March 8, 2015 - Page Saint Barbara Catholic church St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 2 Today’s Reading Mar. 7 — Mar. 13, 2015 Saturday 8:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM All Souls† 1 Family Howard Carmichael All Souls † All Souls † Sunday 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Hong Tran † RIP Monica Barrera SI Ignacio Huu Dang Nguyen † RIP Cecelia Le-Mai SI Jose Guadalupe Sanchez † RIP All Souls † RIP Teodorico C. Robel † RIP Rafael & Elena Cermeno † RIP RIP TX SI RIP RIP Monday 6:30 AM Hong Tran † 8:15 AM 1 Person RIP SI Tuesday 8:15 AM Hoang Diep 5:30 PM Hiep Hoang † 7:00 PM Joel Ibanez † TX RIP RIP Wednesday 6:30 AM Cosmas Damian Dinh 8:15 AM Lucy Pacia Sy SI RIP Thursday 6:30 AM Cong Duong 8:15 AM Chi Ha SI SI Friday 8:15 AM Anna Nguyen Thi Thoi † 5:30 PM Peter Marcel Do 7:00 PM Alfredo Flores Subdiaz † RIP SI RIP First Reading – The law was given through Moses (Exodus 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]) or Exodus 17:3-7. Psalm – Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19) or Psalm 95. Second Reading – We proclaim Christ crucified; the foolishness of God is greater than human wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:22-25) or Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. Gospel – Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (John 2:13-25) or John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]. Sunday: Monday: Friday: SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Third Sunday of Lent; First Scrutiny; Daylight Saving Time begins; Girl Scout Sunday St. Frances of Rome Abstinence Letter to Parishioners at St. Barbara Church Dear Parishioners; I am humbled and grateful to Bishop Kevin W. Vann, Bishop of the Diocese of Orange, for appointing me as Administrator at Saint Barbara Parish during the period of time Administrator Father Augustine Long Ngoc Vu is away. I am so blessed to be serving and caring for the people at St. Barbara Parish for almost a year now. The most inspiring thing I have seen from you is your dedication to the Faith and your generosity. The Parishioners of St. Barbara have been fervently contributing your time, talent, and gifts in maintaining a beautiful Church and a prestigious Parish School. Furthermore, your generosity has shown in your continual support to the Diocese of Orange. This Church, this School and the reputation of this Parish is yours to keep and will be the patrimonial giving to your children in the future. I will be with you to see to it that you and your children will have a comfortable and solemn place to worship God, a place for future generations to study and hold activities to maintain the Faith we have received. I ask for your help, cooperation, and prayer so that I can achieve the noble duty which the Bishop has entrusted to me. Together we will show others that “We are Proud to be Catholics, and We are Proud to live out our Faith.” Sincerely in Christ, Father Thomas Quoc Tran, SVD St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 3 THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ! Your donations for the week of Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2015 $25,916.00 Your weekly support have been used to sustain the ministries and ongoing operating needs of our parish. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Participating in Lent, we are engaging in patterns that have endured across the centuries. From very early times, we have the sense of accompanying the elect on their journey to the font. From as long ago as the fourth century, we receive Lent as forty days to shake the dust from our spirituality and reorder our conduct. Then, fasting was not seen as a strict duty, yet it seems it was widely observed. Think of the rules of politeness and courtesy that everyone agrees on. Fasting was also seen as a social duty, since food was in short supply as winter wore on, and the weak and the sick had the first claim on what remained on hand. JOB OPENING: MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO SUPPORT THE VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY AT ST. BARBARA SCHOOL. Part-time marketing/development position for enthusiastic and energetic individual. The person applying must be able to speak, write, translate, and communicate in Vietnamese and English. Will help with communications to parents, parishioners, and local community/businesses. Assists school administration in resource development and public relations. Please go to for full job description. Email resume to Mrs. Judith Bloom, principal, Volunteers Our Church needs volunteers that have computer skills and are able to work the projector during the English SATURDAY 5:30 PM and SUNDAY 9:30 AM Masses. If you would like to volunteer for those hours, please contact the Parish Office at 714-775-7733. Thanks. As a boost to the fasting of the body, the church developed a richer spiritual fare, including celebration of the Eucharist every day. This practice began in Rome by the sixth century. Weekday Mass was only at designated "stations." The pope would arrive on horseback at the stational church. In those days, although the catechumenate was already in eclipse, there were pre-baptismal activities at the stational Masses: the giving of the Lord's Prayer, prayers for the godparents, and constant references to baptism. --Rev. James Field Daylight saving time starts at 2 a.m. Sunday March 8, 2015 Prayer of the Faithful for the Sick Prayer of the Faithful for the Deceased J.J. Mendez, Jorge Talamantes, Naomi Gutierrez, Cirelli Family, Antonia Convery, Minerva Rivera, Travis Daniel Johnson, Jack Healy, Lupifa Calvillo, Theresa Keyzers, Danielle Araujo, Huong Thi Nguyen, Hung Nguyen, Loan Nguyen, Catherine Wisdom, Merle West, Louis Nguyen Quoc Hung. Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world, you have shouldered the burden of our weakness and borne our sufferings in your own passion and death. Hear this prayer for our sick brothers and sister whom you have redeemed. Strengthen their hope of salvation and sustain them in body and soul, for you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen. St. Barbara Catholic Church Luca Pham Van Thinh, Joseph Pham Quang Phuc, Phero Howard Nguyen, Anne Bich Thuy Ngoc Dao, O.Cố Phero Nguyen Thiet Chieu, Phero Dinh Van Hai, Maria Pham Thi Quang, Maria Pham T. Tiem, Maria Nguyen T. Hoa, Gioan the Cross Do Van Trong, Maria Ngo Thi Hien, Giuse Nguyen H. Doan, Giuse Luu Van Trang, Rachel Tovar, Tran Thi Hoa, Pham Thi Suu, Dominico Dinh Van Hai, Ignacio Nguyen Dang Huu.Giuse Dang Hoai Nam,Dominico Tran Quang Vinh, Nora Gomez, Giuse Nguyen Van Phuong, Augustino Tran Quoc Su, Madalena Nguyen Thi Bich Hong, Giuse Michael Vincent Ha, Giuse Nguyen Van Bao, Maria Dang Thi Truc Mai, Rosa Javien Iturzaeta, Rufina Guidangen, Phanxico Xavier Nguyen Van Dong, Phero Le Van Tram, Fr. Sergio's Mom: Aurora Ramos, Phaolo Nguyen Anh Tuan, Maria Nguyen Thi Tinh, Maria Nguyen Thi Gai, Teresa Nguyen Thi Y, Matthew Callahan, Phero Ngo Van Chuong, Vincent Tran Quoc Khanh, Lucia Ho Thi Sang, Michael Hau Thanh Nguyen. God, our shelter and our strength, you listen in love to the cr yof your people: hear the prayers we offer for our departed brothers and sisters. Cleanse them of their sins and grant them the fullness of redemption. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. March 8, 2015 - Page 4 SAVE THE DATE March 14, 2015 St Paddy’s Celebration Penance Service & Confession English & Spanish Corned Beef, Bagpipes, Irish Music and Riverdance video Tuesday, March 17th 7:30 PM — 10:00 PM — in Church Vietnamese: Monday & Thursday, March 16th & 19th 7:00 PM — 10:00 PM — in Church 2015 Knights of Columbus Basketball Free throw Age Group Girls Boys 9 10 11 12 13 14 Julia Villagomez Kaylee Doan Whitney Pham Jessica Bui Vivian Nguyen Cesar Villigrana Derrick Nguyen Brian Dong Walter Scott Vincent Ton David Dunn MEN’SANNUALRETREAT It is time for signing-up for our Annual Men’s Retreat at MATER DOLOROSA PASSIONIST RETREAT CENTER on April 10-12, 2015. All presentations are in the English language, but the men from every cultural background are invited. The theme for this year is Holy Waiting…In a world that can’t wait. All men of the parish including high school age young men and any relatives or friends of parishioners even though they may go to another parish. This is a time for separating ourselves from the usual distractions of life and in a setting of beauty and solitude, receive God’s blessings for you. This may be a life changing experience for you. Car pooling is available for transportation. Private rooms and showers for attendees. Call now for more information or to make your reservation with Tom Mueller at (714) 775-1246. Attention: For your safety, please lock your car before you attend Mass or any activities at St. Barbara Church campus. Please do not keep valuables in your car. Thanks. St. Barbara Catholic Church Congratulation to all Catechumens and Candidates who were recognized at the Rite of Election at St. Columban Church on Tuesday February 24th, 2015 @ 7:00 P.M. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Annie Anh D. Choy Phat Tien Dam Ha Ngoc Dang Phuong Quynh Dang Thien an Nguyen Do Han Ngoc Huynh Kaitlyn Thuy Huynh Kelly Khong Hien Dieu Nguyen La Trang Thuy Le Lyon H. Ly Ngan Kim Thi Ngo Anh Thu T. Nguyen Bich Thi Nguyen Emmy Kim Nguyen Lang Thanh Nguyen Tram Ngoc Nguyen Tran Diem Nguyen Tuyet Anh T. Nguyen Huong Kim T. Tran Huy Bao Tran Jimmy Thanh Tran Ngan Thu T. Tran Thao Tran Tram Bich Thi Vo Jonathan Jones 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Racelia Cabrera Jose Ulises Luna Maria Sanchez Jazmin Arredondo Noe Flores Raquel flores Yarely flores Alejandra Morales Irma Morales Adriana Zuniga Brandon A. Trujillo Ngan Truc T. Nguyen Victor Flores Rafael Juarez Casandra Jimenez Ricardo Munoz Elia rebolledo Francisco V. Castro Mariana V. Perez Andrea Perez Isaac Santos Asinthy Santos Francisco Mota Alejandrina chavez Elizabeth Gutierrez Juan angel Barrera March 8, 2015 - Page 5 THOÂNG BAÙO COÄNG ÑOAØN THAÙNH GIUSE LỊCH TRÌNH GIẢI TỘI MÙA CHAY Một Mùa Chay nữa lại ₫ến, ₫ể chuẩn bị tâm hồn mừng trọng thể Lễ Chúa sống lại , Cộng Đoàn chúng ta có 2 ngày giải tội như sau: Lịch họp của các hội đoàn sau lễ 6:30 sáng Chúa Nhật: ♦ ♦ ♦ Thứ Hai và Thứ Năm Ngày 16 và 19 tháng 3, 2015 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM – trong nhà thờ ♦ Tâm thư gửi Giáo Hữu St. Barbara: ♦ Kính thưa Quý Cụ, Quý Ông Bà, Anh Chị Em thân mến: Đức Giám Mục Kevin Vann vừa chỉ định con đảm nhiệm trách vụ ₫iều hành Giáo Xứ Saint Barbara trong thời gian Cha Giám Quản Augustino Vũ Ngọc Long vắng mặt. Con rất có phước ₫ược một thời gian sinh hoạt tại Giáo Xứ St. Barbara. Điều con cảm phục nhất là tấm lòng tốt và rất quảng ₫ại của các giáo hữu St. Barbara. Các giáo hữu St. Barbara ₫ã hăng hái đóng góp công sức và tiền bạc để duy trì một ngôi Thánh Đường khang trang đẹp đẽ và một Trường Học Công Giáo nhiều uy tín, hơn thế nữa, ₫ã chu toàn phần ₫óng góp tài chánh cho Công Việc Mục Vụ của Giáo Phận Orange. Ngôi Thánh Đường này, Ngôi Trường Học này và uy tín của Giáo Xứ St. Barbara là tài sản của Quý Vị và là gia bảo ₫ể lại cho các con cháu Quý Vị. Con sẽ cùng Quý Vị chung sức giữ sao cho chúng ta và con cháu chúng ta có nơi thờ phượng Chúa nhiệt thành và trang nghiêm. Con cháu chúng ta có nơi sinh hoạt và học tập ₫ể duy trì Đức Tin mà Chúa ₫ã ban ₫ể truyền lại cho các thế hệ mai sau. Con cầu xin Quý Vị giúp sức và hợp tác với con thi hành nhiệm vụ cao ₫ẹp mà Đức Giám Mục Giáo Phận vừa giao phó cho con. Nhưng trên hết, con xin Quý Vị cầu nguyện cho con, là một linh mục và cũng là con cháu trong gia ₫ình Quý Vị, ₫ược chu toàn Ơn Gọi cho ₫ến hết cuộc ₫ời. Chân thành trong Đức Ki-tô, Rev. Thomas Quoc Tran, SVD St. Barbara Catholic Church ♦ Chúa Nhật tuần thứ I — Hội Legio Mariae & Liên Nhóm Cursillo. Chúa Nhật tuần thứ II — Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo & Đoàn Liên Minh Thánh Tâm Chúa Nhật tuần thứ III — Hội Tông Đồ Cầu Nguyện & Huynh Đoàn Dòng Ba Đa Minh . Chúa Nhật tuần thứ IV — Huynh Đoàn Thánh Thể. Để tránh kẹt xe trong trường hợp khẩn cấp, quý Ông/ Bà/Anh/Chị/Em có thể đậu xe trên bãi cỏ khi tham dự Thánh Lễ. Xin vui lòng tránh đậu xe chặn sau các xe trong parking. Hãng kéo xe (towing company) đã bắt đầu kéo xe đậu trong bãi đậu xe của Giáo Xứ sau 10 giờ tối. Giáo Xứ không muốn xe của quý vị bị kéo và phải trả tiền phạt. Mong quý Ông/Bà/Anh/Chị/Em lưu ý đừng đậu xe sau 10 giờ tối. Mỗi chiều thứ Ba Mùa Chay, Cộng Đoàn St. Barbara có Ngắm cuộc thương khó của Chúa Giêsu trong nhà thờ từ 3 giờ đến 5:30 chiều CAÀU CHO NGÖÔØI QUA ÑÔØI Trong niềm tin vào sự Phục Sinh của Đức Kitô, nguyện xin Chúa ban Phúc Trường Sinh cho: Luca Phạm Văn Thịnh qua ₫ời ngày 21 tháng 2, 2015, hưởng thọ 89 năm. Joseph Phạm Quang Phúc qua ₫ời ngày 25 tháng 2, 2015, hưởng thọ 86 năm. Xin Chú ý: Vì sự an toàn của quý vị, xin vui lòng khóa xe của quý vị trước khi tham dự Thánh Lễ hay bất kỳ hoạt động tại nhà thờ St. Barbara. Xin đừng giữ đồ vật có giá trị trong xe của quý vị. chân thành cám ơn. March 8, 2015 - Page 6 LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — Dios entrega los mandamientos al pueblo por medio de Moisés (Éxodo 20:1-7 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17]) o Éxodo 17:3-7. Salmo — Señor, tú tienes palabras de vida eterna (Salmo 19 [18]) o Salmo 95 (94). Segunda lectura — Pablo proclama a Cristo crucificado; Cristo es el poder y la sabiduría de Dios (1 Corintios 1:22-25) o Romanos 5:1-2, 5-8. Evangelio — Jesús echa a los mercaderes del templo y predice su resurrección (Juan 2:1325) o Juan 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 40-42]. LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: Martes: Viernes: Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma; Primer Escrutinio; Cambio de hora; Domingo de las Girl Scouts Santa Francisca Romana Abstinencia Carta para los feligreses de Santa Bárbara Queridos feligreses: Estoy muy agradecido con el Obispo Kevin W. Vann, Obispo de la Diócesis de Orange, por haberme designado como Administrador de nuestra parroquia de Santa Bárbara durante el tiempo que el Padre Augustín Long Ngoc Vu, Administrador, está fuera. Soy bendecido por poder servir y velar por las pesonas de Santa Bárbara por casi un año. Lo más inspirable que he visto es su dedicación, su Fe y su generosidad. Los feligreses de Santa Bárbara han sido muy generosos al dar de su tiempo, talentos, regalos y en mantener hermosa la Iglesia y su prestigiada escuela de la parroquia. Además, su generosidad se manifiesta en el continúo apoyo a la Diócese de Orange. Esta Iglesia, la escuela y la reputación de la parroquia es de ustedes, al mantenerla aseguran un patrimonio para sus hijos en el futuro. Yo estaré con ustedes para procurar que ustedes y sus hijos se sientan cómodos y tengan una segunda casa para contemplar a Dios, un lugar donde las futuras generaciones puedan estudiar y realizar sus actividades para mantener la fe que hemos recibido. Les pido su ayuda, cooperación, y oraciones para que yo pueda cumplir con esta noble responsabilidad que el Obispo me ha encomendado. Juntos demostraremos que “estamos orgullosos de ser Católicos y orgullosos de vivir nuestra Fe”. Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Thomas Quoc Tran, SVD St. Barbara Catholic Church Servicio penitencial en Español e Inglés Martes 17 de Marzo, a las 7:30 p.m. en la Iglesia Attencion: Para su seguridad, porfavor de cerrar su vehiculo cuando este en Misa o en otras actividades dentro de la area de St. Barbara. No deje cosas valiosas en su vehiculo. Gracias March 8, 2015 - Page 7 FAITHFORMATIONNEWS Thank you all for supporting our youth. May God bless you and your loved ones always. RCIA CORNER Did you know??? This rite done during an RCIA session, entrusts the words of the Creed to those seeking to enter the Catholic Church. Nearly seventeen centuries old, the Creed is recited by the faithful at every Mass, and summarizes what we believe as Catholics. For those coming into the Church this Easter, this Rite symbolizes that our parish community is passing on and sharing the beliefs of our Catholic faith with them, so that those about to join our Catholic family embrace and treasure these venerable words as we do. Until next week…. Chân thành cám ơn Quí Ông Bà đã giúp nấu phở và bún riêu giúp cho giới trẻ gây quỹ đi tham dự Đại Hội Giới Trẻ VN –VYC5. Cám ơn Quí Cha và cộng đoàn St. Barbara đã ủng hộ các em. Go to: FOUR SUNDAYS LENTEN SERIES FOR ADULTS & PARENTS (Parents of Confirmation students must attend 1 session) March 8, 15 and 22. From 3:45-5:15pm in the Big Annex. Come and join us for a multi-media spiritual study series. During each lesson the programs explain what Catholic believe and why. The series includes: The Revelation of God Become Man; The Teachings of Jesus; The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist; and the Union of Christ and the Church. St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 8 ST. BARBARA PARISH SCHOOL “CommiƩed to Student Excellence” WEEKLY MASS AND MONTHLY STUDENT BODY MASS LET US PRAY— During Lent and throughout the entire school year, students have many opportunities to develop their relationship with God through prayer and reflection. PRAYER ASSEMBLIES, PRAYER DURING SCHOOL, STATIONS OF THE CROSS FAMILY RETREATS AND PRAYER SERVICES NOW Accepting Applications for 2015-2016 Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grs. 1-8 GO TO Prospective Parents section or call 714 775-9477 St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 9 St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 10 ADS St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 11 ADS St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 12 Administrator Rev. Augustin Long Vu Parochial Vicars Rev. Kiem Van Tran Rev. Manuel Lopez Gonzalez Rev. Thomas Quoc Tran, SVD Deacon Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen Dcn. Carlos Navarro Parish Office Staff Theresa Thanh Ta Mary Perez Lara Faith Formation Sr. Grace Duc Le, DFF & Confirmation Sr. Stella Le, CRE Vietnamese Alejandra Estrada, CRE Spanish Hang Nguyen, Secretary Kris Nghiem Tran, Youth Minister Adult Education (R.C.I.A.) Jeanna Norlin Dcn. Joseph Anh Nguyen Elizabeth Hernandez Homebound Eucharistic Ministers Flora Schoonover Maria Vega Sr. Lien Do St. Barbara School Judy Bloom, Principal Jody Rogers, Finances Bulletin Editor Theresa Thanh Ta Baptism Celebrated monthly on Sundays at 2:15PM. 1st Sunday — Vietnamese 2nd Sunday — English 3rd Sunday — Spanish We strongly urge parent/s to contact the rectory for information during pregnancy or before planning the Baptism. An infant’s Baptism requires a commitment of accepting certain religious and spiritual responsibilities for the child by both parents and godparents. The role of the parish staff is to help assist you in making these commitments. Perpetual Adoration 7th day of each month 714-775-7733 Liturgical Celebrations ††† 714-775-7733 714-775-7733 714-775-7733 Weekend Eucharist Saturday Vigil 714-965-0777 714-990-1615 Vietnamese English Vietnamese English (Neocatechumenal Way in the Hall) 714-775-7733 ext. 221 714-775-7733 ext. 222 Sunday 714-775-9475 ext.238 714-775-9475 ext.239 714-775-9475 ext.242 714-775-9475 ext.236 714-495-1993 714-531-2566 714-965-0777 714-567-1625 714-296-4754 714-818-0409 714-839-8199 714-775-9477 714-775-9473 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:30 PM 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 4:00 PM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM Spanish Vietnamese English English Vietnamese Spanish Vietnamese English Spanish Weekday Eucharist Mon, Wed, Thu Tue, Fri Saturday 6:30 AM 8:15 AM 8:15 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 AM Vietnamese English English Vietnamese Spanish English 714-775-7733 ext.221 Marriage Registered parishioners should contact the rectory for an appointment with one of the priests at least six (6) months prior to marriage. Funeral At the death of a loved one kindly notify the rectory at your earliest convenience so the dates and times for the Funeral Liturgy may be arranged. Reconciliation Mon: 8:45 AM — 9:15 AM Tue: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Fri: 6:00 PM — 7:00 PM Sat: 3:00 PM — 3:30 PM Anointing of the Sick (714) 345-4885 Eng Spn, Vn Eng, Spn, Vn Eng, Spn, Vn PRESIDER SCHEDULE HORARIO QUE PRESIDE LÒCH DAÂNG LEà Saturday, March 14, 2015 4:00 PM - Fr. Đệ 5:30 PM - Fr.Tom 7:00 PM - Fr. Kiểm Sunday, March 15, 2015 6:30 AM - Fr. Kiểm 8:00 AM - Fr. Tom 9:30 AM - Fr. Tim 11:00 AM - Fr. Kiểm 12:45 PM - Fr. Manuel 4:00 PM - Fr. Đệ 5:30 PM - Fr. Tim 7:00 PM - Fr. Manuel Parish Office Hours : Mon-Fri : 8:30AM - 8:00PM, Sat & Sun : Closed 730 S. Euclid St. • Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tel: 714-775-7733 • Fax: 714-775-9467 St. Barbara Catholic Church March 8, 2015 - Page 13 CHURCH NAME AND AĐRESS St. Barbara Church #094900 730 S. Euclid Street Santa Ana, CA 92704 TELEPHONE 714 775-7733 CONTACT PERSON Theresa Thanh Ta EMAIL: SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat XI Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Monday 7:00 PM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 8, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 12 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS St. Barbara Catholic Church
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