e-newsletter No. 91 engage! T he last three weeks have been pretty hectic. It began with a weekend of festivities to celebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Consecration of the Lodge of Australia Felix No. 1. This included an Installation followed by the open re-enactment of the Consecration. What an achievement for a Lodge to sustain 175 years of Freemasonry in Victoria – well done. I also attended the Annual Founders’ night at the Baden-Powell Lodge. The members of the Lodge who were Scouts wore their Scout uniform. There were a number of Scouts present and also representatives of Scouts Victoria. The Lodge annually recognises a Rover crew and the occasion generally cements the bond between Scouting and Freemasonry. What a great relationship. It’s clear that any Scout would feel more than comfortable in a masonic environment and make a good Freemason. So, are there any Scouts that meet near your Lodge? The next weekend I spent a day and a half with the Board of General Purposes considering the future of Freemasonry in Victoria over the next 15-20 years. At the regular Board meetings, there are many operational matters with which to deal, so this weekend provided a great opportunity to focus on longer term topics. I look forward to sharing some of our thoughts from this meeting over the ensuing months. I had the opportunity to meet with all the Directors of the Freemasons Foundation prior to their second Board meeting. All Directors have now been appointed and assumed their roles, including the two non-Freemason Directors who happen to be females. The Foundation Board has an exciting blend of skills and experience and we look forward to regular updates from this Board. The first update will be made at the March Quarterly Communication. Last weekend I joined the members of the 2015 Grand Lodge Ceremonial Team in Bendigo where they were put through their final paces in preparation for their role as the current Grand Team. Over the course of the weekend, six Installations were conducted in three different centres with each Installation reviewed and assessed by an experienced Past Grand Director. Approximately 100 people were involved and there was plenty of social interaction between training times - it was a great weekend. As Sue and I approach the commencement of my second (and last) term as Grand Master, we would love to see as many people as possible at the upcoming Grand Installation functions - bookings close very soon. STOP PRESS: Planning Minister Richard Wynne has issued a notice of decision to grant a planning permit for the redevelopment of the Dallas Brooks Centre. A seperate BGP Communique has been circulated today advising of this news. MWBro. Hillel Benedykt Grand Master Grand Installation 2015 Make sure you bring your member card on the day, along with the ticket you receive when you register. Members attending the Quarterly Communication and Grand Installation will be required to scan their member card on arrival. This will ensure we know that you have ‘checked in’ and are in attendance on the day. If you do not have a member card, please contact Roger Schie for a free temporary card at rschie@freemasonsvic.net.au or call (03) 9411 0139. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH 2015 SATURDAY 21 MARCH 2015 QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION GRAND BANQUET DALLAS BROOKS HALL PLAZA BALLROOM | 191 COLLINS STREET MELBOURNE 6:00pm Join us for the March Quarterly Communication which will feature the Quarterly Report of the Board of General Purposes, Freemasons Foundation Victoria Limited, Royal Freemasons and communications from the Grand Master and sister Grand Lodges. WEDNESDAY 18 MARCH 2015 GRAND INSTALLATION 7:00pm for 7:30pm start (Tickets $135.00 pp) Dress: B/Tie Ladies Eve Wear Celebrate the Grand Installation in style at the Grand Banquet on Saturday 21 March, to be held at the Plaza Ballroom on Collins Street, Melbourne. Tickets include a three-course dinner plus beer, wine and soft drinks. The evening will also feature inductions into the Hall of Fame. DALLAS BROOKS HALL SUNDAY 22 MARCH 2015 7:30pm - Includes light supper (Tickets $15.00) Open to family and friends Dress: Formal Regalia and Ladies ‘After 5’ FAMILY DAY - FREE EVENT 2015 sees the celebration of the second term of Grand Master MWBro. Hillel Benedykt and the installation of the 2015 Grand Ceremonial Team. Both events will be available to view online via the Freemasons Victoria Member Centre – please register. 12 noon onwards Dress: Casual POWLETT RESERVE | EAST MELBOURNE The event will include a children’s jumping castle, face painter and more. BYO drinks, and picnic blankets. PROGRAM OF EVENTS DAY AND TIME EVENT VENUE DRESS Wednesday 18th March 6:00pm Quarterly Communication Dallas Brooks Hall 300 Albert Street East Melbourne Formal Regalia Wednesday 18th March 7:30pm Grand Installation Dallas Brooks Hall Saturday 21st March 7.00 for 7:30pm Grand Banquet Plaza Ballroom, 191 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 Family Day Powlett Reserve, Albert Street East Melbourne Sunday 22nd March 12:00 noon Ladies ‘After 5’ Formal Regalia Ladies ‘After 5’ Black Tie Ladies Evening Wear Casual BOOKINGS LAST DAY FOR BOOKINGS IS TODAY, MARCH 3RD 2015 Please book online at www.trybooking.com/116206. Please noteTUESDAY bookings close Tuesday 3 March For more information on Freemasons events, visit www.freemasonsvic.net.au/events TO BOOK, GO TO WWW.TRYBOOKING.COM/116206 Events Facilitator Erin Olsen - (03) 9411 0107 / 0428 202 396 or email erin@freemasonsvic.net.au Masonic Services Manager Bruce Cowie - (03) 9411 0110 / 0488 373 730 or email cowie@freemasonsvic.net.au Freemasons in the CBD Business Luncheon Freemasons Victoria invites you and your guest to a very special CBD business luncheon. Special Guest Speaker: Tony Gleeson Tony is the Executive General Manager of the Australian Institute of Management; Australia’s leading provider of professional development, training and support services for managers and executive leaders. Tony has over 25 years of international experience in the field of educational design, development and delivery. He has lived and worked in five continents, and held a number of key positions in the world’s leading professional services organisations including Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers and CPA Australia. Tony will share AIM’s research and insights into how organisations and individuals can build their leadership capabilities for the growth of their organisation. When: Where: Time: Tickets: RSVP: More Info: Tuesday 10 March Rendezvous Grand Hotel 328 Flinders Street, Melbourne 12:00pm – 2:00pm $55.00 (includes two-course lunch and beverages) Available from www.trybooking.com/121441 Wednesday 4 March 2015 Erin Olsen on 03 9411 0107 or eolsen@freemasonsvic.net.au BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL!! RSVP by Wednesday 4 March 2015 to Erin Olsen: eolsen@freemasonsvic.net.au or (03) 9411 0107 or register online at www.trybooking.com/121441 Two new Directors T he Freemasons Foundation Victoria Limited has welcomed two new members to the Board of Directors, Jane Hill and Carol Scholes-Robertson. Jane is a CEO with 15 years’ experience in the not-for-profit sector where she has worked to improve outcomes for disadvantaged Australians. Jane’s governance experience includes three years at KPMG within the Board Advisory Services Division, authoring the Company Director’s Toolkit – a blueprint on the creation of high performance Boards. News A lifelong learner, Jane has a BA, LLB, MBA, Grad. Dip. Mkting and is a graduate and Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. “It’s an honour to be one of two non-Freemasons appointed to the Board. My appointment widens the Board’s diversity and representation. I hope to offer a unique perspective drawn from my background in governance and not-for-profit management,” Jane said. Jane’s career spans executive leadership roles in not-for-profit organisations including peak bodies, industry organisations and charities. She has worn many hats including strategist, marketer, financial controller and risk manager and as a result approaches decision-making from many different angles and often brings new perspectives to challenging issues. Jane Hall “A big motivator for me is Freemasonry’s underlying ethos of selfimprovement which is something I strive for. In terms of achievements – I see three goals: that the Foundation’s Corpus grows through prudent investment and further contributions, best practice philanthropic grant making, and to promote the Foundation’s work so that Freemasonry receives recognition for over 125 years of community service.” Carol is a chartered accountant and has spent a number of years as an audit specialist partner within professional service firms in Melbourne and more recently, Tasmania. Carol has retired from practice in Melbourne and moved to Tasmania, where she works for Crowe Horwath to support the governance of not-for-profit local organisations in the provision of specialist audit services. Carol said she is looking forward to contributing to the newly constituted Freemasons Foundation Victoria Limited as a Director, and as Chair of the Finance, Investment and Audit Committee. Carol Scholes-Robertson “It is an exciting opportunity to be involved in underpinning the vision of the Foundation, with a depth of strategy implementation that will support the organisations success, and grow its reputation, as it moves into a phase of renewed vigour,” Carol said. Currently, Carol is studying psychology at university, and when not at work or studying she enjoys spending time with family and with some very special extra children, who stay with her for respite care. Freemasons Victoria extends a very warm welcome to Jane and Carol. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. St Pius X Primary School Scholarships C/- Heidelberg Leader Newspaper G rade 5 boys Brendon and Liam were presented with the commendations by Freemasons Victoria’s Lord Northcote Lodge No. 191. St Pius X Primary School ‘family engagement in learning’ leader Rick Hynes said the students have been given the awards for their dedication to school activities and for always displaying the school ‘sethos through their actions. News “It’s about showing school spirit and leading by example by taking care of others. Their actions show care and respect for all students and staff as they continue to try their best in all of their activities,” Mr Hynes said. “St Pius X is proud of its achievements and will continue to encourage the boys to display ongoing leadership and continue their effort to achieve their goals,” he said. 50 year jewel for VWBro. James Till VWBro. James Till PGIWkgs was presented with his 50 year jewel and certificate by life-long friend WBro. Kevin Campbell PGStdB at Fairfield Lodge No. 254 on 11 February 2015. VWBro. James commenced his journey with King Solomon Lodge in 1964, and passed in 1965. He was Installed as Worshipful Master at King Solomon Lodge in 1986, and again in 1998, then Installed as Worshipful Master at Melbourne Installed Masters’ Lodge in 2003 and again in 2008. Now a member of Fairfield Lodge, after a time with Mozart Lodge from 1977-1983, VWBro. James has established a long and proud masonic record from since time he was initiated. VWB James’ service award was sent to Middle Park Lodge for presentation, but before they could present him with his jewel and certificate, he had resigned to join Fairfield Lodge. Liam and Brandon with WBro. Eric Williams and VWBro. Bernard Henry from Lord Northcote Lodge No. 191 and (left) Pear and Trevor Watts. VWBro. James Till accepting his certificate from long-time friend WBro. Kevin Campbell at Fairfield Lodge. A great achievement in pure and ancient Freemasonry B ro. Donald Blair of Mildura Lodge No. 170 recently received his Unity Certificate and Badge in recognition of his membership with the Craft, the Mark Master Masons and the Holy Royal Arch Chapter. The presentation of the Unity Certificate and Badge indicates that Bro. Donald has now completed those degrees that form pure and ancient masonry as specified in Rule 2 of the Freemasonry Constitution. L-R: WBro. Graham McErvale with his 50 Year Certificate, Bro. Dr. Dharminder Singh with his Grand Lodge Certificate, Bro. Donald Blair and Worshipful Master WBro. Greg Brown. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. Freemason Awarded Fulbright Scholarship D News r Stephane Shepherd, Research Fellow from the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science at Swinburne University of Technology and member of Lodge of Australia Felix, has won the prestigious 2015 Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholarship in Cultural Competence. Dr Stephane Shepherd, Research Fellow from the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science, Swinburne University of Technology. Dr Shepherd will collaborate with academics from the University of California, Los Angeles, the University of Arizona and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to explore whether cultural engagement has an influence in deterring crime for Aboriginal people in custody. The scholarship will provide an opportunity to better understand the cultural needs of Aboriginal Australians in the criminal justice system, how they impact criminal behaviour and how risk markers can be addressed through culturally sensitive actions. “It is an honour to receive a Fulbright Scholarship and I will endeavour to utilise this exciting opportunity to improve cross-cultural outcomes in the field of forensic psychology,” Dr Shepherd said. Dr Shepherd has a strong interest in the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people in contact with the justice system, stressing the need for developing culturally informed initiatives for offenders. “Working with Tribal Law and Native Policy scholars in the US will provide a unique and relevant perspective on how cultural engagement and spirituality plays a role in building resilience and diverting Native Americans from the justice system,” he said. From a broader perspective, the project expands cultural competency research to forensic settings. “I anticipate this project will help in developing protocols for working as a culturally informed practitioner within forensic mental health,” Dr Shepherd said. A SPECIAL NIGHT FOR TALBOT LODGE NO. 42 W Bro. Joseph (Chick) Mercieca PGStdB of Talbot Lodge No. 42 was installed as Master of the Lodge by long-time friend MWBro. Bob Jones on Saturday 21 February and was supported by the 2015 Grand Team. MWBro. Bob Jones had flew down from Townsville the night before, and drove up to Maryborough for the Installation. The Installation was attended by 120 people, comprising Freemasons and their partners. During the Installation the ladies were entertained by local resident, Nola Evans, who presented a talk on her trek along the “Kokoda Track”. MWBro. Bob Jones was the Installing Master at Talbot Lodge two years ago when he Installed WBro. Dick Deason. WBro Steve Allan followed Dick as Master. However, Steve sadly passed away six months into his Mastership which saw Dick stepping back into the Chair for the remainder of 2014-15. Unfortunately, Dick fell very ill over the festive period and has been in and out of hospital, only returning home on the Friday night. MWBro. Bob was aware of Dick’s ailment, that he was housebound. Therefore unable to attend the Installation. MWBro Bob insisted that he visit Dick at his home and presented him with a set of miniature working tools from the Lodge for his efforts in taking on the leadership of the Lodge during this time. In 2010, Dr Shepherd was awarded a PhD Scholarship in Forensic Psychology at Monash University. His thesis explored risk factors for violence across ethnicity and gender in Australian young offenders in custody. Since receiving his doctorate in 2013, Dr Shepherd has worked as a postdoctoral research fellow and lecturer at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science. The Fulbright program is the largest educational scholarship of its kind and was created by US Senator J. William Fulbright and the US government in 1946. Aimed at promoting mutual understanding through educational exchange, it currently operates between the US and 150 other nations. Dr Shepherd joins the ranks of twenty talented Australians to become a Fulbright Scholar in 2015.Read Dr Shepherd’s profile: http://www. fulbright.com.au/scholars/2015-australian-scholars/item/79 For all your personal and business legal needs. MWBro. Jones and WBro. WBro. Joseph Mercieca presenting WBro. Dick Deason with a set of miniature working tools. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. Combined Lodges ANZAC Reunion Prepared by VWBro. Alan Mitchell, The Army Lodge No. 478 T News he idea of the ANZAC Reunion Meeting was conceived by WBro. Lieutenant Colonel B.R. (Barry) Tinkler, MBE, during his term as Worshipful Master of The Army Lodge No. 478 in 1982. The first meeting was a special daylight meeting to enable those who were unable to attend the normal evening meetings, to join with the Brethren of the Lodge in an ANZAC commemoration ceremony and reunion luncheon. The meeting was an outstanding success. Brethren from both the Victorian Naval & Military Lodge No. 49 and the United Service Lodge No. 330, together with the Army Lodge members, attended in large numbers. Shortly after the meeting, representatives from the three Lodges met and agreed to hold the meeting annually, hosting it in rotation. The format of the meeting was to remain the same, i.e. a short commemoration ceremony in the lodge room followed by a reunion luncheon. The only variations agreed were that each host Lodge would carry out its own particular ceremony of commemoration, and that ex-Service and other interested Brethren would be welcome to attend. It was also agreed that the Most Worshipful Grand Master (or his nominated representative) would be invited to attend. At that time there were a number of Freemasons in the Royal New Zealand Returned and Services’ Association (NZRSA) who were also invited to attend and make it a real ANZAC event. In 2011 Vietnam Veterans Memorial Lodge No. 921 was invited to join the combined Lodges and host the 2011 event. The MWGM with his GDC and Worshipful Masters of the Combined Lodges at the Inaugural Meeting in April 1983. L to R: WBro Graeme Blamey – Victorian Naval & Military Lodge No.49, WBro Alan Mitchell – The Army Lodge No. 478, MWBro Henry Nathan GM, WBro MAJ Ivor White – United Service Lodge No.330, and VWBro COL Terry Bates GDC. To ensure that the meeting always maintained the same standard and format, it was agreed that The Army Lodge would maintain administrative control of the meeting. A later modification was that the Army Lodge Catering Officer handled the catering arrangements. The combined meeting was held in 1983, hosted by The Army Lodge; and with one exception, has been held every year since, with attendance averaging 100 Brethren. 125th Anniversary Competition - last chance to enter! As part of our 125th Anniversary celebrations, a monthly competition has been running for the best historic photograph and story that represents your Lodge and its history over the last 125 years. This may be a photograph of a significant member of your Lodge, a special event in which the Lodge took part, or a photograph of a significant period within your Lodge. Please attach a short story to accompany your photograph (in no more than 200 words) about its significance to Victorian Freemasonry and its impact on the community over the last 125 years. All winning photgraphs and stories will be published in Freemasonry Victoria Magazine. Each month the best photograph and story will win a special commemorative 125 Year prize in addition to a copy of the Freemasons: The Inside Story Summer Series DVD. Please send all highest resolution photographs (JPGs) and stories to the Editor at: editor@freemasonsvic.net.au Please also send a return postal address. This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings and to mark the occasion, the meeting’s organising committee intend to make the Combined Lodges’ ANZAC Reunion Meeting a very special event on the Victorian masonic calendar. The 2015 meeting will be held at the Ivalda Masonic Centre on Saturday 18 April, 2015, with a short Lodge meeting and commemoration ceremony commencing at 11am, followed by a reunion luncheon at 12.30pm. The day’s proceedings are scheduled to conclude at 3pm. It is a Freemasons only event, with attendance to the luncheon limited to 120. Entry is by prepaid ticket. Those wishing to attend should complete the entry form at the end of this Newsletter and return it before the due date. Should the luncheon be over-subscribed, places will be determined by the order in which replies are received. Troops find safety in trench dug-outs Lone Pine, Gallipoli,1915. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. Helped on Learning Journey C/- Shepparton News M ooroopna Secondary College students Rosalie Smith, 16, and Emily Lamb, 17, each happily accepted a $500 scholarship from Freemasons Victoria’s Mooroopna Lodge on Tuesday 9 February. The scholarship will go directly to Mooroopna Secondary College to assist with the cost of books and fees for the Year 11 and 12 students. News Rosalie and Emily participate in a variety of extracurricular activities, as well as being high academic achievers – traits that were recognised by their teachers who selected them for the scholarships. Mooroopna Lodge Master, VWBro. Alan McCormick, said the organisation was privileged to have both girls, along with their families and school principal Gary Fletcher, attend an acceptance ceremony on Tuesday night. “Mooroopna Lodge has been providing scholarships to the school for 25 years, totalling $10,500,” he said. This is the second year that Year 12 student, Emily Lamb, has received the scholarship. Emily said she felt really good about receiving a helping hand with her education. “It’s helped me further my education and it’s helped motivate me,” she said. Emily is the oldest of four children in her family and hopes to one day attend university in Albury. Her dream is to start an animal sanctuary. “The scholarship has also helped my parents out as well financially, so as well as benefiting me, it is also benefiting them. They’re really proud of my success at school,” she said. Year 11 student Rosalie lives with her father and migrated from the Philippines when she was 13 years old. She can speak three languages and hopes to study medicine when she completes secondary school. She said it was uplifting to be chosen for a scholarship that she would also receive next year. “I felt so lucky. It’s going to help me further my education and will help with paying school fees,” she said. Mr Fletcher said that the scholarship was awarded to one student every year for a two-year duration. “There are always two students, one in Year 11 and one in Year 12. The students who get it are those we believe have high academic potential but who need support in learning.” Mr Fletcher said the young people who were selected for the scholarship not only made significant contributions to their local communities, but also to the wider world. Yarra Valley Wine Tour Saturday March 14 It’s worth the Journey to Hanrahan Vineyard. Family-owned and operated business, Hanrahan Wines is a must-stop destination when you’re visiting the Yarra Valley region. Your host, Bev, prides herself on a warm and intimate cellar door experience where you’re sure to meet her much loved dog Darcy! Your friendly hosts will not only serve you the finest wine, but they’ll be able to tell you everything there is to know about it. They’re involved in the entire process. The quality of the Hanrahan wine range is reflected in their products of superior tasting wines which are beautifully balanced. GETTING THERE: BY BUS: A free shuttle bus, provided by Grand Lodge, will leave the Brighton Masonic Centre at 9.45 am. If you would like to travel by bus, then you must register with Di Tyndall 9589 2718. BY CAR: The winery is located at 3 Hexham Road Gruyere. However, the plan is that we all meet at Domaine Chandon, 727 Maroondah Highway, Coldstream at 11.00 am. DOMAINE CHANDON Start with a bubbly. At Chandon you can taste their Champagnes for a tasting fee of $5.00. This starts the day off right and introduces you to some of the ‘sparkling’ that you may not see at Dan Murphy’s. WHAT TO BRING: This is a reverse BYO which means we take all of our own food, they provide a BBQ, and we purchase their wine, so please do not bring any alcoholic drinks with you. Pack your picnic set. There are tables, chairs and shade umbrellas on the patio overlooking the beautiful countryside. THE COST: Hanrahan’s support aged care facilities and so we will be giving a donation to them to help with this program. We suggest that you also assist with a donation of at least $5.00 per head. Rosalie Smith (left), 16, and Emily Lamb, 17 have each received a $500 scholarship from Freemasons Victoria’s Mooroopna Lodge. Register your attendance with Di Tyndall now so that we can arrange seating etc at the winery (03) 9589 2718. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. 60 years of dedication R WBro. Harold Joseph Merton recently received his 60 year bar and pin certificate at Fairfield Lodge No. 254 on 11 February 2015. Harold travelled from his residence in Bowral to receive the award not bad for man of 95! Virtuosity - Concerto Soloist development program Harold was initiated, passed and raised at Lodge of Adoration in 1955, and joined Lodge of Adoration & Commradeship in 1988 when the two collaborated. Harold then joined Fairfield Lodge No. 254 in 1995 where he has stayed. News When Harold attends Lodge in Melbourne, he visits his very good friend Dr. John Connell PGM AM, now 101. Harold and John were members together of Lodge of Adoration. Harold remains a member and Dr. John Connell PGM AM is an honorary member of Fairfield Lodge. Harold was Master of the Lodge of Adoration 1980-1982 and Secretary for 12 years until the amalgamated Lodge handed in their Charter in 1995. He served as Grand Sword Bearer in 1987 and Senior Grand Deacon in 1988. He was Past Grand Inspector of Workings in 1997 and is now Past Junior Grand Warden. Harold also served in other orders including Master of Fairfield Mark Lodge (resigned after 36 years’ service), First Principle of Northcote Holy Royal Arch, and Most Wise Sovereign of Coburg and Ascension Sovereign Chapter – Rose Croix No. 166. Following relocation to a retirement village in Bowral in October 2004, Harold has continued to participate in Lodges in NSW. Harold visited the Grand Lodge of London, England and the Roslyn Chapter in Edinburgh Scotland during 2009, subsequently WBro. Stephen Blinkhorn PPAGDC Essex & London, English Constitution, Secretary of Jubilee Southern Highlands Daylight Lodge, visited Melbourne and was given the honour of presenting Harold with his 60 year bar and pin. A very special moment. During the evening, two candidates, Mr Jason Poynton and Mr Tony Yeung were initiated and Harold wished them all the best with their masonic journey. He suggested that they take the time to learn the principles, symbols and allegory of Freemasonry, and said that he hoped he’d set an example for them to follow. Who better to listen to than a man of such wisdom. Virtuosity is a concerto soloist development program offering young musicians the chance to learn from the best. Virtuosity is open to musicians aged 15 to 25 years old. Find more information at mym.org.au. Melbourne Youth Music is delighted to launch Virtuosity 2015. Now in its second year, Virtuosity is a concerto soloist development program in a competitive setting, culminating in a Grand Final performance at Deakin Edge, Federation Square. Virtuosity is a chance for future soloists to be mentored by industry experts and gain an enriching educational experience. For any budding musician, learning and playing a concerto piece is an essential part of their education and a requirement for most orchestral job auditions. However, it is rare for young musicians to get the opportunity to rehearse and perform a concerto with a full-sized orchestra. ‘Playing my piece with an orchestra was like completing a jigsaw puzzle, when all the parts are put together something beautiful is created, there is more meaning to the piece and a much bigger story to hear.’ Natasha Hanna, Virtuosity 2014 First Prize Recipient. Virtuosity takes part in three stages: online application, Semi-Final performance and the Grand Final. Throughout each stage, participants are given support and guidance for them to be the best musician they can be. Virtuosity is the ideal springboard into professional concerto performance, participation in competitions and the development of advanced musician skills – both on and off stage. Secretary of Fairfield Lodge WBro. Eddie Manuel presenting Harold with his 60 year service certificate. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. 125TH ANNIVERSARY MERCHANDISE AT CLEARANCE PRICES!! 00 $5. 125TH CUFF LINKS 00 . $3 125TH TIE PIN 00 . 5 $ UT O D 25.00 L $ SO 125TH TIE 125TH LAPEL BADGE T U O LD 00 O S . $5 125TH COFFEE MUG 0 0 $6. EA 125TH WINE GLASS ORDER ONLINE: http://shop.freemasonsvic.net.au/collections/all OR CALL (03) 9411 0100 Milestone for Bill Morecroft B ill was born in 1921 and at 93 years is the most senior member (in age) to be enthroned for the first time into the chair of Most Wise Sovereign in Alpha Victoria Sovereign Chapter of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite on 20 November 2014. Bill’s Masonic History: Bill was Initiated in Beaumaris Lodge No. 458 in 1957, passed in the degree of Fellow-Craft in October of the same year and raised to sublime degree of Master-Mason on 20 February 1958. News He was Installed as Worshipful Master of Beaumaris Lodge in 1973 and re-installed in 2007. He was Installed at BlackRock-Beaumaris in 2008, promoted to Past Grand Sword Bearer in 1985, and Past Senior Grand Deacon ten years later. In 2010 Bill was further promoted to Past Junior Grand Warden, and Perfected as a Prince of Rose Croi. The beautiful cake prepared for Bill Morecroft to celebrate his enthronement into the chair of Most Wise Sovereign in Alpha Victoria Sovereign Chapter of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. He was appointed 1st General in 2013 and 2nd General in 2012. Bill was also elevated to Grand Elect Knight Kadosh (30th Degree) in St. Andrew Sovereign Council in 2013, and enthroned as Most Wise Sovereign - Alpha Victoria Sovereign Chapter in 2014. After the enthronement ceremony Bill was pleased to welcome a number of Master Masons to supper to enjoy the cake (pictured) that marked the occasion. Alpha Victoria is the first Sovereign Chapter in Victoria to work a Universal Ritual under the authority of the Supreme Council of the 33rd degree for Australia. In Universal Chapters Rose Croix, membership of the Rite is open to all properly qualified Master Masons of any faith. Members of this Rite may advance from the 180 to 300, 310, 320 and eventually, if willing to take responsibility of high office, then the 330 is the reward for hard work within both Chapter and Council. The different collars in the photo are of the ranks attainable by any member of the AASR. Bill seated front, third from left. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. News Victorian Freemasons Cycling Club on the road for a special cause The Victorian Freemasons Cycling Club were on their bikes again; riding for charity and promoting Freemasons Victoria in the Lake Hume Challenge – a 40km ride through the picturesque rolling hills and valleys of Lake Hume, Albury-Wodonga. The event, held on Saturday 21 February, attracted many riders from around the state. All proceeds raised by the event went to support the Albury Wodonga Regional Cancer Centre (AWRCC) and Wellness Centre. The Wellness Centre in particular, houses various groups that provide information and emotional support for people affected by cancer, both patients and their carers. This year the Club wanted to do more than just donate their entry fee and put the club jersey in the peleton. The team’s road captain, WBro. Milton Mann, approached District Coordinator 108, RWBro. Don Nicholls, and with his approval, wrote to each of the Lodge Districts about the event and offered them the opportunity to support the AWRCC via a donation of $1 for each member of their Lodge. RWBro. Nicholls kicked off the fundraising effort and most of the District Lodges followed his lead. On ride day, the FMCC were able to present event organisers with a cheque for $653 on behalf of Freemasons Victoria. What’s next for the Victorian Freemasons Cycling Club? On Sunday 19 April, Club members will be saddling up for a 50km ride in the 2015 Multiple Sclerosis Melbourne Cycle. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the central nervous system affecting more young adult Australians than any other neurological condition. Approximately four Australians are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis every working day, equating to 1000 new diagnoses every year. It is a lifelong disease for which a cause and cure are yet to be found. MS Australia aims to minimise the impact of multiple sclerosis on all individuals affected by the disease, as well as their families, carers and the community, by offering a wide range of services, equipment and support. The organisation’s goal is to assist everyone affected by multiple sclerosis to live life to their fullest potential and secure the care and support they need, until a cure is found. Between now and April 19, the Victorian FMCC will focus on fundraising for this event. WBro. Malcolm Mann, the Club’s fundraising coordinator for this event said, “I have written to all of the District Coordinators about the event, requesting their support and explaining what the Club is doing for it. The next step will be to offer every Lodge an opportunity to contribute financially on a $1x1 basis.” To learn more about multiple sclerosis, visit the www.mssociety.org.au If you would like to donate to MS Australia, go to www.register.msmelbournecycle.org.au/2015-MSMelbourne-Cycle/Freemasons+Cycling+Club, click on the Donate Now button and follow the prompts. If you are a rider and want to join the team for the event, add your details whilst on the site, otherwise feel free to leave a message for the Club. And of course, if you have entered the event and would like some company on the ride, keep an eye out for the FMCC jersey and come and say hello. The Club will be in the 8.00am start group. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. Special Shabbat Service F reemasons and their families are invited to a special Shabbat (Sabbath) Service to honour Freemasonry. Grand Master MWBro. Hillel Benedykt, together with members of the 2015 Grand Ceremonial Team, will be in attendance. The service will conclude at approximately 12 noon and will be followed by a Kiddush (light refreshments). News DATE: Saturday 4 July 2015 TIME: 9:30am for a 10:00am start PLACE: Temple Beth Israel, 76 Alma Road, St Kilda DRESS: Gentlemen - Lounge Suit (Regalia not required) Head covering is necessary for gentlemen and will be available on arrival. Ladies – smart casual CONTACT: Please confirm your attendance for catering purposes by contacting WBro. Ron Aarons at paparon@optusnet.com.au or call (03) 9563 4737. The Chanukah Window Masonic Memorial in Gettysburg B ro. Andrew Cooper of Lodge of Orana No. 836 was fortunate enough to visit the Masonic Memorial at the Soldiers’ National Cemetery in Gettysburg, South Dakota, USA. It is entitled “Friend to Friend”. The memorial commemorates an event that took place on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg on 3 July 1863. Known as Pickett’s Charge, it was Robert E. Lee’s major and final attack of the battle. Convinced that the Union line, being strong at each flank, must therefore be weak in the middle, he ordered approximately 12,000 troops on a frontal attack; over open ground towards a Union Force that was dug in behind a stone wall almost a mile across. The festival of Chanukah, “dedication”, celebrates events which took place more than two millennia ago, when the Syrian Greeks ruled over Judea and paganised the Temple in Jerusalem. A small group led by the Maccabees expelled the Greeks, restored the Temple and performed a ceremony to “rededication”. According to later tradition, Chanukah also celebrates a miracle which took place at that ceremony: a single day’s supply of oil for the Menorah which lasted eight days. The Chanukah miracle in the spiritual sense is a celebration of Jewish survival. a Under fire, about 9,000 troops reached the wall and initially split the Union Force, but were repulsed by the horrible casualties after a reserve regiment was brought up to block the breakthrough. In the fighting at the wall, Confederate General Lewis Armistead, a Freemason, was mortally wounded. As he fell he gave the Masonic distress call, and amidst the noise a Union Captain, Henry Bingham, heard the call and came to his aid. Armistead asked about his close friend General George Meade (also a Mason), who was in charge of the Union Army of the Potomac at the battle. Meade had also been wounded but recovered. Armistead asked that his watch and some personal items be given to Meade. The memorial depicts Armistead giving these items to Bingham. The memorial was presented by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in 1993, and occupies a prominent location in the Cemetery. Over the eight days of the festival, as successive candles are lit by the “servant candle” until all eight flames are burning, the light of survival grows brighter and brighter. The Chanukah lamp is placed in the window for the world to witness this act of commitment. The Chanukah lamp is decorated with fruit and leaves which hint at its origins as a “tree of life”. The panel moves from metallic darkness on the right to enlightenment glass on the left, alluding to the increased light which takes place over eight days of the festival. The flames are shaped as hands, which remind us that it is by our acts that faith is kept alive. Across the sky are inscribed the words, “a great miracle happened there”, the first letters of the four words found on the sides of the spinning top, or “dreidl”, used to entertain the children during Chanukah. Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. Community Choir Summer 2014-2015 Appeal Raising voices, uplifting hearts. Building a Royal Freemasons Community Choir program is the focus of our ‘For You For Life’ Appeal Summer 2014-15. Your donation means so much to our customers. No matter how small or large, everyone who contributes to the Royal Freemasons Community Choir ‘For You For Life’ Appeal makes a big difference to enhancing the lives of our customers. Royal Freemasons Ltd 45 Moubray Street Melbourne Victoria 3004 Telephone: 03 9452 2200 Facsimile: 03 9521 3689 1300 17 69 25 (1300 1 ROYAL) info@royalfreemasons.org.au royalfreemasons.org.au Research has shown that singing in a group has the ability to positively improve mental & physical wellbeing. The development of a Choir program will have a flow-on effect on the participants’ families and our employees. It will also help our customers build new friendships and give a sense of belonging to the local community. Your generous, tax deductible contribution will help us establish the Choir program, provide professional conductors, a music therapist, resources, brand choir clothing, venues and organise performances across the state. With your help, our Community Choir Appeal will give our customers, loved ones and staff the opportunity to be actively involved in getting together with the wider community to enjoy the healing power of singing. Full details of suggested donation opportunities are outlined on the reverse side of this leaflet. Yes, I/we would like to make a donation to the Royal Freemasons Community Choir ‘For You For Life’ Appeal Summer 2014-15 A donation of your choice $ ............. $50 - T Shirt $75 - Song Sheets $100 - Music Conductor $150 - Music Accompanist $250 - Disadvantaged Assistance - Six Months $500 - Disadvantaged Assistance -12 Months $1,000 - Two People -12 Months $5,000 - Year end Gala Event $10,000 - A Three-year music scholarship for a student Tick box I have enclosed a cheque payable to Royal Freemasons Ltd OR please debit my Visa Mastercard Amex Card No: _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Expiry Date: _ _ / _ _ Name: Signature: Address: Postcode: Please return this completed Royal Freemasons Community Choir ’For You For Life’ Appeal Donation slip with your cheque or credit card details completed above. Complete your details and mail to the address shown. You can alternatively phone your Credit Card details to 03 9452 2250. All donations are tax deductible and every gift will be personally acknowledged and a receipt provided. Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Victoria Sir William Clarke Memorial Statue O n Tuesday 31 March 2015 the Most Eminent First Grand Principal will re-dedicate the Sir William Clarke Memorial Statue at a public ceremony in the Treasury Gardens, Melbourne commencing at 2.00pm. The Memorial Statue to Sir William was raised by the People of Victoria in 1902 in grateful tribute to a man who lived much respected and died regretted. Deadlines for content for coming issues: Engage 92 - 11 March 2015 Engage 93 - 25 March 2015 Engage 94 - 8 April 2015 Remember, previous issues of engage! Newsletter can be found using the Publications tab in the Freemasons Victoria members intranet. Just log in! News The Ceremony will commence with a public procession along Treasury Place. This procession will be in full Royal Arch regalia. The First Grand Principal will then re-dedicate the Memorial with corn, wine, oil and salt dispensed from the golden vessels in the manner customary among Freemasons. The ceremony is expected to last about 40 minutes and will be followed by afternoon tea at a nearby location. Dress will be either lounge suit or sports coat with collar and tie, and regalia. Sir William Clarke, Baronet, was the inaugural First Grand Principal when this Supreme Grand Chapter was erected in March 1889. The rededication will be culmination of the 125th Anniversary Celebrations of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Victoria. As a matter of further interest, on the evening of the same day, the Most Eminent First Grand Principal, together with his most senior Grand Officers will attend the Salvation Army Temple on Bourke Street, Melbourne and assist in dispensing food to the homeless and indigent of the City of Melbourne. This will be both an act of humility on the part of Supreme Grand Chapter as well as a fitting tribute to a man long remembered for his charitable and philanthropic activities – Most Eminent Companion Sir William Clarke. Supreme Grand Chapter will meet the cost of this charitable dispensation. All Royal Arch Masons are enjoined to attend this most important and unique event. CLOSING DATE FOR TICKETS: 16 March 2015 Freemasons Victoria FREE TO JOIN! Wine Club! Join the Freemasons Victoria Wine Club to enjoy a great range of drops and take advantage of some great prices. We have teamed with Wineland to give all members and Lodges across Victoria, the opportunity to access their own wine purchasing account. Visit: www.wineland.net.au today to find out more. To access benefits for all Freemasons, remember to use this code when paying though the online payment gateway: Freemasons Forgotten your username or password? To access information from the Members Intranet you will first need to enter a username and password. Your username is your six digit member number followed by @freemasonsvic.net.au. Your password can be reset by clicking ‘Forgot your password’. A new temporary password will be sent to your email address. Enter your username and your new password into the login screen. If you are still unable to log in please contact Tony Morris at morris@freemasonsvic.net.au facebook.com/ freemasonsvic @freemasonsvic youtube.com/ freemasonsvic linkedin.com/ company/freemasonsvictoria Proud sponsors of Freemasons Victoria in its 125th year. Epworth Run for your Life PA R K S TREET B O W EN Epworth Fun Run SCEN K STRE ET CRE Princes P a rk Bowling PACRlu b T B O W EN PA R K S TREET CRE SCEN Princes Park B ow l i n g C l u b 5 B O T W R O YA L PA R ADE EN StaRt CRE SCEN Princes P a r k B o wling C l u b T R O YA L PA R ADE GROUND P R I N C E S PA RK DRIVE GA RT ON ST RE ET R O YA L PA R ADE 5 CARLTON3RECREATION 3 Northern Pavilion Princes Hill Tennis Courts Princes Hill Te nnis Courts R O YA L PA R ADE Southern Pavilion P R I N C E S PA RK DRIVE Northern Pavilion P R I N C E S PA RK DRIVE P r in ces H ill C o u r ts Tennis CARLTON RECREATION GROUND P R I N C E S PA RK DRIVE Northern Pavilion P R I N C E S PA RK DRIVE CARLTON RECREATION GROUND R O YA L PA R ADE Sunday 15th March 2015 Location: Princes Park, Carlton North corner Bowen Cres /Garton Street Start time: Warm up 07:45am with 08:00am start Distance: 3.2km one lap Categories: 1-Lap-Walk/Wheel or 3-Lap-run Teams including Families and 3-Lap relay welcome Entry: $40 tax-deductible donation Includes: An event singlet or T-shirt, light breakfast and medal for finishing Prizes: Awards for the top fundraising team Proceeds: Directed towards equipment at Epworth HealthCare 5 3 Registrations: epworth.org.au/runforyourlife us: North) Tel 03 9426 6359 or email PRINCES Contact PARK (Carlton Kathryn.johnston@epworth.org.au Lawn Number Event Non-bookable space Toilets Water Feature Trees & Shrubs Barbeque Picnic Setting Playground PRINCES PARK (Carlton North) Southern Pavilion Lawn Number Non-bookable space PA R K S T R E E T Event Toilets CE ME R O YA L PA R ADE Date: Water Feature Trees & Shrubs Barbeque Picnic Setting PRINCES PARK (Carlton North) Playground O TE B W EN RY RO AD Southern Pavilion Non-bookable space ES Event Toilets Water FeatureP r i n c e s Trees & Shrubs Barbeque Picnic Setting Playground Park Bowling Club CRE W Lawn Number SCEN T Your support saves lives. T CE ME TE WELCOME A Monthly Wine Club run by masons for all freemasons and family VOL. 2, Feb 2015 Freemasons Wine Club Register your Lodge name and number to gain access to exclusive products and deals To the Brethren of Freemasonary Victoria, At Wineland we have been busy creating an exclusive wine club for all freemasons where all of your wine needs, and in future spirit and beer needs, can be sourced at great prices while providing additional funds back into the Charitable Foundation. With the approval of Freemasons Victoria , every lodge in Victoria has had an account set up within the wineland.net.au website and these will be activated on Sunday 15 March unless Wineland hears from your lodge with advice that you wish your account to remain inactive. To help you with your decision we welcome you to visit wineland.net.au. In order to access the site please use the following codes which will be active for the next 30 days. Email: wineland@wineland.net.au Password: wineland Once you have had a chance to look at the Wineland site and, we hope, decided to take up the offer of an exclusive online wine club for your lodge members, there are a few details you need to be aware of to make accessing your account simple: - Your lodge’s initial login details are your secretary’s email as the username and their surname as your lodge’s password. You can change these details to suit your needs after your initial login. Wineland will not alter or manage your account unless you request our assistance. This is an exclusive wine club and as such many of the products and prices are not available to the general public. So we encourage you to discuss accessing your exclusive online wine club with your brethren and have a look at the Wineland website. If you have any questions please email Wineland at wineland@wineland.net.au with your queries. We look forward to providing you with all your wine supply needs into the future at great prices while supporting the Freemason’s Charitable Foundation. Fraternally, Marcus Gillon Director of Wineland wineland@wineland.net.au JD Integrity, Prahran Administration Office; 1160 Riversdale Road Box Hill South Victoria, 3128 The Certificate of Masonic Studies (CMS) Grand Lodge having several years ago recognised that modern men expect more than an unrelenting repetition of the three degrees: As a result, the Masonic Advancement Programme was introduced by Grand Lodge as a mandatory part of every brother’s introduction to our Craft. The Victorian Lodge of Research observed that a logical outcome of this course of action would be that many of those newly admitted brethren would be asking “Okay, what’s next?” The Lodge of Research has developed a programme of Masonic studies for those brethren seeking further enlightenment of the background and principles of Freemasonry veiled by our mode of presentation using ritual and ceremonial. Rather than being of a classroom style - as its name may imply – the programme is conducted as a group of four to ten brethren meeting around a table; reflecting the tavern and coffee shop gatherings in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that has evolved into what we have as our Speculative Freemasonry of today. Class groups gather together, maybe with a coffee and biscuit, and following private reading of a specific aspect of masonry, under the guidance of a moderator share their impressions and conclusions about the topic. Following these exchanges a short personal 2 to 3 page assessment of their thoughts and ideas of the topic is submitted for assessment. The programme is completed in eight sessions over a 12 month period. A record of achievement is awarded at the completion of the programme hence it is termed a Certificate of Masonic Studies. The cost of the course is $80.00. DO NOT SEND MONEY TILL REQUESTED Certificate of Masonic Studies – Course Dates – Waverley Masonic Centre 2015 (Last Saturday of the month - 9:00 to 11:00) Module 1: - Origins of Freemasonry Module 2: - Freemasonry from 1717-1738 (England) Module 3: - Freemasonry and its global impact 1738-1813 Module 4: - History of Victorian Freemasonry Module 5: - Legends, Symbols and Allegories Module 6: - General Philosophy of Freemasonry Module 7: - Religious Beliefs and Freemasonry Module 8: - The Aims of Freemasonry (& reflections on Course) Module 1: - Saturday 28 March 2015 Module 2: - Saturday 25 April 2015 Module 3: - Saturday 30 May 2015 Module 4: - Saturday 27 June 2015 Module 5: - Saturday 25 July 2015 Module 6: - Saturday 29 August 2015 Module 7: - Saturday 26 September 2015 Module 8: - Saturday 31 October 2015 Other Masonic Centres are:Bendigo MC 99 -101 McIvor Toad Bendigo: Brunswick MC 6 Davis Street Brunswick South Eastern MC 270 Hutton Road Keysborough: Baxter MC Cnr Stotts Lane & Baxter Tooradin Road Baxter District Co-ordinators /Education Officers if you want a CMS course in your area please contact Iain Taylor Application Name…………………………………….. Postal Address………………………………………………………………………………… E-mail Address Phone………………………………….. Lodge ………………………………………………..Masonic Rank……………………….. I hereby apply for entrance to the Victorian Lodge of Research No 218 Certificate of Masonic Studies. I declare I am an affiliated member in good standing. I understand that successful completion of the course requires active participation in all tutorial sessions and the acceptance of the course assessor’s assessment of my written essay. Signed……………………………………………………………………………….. Date…………………………… Print Name………………………………………………………… For further information please contact Iain below Iain Taylor Administrator Certificate of Masonic Studies Ph: (03) 9796 4864 M: 0409 363 742 E: cms@lodgeofresearch.net ANNUAL COMBINED ANZAC REUNION LODGE MEETING The Worshipful Masters of Victorian Naval & Military Lodge No.49, United Service Lodge No. 330, The Army Lodge No. 478 and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Lodge No. 921 invite you to attend the annual Combined Lodges Anzac Reunion Meeting to be held at Ivalda Masonic Temple, 40-42 Salisbury Avenue, Ivanhoe, on Saturday, 18th APRIL 2015, tyling at 1100 hours sharp, with the South from 1200 to 1450 hours. This year the host Lodge is The Army Lodge No. 478. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING IS NOT AN “OPEN” MEETING AND ALL ATTENDEES SHOULD BE FREEMASONS OF GOOD STANDING. THE LUNCHEON IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO 120 ATTENDEES. The cost is $40 per head, including GST. The dress (in order of preference) is Uniform or Lounge Suit (with medals), Mess Dress or Dinner Suit (with miniatures). Note a concession of 50% is applicable to all “WW2 Diggers”. Returns with payment must be received by the Combined Meeting Secretary, VWor Bro Alan Mitchell, not later th than 10 April 2015. Please make cheques* out to: “COMBINED LODGES ANZAC REUNION”. *Bank Transfer is available see below PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS MEETING IS CONDUCTED SEPARATE AND DISTINCT FROM YOUR LODGE. PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST THAT CHARGES BE PLACED ON PERSONAL LODGE ACCOUNTS. Yours Fraternally VWor Bro Alan Mitchell - Combined Meeting Secretary. Please tear off and return the bottom part with your payment to the Combined Meeting Secretary, as shown: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..................................................................... th RSVP: Not later than 10 April 2015. A.S. Mitchell, 2 Carrabin Court, Knoxfield, Vic., 3180. Tel: 03 9763 8371 Mob: 0417 130 945 Email: alanmit@optusnet.com.au I, ………………………………..................................... , from ………………………………………………………………………………………….. (PLEASE PRINT) (LODGE NAME & NUMBER) th will be attending the Combined Lodges Anzac Reunion meeting on Saturday, 18 April 2015 and I will be accompanied by................... Masonic guests ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (PLEASE PRINT - NAMES & LODGE NO. OF GUESTS) My cheque for $.............. made out to the COMBINED LODGES ANZAC REUNION is enclosed – or – *I have paid by Direct Debit to the COMBINED LODGES ANZAC REUNION account BSB 033-187 Account 14-1671 * If paying by bank transfer make SURE you include your name with the deposit and then RSVP by email with the details above (Lodge, numbers and names of those attending etc) and saying payment has been made. My contact number is ………………................ Signature ........................................ Date………………………………
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