TRI-CITY GUN CLUB TCGC REGULAR MEETINGS: Goldsby Community Center, 122 E. Center Rd., Goldsby, OK Friday, March 6th at 7:30PM PRESIDENT Mark Ericksen March 2015 Friday, April 3rd at 7:30PM 405-627-2844 VICE-PRESIDENT Jamie Schmidt 405-310-9544 Proposed Change to the Bylaws Increase membership by 100 members shall be voted on April 3 at the membership meeting: SECRETARY Ronny Robertson 405-664-2101 TREASURER Scott Stehno 405-201-9456 MEMBER-AT-LARGE Eric Bauman 405-820-3916 CRSO Section 3.02. Regular membership of this club shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Seventy-Five (275 250). Regular members are expected to attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings and participate in other TCGC activities. In addition, regular members are entitled to vote and can hold office Section 3.03. Associate membership of this club shall not exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Eight Hundred Twenty-Five (825750). Associate members shall have full use of the range and can participate in scheduled matches, are not required to attend regularly scheduled monthly meetings or participate in other TCGC activities, but are encouraged to do so. Associate members are not eligible to vote or to hold office. When regular memberships are available, associate members will have first priority if they desire to convert their membership. Ken Anderson 405-249-9804 New "Automatic Gate Opener" at Exit! Now Operational! SCHEDULER Brad Corn 405-249-2556 Slow Down! Wait for Gate to Open! Use key pad if gate does not open automatically. WEBMASTER Upon entering the range, please do not stop, this will trigger the opener. RANGE MAINTENANCE Call Bill Hutcheson if you have a problem 405-664-1128 Bill Hutcheson EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, February 19th at 6:30 PM in the TCGC Range Stat House, 450 Jerry Black Lane, Goldsby, OK Current Membership Dues: Associate Working - $80.00—Associate Non-Working - $160.00—Regular Working - $60.00—Regular Non-Working - $140.00 Spousal - $25.00—Junior - $0.00 New Associate Members One Time Initiation Fee $125.00 1 PRESIDENTS CORNER Raffle tickets still available. The discussion will be a proposed bylaws change to increase the membership number. The club is not required to meet the maximum number of members, and this will enable the club to add say fifty this year and see how that works out with the members input on availability of shooting space. The two-hundred yard gongs came in and we are trying to get them up by 02-28 -2015. They will be mounted with railroad ties on the sides and top to help prevent ricochets. THE TIES ARE NOT THE TARGET. Members and guests should sight in their rifles at first the 50yd, second the 100yd, third the 150yd, and last the 200yd line. I am proud to be part of Tri-City Gun Club for hosting these events. I am also proud to be part of Cleveland County Friends of NRA, which helps raise the funds to support these events. We are always looking for new sponsors, supporters and volunteers! Come visit with me about the Friends of NRA Banquet June 12, 2015. Jamie Schmidt Vice President Remember that some gun clubs make the members qualify at each range with an RSO before they can shoot at a longer range. Make it easy on yourself and your fellow members and only shoot the things that are there for your enjoyment. Registration Information Available Soon for: School all guests you bring, it's your responsibility. Gene Adkisson Scholarship Available Online April 1, 2015 Muzzle Control Hunters Education Clinic, Minimum Age 10 March 28, 2015 NRA Day (formerly Sportsfest), Youth 10-18 April 18, 2015 Women on Target Muzzle Control Muzzle control...Nothing else to say. Thank You to all the Volunteers, Committees, Shoot Directors, RSO's, and the EC for all you do to make this an outstanding Club. May 2, 2015 VICE-PRESIDENTS CORNER As you know, my main focus is the Youth Shooting Sports and getting young people involved in shooting! I am happy to report that the Oklahoma Friends of NRA State Meeting was this past weekend. Bruce Roberts and I attended the 2 day event to review results from the 2014 FNRA banquets and approve over $560,000 grants for 4H, FFA, and other shooting sports in Oklahoma. The next approval step is the national committee. These grants help support the Youth Shotgun Group, the BSA Camp and Shoot, Brownell’s NRA Day, the Youth Archery program, the BSA Venture Crew, Cleveland County 4H, McClain County 4H, Norman FFA, Women on Target, etc.! March 6th there will be a drawing for the 45acp pistol at the membership meeting. YHEC at May 16, 2015 Mark Ericksen / Pres. TCGC The “Hangfire”, published monthly, is the publication of the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc.,, P.O. BOX 1604, Norman, OK 73070-1604 Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. is not responsible for the content of articles submitted and published in the Hangfire, even though all newsletter articles, and advertisements are approved by the Vice-President and Editor for relevance only. Technical and/or hand loading data are for informational purposes only. No responsibility is accepted by Tri-City Gun Club, Inc. for results obtained by persons using such data, and all liability for any consequential injures or damages is disclaimed. Information regarding match schedules or specific dates and locations for events should be verified prior to monetary or travel commitments. References to any specific commercial manufacturer or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Tri-City Gun Club Executive Committee, its membership, nor the publisher. The articles, opinions, and letters published do not necessarily reflect the views of the editor, publisher or the Tri-City Gun Club, Inc., and may be edited for content or brevity. ALL design, layout, match reports are copyrighted and may not be used without express written permission. Articles , announcements, your comments or suggestions are welcome. © 2014 Lea Greenleaf 2 SAFETY CORNER Tri-City Clay Busters Greetings to All Tri-City Gun Club Members. Great News, beginning with the March Membership Meeting, Linda will start selling “Open Chamber Indicators”. This will be the best deal in town at 50 cents each or 6 for $3.00. These open chamber indicators are ideal for all rifles, especially AR 15s, since the chamber is hard to see, and AK 47 type rifles, since the bolts do not lock to the rear. They also work great for pistols and revolvers and are easily modified to fit 22 rifles and pistols. I encourage each of you to use open chamber indicators at all times on the range. They are one more positive step you can take to make your shooting activities and firearms safer. Skeet and Trap Competition Beginning in April More good news… we have purchased two new Gongs and are in the process of getting them installed on the Long Range. These Gongs are 16 inches in diameter, ½ inch think and made of AR 500 steel. They will be placed in front of two firing points and we are working to get them installed by mid-March. 2nd Sunday of Each Month Match Director - Mike Whitaker As you participate in shooting activities, always keep in mind my 3C’s of Safety: (405) 245-1621 Coordinator - Tara Nelson 1. Comfortable: You become comfortable with a task or activity such as handling firearms. It becomes routine. Watch for more information! 2. Complacent: You have become comfortable with a task, it has become routine and you fail to perform a basic task such as making sure your firearms are clear because you are complacent. Better yet, come to the next club meeting to discuss the times and dates with Mike! 3. Catastrophe: You have become comfortable handing your firearms and due to your complacency, you fail to make sure the firearm is clear and you pull the trigger, the firearm discharges and ……… (You fill in the blank). TCGC COMMITTEES & CHAIRPERSONS COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Activities Joe Mays 405-354-7342 Archery Simm Rudnick 405-360-4346 Grant Writing Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Insurance Whitney Boutin 405-579-0453 Maintenance Bill Hutcheson 405-664-1128 Range Safety Observations: CONTACT INFO Membership Ronny Robertson 405-664-2101 Safety Ken Anderson 405-249-9804 Skeet Range Mike Whitaker Youth Jamie Schmidt 405-620-6977 Guests: Remember you are responsible for your guests and this includes: Proper completion of the Guest Waiver Making sure they understand the Range Rules and safe firearms handling. I have observed, on multiple occasions, members and guests forward of the Firing Line when the Range was COLD, yet there were loaded rifles and pistols on the shooting bench pointing at them. Remember a firearm must be made safe \ clear when the Range is COLD. Opportunities for RSOs to Serve: Oklahoma Hunter Education and NRA Rifle Instructors, as well as RSOs, to support the Hunter Education Shooting activity on 03/28/15 from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. RSOs to support Sportsfest on 04/18/15 RSOs to support Women on Target 05/02/15. 405-245-1621 Be safe and shoot straight, make sure your bullets impact the Berm. Ken Anderson Chief Range Safety Office 405 249-9804 3 RANGE ACTIVITY SCHEDULE 2015 Claude Hall Gun Shows To Schedule range or facility use contact: Brad Corn at 405-249-2556 or email: Unless noted there is always one range open JAN 10 & 11 JAN 31 & FEB 1 See legend for range designations MAR 14 & 15 MAY 16 & 17 Date Location Event Times JUN 20 & 21 JUL 11 & 12 MAR 1 MAR1 MAR 6 MAR 7 MAR 10 MAR 14 MAR 14 MAR 19 MAR 21 MAR 21 MAR 28 sh lr Goldsby sh sh lr ALL sh ALL ALL ALL sr Goldsby lr 08:00-10:00 08:00-16:00 19:30-21:00 09:30-15:30 18:30-20:00 09:00-13:00 08:00-17:00 18:30-20:00 08:00-12:00 08:00-17:00 07:00-16:00 09:00-13:00 19:30-21:00 08:00-12:00 AUG 8 & 9 OCT 10 & 11 sh lr ALL lr sk2, sh sh ALL ALL Pavilion pr sr pr, sk sr 07:00-09:00 07:00-15:00 08:00-12:00 08:00-13:00 12:00-17:00 18:30-20:00 08:00-12:00 07:00-18:00 08:00-13:00 09:00-12:00 09:00-13:00 10:00-17:00 08:00-13:00 APR 3 APR 4 APR 5 APR 5 APR 5 APR 11 APR 11 APR 12 APR 16 APR 17 APR 18 APR 25 APR 25 APR 25 APR 25 APR 26 Sport/Activity Practical Pistol Match Practical Pistol Match Membership Meeting Shotgun Orientation BY-Law Committee Meeting MBABR Match Range Spraying Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY Range Spraying Hunter Education Clinic, Military Rev/Semi/Pistol Match Membership Meeting Vintage Battle Rifle Match EASTER Practical Pistol Match Practical Pistol Match WORK DAY MBABR Match TCGC Clay Busters Executive Committee Meeting WORK DAY Sportsfest Venture Crew NAHE MilRev/SemiAuto Pistol Match Venture Crew .22 Rifle Match VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are looking for volunteers to work the TCGC table at Gun Shows. Even though our membership is full and we are not recruiting for new members, it is still a great opportunity to promote our sport. Working the table provides a venue to talk with people, letting them know when we conduct open and competitive shoots, youth events, shooting events for women, scouting events and more. The “work hours” are either four hours per shift or work all day at a show for eight hours credit for our working members. The work is simply answering questions for people about our club, while being pleasant and professional. You can bring your favorite snacks and reading material for the down times, and a comfortable chair if you prefer something other than the steel folding chairs. Please do not bring items you wish to sell/trade; the table, and your admission to the show, is provided to our club free of charge, if we present ourselves as wanting to sell items I am afraid we will either, have to pay for the table or be asked to leave. For our working members it is a great way to get your hours in and a great time for all, working and nonworking members welcome. Check TCGC Website for Latest Calender! Legend: ar = archery range, lr = long range, sr = short range, sa = shotgun area, pr = pistol range, all = all ranges, sh = stat house, sk = skeet range, tr = trap range MATCH DIRECTORS MILITARY BOLT ACTION BENCH REST MATCH—MBABR Steve Vannoy (405) 769-2126 MILITARY REVOLVER & SEMI-AUTO PISTOL MATCH Ed Pulver (405) 830-7466 PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS Shawn Sanderson (405) 495-3533 WINTER WARS Tony Lawson Jeff Anderson (405) 485-8062 (405) 921-2998 SHORT MAGAZINE LEE-ENFIELD & VINTAGE BATTLE RIFLE MATCH Gerald Goodnight (405) 387-5249 Contact information to volunteer: Rick Hipps, 799-7262 leave a message if no one answers; or best is to email, SHOTGUN Shotgun - Mike Whitaker (405)245-1621, either way, be patient I will get back with you. If you are aware of any changes or anyone that has been left off of this list please notify Vice President at: 4 ITEMS OF NOTE: TRI-CITY GUN CLUB STORE We offer for sale clothing and hats with the TCGC club logo on them all at reasonable prices for our members. We will continue to sell our current inventory with the old logo at 1/2 price until it is gone. We will, however, sell the coffee cups, TCGC stickers, and cleaning patches at their regular prices. We have a new logo and hope to have some new inventory soon. Reg. Price Sale Price TCGC Coffee Cups $10.00 TCGC Stickers $1.00 Cleaning Patches: 22 cal - 100pk $1.00 30 cal - 200pk $3.00 Sale and/or New Items will be announced in the "Hangfire". Money generated in sales will be used to buy additional merchandise. 1. Waivers: Have Guests sign waivers when you bring them on Range Property! 2. Only Club approved targets will be allowed on TCGC Property. Violations of this rule could be grounds for your membership to be reviewed. 3. GATE: Allow for the gate to fully open or close before entering gate code; if you do not gate will freeze and have to be reset. DO NOT allow people you do not know to follow you through the gate. 4. Any member has the right to ask to see someone’s club badge. Those not having the proper credentials should be asked to leave. The club appreciates your business. Linda Miller (405) 615-8421 MAINTENANCE CORNER The next work day is March 21, 0800-1200. The agenda is trash, cleanup installing anti-tip devices on the new tables. If anyone wants mulch from the Archery area feel free to get what you need, if you need it loaded make arrangements with me. Have scheduled weekends of March 14-15 or 21-22 for range spraying. It will all have to do with weather. Check web site or call me if you plan on coming to range. Thanks for your help. Bill R. Hutcheson (405) 664-1128 If you would like to work on a project please call me. 5 6 TCGC PRACTICAL PISTOL SHOOTERS MATCH DATE: RANK PARTICIPANTS NAME 12/7/2014 CLASS POINTS STAGE % 1 Foley, David B 16215.67% 2 Clark, Ben B 15875.72% 3 Tingler, Jesse B 15496.91% 4 Rigsby, Matt B 14238.87% 5 Bauman, Eric B 13795.80% 6 Council, Mark B 13397.04% 7 Tower, Thomas C 13165.49% 8 Craumer, Justin D 12742.32% 9 Heine, Matthew D 12381.26% 10 Stone, Jonathan D 12127.38% 11 Robbins, Chris D 11441.61% 12 Franklin, Colt U 10625.27% 13 Hamlin, Dallas D 9695.49% 14 Bauman, Jill C 9492.82% 15 Martin, Sherri D 8805.02% 16 Tower, Matt B 7782.29% 17 Bird, Gabriel U 7427.94% 18 Fore, Kyle B 7348.96% 19 Weaver, Tyler D 6627.78% 20 Robbins, Jack U 6196.22% 21 Moxley, Chris U 5887.80% 22 Robertson, Ronny C 5687.41% 23 Pulver, Ed D 5023.09% 24 Bambara, Jeff U 4765.18% 25 Tomlinson, Jerry D 4621.85% 26 Ceballes, Ruby U 4013.71% 27 Davis, Sable D 3508.12% Rigsby, Kaitlynn D 1154.87% 28 29 30 7 Treasurer Corner January & February are off to a very good start. When you review the reports you will see three columns in the expense and income report. The first column is the actual amount we spent in January. The second column is budget amount that we thought we would spend. The third column shows the difference between the actual and budget. The negative numbers in parenthesis indicate we did not spend the amount budgeted but the positive numbers show we over spent the budget. All in all the budget was on target and we will review February and see how it is shaping up. There have been some comments about delays in depositing of checks put in the high house on the skeet range to pay for clays. I just wanted the members to know that I do not have access to the checks so I am not able to control the how often the checks are deposited. I reviewed a December deposit and it included checks dated in July 2014. I try to make a weekly deposit when I receive checks in the mail. I also would like it noted that some events funds are handled by event directors or other officers. The officers also voted to award two $2,000.00 grants to members who meet the qualifications to become NRA counselors. The conditions are that they apply to the EC and be accepted by the NRA in a class. The EC will be accepting applications until the next EC meeting in March. We would like to increase the number of counselors in Oklahoma and the NRA currently only offers classes in Virginia. The cost is $650.00 for the class. It looks like we will be adding about 30 more members so will have an income in March which is not usual. This should be around $6,500.00. The reason for this is that we had so many late renewals and Ronny was unable to complete the final count until the middle of February. We should have $2,800.00 added to the land fund in 2015 with membership upgrades. The interest earned in 2014 has been almost 4 times more than in 2013 by investing the land fund in CD’s. We currently have 3 CD’s that have different maturity dates to maximize our return. We keep $10,000.00 in a money market to make a down payment while we cash out the CD’s if needed to make a land purchase. Let me know if you have any questions. May your books always balance!! Scott Stehno 405-201-9456 8 Match Director: Steve Vannoy WINTER WAR RSO: Ed Pulver Our final Winter match for this season was our annual Winter War. Last month when I said “dust off that old Mosin, and come on out”, you did just that. We had an unprecedented 18 shooters turn out for what was to be the 15th Winter War match held at Tri-City. Unlike the real Winter War the weather was fantastic and the Russians were heavily outnumbered. In the top 5 aggregate scores from each side the Finns outscored the Russians 1447 to 1332. However, as a standout in the individual aggregate it was a Genuine Russian who pretty much handed it to the rest of us with a dialed in 91/30. Good shooting Andrei. Steve Vannoy and Ed Pulver came out to work the match on short notice which freed me up to shoot also. As always Don Moore was busy with the scoring. And Patrick Sweeney was back to help with those duties. Thanks goes to all you gentlemen. The match could not have gone any smoother. Our next match is 14 March 2015 at 0900. It will be a combined standard MBABR match (any Mil Bolt) along with a SMLE match (Short Mag Lee Enfield’s only). The 2 matches will run concurrently and scored separately. There will be 2 relays. You may shoot a Mil Bolt on one and a SMLE on the other; which relay is up to you. If you shoot both matches you will get credit for each of them towards the State match requirement. To be added to the roster for either or both matches, please contact Steve Vannoy with your request. Rank Score Score Score X X X Aggregate 1 2 3 Last name First Name Rifle 1 Mitine Andrei 91/30 100 3 98 4 100 3 298-10 Russian 2 Lawson Tony M/39 98 4 98 3 98 3 294-10 Finn 3 Doggett Ron M/28-30 99 2 97 1 98 2 294-5 Finn 4 Anderson Jeff M/39 97 1 96 2 97 2 290-5 Finn 5 Towery Gale M/39 94 98 3 94 2 286-5 Finn 6 Ott Paul M/39 98 2 91 1 94 1 283-4 Finn 7 Morris Bill 91/30 95 5 94 1 91 280-6 Russian 8 Maynard Frank M/39 94 2 95 3 89 278-5 Finn 9 Thomas Mark M/39 92 96 3 90 278-3 Finn 10 Goodnight Vic 91/30 80 1 87 93 4 260-5 Russian 11 Greenleaf Lea 91/30 88 2 84 83 2 255-4 Russian 12 Whisonant Don M/39 79 253-1 Finn 13 Adams Martin M/91 82 252-3 Finn 14 Hickerson Matt M/27 76 251-0 Finn 15 Goodnight Gerald M/39 77 250-4 Finn 16 Dyer Steve M/39 82 17 Anderson Ken 91/30 77 18 Mulqueen Patrick 91/30 73 1 86 1 88 81 1 89 83 1 1 12 80 1 92 1 93 2 Nationality 90 69 241-0 Finn 84 78 239-1 Russian 76 84 233-0 Russian 1447-29 Finn 1332-26 Russian A Note from the First FOR SALE Armalite AR-24 (CZ 75) 9mm pistol w/black finish & fixed sights. Exc cond. $450.00 High Standard Model 1911 .45 ACP pistol w/ standard sights. VG cond. $400.00 Keystone Sporting Arms “ Cricket” .22 LR SS single shot pistol. Exc cond. $200.00 Ruger MK III .22 LR target pistol w/bull bbl, blue finish & adj sights. Exc cond. $375.00 Ruger GP 100 .357 mag. SS revolver w/4” bbl & adj sights. Exc cond. $500.00 S&W Model 22 .45 ACP (moon clips) revolver w/4”bbl & nickel finish. Unfired. $600.00 S&W Model 22A .22 LR pistol w/adj sights and 2 tone finish. Exc cond. $200.00 S&W Model 25 .45 Colt w/ 6” bbl, blue finish and adj sights. Exc cond. $700.00 S&W Model 34 (no dash) .22 LR revolver w/flat latch, 4” bbl, adj sights . VG cond. $675.00 Taurus “Gaucho” .45 Colt single action revolver Exc cond. $400.00 Taurus M94 .22 LR SS 9 shot revolver w/2” bbl. Exc cond. $300.00 Barrett M82 CQ .50 BMG semi-auto rifle w/20” bbl. Exc cond (only 26 rnds fired!). Negotiable. IAC (Norinco) M1897 12 ga pump shotgun (Winchester 97). Exc cond. $300.00 Ruger No. 3 .45-70 Govt. single shot rifle. Unfired. $850.00 Gene Adkisson Scholarship Recipient SKS (Norinco) 7.62x39 w/ plastic stock and detachable mag. VG cond. $350.00 Contact Del Presley: or 405-6643789. (Take trades for nice M-1 Garand, .30 FN49, 1941 Johnson) SCHOLARSHIP FUND If you would like to give to donate to the Gene Adkisson scholarship fund please make your check to: Tri-City Gun Club. In the memo line please put: Scholarship Fund. Any member of the Executive Committee can accept your check for deposit. Thanks 13 General Membership Meeting — February 6, 2015 Voting for a bylaw change was held prior to and during the meeting. President Mark Ericksen called the meeting to order at 7:30. Previous meeting minutes were accepted. Scott reported on the budget. There was question regarding a $700 expenditure for a professional. This was for CPA services. 5. A zero turn radius gravely mower was purchased. It was $11,546. It will help to shorten the time required to mow. 6. Ken Anderson reported that the guest waiver is available on the website. 7. There are new signs regarding target selection on the pistol and short ranges. 8. Members are not to bring their own steel targets for use with center fire on the long range, due to extensive safety concerns. 9. The gongs have been removed from the long range because they were no longer safe. They will be replaced. 10. The new gongs will be 10 degree canted AR500 steel. 11. It was reiterated that muzzle control, guest management, proper target selection, proper ammo selection, and only handling firearms when the range is hot, are all paramount to our safety and to the continued operation of our club. PLEASE, follow the rules and encourage others to do so. 12. PLEASE, control your guests. 13. Please, strongly consider using an open chamber indicator of some sort. 14. Ronny reported that regular member upgrades will be done after renewals are completed. 15. Starting next year, late renewals will be charged $125 for the luxury of renewing late. 16. A member submitted a bylaw change proposal to increase the membership by 100. It will be forwarded to the EC for final wording, and then published in the Hangfire. It will come up for vote at an upcoming meeting. 17. Jamie Schmidt reported that the website is getting fixed. 18. Sportsfest will now be called Brownells NRA Day. Flyers are available. 19. Any member or non-member in attendance of the monthly general membership meeting is eligible to win the gift cards and other door prizes. 20. The bylaw change to offer life membership to club officers who have served four years or more was approved by the membership. 21. We need volunteers to assist with brass collections. 22. There was discussion regarding increasing the membership of the club. 23. Bill reported that the stathouse is getting the floor resurfaced. 24. There will be concrete work being done around the club. 25. A new propane tank (previously discussed and approved) is being installed. 26. Pre-emergent is going to be sprayed around the range. 27. Bill will try to post range closings on Facebook. 28. The range will be getting some dirt work done. 29. Joe Mays showed a German Model 2 bolt action rifle made in Danzig City Arsenal in 1918. It is chambered in .22. It still shoots. 30. The recipient of the scholarship sent a very kind thank you note. President Mark Ericksen adjourned the meeting at 8:43PM. 1. 2. 3. 4. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick 405-209-0371 14 Executive Committee Meeting — January 15, 2015 1.President Mark Ericksen called the meeting to order at 6:30 2.Previous meeting minutes were accepted. 3.All officers were in attendance. 4.The Norman Area Home School Association would like to hold a Father/Son Shoot. They do not have guns of their own, but can buy ammunition. They expect to have 20 total shooters. April 25th was offered as a potential date and was agreed upon. 9-12 was offered as a time frame, with the first hour being dedicated to orientation and the following two hours to shoot. They will shoot at the same time as the venture crew. The group will be limited to ten years old and older. A motion was made to approve 0900 to 1200 of range time on April the 25th, with TCGC providing youth .22 rifles and RSO’s. The motion was seconded and approved. 5.A new Eagle Scout Project was discussed. The scout will put together a proposal to erect a fence along the side of the shotgun range to increase overall safety. 6.The National Skeet Shooting Association membership was discussed. Renewal is $50. Scoring software can be purchased or licensed. The software will be explored and discussed at a later date. There was a motion to approve $50 for the renewal. The motion was seconded and approved. We will explore other similar organizations in the future. 7.Several associate members with letters of recommendation were upgraded to regular member status. They will be notified and sent a bill for their contributions to the land fund. 8.Current membership numbers and proposed bylaw changes to increase membership were discussed. The final wording of that proposed bylaw change will be, “Sections 3.02 and 3.03 will read respectively 275 and 825.” 9.A proposal for a phone answering system was presented. It would cost $480 per year and would be able to handle several calls simultaneously. Jaime demonstrated that Google phone had similar capability at no cost. This will be presented to the membership as a whole. 10.The bylaw committee presented some items that the committee is working on. This included increasing the EC by two voting members, starting a nominating committee, extending EC terms, and holding alternating elections. The board gave input on each of these topics. 11.Current projects including the fence, anchoring loose items, and resurfacing the berms were discussed. 12. A motion was made to purchase gongs and associated items including 28 railroad ties at up to $1500. This motion was seconded and approved. 13.There was a motion to approve the installation of additional concrete at the 16 yard line of trap 1, retaining walls for traps 1 and 2, and pads for conex containers R and Y. This motion was seconded and approved. 14.Handicapped accessible toilets were discussed. A motion to spend up to $2000 on ADA compliant toilets was put forward. This motion was seconded and approved. 15.There was discussion regarding dirt work and berm maintenance. 16.A pole barn should meet the flood plain building requirements. 17.There was a motion to spend $200 on range markers. 18.Range light system to display when the ranges are 'Hot' or 'Cold'. 19.Ways to simplify the required system were discussed and Bill H. is going to get prices on the equipment that will be required. This system is to be paid for by the raffle of the S&W .45 on 6 March 2015. 20.Motion was made and approved to spend up to $500.00 for needed repair of the 'front-end' of our Gator. 21.Motion was made and approved to spend up to $4,300.00 for the fertilizer and weed killer required to treat the ranges during the 2015 calendar year. 22.There was a discussion regarding, trying to determine if we could develop an NRA counselor from TCGC members. There was a motion to support the training of two NRA Counselors. The motion was seconded and approved. President Mark Ericksen adjourned the meeting at 10:30 PM. Recorded and Prepared by Stephen Rudnick 405-209-0371 15 FROM THE SECRETARY MEMBER-AT-LARGE Once again, a big welcome to the latest round of new members to have joined up with TCGC. We always look forward to meeting our new members and for their input in regards to improving our club, so please contact myself or a member of the Executive Committee should there be any words of wisdom you wish to impart upon us. We're looking at setting up a "telephone service" that will enable members to call a number that will have a daily (or as needed) outgoing message with the current status of range openings and closings. Sometimes we have various maintenance items that will have a range closed down with not enough notice to appear on the calendar or in the Hangfire, so we'll have a good old fashioned telephone number to call. Basically, we're looking at a service provided by Cox that allows for a large number of people to call at once and will run $400.00-$500.00 per year, or a free service by Google. Advantages and disadvantage to both, and we'll discuss it in an open forum at the upcoming general membership meeting. I will warn you, if you're using a rotary dial phone, I'm not sure it will work. We will also be voting on a new by-law change March 6th that will increase the number of Associate members by 75 and add 25 more Regular members, bringing the totals to 825 and 275 respectively. A by-law vote passed last month in which members who have served 4 years continuously on the Executive Committee will be eligible for a free Life Membership previous to age 65. This is retroactive. Jamie has now added a list of SDA instructors who are insured to the Home page of our website. These are listed under "Contacts," and they don't require being signed in to access. I also wish to remind members that most of the information in regards to events, the calendar, etc., just require a visit to the Home page, and don't require you having to log in. In other words, if you can figure out how to open a browser, you can be updated as to what all is going on at TCGC. We're always needing volunteers for Brownell's NRA Day (formerly SportsFest), Women On Target, Youth Hunter Education, etc., so please contact the person(s) who heads up each event if you wish to assist. Thank you once again for helping to keep TCGC safe, and enjoy the upcoming Spring weather. (I type this as the air guessers are calling for 6" of snow here.) As always, shoot safely and insure that those around you are. Eric Bauman Member At Large 405.820.3916 No Report This Month Ronny Robertson TCGC Secretary Donations Being Accepted: Tri-City Gun Club will be accepting donations to be sent to Legacy Bank for a young boy who lost his left hand when a black powder rifle blew up in his hand on or about the 19th of January 2015. Cameron is Mike Whitaker’s wife's nephew. He will need different artificial hands in the near future to be able to live a normal life. Any amount of donation from the club members would be greatly appreciated. Applications for NRA Counselor being accepted: The Executive Committee has approved funds to partially support sending two NRA Counselors to be trained for the benefit of Tri-City Gun Club. If you are interested in these positions please feel free to discuss with one of the officers and turn-in an application with qualifications. Vintage Battle Rifle Match Vintage battle rifles used from WWII thru the Vietnam conflict that meet the following criteria are eligible. Rifles must be 30 caliber, semi automatic, no optics, no major mods, and will include the M1,M1A,,M1 carbine, SKS, AK 47,CETME and FAL. Sorry, no smaller calibers allowed. Rifles and ammo should be checked for safety and functionality before match..This will be a bench rest type of match similar to the Military Bolt rifle matches except that all strings will be for score and at least 2 will be “off hand” .. The match has been scheduled for 4 April 2015. We will only have one relay unless the first one fills up.. If enough interest is shown, other matches will follow. Contact G Goodnight 387 5249 to sign up or if you have questions.. 16 17 SELLING ALL MY HIGH POWER/LONG DISTANCE GEAR FOR SALE: GLOCK 19 Gen 4 handgun, 9mm, like-new in case with all original papers, etc. Has only had 150 rounds through it. Far too many details to list here. Please e-mail me at and I will quickly respond with attachments and photos that should answer every question you may have. Price includes: Three factory magazines that come with the gun Glock holster. Thompson/Center 308 ICON Precision Hunter -- $825 Little use, very well cared for, excellent condition. New at $1103 incl tax $500. Call Dave 405-408-2328 (4/15) Vortex Razor HD 5-20x50 Scope, Reticle FFP MOA -$2200 Little use, very well cared for, excellent condition… MSRP at $2836 308 Ammo and Brass -- $260 Plus ammo can and flip-top ammo box, value about $420 Pelican Case, Model 1750 -- $75 Well used by vet, two tours in ME, still tight…MSRP $295 to $385 Shooting Mat, MidwayUSA Pro Series Competition -$45 Very little use, excellent condition…New at $98 Please share with anyone else that might be interested. Hope to hear from you, and thanks for looking. Tom Pierce (05/15) 18 Tri-City Member’s 10% Discount! Aballtime LLC Insurance & Real Estate Trusted Choice Agency -- Independent Agent 2862 Classen Boulevard Norman, OK 73071-4059 405.579.0453 FAX405.579.7840 Christine M. Kane Auto, Home, Life, Health, and Business. 19 TRI-CITY GUN CLUB P.O. BOX 1604 NORMAN OK 73070-1604 TRI-CITY RECYCLING PROGRAMS Aluminum Cans & Plastic Bottles Thanks for your efforts in the Recycling program. Please help with the cardboard. Flatten all boxes, it only takes a few seconds. Brass / Shell Cases Do you reload your brass? If you don’t, rather than trash it, recycle it for those who do! Place your used brass from the day’s outing that you collected from the range and put into the gray barrels. Collected and Sorted Brass Casings will be sold at the TCGC General Meetings. All funds collected from the sale of brass goes directly back into club projects!! 20
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