Honor Roll - The Westfield Leader

The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Page 9
Honor Roll
Park Middle School - 2nd Marking Period
SPELLING CHAMPS... Three Westfield students took the top three spots in the
New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs Liberty District Spelling Bee on
February 21. Pictured from left to right are: Christine Jablonski, Liberty District
Spelling Bee Chair & President, Woman’s Club of Arlington; Ryan Gasson, 3rd
place; Vivian Jeckell, 1st place; Kayla O’Brien, 2nd place; Holly Capobianco, Past
President & Federation Secretary, Junior Woman’s Club of Arlington.
WF Students Take Top Spots
At NJSFWC Spelling Bee
KEARNY – The New Jersey State
Federation of Women’s Clubs held
their annual NJSFWC Liberty District Spelling Beeon Saturday, February 21, 2015, at the Franklin School
Auditorium in Kearny. Fifteen contestants competed after placing in the
top 3 in their own club-level spelling
bees, hosted by one of 5 Junior
Woman’s Clubs:Arlington (in
Kearny), Cedar Grove, Summit,
Verona, and Westfield. After ten
rounds and six spell-offs, “hobble”
was the winning word. The three winners listed below were all sponsored
by the Junior Woman’s Club of
Westfield: 1st Place Vivian Jeckell
Grade 5; 2nd Place Kayla O’Brien
Grade 5; 3rd Place Ryan Gasson
Grade 4.
The first place winner received a
Spelling Champion bee trophy. Prizes
for the three finalists were gift cards
from TD Bank. All 15 contestants in
the Liberty District Spelling Bee received a certificate of participation.
Patricia Sherwen served as the official pronouncer. She has pronounced
for several club and district spelling
bees as an active volunteer for the Arlington Woman’s Club and Friends of
the Kearny Library and is a Past President of the Junior Woman’s Club of
Arlington and a former reading specialist. The judges are former educators
and currently represent the Arlington
Woman’s Club: Christine Jablonski,
President and Chairman of the Liberty
District Spelling Bee and Una Phelan,
a member of the Education Committee.
The event was moderated by Holly
Capobianco (Past President and Federation Secretary – Junior Woman’s
Club of Arlington) and Christine
McGrath (President, Junior Woman’s
Club of Verona). Sandra Uhler (Member – Junior Woman’s Club of Arlington) videotaped and photographed
the Bee. The Top 3 Finalists of the
Liberty District Spelling Bee will
compete against other 4th and 5th
graders from towns throughout New
Jersey in the State Spelling Bee sponsored by the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs. The State
Spelling Bee will be held on Saturday, March 7 (snow date of March
14) at the NJSFWC Headquarters on
the campus of Douglass Residential
College at Rutgers University in New
Junior Membership NJSFWC Liberty District Spelling Bee Founded in
1890, the General Federation of
Women’s Clubs (GFWC) is one of
the world’s oldest non-partisan, nondenominational women’s volunteer
service organizations. The New Jersey State Federation of Women’s
Clubs of GFWC – Junior Membership is a statewide organization providing education, training and interaction opportunities for volunteers
who are committed to individual
growth and community involvement,
enriching the quality of life throughout New Jersey and the world. The
Junior Women’s Clubs that hold annual spelling bees are volunteer members of a statewide association of
Women’s Clubs within the General
Federation of Women’s Clubs. They
provide opportunities for education,
leadership training, and community
service. For more information, go to
www.njsfwc.org and www.gfwc.org.
Crafting College Application
Workshop Planned by PTC
WESTFIELD – A seminar entitled
“Crafting Your Story for the College
Applicaiton” will take place on Tuesday, March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Westfield High School Cafeteria B.
The college admissions process has
become increasingly competitive;
however students who understand
their strengths and focus on communicating their story in a compelling
way will have a clear advantage in the
admission process. This interactive
seminar, open to both students and
parents, will introduce The College
Application Wheel™ to help students
figure out your key themes and unique
story. Several case studies of how
students crafted their story and how
they successfully communicated it to
colleges through their application will
be examined.
Presentations will be made by guest
speakers, Lisa Bleich, President, College Bound Mentor and Author of
Surviving the College Application
Process, and Beth Cassie, Independent Educational Consultant, College
Bound Mentor.
CHECK MATE...Holy Trinity Interparochial School (HTIS) captured 5th place
in elementary team competition in the New Jersey State Elementary Chess
Championships held on February 22 in Lincroft. Holy Trinity also won 7th place
Team in the Primary (K-3) Division.
Holy Trinity Chess Team
Takes Home Trophy at States
WESTFIELD – Holy Trinity
Interparochial School (HTIS) captured 5th place in elementary team
competition in the New Jersey State
Elementary Chess Championships
held on February 22 in Lincroft. Holy
Trinity also won 7th place Team in
the Primary (K-3) Division.
The competition is open to public
and private school teams from across
the state. Representing the team in the
primary division were Danny Fannick,
Conleth Gorham, and Steven
Pochatko. Playing in the elementary
division were Hannah Cumming, Alex
Cumming, Angelika Demetrick,
Owen Mitchell, and Alec Touhey.
Playing in the junior high division
was Daniel Cao. Each student played
five games during the day-long event.
Special congratulations go to
Angelika Demetrick for her 3 wins,
Daniel Cao for scoring 2.5 points in
the Jr. High Division, and Steven
Pochatko, who scored 2 points in his
first ever chess tournament.
In a warm-up meet earlier in the
month at Princeton Day School, the
team finished in 2nd Place in the
Novice II Section.
The HTIS Chess team, coached by
parent Joe Demetrick, meets Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in the Westfield
Campus cafeteria. All Holy Trinity
students from kindergarten through
8th grade are welcome to join regardless of their skill level or knowledge
of the game.
6th Grade
Distinguished Honor Roll
Elizabeth Acevedo, Kristen Adams,
Adam Ali, Kyra Antonello, Ethan
Berkman, Zachary Billotto, Abigail
Binaday, Hunter Birch, Lauren
Brenner, Erika Bretz, Sydney Byers,
Regina Carlos, Gabriel Carrascoso,
Luke Checchio, Emma Chichester,
Haley Cino, Abigail Conklin, John
Michael Cristobal, Vincent Cucci,
Jonathan Dionisio, Colin Fanning,
Alexander Fazzino, Daniel Ferrone,
Owen Ferrone, Claire Fisher, Dennis
Gannon, Paul Harris, Seth Jahnke,
Hannah Kriney, Sean Lage, Megan
Lahetta, Sophia Lama, Rebecca
Lancaster, Maura Leahy, Jordan Lowe,
Jolie Lubalin, Natalie Mikula, Jack
Morel, Brendan Mullany, Holly
Nelson, Jayden Nyamiaka, Brendan
Ong, Ethan Pawelec, Max Perone,
Emma Philip, Cory Phillips, David
Riedell, Brian Roessle, Amanda Rossi,
Chloe Rousseau, Emma Route,
Catherine Rozanas, Nicolas Ruggiero,
Jessica Schramm, Alessandra Serio,
Daniel Sicinski, Margaret Smith,
Sukriti Srinivasa, Nicolette Stanko,
Nicholas Tittanegro, Benjamin Tucker,
Andrew Villardi, Quinn Williamson,
Zackery Wong, Justin Zimmerman
Honor Roll
Grace Abdy, Chloe Alce, Mia
Aponte, Kotey Ashie, Kayla Avila,
Lydia Baik, Anjila Banks, Lindsey
Bartley, Dylan Bordman, Joshua
Bordman, Henry Bowman, Benjamin
Brenner, Marissa Burton, Olivia
Calcaterra, Anthony Cammarano,
Hunter Cardenas, Andre Carinhas,
Kaelie Chung, Christopher
Ciccarello, Devin Cooke, Eric
Cunningham, Meredith Czurlanis,
Joseph Decker, Rhythm Desai, Amit
Deshpande, Shannon Downey, Matthew Drubulis, Ryan Duthie, Georgio
Elenis, Christian Estevez, David
Farin, Mary Fazzino, Lenore
Ferguson, Besnik Ferizi, Olivia Fiore,
Monica Forman, Joseph Gale, Joshua
Garcia, Sai Gedela, Jade Glassman,
Nicholas Hale, Ava Hausle, Elisa
Herstatt, Ryen Hoover, Brendan
Huszcza, Lauren Iarussi, Victor
Johnson, Ian Joshua, Sean Kennedy,
Ibraheem Khan, Paul Koizumi,
Shelby Kumpf, Cynthia Liang, Noah
Lievre, Joseph Linder, Matthew London, Dallas Lorenzetti, Alexa Mach,
Lucas Mackey, Liam Mahr, William
Mauer, Amanda Mayer, Lauren
McGovern, Patricia McHugh, Kali
McKinney, Jordan McQuoid, Hadley
Moran, Sabrina Negley, Sabrina Ngu,
Griffin Nobile, Kaitlyn Otero, Elias
Pahountis, Kayla Paprocki,
Maximillian Pelosi, Roman Perrelli,
Christian Piesch, Faith Price, Lucien
Prophete, Hana Ramjohn, Dean Rash,
Kaitlyn Reilly, Hadley Rose, Dillon
Ryan, Gianna Salgado, William
Schetelich, Erica Schindler, Simone
Schomberg, Kyle Sellinger, Mateusz
Sierant, Dashawn Southerland,
Sydney Sprechman, Madison-Anne
StaRosa, Nicholas Susino, Justin
Tran, Jamie Valian, Abraham
Valverde, Alexa Vierschilling, Allison
Vlkovic, Cadence Weiss, David
Wernsing, Morgan Whitney, Hayden
Widder, Taylor Winslow, Madelyn
Yessman, Aidan Young
7th Grade
Distinguished Honor Roll
Nicholas Alber, Gabrielle Aloe,
Kaitlyn Amato, Taylor Anthony,
Julianna Blanco, Jaedan BlechingerSlocum, Nicole Brozak, Francis Gabriel
Buison, Summer Carver, Lea Cerini,
Alexa Chan, Katherine Chouinard,
Ryan Ciarrocca, Julie Ciccarino, Jordan Clement, Sabrina Cruz, Nicole
DeFrancesco, Julianna Domiciano,
Christopher Downey, Colin Dwyer,
Jessica Eggert, Sean Fanning, Michaela
Genty,Abigail Germinder, Kayla Giuffi,
Thomas Glastal, Jada Gomillion, Emily
Granville, Christina Gubernat, Akhil
Gundra, Himanee Hendre, Olivia
Hobbs, Ethan Jeon, Nicole Kenny,
Ashleigh Lancaster, Hannah Lancaster,
Jessica Lancaster, Elizabeth Ley, Joseph Li, Valeria Macchini, Aleezah
Madraswalla, Raion Magallanes, Kyle
Marquardt, Sandeep Mukherjee, Tejas
Nimkar, Cassidy Novello, John
O'Connor, Philleshia PershaySpearman, Erin Polak, Esteban Quinones, Gabriella Ramos, Sarah Rata,
Aryan Ravishankar, Isabella
Richardson, Patrick Ritter, William
Robertson, Melissa Rosahl, Alexia
Ross, Carly Spellman, Skylar Stagaard,
Maya Sutterlin, Elora Tamburri, Madison Toll, Ethan Tsvayberg, Kaylah
Webb, Grace White, Kaelah Wiggins,
Chloe Yang, Samantha Yip, Julia Yu,
Olivia Zambrio
Honor Roll
Sandra Abdelmalak, Katina
Ackerman, Amira Aliane, Eden Austin, Marissa Bamrick, Michael
Besante, Alexandra Boylan, William
Brady, Morgan Brown, Charles
Bunin, Kristen Buro, Remy
Cardarelli, Lucas Carinhas, Catherine
Carter, Sofia Casimiro, Justin Clark,
Garret Clausen, Braedon Cooke,
Devon Danielovich, Robert Dencker,
Juliana Denning, Madison Diamond,
Michael DiFrancesco, Gabriel
Donatelli, Kayleigh Downey, Matthew Dreyfus, Daniel Emiliani,
Geinner Fallas, Isabella Fiore, Nicholas Giamella, Isabelle Gilles, Kyle
Goldfarb, Emily Grill, Aidan Guma,
Ryan Gumpel, Jake Hahn, Sarah Horn,
Patrick Howard, Christos Ioannidis,
Kyle Isolda, Brigit Jacob, Nicholas
Januszanis, Emelyne Johns, Malcolm
Kahora, Gabrielle Khan, Lauren
Kieltyka, Miriam Kother, Nicholas
LaFerrera, Ryan Lamberta, Erin Lay,
Charles Levine, Antonio Lomonte,
Joy Lytch, Aidan Maloney, James
Maloney, Caden Mari, Ian
McCormack, Robert Mebes, Owen
Murphy, Shane Murphy, Kelly Nitti,
Emma O'Brien, Amanda Palhares,
Alyssa Pankiewitz, Marian Pelcastre,
Tatiana Perea, Katelyn Perez, Christina Pham, Grace Ponterio, Christian
Ramalho, Kyle Remo, Camden Ricci,
Dana Ricketts, Kyle Rigney, Cassie
Robinson, Felipe Rodrigues, Olivia
Rodriguez, Sean Rogers, Lucas
Route, Noah Samms, Carolina
Samuelian, Samantha Samuelian,
Frederick Saunders, Julianna
Scarcella, David Schulman, Aaron
Seidenberg, Megan Sheehy, Oliver
Sherry, Matthew Skolar, Gabriel
Stratton, Mia Striegel, Michael Tardi,
Emma Thumann, Sean Vlkovic, Ryan
Ward, Keri Yang, Maia Zaborowski,
Zachary Zaller
8th Grade
Distinguished Honor Roll
Josiah Baik, Laura Brady, Thomas
Brown, Freya Natasha Buison, Kara
Bush, Michelle Cagnassola, Kevin
Calabria, Gianna Calligy, Madison
Coleman, Saniya Dalvi, Ashley Diamond, Gabrielle Dickstein, Annabelle
Dionisio, Nicholas Dionisio, Jessica
Edelman, Bryan Fang, Nicole
Ferguson, Alexandra Fischmann,
Alexa Garrett, Theodore Giandana,
Vadim Gorbaty, Madison Haugh,
Payton Howell, Eshita Kar, Katherine
Koch, Alexandra Lahetta, Ryan
Metzger, Rae Mikula, Massimo
Modica, Jake Murphy, Courtney
Norteman, Breanna Patino, Cassandra
Pomponio, Maryam Ramjohn, Kara
Schramm, Katelyn Scobee, Alan Shao,
Jacqueline Stovall, Veronica Vergara,
Dakota Verrico, Nicholas Watterson
Honor Roll
Ryan Ackerman, Grace Ahlin, Gina
Avila, Persis Baah, Amanda Ball,
Lauren Barth, Paolo Antonio Bayotas,
Haley Birch, Jason Bisgay, Jamie Ann
Bonaccorso, Jeffrey Brenner, William Burns, Matthew Carrascoso,
James Cerini, Nicole Cevallos, Alan
Chen, Mia Cimino, Sarah Citarella,
Joshua Cohen, Sarah Cooney, Justin
D'Angelo, Anna Decker, Riley
DeProspero, Stefanie DeVizio,
Angelo DiNizo, Meghan Duthie,
Hope Edwards, Angelea Elenis,
Zachary Evangelista, Jaylen Evans,
Casey Ferguson, Alex Ferrara, Benjamin Fleischer, Jessica Friebely,
Madison Gal, William Gale, Brandon Garcia, Samuel Goetz, Elizabeth Goldstein, Sarah Gorman, Brandon Green, Vanessa Handy, Cassidy
Haugh, Olivia Hausle, Christopher
Hedden, Jake Hogan, Erin Hopkins,
Shoshana Isaacs, Suzanne Jackson,
Ryan Johnson, Dimitrios Kastanos,
John Kayser, David Kloepfer,
Jonathon Koseoglu, Timothy
Lamberta, Kaitlyn Lamendola,
Maggie Leahy, Justin Lo, Julia
Lomonte, Ricardo Lopez, Jared
Mascioli, Graham McAlindin, Shannon McCreesh, Kaylee Moniz,
Spencer Moran, Chloe Nelson, Colin
O'Brien, Patrick O'Brien, Victoria
O'Connor, James Oakes-Garcia,
Stephen Oduro, Julia Pankiewitz,
Shannon Persaud, Conor Peterson,
Carter Pomponio, Kayla Reisberg,
Daniel Resnicoff, William Ricci,
Eleanor Richard, Colleen Robinson,
Sadie Salgado, Gerardo SalgadoRengifo, Emillie Sanchez, Thomas
Scarcella, Jacob Schulman, Maya
Schwartzman, Erin Schwerdtfeger,
Kevin Sheil, Audrey Smith, Olivia
Speranza, Saniya Sripada, Garrett
Swaak, Paul Szanto, Kyle
Tannenbaum, Gustavs Teteris,
Maggie Traina, Joshua Venick,
Steven Verrastro, Maria Villeda, Justin Walsh, Mekayla White, Charles
Widder, Jovi Williams, Morgan Wilson, Elena Wollman, Abigail
THE YEAR OF THE SHEEP...Second grade classes at Franklin Elementary
School in Westfield enhanced their study of China with special activities for the
Chinese New Year. Students created “passports” with pictures of Chinese games,
artifacts, art, writing tools, and language and enjoyed an interactive Kung Fu
demonstration. Pictured from left to right are second graders from Mariel Jacobs'
class, Mia Ebel, Arya Motwani, Alessandra Scrofani, Alex Hendricks, and
Jacqueline Storms dipping their pens in ink to illustrate Chinese alphabet
Scotch Plains Native
Receives Full Scholarship
Wieszczek, a senior attending Mother
Seton Regional High School, was
awarded a Father Michael Scanlan
Scholarship from Franciscan University of Steubenville. The scholarship
covers full tuition for four years of
study, beginning fall 2015.
Ms. Wieszczek, who plans to study
pre-nursing at Franciscan University,
received one of two Scanlan Scholarships after competing against 82 topperforming students from 31 states
on February 5 and 6.
Participants in this prestigious invitation-only competition came from
Franciscan University's top tier of
academically qualified students admitted for fall 2015 and included
candidates from the top high schools
in the nation. The competition re-
quired students to write an essay, be
interviewed by a panel of faculty,
staff, and religious, and participate in
a group activity.
The scholarship is named in honor
of President Emeritus Father Michael
Scanlan, TOR, who served as president of Franciscan University for 26
years and was instrumental in revitalizing the school's Catholic identity.
Franciscan University integrates
strong academic programs with a
dynamic faith environment to serve
more than 2,400 students from all 50
states and 12 countries. It is featured
in The Newman Guide to Choosing a
Catholic College, FORBES'
"America's Top Colleges," and in
Kiplinger Personal Finance
Magazine's top 100 "best values" in
private higher education.
Two SP-F Musical Events
Scheduled for March 7
March 7 will be big day for Scotch
Plains-Fanwood (SPF) music with
two exciting annual events: the St.
Patrick's Day Fundraiser and Day of
Fanwood’s 5th annual St. Patrick's
Day Fundraiser will be held March 7
from 12:30 to 9:30 p.m. in a large
heated tent at the Fanwood Train Station. This event, sponsored by the
Fanwood Business and Professional
Association and Oh’Brian’s Pourhouse,
will feature music and traditional Irish
fare including corned beef, cabbage,
potatoes, pretzels, mac and cheese and
hot dogs. There will also be face painting, tricky tray and lots of fun.
All proceeds will benefit the Scotch
Boston Univ. Graduates
Westfield Resident
BOSTON, M.A. – Boston University awarded academic degrees to 1,664
students in January 2015. Among the
graduates was Kevin P. Smith of
Westfield, who received a Master of
Engineering in Mechanical Engineering.
Founded in 1839, Boston University
is an internationally recognized institution of higher education and research.
Consisting of 16 schools and colleges,
BU offers students more than 250 programs of study in science and engineering, social science and humanities,
health science, the arts, and other professional disciplines, along with a number of multi-disciplinary centers and
institutes integral to the University's
research and teaching mission. With
more than 33,000 students, BU is the
fourth-largest private university in the
country and a member of the American
Association of Universities (AAU), a
nonprofit association of 62 of North
America's leading research-intensive
Plains-Fanwood Music Boosters Association, which supports music programs throughout the school district.
SPF student groups will perform at
the fundraiser between 1 to 4:30 p.m.,
including the Moonglowers, SPFHS
Jazz Band, Park and Terrill Middle
School Jazz Bands , and more.
Tickets to this event are $7 in advance or $10 at the door. Advance
tickets are available at Oh’Brian’s
Pourhouse, 200 South Avenue in
Fanwood and Mara’s Café and Bakery,
250 South Avenue (where each ticket
purchase comes with a 10 percent discount on your next Mara’s visit).
For more information about the St.
Patrick’s Day event please visit
Meanwhile, the Scotch PlainsFanwood Public Schools music department hosts Day of Percussion on
March 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at
Terrill Middle School, 1301 Terrill
Road in Scotch Plains. This event
will feature instructional clinics by
professional musicians Jon DiFiore
and Dennis DeLucia, performances
by percussion ensembles from SPF
and other New Jersey schools, plus
refreshments, raffles, giveaways, and
vendors selling and demonstrating
musical merchandise.
Student groups performing will include: SPFHS Rhythmsense, South
Plainfield Middle School Percussion
Ensemble, Mantra Youth Percussion,
Metuchen High School Percussion
Ensemble, Randolph Middle School
Percussion Ensemble, Randolph High
School Percussion Ensemble, Terrill
Middle School Percussion Ensemble,
Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School
Percussion Ensemble and Kean University Percussion Ensemble.
For more information about this
Learn Something New!
Spring Classes begin March 9!
Class lengths vary from one session to eight sessions.
Just a few of the New Courses for Spring 2015:
• Golf for Beginners
and Novices
• Meatless Mondays
• Table Tennis for Fun,
Fitness and Focus
• Know Your Local
• Internet Security
• How to Easily Organize
Your Home
• Chair Seat Recovering
• Sewing
• Asian Appetizers
• Pilates/Yoga Fusion
• What Do You Want to Be
When You Grow Up?
• Blended Martial Arts
to see our 120+ Fall courses and to
register by credit card.
(908) 232-4050 • wasnjdirector@gmail.com • www.WestfieldAdultSchool.com