for same-day purchases at Keepsakes. Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday, noon-2:30 p.m., $15 in addition to garden admission (OLLI discount), reservations suggested,
Through March 7 – The Oaks Plantation History and Nature Trail at Brookgreen Gardens. Through interpretive
panels along this walking trail learn about the history of The Oaks Plantation and see archaeological sites that
include the footprints of the plantation owner’s house, kitchen the overseer’s house, and the enslaved African
village. Transportation departs on the hour. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., $3 in
addition to garden admission (OLLI discount), 843-235-6000.
Through March 8 – Visual Poetry: Metal Leaf Paintings by Joseph Bradley at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon
B. Chapin Art Museum. Greenville-based artist Joseph Bradley’s paintings are recognizable by their signature
metal leaf backgrounds. His works are very process-oriented and rely heavily on layering, intuition and
experimentation. His work is meant to depict our relationships with the environment and the emotions they
elicit. Tuesdays-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., free (donations welcome), 843-238-2510 or
Through April 12 – Kathleen Elliot: Imaginary Botanicals at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art
Museum. The art of California-based artist Kathleen Elliot asks us to consider nature in a new light. Leaves,
fruits, flowers, pods and vines are translated into flameworked glass. Imaginary Botanicals includes
approximately 22 flameworked glass sculptures, and through the very accuracy of her botanical forms, a parallel
rendering is also taking place: the organic is transposed into the domain of the imaginal, where natural forms
appear in unexpected colors and in fantastic, new combinations. Tuesdays-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., free
(donations welcome), 843-238-2510 or MyrtleBeachArtMuseum.org.
Through April 23 – Two exhibits at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum in Myrtle Beach:
Voices of the Island: The Cuban Art Collection of Reynier Llanes and Charles Williams’ Swim: An Artist's
Journey. As a survivor of a near-drowning experience, African American artist Charles Williams was not surprised
to learn that the majority of accidental drowning victims in America are African American male teenagers. Or
that nearly 70 percent of American black children have few or no swimming skills, many offering such comments
as "I don't swim, because I'm afraid of drowning" and "I don't like water." But Williams found inspiration in this
life-altering experience: creating a series of paintings aimed at confronting his own deeply held fears as well as
the cultural and psychological barriers to swimming experienced by black youth. Regular gallery hours will be
from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday, and 1 - 4 p.m., Sundays, free (donations welcome), 843-2382510 or MyrtleBeachArtMuseum.org.
Through May 13 – Members of the MB Camera Club are presenting their art at the Horry County Courthouse in
Conway at 1302 Second Ave. The photographs are located in the hall at the front entrance of the courthouse.
There are many different types of photos ranging from nature to local art, mbcameraclub@gmail.org.