G od has blessed our families with a vision for a city and a community. We are going to plant a brand new church, called “Risen Church”, in Austin, Texas in 2015. Our goal is to share Jesus with a culture that is searching for meaning. Please consider helping see this vision become reality. WHY AUSTIN? YOUNG. PROGRESSIVE. TECH. DIVERSE. SECULAR. Austin is an amazing city, culturally diverse and growing like crazy. In the last twenty years, the population of Austin has basically doubled, growing from 470,000 to 840,000. Austin was the third fastest growing city in the country from 2000 to 2006, and the Austin/Round Rock metropolitan area boasts a population of over 1,800,000. The growth is predominantly young, and the Austin metro area attracted more young people and college graduates than any other major metropolitan area in the country during the period from 20092011. As anyone paying attention to church attendance statistics knows, young people are much less likely to attend church, pray on a regular basis, or even believe in God. The culture of young Americans (sometimes referred to as “Millennials”) is trending decidedly secular. Austin is on the front line of the cultural shift that is happening in America. WHO WE ARE Andrew Stamatis Andrew has a Bachelors degree in Pastoral Theology. He has served on staff for several years at a growing church in Ohio. He will serve as the lead pastor of Risen. Joyce Stamatis Joyce has a Bachelors Degree in Secretarial Studies and is a Preschool teacher. She is a devoted wife and mom who spent many years working in a ministry to children in inner city Chicago. Brandi Garcia Brandi has a bachelor of science degree in elementary education. She has been involved in children’s ministry since high school and has a heart for young people. She is currently a stay at home mom and enjoys photography. Anthony Stamatis Anthony has a great passion for Ninja Turtles and and other three year old boy things. Illianna Stamatis Anna is often cranky when no one is paying attention to her. We’re not sure yet how she will contribute to the plant. Ivan Garcia Ivan has a Bachelors degree in Pastoral Theology and has worked as a key member of a team planting churches in Northwest Indiana. He will serve as the assistant pastor and worship leader at Risen. Olivia Garcia Olivia loves to pull on her dog, Buffy’s, ears and tail. She spends her days eating, watching Sesame Street, and making messes. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH Churches Planting Churches Grace Baptist Church is Andrew and Joyce’s home church and their sending church. Pastored by Dr. Richard Powers Sr., GBC has a heart for missions and for church planting, and has taken on the role of resourcing and assisting the Risen plant team as they prepare for the launch. The church is currently helping Andrew and Joyce with their fund raising efforts, and assisting them with housing as they work towards the move to Austin. Andrew and Joyce currently serve in the GBC youth department, and Andrew works on the maintenance staff at the church. Anthony and Anna enjoy the nursery and AWANA activities at Grace Baptist Church every week. OUR PLAN A Ministry of Reconciliation “The church is not a building. It is not stone or wood with a roof and doors.” I t is a community of people with a common Saviour and a common mission. That mission is to reconcile the world to God by the spreading of the Gospel of Christ and to strengthen the saved through the fellowship of believers and the preaching of the Word of God. “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:18) The church is Jesus’ plan to make a difference in the world. Our plan is to build small groups- mini communities within our church community- that will function as teams to reach the Austin area. These groups will participate in different ways to reach into the heart of the city and show the difference a life with Christ can have. Here are some examples of ways these groups will minister to the attendees: Shared spiritual growth and encouragement Preaching and teaching on living a Bible-based life Corporate prayer and time spent helping individuals develop a strong walk with God Training for marriage success/family strengthening/child rearing Aid and support for low income individuals and families Participation in community service projects Training in outreach and enabling members to share the Gospel with lost friends and family OUR PLAN Timeline Ivan, Brandi, and Olivia will move to Austin early in 2015. They will be responsible to scout locations and begin preparing for the initial church meetings. They will also begin building relationships within the city. Andrew, Joyce, Anthony, and Anna will follow in the summer of 2015. At this time, a regular series of home Bible studies will begin. During the early months, the church will meet in the homes of the leaders on Sundays. During this time, the goal will be to build a small group of believers and to become immersed in the culture of the city of Austin. Austin is decidedly secular (as many as 92% of the city residents do not attend church on a regular basis), so our mentality at the beginning will be similar to missionaries going to a foreign field. Unlike many other places in the United States, there is no foundation of Christianity or Christian philosophy to draw from. It will take some time for us to discover the best methods to communicate the truths of Scripture in ways that make sense to Austenites. Much time during the first year will be spent in observation and learning as we endeavour to determine the most effective methods to bring the Gospel message to Austin in a relatable way. We’re in it for the long haul. It will take years to become established as a part of the community in Austin. We are honored that God has called us to give our lives to ministering to the people of this great city. OUR BELIEFS SOLA SCRIPTURA – SCRIPTURE ALONE The Bible is the Word of God; His revelation to us of who we are in relation to each other and to Him. We believe the Bible is the sole authority in all matters of faith and practice. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21) SOLA FIDE – FAITH ALONE All of mankind is separated from God due to our sin. Our good works, our morals, our religious accomplishments none of it is good enough to bridge the gap. The only condition for our salvation from the penalty of sin is personal faith in Christ., trusting that through his death on the cross, He provided a substitutionary payment for our sin. Salvation occurs in the moment our faith is placed in Christ. (Ephesians 2:8-9, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Romans 3:25) SOLA GRATIA – GRACE ALONE Salvation comes through God’s unmerited favor towards us, not through any work we can do. We do not earn favor in His eyes, He gives grace to us as a free gift through the work of Christ. (Romans 6:23, John 3:16) SOLUS CHRISTUS – CHRIST ALONE The epicenter of the Christian life is a relationship with Christ. He invites us to share in His death and resurrection that we may live a life empowered by His deity. Christ is the gateway to the Risen life, and faith in Him is the only way for us to have eternal life. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) Each of us has the ability to come directly to Christ, without need for a mediator or go between. (John 1:18, Colossians 1:15-17, 1 Timothy 2:5) SOLI DEO GLORIA – GLORY TO GOD ALONE Though we honor men and women who teach us spiritually and inspire us to strengthen our relationship with Christ, ultimately all glory belongs to God alone. Any good works we do are enabled by the Holy Spirit working through us to display the life of Christ. (1 Corinthians 10:31, Philippians 2:9-11) We hold to beliefs that are Baptistic in nature, including individual soul liberty, the priesthood of the believer, verbal plenary inspiration of Scripture, the eternal security of the believer, the autonomy of the local church, the offices of pastor and deacon, the ordinances of baptism and communion, and the separation of church and state. WHY “RISEN”? T he story of Christ so completely challenges every assumption we have about God and religion and life and death. When faced with an understanding of who He is, men and women have been compelled to die rather than deny his name. And it so defied our expectation of what Deity should be that it reverberates with power through two thousand years of history up to today. Yet much of American Christianity is completely complacent- indifferent to the power of His life, death, and resurrection. “Somewhere, we have lost the power of the story of Christ. No man ever would have imagined a dying and rising Savior like Christ. This is the single greatest piece of evidence that God exists and that Christ really was His representative on earth. No author but God could have written the story that climaxes with the grand reveal of Christ as the great answer to the greatest of cosmic questions. It so completely defies our thought processes, so absolutely undermines all our assumptions about reality. The Bible tells us that God created us to live in relationship with Him. However, we chose to rebel, to walk away, and to live in opposition to Him. We chose sin. And when sin came, death came with it. F or thousands of years, humanity considered death to be final. Inescapable, absolute, unyielding. Death comes, not just to physical but spiritual areas. Death to relationships. Death to families. Death to nations. Death reigns through history. “Until the unexpected... Until God steps in. Until the Carpenter.” In Christ’s death, He takes upon Himself the damage of our sin, suffers unthinkably the cost of separation from God. And then He rises, demonstrating the ultimate power over Death. And then He rises... He rises, demonstrating the ultimate power over Death. And He invites us to share in that power of the resurrection, the power over sin and death. We have access to the power over death through a relationship with Christ. So where does the church come in? Well a church is merely a group that has witnessed His power over sin and death and has that power alive in its heart, beating at the center of its being. It is the power to love unconditionally, to heal damaged marriages, to restore broken relationships, to serve without expecting a return, to forgive hurts, to die to ourselves that someone else may live. It is living a life that is not bound by the power of sin and death, and sharing that life with anyone who will listen. Living in the power of the Resurrection. That’s what our church is devoted to. Learning to live as if we are Risen with Christ. “That’s what our church is devoted to.” WILL YOU HELP? – SCRIPTURE ALONE God has called us, and is guiding us through this process. By His grace, we will see many lost citizens of Austin come to salvation and discover the power of living the Risen life in connection with a loving church community. As we begin this endeavour, there are many expenses we will encounter. The Garcias will be moving from Illinois and the Stamatis’ from Ohio. We will need help with relocation expenses, establishment of our new lives in a new community, purchasing church service equipment, printing tracts and brochures, and rent or mortgage payments on houses and a church building. Would you consider partnering with us? We need support, finances, and prayer as we go forward. Please be a part of seeing this happen for the glory of the Kingdom of Christ. Partner with us. On average, it takes two to three years for a successful church plant to become financially viable. We are going to need assistance from other Christians who believe in church planting in order to give Risen Church the opportunity it needs to flourish. We ask that you pray about becoming one of these supporters. Keep in contact with us. E-mail or call us to share your support and/or volunteer to help in some way. We would love to hear from you. Pray for us. E-mail or call us to share your support and/or volunteer to help in some way. We would love to hear from you. WAYS TO INVEST Thank you for your interest in investing in Risen Church at its beginning. There are two simple ways to give: 1. Visit our website to make a donation via PayPal at www.risenaustin.com/give 2. Mail a check to our sending church at the address below: Attn: Andrew Stamatis/ Risen Church Grace Baptist Church 3480 Laurel Road Brunswick, OH 44212 *Risen Church is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. CONTACT E-mail us: andrew@risenaustin.com Call us: (512) 815-3886 Find us on the web at: www.risenaustin.com www.facebook.com/risenaustin www.twitter.com/risenaustin
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