THE LIBERTY GAZETTE Liberty ISD voters to decide $33.5 million bond on May 9 Liberty County’s Only Home-Owned Newspaper Vol. 55, No. 9 Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Agenda HIRING EVENTS LIBERTY - Workforce Solutions Liberty has scheduled two hiring events for Sunoco/Stripes. Scheduled dates and times are March 5 and 19, from 9 a.m. until 12 noon. For more information, contact Workforce Solutions Liberty at 936-336-8063. FOOD ASSISTANCE RYE - Liberty Church of Christ Food Bank is sponsoring a Houston Food Bank truck for those who need food assistance. The truck will be at the voting place in Rye, 31422 Hwy. 146 N., next to the post office, Fri., March 6, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. For more information, contact the Liberty Church of Christ at 936-336-2213 or Russell Godby at 281-851-8721. BUTTERFLY GARDEN WORKDAY DAYTON - Trinity River Refuge has a work day planned for Sat., March 7, at the butterfly garden at Champion Lake from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. About 20-30 volunteers are needed to do some minor weeding, lay out a weed barrier, and spread about 20 cubic yards of mulch. The Champion Lake Public Use Area is located at the end of CR 417 off of FM 1409. For additional information, contact Stuart Marcus at 936/336-9786. OYSTER SUPPER PORT BOLIVAR Port Bolivar Volunteer Fire Department will hold its 45th annual oyster supper Sat., March 7, from 2-8 p.m. at the fire station located at 1806 Loop 108 in Port Bolivar. Come and show your support with a $20 donation and enjoy all the fried oysters you can eat. Oysters will be served with french fries and coleslaw. No raw oysters will be served. For more information, contact Chief Malcolm Comeaux at 409771-7026 for Will Weeks at 409-354-3368. MOVIE NIGHT DAISETTA - At Central Baptist Church of Daisetta, the second Wednesday of each month is movie night. There will be a movie, food and a devotional. Everyone is invited to come watch the movie and join in the fellowship. The movie for March 11 is “God Is Not Dead.” Showtime is 6 p.m. Central Baptist is located at 104 Redbud Street. 2015 ACIE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION HERITAGE CALENDAR LIBERTY - The 2015 Acie Cemetery Association Heritage Calendar is available in a limited number. The calendar depicts military veterans from Liberty County and can be purchased for $20. Proceeds benefit the Acie Cemetery Association Fund. Order your calendar by email at or by phone at 832.402.9096. You can also find information on the Facebook page at metery. Acie Cemetery Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit volunteer group that is in the process of restoring one of Dayton’s oldest cemeteries. Sterling, Hanson named Liberty, Dayton Citizens of the Year Liberty Citizen of the Year Jimmy Sterling Dayton Citizen of the Year Brady Hanson Liberty County, but got to Dayton as fast as he could. His early years were spent as a citizen of the city of Dayton, having graduated in 1967 from Dayton High School, followed by graduation from Texas A&M University, majoring in Marine Transportation, spending much of his time in the Corps of Cadets as a trombonist and bugler with the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band. This laid the foundation for many of his future efforts. He is the founder and director for the newly-formed “Sea Aggie Band” in Galveston’s Maritime Academy and has stayed closely tied to his musical roots by playing for and/or directing over 15 musical productions since 1977 for our community theatre, The Valley Players. His founding and directing of the hugely-popular, all-volunteer Invincible Eagle Band has set the standard for other communities to follow. This band has performed at multiple patriotic events throughout southeast Texas and Liberty County, including several annual performances at the Pearl Harbor Day Memorial on the Battleship Texas and the annual commemoration of the USS Houston Memorial. His guidance and mentorship of this patriotic group has led him to be one of the best ambassadors for all that the City of Liberty stands for, and has set the standard for the volunteer spirit that the word “Liberty” represents. Jimmy and his wife Sandra have fostered many programs at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church LIBERTY - Anahuac rancher both agriculture and business. Leroy Ezer is this year’s recipi- He continues their legacy to be a ent of the TVE’s Annual Western good steward of the land. Heritage Award. He attended The presentation Southwest will be made Texas State during the CowTeachers Colboy Boil set for lege and Texas Sat., March 14, Christian University, comat the TVE Fairgrounds. pleting TCU’s Ezer was Ranch Management proborn April 21, 1940, in Housgram in 1961. He returned to ton, the son of Charles G. Anahuac to (Charlie) Ezer work with his father, Charlie, and Margaret LEROY EZER Fanett Ezer. He in the family is a descendant of the Ezer and commercial cow-calf operation Fanett families, which have and has been the managing partmade their mark in Chambers ner of Canada Ranch since 1978. County for over 100 years in Ezer is currently serving as a director for the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and for the Coastal Cattlemen’s Association. Appointed by the Secretary of Agriculture to serve on the Cattlemen’s Beef Board, Ezer has recently completed his second term. He is a member of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the National Cutting Horse Association. He is a lifetime committeeman for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo and a member of First United Methodist Church of Anahuac. He and his wife, Norma, have two daughters, Charlotte Ezer Edwards of Winnie and Kristin Ezer Hargraves of Anahuac. They have five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. LIBERTY-DAYTON - A packed house filled the main ballroom of the Dayton Community Center Fri., Feb. 27, as area citizens turned out for the Liberty-Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Awards Banquet. As in years past, a highlight of the banquet is the naming of the Citizen of the Year – one in Liberty and one in Dayton. This year, that honor was bestowed upon Jimmy Sterling as Liberty’s 2015 Citizen of the Year and Brady Hanson as the 2013 Dayton Citizen of the Year. This year’s recipient for 2015 Citizen of the Year for Liberty is none other than James B. Sterling or “Jim” or “Jimmy” as he is known to many throughout the community. Jim Sterling was born in 1948 in a little town just south of Ezer recipient of Annual Western Heritage Award for community participation and enjoyment, having written much of the music for the “Jazz Mass,” “Octoberfest,” “St. Patrick’s Day Mass,” and Taizé Service.” He also conducted the community chorus in several performances of Handel’s greatest composition “Messiah” and has brought many outstanding performers to the city for the community to enjoy. He has served on the Vestry of St. Stephen’s, having been a Senior Warden, belongs to the Order of St. Andrew and continues to serve as choir director. His love for music prompted his contribution of the wonderful pipe organ currently in St. Stephen’s along with the building and donation of several pipe organs in various churches and museums in the area. He has been extremely generous in the area of education and has helped others in numerous ways, many anonymously. He knows how valuable education has been to his life, also having received a BBA from Baylor University in Real Estate/Insurance, a diploma from Commonwealth College in Mortuary Science and later graduating from the Realtors Institute. He seeks to bless others with the same opportunities by giving numerous scholarships to the Texas Maritime Academy, The Invincible Eagle Band, Texas A&M University, the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band, the American Legion, and the Sterling Foundation, all of which serve to promote educational opportunities for those in need. Jimmy Sterling has contributed his time and effort generously as a member and past president and a Paul Harris FelSee CITIZENS, Page A-3 LIBERTY - The Liberty ISD school board approved a district repair and improvement bond for election after consulting with the Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) at a special meeting held February 9. The total amount to be requested is some $33.5 million, and the bond will come up on the ballot at the May 9 elections with early voting beginning in April. How would passage of this bond affect taxes on homes? According to Andrew Friedman of Samco Capital, the school tax on a $100,000 home, including homestead exemption, would be an additional $201 per year. This increase would decline in subsequent years. Citizens over the age of 65 are exempt from any property tax increase provided they do not make improvements to their property. The bond would be a 20-year commitment carrying an estimated three precent interest rate. TRBA Senior Adult Lunch set for Mon., March 9 KENEFICK - Lunch, a mission program and great fellowship are in store for senior adults who attend the Trinity River Baptist Association Senior Adult Luncheon, set for Mon., March 9, at 11:30 a.m. at Kenefick Southern Baptist Church. Those attending are asked to make their reservation by March 5 with Iris Whittington, TRBA senior adult ministry director, by calling 936-549-7052. The program will include informative and inspiring reports from community ministries sponsored or supported by TRBA, including Liberty County Jail Ministry, Family Visitors’ Center at the prison units, Pregnancy Care Center in Dayton, Spirit of Sharing (SOS) in Liberty and House of Destiny in Votaw, Texas. –––––o0o––––– DAYTON YARN CLUB DAYTON - If you crochet or knit, the Dayton Yarn Club invites you to join them Tuesday afternoons at 12 p.m. at the Dayton Community Center. The club is currently working on baby blankets and stocking caps for the young patients at M.D. Anderson and Texas Children’s hospitals. The club would also appreciate donations of yarn for their projects. These three gentlemen are the finalists for the position of Police Chief in LIberty and attended a Meet and Greet at Liberty Center last week where they met with local media. From left are Gary Martin, currently a captain at the Liberty Police Department; Tom Claunch, assistant chief in Webster; and James Healy, chief in Godley, Texas. Liberty City Council members are still deliberating on this difficult choice.
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