Greater Haverhill Arts Association March 2015 Newsletter Send items (announcements, opportunities) to by the end of the month. March 22 1:30 PM Buttonwoods Annual Members Meeting 2 – 4 PM Buttonwoods James Tinguely demo: oil portrait 2 – 4 PM Buttonwoods Susan Jaworski Stranc demo: printmaking May 1 - 10 Buttonwoods Student Exhibit May 22 – June 14 Buttonwoods GHAA Annual Exhibit June 28 Buttonwoods Susan Kneeland demo: black & white acrylic landscape Bradford Common Art Festival 2015 April 26 September 12 2 – 4 PM (10 – 4) *Subject to change: check the website for the latest information. A warm welcome to our new member: Tina Fazio WATCH FOR A NEW LOOK TO OUR NEWSLETTER Beginning (hopefully) in April we’ll be using Mailchimp for the monthly newsletter. It’s a very professional tool, and our webmaster Maria Nemchuk is making it visually pleasing and easy to navigate. It’ll be available on the website, and anyone interested in following our news can subscribe -and perhaps discover the benefits of membership and join! [Those not online will continue to receive a print version.] Annual Members Meeting Notice it will be only a half-hour? It will start and end on time, so be prompt! You will hear a brief review of the past year’s accomplishments, an overview of 2015’s happenings, and the dreams and schemes for the future. Not to miss – and then we’ll all enjoy Jim Tinguely’s unique approach to painting a portrait in oil. Jim studied at City College of New York, the Art Students League of New York, Montserrat School of Visual Arts, the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, and UMASS at Lowell. He worked as an engraver, as a cartoonist, and as a designer in the toy and game industry. A past member of the Huntington Art Association and the Copley Society, he is currently a member of the GHAA and the Newburyport Art Association. His artwork has been widely exhibited. Hampshire. Positions Vacant If you are tired of seeing this bulletin and wish it would go away, step up and volunteer, or suggest someone who might be willing and able. The Board is hoping to fill the positions of Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, and Hospitality Chair. Email Seeking Sponsors for 2015 Enlist a sponsor – a person or business or organization to support the GHAA with a contribution. Sponsors can also now contribute using a credit card. The form is below, as well as online. Our supporters will receive a letter of thanks as well as acknowledgement in the newsletter, on the website, and at GHAA events. Remember: we now link the website listing to the sponsor’s! And those who sponsor a show award (Student or GHAA Annual Open) will see their name on the award certificate as well. Transactions You may now pay membership dues, enter shows, or purchase art via Mastercard/Visa/Discover. GHAA Treasurer Joan Turner will handle credit card transactions over the phone (1-978-5210215 or 1-978-807-7608). Keep your artist profile up-to-date by emailing changes to or calling 978-372-2939. The current membership year is 1 September 2014 through 31 August 2015. Art Festival September 12 on Bradford Common Now’s the time to register for the Art Festival, if you want a choice space. Ads are in spring issues of The Artist’s Magazine, Artscope, and Art New England, so the word has gone out to the broader art community. The information is attached and available on the website. Student Art Exhibit at Buttonwoods: Grant Approval The Haverhill Cultural Council has approved the GHAA grant application for funding for this year’s Student Art Exhibit at Buttonwoods (May 1-10). We are excited for the opportunity to build on our 2014 endeavor, and hope to make it an annual outreach event. This year’s show will be open to both middle school and high school students – please spread the word among young artists you know! The student show registration form is online. The Board is seeking members who would be interested in hanging the Student Art Exhibit and jurying the awards April 30 - May 1. The jurors would designate 5 awards among the high school entries and 5 awards among the middle school entries, and provide comments (reasons for each selection). Two jurors would receive a modest stipend of $50 each. Those interested should submit a bio that includes judging qualifications to or Ann Jones, 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland MA 01834, by March 26. GHAA Annual Open Art Exhibit at Buttonwoods All artists are welcome to participate in the exhibit at Buttonwoods (May 22- June 14). The registration form is attached and on the website. We have increased the cash awards, and each recipient will also receive a year’s GHAA membership (2015 or an extension). Member News If you are having a solo show or similar event, or have your work juried into an exhibit, please let us know so we can announce it in the newsletter. Andrea Holbrook, Maria Nemchuk, Elizabeth Peck, James Tinguely, Anne Shadrake, and Rita Volpone are among the artists whose portraits of Merrimac residents are featured at the Merrimac Public Library. The exhibit is called “Merrimacians” and continues until the end of March, and you can see it during regular library hours. Debbie Shirley has a solo exhibit at the Punchard Center on Bartlett Street in Andover for the month of March. Ann Jones has a solo exhibit at the Haverhill Public Library during the month of March, and in April at the Leach Library in Londonderry. Betsy Lewis has undergone surgery to repair her shoulder. She can’t paint just now, and would surely welcome your words of encouragement - Better and better every day, Betsy! Ongoing Workshops GHAA sponsored workshops have resumed, featuring a clothed model and a still life setup, meeting on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month from 9:00 - noon, in the hall behind the First Church of Christ, 10 Church Street, Bradford, MA. A $5 donation is requested and appreciated! For more information call 978-682-5602. Check the website for changes. Artistic Opportunities Artists are invited to participate at the Union Crossing Art Community in Lawrence MA for an open studio event March 13 through 15, running concurrently with a show at the adjacent Essex Art Center. The spaces available are currently vacant studios (12x12 to 24x24, first come, first served) in the newly remodeled mill building behind the EAC. A space may be shared. There’s plenty of free parking in a well-lit lot. There is no fee, and no commission will be taken on sales. If you are interested, call or email Elizabeth Peck (603-362-2271; for complete guidelines. Dale Partis Greene, Margery Jennings, and Daniel Shaw are participating they’d appreciate your support! The Reading Art Association will host an acrylic demo by Bruce Wood on March 11 at 7:30 PM, in Guild Hall, First Congregational Church (middle side door), Sanborn Street, Reading. Nonmembers welcome. The Woburn Art Guild will host a pastel demo with Jeff Ventola on March 12. Demos begin at & PM and are held in the New Horizons at Choate, Terrace Lounge, 21 Warren Ave., Woburn, MA. Check the website for more information: The Salisbury Art Stroll is planned for Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 10am-4pm on the Old Eastern Marsh Rail Trail in Salisbury, MA. Contact Leah Hill, Assistant Town Planner for more information: 978-463-2266. The Inside Out Project is coming to Haverhill! Be part of a summer public art project by having your picture taken 3-7 PM on March 23rd at Maria’s Function Hall, 81 Essex Street, Haverhill. Be immortalized in for just $20. For more information visit or contact Linda Germain at This is an independent public art project seeking wide community participation and support. The Plaistow Historical Society invites artists to participate in a spring exhibit of historic Plaistow places painted from old photographs. Interested artists should contact Jim Peck ( The Brush Art Gallery in Lowell will host a juried exhibit “Massachusetts Artists 2015: A Biennial Exhibition of Contemporary Work by the Artists Who Live in Massachusetts” April 18 – June 6. The entry fee is $30 for three works; images and registration are only online, and the deadline is March 21: For more information contact The GSAA (Greater Salem Artists Association) invites all artists to participate in their Annual Spring Fling exhibit at the Woodbury School in Salem NH, April 18 (10-4); set-up is April 17. Entry fee (one work of fine art) is $40 for nonmembers, and the deadline is March 15. Cash prizes will be awarded. Contact Linda Hall ( or 603-886-5304). The GSAA will again host their Greeley Park Art Show August 15-16 in Nashua NH. Visit the website for more information: The Essex County Greenbelt Association will host the annual fundraiser “Art in the Barn” at the Cox Reservation in Essex June 12-14. Artists are juried in and all are welcome to apply; there is no fee, but to support land conservation Greenbelt takes 50% of sales. The deadline for jurying is March 27; contact Shelley for information/application or 978-768-7241. Newburyport Art Association ( offers Life Drawing (nude model) every Wednesday evening 7-9:30 ($10, $8 for NAA members). Each session has quick gestural drawing as well as 20 minute poses. The NAA also offers various classes. For the schedule visit ARTIST’S GETAWAY WEEKEND AT THE BARTLETT INN: May 14-17 A long weekend for artists to roam the countryside and paint on location (not a workshop), with expansive mountain views, rocks and waterfalls, ponds and streams, farms and fields in the Conway area. Three nights plus country breakfasts start at $178. Organizer Byron Carr offers a demo for those interested. For more information: (603-374-2353) (603-746-3370) Bookmark and - two sites that feature everchanging and wide-ranging opportunities for your work. Strengthen the GHAA Like us on Face Book (and get your friends to also) – we get promotional credits for “likes”! Currently posted are photos and video clips of the members giving informal demos at Buttonwoods Festival of Trees. Give the gift of membership, an affordable $30 and only $15 for students. Print out and complete the membership form; write your check payable to GHAA and send both form and check to GHAA c/o: Ann Jones, 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland, MA 01834. Acknowledgment will be sent to both the giver and the recipient. Update your artist bio if necessary! Every member is asked to provide a one-page bio for promotional purposes (yours and the GHAA’s) including contact info, your web address (if you have one) and noting if you accept commissions and/or teach. A “visual” is always good – an image of a typical artwork or a picture of yourself. Be sure to include contact information. A reference notebook of member bios will be available at all GHAA exhibits and events for visitors to learn more about our artists – a great tool for expanding your opportunities. Send updated versions to Ann Jones ( or 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland MA 01834). Support Your Fellow Members Sometimes a member experiences an honor or event (award; marriage, birth, hospitalization, etc.) and may welcome recognition/support from the rest of us. If you hear of such news, with the member’s permission please send the information to or call 978-372-2939 and members of the association will be duly alerted. Many GHAA members have businesses/websites: Kaleigh Baker Bartlett, Rosanne Carney, Rose Gablosky, Robert 978-372-6100 accepts commissions; teaches Hames, Margaret Moon accepts commissions; teaches Insero, Elaine Jones, Ann accepts commissions Kneeland, Susan accepts commissions; teaches Ladd, Joan accepts commissions Larmay, Judith accepts commissions; teaches Lewis, Betsy accepts commissions McCarthy, Danielle accepts commissions Moutafis, Greg Nemchuk, Maria Peck, Elizabeth Rademacher, Joan Reynolds, Janice Richardson, George Shaw, Dan Shirley, Debbie accepts commissions Turner, Joan accepts commissions; teaches accepts commissions; teaches Greater Haverhill Arts Association Sponsorship 2015 Since 1971 the Greater Haverhill Arts Association has provided artists and enthusiasts with a sense of community as well as opportunities to share their art with each other and the public. Our mission is to promote art and artists and to keep art integral to our lives and accessible and affordable for all. This year’s events include twice-monthly workshops with two instructors, five demonstrations by noted professional artists, two major exhibits in collaboration with the Buttonwoods Museum, an Art Festival on the Bradford Common, and a members exhibit at the Haverhill Public Library – all welcoming to the public. The GHAA welcomes sponsors: those persons or organizations that recognize the importance of fine arts in the region and wish to support the Association’s efforts to foster and promote them. Our sponsors will be recognized on our website, in our newsletters, and at major events. There will be a link from the web listing to the sponsor’s. Complete the following information and send with your check payable to GHAA to: GHAA c/ Ann Jones, 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland MA 01834; to pay with Visa/MC/Discover call Joan (978-521-0215/978/807-7608) and mail form (above) or email Please enclose a business card for our Sponsors display at events. Greater Haverhill Arts Association Sponsor o Gold $100 o Silver $50 o Bronze $25 o Exhibit Award of $_______ for (indicate. exhibit)__________________ Sponsor ______________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________ Contact ________________________ email ____________________ phone _______________ website (to link from GHAA) ___________________________________ Since 1971 the Greater Haverhill Arts Association has provided artists and enthusiasts with a sense of community as well as opportunities to share their art with each other and the public. Membership Benefits include E-Newsletter Subscription Exhibit Opportunities Networking with Fellow Artists Free Painting Demos Website Presence Website Link Option The E-Newsletter keeps members informed of programs, events, and classes – as well as noting artists’ news and honors. The Buttonwoods Museum hosts the annual exhibit May/June. The Art Festival on the Bradford Common is held the Saturday after Labor Day in September. Other opportunities are developed in collaboration with the Sage Gallery, Artist’s Café, Creative Haverhill, and Haverhill Foundation for Excellence in Education. Workshops are held 9-12 the 2nd and 4th Saturdays each month, at First Church of Christ in Bradford, with a live model for portraiture and a set-up for still lifes (info: 978-682-5602). Five painting demonstrations are scheduled each year at Buttonwoods. They are offered 2-4 PM on the fourth Sundays of March, April, June, September, and October. Every artist member is listed on the GHAA website. For a one-time set-up fee a link may be provided to the artist’s own website. Our mission is to promote art and artists and to keep art integral to our lives and accessible and affordable for all. Greater Haverhill Arts Association Community & Opportunity Membership Form September 2014 – August 2015 o Basic Membership: $30 o Student (High School/College__________________): $15 URL: ______________________________________ New o Renewal o o Address Change o One-time fee for link to artist website: $10 o Gift from ____________________ Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City/Town ____________________ State ______ ZIP ________ E-mail _______________________________________________ Phone _____________________Alternate ___________________ Check all that apply: o Acrylic o Drawing o Printmaking o Mixed Media o Sculpture o Oil o Watercolor o Pastel o Photography o Other _____________________ o Commissions (specify type) ________________________________________________ o Art Instruction [mediums] ________________________________________________ Volunteers are vital! How will you share your time and talent? o Board o Communications o Exhibits o Programs o Hospitality o Publicity Mail Form and check to: Ann Jones, 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland MA 01834 To pay with MC/Visa/Discover call Joan (1-978-521-0215 or 1-978-807-7608] and mail form to above address or email it to GHAA ART FESTIVAL Exhibit & sell your fine art: paintings, sculpture & photography Saturday Sept. 12, 2015 RAIN or SHINE 10 AM – 4 PM Bradford Common Route 125 South Main St. Bradford MA 01835 Sponsored by the Greater Haverhill Arts Association to help support our workshops and the demonstration program GHAA 2015 ART FESTIVAL YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO EXHIBIT AND SELL YOUR FINE ART IN THE ART FESTIVAL SPONSORED BY THE GREATER HAVERHILL ARTS ASSOCIATION DATE: TIME: PLACE: EXHIBITS: ENTRY FEE: TO ENTER: SALES: SPACES: PUBLICITY: LUNCH: REST ROOMS: Saturday September 12, 2015, rain or shine; the GHAA will cancel only if severe weather conditions are expected ( 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM (exhibits to be in place by 10 and remain in place until 4) Bradford Common, Route 125, South Main Street, Bradford MA 01835 Original fine art (all paint media, sculpture and photography) and prints thereof A $40 non-refundable fee, payable at registration, for non members (GHAA member’s fee $30) Send completed registration form, along with a check for the entry fee to Ann Jones 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland, MA 01834. If you have no email address, include self-addressed stamped envelope to allow us to inform you of your space assignment. Assignments will be on a “first come first served basis” as registrations are received. To pay with MC/Visa/Discover call Joan (978-5210215), and mail form to above address or email it to All sales will be the responsibility of each individual exhibitor. No commissions will be expected. On the common there are 80 spaces approximately 12’ wide by 10’ deep. Artists must provide all their own stands, racks, chairs, tables etc. Promotion will include press releases (art publications, newspapers and online events calendars), posters, banners, as well as bulletins on the GHAA website ( and the GHAA Facebook page There may be a food vendor working at the common, but you should probably plan on bringing your own food and drink. We will provide some hot coffee for the participants during set-up time. Rest rooms will be available for participants at the church across the street from the common. Usage will be allowed by presenting the name tag which will be given to you when you check in at the registration table. Greater Haverhill Arts Association Art Festival Registration Form Saturday, September 12, 2015 Registration Options: Mail form and check to Ann Jones 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland, MA 01834, OR call Joan (978-521-0215) to pay with MC/Visa/Discover and send completed form by snailmail (above address) or email Name: ________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State:________ ZIP __________ Email Address _____________________________________________________ Type of fine art: ______________________________________________________ Your choice of space by number from site plan: Ist choice________ 2nd choice ________ 3rd choice_________ Every effort will be made to assign one of your requested spaces, on a “first come first served” basis, determined by the time registration and fee are received - so enter early! List your local newspaper and galleries ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ How did you find out about the GHAA Art Festival (circle all that apply)? Art New England GHAA website Artscope Magazine GHAA Facebook page friend The Artist’s Magazine other __________________ Art Festival Map – Bradford Common Greater Haverhill Arts Association Annual Open Art Exhibit May 22 – June 14 2015 Museum Hours 10 – 5 Tuesday –Sunday Buttonwoods Museum of the Haverhill Historical Society 240 Water Street Haverhill, MA 01830 Eligibility: all member and non-member fine artists Entry Fee: GHAA members FREE first entry; Non-members $15 (may be applied to $30 membership); Additional entries $10 each Entry Deadline: May 15, 2015 Program Listing: email to artist’s name, title, medium, and price for each work Registration: this form completed & signed with check (if applicable) payable to GHAA and mailed to: Ann Jones, 2 Sylvan Street, Groveland MA 01834 To pay with MC/Visa/Discover call Joan (978-521-5201), and mail form to above address or email it to Art Delivery: Wednesday May 20 from 12:00 to 4:00 Reception: Saturday May 30, from 3:00 to 5:00 Art Pick-up: Sunday June 14, from 12:00 to 4:00 Greater Haverhill Arts Association 2015 Annual Open Exhibit Guidelines • The work must be recent and original and not previously exhibited at any GHAA show • All work must be for sale: artist 65%; GHAA 20%; Buttonwoods 15% • 2-D artwork must be no greater than 40” wide including frame, and framed in a professional manner, wired for hanging (no saw tooth or other hangers) or risk rejection • The work must be labeled on the back: artist’s name, title, medium, and price All Fine Art Media: Acrylic, Drawing, Watercolor, Oil, Pastel, Photography, Printmaking, Mixed Media, Clay/Pottery, Sculpture Awards: Best of Show ($125), Exceptional 2-D Work ($75), Exceptional 3-D Work ($75) – plus a year’s GHAA membership; The awards will be presented at the reception. . GHAA Entry Form Artist ________________________ email ___________________ phone ___________ Address ________________________________________________________________ Artwork #1 PU Artwork #2 PU Artwork #3 PU Title ___________________________________________________ Medium ______________________________ Price _____________ Title ___________________________________________________ Medium ______________________________ Price _____________ Title ___________________________________________________ Medium ______________________________ Price _____________ Artist Signature __________________________________ Date _________________ I understand that neither the Haverhill Historical Society nor the Greater Haverhill Arts Association will be responsible for the loss or damage to exhibited artwork. HANGING TAGS to accompany work on delivery: Artist Name __________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________ Artist Name __________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________ Artist Name __________________________________________ Title ________________________________________________
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