6 March 2015 Greetings from St Bede’s Top Weekly Notes Term 1 Week 3 In this second week of the Lenten season, we note the outward sign at least Y9 Kynan Smith that the season is important – Lent is a time of prayer, and the good numbers Y10 Alex Kim attending rosary every break, Benediction on Friday and early morning Mass Y11 Cameron Jopson on Wednesday, show our boys are responding to the Lenten message. Y12 Sion Davies The front and back fields are busy after school as the summer and winter Sam Johnstone sports programme collide! The 55-strong rowing team compete in the South Elliot Robinson Island Secondary Championships – the last major regatta before the Maadi in a Y13 James Norton few weeks. There is plenty of activity on the cultural front as well and our Pasifika boys are practicing daily for the festival in a couple of weeks. Congratulations Similarly, it was great to host a group from Rotorua, Tuhaurangi, who are To attending Te Matatini (the National Kapa Haka festival) over the next few days. They came out to the College to rehearse, invited by our new Te Reo teacher, Father Manning Whaea Kaycee. Celebrating his Assembly featured the annual ‘crash-bash’ dramatic performance that 87th students from the NASDA School of Drama present annually. The theme Birthday today! centred round the danger of drink or reckless driving. Sponsored by the Christchurch City Council the message is good, and is effective. Police attended the assembly and answered many questions from a legal and educative point of view. Our new part-time Arts Co-ordinator is Matthew Everingham who finished school in 2012, and at the same time is completing a Law and Music degree. He spoke at assembly advertising the musical ‘Pippin’, encouraging boys to audition. He is a talented musician and composer, and when introducing him George Berry highlighted Matt’s exciting last four months. In November he was contacted by Jeremy Woodside who is the organist at Westminster Abbey, to write an earthquake memorial piece. Over the summer Matt spent time writing the piece and after many hours of drafting and editing, sent the piece off in late January. In December and January he was busy promoting the opportunity, receiving generous trusts and online support to fundraise the trip to London. Matt duly travelled to London in mid-February, and on the 4th Anniversary of the earthquake, 22 February, the piece was performed at Westminster Abbey in memory of those lost in the earthquake! What a great story to tell to aspiring musicians at St Bede’s, of what is possible!! Please note below the notice of our first Target Forward meetings of Year 11, 12 and 13. The boys meet with their form tutors to set goals for the year, these meetings occurring on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Until next time School Photography Justin Boyle Rector Photos taken of Year 9 boys on their first day this year and school swimming sports can be viewed on the school website at http://www.stbedes.school.nz/welcome/news/events/specialevents/. Electronic copies of these digital images can be purchased for $4 each. Also available are images of special events during 2014 and 2013. Please note that this is the last opportunity to purchase 2013 images as these will be deleted to make space for new events this year. Upcoming Events MARCH Week Six Fri 13 Yr12 Agri Get Ahead Careers Day Sun 15-Mon 17 St Patricks (Town) Cricket Exchange Week Seven Tue 17 Wed 18 Thu 19-Fri 20 Sat 21-Sun 22 Canterbury Athletics Wednesday Sport Ends Yr12 History/Geo Trip Mt Cook Canterbury Athletic Finals Canterbury Debating Regionals BEDEAN COMMUNITY NEWS Please remember the following boys and their families in your prayers. Zach (Yr 12) and Jake (Yr 11) McKay – as their grandfather passed away this week. Also for the sick in our community remembering especially Mrs Anderson. College Notices Mr Gerry Davidson Deputy Rector – Pastoral Target Forward Interviews Next week on Monday through to Wednesday Form Tutors will be interviewing each of their senior students and will be setting targets for their academic achievement in 2015. This will mean a short extension of the Form Period and an adjustment to the times of the first two periods on these days. • Year 13 interviews are on Monday 9 March and Year 11 and 12 students will not need to be at school until 8.30am. • Year 12 interviews are on Tuesday 10 March and Year 11 and 13 students will not need to be at school until 8.30am. • Year 11 interviews are on Wednesday 11 March and Year 12 and 13 students will not need to be at school until 8.30am. • Year 9 and 10 students will be expected at school at the normal time and will meet with their House Tutors. Mrs Nola Kilpatrick Deputy Rector – Curriculum Reviews and Reconsiderations for 2014 Scholarship Scholarship reviews and reconsiderations close today- Friday 6 March. Academic Assembly Our academic assembly last week acknowledged those students who gained Merit or Excellence endorsements across their level (ie 50 M or E credits). Merit students received their Merit badge while Excellence students were awarded an academic pocket. Our Academic Gold Pocket at Level PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 One went to students who gained 100+ excellence credits and for Level Two, who gained 80+ Excellence credits. We congratulate The Academic Gold Award recipients: Level One Justin Lee Maui Brennan James McCrea Ben Mattingly Connor McSweeney Peter O’Connor Level Two Justin Jordan Lachie Bartlett Daniel Lilburne Thomas Maslin Jacob Reese-Jones Gerard Evans Max van Empel A full list of students who gained their Academic Pocket is on the website. Parent Teacher Evenings for Years 9 and 10 These will be held on the following nights: Tuesday, 31 March, 4.00pm-7.00pm Wednesday, 1 April, 4.00pm-7.00pm Information has been emailed home this week and the online booking system opens next Wednesday. If you did not receive this information it may be that you have changed your email address and we have not been informed, or you do not have an email account. Please contact Barbara Rusbridge, the Curriculum Assistant, for a copy of the information sheet at brusbridge@stbedes.school.nz or 375 1879, ext 833. Dr Rachael Hawkey Head of Faculty – Arts Variety Concert The first Variety concert for the year will be on Thursday 19th March, 7.30pm in the PAC. This concert showcases new and emerging talent at the school and it always a great evening’s entertainment. $5 at the door. Mrs Clare Kissick Director of Sport Cricket Congratulations to the following cricketers who have either taken a 5 wicket bag or scored 100 or more runs in a game. Luke Glen has scored 119 runs against Lincoln Ellesmere and 101 against South West Cricket Liam Campbell scored 103 not out against St Thomas William Aynsley scored 109 against Riccarton High School 1st XI Jacob Walker has taken 6 wickets for 13 off 7.2 overs against North West Youth. Matthew Bond took 5 wickets for 9 runs off 8 overs which included 3 maiden overs against Waverley College from Sydney. Nick Munro took 5 wickets for 10 runs off 5.1 overs against Riccarton High School 1st XI Mitch van der Plas took 5 wickets for 19 runs off 6 overs against Christchurch Boys’ High 3rd XI Angus Hamilton took 5 wickets for 21 runs against Christ College 1st XI PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 Touch Well done to the Super Touch team that came third in the Canterbury Secondary Touch Champs last weekend, they now go onto play in the South Island champs in three weeks’ time. Football Trials for the Under 14 and Under 15 grades will be held this Sunday at 10.00 to 12.00 o’clock out on the football fields at the back of the College. Under 16 trials will take place the following Saturday. Fifa Under 20 World Cup games are coming to Christchurch and if you follow the link below you can purchase venue packs, when doing this say that you are from St Bede's College Football Club as there are prizes to be won for clubs. http://tickets.fifanz2015.com/venue-pricing/ Duathlon Congratulations to Willem Wylaars who came 2nd in the Junior Boys South Island Duathlon held last Sunday in Oamaru. This was Willem’s first event for the College so well done – a great effort. CRICKET DRAW Saturday, 28 March 2015 ST BEDES’ TEAM WHO YOU ARE PLAYING 1ST XI 2ND XI 3RD XI Colts Year 10 Year 9A St Andrews 1st XI North West 2nd XI South West 1st XI St Thomas of Cant Colts Christ College Shirley Boys’ High School VENUE TIME St Bede’s College 1 10.30 am Burnside High School 1 10.30 am Halswell Domain 2 10.30 am St Thomas Cant 1 10.30 am Christ College 4 1.00am St Bede’s College 4a 10.30 am Catholic Cathedral Year 9 Red South West 9B 1.00am College 1 Year 9 Black Christchurch Boys’ High 9B Gold Straven Road 6a 1.00am For all Cricket information click on St Bede’s College Cricket Club website www.stbedescricket.school.nz Mr John Gamblin TIC – Athletics Athletics Congratulations at all students for their great participation and competitive spirit displayed over the two days of our 96th College Athletic Championships held on February 17th and 19th are below. Next Monday and Tuesday the top three athletes in each grade will need to accept or decline their position in the College team to Canterbury Champs as entries close at 9pm on Tuesday night. Qualifying Day is Tuesday 17th and Finals Day is Saturday 21st. The event is again held at Rawhiti Domain, New Brighton and parents, grandparents and supporters are most welcome to come and support us. The following weekend those selected to represent Canterbury at the South Island Champs will travel as a St Bede’s team to Nelson. We require two parents to assist us with the shared driving of vans. Please email Mr Gamblin if you can help out. We leave at 8.30am on Friday 27th and return before tea on Sunday. House Competition First Mannix with 3071 points Second Redwood with 2782 points Third McCarthy with 2669 points Fourth Colin with 2655 points Fifth Benedict with 2599 points PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 Year Nine 100m 1 2 3 Wickliffe, Kuki Smith, Kynan Fronda, Nicolo XRUD RMCM MCRH U/14 U/14 U/14 13.2s 13.2s 13.3s 9pts 9pts 9pts 200m 1 2 3 Wickliffe, Kuki Gamble, Cameron Hall, Charlie XRUD CMLR MKNG U/14 U/14 U/14 27.8s 28.3s 28.7s 8pts 8pts 8pts 400m 1 2 3 Wickliffe, Kuki Bates, Zac Smith, Kynan XRUD MSOU RMCM U/14 U/14 U/14 1:04.7m 1:06.4m 1:07.4m 8pts 8pts 7pts 800m 1 2 3 Bates, Zac Routhan, Joe Gardiner, Dominic MSOU RLAW RLIT U/14 U/14 U/14 2:35.6m 2:46.3m 2:51.1m 8pts 7pts 7pts 1500m 1 2 3 Hernandez, Andres Whiting, Ben Gardiner, Dominic RLAW XJHN RLIT U/14 U/14 U/14 5:07.7m 5:35.3m 5:37.4m 9pts 7pts 7pts 3000m 1 Hernandez, Andres RLAW U/14 10.58m 80m x 762mm Hurdles 1 2 3 Wickliffe, Kuki Gamble, Cameron Coates, James XRUD CMLR XWIN U/14 U/14 U/14 13.6s 13.7s 14.6s 9pts 9pts 8pts 4 x 100m Relay 1 2 3 McCarthy Mannix Benedict 55.3s 55.6s 57.3s 20pts 14pts 12pts High Jump 1 Moffat, Finn Coates, James Vertogen, Samir MMCP XWIN XSVN U/14 U/14 U/14 1.43m 1.43m 1.43m 7pts 7pts 7pts Long Jump 1 Wickliffe, Kuki Moffat, Finn Coates, James XRUD MMCP XWIN U/14 U/14 U/14 4.81m 4.53m 4.37m 11pts 9pts 9pts Triple Jump 1 Kearns, Jack Horgan, Sam Moylan, Jacob RGAM XRUD XDUN U/14 U/14 U/14 7.90m 7.80m 7.00m 5pts 5pts 5pts 1kg Discus 1 Moffat, Finn Coates, James Gamble, Cameron MMCP XWIN CMLR U/14 U/14 U/14 36.72m 30.43m 29.73m 11pts 9pts 9pts 4kg Shot Put 1 Gamble, Cameron Wickliffe, Kuki Moffat, Finn CMLR XRUD MMCP U/14 U/14 U/14 11.20m 10.25m 9.55m 11pts 10pts 9pts 600g Javelin 1 Gamble, Cameron Coates, James Hall, Charlie CMLR XWIN MKNG U/14 U/14 U/14 27.40m 22.45m 20.55m 9pts 7pts 6pts PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 Year Ten 100m 1 2 3 Youngman, Jackson Oryszczak, Radek Cumming, Mitchell XWIN CWLS RLIT U/14 U/15 U/14 12.3s 12.7s 13.0s 9pts 8pts 8pts 200m 1 2 3 Youngman, Jackson Banks, Will Cumming, Mitchell XWIN XDUN RLIT U/14 U/15 U/14 25.6s 27.0s 27.2s 9pts 8pts 8pts 400m 1 2 3 Banks, Will Youngman, Jackson Alex, Alan XDUN XWIN XJHN U/15 U/14 U/15 0:58.0s 1.00.0s 1.01.5s 9pts 8pts 8pts 800m 1 2 3 High, Connor Banks, Will Kneebone, Harry BMCA XDUN RLAW U/15 U/15 U/15 2:22.1m 2:22.4m 2:30.8m 8pts 8pts 7pts 1500m 1 2 3 High, Connor Kneebone, Harry Shaw, Kaiden BMCA RLAW RLYN U/15 U/15 U/15 4:56.1m 5:27.3m 5:29.8m 8pts 6pts 6pts 3000m 1 2 High, Connor Perriam, Felix BMCA CMCG U/15 U/15 10.34m 13.28m 80m x 840mm Hurdles 1 2 3 Youngman, Jackson Staniford, Robbie Pomare-Edwards, Caleb XWIN RLYN CWLS U/14 U/15 U/15 13.8s 14.7s 14.9s 7pts 6pts 6pts 4 x 100m Relay 1 2 3 Mannix Redwood McCarthy 52.0s 52.1s 53.3s 20pts 14pts 12pts High Jump 1 2 3 Staniford, Robbie Parkyn, Angus Challies, Jonathan RLYN BMEW MSOU U/15 U/15 U/15 1.52m 1.48m 1.45m 6pts 6pts 5pts Long Jump 1 2 3 Youngman, Jackson Bradley, Joe Naughton, Rupert XWIN BMCA MCRH U/14 U/15 U/14 5.16m 4.82m 4.82m 10pts 9pts 9pts Triple Jump 1 2 3 Bradley, Joe Gavin, Jackson Bramao, Tyler BMCA XWIN BMEW U/15 U/15 U/15 10.29m 9.56m 9.17m 8pts 7pts 6pts 1.25kg Discus 1 2 3 O'Neill, Jackson Gallagher, Ben Gavin, Jackson RLYN XSVN XWIN U/15 U/15 U/15 29.93m 24.00m 23.66m 7pts 5pts 4pts 5kg Shot Put 1 2 3 Bradley, Joe Gallagher, Ben Muller, Norbert BMCA XSVN MHEG U/15 U/15 U/15 9.80m 9.35m 9.30m 7pts 7pts 7pts 600g Javelin 1 2 3 Bradley, Joe Lobban, Kyle O'Neill, Jackson BMCA XJHN RLYN U/15 U/15 U/15 31.50m 26.05m 23.80m 9pts 7pts 6pts PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 Year 11 100m 1 2 3 Koppen, Tom McInroe, Taylor Keenan, Jake CFES XWIN MWIL U/16 U/16 U/15 12.0s 12.1s 12.2s 9pts 8pts 8pts 200m 1 2 3 Glen, Luke Gamble, Selwyn Lyons, Adam RGAM CWOD CWLS U/16 U/15 U/15 25.5s 26.2s 26.3s 8pts 8pts 7pts 400m 1 2 3 Glen, Luke Dunn, Luke McKay, Jake RGAM RPRI CWLS U/16 U/15 U/16 58.4s 59.5s 1.00.3m 8pts 7pts 7pts 800m 1 2 3 Moulai, Nick McKay, Jake D'Cunha, Yohan BMCA CWLS MWIL U/15 U/16 U/16 2:10.6m 2:26.2m 2:29.1m 10pts 6pts 6pts 1500m 1 2 3 Moulai, Nick Hall, Reuben Christian, Max BMCA BFOL RLIT U/15 U/16 U/16 4:24.3m 5:14.1m 5:22.2m 10pts 6pts 5pts 3000m 1 Moulai, Nick BMCA U/15 9:26m 100m x 840mm Hurdles 1 2 3 Cotter, Reuben Lacey, John Willetts, Sam CCRO MCRH CMCG U/15 U/16 U/16 16.0s 16.1s 16.4s 8pts 7pts 7pts 4 x 100m Relay 1 2 3 McCarthy Redwood Mannix 49.6s 50.9s 51.2s 20pts 14pts 12pts High Jump 1 2 3 Cotter, Reuben Keenan, Jake McInroe, Taylor CCRO MWIL XWIN U/15 U/15 U/16 1.60m 1.55m 1.48m 6pts 5pts 5pts Long Jump 1 2 3 Glen, Luke Keenan, Jake Koppen, Tom RGAM MWIL CFES U/16 U/15 U/16 5.18m 5.10m 5.03m 8pts 7pts 7pts Triple Jump 1 2 3 Flett, Ollie Lyons, Adam Maslin, Cam BHKY CWLS XJHN U/15 U/15 U/15 11.12m 9.97m 9.85m 9pts 6pts 6pts 1.25kg Discus 1 2 3 Gamble, Selwyn Ball, Adam Flett, Ollie CWOD RLYN BHKY U/15 U/16 U/15 38.02m 32.80m 32.17m 8pts 7pts 6pts 5kg Shot Put 1 CCRO U/15 10.30m 7pts 2 3 Cotter, Reuben Fidow-Bradbrook, Ruben Gamble, Selwyn XDUN CWOD U/15 U/15 10.10m 9.80m 7pts 6pts 1 2 3 Glen, Luke Muir, Scott Flett, Ollie RGAM RGAM BHKY U/16 U/16 U/15 27.40m 26.50m 25.30m 7pts 7pts 6pts 700g Javelin PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 Year 12 & 13 100m 1 2 3 Lolohea, Dylan Gill, Tom McCormack, Declan XSVN XRUD BHKY U/19 U/16 U/19 11.7s 11.7s 12.0s 10pts 10pts 10pts 200m 1 2 3 Lolohea, Dylan Gill, Tom McCormack, Declan XSVN XRUD BHKY U/19 U/16 U/19 23.1s 23.2s 23.4s 10pts 10pts 10pts 400m 1 2 3 McCormack, Declan Manera, Jaiden Telfer, Josh BHKY CWOD CWOD U/19 U/16 U/19 53.9s 54.4s 55.0s 8pts 8pts 8pts 800m 1 2 3 Moulai, Tom Reese-Jones, Jacob Telfer, Josh BENT XSVN CWOD U/19 U/19 U/19 2:06.2m 2:12.3m 2:16.4m 10pts 8pts 7pts 1500m 1 2 3 Reese-Jones, Jacob Bartlett, Cameron Pitt, Michael XSVN MWIL XWIN U/19 U/19 U/19 4:29.1m 4:34.7m 4:45.1m 9pts 8pts 7pts 3000m 1 2 3 Bartlett, Cameron Reese-Jones, Jacob McCrea, James MWIL XSVN BFOL U/19 U/19 U/16 9:46m 10:10m 11:27m 110m x 914mm Hurdles 1 2 3 Gill, Tom Davies, Sion Starr, Christopher XRUD RLYN BCOP U/16 U/16 U/19 15.9s 17.4s 17.9s 12pts 10pts 10pts 4 x 100m Relay 1 2 3 Mannix Redwood McCarthy 50.8s 51.0s 51.1s 20pts 14pts 12pts 4 x 100m Relay 1 2 3 Redwood Colin Mannix 48.4s 48.6s 48.7s 20pts 14pts 12pts High Jump 1 2 3 Bartlett, Cameron Davies, Sion Rewha, Hoani MWIL RLYN XSVN U/19 U/16 U/19 1.73m 1.70m 1.70m 7pts 6pts 6pts Long Jump 1 2 3 Maslin, Tom Lolohea, Dylan Gill, Tom XWIN XSVN XRUD U/19 U/19 U/16 5.90m 5.83m 5.62m 9pts 9pts 8pts Triple Jump 1 2 3 Lolohea, Dylan Maslin, Tom Crean, Tom XSVN XWIN MSOU U/19 U/19 U/19 11.84m 11.70m 11.50m 9pts 9pts 9pts 1.5kg Discus 1 2 3 Lolohea, Dylan Lucas, Vincent Mulrooney, Seamus XSVN MCRH RPRI U/19 U/19 U/19 39.00m 35.78m 33.40m 7pts 6pts 6pts 5kg Shot Put 1 2 3 Lolohea, Dylan Mulrooney, Seamus Broughan, Braiden XSVN RPRI CFES U/19 U/19 U/19 13.95m 12.05m 11.35m 10pts 8pts 7pts PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647 700g Javelin 1 2 3 Lolohea, Dylan Broughan, Braiden Maslin, Tom XSVN CFES XWIN U/19 U/19 U/19 48.21m 31.54m 31.32m 11pts 7pts 7pts St Bede’s PTA Would you like to join our PTA or be a friend of our PTA Association? We are looking for like-minded people to join our wonderful group, supporting our boys, St Bede’s College and fundraising for those “extras”, that mean so much. You are welcome to come and join our next meeting at 6:30pm on Wednesday, 18 March, followed by our AGM. For further information contact: Tracy Ahern: tracy@allaboutyou.co.nz Community News A Call to Prayer for St Bede’s Why pray for St Bede’s? It is wise to turn to God in prayer, and our sons and teachers and all the various factions of our school also need our love and prayers. If you have 10-15 minutes once a week that you can give to God in prayer (This could be anywhere –the garden/during your lunch break or even the car -wherever God touches your heart.), then we would love you to join our prayer group. Currently there are 35 people who are praying for St Bede’s school community. This is awesome. But imagine how powerful that prayer would be if there were 100 people?!! Could that be YOU? Every week an email will get sent to you with the prayer focus for that week. We expect nothing, except love and a desire to give some time to God in prayer for our school and our families. Alternatively, if you are free, join us at St Bede’s Chapel every Tuesday 2.00 - 2.30 pm. To become part of the prayer network join -contact Irene Maguire on: i.maguire@clear.net.nz or call on 3588172/027 6229415. PO Box 5380, Papanui, Christchurch Email: office@stbedes.school.nz Phone: 03 375 0647
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