Fountain Singers - Spruce Creek Golf & Country Club

MARCH 2015
Celebrating the Lifestyle!
Community Association Information 3 • Cover Info Page 6 • Fitness 7 • Activities 8 • Chartered Clubs 11
Interest Groups 23 • Defibrillator Locations 27 • Calendar 28
community association information
Spruce Creek GCC-HOA, Inc.
13601 Del Webb Boulevard
Summerfield, FL 34491
The Association provides this publication for informational purposes only, and does not guar­
antee,endorse or promote any of the products or services advertised herein, and assumes
no responsibility or liability for the statements made in this publication. Information regarding
advertising rates may be obtained by contacting the Activity Office at 307-0696.
Hours of Operation
Board of Directors
Community Center
Bob CarterPresident
Terry RasmussenVice-President
8 am – 10 pm
9 am – 10 pm
Horizon Swimming Pool
8:30 am – 10 pm
8:30 am – 10 pm
HOA Accesories Sales
Monday – Friday
8 am – 12 pm
Resident IDs
Tuesday & Thursday By appointment
Fitness Center
Gary BurdSecretary
Jim HonhartTreasurer
Dave GromalakDirector
Bob HanselmanDirector
Jim HoutzDirector
Workshop &
Mar 18
Mar 25
E-mail Addresses,
Phone Ext: 307-0696
HOA Resident Communication
Monday – Friday
6 am – 8 pm
Saturday & Sunday 7 am – 7 pm
Sean Casey, ext. 224
General Manager
Peninsula Park
Linda Dalgewicz, ext. 227
Activities Assistant
Pickleball Courts
Tennis Courts
7 am – 10 pm
8 am – 10 pm
7 am – 10 pm
Important Numbers
Gate Telephone Numbers:
Visitor Scheduling/Entry 347-3759
Patrol Front
Patrol Back
Community Association
Lake Vista Fitness Center 307-3443
Maintenance Dept.
ER Golf Course
Toppers Tavern
Marion County Utilities 307-6000
Duke Energy 800-228-8485
Teco Gas
Waste Pro
Pulte Customer Care Line 291-7350
Jim Dean, 347-0159
Director of Gate Operations
Pat Hixson, ext. 254
Activities Assistant
Kim Lunday, ext. 222
Administrative Assistant
Bob Moody, ext. 223
Facilities Manager
Kim Osburn, ext. 259
Member Services Manager
Judith Ponder, ext. 225
Activities Director
Cindy Rogers, ext. 237
Community Standards Director
Michael Tresslar, 307-7138
Maintenance Director
Ryan Van Fleet, ext. 233
Communications Manager
Committee Meetings
Mar 10 – Finance Committee
(10 am, GR)
Jack Little – Chairman
Mar 4 – C.O.T. Committee
(10 am, MR)
Paul DeSchamp – Interim Chairman
Mar 2 – Community Programs
& Activities Com. (9 am, MR)
Ross Brackett – Chairman
Mar 11 – Covenants Committee
(2 pm, MR)
Mark Parise – Chairman
Mar 3 – Property & Grounds
Committee (10 am, GR)
Nick Quinn – Chairman
Mar 4 – Entertainment Committee
(9:30 am, GR)
Sharon Allman – Chairman
Mar 9 & 23 – Architectural Review
Committee (1 pm, CR)
Andy Pawlowski – Chairman
Channel 12
Phone # 347-5917
Please stay tuned to Channel 12 for
Community Association News. If you would
like information about an activity posted on
our information channel, please drop it off
at the Activities Office. Announcements are
posted for a maximum of thirty days.
If you would like information about an activity
published in our monthly newsletter, please
have the information to Activities Office by
the 1st of the prior month.
Resident Departure Info
This form stops the Fountain delivery and/or
provides the HOA with an alternate address.
Please complete an “Additional Resident
Departure Information” form when leaving
the community for an extended period of time
and return the form to the receptionist. Please
inform the Activities Office, upon your return,
for restarting delivery of the Fountain.
Refer to the back of the monthly calendar for
defibrillator locations.
Lake Vista
Fitness Center 307-3443
Maritza Acevedo
Fitness Director
community association information
What’s Happening ….
• Discussions with St. Johns Water Management District and Marion County continue in an attempt to obtain a Consumptive Use
Permit (CUP), which will enable the use of reclaimed water for Common areas.
• Cleaning of the roof on the Horizon Center was completed in February.
• The shade structure/rest room facility at Peninsula Park has been completed.
• The additional rest rooms at the Softball Field have been completed.
• Repair of the lines for the DRA in Echo Glen was completed at a cost of $17,200.
• New pool tables have been ordered and will be installed upon receipt.
• As a self­governing HOA we utilize seven standing committees that provide input and recommendation on policies and practices of the HOA.
These committees are comprised of resident volunteers who meet regularly and enable the HOA to function efficiently while minimizing expenses.
Currently there are openings on these committees, WE NEED YOUR HELP. If interested applications are available at the reception area.
• The Senior Games are currently underway with 70 events being conducted. These games will continue until the March 12th closing. Join in the
fun. If you haven’t signed up, you can still participate in the remaining events by contacting Kim Osburn, Member Services Manager.
• One­fifth of our roads will be micro­surfaced (weather permitting) starting March 16th. Below is the tentative schedule for the micro­surfacing of
the various roads. To insure proper paving and surface preservation, roads will be closed (including garbage pick­up and mail delivery) from
7am to 6 pm on the day on which the paving occurs. Effected residents should insure that sprinklers are turned off, and may temporarily park
vehicles on adjacent roads or at the Horizon center overnight. Reminder door hangers will be placed on residents doors the day before the
paving occurs. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, your co­operation is appreciated. Should you have any questions, please
provide them to the receptionist so we may provide a prompt response.
(Dates are subject to change depending on weather SE 97th Terrace Road will close 1 section of road per day)
Road Name
126th Pl
125th Ln
97th Terr Rd
Hampton Hills
3/17 & 18/2015
97th Terr Rd
Starr Pass/Reston
138th Lp
97th Ave
136th Pl
Eagle Ridge
Road Name
126th St
92nd Terr
128th St
128th Pl
128th Ln
135th St
Spyglass Hill
135th Pl
135th Ln
135th Lp
Spyglass Hill
92nd Ct Rd
Road Name
90th Ct
91st Ct
90th Terr
136th Lp
90th Ct
136th Pl
87th Ave
87th Cir
Echo Glen
87th Cir
Echo Glen
Bob Carter, President – SCG&CC HOA
March has always been one of my favorite months of the year because of March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. As many of you know
my birth name is Patrick Sean Casey and I have said before that my Father’s name is Patrick Michael. My parents being from
Minnesota were snowbirds and they were always in Florida for the month of March. I was the only sibling out of seven that lived
in Florida so my Father and I would always celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in some way or another. For years, it was getting all
dressed in Irish green wearing all of our Irish buttons and pins, and then having my Mother drive us to some local place to
celebrate with all of the other people that were Irish or were at least Irish for that day. It always ended with stories for us to tell
for years to come. Now that my Father has passed, we have a family tradition each year. All of my brothers and sisters, my
Mother, brother, and sister in­laws and some friends of the family buy a bottle of Irish Mist Liqueur, some buy Scotch, (I don’t know
if that’s because of what my Father drank or because they wanted to have leftovers), remember were Irish. Anyway, at the same time on St. Patrick’s
Day evening, no matter where we are, we will pour two shots of the drink of choice. We will take the shots, looking up into the heavens, toast my
Father with an Irish toast, drink one shot, and throw the other up into the sky for him.
I did learn years ago that it is very important to know the wind direction before doing this…
If you are not Irish by blood, make sure you become Irish on March 17th and I wish all of you a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day! Slainte!
Sean Casey, General Manager
march 2015
community association information
Covenants Committee
Covenant 9.13
Entertainment Committee
The Entertainment Committee expresses their deep
appreciation for all the residents that stepped forward
and showed interest in joining our committee. We are
pleased to announce the following have been selected
as alternate members for the Committee; Shirley Kraak
of Reston, Diane Wanat of Starr Pass I and Dorman
Picklesimer of Hampton Hills. They were confirmed by
the Board of Directors during the January 28, 2015
Board meeting and they have already begun to work
on your behalf. Please stop by and say hello to our
newest members before or after the March 7 show.
Speaking of the March 7th show, The Brett’s will be
entertaining us. They are based in Branson, Missouri
and only occasionally perform on the road. We are
most fortunate to book them during their 2015 Florida
swing. You could catch them at the Strawberry Festival
next month in Tampa or you could pay $25 – $30 per
ticket to see them in The Villages at the Savannah
Center. Or, better yet, see them right here in beautiful
Del Webb Spruce Creek Country Club.
The Brett’s show is not your average family variety show.
With a dizzying array of awards and accomplishments
over their 16 year Branson career, this dynamic family
produces a power-packed entertainment experience
that combines the best in music, dance, and genuine
artistry. They mix timeless classics, current chart-topping
hits and award winning original music. As singers,
songwriters, dancers, and musicians, each member of
this family has the star-power to deliver a full-length solo
performance, but when their talents combine in The
Brett’s show, it creates a truly captivating experience
that continues to prove that family entertainment can be
the best in entertainment. Expect nothing less than a firstclass performance. Guaranteed to WOW the audience!
If you did not get Entertainment Series tickets, be sure to
check the book in the lobby of the Horizon Center for
resale tickets.
march 2015
No poultry, birds (except two house birds), livestock,
or other animals shall be kept, maintained or raised
on any lot or lots within Properties, except a lot owner
may keep and maintain no more than two household
pets. All dogs and cats must be confined to the
property of the Owner at all times and may not run at
large, except that pets may be walked in the Common
Areas (unless marked NO PETS) provided they are
under the control of the Owner and shall be on a
leash at all times when outside the Residence or any
approved fenced area on the lot. Pet owners must
clean and remove any fecal deposits made by their
pets from any and all areas.
If you feel that your dog needs to be able to run free,
there is a Dog Exercise Area
available to all residents and
guests. The Dog Exercise
Area is located behind the RV
Storage area in Windward
Hills. All dogs that utilize the
area must be registered. The
Happy Tails Dog club is
available for registration at
designated times in the
Horizon Center. Check your
Fountain for the appropriate
times to register. You must
prove that your dog has had
all the appro­
priate vacci­
tions and has had a rabies
shot in order to register.
community association information
Around Town
In Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day is considered a Holy Day,
but is also a time of suspended penance during the
Lenten Season. In cities across the world, there are
parades, parties (yes, parties everywhere). Bring on the
corned beef and cabbage; the soda bread and of
course, the Stout! On this day, many non-Irish will be
“wearin’ the green” and also wish they were Irish.
The spirit of celebration around St. Patrick’s Day is
universal. You may wonder why/how a small country in
the far corner of the United Kingdom
has been able to reach its influence
to places as far flung as Buenos
Aires, Canada, Great Britain,
Scotland and even the International
Space Station. You might say that
this hard-won notoriety came
through persistence, hard work and
had hardship.
the Sydney Opera House glows green
for the day and night.
Closer to home our own Irish American Club meets to
share Irish Culture and History. To do this; various
members present information about their respective
counties, and sharing food from that area. They will
come together to celebrate their collective heritage on
March 15 at 5:30 pm.
Limited tickets are still available, on sale now. The Spirit
of Ocala Irish Dancers
will perform, along with
good food, and lots of
good fun. All SCGCC
residents are welcome.
Proceeds will go to the
Claire Crusaders in
Ireland, an organization
that endeavors to assist
children with disabilities
who are on a waiting
list with the national
health insurance.
The Great Famine of the 1840’s
forced about one million to
emigrate, while another million
died during the crisis. This
2015 Irish American Emeralds Club Officers
emigration lasted through 2006, Christine Birch, Treasurer; Betty Dillon, Vice President; However you plan to
reaching many of the countries Gail Walsh, President; Jim Molloy, Secretary.
celebrate this day, you
mentioned and others as well.
can be glad in the fact
Population gradually rebuilt since the restora­tion of the
that you are joining a kinship network that stretches
national economy following the 2008 finan­
across the world. Tune up your harp; lie in your
shamrocks, and clasp hands which are eager to share
the day with you.
Those forced to emigrate tend never to let go of their
loyalty to the Mother Country.
Look for the Chicago River to turn green, and for beer
everywhere to get an emerald tint. The famous roof of
Diane Brandley
for the C.O.T. Committee
Cover photo is provided by Tammy Adams,
COT Committee Member.
march 2015
Spruce Creek Games
for Charity
Chuck & Mary Jo Cox .............. Hampton Hills
from PA
Larry & Fawn Nelson ...................... Turnberry
from MN
Carl & Julie Eichten ........................ Firethorne
from WI
Curtis & Darlene Baron .................... Avenel III
from FL
Richard & Mary Pernicano ........... Torrey Pines
from VA
Paul & Barbara Miekstyn................. Firethorne
from MI
The Spruce Creek Games for Charity are well
underway as you read this. We had a strong
participation of residents from the community with
well over 1000 participants.
The closing ceremony will be held on Thursday,
March 12th in the Ballroom at the Horizon Center.
You may still buy a ticket for $4.00 which includes
pizza, a dessert treat and a drink. The ticket may be
purchased from Kim Osburn at the Horizon Center.
We will be honoring the participants, have some
special entertainment and presenting checks to our
designated charities. There will also be a drawing of
a gift from one of our sponsors.
Many events are still yet to be played. Come out and
cheer your neighbors on. Schedules are available at
the Horizon Center. Please also check the medal
board in the Lobby of the Horizon Center.
Please remember to thank our sponsors, Captains
and participants for being an important part of the
2015 Games.
Remember that you too can volunteer for the 2016
games by leaving your name with Kim Osburn.
Leonard & Margaret Fries..................Avenel II
from FL
Marie Rose ................................. Tamarron I
from FL
Tony & Marilyn Giordano ............ Castle Pines
from IN
march 2015
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and
Motor Vehicles approves this AARP-sponsored
course. The new edition covers aggressive driving,
road rage, freeway driving, and car phones, as
well as age-related changes that affect your driving
The class will be on Monday, March 23rd in the
Meeting Room from 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM with a
one hour lunch break. You must attend from 8:30
– 3:30 to qualify for a “certificate of completion.”
Tuition is $20 for Non AARP Members per person
payable by check only (No cash) to AARP. Tuition
is $15 for AARP Members per person payable by
check only (No cash) to AARP. You may register at
the Activities Office, Monday through Friday,
between 9:00 AM and Noon. Registration is
limited to 20 persons (residents only).
Advanced Bridge
Learn over 20 conventions that are very popular
today. A convention merely fine tunes your bidding
to arrive at the best contract.
The Shirley Silverman Booklet is used for this course
that lasts for eight (8) weeks and 2 ½ hours per
class. Class starts Friday, March 13th at 9:00 am
in the Game Room. Cost is $35.00 per person.
We should have eight (8) to start a class. Questions:
call Norman Mobley at 245-5939.
Bridge Lessons
Club Series
Learn to play bridge from a Certified Bridge
Teacher. Learn the basics of bidding and tips on
playing your cards. No experience necessary.
Cost is $35.00 per person. Class will start Tuesday,
March 10, 2015 at 1 pm in the Meeting room.
Registration with payment in the Activities Office
Mon – Fri: from 9 am to noon. Bring $15.00 for
book at first class. Must have six (6) people to start
Any questions, call Norm Mobley 245-5939.
Whether you’ve lived at Del Webb for some time,
or recently moved to our community, you may not
be familiar with the Angels On Request program.
Our volunteers have been assisting Del Webb
residents for over eight years.
WHO WE ARE – “Angels” are your caring friends
and neighbors who volunteer their time to help
others. Simply put, we’re dedicated to improving
the lives of fellow residents.
WHAT WE DO – With 48-hour advance notice,
we can help with:
TRANSPORTATION – if unable to drive, we’ll
provide rides to and from a doctor’s office or other
medically-related appointment; also to the grocery,
pharmacy, church service, or hair appointment for
RESPITE CARE – a volunteer stays with your
incapacitated loved one, relieving you for a short
time (3 hours max), so you have some personal
time. Because volunteers are not medically trained
or certified, we do not lift individuals or perform
any medical or personal care services.
Want to volunteer? Questions? Call Karen McMillin,
454-5933, or JoAnne Caiazza, 245-8692.
HELPFUL HINT: For lifting a person who has fallen,
CALL 911. There’s no charge for this service unless
the person is transported to a medical facility.
march 2015
chartered clubs
2-Bit Shufflers
We are entering some exciting times this
month. Saturday, March 7th is the date
of Shuffleboard’s events in the Senior
Games for Charity. Activities begin at
9:00 am at the Shuffleboard Courts. All
players are encouraged to participate.
A second game will be played 1:00 pm
involving two-person teams. Best of luck
to all the players.
All Faith Bible
Study and Charity
There will be a jewelry class ... perhaps
two jewelry classes, but the dates have
not been posted as yet. Mondays are
designated for pottery with the third
Monday set aside for sewing. The
assorted painting classes are scheduled
for Wednesdays and pine needle basket
weaving is on Thursdays. Fridays are
open for finishing those unfinished
We warmly welcome new comers to
join us for weekly Bible study. Gentlemen
meet on Thursdays at 3:00 in the
Meeting room, with their current focus in
the book of Hebrew. Ladies continue in
March with review and discussion of There will be a business meeting on the
Philippians as they meet on Tuesdays at 27th.
April is the month of the club’s semi2:30 in the Game room.
annual luncheon and Shootout. This
We are looking forward to seeing you
year it falls on Saturday, April 11, Calendar Notes:
in the Craft Room soon ... busy with a
2015. Make your reservations early to • Member Roster – Please check this project or two.
avoid being left out. Immediately after reference as it circulates each week this
the luncheon, we all join in for the month for accuracy to ensure your
Shootout. Six discs, highest score wins. information is correct.
It could not be easier.
March 17: A very unique perspective
Don’t forget the club plays every Tuesday and pictorial presentation from residents
and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 P.M. Karen and David Reichard, who will
We love to see new faces so come on describe their lives while in Israel.
out and join the fun. We will have you
March 31: Paulie Heath – singer, Don’t forget the Senior Games Ladies
playing before the first game starts.
songwriter, missionary, and daughter-in- Billiards event on Wednesday, March 4
law of Residents, Ed and Nancy Heath, at 1:00 pm.
will speak and sing. Gentlemen are
Please put the following dates on your
invited to attend.
Several members of our club enjoyed an
Sunday March 15, 1 pm – Annual
evening out at the Bonefish Grill for a
Picnic at the Pavilion. Check the bulletin
Bang Bang shrimp night on Wednesday,
board for more information and the signJanuary 21st. Afterwards, the group
up sheet.
went to the square in Spanish Springs, in
the Villages, for a night of outdoor
Wednesday October 28, 4 pm –
entertainment. It was a very enjoyable
General Meeting.
evening and we look forward to future
Whether it comes in like a Lion or a
similar fun endeavors.
Lamb, March is a great month to give
Although the club is in its infancy stage, Happy upcoming Spring to everyone Billiards a try. Come up Wednesday
we are large in our plans to have Fun, from the Arts and Crafts Group. We evening at 6:00 pm or Friday afternoons
Fun, Fun!!! We meet on the 2nd have been busy so far this year at 1:00 pm. We’ll get you started even
Saturday at 6:00 pm in the Card room. welcoming new members and renewing if you don’t know which end of the cue
We cordially invite you to attend and relationships with our existing members. is the butt and which is the tip or how to
properly rack the balls.
join us in our quest for stimulating
I would like to remind everyone to make
interaction as we pursue that elusive
sure to check the “Red Book” to find out Regularly check the Bulletin Board where
goal of reliving years past through music
what activities are of interest to you. The the most current information and sign up
and favorite story telling that begin with
monthly schedules are posted into the sheets for upcoming events.
“Remember the time when….”
“Book” every fifteenth of the month. This
Any questions please call President Alice
Come out and join us as we play an information tells what the class is and if McKeever: 314-814-0491.
array of games that challenges your there is a cost involved. Always
mind and your competitive spirit. Bask in remember that those who sign in and “Never use more speed than is required
the warmth of friendliness of your fellow pay immediately are in the class, and for a shot – i.e. don’t put too much
not put on a waiting list.
“American” on the ball.”
club members.
– Ladies
Arts & Crafts
march 2015
chartered clubs
followed the instructions to sign in and at 1 pm on Thursday March 26th in the
get your shirts for the “Senior Games” in Craft room. Please make every effort to
order to participate.
I would also like to take this opportunity
to encourage those of you who have not
joined any of the Social Bridge playing
to make an attempt to do so. There is
information for all of them posted on the
The Book Discussion Group discusses bulletin board in the Card room.
one Fiction and one Non-Fiction work
each month. Members may attend either The playing times are as follows:
or both discussions.
Tuesdays ...
The Fiction group will discuss The
12:00 Noon
Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trugiani,
6:00 pm
Friday, March 13 at 10:30 am in the
Book Discussion
Marion County Sheriff’s Office of
Emergency Management (our C.E.R.T
headquarters in Ocala) has scheduled
several training classes this year to train
our residents to be CERT Certified 1st
aid responders in the event that our
community experiences a disaster such
as a hurricane.
The first training class will be held in
March; however, since this Fountain
article had to be submitted to the printer
too early to print the date, I’ll have to
Meeting Room.
*** Please remember to sign in on the e-mail all our club members with that
The Fiction selection for April is Mrs. bulletin board prior to playing. ***
Jennifer Remember that it is not enough to win CERT invites all our members (who are
the tricks that belong to you, but you not certified), and residents, especially
The Club owns two copies of each need to try to take some that belong to new homeowners to join us in
maintaining our preparedness by taking
Fiction selection. Please call Librarian your opponents.
Nancy at 307-2882 to put a book on Happy Bridge playing to all and always the CERT Certified Training. Call me at
245-7397 for more information on the
think “Slam”.
2015 schedule of training classes.
The non-Fiction group will discuss Desert
Regards, Don Dake (Club President)
Queen: The Extraordinary Life of
Gertrude Bell by Janet Wallach, Tuesday,
March 26 at 10:30 am in the Meeting
We have two events coming up!
Check the Spruce Creek website, under
Clubs, Book Discussion Group for current Ready to welcome spring with a healthier
information. (www.sprucecreekonline. body? Come join us at a Buddies March 28th is our “Beat-the-Wintermeeting. We meet every Friday at 8:45 Blahs” Game Night for members and
in the Card room. If you are watching their guests.
If you have any questions, please call
your weight, record it first with our scale
An email has gone out to all members
President Bernice Wernick at 347and then join in our discussion on topics
with the details.
of interest to living well.
Please call Evelyn at 352-347-6367 to
“The greatest gift is the passion for
On March 13 our guest speaker will be: reserve your table.
reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it
excites, it gives you knowledge of the Wendy Kimbrell from Green Weavers Seating is limited since the room is
world and experience of a wide kind, it who will tell us how “TO MAKE smaller than our usual one.
is a moral illumination.”
She will demonstrate how to be
comfortable in your figure with what you Road Trip: We’re heading back to the
wear. Coffee will be hot and waiting for Show Palace Dinner Theater at 1pm on
Sunday, April 19th.
“The King and I”. In the 1860’s the
Western world was closing in on
Thailand. The king hires Anna to give his
family the knowledge necessary to
survive in the New World. Take an
Happy Spring time to all of you Social Hello everyone, here’s what‘s happening
cont. page 13
Bridge Players. I am sure that all of you with CERT. We’ll hold a 1st aid workshop
Buddies Club
Club 36
Bridge Club
march 2015
chartered clubs
exciting trip to an enchanting time in Thur, Mar 5th – 9:30-11:00 am –
history while enjoying classic Rodgers Beginning PowerPoint.
and Hammerstein’s tunes! Delicious
Thur, Mar 19th – 1-3 pm – iPad for
dinner and super seats!
Members: $45
Thur, Mar 26 – 9:30-11 am – Beginning
Non-Members: $47
remind everyone that if you have not
signed up and purchased your shirts for
the Senior Games ... please do so
immediately. You will not be playing on
Monday the ninth if you are not
Our playing times are as follows:
We’re Carpooling – easy 90 minute Wed, Apr 1st – 1-3 pm – Android Forum Mondays ... 12:15 pm
ride down I- 75.
(1st Wednesdays).
Thursdays ... 6:15 pm
• For Tickets:
Lobby 9-11:30 am
M-W-F starting February 9th
• Limited seating.
Computer Club
The next Computer Club Meeting
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
at 7 pm
Program: Presented by Ryan Van Fleet
Club Connection
The new Spruce Creek Online website,
built with the latest web standards. The
website is mobile friendly by using
“Responsive Design.” which allows the
website to scale perfectly to the device’s
screen size. The site also allows residents
to communicate socially on Spruce
Creek’s own Social Media Wall,
communicate with their members,
posting news, photos, documents and
calendar events in “Club Connection.”
Open to All Residents and their guests.
Q & A Forum
Tuesdays at 6:15 pm
March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2015
Thur, Apr 9th – 9:30-11:00 am – If you would like to play and do not
Experienced PowerPoint.
have a partner, please place your name
*To Register for Classes,” logon to and phone number on the designated
Click sheet on the bulletin board.
“Activities” tab.
Diamond Dixie
In keeping with our tradition of charitable
giving, this month we have made a
contribution to the Eagle Ridge Women’s
Golf Association in support of their
Invitational Tournament which is being
held March 5th. The purpose of this
event is to provide funds for the American
Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
Upcoming Computer Classes
Duplicate Bridge
Wed, Mar 4th – 1 pm-3 pm – Android Happy Spring to all of you from the
Forum (1st Wednesdays).
Duplicate Bridge Group. I would like to
march 2015
Let us keep in mind that winning Bridge
means helping your partner avoid
Spring is in the air and the Diamond
Dixie Cloggers are hard at work Happy Bridge playing to all and think
preparing for our show to be held April “SLAM” as BG says.
18 and titled Ghost Town. Ticket sales
will begin March 23 in the Lobby on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from
8:30a.m. until 12 noon. A donation of
$10.00 per ticket is requested. In
addition to spirited dancing, there will
be talented guests performing skits and
singing songs. Please join us for what
will be a very entertaining evening.
Open to all, no need to register, just
drop in. All topics discussed. Come join
– Note: *Registration is required for all
There is a “Refresher Bridge” session
hosted by Chotz Delbos every Thursday
at 1:00 pm with the exception of the first
Thursday. The first Thursday begins at
12:30 pm because that is an official
Eagle Ridge Ladies
9-Hole Golf League
A big welcome to our new members:
Bonnie Gass, Freda Hanselman, Marge
Kenney and Patricia Pacillo! Currently
we have 71 members and there is
always room for more! Any ladies that
are interested; pick up a new member
form found on the hall board between
the golf shop and Toppers. We play
Thursday mornings. Come join us, we
are a friendly fun group!
March 16th “Golf Around” is at Ocala
Palms, registration and breakfast at 8am
and golf at 9am. The February GAR at
Stone Creek was a super event and well
The February “Social-able Scramble”
cont. page 14
chartered clubs
was lots of golfing fun, yummy lunch and minus 2 Putts = 3 points for the hole.)
very “social”! Many thanks to the 18
Hole League for hosting us!
Our President, Barb Beznoska, has
introduced 7 new games for 2015. We
will have more individual games than
team games this year, just to change
things up a bit!
March Games:
5th – Pick Your Poison – Individual.
Mark Hart
Eagle Ridge Men’s
Golf Club
March 2015 Schedule
12th – Throw out High Hole – Ind. Wear
Nicklaus Division – Blue tees
19th – Revert to Par – Ind.
3/4 & 6/2015 – Men’s
Championship with OSG.
26th – Florida Shuffle – Team (League
meeting after golf).
• Individual Stroke.
There will also be an Individual Stroke
Play game on March 4th for those not
playing in the Club Championship 2-day
3/11/2015 – Point Quota with OSG.
BER Cup – Qualifier #9.
3/18/2015 – 2 Man Shamble (1 BB
March brings daylight savings time, the Net).
luck of the Irish and the beginning of 3/25/2015 –Individual Stroke Play
Spring. It’s a wonderful time to come out with OSG. BER Cup – Qualifier #10.
and play some golf!
Palmer Division – White/Lav tees
Events for the month of March:
3/4 & 6/2015 – same as above.
3/11/2015 – Point Quota with OSG.
An African Safari. Luncheon.
BER Cup – Qualifier #9.
12 – ECLECTIC GROSS/NET. Individual
3/18/2015 – 2 Man Shamble (1 BB
two week event. (Post 1st day only as a
tournament score.)
3/25/2015 – Individual Stroke Play
19 – ECLECTIC GROSS/NET. 2nd week
with OSG. BER Cup – Qualifier #10.
of individual event. Try to improve your
score on each hole from previous week. Message from the President…
Post as regular score.
Your new Board of officers has had an
26 – DRIVES AND PUTTS. Individual interesting and educationally fun first two
play. If your tee shot lands in the fairway, months. We attended new officer
you get 5 points. (On Par 3 holes, you orientation meetings and learned how to
must land on green for 5 points. If you serve beer, soft drinks and snacks to our
miss the fairway, you get 3 points. Sub­ club members. The Men’s Club presents
tract your putts from this number for your a great opportunity to meet new people
score on the hole. (Example: 5 points and to have a lot of fun. We look
Everything &
Thank you to everyone who attended
our Semi-Formal Charity Sweetheart
Dance last month. Your donations will
be used to purchase food for the
Club Community of Gratitude Food Bank in
Ocklawaha, serving over 300 families
in need.
Irish Leprechauns, posing as monkey • Continental Breakfast/Snacks/Lunch.
squirrels, have been seen playing tricks
Four multi-flight Divisions (Blue tees
on golfers! Wear GREEN on the 12th.
0-10 & 11+/White/Silver/Lav tees
Everyone is a little Irish!
0-18 & 19+).
Eagle Ridge Ladies
Golf Assoc
forward to welcoming many new
members throughout 2015. Membership
Forms are in the Pro Shop or feel free to
call me directly.
As we move on to the month of
“Leprechauns”, our free dance is on
Friday, March 6, 6 to 9 pm. We look
forward to seeing a lot of new faces.
We are trying to get the word out that
“Everything and Swing” is transitioning
to become a more inclusive dance club.
We are not professional dancers. Our
club offers an opportunity for you to get
out and dance your way… swing,
country, line dance, couples dance
and/or ballroom. We hope you will
take advantage of a night of socializing
in our community. Bring your own snacks
and beverages. Check us out!
Our 2nd 2015 Fund Raiser will be held
on November 20th, at our 3rd Annual
Formal Senior Prom. While it seems a
distance away, we are 80% reserved
already. Tickets are limited and sold to
members first. For information, please
contact Connie Tarsook President (978886-7868).
Until we see you, Dance to live & live to
Fountain Singers
Past, Present and Prospective Members
cont. page 15
march 2015
chartered clubs
We had an open house for the
community on January 11, to invite
anyone interested in singing. We had a
sing-along with 60 people. Refreshments
were served. Everyone had a good
Our new President and Music Director,
Noreen Floden encouraged former
members and other residents who like to
sing {like in the shower} come and see
what we have to offer. IF YOU DIDN’T
MARCH 22 AT 6:30 UNTIL 8:30 PM.
We have learned one new song
“Celebrate Life” and sang many other
for a social visit. We miss you and
would love to see you.
slow-release, time-release, or encap­
sulated. Scatter fertilizer over dry
foliage and water in.
We will be going to retrieve our banner
from Recreation Plantation on March 3.Bulbs for shady areas are achimenes,
5th. Their dance will be from 7-9 pm.
blood lily, Amazon lilies, caladiums
For those that are not square dancers,
and walking iris. Most gardeners cut
we “Raid” (take another clubs banner)
off old seedpods after flowering.
and “Retrieve” (take our banner back) to
Feed your citrus this month with a
encourage dancing with each other’s 4.
citrus fertilizer. Fertilize according to
clubs for friendship and dancing to other
recommendations on label.
Gardening questions answered at:
If you enjoy something truly unique in the
way of dinner entertainment, we are
thrilled to announce that our April event
will provide a heart-warming program
that you won’t want to miss!! It will
feature the German “candy drop.”
After March, we will begin in early Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
September. I KNOW YOU WILL ENJOY 3:00 pm, Ballroom.
Three years after the end of World War
II, the Soviets closed the borders to Berlin
Spring’s Bustin’ Out All Over!”
in an attempt to force the Americans to
If you have any questions or suggestions
or want more information, please call Nancy Myers & Terri Grier, The leave the city. President Harry Truman,
Grumbles House.
undeterred by the action, ordered
Noreen Floden at 352-307-2932.
airdrops of food until the borders were
Spring is right around the corner and
reopened eleven months later. At this
everyone wants colorful blooms. Nancy
event, you will hear the story of an
and Terri have just what you need.
American airman, Gail Halvorsen, who
Florida newbies as well as old-timers will
We’ve been enjoying having dancers learn what plants we should be growing began dropping candy on handkerchief
from neighboring clubs join us on a here in our Zone 9a climate for lasting parachutes to starving Berlin kids. He
regular basis. Also, our beginner’s class satisfaction. Be prepared to gain new was later joined by his fellow airmen in
has been making excellent progress and knowledge, have some fun, and take their candy drop on the city.
have been joining our Thursday night home some Spring Color!
Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015.
dances to practice all their new steps.
Time: 5:00 pm with Dinner served at
Ron Libby continues to call and entertain
5:30 p.m. by SoZo Kids.
us, leading the dancers in calls that are “Backyard Beauties” April 25 tickets on
Menu: Chicken, mashed potatoes,
more challenging as well as being at a sale, In the Lobby mid-March.
faster tempo. His singing voice is easy Herbs will be available for sale at the green beans with ham, rolls, and
Cobbler for dessert.
to listen to and we all enjoy the songs he March 18th meeting.
chooses to call the dances.
Beer, wine, and coffee provided by the
Garden Tips March:
For those of us that dance on a weekly
1.March 15 is the last frost date in this
basis, we feel more energized, more
area. Warm season plants are now Tickets are $15 and will be sold on
alert and more challenged on these
available at garden stores. Mix these dates from 9:00 until 11:00 each
Thursday nights. We know that several
annuals and perennials to create new day: March, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, and 20.
of our members have not been able to
interest in beds.
If you or someone you know experienced
dance due to medical issues. We would
Fertilize now with a slow-release this candy drop, please contact Merle
like to encourage them to come out and 2.
fertilizer. Some words to look for are Dech at 245-7920.
visit a dance, even if you can only stay
march 2015
chartered clubs
We will have a unique meeting in
March. Joyce and Tom Schulke (NRA
instructors) will be discussing the good
and not-so-good points of a variety of
types of holsters. We have all bought the
“wrong” ones at some time. Come find
what may be best for you. LADIES – you
may find this of special interest as there
are several different options for ladies.
March 11, 4 p.m., Craft room. Be
using your first and last name written as
one word in lower case, using your
member number as password. Click on
the heading “Residents Section”, click
“Communications”, click “View Club
Pages”, scroll to Happy Tails Dog Club.
Starting Monday, March 2 – Clubhouse
,Join us for a presentation of songs from
South Pacific, Guys and Dolls, Annie
Get Your Gun and Chicago directed by
Nancy Brassert assisted by Helene
Information about the club’s activities is Runion and Maurine Elliott. The
posted here with forms for both songbirds are your neighbors Nick
membership and Dog Exercise Area Cianci, Amador DeLuna, Carolyn Eaton,
Cindy Gonsalves, Ken Marshall, Peggy
Scharf and Patrick Sexton. Story
narrators are Nadine Craig, John
Drewes, Bob Hatcher and Adrian
Many members of the Horizon Players
have volunteered to help with the crews
needed for the production. Check the
program for the names of all of those
hard working people who are so
important for the success of the show.
On the technical side, special kudos go
to Tim Scully, sound designer, and Ron
Just a reminder to check your calendar Barr and Ken Ralph, sound engineers.
for the month of March. Many of the
Spruce Creek Senior Games are still Members are reminded that the March
going on. That includes Hearts, which General Meeting has been cancelled.
will be held on March 2. We will start Instead we will be using the time slot for
promptly at 6:30 in the Game Room. rehearsal of “The Horizon Players Do
Broadway.” Do check your emails for
Whenever I put pen to paper I cannot Hope to see you all there.
requests for help with the production.
ignore our dedicated dog lovers. Bob
and Sharon Allman spent an inordinate Last Month’s Winners:
amount of time and energy regarding Week One:
Dick Decker
the installation of the Memorial Bricks.
Week Two:
Tom Leavitt
These are now on full display awaiting
further enhancement of the project, Week Three: Ed Wood
Ciao Amici,
probably planters around the perimeter.
Week Four:
Horst Scharf
Welcome to the month of Marzo
More good news. The HOA have now
(March)! This month we will be
Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!
approved the cost of the sun canopy for
celebrating the Festa di San Giuseppe
the small dog area. This should improve
(Joseph). So if your name is Joseph … it
our amenities even more. We now
is your special month. The history of the
await an installation date from the
country and its religion is reflected in its
art, music and food.
Stephanie Roberts, an experienced Dog
Our Festa di San Giuseppe Dinner
Trainer, gave a presentation on January
Dance will be held on Friday, March
27th at the Pavilion on a bright and THE HORIZON PLAYERS DO BROAD­ 20th in the Ballroom. Tickets will go on
sunny day. She came with her Assistant WAY
sale Monday, March 2nd for members
Jessica and her three Service Dogs,
and March 4th for the Community.
Penny Rose, Alice and Jack. Her subject March 27, 28 – 7 pm.
Please check your email for more
matter was primarily dog park etiquette; March 29 – 1:30 pm.
however, she welcomed general
Horizon Ballroom.
A piu’ tardi,
questions from the audience.
Ciao, ciao
Please check our Club page http:// Donation: $10.
Happy Tails
Dog Club
Players Log in Tickets M-W-F 9 am-12 pm.
Linda J. Morello
march 2015
chartered clubs
March17th – Spaghetti & Meatballs,
Salad, Bread.
Karaoke Club
This month, all of our attention was on
our Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance.
Surveys reveal that more than 62% of
Americans celebrate this very popular
holiday. Our Valentine’s Day Dinner/
Dance proved to be a smashing success
as we sold out early by reaching our
ticket sales goal of 256 tickets. All
attending enjoyed a fabulous dinner
provided by Pasta Faire, and a
wonderful time dancing to music played
and sung by The Lucee and Ben Duo.
With friends and their sweethearts, all
had a fun filled romantic evening.
March 24th – Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed
Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Vegetable. 10 a.m. – noon in the Card Room.
March 31st – Open Faced Pork BBQ, March 9, 2015 – Vickie Griffith –
“What am I Missing? Developing the
Cole Slaw, Baked Beans.
Inner Wisdom to Deep Connection.”
April 7th – Pork Chop, Mashed Potatoes,
During this talk you will discover:
Apple Sauce, Vegetable, Bread.
• What is stopping you from achieving
April 14th – Beef Pot Roast, Mashed your desires?
Potatoes, Vegetable, Bread.
• How you can shift the perceptions of
April 21st – Lasagna, Salad, Bread.
not enough to I AM.
April 28th – Chicken Cordon Bleu, • How to be in the moment.
Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Bread.
Vickie is a Licensed Science of Mind
Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers are always Minister that incorporates Hypnosis and
Tapping to release what keeps you stuck
in the not good enough syndrome and
The Kitchen Club meets the 2nd fear. Instead, tap into the quite tranquil
Wednesday of each month in the Craft and wisdom within to manifest your
As the month of March is the month of Room at 7 pm. Come and join us on dreams and desires.
the Irish, the Karaoke Club will dedicate Wednesday, March 11th.
March 23, 2015 – Channeling with
Friday, March 13, 2015 as an evening
Basil Bristow.
to sing and dance to Irish music and
Neither a Psychic nor a Medium but
songs. We hope to have a very green
Basil is able to channel various
and Irish evening of fun.
“otherworldly” entities who advise him
In the meantime, come to our Friday
on how to live a more loving, peaceful
night Karaoke sessions and hear the
and joyous life here on Earth. Since
music you love. You are welcome to
2002 he has channeled over 15
bring snacks and drinks and to dance to
different entities and at the moment he is
your favorites. Hope to see you there.
hearing from “Pretorius”. Basil will explain
The club held its first general meeting for
Remember, keep smiling and keep 2015 on January 27. SOZO Kids was how he came to channel in the first place
and how almost everyone can channel if
chosen as our charity for this year.
they so desire. The messages he received
Important dates that were voted on and are made freely available via e-mail.
There will be question/answer time.
approved are:
Member Appreciation Party, March 24 Come to Metaphysical to relax, learn,
on the Horizon Center Lanai.
Mah Jongg
March and April Menus
Fall Mah Jongg Tournament, November
Holiday Party, December 8.
Committees have been created for each
Meals are served every Tuesday from of the above events. We can always
4:30-6:00 pm or Until Sold Out.
use more volunteers, so if you can help
March 3rd – Beef Pot Roast, Mashed out, please let one of our officers know.
Thanks to everyone who has already
Potatoes, Vegetable, Bread.
Spring is here at last and our trip for
March 10th – Smoked Pork Chop,
Watch your email for more details!
Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable, Bread.
cont. page 18
Nature Explorers
march 2015
chartered clubs
March 14th will be coming up SOON!
You still have a few days to sign up and
pay for Bill Gilbert’s very cool trip to
Paquette’s Farmall Museum in Leesburg.
(Lunch catered by Oakwood) The cut-off
date for payment and sign up is March
4th. So hurry and check out the details
in the Nature Explorers notebook and
sign up before it is too late!
A VERY interesting tram tour and picnic
lunch is in the works for April at the
Marion County Inmate Farm in Ocala.
Date and details will be in the notebook
on the round table shortly as well as
notification by e-mail.
Applications for membership ($5 pp)
are located in the front pocket of the
notebook. Please fill out and MAIL them
with your check to our Sec-Treas. at the
address noted on the form.
2015 got off with a musical start. Golden
Oldies were its usual success. Kudos to
Ken Boyer and his crew. We understand
they are already working on 2016.
Thursday afternoons, at 4 pm, is Team
Trivia in the Ballroom. The game is
based on the Trivial Pursuit game and
the questions must be from an acceptable
edition of that game. We ask a series of
20 questions and then a final question.
Q: How do I know when I need a model
A: A model release is needed from each
person whose likeness appears in a
photograph that is used for advertising
or trade (business) purposes when the
person is identifiable.
1.Is the photograph to be used for an
business purposes, like a brochure,
calendar, poster, web site or other use
that is intended to enhance a business
interest? If the answers are No, then
you do not need a release.
Hi everyone, still Clowning around town
and Del Webb having a really good
time! Been to Greek Festivals and
Schools and making everyone happy.
That’s what clowns do.
If a photo is newsworthy or will not be
We have a few Clown’s down, but we used to promote something, a photo
have grown enough in size now that we release is not necessary.
can cover our gigs when we have a few What it comes down to, is that you can
sick or hurt clowns to wait until they are snap away all you want to in a public
well and fit to join us again. We hope place without worrying if people are
they all recover fast and are back with identifiable or not. Some photo contests
us soon.
might require a release because the
We have Senior games opening and winning photo will be used in advertising
Easter coming up which is a big time of or to further promote the organization
year for us. We are just busy, busy, busy conducting the contest. The Photography
Club meets on the second Monday of
and like it that way.
each month at 7pm.
Don’t forget about Grandkid’s coming
up in a few months. That’s always a
really big time for us.
Please join in if you’d like to be part of a
really wonderful group!
The numbers of pinochle players
Stop and say Hello if you see one or attending our Wednesday evening
(5:30 practice, 6:00 play) and Friday,
more of us. We love to socialize!
1:30 practice, 2:00 play) in the Card
Still smiling!
room, at the Horizon Center, continue to
At this time, we have room for one team Kiki, the Clown
grow. We welcome any interested
with a maximum of 12 people. We
welcome new and old residents to come
We especially want to thank those
and join us. If you are a team, a single
pinochle players who entered the Senior
or a couple and you would like to join,
Games. Thanks to your efforts, two
give us a call. Contact: Geri Zuccarino
charities dedicated to assisting children,
at or
“SOZO Kids” and “Community of
352 307 0868.
Gratitude,” received a generous
March 20th is Trivia for Dummies, at 7
donation for their worthy causes.
pm in the Game room. Walk-ins Photo Releases
Extending this spirit of support for needy
First off, I am not a lawyer and what children, member Bob Bernardo has
Because of the volume at each event, follows is not to be taken as legal proposed that, for the month of March,
we must limit participation to Residents advice. I have researched the question
and here’s essentially what I found.
cont. page 19
march 2015
chartered clubs
the Pinochle Club collect and distribute
hygiene products for homeless children
in the tri-county area. Needed are soap,
toothpaste, tooth brushes, mouth wash,
deodorant, combs, and brushes.
Collection boxes for your donations will
be available in the Horizon Center
throughout the month of March.
Mar 17 1-3:30Embroidery Group
Mar 4 1-3:30Business meeting
and Quilters Show
and Tell & Block of
the Month (BOM)
Mar 11 1-3:30Folded Circle
We are fortunate to have experienced,
– Kathy from Simply
well organized officers who guide our
club. President Ron Newsome, Vice
President Ruth Lorkowski, Secretary Bob Mar 18 1-3:30Modern quilt project
– Beth Shutty
Bernardo, and Treasurer John Glenn,
offer quiet, effective leadership that Mar 25 1-3:30Art Quilters demo:
keeps the games running smoothly
Kay Sorensen
Our January winners are:
January 7 Bob Bernardo
January 21 Ray Cunningham (563)
January 28 Al Levine
Mar 14 9-11:30 Charity Quilts
Mar 21 1-3:30Quilters project
time: Modern quilt
Looking forward to playing pinochle
Embroidery Group
with you.
Ballroom. The members want to
encourage their friends and new
neighbors to join them for some fun times
… camaraderie an exercise through
Keep those feet a movin’
Linda J Morello
Singles Club
Welcome all Del Webb Singles. We
gather for fun, support and friendship.
Dues are $5.00, checks only.
Thanks to all the residents who attended
our Valentine Party. We had a great time
meeting all of you. I hope you’ll come
and join the club. Our club continues to
grow each month.
Socials are the first Friday of the month.
This month is March 6th at 5:30 in the
Game room. Menu is KFC. Cost is
$8.00 in advance. Entertainment TBD.
Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of the
month. March 12th in the Game room.
Sign in at 9:30 am and business meeting
Quilters, sewers and needle artists of all at 10 am. Speaker will be one of the
levels are welcome. Do you want to managers from SAM’S CLUB. Lunch to
learn? Do you have talents to share? Join follow meeting at Orange Blossom.
FUN DINING on March 18th at Cody’s
in Brownwood in the Villages. Car
pooling will be arranged.
Mar 28 9 -11:30Charity Quilts and
Quilt beginners
Quilters and
Needle Artists
Wednesday meetings start at 1:00 for
Social Time … meetings beginning at
Mar 3 1-3:30Business meeting &
Needle Artist Show
and Tell
Mar 10 1-3:30 Needle Artists
Mar17 1-3:30 Needle Artists
Mar 24 1-3:30 Needle Artists
Mar 10 1-3:30Art Quilters …
“New to Me”
march 2015
FUN OUTING will be March 24th at
the Civic Theater Back Stage Tour at
1:30 pm. The cost is free. We will have
lunch at MoJo’s prior to the tour.
Rhythm & Notes
At the next Rhythm & Notes meeting, the
members will decide which charity/ies
will be the recipient of their $2000. All
members are encouraged to let Patricia
Pacillo know of their choice.
The post-holiday luncheon at Eaton’s
Beach was enjoyed by all; plans for
more social events are being developed.
Don’t forget bowling every Sunday at
Fiesta Bowl at noon in the Villages. It’s
just for fun!!!!
Softball Club
Another travel season is coming to an
Rhythm & Notes will continue their social end. This season will conclude with our
time at 12 Noon each Tuesday with
cont. page 20
dancing beginning at 12:30 pm in the
chartered clubs
3 ladies teams traveling to holiday travel short, refreshments are routine, and
community for the tri-county women’s socialization is a priority.
tournament the week of March 9th thru
On Saturday, March 7, 2015 from 10March 13th.
1, the RV Club will be sponsoring an RV
The Del Webb Invitational Tournament show in the Main Clubhouse parking lot
will take place the week of March 16th in the far corner near the Pool. We will
thru March 20th. This tournament will feature motor homes as well as 5th
include 39 teams and will be played at wheels, trailers and a tent. We may also
5 different venues with all of the have a couple of new models from a
championship games from the 5 local dealer. Refreshments will be
divisions at Del Webb field at Memorial available.
The next RV trip is scheduled for March
All of our teams, both ladies and men, 9 to 13, 2015 at Highlands Hammock
have represented us well this year. State Park.
Please come out and show your support
If you would like more information about
for their efforts. The concession stand
our RV Club or coming events please
will be open every day, so come to the
call Leo McCloskey at 508-208-9528
field, watch some games, share some
or email
wonderful times with your friends and
neighbors. Our teams and our softball
club will surely appreciate it.
“All of us have a unique message to
deliver, a unique song to sing, and a
unique act of love to bestow: this
message, this song, and this act of love
have been entrusted exclusively to you
and only you.” John Powell, Clergyman.
Straight Line
Besides making some awesome friends,
line dancing is a great aerobic activity
that can improve your balance. It is also
a real brain booster because it burns
new pathways and delays mental
degeneration. Every dance has a
combination of moves so you are always
thinking. Our club offers many different
opportunities to learn line dancing at
every level. So take a look at our
schedule and see what best meets your
needs. We would love for you to join us.
We car pool too many other places out­
side of our community to dance. You are
free to join in the fun. Call Linda Brackett
Most people think our club is just RV’s for more information at 307-2920.
exclusively; however, among our
members the activities are vast and Ultra Beginner (Simple dances for our
numerous. We have card players, new dancers)
musicians, shoppers, foodies, theatre Fri
Fitness Center
buffs, kayaker’s, fishermen, classic cars, $1.50 at the door
motorcycles, and bicyclists. Tent campers
are welcome. We do camping in Florida Strictly Beginner (for our new dancers –
and do special rallies to local states. If five of our favorites taught each month)
you are interested in participating with Wed Fitness Center
the RV Club, please come to our next Free class
meeting, the first Wednesday of the
month, at 7:00 pm. March 4th our
meeting will be in the Craft room. The MonBallroom
business portion of the meetings are $1.50 at the door
Spruce Creek
RV Club
Fitness Center
$1.50 at the door
$1.50 at the door
$1.50 at the door
Rose Tea Club
Tea Lovers….Let me present your Board
Cunningham, Vice President Marshia
Flora, Secretary Beth Houtz and
Treasurer Shirley Kraak...congratulations
to them.
They are preparing for a special
Welcome Newcomers Tea on April 8th,
be sure to get your tickets.
According to the latest National
Research drinking TEA can help in many
areas; weight loss, cardiovascular
health, cognitive functions and bone
health. Here is your prescription…
Drink 4-6 cups of either black or
green tea without sugar each day.
Make tea a part of your daily
hydration routine.
•Make TEATIME a part of your daily
ritual; the act of making tea quiets a
busy mind and it is this waiting time
that our hearts beat more slowly and
our minds become calmer.
Technology Club
Our next meeting will be Friday March
20, 2 pm. Our topic will be Agent
Orange - “There are two sides to every
story – yours, mine and the truth.”
cont. page 21
march 2015
chartered clubs
So it is with the legacy of Agent Orange.
One of the sides is comprised of many
organizations, advocacy groups, web
sites, politicians, medical personnel,
lawyers, and a host of publications. The
other side is the Veterans Administration
who grants benefits to some but also
denies claims to others.
Taking sides and entering this “fray” is a
disturbing and often emotionally draining
experience. Public discussions are often
characterized by emotional outbursts,
exaggerations and a misunderstanding
of what spray operations actually did in
The truth takes neither of these sides. It
takes the form of presentations by spray
pilots who explain “Ranch Hand”
combat operations and the long term
medical effects for their specific group.
Tom Barrett, who last year spoke to the
Technology Club on high altitude
reconnaissance, was a Ranch Hand
spray pilot in Vietnam. He will return on
March 20 to discuss how Ranch Hand
operations were conducted and the 25
years of medical studies in which he and
his family participated.
Tennis Club
At their meeting on Jan. 28, the Board of
Directors approved our request for new
score posts. The 7 boards are ordered
and will be installed on the courts
hopefully by the time the Senior Games
begin on March 2. If you are playing in
the games, good luck, and if you aren’t,
come out to the courts to cheer your
friends. The matches will be going on all
week but you won’t have to play all
week to participate. By the way, several
“loaner” rackets have been donated for
use by visitors and will be stored in the
storage boxes alongside Court 5. Please
return after use.
march 2015
The Intercommunity Tennis program is HOPE TO SEE YOU ON OUR NEXT
doing reasonably well with a record of GREAT TRIP
2 wins and 2 losses so far. We have
two matches remaining – one in March
and the final in April – Participants
welcome – Call Jack Stadelmeier at
347-1127. An entertaining tennis exhi­
bition was held on January 19 with three
of our better players taking on a tennis
pro from Washington, D.C. Ed Tripp,
son of residents, Jack and Mary Tripp
showed us some fine tennis with a repeat
match scheduled for April. This time with
warmer weather and a party afterwards!! TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2015
Tree Climbers
9-11:30 am – Card Room
So, you are a new member of the travel
club. You hear about a great trip. You
come to the clubhouse to sign up and
BOOM it is already sold out. It is true
that most day trips sell out in a week or
less. Here are some hints that you need
to know in order to get on one of these
great trips.
Mr. Eastman, a well-known and
experienced genealogist, has prepared
a presentation of a software program
called “Evernote” for our members and
guests. Evernote is an excellent product
for collecting, gathering and organizing
notes about any topic prior to the writing
being published and will be a benefit to
all of us.
Mr. Eastman keeps Evernote books
about genealogy tasks to-do lists,
biographies of ancestors, recipe
collections, warranties, articles to read
or reference material. Anything can be
retrieved within seconds whether seated
in front of your desktop, laptop,
cellphone or tablet.
Come to the General membership
meetings. The dates are on your
membership card. Most trips are
presented for the first time at that meeting.
Sign up, pay your check quickly and Dick Eastman is very active in the
you are in.
Villages Genealogical Society. He has
Since the planning board meets every been the Director of the New England
4th Thursday of the month, new trips are Computer Genealogists and belongs to
put in the books on the round table at the the New England Historic Genealogical
beginning of the next month. If there is Society, National Genealogical Society
no general membership meeting until a and the American-Canadian Genea­
month later, you could be too late. At the logical Society. He is also a frequent
beginning of each month, take a look to author and lecturer on computer related
see if something is new. Sign up for the topics and has written extensively for
trip that you want, put your check into genealogy and computer publications.
the proper envelope in the activities He is the author of “Your Roots: Total
office, and you are more than likely Genealogy Planning on Your Computer”,
going on that trip. It’s up to you to act and also publishes a free “Eastman’s
before the trip is full. It’s not how you Daily Online Genealogy Newsletter”.
He travels extensively around the world
sign up but when you pay.
and his presentations are educational,
Last, always put your name on the
motivational and entertaining.
waitlist. You would be surprised how
many people have to cancel.
Please join us! Non-members fee $5.00.
chartered clubs
and beverage. Coffee will be provided.
The business meeting will be conducted
after dinner. Members are requested to
RSVP by contacting Lynda Norcross at or 352–307–
2404. RSVPs are to indicate what pot
luck dish will be brought to the dinner.
March meetings are a week later than 2015 Dues ($ 3.00 per person) can be
paid by CASH (NO CHECKS) at the
usual due to room scheduling conflicts.
Monday, March 16, 9 am – Meeting
Room – Board Meeting. All members *** The month of March is the last
month for indoor play at the Lake
welcome to attend.
Vista Pool.
Thursday, March 19, Ballroom –
Membership Meeting – 8 am breakfast, Effective April, all water volleyball play
will be outdoors at the Peninsula Pool.
meeting at 9 am.
Baseball-Detroit Tigers vs. New York
Yankees in Lakeland. Date: Thursday,
April 2, 2015. Game Time is 1:05 pm;
bus leaves 8:45 am. Cost is $60 pp.,
which includes transportation, ticket,
Denny’s breakfast, snacks, and FUN!
Make check payable to SCVA, include
a note about who is going with contact
number, and place in Tigers vs. Yanks
envelope in Veterans mailbox in the
Activities Office. For questions, call Jack
Cherry (347-3541).
A trip to the King’s Bay Submarine Base
is being planned for May, 2015. If
interested, contact Jack Cherry.
If you are an annual member and have
not yet paid your 2015 dues, they are
due by the March meeting.
Our Veterans Celebration Dinner is
March 14, 2015, with Music by Pam
Valli. Hope to see you there!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Water Volleyball
The Semi-Annual Membership Meeting
and Pot Luck Dinner will be held on
FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2015
at 5:30 p.m. in the Horizon Club Game
The Pot Luck Dinner will begin at 5:45
pm and all members are asked to bring
a dish to share, place settings/utensils
members. Here is your opportunity to
join and make a meaningful contribution
to a brand new club.
We have decided upon annual dues of
$20 and I am happy to say I saw a lot
of money changing hands at our recent
meeting – always a good sign. If you
are a woodworker, want to become a
woodworker, or if you want to learn
how to properly use woodworking tools,
come to our meetings. If you have
questions concerning anything wood,
come and ask us! We have just left the
starting blocks and welcome any positive
ideas – c’mon down and let’s talk shop.
Our meetings are currently scheduled for
the 4th Friday of each month at 2 pm.
Writers’ Bloc
Spring is here and for all you warm
weather friends it’s a good time to head
Words can be arranged in such a way
back to the pool.
that they are inspiring. Think of writing
The water temp has been wonderful all that has impressed you from childhood
winter thanks to our staff and the sun and to adulthood. Remember the nursery
warm air are great.
rhymes and books you loved as a teenWe have classes Monday, Wednesday ager. What about your first introduction
and Friday, 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 into Shakespeare. As you continued to
a.m. at the Peninsula Pool and you are be awed by authors, you sometimes
all invited to come and join us and see if found words that leaped from the pages
this is good fit for your exercise plan. If and astounded you. It could be a
you decide to join our Chartered Club sentence, a paragraph, or a page. You
the dues are $10.00 for the entire year. will awake from your doldrums and
shout, “Wow! This is good. How I wish
See you at the pool.
I could write this effectively.”
Rose Ann Peete
The secret is out. You can. Everyone I
have met in our Writers’ Bloc Club has
written something at one time or another
that has sparked my brain. When I
watch and listen to a singer or group, I
am amazed that most of the audience
know all the words and sing along –
even Rap, as difficult as it may be.
Someone wrote those words, and
people memorize them.
Well, the club that has been talked
Join us every 1st and 3rd Thursday of
about for quite a while has finally come
each month in the Game room at 10
into existence.
am, and you too can be stirred by the
The WOODWORKERS CLUB is open written word. If you have any questions,
for business and is looking for new contact our president, David Daggett.
Woodworkers Club
march 2015
interest groups
“An Eye In The Sky”
There have been times when a resident will ask
… “Why is there a Sheriff’s helicopter flying over
Del Webb and the surrounding area?”
A Sheriff’s helicopter clattering overhead means
different things to different people. To the
uninformed citizen it could mean little more than
an unnecessary expense, to others indicates a
comforting law enforcement omnipresence, but
still others may see it as an intrusion of their
privacy. However, when heard by deputy sheriffs,
it means that they are not alone and will have the
benefit of high-tech support if needed.
The idea of law enforcement aviation is not new.
Early in 1914, a Curtiss Model F flying boat was
being used to fly tourist around the bay close to
the Miami Royal Palms Hotel. After the theft of
some precious jewelry from the hotel, the Miami
police developed information that the thief had
boarded a ship to the Bahamas. The Curtiss pilot
agreed to fly officers to intercept the ship. Radio
message was sent to the ship’s Captain who
agreed to heave to as the flying boat landed.
The Miami detectives boarded the ship and took
the suspect into custody.
Because helicopters can fly under the Federal
Aviation Administration minimum altitudes for
airplanes and are capable of landing without a
runway, they have evolved into the perfect
mission-capable aircraft for law enforcement and
first responders. Regular missions include
providing air support for patrol officers with flood­
march 2015
lights at night, tracking vehicle pursuits, looking
for lost persons, rescuing persons from dangerous
situations, observing fires and conducting
surveillance of criminal behavior. Air support can
also provide quick, sometimes life-saving
assistance when ground units cannot. Helicopters
can respond quickly to high-risk situations, such
as vehicle pursuits or crimes in progress, and
provide direction that increases safety for the
ground units. Thermal imaging equipment enables
the crew to search expansive areas at night for
lost persons.
Since an aircraft is a force multiplier, deputies
simply feel safer when one is overhead during
dangerous operations such as robberies in
progress or manhunts.
So … when you see a Sheriff’s helicopter
overhead it’s for good cause and adds another
layer of security for all residents of Marion County.
On another note: Our past Commander, Lt.
Dennis McFatten has been promoted to Captain
and has been replaced by Lt. Claude McQuaig.
We congratulate Captain McFatten and wish
him much success in his new position.
Our next meeting is on Friday, March 6th at
9:00 am in the Ballroom. Residents are always
welcome to attend. For informa­tion on how to
join Community Watch, contact Joe Favata at
Tuesdays • 7:00 PM
Residents of SCG&CC receive a copy delivered to your Spruce Creek
residence monthly. If you plan to be away, please let us know so we can
suspend delivery until you return. To subscribe to “The Fountain” by mail,
forms are available from the receptionist or the Activities Office. Complete
the form and return with your payment to the Activities Office. Subscriptions
are for 3 months, 6 months or 1 year. This covers mailing and handling
The Community Center Ballroom
Mar. 3
The November Man
R – Pierce Brosnan
Mar. 10
The Hundred Foot Journey
PG – Helen Mirren
Mar. 17
Horizon Players Rehearsal
Mar. 24
Horizon Players Rehearsal
Resident Directory
Mar. 31
Elsa & Fred
PG­13 – Shirley MacLaine
Residents are responsible for submitting their information for the Resident
Directory. Please fill out a Resident Directory form with your correct information
and submit it to the Activities Office. Forms are available at the Reception
desk or activities office.
For a synopsis of each movie, visit:
Check Out the
Community Website!
Defibrillator Locations
Bookmark your browser to
» Horizon Center Pool outside the gate at the main entrance on the left.
» Peninsula Pool inside the main entrance gate on the left near the Men’s Room.
for links to Channel 12 Online,
the web pages of a growing number
of clubs and activities, movie schedules,
and other helpful information.
» Peninsula Pool outside the main entrance on the left as you face the entrance.
» Between the Tennis & Pickleball Cts on the 130th Loop side near the parking lot.
» Ball Field near the Ladies Room across from the concession stand.
activities groups
Angels On Request
Bowling (co-ed)
Breast Cancer “Chit Chat” Group
Corvette Riders of Del Webb SC
Democrat Group
Eagle Ridge Riders (Motorcycle)
Ladies Lunch Bunch/Sunset Dinners
Model Yacht Club
Republican Group
Scrabble Group
Spruce Creek Country Club Car Group
Volleyball Sand
interest groups
Community Watch
Friends of New England
Plastic Model Interest Group
march 2015
» Horizon Center Lobby next to the water fountain by the Kitchen.
» Fitness Center at the front desk.
Karen McMillin
JoAnne Caiazza
Charlie Kines
Al Earl
Ellie Sherman
Judy Amato
Gary Green
Randy Chartier
June Albrizio
Nick Quinn
Ron Johnson
Janet VanHousen
Larry McCabe
Jerry Williams
Joe Favata
Marie Szymanski
Chris Olsen
12:30 pm, Mon (Sept – Apr)
12:30 pm, Tues (Sept – Apr)
7:30 am, Tues & Sat, Meet at the “Fountain”
10 am, Wed & Sat
Last Fri of the Month
2 pm Mon, Wed & Fri (Oct – Apr)
9 am, 1st Fri
Spruce Creek Golf & Country Club by Del Webb
• A • R • C • H
2 0 15
8:00 am Men’s Golf
9:00 am AM Bridge (CD)
9:00 am Diamond Dixie Cloggers (BR)
(Mar 4,11,25)
10:00 am Bocce Winter League (BC)
(Mar 11)
12:00 pm Men’s Handicapped 8-Ball
League (BD) (Mar 11,18,25)
12:05 pm Social Bridge (CD)
1:00 pm Triple Play (GR)
1:30 pm Quilters & Needle Artists (CR)
1:30 pm Bocce Winter League (BC)
(Mar 11)
5:30 pm Diamond Dixie Cloggers (BR)
6:00 pm Ladies Billiards (BD)
6:30 pm Pinochle (CD)
6:30 pm Pay Me (GR)
6:30 pm Shuffleboard (SC)
8:00 am ER Ladies Golf
8:00 am Arts & Crafts Basket Weaving
9:00 am Horseshoe Assoc (HP&PV)
10:00 am Bocce Winter League (BC)
(Mar 5,12)
12:00 pm Men’s Billiards 8-Ball
Competition (BD)
12:00 pm Fountain Singers (MR)
1:00 pm Rummikub (GR1)
1:00 pm Dominoes (GR2)
1:00 pm Refresher Bridge (CD)
1:30 pm Bocce Winter League (BC)
(Mar 5,12)
3:00 pm Men’s All Faith Study
4:00 pm Trivia (BR)
5:30 pm Poker (GR)
6:30 pm Duplicate Bridge (CD)
6:30 pm Dominoes (MR)
6:30 pm Cribbage (CR)
7:00 pm Fountain Squares (BR)
(Mar 12)
1 9:00am C(MR)
2 9:30am TUserGroup(CM)
3 9:00am
9:30 am Entertainment
9:00 am Diamond Dixie Cloggers
(BR ) (Mar 1,8,15)
6:00 pm Fountain Singers (BR) (Mar
6:00 pm Texas Holdem (GR) Mar
6:25 pm Euchre (CD)
10:30 am SC Games Bean
Bag (PV)
7:00pm Writers’Bloc
march 2015
4:00pm IowaParty(PV)
8:30 am Ceramics Workshop (CR)
9:00 am Horseshoe Assoc (HP&PV)
9:00 am Computer Room Maintenance
9:30 am Fountain Squares (BR)
12:00 pm Horizon Players Workshop
(BR) (Mar 9,16,23,30)
12:00 pm Men’s Afternoon Pool League
12:30 pm Duplicate Bridge (CD)
1:00 pm Samba (GR)
2:30 pm Beginner Line Dance (BR)
5:00 pm Early Bird Bingo (BR)
5:30 pm Metaphysical Group (MR)
(Mar 16,23,30)
6:00 pm Arts & Crafts (CR)
6:00 pm Mah Jongg (CD)
6:30 pm Bingo (BR)
6:30 pm Hearts Club (GR)
8:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Diamond Dixie Cloggers (BR)
Fountain Woodcarvers (CR)
Horseshoe Assoc (HP&PV)
Improver Line Dance (BR)
Rhythm & Notes (BR)
Mah Jongg (CD)
Men’s Billiards Travel Team
Bridge Lessons (MR)
Quilters & Needle Artists (CR)
All Faith - Notes of Faith (GR)
Advanced Line Dance (BR)
Women’s All Faith Club (GR)
Kitchen Club Dinner (BR)
Poker Club (GR)
Computer Q&A Forum (CM)
(Mar 10,17,24,31)
Men’s Billiards League (BD)
Social Bridge (CD)
Shuffleboard (SC)
Fountain Woodcarvers (CR)
Fountain Singers (MR)
(Mar 10)
6:00 am ERLGAMember/
1:00am Arts&Crafts
10:00 am Hearing
9:00 am SC Games
10:00am COTCommittee(MR)
1:00pm SCGamesSpellingBee(BR) 10:00am BocceWinterLeague(BC) 10:00am SCGamesBocce(BC)
9:30am IntroPowerPoint(CM)
1:00pm SCGamesSamba(GR)
10:00am Property&Grounds(GR) 11:00am ERMGChampionship(BR) 10:00am Writers’Bloc(GR)
6:30am SCGamesHearts(GR)
1:00pm SCGamesSheepshead(MR) 1:00pm AndroidForum(CM)
1:00 pm SCGamesRummikub(GR)
1:30pm BocceWinterLeague(BC) 1:00pm SCGamesKnitting(CR)
2:00 pm CommunityWatchOfficers
7:00pm MovieNight(BR)
1:00pm SCGamesLadiesBilliards(BD)
1:00pm SCGamesHand&Foot(GR) 5:00 pm SCGamesMen’sBilliards
4:00pm IrishAmericanEmeralds(MR)
4:00pm RVClub(CR)
7:00pm Paula’sClownAlley(MR)
7:00pm ERLGABaskets(BR)
8:30 am SC Games Chess
10:00 am Metaphysical
9 10:00 am Finance
Committee(GR) 10
10:00am BocceWinter
1:30pm BocceWinterLeague(BC)
7:00pm MovieNight(BR)
9:00 am Pen&Inkw/Oil
10:00 am SinglesClub
12:30 pm SCGamesSocial
10:00 am PickleballClub
2:00 pm CovenantsCommittee(MR)
8:00 am Arts & Crafts League (CR) 12:30 pm Samba (GR)
8:30 am Buddies (CD)
7:00 pm Par Nine (GR)
9:00 am Bridge Lessons (GR) (Mar
12:30 pm Ladies Billiards Travel Team
2:00 pm Arts & Crafts (CR)
2:00 pm Pinochle (CD)
6:00 pm Karaoke Club (CD)
9:00 am Community
9:00 am SC Games
10:00 am SC Games
9:30am Arts&Crafts(CR1)
10:00am SCGamesBocce(BC)
10:00am WaterColor(CR2)
11:00 am ERMGChampionship(BR) 1:00 pm SCGamesDoubleSuper
5:30pm SinglesClubSocial(GR)
6:00 pm Everything&SwingDance 5:00 pm MonarchNeighborhood(PV)
7:00pm EntertainmentSeries(BR)
12 10:30 am BookDiscussion
1:30 pm ComputerClub
9:00 am CharityQuilting
2:00 pm ResidentRental
4:30pm TennisClubMeeting(MR)
1:00 pm LadiesBilliards
5:30 pm IrishAmerican-St
6:30pm PartnersBridge(GR)
9:00 am VeteransOfficers
10:00 am SC Games
1:00pm Arts&Crafts(CR)
9:00 am TreeClimbers
St Patrick’s
2:30 pm MichiganPicnic
3:00pm TableTennis(PV)
1:30pm H orizonPlayers
9:30 am Boardof
9:00 am Veterans(BR)
10:00 am WritersBloc(GR)
12:00 pm DiamondDixie
10:00am WaterColor(CR)
2:00pm ResidentRental(PV)
1:00pm iPadForum(CM)
3:00pm GardenClubMeeting(BR)
5:30 pm Men’sBilliardsMeeting(CR)
7:00pm Anglers(MR)
7:00pm ComputerClubMeeting(BR)
19 10:00 am GardenClub
OfficersMeeting 20
23 10:30am BGroup(MR)
24 9:00am DPainting(CR)
25 10:00am QNeedleArtists
26 10:00 am Spirited
27 9:00am MEmbroidery(CR)
8:30 am AARPSafe
9:30 am VascularVeinCenter
10:00am MetaphysicalGroup(CD)
1:00pm ARCommittee(CR)
11:00am MahJonggPizza
2:00 pm Boardof
10:00am TravelClubPlanning
3:00pm HappyTailsDogClub(MR)
7:00pm Paula’sClownAlley(MR) 10:30am ERLadies9-Hole(GR)
1:00pm CERTClubMeeting(CR)
7:00pm Rhythm&Notes(CR)
29 8:30am Sign-Up(CD)
30 7:00pm MovieNight(BR) 31
Mon – Fri
Sat & Sun
8:00 am Horseshoe
9:00 am Arts&Crafts
2:00 pm BocceWinterLeague
1:00pm BeginnersQuilting(CR)
2:00pm TechnologyClub(MR)
4:30 pm SoftballClubDinner/Dance
5:00 pm ItalianAmerican–StJoseph
5:00pm ResidentRental(PV)
5:00 pm BocceClubWinterParty(CR)
7:00pm TriviaforDummies(GR)
Special Programs shown
at 7AM, 12 PM,
4PM, and 7PM.
See the scroll or the
for program listing.
6:00pm AfricanAmericanClub(CD)
6:00pm VeteransEvent(BR)
8 am – 10 pm
9 am – 10 pm
Mon – Fri
Sat & Sun
8:30 am – 10 pm
8:30 am – 10 pm
5:30pm WaterVolleyball
5:00pm WisconsinParty
7:00pm HorizonPlayersProduction 7:00pm Club36–GameNight(CD)
7:00pm H orizonPlayersProduction
march 2015
4:00pm GunClub(CR)
12:00 pm
6:00 pm HorizonPlayersOfficers
12:00 pm
6:00 pm KitchenClubOfficersMeeting
2:00 pm
7:00 pm KitchenClubMeeting(CR)
12:30 pm SCGamesDuplicateBridge
1:00 pm ARCommittee(CR)
7:00 pm PhotographyClub(MR)
Bocce Courts
Billiard’s Room
Card Room
Computer Room
Craft Room (Front)
Craft Room (Back)
Exercise Studio
Game Room (Front)
Game Room (Back)
Horseshoe Pits
Mon – Fri
Sat & Sun
Meeting Room
Pickleball Court
Peninsula Park
Shuffleboard Courts
Swimming Pool
Tennis Courts
Volleyball Courts
Veterans Park
6 am – 8 pm
7 am – 7 pm
chartered clubs
George Husband
Mikki Hatcher
MaryAnn Schuyler
Richard Survant
Alice McKeever
JoAnne Weldon
Audrey Whitfield
Bernice Wernick
John Portlock
Elaine Lies
Don Dake
Cyndy Stern
Judy Devaney
Carol Tetreault
Eileen Goodman
Norma McCoy
Kenneth Jeffers
Patricia Dalzell
Mark Hart
Jim Collins
Connie Tarsook
Noreen Floden
Toni Hennis
Jim Franco
Sally Dellinger
James Schaffer
Glenn Daniel
Paula Inglee
Steven Gershenoff
Chuck Compton
Maurine Elliott
Lenore Casey
Gail Walsh
Sal Franco
Patrick Sexton
John Drewes
Barb Beznoska
David Greenberg
Judy Amato
Sandy Okawa
Rick Aneiro
Ruth Frayer
Jim Matrazzo
Suzette Schwartz
Arthur Whitfield
Terri Pittman
Sheldon Guss
Alan Lavine
Jerry Williams
Karen Prockish
Patricia Pacillo
Denise Ladouceur
Ken Beam
Judy Comparin
Francine Scocca
Jim DeLucia
Jim Foreman
Sarah McClosky
Marcia Shuler
Jim Shaffer
Connie Cunningham
David Withers
Patsy Rucker
Barbara Penko
Marian Fuchs
Nancy Luccisano
Chad Norcross
Linda Blanc
Rose Ann Peete
Peter Fromme
David Daggett
Edward Granville
6 pm, 2nd Sat
(L) 3 pm, Tues, (M) 3 pm Thurs
10 am, Fri
6:30 pm, Tues
6:30 pm, Wed
5 pm Early Bird & 6:30 pm, Mon
TBA Tues, Wed, & Thu
10:30 am, 2nd Friday/N – F, 4th Tues, 10:30 am
6 pm, Tue/9 am & 12:05 pm Wed/Partners, 3rd Sun
8:30 am, Fri
7 pm, 3rd Wed
6:30 pm, Thurs
9 am, Sun & Wed; 8 am, Tue; 5:30 pm, Wed
1 pm & 6:30 pm, Thurs
12:30 pm, Mon; 6:30 pm, Thurs
Play Thurs am/Mtg 1 pm, 1st Thurs
Play Wed
6:25 pm, Sun
7 pm, Sun
6:30 pm, Thurs
9 am & 7 pm, Tues
3 pm, 3rd Wed
3:30 pm, 2nd Wed
3 pm, 4th Wed
10 am, 1st Tues
6:30 pm, Mon
6:45 pm, 2nd Wed
9 am, Tues; 8 am, Thurs
4 pm, 1st Wed
6 pm, Fri (CD)
7 pm, 2nd Wed
Play Thurs
8-9 am, Tue, Sat & Sun (PP)
12 pm, Tues; 6 pm, Sun & Mon
10 am, 2nd & 4th Mon
7 pm, Sat
4 pm, Thurs
7 pm, 1st & 4th Wed
6:30 pm, Wed
7 pm, 2nd Mon
10 am, 2nd Thurs
6:30 pm, Wed; 2 pm, Fri
6 pm, Tues & Thurs
1 pm, Tues; 1:30 pm, Wed
12 pm, Tues
1 pm, Thurs
9 am, Mon & Thurs
1 pm, Mon; 12:30 pm, Sat
10 am, 2nd Thurs
(M) Mon & Thurs, 9 am; (W) Wed & Sat, 9 am
7 pm, 3rd Wed
7 pm, 1st Wed
5:30 pm, Mon & Thurs (Fitness Center)
9 am, 3rd Mon (Even Months)
2 pm, 3rd Fri
8 am, Mon, Wed, Fri, 6pm, Tues & Thurs; 9 am, Sat
1st Tues, Even Months, 7:15 pm
9 am, 1st Tues, CM; 9 am, 3rd Tues, CD
1 pm, Wed
See Calendar
2 pm, Mon – Sun; 6 pm, Sun, Tues, Wed, Thurs
8, 9 & 10 am, Mon, Wed, Fri
10 am, 1st & 3rd Thurs
6:30 pm, Tues & Wed
African-American Club
All Faith Bible Study & Charity Club
Arts & Crafts League
Billiards (Men)
Billiards (Ladies)
Bingo Club
Bocce Ball Club
Book Discussion Group
Buddies (Healthy Lifestyles)
Club 36
Computer Club
Diamond Dixie Cloggers
Duplicate Bridge
Eagle Ridge Ladies Golf Club
Eagle Ridge Men’s Golf Club
Euchre Club (Cards)
Everything & Swing (Dance Club)
Fountain Singers
Fountain Squares (Square Dance)
Fountain Woodcarvers
Garden Club
German-American Friends of Spruce Creek Gun Club
Happy Tails Dog Club
Hearing Impaired Group
Hearts Club
Horizon Players
In-Sync Swimmers
Irish American Emerald
Italian-American Club
Karaoke Club
Kitchen Club
Ladies 9-Hole Golf Association
Lap Swimmers Unlimited
Mah Jongg
Metaphysical Group
Nature Explorers
Par Nine Club (Cards)
Patriots (Trivia)
Paula’s Clown Alley
Pay Me Club (Cards)
Photography Club
Pickle Ball Club Pinochle
Poker Club
Quilters & Needle Artists
Rhythm & Notes (Dance)
SCCC Horseshoe Pitching Assoc.
Samba Club (Cards)
Singles Club
Spruce Creek Anglers (Fishing)
Spruce Creek RV Club
Straight Line Dancing
Table Tennis Assoc.
Tea-Quila Rose (Tea Club)
Technology Club
Tennis Club
Travel Club
Tree Climbers (Genealogy)
Triple Play (Cards)
Water Volleyball Club
Waterbugs (Aquacize)
Woodworkers Club
Writers’ Bloc
2 Bit Shufflers Club (shuffle board)
march 2015