UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL “VETERAN” JAKARTA FAKULTAS ILMU SOSIAL DAN ILMU POLITIK PROGRAM STUDI ILMU KOMUNIKASI Susilawati 0840411236 STRATEGI KAMPANYE SEPATU KEEVE DALAM MEMBANGUN BRAND POSITIONING SEBAGAI SEPATU PENAMBAH TINGGI BAGI PRIA (xiv + 62 halaman + 9 gambar + 3 bagan) + daftar pustaka (26 buku, 3 media online, dan 3 website) + 17 lampiran ========================================================== ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Sepatu Keeve mengkomunikasikan benefit sebagai sepatu penambah tinggi tidak hanya dilakukan melalui iklan tetapi juga didukung dengan kualitas produk dan strategi kampanyenya. Hal ini menjadi landasan ketertarikan untuk melakukan penelitian tentang strategi kampanye Keeve dalam membangun brand positioning sebagai sepatu penambah tinggi. Tujuan Penelitian Untuk mengetahui strategi kampanye sepatu Keeve dalam membangun brand positioning sebagai sepatu penambah tinggi bagi pria. Kajian Teoritis tentang komunikasi, periklanan, strategi kampanye, proses perencanaan strategi kampanye, komponen kampanye, perencanaan kreatif dan media, brand positioning, serta komunikasi pemasaran di mana teori tersebut dikaitkan dengan hasil penelitian. Metode Penelitian menggunakan paradigma interpretatif deskriptif bersfiat kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara kepada vice president dan business development manager PT Keeve Indonesia sebagai pembuat kebijakan strategi kampanye, konsumen sebagai informan, serta observasi pada store sepatu Keeve. Keabsahan data diuji dengan teknik triangulasi data dan teori di mana data yang diperoleh diklasifikasi, direduksi, dan disimpulkan. Hasil Penelitian strategi kampanye yang dilakukan Keeve mengkomunikasikan benefit produk melalui konsep pesan rasional sesuai tema promo serta konsep kreatif yang sederhana dan elegan. Perencanaan jadwal strategi kampanye dibuat dengan tahap peluncuran, keberlanjutan, namun belum ada jadwal akhir kampanye. Media yang digunakan sebagian besar lini bawah melalui aktivitas promosi penjualan dan pameran, sedangkan media lini atas hanya menggunakan internet. Brand positioning telah terbangun di benak konsumen bahwa Keeve dipersepsi sebagai sepatu penambah tinggi. Kesimpulan Strategi kampanye dengan membuat strategi komunikasi melalui penentuan pesan, penjadwalan kampanye, dan penggunaan media. Saran Keeve sebaiknya meningkatkan strategi kampanye periklanan yang bertujuan mempertahankan brand positioning untuk mendapatkan brand loyality konsumen melalui jadwal yang terencana sehingga lebih fokus dalam mencapai tujuan. Kata kunci: Strategi Kampanye, Periklanan, Bauran Promosi, Posisi Merek, Komunikasi Pemasaran. v UNIVERSITY OF PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL “VETERAN” JAKARTA FACULTY OF POLITIC AND SOCIAL SCIENCE COMMUNICATION STUDY PROGRAM Susilawati 0840411236 CAMPAIGN STRATEGY OF KEEVE SHOES IN BUILDING BRAND POSITIONING AS HEIGHT INCREASING SHOES FOR MAN (xiv + 62 pages + 9 pictures + 3 charts) + bibliographies (26 books, 3 online media, and 3 website) + 17 enclosers ========================================================== ABSTRACT Background Keeve shoes communicate the benefit of the product as a height increasing shoes not only through advertising but also backed by quality products and campaign strategies are used. This became the focus of interest to conduct research on campaign strategy in building Keeve shoe’s brand positioning as height increasing shoes. Research Objectives To determine Keeve shoes campaign strategy in building the brand positioning as height increasing shoes. Theoretical studies on communication, advertising, campaign strategy, campaign strategy planning process, components of the campaign, creative and media planning, brand positioning and marketing communications in which those theories associated with the research results. Research Methods The study uses descriptive interpretative paradigm with qualitative methods. Collecting data through interviews with vice president and business development manager Keeve Indonesia as policy makers of campaign strategy, and consumer as informant, than observations on the store Keeve. The data obtained were processed through a triangulation technique to classify, reduce, and concluded the data. Research carried out a campaign strategy Keeve is highlight to communicate the product benefits through the concept of messages appropriate to the theme of the promo as well as the creative concept is simple and elegant. Schedule planning stages of the campaign strategy was made on the terms of the launch, the sustainability, but there is no end of the campaign. The medium used mostly below the line through sales promotion activities and exhibitions, while the above the line media use only the Internet. Brand positioning has been built in the minds of consumers that Keeve perceived as height increasing shoes. Conclusion Campaign strategy by creating a communication strategy through the determination of the message, campaign scheduling, and media usage. Suggestions Keeve should increase campaign strategy aimed at maintaining brand positioning to get a brand loyalty of consumers through a planned schedule that is more focused to achieve goals. Keywords: Campaign Strategy, Advertising, Promotion Mix, Brand Positioning, Marketing Communication. vi
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