news FEBRUARY 2015 In This Issue: Maximize the Benefits of YouTube™. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 New Items in Standard Process Store: Eye Pillow, Thermal Tote, Sticky Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Timeless Formulas of Dr. Royal Lee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 How Echinacea Premium Measures Up in Testing for Active Component . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Essentials of Detoxification Webinar With Kerry Bone. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Winter Immune System Support: Target the Respiratory System Winter can bring a surge of immune system challenges for your patients. Proper hygiene, a healthy diet, good sleeping habits, and exercise can help support the immune system, but sometimes that’s not enough. When a patient is dealing with immune system issues, the respiratory system can benefit from specific support. Often the upper or lower respiratory system is the target area. In most cases, upper respiratory issues often show up one to three days after initial contact. Something as simple as a handshake, touching the nose or mouth after contact with a shopping cart, or sharing a straw with someone can be the start of an unpleasant episode. Patients dealing with upper respiratory issues may report challenges with the head, throat, nose, ears, and sinuses. In most cases, patients are back to their healthy selves in a week or two. Lower respiratory challenges often result in patients having issues with their lungs, chest, breathing, head, sinuses, and nose. On these occasions, patients often say they are tired and have low energy. Both Standard Process and MediHerb have products that support immune system health. The protocols that follow are suggested to support immune system health in the upper and lower respiratory system.* Upper and Lower Respiratory Support Standard Process Emphaplex® 2 capsules per meal, or as directed Emphaplex provides ingredients with antioxidant activity while supporting the respiratory system and the body’s natural ability to expel respiratory secretions.* Cataplex® B-GF and Cardio-Plus® GF Added to GlutenFree Lineup Upper Respiratory Support Standard Process Congaplex® 3 capsules per meal, or as directed Congaplex provides short term support for the thymus gland and healthy immune system function while providing antioxidant activity.* MediHerb Euphrasia Complex 1 tablet 3-4 times daily, or as directed Euphrasia Complex contains the herbs eyebright, golden rod, Echinacea purpurea root, golden seal, and cayenne. This formula assists in maintaining healthy breathing passages for free and clear breathing.* Golden Seal 500mg (Tablets) 1 tablet 2-3 times daily, or as directed or Golden Seal 1:3 (Liquid) 5 milliliters (approximately 1 teaspoon) diluted in water or juice once per day, or as directed Golden Seal 500mg and Golden Seal 1:3 help maintain healthy mucous membranes and breathing passages and encourage healthy mucous function.* Lower Respiratory Support Standard Process Allerplex® 3 capsules per meal, or as directed Allerplex supports the body’s ability to handle seasonal, environmental, and dietary challenges and supports healthy liver, lung, and respiratory function.* MediHerb Broncafect® (Tablets) 2 tablets 2-4 times daily, or as directed or Broncafect Phytosynergist® (Liquid) 5 milliliters (approximately 1 teaspoon) diluted in water or juice 3 times daily, or as directed Broncafect and Broncafect Phytosynergist contain a combination of herbs that enhance the immune system, support the body’s normal cough reflex, and maintain healthy mucosal tissue.* Garlic Forte 1 tablet 1-2 times daily, or as directed Garlic Forte supports the immune and respiratory systems while also promoting health in the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.* Long-Term Support Standard Process Epimune Complex 2 capsules per day, or as directed Epimune Complex is a gluten-free, vegetarian supplement that supports specific aspects of immune system activity and year-round respiratory health, especially during seasonal challenges.* To read the Standard Process research on Epimune Complex, visit the product page or the Research and Development section on the Standard Process website. Tips for Easing Immune System Challenges • Saline nose drops can be soothing. • Drink fluids to stay hydrated. • Use salt water to gargle for a dry or scratchy throat. • Adjust the humidity in the room, or use a humidifier. • Don’t get overheated or too cold. • Get a plentiful amount of sleep. • When awake, rest and take it easy. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Standard Process has more than 110 gluten-free products, and now you have even more to offer your patients. New Cataplex B-GF and Cardio-Plus GF are both gluten-free and now available for you to order. Cataplex B-GF supports physical and nervous system health. This formula supports a healthy heart, supports healthy homocysteine levels, and contains B-complex vitamins to support healthy muscle action. Cataplex B-GF (1255) is available in a 360-tablet size.* Cardio-Plus GF helps support the cardiovascular system. This formula supports healthy coronary blood flow and provides ingredients with antioxidant activity. Cardio-Plus GF (2085) is available in a 330-tablet size.* To see a list of all the gluten-free products in the Standard Process line, visit, click on the Resources heading, and select “Vegetarian and Gluten-Free Supplements” from the drop-down menu. We plan to release more glutenfree options as we grow our product line. NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 Practice Tip: How YouTube Can Be Your Friend By David Hogsed, DOM, AP, contributor to the SP News In a previous SP News practice tip, I mentioned there are unique benefits for every patient education technique (lectures, clinic website, newsletters, etc.). And while each David Hogsed, DOM, AP of these methods can effectively get your message out, I am convinced that one of the most underutilized patient education tools is found on one of the most popular websites, which is also the second most popular search engine. Making your own YouTube channel is both free and simple, but the possibilities for patient education are limitless. You may be thinking, “I don’t have time to make videos.” That’s not a problem. One of the benefits of having a YouTube channel is the ability to make playlists (groups of videos) containing videos from other channels. For example, my friend Dr. Marlene Merritt has made and posted some excellent patient education videos on her YouTube channel (Merritt Wellness Center) that I’ve added to my “Weight Management” playlist. I’ve also included videos from Drs. Dan and Mary Eades, Gary Taubes, and Dr. William Davis in this “Weight Management” playlist. One of the videos featured on my “Supplements” playlist is called “Seasons on the Farm,” from the Standard Process YouTube channel. This video does a great job of showing the work that takes place on the organic farm at Standard Process throughout the year. I believe this nineminute video can do more to enhance our patients’ understanding of Standard Process supplements than hours of us talking with them. You can have a very effective YouTube channel just by making useful customized playlists, but I highly recommend you also create some videos of your own. I can attest to the fact that just making a few simple YouTube videos can go a long way toward enhancing patient education and increasing patient compliance. Keep in mind these basic guidelines when making your videos to help ensure they are both effective education tools and viewed by a significant number of people. Here’s one more idea for maximizing the benefits of YouTube. Make a customized playlist titled “For New Patients” that contains a few videos explaining your health philosophy, what to expect at your office, etc. Having new patients watch these videos before their first appointment can save you a lot of time in the initial consultation. More importantly, a person’s reaction to these videos (positive or negative) can help you determine whether or not that person will be a “good fit” as a patient in your practice. When someone Googles your name, your YouTube channel (if you have one) will probably be one of the first items to appear, so make the most of this opportunity! David Hogsed, DOM, AP, is in full-time practice with his father, James Hogsed, DC, at the Natural Healthcare Professionals clinic in Fort Myers, Florida. His practice specializes in providing effective nutritional support for weight management, endocrine balance, digestion, musculoskeletal, and immune system health. He has been a clinical consultant and speaker for Standard Process since 2003, providing inspiring nutritional seminars for health care professionals.* YouTube Pointers • If you have a smartphone, it probably includes a video camera to make your videos. All you need is a tripod for the phone. There are many tripod options available for around $20. • Are you camera-shy? That’s not a problem. PowerPoint® presentations can easily be converted into effective YouTube videos. Just type “PowerPoint YouTube” in the YouTube search bar to view simple tutorials. • One warning about copyright law: The fact that a video is on YouTube does not mean that you are free to use it on your channel. It is possible for content creators to retain copyright rights to their material. If you are concerned about this with respect to a specific video, you should investigate further. For helpful information, visit and select “Copyright” from the menu at the bottom of the home page. Make your YouTube videos: 1. Short In today’s fast-paced, informationoverload society, the average person will commit about 10 minutes to watching a video—and even that is often a stretch. Many people won’t even click to open a video that’s 30 minutes long, let alone watch the video in its entirety. The shorter the video, the more people will watch it. 2. Simple Another factor in determining whether or not people watch your video is if they think they will be able to understand the topic. If someone feels like a video topic is too complex or overwhelming, that person probably won’t watch the video. For example, you may be excited about passing along the information from a neuroscience study, but you might scare away your audience by using the study title, Mitochondrial ROS Govern the LPS-Induced ProInflammatory Response in Microglia Cells by Regulating MAPK and NF-κB Pathways,1 as your video title. You could make your video less intimidating by simplifying the title. A video called “Inflammation and Brain Health” will likely attract a much broader viewing audience. And while that’s an exaggerated example, the importance of making your video content simple cannot be overstated. 3. Sweet Have you ever watched a health education video that left you feeling downright depressed? Making “doom and gloom” videos is hardly the best strategy to enhance your patient education. The content of your videos may be completely true, but if they don’t offer any good news or practical solutions, there’s not much value in your patients viewing them. Most people get more than enough bad news, so make sure your YouTube channel is an oasis of encouragement and hope. 1. Study example from Neuroscience Letters Volume 584, 1 January 2015, pages 191-196. Little-Known Facts About Standard Process Timeless Formulas of Dr. Royal Lee Before becoming a dentist, Royal Lee served in the U.S. Army. He joined the Army in 1918 and was assigned to the 311th Dr. Royal Lee Supply Train Division as a motor transport truck driver. Sometimes the old standbys become our new favorites. Turn here each month to read about some of our favorite “classics’’ that deserve a closer look. The Standard Process dedication to providing supplements with whole food and other ingredients began with the introduction of Catalyn® in 1929. Health care professionals have relied on many of our formulas for the better part of a century. of the lymphatic system, the spleen varies in size and shape among individuals and in the same individual at different times. The spleen plays a major role in immune system function and formation of blood cells. While we are able to live without a spleen, it is considered an important organ to maintain good health. Spleen Desiccated Spleen Desiccated is intended for short-term support of the spleen. This gluten-free formula supports healthy immune system function and also maintains healthy blood.* However, his service was cut short when he incurred an injury while stationed in Winchester, England. He received an honorable discharge from the Army on January 13, 1919. When you think of healthy immune system function, do you think of the spleen? For most people, the spleen is not top of mind when it comes to a healthy immune system. But it’s important to consider the spleen when the focus is on supporting a patient’s healthy immune system function. The spleen is a kidney-shaped organ that sits between the stomach and diaphragm in the upper abdomen. Considered part Introduced in 1981, Spleen Desiccated is a Standard Process classic. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Customer Favorites Added to Standard Process Store We’re excited to add some of our favorite items to the Standard Process Store due to customer requests. Our lavender aromatherapy eye pillow and convenient insulated shopping tote, both bearing the official logo, are very popular with Standard Process employees. Now you, too, can enjoy them and offer them to your patients. In addition, supplement box sticky notes are making their return to the Standard Process Store. These notepads will be included with supplement box orders and can also be ordered separately as a complimentary item. Find these items and more in the Literature and Practice Tools section of the online order form at Lavender Aromatherapy Eye Pillow The flowering tops of the lavender plant have been used for centuries to help relieve headaches and difficulty sleeping. This satin tranquility pillow is filled with French lavender and organic flax seed and can be frozen for use over the eyes or on sore areas.* Item: S10385 Price: $5.00 Thermal Tote Bag Our insulated shopping tote bag with zipper closure will keep food and beverages cool as you run a few more errands after grocery shopping. You’ll want to use it on every trip to the farmers market or grocery store. Item: S10400 Price: $5.00 Supplement Box Sticky Notes Get patients to stick with the protocol by making it easy for them to keep supplements organized. Supplement box sticky notes are printed with an outline of seven rectangles to match our sevencompartment supplement boxes. Notes can be written within the squares to identify which supplements are in each compartment, how many pills to take, and when they should be taken. These sticky notes are especially helpful for new patients after completing their initial nutrition consultation and receiving their first protocol. Sticky notes can be ordered as a standalone notepad of 20 sheets and will also be automatically included with orders for sevencompartment supplement boxes. Item: L9431 (notepad with 20 sheets) Price: Complimentary Item: L3155 (supplement box with notepad included) Price: $1.50 NEWS FEBRUARY 2015 Update Recipe of the Month MediHerb Echinacea Premium Tops List After Testing for Active Component In November 2014, independent tests of nine U.S. Echinacea tablet and capsule products showed that MediHerb Echinacea Premium tablets are higher in alkylamides (both 2-ene and 2,4-diene alkylamides), which are clinically proven active constituents. The testing was conducted by an independent analytical laboratory accredited by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. Educational Webinar important measure of quality. MediHerb’s research has found that 2-ene alkylamides improve the bioavailability of 2,4-diene alkylamides in Echinacea purpurea. This means that the alkylamides in MediHerb’s unique blend, Echinacea Premium, are available to the body, resulting in a better effect on the immune system. MediHerb’s Echinacea Premium formula is patented in Australia, New Zealand, and the U.K. with a patent applied for in the U.S to protect this important finding.* Note that 2-ene alkylamides are only found in Echinacea angustifolia and are an November 2014 Testing on 9 U.S. Echinacea Tablet and Capsule Products MediHerb Echinacea products are labeled with their alkylamide content (both 2-ene and 2,4-diene alkylamides). The testing below reports the alkylamide content of MediHerb Echinacea Premium and nine other U.S. Echinacea products. Note that most of the other Echinacea products do not make claims of alkylamide content. Through determined alkylamides are important constituents of Echinacea. November 2014research, TestingMediHerb on 9 U.S.has Echinacea Tablet and Capsule Products Total 2,4-diene Total 2-ene Total Alkylamides mg/tablet or capsule mg/tablet or capsule mg/tablet or capsule Number of Tablets/Capsules Required to Provide the Equivalent Alkylamides of 1 Echinacea Premium Tablet (Compared to MediHerb Label Claim of 4.1 mg) Product Echinacea Species Used MediHerb Echinacea Premium Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea purpurea 1.22 4.40 5.62 (label claim 4.1 mg) 1 Brand A Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea purpurea 0.36 1.38 1.74 2.4 Brand B Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea purpurea 0.00 0.82 0.82 5 Brand C Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea purpurea 0.28 0.19 0.47 9 Brand D Echinacea purpurea 0.01 0.21 0.22 18 Brand E Echinacea purpurea 0.01 0.18 0.19 22 Brand F Echinacea purpurea 0.00 0.18 0.18 22 Brand G Echinacea purpurea 0.01 0.06 0.06 63 Brand H Echinacea angustifolia Echinacea purpurea 0.00 0.03 0.03 159 0.01 341 Brand I Echinacea angustifolia 0.00 0.01 These tests were conducted by an independent analytical laboratory accredited by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. Alkylamides in U.S. Products Products (mg/Tablet(mg/Tablet or Capsule) or Capsule) Alkylamides in Echinacea U.S. Echinacea 6.00 With Kerry Bone, BSc (Hons), Dip Phyto, FNHAA, MCPP March 5 6-7:15 p.m. CT Detoxification is a controversial issue. The debate over its value and safety has made headlines around the world. Professor Kerry Bone In 2009, even Prince Charles was accused of quackery and exploitation over his company’s promotion of its herbal “detox” tincture. But anyone conversant with the scientific literature will attest that the evidence regarding naturally occurring toxins is accumulating at a rapid rate. Evidence about relationships between naturally occurring toxins and health challenges will be explored in this webinar. This presentation will outline the mustknow essentials of supporting detoxification pathways. The focus will be on boosting hepatic detoxification, but the role of healthy intestinal flora balance will also be discussed. The emergence of glutathione as the key detoxifier at a cellular level is highlighted, together with a new and novel way to support this important agent. Sign in at to register. All Standard Process customers who attend can receive a free small (40-tablet) bottle of LivCo® with a future online supplement purchase. A promotional code, deadline, and rules will be emailed to webinar participants following the presentation. 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 The Essentials of Achieving Optimal Detoxification MediHerb Brand A Echinacea Premium Brand B Brand C Brand D Total 2, 4-diene Brand E Brand F Total 2-ene Brand G Brand H Brand I Red Shake Start your Valentine’s Day on a healthy yet festive note with this purificationfriendly shake. Beets give this shake a festive color. Eat beets for the betaine they provide to support healthy blood vessels and healthy liver function. Ingredients • 1 beet, with stems and leaves, chopped • 1 apple, chopped • ½ cup fresh parsley, chopped • ½ cup fresh cilantro, chopped • 1 cup unsweetened coconut or hemp milk • 3-4 ice cubes (more for a thicker shake) Optional Ingredients • 2 heaping scoops SP Complete® • 1 tablespoon Calcifood® powder • 1 tablespoon Whole Food Fiber • 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil or Calamari Omega-3 Liquid Directions Blend ingredients together until smooth. This original recipe appears in Dr. Georgia Nab’s book, “One Degree of Change: The Standard Process 21-Day Purification Program Cookbook.” In addition to healthy lifestyle tips, the book is packed with recipes designed for use during purification and after as part of an everyday healthy way of eating. The hardcover book is available from Standard Process for $10 (includes shipping). Order it at in the Literature and Marketing Tools section of the online order form (B0980) or from customer service at 800-558-8740. You can also download the book. Visit, and select “Products” in the top menu. Then choose “Purification Program” in the drop-down menu. Standard Process of Pennsylvania, Inc. 1421 Stoneridge Drive Middletown, PA 17057 800-222-2445 Do you have a story idea for the SP News? news Quick Update Annette Kutz Schippel, DC Do you have a minute to learn more about adrenal support? Take a minute to learn more about how Dr. Annette Kutz Schippel, the author of our fall cover story on adrenal health, uses Standard Process and MediHerb products in her practice. Visit the Adrenal Desiccated (Standard Process) and Adrenal Complex (MediHerb) product pages at to hear what Dr. Schippel has to say about these products in our latest videos. The short video clips summarize what Dr. Schippel thinks are the most important points about the products in just over a minute. Educational Webinar Clinical Perspectives and New Research on the Detoxification Action of Spanish Black Radish* FEBRUARY2015 Scientists at Standard Process have studied one crucifer, the Spanish black radish, for the last 10 years. Our latest study, a human trial on the effect of the Spanish Black Radish supplement on phase one and two detoxification enzymes, was published in December 2014. Dr. Sara Arscott, Standard Process manager of clinical research, will present the study findings, while Dr. Georgia Nab, Standard Process chiropractor, will provide clinical direction for the use of Spanish Black Radish alone and with complementary Standard Process products.* Date: Thursday, February 26 Time: 11 a.m. PT/noon MT/1 p.m. CT/2 p.m. ET Log in at and select “See All Events” to register for this webinar, scheduled for an hour and 15 minutes. All Standard Process customers who attend can receive a free bottle of Spanish Black Radish with a future online supplement purchase. A promotional code, deadline, and rules will be emailed to webinar participants following the presentation. Event Calendar Seminars that are hosted by Standard Process sales representatives and distributors and national conventions that Standard Process will be attending in upcoming months are listed below. Please visit the event calendar at for a complete listing of events. SEMINARS Connecticut Meridian Autonomic Testing Applied Clinical Nutrition Speaker: Matt Cucolo, DC Date: February 28-March 1 Location: Cromwell Registration: Amy Cook | 617-477-4529 CE hours:† 12 Florida Trekking the Hormone Jungle Speaker: Michael E. Greer, MD Date: April 25 Location: Tampa Registration: Michael Brown | 813-440-6626 CE hours:† 8 Maryland Functional Blood Chemistry: Part I Speaker: Ronda Nelson, PhD, ND, MH, CNC Date: April 11-12 Location: Columbia Registration: John Hess | 540-854-9370 CE hours:† 12 Nutrition Response Testing Speaker: to be decided Date: May 9-10 Location: Annapolis Registration: John Hess | 540-854-9370 CE hours:† 12 Obesity: The Factors Beyond Diet and Exercise Speakers: Marlene Merritt, LAc, DOM, ACN, and Will Mitchell, LAc, DOM, ACN, DNBAO Date: June 6-7 Location: Rockville Registration: John Hess | 540-854-9370 CE hours:† 12 Doctor of the Future: 7 Pillars of Health Speaker: Stuart White, DC, DACBN Date: November 7-8 Location: White Marsh Registration: John Hess | 540-854-9370 CE hours:† 12 New Mexico Mastering Nutrition With the Nutritional Exam Speaker: Jay Robbins, DC Date: June 6-7 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 CE hours:† 16 Obesity: The Factors Beyond Diet and Exercise Speakers: Marlene Merritt, LAc, DOM, ACN, and Will Mitchell, LAc, DOM, ACN, DNBAO Date: February 28-March 1 Location: Albuquerque Registration: Deanna Kalbus | 920-650-1387 CE hours:* 12 Genetic Testing: Assessing 45 SNPs Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: June 9 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Nevada Simple Lab Tests for Every Practice Speaker: Dave Hogsed, DOM, AP Date: October 24-25 Location: Las Vegas Registration: Deanna Kalbus | 920-650-1387 CE hours:† 12 Understanding Tissue Repair and Regeneration Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: July 14 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Texas Foundational Nutrition for the Chiropractic and Holistic Clinic Speaker: David Hogsed, DOM, AP Date: March 7-8 Location: Irving Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 CE hours:† 16 Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida Homecoming Date: February 27-March 1 Location: Port Orange, Fla. Website: Phone: 866-800-7326 Unified Virginia Chiropractic Association Spring Convention Date: May 15-17 Location: Hot Springs, Va. Website: Phone: 540-839-1766 B Vitamins and Teen Health Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: September 8 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Common Myths Exposed: Vitamin D, Antioxidants, Folic Acid, and More Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: October 6 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Upper Gastrointestinal Support Utilizing Simple Assessments Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: March 10 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Oral Health: A Window to a Healthy Body Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: November 10 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Understanding Menopause Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: April 14 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 Virginia Meridian Autonomic Testing Speaker: Matt Cucolo, DC Date: March 7-8 Location: Henrico Registration: John Hess | 540-854-9370 CE hours:† 12 Thyroid Challenges: Utilizing Functional Blood Chemistry Speaker: Curt Hamilton, CCN Date: May 12 Location: Dallas Registration: Daisy Ypparila | 817-845-8325 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. CONVENTIONS † CE hours: Credit hours may only be available in certain states to certain health care professionals. Please call the registration number listed for the event for more information. ©2015 Standard Process Inc. All rights reserved.
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