Linn-Mar Football Players and Parent(s) / Guardian(s): Welcome to another season of Lion Football! The following information provides a brief informational and philosophical framework of our football program. Linn-Mar football players will be disciplined and fundamentally sound, with an emphasis on fun, character, playing the game right, and working hard. We will achieve the most when players are playing football the way it was meant to be played while building memories and relationships that will last a lifetime. Off the field Lion football players will be recognized as not only good football players, but respectful, mature young men. Players and parents are encouraged to make the most of this time spent competing in high school athletics. Be proud members of the football program, constantly strive to improve and find ways to help our team. As parents of our football players know that the football program relies on your support and volunteerism to ensure a successful season. Please be involved in the Touchdown Club and help in any way you can. In this pre-season program handbook, you will find an assortment of information attempting to improve communication and expectations between coaches, parents, and players. Parents and Players should make sure they are aware of our Code of Conduct Policies issued by the high school and how a violation of these policies may affect their athletic participation. If you have any questions, please email me at GO LIONS! Bob Forsyth Head Football Coach Linn-Mar High School FUNDAMENTALS OF OUR PROGRAM The Lion Football Program will be based on sound principles to challenge, motivate, and inspire young men during their High School football experience. We will focus on competing to the best of our ability, and we will coach with energy and enthusiasm to achieve that goal. The ultimate goal is a State Championship but as we focus on giving 100% effort; success will be a byproduct of our hard work, enthusiasm and love of the game. As a staff, we are here to serve and be a living example of commitment to our players. We will challenge them to grow physically, academically, and socially. 1. CHARACTER: Because High School is such an impressionable time, coaches have the awesome responsibility of helping players mature and develop their character. As a staff, we must lead by example and help these young men grow into leaders, both in their own lives and in their community. Our Program will help mold their character and affect a positive influence in their lives. 2. SERVITUDE:We teach the importance of service in daily lives—service to family, teammates, and community. This selflessness is in effect leadership training because all great leaders are servant warriors. We will achieve greatness as a team with this kind of attitude because we will believe in the team instead of individuals. . 3. PASSION:This is the fire that burns within. We cannot lead our players and achieve success without first instilling passion. Our players must play with their whole hearts and possess an utter enthusiasm. It is the love of teammates, the Program and the game of football itself. The Game of Football The great game of football encompasses all three of these fundamentals and helps to nurture and foster them. Football is a unique game that brings together young men from different racial and economic backgrounds and teaches them to work as one. The team is the priority and becomes an extension of immediate family. Players will learn to work together and build trust and respect for one another. Football is also an extension of the education process. Student-athletes will develop such qualities as hard work, determination, desire, and an ability to deal with adversity. Discipline We believe that strict mental and physical discipline is the “cornerstone” of every great football program. We expect our student athletes to conduct themselves in a positive manner at all times within these basic thoughts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Negative attitudes will never be tolerated. The football “team family” is #1. Everyone will be treated fairly. All student athletes will adhere to our team guidelines. All student athletes will adhere strictly to a “no use” contract with applies to all “mood altering substances”, including alcohol and tobacco. 6. All of our student athletes will be present and on time for all practices, meetings, and other “team family” functions. 7. All of our student athletes will work to the best of their abilities in the classroom. 8. All of our student athletes are expected to be good citizens and good people. 9. Self-discipline is our ultimate goal. 10. Team: there is no “I” in team. Football is the ultimate team sport. Success depends on putting personal goals behind team goals. Decision Making Athletics provide great opportunities for physical, mental, emotional, and social development. Football is much more than a sport; it is a means to develop young people into great individuals that can give back to our community and nation. It is the philosophy of the Lion Football Program to help develop each and every individual on the team into successful leaders on and off the field. As coaches, we must help our student-athletes make the best choices. We can teach hard work, loyalty, honesty, perseverance, etc. There are many teachable moments in the course of a football season that coaches, parents, and teammates can take advantage of in order to teach valuable lessons. Decision making at the high school level is broken down into three components. These components include making decisions on academics, decisions on extracurricular activities, and personal life decisions. All of these areas directly correlate with one another. Thus, it is our belief as a football program, if we can teach student-athletes how to make great decisions related to academics, football, and their personal life, we can positively affect their future. Attendance at Practice and Games Regular attendance at football practice / workouts and games is essential if the players are to learn the skills and the strategies that make them and the team successful. Missing practice jeopardizes this success, lets the team down and reflects a clear lack of commitment to its goals. For these reasons, it cannot be tolerated. Policy: ● ● ● Student-Athletes will be expected to be in attendance and on time to all football related functions unless excused by the Head Coach. If a player misses a practice/workout that is unexcused a one game suspension or equivalent may be imposed. If a player misses a practice/workout again that is deemed unexcused the parents will be notified and a 2 game suspension or equivalent is possible. ● If a player misses a practice/workout for a third time that is deemed unexcused the parents will be notified and removal from the team is possible. ● Any student-athlete may be dismissed from the football team for behavior unbecoming a student-athlete at Linn-Mar High School as determined by the Head Coach Player Evaluation Everyone on the team makes valuable contributions toward the success of the TEAM! Some of the most valuable players we will have are players who do not start. Not everyone can start, be all-conference, and all-state, but anyone who works hard can and will have a significant role! The following criteria will be used in player evaluation: ● Effort and participation in the off- season program. ● Who is the best player at that position? The best players will play regardless of their year in school. Performance in practice and not potential will be utilized. ● Effort, attitude, and hustle in practice. ● Practice / Weight room attendance. ● The player’s health and injury status will be considered. ● Coach ability. Will the player do what we ask him to do? Can he get the job done? ● Team player. A person who will sacrifice individual glory for the good of the team Teams Freshmen Team ● Consists of all Freshmen ● Emphasize on participation and fundamental development Sophomore Team ● Consists of Sophomores ● Emphasize on participation and fundamental development ● Core sophomore team may be joined by members of the freshman team as the roster numbers or player situations dictate. Junior Varsity Team ● Emphasize on participation and fundamental development ● Core JV team may be joined by members of the fresh /sophomore team Varsity Team ● Selected by the coaches ● Not based on grade in school ● Varsity playing time is not guaranteed Program Progression th 9 Grade Year to Sophomore Team th ● Must finish 9 grade school year in good standing ● Must remain academically eligible 10th Grade year to Varsity Team th ● Must finish 10 grade school year in good standing ● Must remain academically eligible th 11 Grade Year to Varsity Team th ● Must finish 11 grade school year in good standing ● Must remain academically eligibility Summer Program Freshman Incoming Freshman Football players are encouraged to participate in the Intermediate Strength Camp offered over the summer. Sophomore Incoming Sophomore Football players are encouraged to participate in the Advanced Strength Camp offered over the summer. Varsity Perspective Varsity Football Players are encouraged to participate in the Advanced Strength Camp offered over the Summer. Summer Workout Attendance Competition Prospective football players who choose to participate in the competition will achieve a set attendance requirement for the Strength Camp Sessions. Attendance percentage needed and reward are listed below by grade. 11th-12th- 80% Jersey number with name included in the TD Club Pre-Season T-Shirt sale. Any Senior reaching this goal will also appear in the season poster. Absences that will NOT work against your % include: ● ● ● ● Football Camp Experiences Family Vacation Time Direct In-Season Conflicts Family/Health Emergencies End of season Awards In order for an athlete to receive an award in football they must complete the season in good standing. Awards will be based on the individuals contribution to the success of the team. A variety of factors will be considered, including but not limited to the following: Playing time, attendance at practices, work ethic during practice and the off-season. If an athlete participates in the program Freshman-Senior year that athlete will receive a Varsity Letter at the conclusion of his senior year regardless of playing time. Freshman Year award = Certificate Sophomore Award = Certificate J.V Award = Certificate st 1 Varsity Letter = LM / Numerals st 1 Football Letter = Football Pin or LM if you don’t have one nd- 3rd 2 Football Letter= Gold Bar Student –Athletes will be recognized at the conclusion of the season at the Football Awards Night . This will be held at the high school and will include all high school teams (Freshman/Soph/Varsity) the date and time will be announced at the conclusion of the season. All student-athletes that have completed the season in good standing will be recognized with their team. Football Team Awards Will be given out at the discretion of the Varsity Coaching Staff Communication ● Parents/Guardians should discuss all issues with your athlete first, and then contact the Head Coach if necessary. ● No player or parent should approach any coach before, during, or after a game to discuss an issue. ● Parents should discuss any issue with their child before contacting the Head Coach or the Athletic Director. ● After talking to their child, parents may request to talk to the Head Coach ONLY ! Appropriate Concerns to Discuss : ● The treatment of your child, mentally and physically. ● Ways to help you child improve. ● Concerns about your child’s behavior Issues Not Appropriate to Discuss : • Playing time • Team Strategy • Other student / athletes Uniform Care Football Game uniforms should be laundered in warm or cool water after each use. DO NOT DRY CLEAN! Wash separately! NEVER MIX ITEMS! All practice gear should be washed on a REGULAR schedule at LEAST ONCE A WEEK!!! Laundering Tips : ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Turn jerseys inside out. Use a MILD detergent Do Not Bleach Do Not use a Fabric Softener Remove from wash immediately when finished. You may use a pre-soak agent if needed Tumble Dry or Hang dry only! USE LOW HEAT! If using a dryer. The Training Room All injuries must be checked and cleared by Jill before an athlete can return to participation. Please see or call Jill before going to a doctor on your own. She will evaluate your condition and work with the medical network if required. We are very fortunate to have a very dedicated and knowledgeable athletic trainer available to you. Here are some reminders: ● You have a responsibility to the team to get back to practice/games as soon as possible after an injury. Missed practice time may affect your playing time! ● You will be dressed out and at practice as much as possible when injured per Jill / Head Coach Instructions. ● You are to be in the training room only if Jill has requested that you receive treatment. She is very busy and space is limited. ● You must follow all training room rules ● You are required to follow through with any treatments/appointments that Jill schedules for you. Insurance (Reference: Board Policy 504.9) It is strongly recommended that a student participating in the interscholastic athletics be adequately insured. A policy from an insurance company may be obtained through the school. If a parent wishes his/her child to participate without insurance, he/she must submit a written statement accepting full responsibility. Physicals All students must have a physical each year in order to participate in athletics. These physicals must be taken after July 1 and before participating. Forms may be obtained from the web page or athletic office MRSA Together, the Linn Mar Medical Staff and administration along with the St. Luke’s Sports Medicine team would like to take the opportunity to share with you the proper procedures and preventative measures We will suggest and take if we do unfortunately have a MRSA break out in our school district. Please remember that these preventative measures are things that each student and family can do to help reduce the risk of a MRSA breakout. MRSA is known as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. MRSA are strains of Staph bacteria that have developed a resistance to the most common antibiotics to treatment (the methicillin family). MRSA is a rapidly progressing bacteria that attacks the soft tissue area of the skin and can become systemic by entering the bloodstream which endangers joints and vital organs. How do you Contract MRSA? > MRSA can be transferred from the nose to other surfaces and individuals via the hands. > MRSA is spread Via contact with the skin that has the infection or surfaces that have come in Contact With infected skin. > MRSA can live on for months on fabrics and surfaces. What Does MRSA Look Like? > The most common misdiagnosis of MRSA are spider bites, impetigo, and cellulitis. How to Prevent MRSA: Maintain good general hygiene With regular bathing and clothes washing. Wash hands regularly with an antimicrobial soap with residual killing action, or frequently use an alcohol based hand sanitizer. Do not share items that may become contaminated with wound drainage, such as towels, clothing, bedding, bar soap, razors, and any equipment that touches the skin at all times. Have students Wash hands and arms up to mid biceps before and after any known contact activities with antimicrobial soap. Clean all skin wounds and skin showing inílammation with antimicrobial cleaner. Equity The Linn - Mar Community School District shall provide equal educational and employment opportunities and will not illegally discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or genetic information in its educational programs and activities or in its employment and personnel policies and practices. This district shall provide educational programs and activities which include curricular and instructional resources which reflect the racial and cultural diversity present in the United States and the Variety of careers, roles, and lifestyles open to both men and Women in our society. These programs and activities shall foster respect and appreciation for the cultural diversity found in our country, an awareness of the rights, duties, and responsibilities of each individual as a member of a pluralistic society, and reduce stereotyping and bias on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and genetic information. The district shall take affirmative action in recruitment, appointment, assignment, and advancement of Women and men, minorities, and disabled. A fair and supportive environment will be provided for all students and employees regardless of their race, creed, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or genetic information. EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT Code 101 As a school corporation of Iowa, the Linn-Mar Community School District, acting through its Board, is dedicated to promoting an equal opportunity for a quality public education to its students within the limitations of the school district’s ability and willingness to furnish financial support to provide for students. In cooperation with parents/guardians, the school district will strive to provide a nurturing learning environment that gives guidance and encourages critical thinking in students for a lifetime. If a student/athlete needs financial assistance to participate in an activity, please talk to a coach in private. This will always be held in confidence HAZIN6: Hazing As per Linn Mar Board Policy there will be no hazing allowed. This includes those “initiation” practices that have happened in the past in various co-curricular activities. We are supporting this policy and students involved in these practices need to understand that this is in violation of the co curricular policy. If it is found out that students participate in hazing, they will be suspended for part of their season. Please also remember that hazing is against the law and that charges may be filed. ANTI BULLYING/HARASSMENT POLICY Code M Harassment and bullying of students and employees are against federal, state and local policy, and are not tolerated by the Board. The Board is committed to providing all student and employees with a safe and civil school environment in which all members of the school community are treated with dignity and respect. To that end, the Board has in place policies, procedures, and practices that are designed to reduce and eliminate bullying and harassment as well as processes and procedures to deal with incidents of bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment of students by students, school employees, and volunteers will not be tolerated in the school or school district. The Board prohibits harassment, bullying, hazing, or any other victimization of students, based on any of the following actual or perceived traits or characteristics, including but not limited to age, color, creed, national origin, race, religion, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical attributes, physical or mental ability or disability, ancestry, political party preference, political belief, socioeconomic status, or familial status. This policy is in effect while students or employees are on property within the jurisdiction of the Board; while on school~owned or school~operated vehicles; while attending or engaged in school| sponsored activities; and while away from school grounds if the misconduct directly affects the good order, efficient management and welfare of the school or school district. If, after an investigation, a student is found to be in violation of this policy, the student shall be disciplined bv appropriate measures up to. and including suspension and expulsion. When looking at the totality of the circumstances, harassment and bullying mean any electronic, Written, verbal, or physical act or conduct toward a student or employee which is based on any actual or perceived trait or characteristic of the student or employee and which creates an objectively hostile school/Work environment that meets one or more ofthe following conditions: individuals who feel that they have been harassed should: Communicate to the harasser that the individual expects the behavior to stop, if the individual is comfortable doing so. If the individual wants assistance communicating with the harasser, the individua! should ask a teacher, counselor or principal to. If the harassment does not stop, or the individual does not feel comfortable confronting the harasser, the individual should: Tell a teacher, counselor or principal.
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