PRARA NEWS ESTABLISHED 1937 MARCH 2015 IN THIS ISSUE... Monthly Columns President’s Page Nancy’s Notes General Counsel Corner 2015 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jeff Decker 1ST VICE PRESIDENT DENNIS BUDZYNSKI 2ND VICE PRESIDENT GAUTTAM PATEL SECRETARY TREASURER Ray Moore BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jesse Huey Dinesh Mittal Kamlesh Shah John Listak 3 2 Articles of Interest New Members Rack Prices Wounded Warrior Golf Classic Legislative Update Advertising Rates Legislative Update Legislative Update CCAC West Hill Class Schedule Re-cert Class Member to Member Services Classifieds Used Tire Pickup/ Used Oil 2 2 6 7 9 11 12 14 15 16-17 19 19 OFFICE STAFF Executive Director Nancy Maricondi Secretary Clara Peters HAPPY SPRING 78 YEARS OF SERVICE TO PETROLEUM RETAILERS AND AUTO REPAIR DEALERS IN PENNSYLVANIA MARCH NANCY’S NOTES WELCOME NEW MEMBERS We would like to Congratulate Roy Littlefield on receiving the Small Business Legislative Council “Small Business Distinguished Service Award”. Roy has received this award due to his efforts to advance legislation and regulations to improve conditions for the small business community. No New Members RACK PRICES Brand BP b* Citgo b* Exxon b* Gulf b* Shell b* Reg. 1.5777 1.6065 1.6120 1.607 1.6042 Roy first the SBLC in 1979, as the NTDRA’s first full time government affairs staffer. Last Monday he completed his term as Chairman. SBLC is made up of national small business associations like SSDA-AT. 02/24/15 Mid. 1.6857 1.7045 1.712 1.7055 1.6943 Prem. 1.8802 1.8985 1.907 1.906 1.9022 Despite the gridlock in Congress he was proved of the successes SBLC enjoyed over the past year through advocacy, networking and information sharing. * 10% ethanoll Tax of .689 cents per gallon and .011 cent indemnification fund & .001 cent Oil Spill Tax are not included in rack price. Superfund tax eliminated PRARA ADVERTISERS Attorney Insurance Law Office of Harry F. Klodowski Jr..................... .....5 Bulava & Associates.................................................. 13 Convenience Store Wholesalers Jobbers / Distributors A.J. Silberman & Co................................................ 18 Bradigan’s...................................................................4 Liberty USA......................................................... .... 3 Reed Oil......................................................................8 Turner Dairy...............................................................10 PPC Lubricants............................................................8 Environmental Service Signs Flynn Environmental..................................................18 JTB Sign Service.........................................................6 Groundwater Environmental Service Inc......................5 Moody & Associates Inc............................................4 Waste Management Presise Tank Modifications...................................... 12 . Environmental Specialists, Inc......................................9 2 PRESIDENT’S PAGE by Jeff Decker MARCH Several States Increase Minimum Wage Several States increase Minimum Wage – Twenty one states will have new minimum wage requirements beginning January 1, 2015. The states with changes include: • Alaska $8.75 per hour • Arizona $8.05 per hour • Arkansas $7.50 per hour • Colorado $8.23 per hour • Connecticut $9.15 per hour • Florida $8.05 per hour • Hawaii $7.75 per hour • Maryland $8.00 per hour • Massachusetts $9.00 per hour • Missouri $7.65 per hour • Montana $8.05 per hour • Nebraska $8.00 per hour • New Jersey $8.38 per hour • Ohio $8.10 per hour • Oregon $9.25 per hour • Rhode Island $9.00 per hour • South Dakota $8.50 per hour • Vermont $9.15 per hour • Washington $9.47 per hour • West Virginia $8.00 per hour Additionally, on December 31, 2014 New York will increase its minimum wage to $8.75 /LEHUW\86$LVD:+2/(6$/(',675,%8725ORFDWHGLQ:HVWHUQ3HQQV\OYDQLD 6HUYLQJVWDWHVLQFOXGLQJ3HQQV\OYDQLD2KLR:HVW9LUJLQLD0DU\ODQG 'HODZDUH1HZ<RUN.HQWXFN\ 5HWDLOHUVIDFHPDQ\FKDOOHQJHVLQWRGD\·V PDUNHWDQGZHKDYHWKH´62/87,216µ WRKHOSWKHPEHVXFFHVVIXO QUALITY SOLUTIONS PROVIDED BY LIBERTY USA: 7HFKQRORJ\ )RRG6HUYLFH 0DUNHWLQJ 0HUFKDQGLVLQJ &XVWRPHU6HUYLFH ,QYHQWRU\0DQDJHPHQW '6'5HSODFHPHQW 3URILW(QKDQFHPHQW &DWHJRU\0DQDJHPHQW 6DOHV*URZWK ® 7R/HDUQPRUHDERXW/LEHUW\86$DQGKRZZHFDQRIIHU “SOLUTIONSIRU\RXUSUCCESS” 3OHDVH&RQWDFW: Liberty USA Sales ,UZLQ5XQ5RDG:HVW0LIIOLQ3$3)VDOHVPDUNHWLQJ#OLEHUW\ 3 MARCH Experience• Efficiency • Effectiveness Sample of Services Moody’s Underground Storage Tank (UST) Management services range from tank removal through Services site characterization, full scale remidation, and closure of contaminated sites. Our certified OSHA trained licensed professional geologists and staff can assist you through the PA DEP Storage Tank Program’s regulations with the end result being an Environmental Release of Liability for your site. Underground Storage Tank Contamimated Soil and Ground Water Remediation Environmental Assessments Site Characterizations Brownfield Site Assessments USTIF’s philosophy is moving towards Pay for Performance (PFP) type contracts for their UST sites. Moody’s is working with our clients and USTIF on PFP contracts and we are ready to help you at your UST site. Meadville PA 800-836-5040 Houston PA 866-336-0000 Canton OH 877-636-4448 4 Waverly NY 877-602-3120 MARCH Law Office of Harry Klodowski, Esquire Betts, Hull & Klodowski Wexford, PA 724-940-4000 25 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE “Environmental,Commercial,Litigation” Storage Tank Litigation Buying/Selling Contaminated Properities $39.95 ********************************* WE NOW HAVE: RVP Labels Safety Inspection Manuals Drive Off Labels 2012 Labor Law Posters Stage II Decals Low Sulfar Diesel Labels Spill Containment Kits Emission Signs Keystone Ins. signs/number plates Safety Ins MV-431’s & Motorcycle Kit contains: 5lb. Lite Dry 2 48” socks 8 absorbant pads 2 pair gloves 2 hazardous waste bags 5 MARCH PRARA 24th Annual Spring GOLF CLASSIC June 3, 20 15 201 MEADO WINK GOLF C OURSE MEADOWINK COURSE 40 7 6 BULL T O WN R OAD 407 BULLT RO MURR Y S VILLE P A 1 MURRY PA 15668 5668 P ETR OLEUM R ET AILERS AND A UT O R EP AIR A SSOCIA TION IS SPONSORIN G A GOLF OUTIN G T O BENEFIT THE ETROLEUM ETAILERS UTO EPAIR SSOCIATION SPONSORING OUTING W OUNDED WARRIORS PR OJECT . T HE DAY WILL BEGIN WITH C OFFEE AND DONUT S AT 8:30 A . M . F OLL O WED PROJECT DONUTS OLLO 8 HOLES OF GOLF , C AR T GUN S TAR T AT 9:00 A . M . T HE C OS T IN CL UDES 1 T , BREAKF AS T BEF ORE B Y A SHO SHOT ART INCL CLUDES 18 ART BREAKFAS AST BEFORE C H AT THE TURN , BUFFET DINNER , AND PRIZES . GOLF , L UN UNC D IRECTIONS: P ARKW AY E AS T T O EXIT AT RT . 22 M URR YS VILLE. A T 7 TH LIGHT, MAKE LEFT (M CD ON ALD’ S ARKWA AST URRY ONALD ). G O S TRAIGHT THR OUGH ON SARDIS ROAD AB OUT 3 MILES. G O PAS T MURR YS VILLE G OLF C OURSE, MAKE THROUGH ABOUT AST URRY O B ULL T OWN R OAD . M EADO WINK IS ON THE LEFT . FIRS T LEFT ONT ONTO ULLT EADOWINK FIRST F OR MORE INF ORMA TION , INFORMA ORMATION M AKE C HEC K S PAYABLE HECK M AIL WITH COMPLETED TO: FORM TO : PLEASE CALL THE PRARA OFFICE C OST : $95.00 PER PERSON PRARA 1 05 1 Br int on R oad 105 051 Brint inton Road AT 4 12-2 41-2380 41 2-24 SUITE 3 04 PITT 522 1 SBUR GH PA 1 30 ITTSBUR SBURGH 1522 5221 MANY CASH SKILL PRIZES Y ES , I WANT T O PL AY !!____ PLA $_________________FOR________GOLFERS. E NCLOSED I S A CHECK F O R NAME: ______________________________________________P H O N E :_____________________ COMP ANY: PA _______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________ C I T Y : _________________________________________________________ P A PA Z I P :___________ F OURSOME I NF ORMA TION : NFORMA ORMATION NAME ___________________________________________________________________________________ P ARTNER ___________________________________________________________________________________ Par tner artner Foursome Information and Payments must be received by May 22, 2015 6 MARCH SSDA-AT Legislative Update SECTION 179 On February 13, the House of Representatives passed SSDA-AT supported legislation restoring the small business expensing – sometimes called the Section 179 expensing – level to $500,000, including limited improvements to real property and permanently indexing the level to inflation. Small business expensing allows business owners to immediately deduct the cost of a qualified investment in the year that it is purchased, rather than being forced to depreciate the cost of the investment over time. Since 2003, Congress has steadily increased the amount of investment that small businesses can expense from $25,000 to $500,000. Support for this expansion has been long-standing, bipartisan and widespread. Legislation expanding and/or extending small business expensing has been enacted nine times, across two Presidential Administrations and six Congresses, under both Democratic and Republican leadership. These higher expensing limits were temporary, however, and at the beginning of this year they again reverted to $25,000 and will remain there unless Congress acts. Additionally, small business expensing simplifies record-keeping and paperwork. Under standard depreciation, small business owners must keep records of, and file tax paperwork associated with, eligible investments for up to 39 years. According to a 2007 Internal Revenue Service (IRS) study, each small business devotes, on average, about 240 hours complying with the tax code, and spends over $2,000 in tax compliance costs each year. An overwhelming share of the time burden is due to record-keeping. Furthermore, high tax compliance costs consistently rank as a top concern of small business owners, and act as a drag on investment, growth and innovation. Small business expensing, as the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) notes, reduces the compliance burden for many taxpayers, freeing up time and resources to better devote to their businesses. Let me give some examples of “tax reform” concerning infrastructure funding. I find it unlikely that a now Republican controlled Congress would do something as visible as raising the motor fuel tax. What might be more appealing to Tea Party members? Eliminating the LIFO accounting method would raise $88 billion without raising any tax. You could reinstate the FET on passenger tires, making the care that reinstatement is much different than raising what the tax was. The Committee staff does not have a solution. There is no bill as of yet. What they are doing is “scoring” how much every possible tax could raise and what would be the political fallout – political reality that greatly concerns us. A 5 cent to 15 cent per pound tax on tread rubber might fuel a need with little political fallout. As deals are made behind closed doors, imagine the impact on the retread industry if Congress supports a weight-distance tax on truckers, which would eliminate the FET on new truck tires and also increase the FET on retread rubber to 15 cents a pound. KEYSTONE PIPELINE On February 11, the U.S. House approved the Senate-passed Keystone XL Pipeline bill. SSDA-AT is in support of this legislation. This bipartisan bill is now on its way to the President’s desk. The White House will be forced to finally make a decision – either sign the legislation or approve the permit. The American people deserve a yes or no answer. Are we open for investment, economic growth and new jobs? More than six years after the Keystone XL pipeline was first proposed, American communities along the route are still waiting for the jobs and economic activity the project would bring. The American people will be watching to see if President Obama supports more jobs and economic growth or caters to the minority of special interests. We can’t afford any more lost opportunities. It’s time to build the Keystone XL Pipeline. 7 MARCH . Quality GASOLINE and TRANSPORT Service Since 1972 Celebrating 25 Years of Dependable Service to Independent Gasoline Retailers in Western PA Great Reputation, Competitive Pricing Branded/Unbranded Gasoline, E85, Bio Diesel, On Road/Off Road, Kerosene Contact Ron Rotolo 724-333-5964 Email: PPC Lubricants & PRARA are proud to announce a new OIL PROGRAM specifically to help put thousands of dollars back in your pocket. Quarterly rebates , advertising,and excellant products. Call Dave Ondik Today! 412-719-0063 8 MARCH Environmental Specialists, Inc. ¾ Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Management Services ¾ Wastewater Treatment ¾ Used Oil and Used Antifreeze Recycling Services ¾ Aqueous and Solvent Based Parts Washing Technologies ¾ EPA and OSHA Compliance and Reporting Services ¾ Industrial Maintenance and Vacuum Truck Services ¾ Used Oil Fuel Sales and Used Oil for Re-refining Sales ¾ Windshield Washer Fluid, Recreational Antifreeze, and Diesel Exhaust Fluid(DEF) Sales ¾ Complete Transportation Services Serving Ohio, Western Pennsylvania, Northern West Virginia, Southeast Michigan and Maryland Phone: 888-331-3443 y Fax: 330-746-8175 y 1000 Andrews Avenue y Youngstown y Ohio y 44505 NEW Advertising Rates We have made some changes to the format of the monthly advertising. The prices for a yearly advertisement is as follows: 1/2 page $600 1/4 page $450 1/8 page $330 Insert (one mailing) $100 9 MARCH 10 MARCH PA SENATE PASSES BILL PROMOTING CONVENTIONAL OIL PRODUCTION IN PA The Senate Wednesday approved legislation 48 to 0 introduced by Sen. Scott Hutchinson (R-Venango) that will protect and promote conventional oil and natural gas production in Pennsylvania. Senate Bill 279, legislation to protect the conventional oil and gas production industry from state regulations intended for companies extracting Marcellus Shale gas, now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration. The bill would establish the Penn Grade Crude Development Advisory Council, a panel empowered to study existing regulations and assist the Department of Environmental Protection in making changes that better address the differences between conventional and unconventional oil and gas production. “Oil and gas production is a part of the Commonwealth’s heritage and remains a key component of the economy of northwestern Pennsylvania,” said Sen. Hutchinson. “The council created under this bill would work to promote the conventional gas and oil industry and protect it from regulations intended solely for the Marcellus Shale gas extraction industry. The panel would work with the DEP to ensure that the differences between the operations are taken into account as these regulations and laws are developed and implemented.” On Tuesday the Department of Environmental Protection announced the formation of a Conventional Oil and Gas Advisory Committee to increase transparency and communication about regulating the conventional oil and gas drilling industry. “I am pleased to see the DEP is now moving in a similar direction as I propose in Senate Bill 279, but I still believe it is important that we codify this initiative in law,” Sen. Hutchinson said. “One significant difference is the Penn Grade Crude Development Advisory Council is intended to promote the conventional oil and gas industry in the Commonwealth. My Senate district includes the birthplace of oil and gas production in Pennsylvania over a century and a half ago. These resources fueled the industrial revolution and transformed our nation’s economy. This industry is an important part of the regional economy. It should be supported by the state, not stymied by excessive and unnecessary regulatory burdens.” Senate Bill 279 now goes to the House for consideration. A summary and Senate Fiscal Note are available. State and National Auto Care Groups Announce Industry Grassroots Network BETHESDA, MD – January 29, 2014 – The Auto Care Association, the Alliance of State Automotive Aftermarket Associations (ASAAA) and the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers (AASP) announced today the formation of the Auto Care Advocacy Network. The Network was formed to create a more comprehensive and systemized auto care industry response to legislative and regulatory initiatives in Washington, D.C. and in the states. “There are auto care manufacturers, distributors, retailers and service facilities in nearly every legislative district in the country,” said Bruce Tschida, president, AASP and owner, Lake Marion Collision in Lakeville, Minn. “The goal of the Network is to develop the ability to quickly activate these grassroots resources to ensure our industry has a unified voice on issues impacting our economic well-being.” “Issues are being considered by Congress and state legislatures around the country and it is critical that the industry has a strong and coordinated program to address these initiatives, whether they are positive or negative,” said Aaron Lowe, senior vice president, regulatory and government affairs, Auto Care Association. “State groups working together with our national associations represent a significant potential grassroots power,” said Gary Manke, executive director, ASAAA. “Our members look forward to empowering our state groups and their membership to ensure an effective and powerful grassroots program in support of our industry.” For more information on the Network, contact Aaron Lowe at 301-654-6664 and 11 MARCH Precise Tank Modifications, Inc. PO Box 274, Madison, PA 15663 Donald J. Maughan, President James R. Preisach, Project Manager Phone: (724) 446-3516 Fax: (724) 446-0175 Quality Petroleum Contractors & Distributors DEP Certified: Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland > Underground & Aboveground Storage Tanks > Storage System Installations & Removals > Helium Detection Service > Site Inspections > C-Store Installations > Car Wash Installations > Design Consultation > Remediation Coordination > Permitting & Project Management > Fuel System Electrial Systems > Site Preparation & Restoration > Storm Water Management Systems > Hydrostatic Testing > Factory Direct Fueling Components & Equipment From our Friends at TIA TIA ISSUES POSITION STATEMENT ON SCRAP TIRES AND PRODUCE RESPONSIBILITY Bowie, Md. – The Tire Industry Association (TIA) announced that it has issued a position statement on scrap tires and producer responsibility. The statement was developed by the Association’s Environmental Advisory Council (EAC). In its statement, the Association promotes and supports a competitive, market-based system to manage the flow of scrap tires and scrap tire materials. This free enterprise systems of scrap tire management is highly successful today with a scrap tire recovery rate approaching 90%. Recently, legislation has been introduced in a few states that would shift the responsibility for managing scrap tires to the manufacturer of the product. Many of these “Extended Producer Responsibility” (EPR) or Product Stewardship bills are drafted in a way that would restrict or interfere with the free flow of scrap tires to selected markets. Establishing an extended producer responsibility system in the United States would create an additional level of management or oversight, would add costs without any significant benefit, would remove the retailer from direct negotiations with their suppliers and would replace an efficient well established free market based system for managing scrap tires with an unproven system. “TIA supports a competitive free market system that does not interfere with the free flow of scrap tire recyclable materials,” said TIA Executive Vice President Roy Littlefield. In addition to the position statement, TIA has submitted comments to the Environment Committee in the State of Connecticut regarding S.B. No. 869 which would establish a tire stewardship program in the state. TIA is opposed to the bill. The Committee will hold a public hearing on the bill on Friday, February 13. 12 MARCH Consultants / Insurance Brokers Join the growing number of PRARA members who insure with Bulava & Associates. Bulava & Associates values our professional affiliation with the Petroleum Retailers and Auto Repair Association -- and the opportunity to provide business insurance protection to members like you. If your business is already insured through our agency, we thank you and pledge to continue working hard to earn your trust! If you’re not currently insured with us, why not join the growing number of your PRARA associates who place their confidence in Bulava & Associates to protect their hard-earned assets? For more information, contact us today. XXXCVMBWBJOTVSBODFDPNtt'BY 13 MARCH CCAC WEST HILLS CENTER 1000 MCKEE ROAD OAKDALE, PA 15071 412-241-2380 EMISSION Re-Certification Course Schedule March 18, April 21 Emission Inspector March 17, 19 ,24, 26 State Inspection April 6, 8, 13, 15 14 MARCH 3/16/2015 SIGN UP NOW Emission Re-Cert Class Being held at the PRARA office March 16, 2015 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (412) 241-2380 $79.00 per person You may take this class up to 6 months before the expiration date so take advantage of the location. Limited seating. Non Members $89. 15 MARCH Member-to-Member-Services Accountants RobinsonYoung & Associates Oakmont , PA 412-423-1093 ATM ATM Cash World Tom Ranallo--Pittsburgh, PA 800-937-5169 Attorney Albert G. Feczko Pittsburgh, PA 412-833-5554 Inventory Service Strangis & Swaney 724-493-4090 C-store Distributors A.J. Silberman & Co. Indianola PA 412-455-1011 Liberty USA West Mifflin PA 412-461-2700 PetroSopft Office C-Store Back Office Program John Vlasic (412-306-0640x2017 Clean Hands LLC Pgh Pa 412-961-1207 Computers Automotive Inspection Systems MVIRS-Motor Vehicle Inspection Reporting System Pete Kipe / Rick Dunmire 1-866-376-8477 Computer Solutions Dick Norchi--Allison Park, PA 412-369-8896 Consulting S.I.S. J R Bachor Tarentum , Pa 724-224-1220 Environmental-Tanks-Upgrades Petroleum Technical Service Mike Gifford--Butler, PA 724-287-4148 Environmental- tanks & upgrades Precise Tank Modifications Inc. Waste Oil/ Contamined product pick-up Environmental Specialist Ron Blinsky-McDonald, OH 1-888-3313443 Flynn Environmental, Inc. Michael Flynn--Pittsburgh, PA 1-800-690-940 Groundwater & Environmental Srv Inc. Jon Agnew--Cranberry Twp, PA 800-267-2549 ext 3636 Letterle & Associates, LLC Lou Letterle--Allison Park, PA 412-486-0600 Moody & Associates Mark Miller 814-724-4970 Steel City Fueling Systems William Brandenstein-Pittsburgh, PA 412--327-7030 Donald Maughan--Madison, PA 724-446-3516 S.I.S. J R Bachor Tarentum, PA 724-224-1220 Steel City Fueling Systems William Brandenstein-Pittsburgh, PA 412--327-7030 The Weavertown Group John Lavezoli- Carnegie 724-746-4850 Shockey Excavating, Inc George Shockey 724-282-3669 Financial Services Shockey Excavating, George Shockey 724-282-3669 Financial Transactions Services LLC Credit Card Processing Hal Treelisky 412-720-8345 George I Reitz & Sons Sandy Crawford East Pittsburgh PA 412-824-9976 Advanced Fire Company Ron Cruder--Greensburg, PA 724-834-6550 McRo Construction Inc. Donald Rothey Jr.--Elizabeth, PA 412-384-6051 Views expressed in editorials and text are not always the opinion of PRARA. Furthermore, PRARA is not liable for any claims/promises made by advertiaers. Fire Supression Insurance Bulava & Associates Joe Bulava--Greensburg, PA 724-836-7610 Pinnacle Group LLC Kirk Haldeman--Pittsburgh, PA Jack Bonus Insurance Mark Bleier- Pittsburgh, PA 412-452-8722 If you have a service that would be useful to your fellow PRARA members, give us a call at (412) 241-2380 and we will list your name and product/service in our future monthly issues. 16 Member-to-Member-Services Gas Island Restoration & Concrete repair Simon Surfaces Rich Serignese 1-866-201-3541 Parts/Petroleum Equip. George I Reitz & Sons, Inc. Sandy Crawford--E Pittsburgh, PA 412-824-9976 Don Parker Sales Inc. Pam Pitell 1916 Babcock Blvd 412-821-4085 Petroleum Technical Services Mike Gifford Butler, PA 724-287-4148 PartsCleaner Petroleum Purvis Brothers Inc. Mack Purvis-Mars, PA 724-625-1566 PPC Lubricants Dave Ondik 412-719-0063 R & W Oil Products Richard Smith--McKeesport, PA 412-678-6121 Reed Oil Company Ron Rotolo--New Castle, PA 800-922-5454 Superior Petroleum Don Bowers-Pittsburgh, PA 412-576-2601 American Agip 1-800-922-9243 Bulk Oil Programs Parts Cleaners Kleen-Line 412-466-6277 Petroleum Bolea Oil Products Robert Bolea--Coraopolis, PA 412-264-1130 Bradigan’s Inc. Tom Bradigan --Kittanning 724-548-7654 Glassmere Fuel Service Dell Cromie--Tarentum, PA 724-265-4646 Guttman Oil Company Kevin Forsythe-Belle Vernon, PA 724-483-3533 Kehm Oil Company George Kehm--Oakdale, PA 412-921-5200 Remodeling McRo Construction Inc. Donald Rothey Jr.--Elizabeth, PA 412-384-6051 S.I.S.J.R. Bachor Tarentum, PA 724-224-1220 MARCH Site Inspections & Technical Services Petroleum Technical Services Butler, PA Mike Gifford 724-287-4148 George I Reitz & Sons, Inc Sandy Crawford- East Pittsburgh PA 412-824-9976 S.I.S JR Bachor Tarentum PA 724-224-1220 Taxes Robinson Young & Associates 412-423-1093 Tires Keystone Tire & Auto Supply Inc. Mark Greenwald--Braddock, PA 412-271-1989 Uniforms Arrow Uniform Carrie Weber 724-417-8500 Signs JTB Sign Service Jim Rahe--Pittsburgh, PA 412-279-3360 Grease Traps Steel City Grease Traps Mark Kuss 412-583-0206 Underground Storage Tank/Line Testing George I Reitz & Sons, Inc.- Testing Sandy Crawford--E Pittsburgh, PA 412-824-9976 Petroleum Technical Services Butler, PA 724-287-4148 Gulf Oil LLC Doug Storch-Pittsburgh, PA 724-333-5964 If you have a service that would be useful to your fellow PRARA members, give us a call at (412) 241-2380 and we will list your name and product/service in our future monthly issues. 17 MARCH 18 MARCH CLASSIFIEDS EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT Place your ad here Place your ad here USED OIL PICKUP FOR SALE ENVIRONMENTAL C-STORE, RESTAURANT SPECIALISTS,INC APARTMENT 1-888-331-3443 GARAGE 2/BAYS PETRO MAX GAS & DIESEL 412-279-9040 CHAMPION, PA Contact Denny or Sandy USED TIRE PICKUP 724-593-7760 or 7788 1-888-868-0097 LIBERTY TIRE FOR LEASE BAY STATION W/GAS WASHINGTON ROAD BRIDGEVILLE PA JOE 724-941-5995 19 MARCH Calendar of Events March 2015 March 4, Liberty Show Trade Show March 10, Board Meeting March 16, Re-Cert Class (Prara Office) March 17, A J Silberman Trade SHow Upcoming Events PRARA Charity Golf Outing June 3 PETROLEUM RETAILERS & AUTO REPAIR ASSOCIATION 1051 Brinton Road Suite 304 Pittsburgh PA 15221 20
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