Chiltern Lions Serving the Community The Grapevine Distributed Throughout Chiltern, Barnawartha, Springhurst & Indigo Valley Issue No 02 6th March 2015 Fortnightly Since 1976 Queensland Fruit Fly - Destroying our Fruit Trees Many of you growing fruit in Chiltern this year will have been disappointed to find much of it infested with the Queensland Fruit Fly. This year seems to have been much worse than previous years and to prevent fruit fly from becoming a permanent problem in the district we need to take action now. There are over 250 species of fruit fly in the family Tephritidae which occur in Australia but only about ten are pests. QFF is native to eastern Queensland and north eastern New South Wales and has spread to urban and horticultural areas in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and the Northern Territory. QFF lay eggs in maturing and ripe fruit on trees and sometimes in fallen fruit. The maggots (larvae) hatch and the fruit is destroyed by the feeding maggots and by associated fruit decay. QFF can attack a wide range of fruit, fruiting vegetables and native fruiting plants. Evidence of QFF activity is sometimes seen as puncture marks (stings) in the skin of fruit. The stings are where the female fruit fly has laid her eggs. Sting marks may appear as brown spots on persimmons, apples and pears or small holes that may becomes There are four stages in the life cycle of QFF: egg, larva (maggot), pupa and adult. Completion of the QFF life cycle is dependent on temperature and moisture. Each stage may take from a week to several weeks. Under favourable conditions one generation takes about four weeks. The best way to stop fruit fly is by picking and use any fruit as it ripens, don't leave it on the plant for fruit flies to attack. Collect and destroy any rotting or unwanted host fruit, whether it is on the ground or still on the plant. Unwanted fruit can be microwaved to kill any maggots inside prior to being disposed of. Alternatively, place the fruit in a plastic bag, seal the bag and leave it in the sun for 5-7 days, or place it in a freezer for two days. The bagged fruit can then be discarded in your garbage bin. Do not add unwanted fruit to your compost or worm farm, or put it directly into your garbage. Remove any unwanted or unmanageable host plants from your property and replace them with non-host alternative plants. Report neglected host plants on public land to the land manager (e.g. the local council), to encourage removal of the plants and improve QFF management across a wider area. Cover spraying can be used to directly control adult QFF on contact, and destroy eggs and larvae within fruit. Cover sprays contain contact/systemic insecticides, and are sometimes mixed with a lure to help protect produce from initial fruit fly infestations. Cover sprays are generally applied to foliage and developing fruit. Home garden products are usually available in small pack sizes or as ready-to-use formulations. Speak to your local chemical or home garden retailer about suitable products for your situation. Cover sprays can be harmful to human and environmental health if used incorrectly. Always read and follow the product label when using an insecticide. Usage directions can vary depending on the product and host produce you intend to spray. As the insecticide user, it is your responsibility to ensure the product is used according to the The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 label directions. Advertising in The Grapevine Advertising Rates Full Page Full Back Page Half page 12 cm x 12 cm 12 cm x 6 cm 6 cm x 6 cm From the Editor I would like to take this opportunity to thank Chiltern Lions Club members who immediately advised me not to worry about ensuring the Grapevine on 20.2.15 was issued. $39.00 $45.00 $22.50 $19.50 $13.00 $6.50 Advertising Conditions All new advertisers must complete the ‘Agreement to Advertise’ form available at the Barnawartha Post Office or Chiltern Post Office. For casual advertising, payment is required at the time of lodgement. Accounts will be sent to permanent advertisers. Account enquiries to: Steve Woodburne (03) 5726 1442 Text documents via email are preferred in Word or Publisher format, artwork as a JPEG or PDF (high quality printing): If submitting a hard copy of advert left at the Chiltern Post Office or Barnawartha Post Office - please ensure name and contact details are provided for verification purposes and that the envelope is marked Grapevine Article, P O Box 51. Subscription Enquires: John Flitton 03 5726 1764 Cost per year: $10.00 local delivery $35.00 for postal subscriptions Details to: PO Box 92 Chiltern VIC 3683 Free email reminders Editor: John Flitton (03) 5726 1764 Where to get The Grapevine Chiltern: Chiltern I G A, Chiltern Post Office, Grantees Milk Bar, W A W Credit Union, Chiltern Bakery, Chiltern Pharmacy, Telegraph Hotel, Taylor’s Produce Plus Barnawartha: Barnawartha Post Office, Barnawartha General Store, Star Hotel Indigo Valley: CFA shed Springhurst: Springhurst Post Office This allowed me to stay in Melbourne with my mother and two sisters and share the last week with my father, before he peacefully passed away. I would also like to thank the many readers who have passed on their condolences and understanding of not having the edition out. There were only a few items that are now passed their date and I apologise for not being able to advertise these. John Flitton Grapevine Editor The Grapevine is online. Visit To receive a free email reminder send email to Please note: Next Grapevine is Friday 20th March Copy deadline is Monday 16th March The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 2 Justices of the Peace Chiltern Tourism & Development Inc - New Resident Info Packs Anne Bould 0428500356 We would like to welcome all new residents to the Chiltern area. Reg Coysh 771 Old Barnawartha Rd, Barnawartha Nth 02 6026 7243 Free information packs are available from the Visitors Information Centre, 30 Main St Chiltern, or from the Chiltern Post Office Community Resources Margaret Dempster 185 Howlong Rd, Barnawartha 02 6026 7093 Linda Hall 25 Albert Rd, Chiltern 0409 138 430 Please call to make an appointment Vincent Shelley Old Howlong Rd, Chiltern 03 5726 1427 Margie Tickner 22 Stanley St, Barnawartha 02 6026 7086 Visitor Information: Chiltern Website This web site is provided by Indigo Shire and Chiltern Tourism Association Inc as a service to the community. Please contact Chiltern Tourism Association at, or call the Tourist Information Centre on 03 5726 1611 for more information. Chiltern Red Cross Unit Please save your stamps! Chiltern Library Conness Street, Chiltern 03 5726 1874 Photocopier / Internet / DVDs / books / magazines. Story time for children : Wed 10.30am Normal Hours: Wed 9.30am—12.30pm Thur 2 - 5pm Sat 9.30am -12.00pm (with a margin of paper round them) to help raise much-needed funds for the Red Cross. Leave them at the Chiltern Post Office. Enquiries: Heather Holden (03) 57261235 Chiltern Memorial Hall Committee of Management Enquiries: Secretary Patrick O’Connor 04 1983 2241 President Kevin Mayhew 0411 600 387 PO Box 54 Chiltern 3683 Bookings through WAW Credit Union Chiltern Articles submitted for publication do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Lions International or the editor. Red Cross Emergency The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 T: 1800 232 969 3 Community Groups Barnawartha CWA meet the first Monday of each month at the S.M. Hall, Barnawartha 1.00pm. New members most welcome. Enquiries: Lenore DeGaris 02 6026 7379, or Marilyn Ferey 03 5726 1968 Barnawartha Recreation Reserve Committee of Management meet the last Wednesday each month at 7.30pm in the Barnawartha Rec Reserve Community Centre meeting room. Enquiries Nerida Kerr 0419 899 024 The Barnawartha Development Association meet monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Barnawartha Rec Reserve Community Centre at 7pm. Any Enquiries Jordan Clarke 0400083253 Barnawartha Neighbourhood Watch meetings for 2014: First Thursday March, June, Sept & Dec At Barnawartha Memorial Hall. Enquiries: Carol White 02 6026 7284 Barnawartha Play Group meets every Tuesday during school terms 9.30—11.30am in the old library at Barnawartha Primary School. Enquiries: Briony 0412 183 419 Barnawartha SM Hall Committee meets 8pm on the first Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October, and December. New members welcome. Enquiries: President Ray Fisher 02 6026 7376, Secretary Jan Baynes 02 6059 7265 Bookings at Barnawartha Post Office. Black Dog Creek Fishing Club Meet 1st Wednesday of the month 5-6pm Club Rooms Lake Anderson Caravan Park Enquiries Laurie Bould (03) 5726 1445 New Members Welcome Catholic Women’s League Chiltern meets second Monday of each month at Catholic Rectory Fixed time to be advised Contact No (03) 5726 1595 Cavindew Scrappers meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:30pm for a card-making workshop in Barnawartha. Cost $10 includes all materials. Supper is also provided. Enquiries: Emma, or 0407 796 631. Chiltern Arts Society meets last Sunday of the Month from 11am in the Gallery (19 Conness Street, Chiltern). All art abilities welcome. BYO art project. Gold coin donation. Enquiries: Meaghan 0447 032 804 Chiltern CERT Volunteers with Ambulance Victoria, providing First Response to Ambulance calls For Assistance call 000 (Ambulance) Enquiries to Team Leader Bec DePiazza 0458 141030 or (03) 5726 1662 Chiltern Girl Guides Friday evenings 6.30 - 8.00pm Values based organisation for girls aged 7 - 18 yrs Enquiries Lynne Emblin 0357261591 Chiltern Line Dancing Every Monday 7-9p.m. Chiltern Memorial Hall Conness St Chiltern. Suitable for all ages. Enquires Rhonda 57261395 Chiltern Lions Club meets 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. Enquiries: Graham Hymus 03 5726 1250. Chiltern Playgroup meets every Thursday morning 9.30—11.30am at the Lake Anderson Scout Hall. For further details, contact: Erin Anderberg (secretary) 0408109874 Heather Hunter (treasurer) 0401486931 Chiltern Red Cross meet at 1pm at Senior Citizens Rooms, Conness Street, first Monday of each month. Enquires: Heather Stephens 03 5726 1256. Chiltern Senior Citizens Club holds its meetings at 1.30pm on the first Thursday of each month. Enquiries: Pat 03 5726 1459. Chiltern Singers meet each Monday 7.00— 8.30pm during school term in the Senior Citizens Hall. New members most welcome. Cost is $2. Enquiries: Pam McDonald 03 57261816. Chiltern & Surrounds Carers Support Group Enquiries to Sharee Donegan at Upper Murray Family Care 02-60558000 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 4 Chiltern Spinning Group meets 7pm each 2nd & 4th Thursday night monthly at the Senior Citizens Hall. Beginners welcome. Cost $2. Enquiries: Sandy 03 5726 1570. Chiltern Tourism & Development meets every third Monday at the Old Court House, Main Street, 7pm. All are welcome. Enquiries: Secretary, Joanne Smith 0434 929 842. Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park Field days first weekend of each month Enquiries, Eileen Collins 03 57261 484 Mick Webster 0429 017229 Indigo Adult Riding Club meets on the first Sunday of each month. New members welcome. Enquiries: Katrina 0414 820 355. The Lifelong Learning Group meets each Monday 10am–12 noon at the Chiltern Scout Hall for a variety of activities and a social get together. Come & join us. Enquiries: Lois Hotson 03 57 261 358 Men’s Shed Enquiries: President, Rod Wilson (02) 6026 7094, or c/- 11 Main St, Chiltern 3683. Opening Hours: Mon 1pm - 4pm, Wed 9am – 2pm, Sat 9am – 1pm The Shed may be opened by appointment, just call Alex on 0407 964 730 St Mary's Conference of St Vincent de Paul, Chiltern meets the fourth Monday each month, 10am at the Presbytery, North Road, Chiltern. Enquiries: 0407 686 400. Sunday Stitchers will meet first Sunday of the month in the Gallery (19 Conness Street, Chiltern) from 11am. BYO Knitting, Crochet or Embroidery project. Gold Coin Donation. Tea and Coffee provided. Enquiries: Meaghan 0447 032 804 Chiltern Medical Centre 11 Main Street, Chiltern (03) 5726 1690 Under New Management Open 6 Days Monday - Friday 8.30am - 6.00pm Saturday 9.00am - 1.00pm (from Saturday 28th February we are only open every 2nd Saturday.) Community Church Services Uniting Church, Chiltern St Andrew’s There will be no services held until further notice as we're in the process of calling a new minister. Enquiries: Heather Stephens (03) 57 261 256 or Ruth Owen (03) 57 261 296 Anglican Church St Paul’s Chiltern 1st & 3rd Sunday at 10.45am, and Wednesdays 9.00am All Souls’ Barnawartha 2nd & 4th Sunday at 10.45am Brown's Plains Chapel 5th Sunday at 10.45am Priest: Fr Peter Tinney 02 6032 9617 Catholic Church St Mary’s, Chiltern Saturday at 6pm & Wednesday 9.30am Rutherglen Sunday 9.00am & Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 9.30am Parish Priest: Father Brian Carey Ironbark Christian Church Chiltern Memorial Hall. Sunday Service at 10am. Life Group Meetings each Tuesday at 7.30pm. All welcome! Enquiries: Pastor Greg & Gina Crossman 03 5721 2296 Cookinburra Christian Fellowship 1st Sunday each month at 7pm Corner of Church Road & Pooleys Road, Indigo Valley Enquiries: Carol 02 6026 7284 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 5 Barnawartha Primary School Oliver plays on our newly installed permanent mini golf course. It was built and installed by our parent Paul Ramsay. We are thrilled to have this as a permanent recreation activity that our students will be able to use at play time every day at school. Briony and Fiona from the Barnawartha The blue skies and weather couldn’t have been any better for our FETE last Friday evening. On behalf of all the staff we would like to send a huge thank you to the community of Barnawartha for their support. Together we raised just over $1,600. The atmosphere was perfect and reflected the amazing community spirit and relationships we have with our families and friends of Barnawartha Primary School. Proving that once again we may be small in number, but we have the biggest of hearts and we know it’s the little things that we do to support each other that lead to big things when we get together. Rod, Alex and Daniel from the Chiltern Men’s Shed and Simon De’Garis, Rural Land Developer, got involved and show their support with Jan Manglesdorf and Shelley Kelly from “Skellywags” support the school and show off their amazing creativity and beautiful display Don’t forget: We have a school app! We use an app to send instant messages, newsletters and notices. Search your app store for tiqbiz, download to your phone, tablet computer…or all of them and keep up to date with what’s on at Barny PS We are happy to take enrolments throughout the year – please call us to enquire. Barnawartha Primary School, Stanhope St, Barnawartha Vic 3688, Acting Principal: Lisa van Noordennen Ph: 02 6026 7227 DO YOU HAVE A FEW HOURS A WEEK / MONTH TO SPARE DO YOU ENJOY MEETING NEW PEOPLE / TOURISTS DO YOU WISH TO PROMOTE CHILTERN THE CHILTERN ATHENAEUM IS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS TO MEET & GREET TOURISTS COMPUTER SKILLS WOULD ALSO BE AN ADVANTAGE Further enquiries please contact: Chiltern Athenaeum President, Bill Steele on 0407 515985 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 6 St Joseph’s Primary School The year, at St Joseph’s, has got off to a very smooth start and everyone is heads down and focused on their learning. The learning extends to the Kitchen Garden Program with each class having their turn in our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden (SAKG) and cooking up a storm in the kitchen. The tasty dips made from our own basil and cucumbers, including tsatziki and pesto, have been a hit on home made naan bread. While the cheese and spinach muffins and juicy corn harvested from the garden were mouthwateringly delicious. Our children are very clever to have made these dishes and they are so fortunate to have the opportunity to harvest from their garden and eat the fresh produce that same day. It’s no wonder when everyone sits down at the table to eat the meal that the food is eaten with relish and the serving bowls are quickly emptied. The Parents & Friends Committee decided at their meeting last week to create a Cook Book of Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden recipes with some favourites from home. It is certain to be a best seller! Dedicated and passionate Kindergarten Educators providing quality education for children in Chiltern, Barnawartha, Springhurst, Middle Indigo & Browns Plains 4 Year Old Group Tuesday & Wednesday: 8.30am - 4.00pm Kindergarten Fee Subsidy Available to Eligible Card Holders 3 Year Old Group Thursday : 9.00am - 12.00noon Places still available for 2015 Wodonga Office: The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 Telephone: 02 6056 4933 7 Chiltern Primary School Rubbish Free School At Chiltern primary we are endeavouring to reduce the amount of rubbish in our bins and playground by encouraging all students to bring a ‘nude food’ lunch each day and taking their own rubbish home. We are already using 2 less bins! It is lovely to see the inventive ways lunches are now arriving at school. Feedback from our students: Daniel—I use a food container which comes with my lunchbox. Instead of bringing packets, I just put them in my container. Putting your food in a lunch container will reduce the amount of rubbish in our playground. Bridie—I bring my lunch in containers and I don’t have any rubbish at school. Now the rubbish truck doesn’t have to take as much rubbish. Douglas—I bring ‘nude food’ every day. It’s not wrapped; it’s just in food containers Regent Honeyeater Program Once again Taronga Zoo has invited Chiltern Primary to participate in the 2015 Regent Honeyeater Release (of captive bred birds from Taronga) and community monitoring project. This is the third time we have been involved. The release is planned for mid-April - and therefore potential field and school activities will be arranged in the lead up - with particular emphasis on the period between the 10th and 17th of April Swimming Sports Once again we had very successful District swimming sports on Tuesday 17 February. These days involve many hours of planning and organising and I would like to sincerely thank Colleen McQuillen for giving up her time to make sure the day ran smoothly. Also, thank you to those parents and community volunteers who also gave their time to assist on the day. Congratulations to Matilda (freestyle and butterfly), Melody (breast stroke), Ashton (breast stroke) and Ella (freestyle) who will now compete at zone level in Wodonga on Friday February 27th. Wear Red for Red Cross March is Red Cross Calling month. Red Cross Calling is our oldest national fundraising campaign. Now approaching its 66th year, it encourages Red Cross Supporters and members of the general public to volunteer their time during March and fundraise in their local community. Funds raised will support their vital everyday work helping people and communities in need. Once again we are supporting this worthwhile event by encouraging all students to wear red to school on Wednesday 11th March. A gold coin donation is encouraged. Call John on (03) 5726 1764 or 0457 644133 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 8 Books, Books, Books The Chiltern Lions Club will once again hold its Bookfest 17th July 2015 We are seeking books (in good condition) All funds raised goes back into the community Contact: Charlie Summerfield (03) 5726 1395 John Flitton (03) 5726 1764 On Your Bike for Glenview Glenview Fete at Rutherglen Lions Park 9.00am - 12noon Sunday 12th April Stalls Spinning Wheels Face Decorating, popcorn & Animal Balloons Special Event Bike Decoration: Smallest Bike, Largest Bike, Rustiest Bike, Oldest Bike, Service Groups, Cyclists, Family Groups The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 9 From the Athenaeum Extracts from The Federal Standard Newspaper 120 YEARS AGO Friday, February 8, 1895 An experiment tried by the Railway department in the carriage of rabbits in an ice truck from Wangaratta has resulted in failure. The truck was run for a week, and supplied with ice so as to maintain a temperature of 43 degrees, but instead of it keeping the rabbits in good condition a reverse result was attained, and it has therefore been decided to take the truck off the line The experiment goes to show that an ice truck is of no utility for the carriage of game or meat unless the articles to be conveyed are received at railway statons in a thoroughly cool or chilled condition. If an export trade in rabbits is to be successfully established an indispensable condition would appear to be that they should be dressed and chilled in the country. Friday, February 15, 1895 It is with feeling of regret that we have to state that the secretary to the Chiltern and Rutherglen branch of the A.M.A., Mr C. D. Lucas is missing. It had been known for some few days that everything in connection with the branch was not as it should be, and the fact that Mr Lucas left Chiltern, unknown to anyone, on Tuesday evening February 5th, lent additional colour to the surmise. On Thursday evening a special meeting of the branch was held, but owing to the non-appearance of the secretary, he was suspended and Mr Woodward appointed to act pro tem. On Friday the books were secured, but although no discrepancies were discovered, it was known that several mounts which had been paid over to him were unaccounted for. In the face of no consisting evidence being immediately forthcoming, several of the officers proceeded to Eldorado last Sunday and there they found out that £20 13s 6d contribution money had been paid to Lucas. No record was shown of this amount and the officers finding out that Lucas had received the money through post-office orders, a warrant will be issued charging him with the embezzlement of the sum above mentioned. There are several other alleged misappropriations, but the exact extent of the defalcations will never be properly known. We can authoratively state however, that the report given in a metropolitan and district contemporary about the alledged discrepancies and the various modes of acting on the part of the officers is a mere fabrication, and should be taken with a grain of salt. The only true sentence in it is that Charles D. Lucas is missing. Friday, February 22, 1895 We were the other day shown some splendid specimens of tomatoes grown by Mr John Secton of Chiltern. The fruit was of the Ponderosa variety, and possessed a flavor of the highest order. As regards to weight, several turned the scale at over 2lbs. For market purposes the variety can scarcely be surpassed, and it commends itself to district growers for that purpose. Tenders for supplying the Chilternshire council with 250 closet pans and fifty air tight lids for use in connection with the lately adopted night pan system in Chiltern, closed yesterday, some half-dozen tenders being received. It was first intended that the council town members should open the tenders yesterday, but owing to the absence from Chiltern of Cr Kilgour the matter has been postponed for a few days. 60 YEARS AGO Friday, February 11, 1955 POPULAR BANK MANAGER RETIRES We know of no-one anywhere who will not regret the impending retirement of our popular New South Wales bank manager, Mr Noel Roset. MR H. N. Roset will enter on long service leave on Wednesday March 1 prior to retirement next August. His successor will be Mr R.M. Wisbey, Manager of the Frankston branch. It is pleasing to know that one who has given such outstanding The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 10 public service inside and outside the bank is not going to leave us. Mr. and Mrs Roset will live in what was once the headmaster's residence. Mr. Roset has been in the service of the bank for 46 years having been manager for 24 years and seen service in 45 branches. He joined the bank in Sydney and has been in Chiltern for 13 years. We wish him and his good lady many happy years of retirement in our midst. Friday, February 18, 1955 RECIPE FOR ROMANCE My brother put off telling his motherless daughter the facts of life as long as possible. But when she fell in love for the first time at 16, he realized that he had to talk to her. I overheard his concluding remark, "Jean, the best advice I can give you is written on the top of a mayonnaise jar." That night, when I mixed the salad for dinner, these words on the mayonnaise jar leapt up at me" "Keep cool, but don't freeze." - Contributed Friday, February 25, 1955 OBITUARY - MR. HUGH CHRISTIE The death occurred in the Wangaratta Hospital on Sunday, February 6, of Mr. Hugh Christie aged 76 years, after an operation and eight weeks in hispital. Deceased, who was born at Barnawartha, but lived most of his life in Chiltern, married Violet Milligan. Deceased had one brother Jack of Maffra. Deceased was laid to rest in the Barnawartha cemetery, the Rev. McBain, Presbyterian Minister reading the burial services. 50 YEARS AGO Friday, February 19, 1965 £53 AN ACRE FOR BARNAWARTHA LAND A Barnawartha South property of 291 acres was sold last week for £53 an acre.The dairying and grazing property was offered by Victorian Producers' Co-op Co. Ltd, Wodonga, on account of the executor of the estate of Mr. F. Brewer. Vendors were J.F and L.M Stivens, of Finley. Friday, February 19, 1965 BOWLERS HONOUR CHARLIE OATES The Chiltern Bowling Club held a special social evening on Saturday, February 1 at their club room to honour their second super veteran in his attaining the age of 80 in the person of the very well liked Charlie Oates. The evening was a very social affair, over 50 being present. They consisted of bowlers, their wives and friends who wished to pay their respects to this highly respected bowler, and one who has resided within a 10 mile radius of Chiltern all his life. The evening consisted of dancing intersperced with films shown by Mr. B Fuge and taken while on his world tour. These films were particularly colourful and interesting, and enjoyed by all. At the appropriate time the president of the club Mr. Joe Fisher, in his usual breezy way, spoke of the many fine qualities of the quest of honour. He referred to Mr Oates' term in the Chiltern Shire Council, where he helped many in his quiet way. He also told of how, in his business, he never let the needy go hungry, especially during the trying depression days. Mr. Robert Scott supported the president, and said Charlie Oates had been an outstanding citizen, a very fair man when in competition as a fellow grocer, a keen and well-liked bowler. Mr Oates, who was visably affected by the eulogies and hand clapping and singing of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" quickly regained his sense of humour when the audience began to sing "The Old Grey Mare Aint What She Used To Be" and "Why Was He Born So Beautiful." He was delighted with the bowlers and friends for holding such an evening. He thanked the organisers and those who were present for a wonderful night-a night he would never forget. He was most grateful to the club for being included this year in the pennant team, and he hoped to play the wonderful old game for a few more years. He had been born and reared within a radius of 10 miles of Chiltern. A lovely supper was provided by the ladies, and is always a great feature. The music for dancing was supplied by Messrs. A. Cooper and R. Franchi. The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 11 10.30 onwards Monday 13th April Senior Citizen’s Centre, Conness Street, Chiltern Light Lunch Provided, Cost $10.00 Lucky Door Prize & Raffle Bookings : Glenda Burke (03) 5726 1595 or Pat O’Connor (03) 5726 1459 WORLD DAY OF PRAYER '"THE BAHAMAS" at Cookinburra Christian Fellowship Cnr Church & Pooleys Rd Indigo Valley 10am 6th March 2015 Morning tea at the conclusion of service. ALL WELCOME PH Maxine 0260 267 165 or Carol 0260 267 284. Thank you for your service to the community Merle Stuart The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 12 Chiltern Senior's Club News. Seniors from Beechworth, Rutherglen and Chiltern enjoyed a great day of friendship, fun and laughter at the recently held games day in the Senior's rooms. In the absence of the club's president Mr Bob Goldsworthy, secretary Maxine Arblaster welcomed all present and players divided into games they wished to play. Concentration was fierce from those playing Chinese Checkers and cards and lots of frustration and laughter from those throwing dice, playing beetles. Prizes were given to all winners and the lucky door prize was won by Mardi Kendrick. A scrumptious lunch was served commencing with canapes and finishing with numerous slices and fresh fruit platters. Games continued after lunch until afternoon tea was served. A big thankyou to the committee for all the planning and catering they did to make the day a great success. Participants are awaiting the date of the next Games day. Meanwhile please note that due to the demand cards/euchre is on EVERY Tuesday at 1.30. Love to see you there. Includes afternoon tea. The Chiltern Seniors need new members, our monthly meetings 1st Thursday of each month 1.30pm. Come along and put forward your ideas and help us to put new life into the club. Our aim is to host low cost days of entertainment for the seniors of our wonderful community. Maxine Arblaster Secretary Another Yarn from Chiltern Spinners It is great to be back at our regular Thursday evening meetings. Do you remember the story of Elizabeth unpicking her pink knitted blanket in disgust? Well, she arrived at the first meeting of Chiltern Spinners for 2015 with not only the pink yarn re-knitted into a gorgeous multi-patterned Aran-style baby blanket but also a matching one in blue. The results were greatly admired. Her work is exceptional. Not to be outdone, Rhonda produced her completed cream crocheted circular baby shawl which was also admired by all our members. This first meeting for the year showed how busy everyone had been over the summer break. Sue produced a delightful Shawn the Sheep quilted wall hanging and Leisa stunned everyone with her tally of 31 beanies – each one a different colour pattern. More than half of the beanies have already found a home. Ellen produced two skeins of handspun yarn – one from dyed merino and the other from alpaca with one ply natural black and the other dyed alpaca. The finished yarn was soft and so interesting. Lyn has been busy working on her craft almost every day. She showed everyone a gorgeous skein plied with two different colours from her own coloured sheep – one grey and one black. She had also crocheted the back panel of what will become a crocheted vest. Photo: Dawn, Rhonda, Elizabeth, Pat and Sandy admiring the cream circular baby shawl crocheted by Rhonda and the pink and blue baby blankets knitted by Elizabeth. The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 13 CHILTERN RUTHERGLEN CONTINUING EDUCATION GROUP Bookings & enquiries to: Lois Hotson – Ph (03) 57 261 358 Email: Or contact : Emma & Matt at Chiltern Post Office ® Beekeeping For Beginners - with Joe Riordan We have had a good response so the program is being organised probably starting in June & then over a period of sessions to springtime to see the bees working in the field. Will keep you posted! ® Gourmet Food on a Budget– at Rutherglen High School with Lorraine Foster & Brooke Rasmussen June / July. More details later ® Cheese Making workshops with Diane Thomas Saturday 30th MAY 9.15 to 3.30pm at Rutherglen . Cost: $115 includes all ingredients. We will offer 2 cheeses for the day. Make BLUE CHEESE or SWISS style CHEESE as the main cheese & then a couple of others as well – possibly even cultured butter. Please indicate on enrolment the type of cheese you would like to make so we can order in supplies. Enrolments & fees appreciated by the 16 th May please. Phone Diane on 0260 267888. or Lois 0357261358 ® Learn About Computers –Windows, Word, Email, Google, Excel & more! With Michael Leverett. At Rutherglen High School Monday 20th April to 18th May 5 x 2 hr sessions – 9pm Cost $95. Suggestions from participants welcome. ® Welding with Chris Phillpot ® Mosaics for Beginners or those with some experience. With Lucy Porter Saturday 18th July & 1st August. TBC ® Creative Lino Printing And Collograph Printmaking Workshop. With Jenny King ® Global Super 8 Day – happening around the world on 24th October! with Rodney Bourke Entries open until Thurs 8th October. Contact Lois 0357261358 or Rodney for an entry form. Films will be shown in Chiltern on 24th October as part of the world event. Time TBA contact Rodney: Mob 043 888 7521 ® Our Australian Classic Movie Nights at 6.45pm at Chiltern’s Star Theatre Our first film of the year “ Captain Blood” was enjoyed by all. Even though it was made in 1935, it stood up well against modern movies. Our next film is on Saturday 14 th March with the 1954 classic film “ King of the Coral Sea “PG Starring Chips Rafferty, Bud Tingwell, Rod Taylor & Reg Lye. Ted King, a pearler in the Torres Strait, finds a body floating in the sea which gives him a lead to a racket in illegal immigration. King investigates the crime and discovers that one of his own men, a half-caste sailor, Yusep is involved. The racketeers kidnap King's daughter Rusty, and hold her as a hostage Cost: $28 includes BBQ tea, film showing, discussion and supper or come along at 8 pm for film showing etc, without BBQ tea - $15. Children half price. Bookings essential for catering. Please note the start times Some suggestions have come in. Let me know if you are interested in any of the following topics please : 1. French for travellers ! ( tutor is a Frenchman) 2. Run a car mechanics 101: how to check oil levels, change a tire, jumpstart a car. 3. Approach some of the winemakers to do tours of their facilities and go through the winemaking process, 4. and also get a vineyard manager to talk about different grape varieties and vine management Bookings & enquiries for any programs to: Lois Hotson – Ph (03) 57 261 358 Email: Or contact : Emma & Matt at Chiltern Post Office The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 14 Heritage awards now open Indigo Shire’s heritage awards will feature in the National Trust’s Heritage Festival, which runs from late April to late May. Council’s Heritage Advisory Committee and the National Trust (Victoria) are encouraging people to enter the Shire’s Heritage Awards for 2015. Applications are now open and awards will be presented on 29 May in Rutherglen. The awards are open to junior and senior members of the Indigo Shire community, to domestic and commercial projects and to both government and non-government sectors. The categories are: Creative Re-Use of a Heritage Place New Work/Development within a Heritage Area Restoration of a Heritage Place Specialist trade Skills Sustainability and/or Greening of a Heritage Place Open Heritage Junior Heritage Individual Heritage Advocacy The Indigo Shire Heritage Advisory Committee Heritage Gold Award. Full details of the Award Categories are provided on the nomination form can be downloaded from Council’s website or copies are available at Council offices and libraries Nominations close on Friday 10 April. For further information contact: Ms Robin Thom, Awards Co-ordinator on 02 6028 1101 or 1300 365 003. Black Dog Creek Big Game Fishing Club Fish Released In Lake The club together with Fisheries Victoria and “The Hook” (Border Mail fishing correspondent) on Thursday 19th February released 1,000 yellowbelly (golden perch) fingerlings into Lake Anderson. This is the third year in a row that fish have been released. The first fish released (2 years ago) are now 30+cm long, with one caught at the kid’s fish day measuring 42.5cm and another 36.5cm. Now is a great time for parents to teach their kids the enjoyment of fishing and have a picnic or use the free electric BBQ (opposite the bowling club) the fishing club built quite a few years ago. The minimum size for yellowbelly is 30+cm, so any smaller fish must be returned or Which Member of our Club is this? you can be fined. Boat Licence Anyone wishing to obtain a licence. The Vietnam Veterans Club of Wodonga are putting on a Jet Ski & Boat Licence course in the near future. For details call (0467 508749) or go to or see our fishing club noticeboard at the Telegraph Hotel (near the billiard table). The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 15 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 16 Speaker - Gemma Sisa, Founder of the School of St Judes and Recipient of the Order of Australia Medal When - 5.30 to 7.30pm Friday 20th March 2015 Where - Beechworth Town Hall, Ford St, Beechworth RSVP - Vicki Connell (03) 5726 1694 or email by 10th March Light fingerfood and beverages provided Chiltern Red Cross News We would like to remind people that meetings are usually held on the first Monday of every month at 1:00pm in Senior Citizens rooms. During 2015 there will be 2 evening meetings for those who cannot attend during the day. These will be well advertised ahead of time. During the year two stalls will be held, one for Red Cross Calling, and the other at the end of the year. Our group is involved with volunteering in emergencies and adds to Red Cross funds through catering events. Of special note the group would like to congratulate Olive Nesbitt who, after an amazing life time of service to Red Cross catering in Chiltern, (she began assisting in the 1959 fires!!!) has decided that her catering days are over. Olive has assisted with road accidents, Pelican Industries, Mayday Hills and community meals as well as local events. Olive will remain a branch member. Time to hang up the apron Olive! The Chiltern community thanks you for your years of service. The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 17 Healthy Active Indigo North 11 Main St Chiltern Vic. 3683 03 57261405 168 High St Rutherglen Vic 3685 02 06336200 02 60329133 Fax Email: District nursing services Personal care services Home care services Strength Training Life Ball Tai Chi Walking group –Heart foundation Activities Group Men’s Shed Chronic Disease Management Program Counselling Out of School Hours Care Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Podiatry Speech Pathology Emergency Medical Information Books Several years ago a joint partnership with Lions Australia and Rotary Australia introduced the Medical Emergency Information Booklets. Rotary Club of Rutherglen Supported by Indigo North Health The Chiltern Lions Club purchased 200 books and had them available in several outlets until they slowly ran out. Indigo North health in partnership with Rutherglen Rotary has purchased 500 booklets. The Rotary logo is displayed as well as the words “Supported by Indigo North Health”. They come in a plastic sleeve with magnets on the back and are designed to go on the fridge. The booklets are for those with pre-existing medical conditions and persons on several different medications. They will be available from Monday 16th February. project.) (Website with history of the Visiting Services: Podiatrist Physiotherapy Counselling Disability Advocacy and Info. Service (DAIS) Training: Apply First Aid CPR refresher Anaphylaxis Asthma management External Automated Defibrillator Training Editors Note: The Chiltern Lions Club welcomes the books being made available once again. I have one on my fridge and encourage others to do so. The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 18 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 19 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 20 Deadly Art Selling original Aboriginal Art & Craft Open 7 days 9.30am to 4.30pm Jeff & Ursula Shop 2/47 Conness Street, Chiltern Ph 03 5726 1113 or 0423 303 341 Chiltern Lions Printing Service No Job Too Small or Too Big! Documents, Photo Enlargement, General copying. Call John (03) 5726 1764 chilternprint@ Full Page $39.00 Half page $22.50 12 cm x 6 cm $13.00 Full Back Page $45.00 12 cm x 12 cm $19.50 6 cm x 6 cm $6.50 ELDIABLO RANCH WEAR Now Open in Chiltern 56 Conness Street, Chiltern (old newsagency) (03) 5726 1009 For the horse or western enthusiast. Eldiablo Ranch Wear caters for all ages and sizes, with some sizes up to 4XL. Popular brands include “Cruel”, “Cinch” and “L A Idol”. Come and browse, new stock coming all the time. Check on our Facebook site for new arrivals. Phone Orders taken. Layby Welcome. ☺EFTPOS Available ☺If we don’t have it, we will order it. The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 21 BARNAWARTHA STORE LUCKY 7 NOW AVAILABLE FISHING LICENCES CITY LINK PASS WE ACCEPT STAR CARD MOTOR PASS FLEET CARD MOTOR CHARGE CALTEX PREMIUM FUEL 98 UNLEADED FUEL 91 DIESEL PH OPEN 7DAYS 0260267827 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 22 R & J Zani Earthmoving & Garden Supply Bobcat Excavator Grader Water Cart Tractor & Slasher Garden Soils Pine Bark River Stone Road Base YES WE DO DELIVER! General Earthmoving Tree Removal Trenching Phone: 0412866552 Demolition Driveways Grass Slashing - 0260329407 1491 CHILTERN – RUTHERGLEN ROAD RUTHERGLEN The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 23 Local Heroes plus IGA LIQUOR Chiltern’s own CFA CHILTERN IGA’s COOKIES We are now baking our own cookies in-store. A big congratulations to our CFA teams on a Anzac Cookies fantastic effort with fantastic results at the rural championships held here on the weekend just Choc Chip Cookies gone. Well done to all. You make us feel safe in Shortbread Cookies our own community. Jam Drop Cookies ZOOPER DOOPER TUESDAY M & M Cookies Next time you are in just ask about our Cookies. All Chiltern Primary & St Joseph’s Primary (They are Yummy) School students who come in and visit us on Tuesday afternoons between 3.30pm and 40” SAMSUNG TV - $299.00 4.30pm with a parent will receive a Zooper This could be yours. Spend just $70.00 on Wolf Dooper FREE of charge. Come on in kids – Blass wines in-store, and buy yourself a 40” TV bring mum or dad and say hi to receive your for $299.00. Ask us how!!!! Zooper Dooper. 36 Conness St, Chiltern JOIN THE LOCALS SERVING LOCALS Check our Liquor Department For some great prices Please note: Copy deadline is Next Grapevine is 20th March 2015 Monday 16th March 2015 0357 261471 fax 0357 261211 Sue Robbins Hair and Beauty Specialising in over 35 years of experience in the Hair and Beauty industry, offering you just what you need. Hi everyone, just letting you all know Sue Robbins Hair and Beauty has moved to a new address and a new phone number all services are still available looking forward to seeing old and new faces please contact Sue on 0357261821 or 0429656306 to make an appointment 30 Gibson Street Chiltern The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 24 BROWN’S EARTHMOVING SAND, SOIL & HARDWARE SUPPLIES 27 Mackay Street, Chiltern Phone (03) 5726 1203 or Mob 0409 037713 Find us on Facebook; Under Variety Tools For all your Sand, Soil, Conmix, Mulch and more. Plus, Garden Mulch / Straw & small Square Lucerne Bales. For all your Concreting needs we have Cement, Rapid Set and Lime. Now in stock: Rio Mesh for concreting (62 & 72) Don’t forget our large range of Hardware & Auto. 90mm & 100mm Storm Water Pipe Summers here, we have a range of hose fittings plastic & brass sprinklers, spray units, jerry cans and shovels, rakes, hoes and much more. Machinery Bobcat / Augers 200/300/450 Excavator 7.5 tonne Excavator 2.5 tonne Grader (small) Trencher Rotary Hoe Wacka Packa Tractor Slashing 3 Tonne Tipper 8 Tonne Tipper 8,000 litre Water Truck Cool Room Hire Trestle Table Hire Also chairs for hire The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 25 Open 7 Days a week Open Wednesday to Sunday 8.30am to 4.30pm 7am – 4pm Hot Breakfast Available on Weekends till 10.30am Dine In or Take Away Phone orders welcome 03 5726 1000 NATHAN ATTERIDGE CARPENTRY BAS Garden & Landscape Maintenance ABN 77660306193 ABN: 81 655 740 231 0407 163 336 General Garden Maintenance, Property Maintenance, Hedges Trimmed, Trees Trimmed, Garden Makeovers, Landscaping, Pergolas, Decking, Paving, Fence Screens, Rubbish Removal For a free quote, please call Craig 0401 297100 Specialising in all domestic construction, renovations, new dwellings, pergolas & robes–no job too small! The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 26 In Stitches Sewing Service Quality Garment Alterations Kim Collins 0414 569 800 Chiltern Andrew Lockett Electrician Going away and need care for your animals and property? Vic REC-23548, NSW-266937C 2091 Indigo Creek Rd Call The Good Neighbour Indigo Valley 3683 0411 496 062 0499 551422 We provide exceptional, personalised home and pet care solutions. Lockett Electrical No job too big or small MUSIC TEACHER Experienced teacher currently taking private piano / keyboard, voice, theory of music, guitar and recorder lessons. Pam McDonald Call David Ross on 0407 946 871 03 5726 1816 For all Advertising Enquiries Please Contact or email John Flitton on (03) 5726 1764 B & D Ellison Cabinet Makers With over 30 years experience - servicing Eldorado, Wangaratta, Chiltern, Beechworth and surrounding areas. Barny Bill’s Produce Ph 0417 491696 Bulk Pet Meat 10kg Horse & Dog Products Rapidvite, Redlands, Spectrum, Kohnke’s Own ABN 86994145180 Brian’s Yard Care ABN 15 941 829 925 Wide range of affordable Services Pensioner rates Insured Brian McVean 03 5726 1898 0400 261 898 Quality Custom Made + Free Design & Quote Kitchens/Robes/Laundries & Vanities/Bookcases etc. Contact BRIAN on 03 5725 1683 Workshop at 72 Mackay Street, Eldorado,VIC The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 27 Mon & Tues Lunch 12noon - 2pm Dinner 6pm - 8.30pm $4.50 Schooners all day long!! Wednesday Lunch 12noon - 2.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 8.30pm 5.00pm - 6.00pm $15 Pot n Parmy Thursday Lunch 12noon - 2.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 8.30pm 5.00pm - 6.00pm $15 Steak Night Friday Joker Poker & Raffle Night Come in and enjoy delicious meals in our Bistro For Lunch & Dinner on Sat & Sun 12noon - 2pm & 6pm - 8pm ~ Choose a nice Cold Beer in our Bar or from our selection of Local Wines ~ Call Wayne to organise your next private function at our Friendly Hotel 03 5726 1470 ~ Check out our website: The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 28 ABN 36-187-498-592 Corner Conness and All Mechanical Repairs Main Streets, Free Pick Up & Delivery Chiltern, 3683 Tyres, including puncture repairs Phone 03 5726 1572 Trailer & Horse Float Repairs & Rebuilds Bockman’s ACDelco Batteries Swap & Go Gas Providing a large range of livestock & pet feeds, Hardware, Rural & Garden Hose connections, Garden fertilizers, Rapid Set & General Purpose Cement, Auto Electrical Products, Bales of Hay & Plants Full Page $39.00 Half page $22.50 12 cm x 6 cm $13.00 Full Back Page $45.00 12 cm x 12 cm $19.50 6 cm x 6 cm $6.50 CHILTERN PHARMACY Pharmacist: Michael Benjamine 24 CONNESS STREET T: 03 5726 1660 Mobility Aids HOURS OF BUSINESS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9.30am - 5:30pm SATURDAY 9am - 12.00 noon For Sale or Hire (crutches, walking sticks & walking frames) The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 29 ALLWERX PLUMBING Vic Lic. 36347 plumbing & gasfitting split system installation solar hot water installation hot water service replacement D&K CLEANING SERVICE 56 SCHOOL ROAD, SPRINGHURST VICTORIA 3682 STUART DYE Plumbing NSW Gold Lic. No. 7418C, Vic. Lic. 28350 NSW Gold Lic. 7418C Vic Lic. 28350 PHONE 03 5726 5346 FAX 03 5726 5146 MOBILE 0427 265 346 EMAIL Cleaning services we provide: Carpet steam cleaning with accredited firm status lic. no. 106773 in inspection & restoration carpet cleaning bathroom renovations All our cleaners have police + working with children checks backflow prevention & service drainage We are insured, and all employees have Workcare Water & Sewerage Connection Roofing Drainage Servicing all country areas All Maintenance jobs No job too small Gas fitting (Natural & LP) 46 READ STREET, HOWLONG NSW 2643 Mobile 0428 678 772 CONCRETOR CONTRACTOR Specialising in all types of Concrete Work roof repairs Windows cleaning After-build cleans bushfire sprinkler installation Floors stripping and resealing Supermarket cleaning compliance certificates Pressure washing School cleaning General cleaning End of lease cleans ♦Slate Impression ♦Stencil & Colour Domestic cleaning Subcontractors for blind cleaning Craig Saville Only use a licensed plumber—call John on M: 0418 350 917 Office cleaning ♦Driveways/Paths ♦Shed Floors ♦House Slabs ♦Exposed Aggregate Mobile 0409 946 192 AH 02 6032 7482 For all Advertising Enquiries Please Contact or email John Flitton on (03) 5726 1764 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 30 Simon A. de Garis FAPI Land Valuer Property Consultant Fine & Decorative Art Gallery Unique Craft & Gifts Handmade Vintage Style Clothing Creative Kids Classes Knitting Yarn & Patterns Bushfire Planning and Design Consultant (Accredited) FPAA T/F 02 6026 7379 M 0400 367 516 Barnawartha VIC 3688 3std Rooms for only $90 19-21 Conness Street Chiltern Free carpet protection included Massage Therapist Only DRY-Cleaning leaves your carpet clean & fresh, & ready to use Lynne Emblin Therapeutic, Relaxation, Sports injury, Deep tissue Call Baz Now 21 years experience For an appointment Telephone: 0418 107128 03 5726 1591 or 0408708946 Registered for Work Cover & some Health Funds 20 years experience Award winning service Please note: Copy deadline is Next Grapevine is 20th March 2015 Monday 16th March 2015 Licensed Plumber – Drainer – Gasfitter – LPG - Roofer OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE LIC NOS. 48838 (VIC) 59152C (NSW) We are able to offer a FAST and RELIABLE service to meet all clients needs Specialising in: ◘ All General Plumbing ◘ Gas, electric & solar hot water systems ◘ Leak location & problem solving ◘ Irrigation &pump systems ◘ Roof repairs & maintenance ◘ Renovation &maintenance work ◘ Water tank installation & maintenance ◘ Accredited Enviro Plumber ◘ Drainage, septic & air-rated systems ◘ Commercial and industrial work 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE NO JOB TOO SMALL CALL LANCE ON: 03 5726 5554 or M: 0405 686 929 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 31 Indigo Glass foster carers come from Total glass and glazing service Contact us on: 0419 385 697 03 5726 1982 all walks All types of glass replacement Glass and mirrors cut to size Leadlight built to order Etched and sandblasted glass Glass for solid fuel heaters of life What’s Stopping You? CALL US NOW 02 6055 8000 For all Advertising Enquiries Please Contact or email John Flitton on (03) 5726 1764 Chiltern Post Office • • • • • • • • • • • • 54 Main Street T: 03 5726 1300 All Postal Services OPENING HOURS Banking – Personal & Business (over 70 financial institutions including CBA, NAB, St George) 9.00am - 5.30pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday Bill Payments (over 1000 bills accepted, including Rates) Phone credit for all providers (including Telstra, Optus, Virgin, Vodafone etc) Open to 7.00pm every Thursday night Discounted overseas calling cards Passport interviews ID Photos (8 digital photos for $14.95) Working with Children Checks VIC ROADS Agency Work Safe Licences Learner Permit Tests Heavy Vehicle Work Diaries Post Office Boxes Number Plate Returns Faxing & Photocopying Greeting Cards & Wrapping Paper (great range and quality—only $1, printed in Australia) Unregistered Vehicle Permits The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 32 MUSIC TEACHER O’NEILL AND TODD Funeral Director Want to learn to play the piano, violin or flute? I have years of experience and successful teaching all ages, from beginner to advanced. Play for pleasure or work towards AMEB exams. Sally Ross B.Mus., B. A., Dip. Ed Established 1937 For courteous and dignified service at all hours Seven days a week Springhurst 0414 468 521 Servicing Chiltern, Rutherglen & Barnawartha District Pauline Lappin Chiltern 03 5726 1302 Benalla 03 5762 2461 Pre-paid Funeral Plan Monumental Services Terry Feehan (Proprietor) Member A.F.D.A. Full Page $39.00 Half page $22.50 12 cm x 6 cm $13.00 Full Back Page $45.00 12 cm x 12 cm $19.50 6 cm x 6 cm $6.50 ELDORADO PLUMBING Servicing the North East ☺ General Maintenance ☺ Hot Water Services ☺ Spouting Renewals ☺ Blocked Drains ☺ Water Tanks ☺ Septic Installations ☺ No call out fee ☺ 35 years exp Phone Graeme on Mob 0407 353537 Hm (03) 5725 1383 Lic 19183 Darryl Hawkins Electrical Contractor Lic No Vic 19441 NSW 93609C Commercial & Domestic Installations & Maintenance Repairs Mob: 0458 406545 Simon Knowles Kay Lavender Emma Knowles 76 Conness St Chiltern Telephone: 03 5726 1286 This Space Now Available Just $6.50 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 33 Please note: Copy deadline is Next Grapevine is 20th March 2015 Monday 16th March 2015 BARNAWARTHA POST OFFICE AND NEWSAGENCY ABN: 94 150 215 049 Your One Stop Shop A great range of cards and gifts for you to choose from For all occasions along with all of the usual Australia Post Services including mobile phone recharges, bill paying & banking facilities. Contact details: Licensees; Glenn & Katrina Smith, 37 High Street Barnawartha Vic 3688 Ph. & fax: 02 60 267 202 E-mail: Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 6.00am to 5.00pm Sat: 6.00am – 12.00pm 8.5 KG bottles only $35.00 Elgas Swap & Go, gas refills for smaller gas bottles as well as delivery of 45kg cylinders to Barnawartha, Chiltern & immediate surrounding areas The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 34 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 35 The Grapevine 6th March 2015 Edition 02 36
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