The Marion Press March 6, 2015

The Marion
Serving Marion, McBain
and Osceola County
Volume 126, No. 14
Friday, March 6, 2015
USPS 329-840
Established 1889
For news you want to read every week • Read us online at • • 231-743-2481
Superintendent search brings ire of ACLU
By Rosemary Horvath
A superintendent search
for the McBain Rural Agricultural Schools garnered
free publicity statewide
this week when a “strong
Christian background and
philosophy” was included
among the search criteria,
at least briefly.
The description came to
the attention of the Michigan chapter of the America
Civil Liberties Union and
was deleted on the same
morning of the initial posting.
“It was my error and
I should have caught it,”
said Scott Crosby, regional
president of Michigan
Leadership Institution,
West Central Michigan.
Crosby has 30 years
as school educator and
administrator and has
walked school boards
through many administrative searches. Crosby
retired as superintendent of
the Wexford-Missaukee Intermediate School District
two years ago.
He is currently facilitating superintendent searches
for McBain, Manton and
Manistee, but there are
scores of openings around
the state.
Crosby had written
various comments on his
pad and had inadvertently
inserted the word Christian
when he submitted the job
description. Within hours
of the initial contact by the
ACLU, the wording had
been withdrawn, Crosby
said Thursday.
Mike Harris announced
his retirement as McBain
superintendent in December. The school board
selected MLI in January
and Crosby and the school
board reviewed the language in February, according to the board minutes
posted online.
Crosby said writing
“strong conservative background” would have been
appropriate. “You can’t
say the word Christian as
criteria. That violates the
law. If ‘strong conservative background’ had been
used, we wouldn’t be talking about this.”
Crosby said the ACLU
provided news outlets with
its letter that went viral.
Bottom line is the
McBain district may benefit. “They may get more
candidates from this,” he
Still, Crosby regrets the
error and said it was unfortunate and that he should
have caught the oversight.
The McBain district is
financially stable, has an
outstanding school board
Building bid
on hold until
further review
County officials have
been studying building options for a couple of years,
Selecting a contractor for starting with deciding on
renovations and building
Emergency Medical Seraddition at the Osceola
vice bases for the northeast
County Sheriff Department and northwest quadrants of
got put on hold Tuesday.
the county. They evaluBoard Chairman Larry
ated multiple locations and
Emig said the low-bid con- building options.
tractor had missed several
“Unfortunately, reitems in the proposal. When modeling is not necessarthose were added, the bid
ily cheap,” was a lesson
increased substantially
learned, Emig noted,
above the $255,000 the
especially by those who
board was willing to spend. believe remodeling should
The board voted to move be cheaper than building
forward with the project
brand new.
but directed the architect
Cost of renovations,
and county coordinator to
bringing an existing buildrevisit the proposal and dis- ing up to code and meetcuss options with the next
ing all the public safety
two contractors on the list.
requirements is expensive.
“We’ll go back and see
“And renovating a jail is
what we can pare down,”
no different,” Emig added.
Emig said.
Another building
All total nine contractors decision on tap for comfrom all over West Michimissioners has to do with
gan submitted bids. Highest finding a new Commission
was $363,000.
on Aging meal site in the
Last year, Landmark
village of Marion.
Design Group of Grand
Last month the county
Rapids recommended two
renewed a lease with the
options of either $417,500
local Fraternal Order of
or $477,500. Commission- Eagles to use space for
ers objected and reset to the congregate meals and other
lower amount.
activities for this year until
Basically, a 900 square
a location is chosen.
foot addition will be built
Emig said C.O.A. direcat the existing front of the
tor Scott Schuyler and
building estimated to cost
County Coordinator Susan
Vander Pol surveyed a
Site work of grading,
corner commercial building
excavation, new sidewalks
the F.O.E. owns downtown
and other prep work will
that has potential. There
cost $50,000.
will be further discussion.
Renovating a new public
Also on Tuesday, comlobby, redesign office
missioners received a prespace, install new handicap sentation on the Mecostaaccessible restrooms, and
Osceola Youth Attention
add upgrades of energy
Center. Emig presides as
efficient building features
the organization’s board
such as windows, exterior
insulation, HVAC equipOn hand were case
ment and interior lightworkers Shay Tullar and
ing now will come under
Sarah Smith who outlined
further scrutiny.
the mission of offering
Emig said even with the homeless and in-crisis
delay the project is still on
youth a life saver.
track. Construction he esEmig has been associtimated will probably take
ated with the program more
four months to complete.
Continued on Page 2
By Rosemary Horvath
PM Snow Showers
o Mostly Sunny
Tuesday: Hi 45o , Lo 28o Mostly Sunny
Wednesday: Hi 44o , Lo 25o Partly Cloudy
Thursday: Hi 41o , Lo 22o
20% Chance of Rain
Monday: Hi 41 , Lo 23
o Friday: Hi 39 , Lo 21
Saturday: Hi 39 , Lo 23
Evart honors lifesaving cop
By Jennifer Bomorra
During a full Evart City
Hall Council Meeting- Sergeant John Beam Jr. was
honored and given a Life
Saving Award due to his
quick thinking, dedication
and commitment to the
community and for going
above and beyond the call
of duty.
Steve Stiffler who is a
paramedic in the county
recommended Sergeant
Beam for this award. The
Life Saving Award was
presented to Sergeant John
Beam Jr. by Evart Police
Chief Kendra Backing
congratulating him and
saying , “We are proud of
Sergeant Beam’s quick
thinking, and dedication to
training and commitment
to our great community.”
At 2:45 am in the morning, on June 26th 2014,
fifteen minutes prior to
Sergeant Beam’s 12 hour
shift ending, he heard a
medical call go out for an
unresponsive subject at a
Sergeant Beam responded, although not required,
but because he knew he
was the closest unit in the
area and had a gut feeling
that something was very
Sergeant Beam responded to the residence
accompanied by a student
ride along who had been
with him throughout his
shift. They made contact
with the home owner who
led them to the subject in
Sergeant Beam observed
the subject lying on their
back on the floor unresponsive, displaying a bluish/
grey coloring of the skin.
Sergeant Beam yelled
out to the subject and
assessing the
checking for
and any
signs of a
unresponsive and
Beam delivered rescue
breaths through his pocket
Sergeant Beam was also
able to update the responding units as to the condition
of the victim until they
could arrive on scene.
Once EMS arrived,
Sergeant Beam continued
to provide rescue breaths
while the paramedics, Mr.
Stiffler being one of them,
worked on stabilizing the
Sergeant Beam assisted
with loading the patient
onto the stretcher and it
was at that time the subject
came to.
The subject was disoriented and very confused
and ultimately transported
to the hospital for further
medical treatment.
Mr. Stiffler, who has
13 years of experience as
a paramedic, approached
Chief Kendra Backing
advising her, “Because in
this patients situation, time
was of the essence for this
patient, it is without a doubt
that had Sergeant Beam not
responded, the outcome
would have been very different and definitely not a
2 with
Troopers from the
Michigan State Police Mt.
Pleasant Post arrested a
28 year old male suspect
from Taylor and a 34 year
old female suspect from
Traverse City for Possession of Cocaine in Lincoln
Twp., Osceola County.
At about 8:37 p.m. on
March 03, 2015 Troopers
conducted a traffic stop on
US-131 near 7 Mile Rd.
after a Trooper observed a
traffic violation. A search
of the suspect vehicle
revealed the narcotics. The
driver and passenger were
arrested at the scene and
transported to the Osceola
Co. Jail where they were
The apprehended suspects will be arraigned later
at the 77th District Court in
Reed City.
Get a copy of
The Marion Press
It’s Time to
Spring Ahead!
For the week of
March 1 - 7
Sunday: Hi 39o, Lo 20o Paramedic Mr. Stiffler, Sergeant John Beam Jr. and Chief Kendra Backing.
and staff and the buildings
are in great shape.
“And it is what it is – a
conservative community,”
he added.
But the criteria “was
never framed in a discriminatory fashion,” Crosby
As for the ACLU, communication director for
the organization, Darrell
Dawsey, confirmed Thursday morning no further
action would be taken.
“We asked them to
amend the description, and
they did,” he said.
The ACLU had contacted the McBain with
“Warning against the
unconstitutional use of
religious beliefs as employment criteria in public
education, the American
Civil Liberties Union of
Michigan in a letter today
urged administrators in the
McBain school district to
remove from a job posting
a requirement that superintendent candidates have “a
strong Christian background and philosophy.”
The notice was updated
the same day with: After
receiving our letter, the
McBain School District
removed the reference to
“a strong Christian background and philosophy”
from its job listing.
“There is no principle more fundamental to
American public education
than the requirement that
schools be welcoming of
all students, employees and
administrators regardless
of religious or ethnic background,” wrote ACLU of
Michigan deputy legal director Dan Korobkin, who
co-authored the letter after
the organization received a
complaint last week about
the online job listing.
Mostly Cloudy
10% Chance of Rain
Weather Recap
For the week of March 1 - 7
Hi Temp Last Week: Monday 31o
Lo Temp Last Week: Thursday 1o
Don’t forget to push your
clock ahead on Saturday night
before you go to bed!
$29 in county
$35 out of county
for a years’s subscription
Call us:231-743-2481
Page 2 - The Marion Press - March 6, 2015
Youngster saves family from fire
By Pat Maurer
Sheriff’s addition on hold
Continued from Page 1
than 20 years. Founded
long before that by a proAn 11 year-old probbate judge, the communityably saved all seven of his
based program had settled
Farwell family and four the
in several places before
family pets from a house
being headquartered at the
fire last Saturday morning.
county courthouse in Big
The home of Carol and
Larry Forkum at 503 Maple
Emig is inviting agenwas extensively damage in
cies to appear before the
the blaze which destroyed
board to bring seasoned
most of the interior of the
commissioners up to date
home. The family of Joe
and inform the two new
and Renee Maxey (sons
commissioners. Either
Austin, Collen, and Bradin)
the county invests in the
were also living at this
groups or receives monThe upstairs of this century-old Farwell home was
residence. “We had sold
destroyed by fire, and the main floor extensively damaged ies for different county
our house about three to
programs, he said. Fuin a fire last Saturday morning.
four months ago and in the
ture speaks will be from
smoke and water damage.” grateful for all the firefight- Department of Human
process of buying a new
He said he has an “idea” ers from Surrey Township,
home,” Joe said. “We are
Services, Michigan Works!
of where the fire may have
Clare Fire Department and
not one hundred percent
and Area Agency on Aging.
started, but that the cause is Garfield Township, who did
sure where it started other
With regard to the imstill under investigation.
a great job keeping most of pending merger of commuthan upstairs. We were
Sunday Maxey posted on the fire upstairs and salvag- nity health, mental health
living there with my wife’s
Facebook, “Very thankful
ing most of the downstairs.” and programs for the aging
(Renae) aunt and uncle,
this morning for our human
“We are also very grate- April 1, Emig who is well
Carol and Zeke.
smoke/fire alarm, Bradin,
ful for my Police family
Fire Chief Dave Wilversed in social service
who was able to smell the
who have pulled together
liams reported that the call
smoke and hear the fire
to be there and help in our
came in around 5:40 a.m.
time of need,” he said.
February 28th and firefight- snap, crackle and popping
Anyone who would like
ers cleared the scene around at 5:30ish this morning.
He thought quick enough
to help support the family
10 a.m.
to wake us up with a fire
can stop at Red’s Oakridge
Maxey continued, “Our
creeping in his bedroom.
Party Store, where a dona11 year old, Bradin (who
Everyone is safe, but emotion jar has been set up on
will be 12 on March 23rd)
tional. Thank you God for
the counter.
was sleeping in the room
keeping us all safe. ”
where it started. He was
Photo Courtesy of Surrey
Township Fire Department
He added, “We are
awakened by the smell of
smoke and crackling of
the fire and immediately
woke us up. From there we
woke everyone up and got
everyone out, including
ERS. THE TENTATIVE RECOMMENDED EQUALhearts is our hero,” he said.
“If he wouldn’t have acted
so quickly and stayed calm
who knows what the outCOMMISSIONERS AND STATE TAX COMMIScome might have been.”
“The house itself is over
100 years old...I’m not
Middle Branch Township
exactly sure how long Carol
and Zeke have lived there,
47.01 Ratio
1.06360 Factor
but I know it’s been a long
51.09 Ratio
0.97867 Factor
time,” he added.
72.69 Ratio
0.68785 Factor
Surrey Fire Chief Dave
47.45 Ratio
1.05374 Factor
Williams said the damage
TimberCutover N/C Ratio
N/A Factor
to the home was extenDevelopmental N/C Ratio
N/A Factor
sive. “The fire was mostly
Personal Property 50.00 Ratio
1.00000 Factor
contained upstairs, where
it started,” he said, “but
the downstairs has a lot of
programs said the merger
will be a challenge to bring
all the departments together. He’s heard the new state
director is optimistic.
In other matters, the
*RENEWED an intergovernmental agreement
with West Michigan Shoreline Regional Development
Commission that outlines
relationship and responsibilities of the two partners
related to participation in
a homeland security grant
*RECEIVED input from
County Commissioner
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Pam Wayne and the county
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from Dan Massy, economic
development coordinator,
on activity of the county
Land Bank Authority for
2014. There was little
activity and no properties
were bought or sold. Massy
said two Lincoln Township properties had been
considered that are in the
state land bank but that the
vacant land was deemed
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The Marion Press - March 6, 2015 - Page 3
New Cadillac microbrewer joins craft beer explosion
Adam Harden, Brew master at Clam lake Beer company in Cadillac standing in
front of their 40 Craft Beers on tap.
By Jennifer Bomorra
brewery business had seen
an unparalleled growth. It
was said by the end of the
Local Michigan-Made
Civil War, there were at
Breweries, Micro-Brewer- least 6 more breweries in
ies and Brewpubs alike are Kalamazoo.
growing and are becoming
Now today, there are
popular in demand all over more than 140 Breweries,
the state.
microbreweries and BrewThe mainstream craft
pubs in the state.
beer explosion in MichiA little history of our
gan has climbed to being
own right in our backfifth in the nation in the
yard, the city of Cadillac
numbers of breweries.
was originally known as
With unlimited variet“Clam Lake”. So the apies of types and tastes
propriately named Clam
available to choose from
like, pumpkin ales, to
IPAs, Dark Lagers and
Chocolate Stout just to
name a few, the choices
are endless to the palate
and taste buds, and there
is no better place to try
and enjoy these seasonal
creations then right here in
Michigan during the four
seasons the state has to
offer us.
Per The Michigan
Brewers Guild, Michigan’s thriving Brewery
industry contributes more
than $ 24 million in wages
with a total economic of
more than $ 133 million a
year, supporting the claim
as Michigan being “The
Great Beer State”.
Several recent initiatives have also resulted
in the growing of Hops in
Michigan, to help support
the states brewing indusAbove: The inside of the
try. The increase of craft
Clam Lake Beer Company.
beers have had such an
There is seating for 139
impact on the economy,
people, and features over
40 craft beers on tap, 3 of
even the farmers are bewhich were created there!
coming more involved in
the growing of hops.
The first commercial
Right: Adam Harden
Brewery opened its doors
showing off the beer
in Kalamazoo in 1837. By
processing area.
the beginning of 1850, the
Lake Beer Company was
thus created, with a rustic
and industrial take on
highlighting the history
of Cadillac. The stunning
bar, surrounding tables
and stools evoke the early
industrial feel of Cadillac.
The Clam Lake Beer
Co, formally known as
“Shay Station Coffee Co.”
is now a new and exciting
139-seat tap house and
restaurant, featuring over
40 craft beers on tap, 3 of
which were created there.
“The Loggers Daughter, which is a Pale Ale,
is one that’s on tap right
now, and one of our most
popular, It was picked by
the community in a community naming contest we
had.” said, Adam Harden,
Brew Master at Clam lake
Beer Co.
“The Shay Stout, is
another one we have, it
was named after Ephraim
Shay, who invented the
Shay Locomotive and who
was from Cadillac.”
“The new recipes from
here on out, we’re not
really sure how we’re going to name them he said,
but, they will probably be
pulled from the history of
Cadillac. Within the next
4-5 months, there will be
a lot of test recipes, we’ll
see how they take off and
go from there.”
Some of the craft beers
they have on tap are
mainly from Michigan,
but there are a few from
out of state. “Our main
focus though is trying to
keeping Michigan Breweries on tap, There is a good
selection right now from
across the state.” Adam
also added that “Michigan
breweries are something
that definitely won’t go
The entrance to the Clam Lake Beer company.
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Page 4 - The Marion Press - March 6, 2015
Postcard from
the Pines
Mike’s Musings
Michael Wilcox, Publisher/Editor
Poverty stats are startling
Martin Johnson is a
thoughtful letter writer. His
letters often appear in The
REVIEW’s Letters section
and one can tell he really
cares about this area.
This week he took me
to task in a nice way. He
praised our front page
headlines and stories, but
then said the headline
writer (me) “ran out of
He asks, “What does
‘Clare County 81st in
Kids Count ranks’ mean
anyway?” He called it
confused and boring.
I couldn’t agree more.
It is. Martin went on to
provide a few alternative
“2,324 or 37.6 percent
of all children in Clare
County live in poverty”
“Child Poverty is up 21
percent in Clare County
since 2006”
“Only two counties in
Michigan have higher rates
of child poverty than Clare
The article is not particularly good news for
Clare County. The fact that
child poverty in the county
is up 21% since 2006 is unbelievable. Here are some
more statistics that will
make you think twice:
-63.5 percent of all children in Clare County are
eligible for free or reduced
By Julie Traynor
-the unemployment rate
for Clare County in 2013
was 12.1 percent compared
to a state average of 8.8.
-median income was
pegged at $32,724 for the
County versus a state average $46,790.
-35% of the Clare County workforce was only
making minimum wage.
-37.7% of the families in
Clare County are receiving
food assistance.
-1008 Clare County
families in 2012 were investigated for child abuse.
That’s almost 16% of all
These startling statistics have been compiled
by the Michigan League
for Public Policy, which
is advocating more public
funds for poor families.
It’s hard to argue the point,
at least in Clare County,
where jobs are hard to
come by and apparently if
the statistics are accurate,
more than a third only pay
minimum wage.
Martin Johnson says the
article should disgust us
and move us in to action.
He would like to see us
pick up the phone and contact organizations that need
volunteers. He would like
us to open our checkbooks
and contribute to organizations that help the poor.
He’s right. Those of
us that have, need to help
Cards and notes from Carrie Ward
February 27th was the
sang in her youth and per132nd birthday of my mahaps that training aided her
ternal grandmother, Carrie
in the clear and true tone of
Vowles Ward, 1883-1961.
the call.
She was born on a home Carrie Ward was a
stead in Iowa, which to my
letter and postcard writer her
mind was very Laura Ingalls entire life. It was the best
Wilder like, yet spent most
instant communication her
the have nots. If there is
of her 78 years on a farm in times offered. As a girl she
one attribute many people
Isabella Co., Michigan.
often visited family in Oakhave in Clare County, it is
By today’s standards
land County, or spent time
their willingness to give.
she was old to become a
with her sister who taught
I’ve seen it over and over
grandma, being sixty-six
school in Charlevoix. Her
with our Christmas Wish
when I was born. I was
letters home, kept by her
Program. So many people
almost twelve when she died mother, are highly descripcontribute to our program
in November 1961. I was
tive and bubbling with enthat helps feed, clothe and
her only grandchild. In all
thusiasm. They often began
provide help to dozens of
actuality we hardly knew
“Dear Folkses at Home….”
individuals. I see it with
each other, she knowing me For me they are so much
United Way. Clare County better than I knew her. As
more than just what she did
residents and businesses
good as my recall may be, I on any given day. They are
open their wallets to make do not have many first hand full of family references and
sure the UW goal is met
memories of her and photos connections; antidotes of
each and every year.
reinforce those I do have.
her grandmother and even
Clare County might
But that is not to say that I
confirm the craziness of a
be considered poor when
do not know a lot about her. long rumored ditsy aunt. In
it comes to state rankSome aspects of her are
the case of the Charlevoix
ings, but it is very rich
very much etched into my
letters, the names dropped
when you consider the
brain. My memory can
and some of the events of
philanthropic endeavors
playback the sound of her
that summer town are truly
of many families. I agree
voice, if not the words. She historical. with Martin Johnson and
made sounds. Apparently
She sent a postcard, or a
his call to action. We need
at one time it was in the
short letter, to my mother
to determine strategies to
vernacular to say the sound, almost every day; just a few
make life better for Clare
“Tsk-tsk” and see it in print lines telling her what was
County families, and paras such. It describes the
doing there, or of the news
ticularly their children. I’m sound pretty well. But who
from family or friends. She
not sure any of us have all
says that now? Its use has
always asked about my
the answers, but if we work largely gone out of fashion, dad and me and sent her
together, I’m sure we can
but when I was a kid my
love. Sometimes the news
improve on the embarrass- Grandma Ward made that
was long and the message
ing statistics.
sound. She truly did tsk, ‘tis wrapped around the edge
true. (Sorry.) of the card. No matter the
She also, clucked. That
space, it always ended
is another old adjective for
“Love, Mom”.
She preferred the
By Roger Campbell Ministries
isn’t seen or heard often. It
cheaper postcard but was no
also kind of defies descripstranger to greeting cards.
tion, but she did it. ProbFor my first birthday she
ably cluck is akin to a short sent several cards, one she
chuckle. The best of her
crafted (she was a long time
memorable sounds was
scrapbooker) and made up a
Most of us start longIn these parts, this has
when she ‘hoo-hoo-ed’. You verse. In 1957 she sent me
ing for spring shortly
been a week of mind stickknow, the call every farm
the first Halloween card I
after Christmas. And for
ing winter scenes. Freshly
wife and mom could make
ever saw. In her lovely and
many good reasons: the
fallen snow made one
to summon husband or child distinct hand, and always
day who allows it to be
anticipation of returning
feel the whole world was
from a long distance. I can
with a fountain pen, she
song birds, signs of new
clean. Pines were heavily invaded with worry, fret
just see my short, round
wished me happy trick or
and anxiety.”
life bringing their annual
powdered and heaps of
little grandma with the snow treating.
Each moment has eterpreviews of resurrection,
white on our birdfeeders
white hair and the genuine
Just recently we’ve been
flowers pushing up green
gave them the appearance nal value and we are all
twinkle in her blue eyes,
enjoying, as we do each
stewards of seconds.
hands through the still cold of Swiss chalets. Now I
stepping onto the back porch year, some framed, frilly,
The Psalmist was so
soil announcing brighter
understand why God comto give that call. “Hoo1890’s Valentines, saved by
conscious of time’s fast
days ahead and weather
forted Job in his many afhoooo!” And Grandpa and
each of my grandparents
forecasts of fair and warm- flictions by reminding him flight that he recorded the Uncle Bill knew it was time Ward. They aren’t high Vicfollowing prayer: “So
er replacing wind- chill
that He was the creator of
to come to dinner, or that
torian, or large or particuteach us to number our
factors. Even those who
snow (Job 38:22).
she needed them for some
larly remarkable, but they
live in year-long warmer
Taking in the view from days, that we may apply
important reason. Grandma are fine tokens of their early
our hearts to wisdom.”
climes can’t resist looking my window one morn(Psalm 90:12), adding, “O
forward to the season of
ing, I gave thanks for our
satisfy us early with Your
new beginnings.
Lord’s handiwork and
mercy, that we may rejoice
Standing in line at the
found myself wanting
Carol Cope
and be glad all our days”
Post Office, I heard a man to capture this strikingly
grumbling about the cold
beautiful winter scene and (Psalm 90:14).
Most of us have been
weather. My efforts to
remember it as long as
brighten his mood were to possible. Winter’s wonder prodigals with time and
foolishly spent a possesno avail until I reminded
made me realize the imNO-OVEN PIZZAS
of the onions, then cover
sion that is far more valuhim of the calendar’s
portance of squeezing the
1lb. refrigerated or thawed and cook until the cheese
steady march to the first
most out of every moment able than money. Give
frozen pizza dough
melts, about 1 minute
thanks for the prospect
day of spring. “I never
of life
Flour for dusting
of sunny days ahead, but
thought of it that way,” he
This moment is an
1/4 cup EVOO
Transfer the pizza to a
said breaking into a smile. important occasion. Don’t don’t spring forward too
1 cup tomato sauce
cutting board and top with
Looking forward to
waste it complaining about quickly. Enjoy the wonder 8 oz. shredded mozzarella
some arugula. Wipe out
of winter because it is
spring makes winter seem the weather. Rise each
cheese (about 2 cups)
the pan and repeat with
shorter. No matter how
morning thanking God for where we are today. And, Sliced red onions
the remaining ingredients.
whatever the season, faith Arugula
cold it may be at the moclouds or sunshine, heat
Makes 4-8 inch pizzas.
ment, those who focus
or cold and you are sure to sees today as the best day
of the year.
on the promise of spring
have a better day.
Quarter the dough and
Roger Campbell was an shape into balls. Place
know that just beyond the
Ralph Waldo Emerson
From the kitchen of
author, a broadcaster and
snow balmy breezes blow. said, “Write it on your
on a lightly floured
Father Joe Fix
columnist who was a pas- surface, cover with a
Sound good?
heart that every day is the
4 squirrels
tor for 22 years. Contact
Enjoy the anticipation.
best day of the year. He
kitchen towel and let stand Magic Fry
us at rcministry@ameriBut don’t waste the
only is rich who owns the
at room temperature for 30 Flour
wonder of winter.
day, and no one owns the
Olive Oil
Heat a medium 8-inch
cast-iron skillet over me1 can chicken broth
The Marion
dium heat for 10 minutes.
1/3 onion, chopped
(Make sure you have a lid.) Nature’s seasoning
Flatten 1 piece of
Garlic powder
Marion Press Publishing
This newspaper weldough, then stretch into an Pepper
comes public comment
P.O. Box D • Marion, MI 49665
8-inch round. Add 1 tbsp.
4 bay leaves
in our Letters to the
EVOO to the skillet, tilting
Phone: 231-743-2481 • Fax: 989-386-2412
Editor section.
to coat. Carefully lay the
Brown squirrel in olive
Letters should be
dough in the bottom of
oil in frying pan. When
Editor/Publisher: Mike Wilcox
limited to 350 words
the pan and cook for 1 1/2 browned, place in crockpot. or less, printed neatly,
Press Correspondents:
Advertising Reps:
Mix gravy ingredients. minutes. Using a metal
or typewritten (double
spatula, flip the dough,
Pour over squirrel in
Deb Golden & Trish Beemer Ben Murphy, Carol Cope,
spaced), and must inthen cover and cook
crockpot. Cook 6 hours
Rosemary Horvath,
clude the authors name
until the bottom is brown,
until meat is tender.
Graphic Consultants:
and daytime phone
Jennifer Bomorra ,
minutes. Turn
Sherry Landon & Amber Howe
number for verification
dough again and, working
Julie Traynor
only. We reserve the
May be used
Email Us At: right to refuse Letters to the tomato sauce on top. bothMarjoram: dry or green. Used
the Editor at our discreThis newspaper is not responsible for mistakes in
Sprinkle with 1/2 cup of
to flavor fish, poultry, omtion.
advertising beyond the cost of the space involved.
the cheese, top with some
elets, lamb, stew, stuffing
Don’t waste the
wonder of winter
affection, not to mention
great mantle decoration for
this time of year. With these
true oldies, I mix cards,
saved from my childhood.
One particular favorite is a
flowery heart shaped Valentine, reminiscent of those
vintage cards. Enclosed, is a
small folded note, written on
both sides, a message from
Grandma, to my mother as
well as to me. In the early paragraphs
she notes, of the February
weather, fifty some years
ago, “All this snow…and
it’s been quite icy around
here and I don’t get out
at all.” Perhaps Michigan
weather does not change
after all.
She also writes to me, “I
am sending you a nice new
dollar bill and I hope you
will not spend it too quickly--just lay it away.” Right. I
saved half and spend half. It
was always best if you could
tell her that some was saved.
The note ends, “Have
fun…and don’t forget to
help your good mother.
With lots of love to you all,
She always referred to
my mom as “your good
mother” and admonished me
to help her whenever I could
and always to be good. The
‘be good’ was always there.
These were all very grandmotherly things to say.
Now that I am grown,
and know so much more
about her, I see her great
and abiding love for me in
each note she wrote and card
sent. I find in them the interest she had in my schooling
and activities, what I had
and who was in my life. She
also regularly admonished
me to be grateful for those
who cared about and were
so good to me.
I have a lot of things from
my grandmother. But perhaps, the things which mean
the most are the cards and
notes, from which I hear her
speak in her own clucking
voice, clear and true.
Cooking & Recipes
What’s Cooking?
Write Us
and tomato juice.
Mint: Leaves are
aromatic with a cool flavor. Excellent in beverages,
fish, cheese, lamb, soup,
peas, carrots, and fruit desserts.
Oregano: Strong
aromatic odor, use whole
or ground to spice tomato
juice, fish, eggs, pizza,
omelets, chili, stew, gravy,
poultry and vegetables.
Paprika: A bright red
pepper, this spice is used
in meat, vegetables, and
soups. Can be used as a
garnish for potatoes, salads
or eggs.
Father Joe’s recipe for
Squirrel is very good with
Mashed Potatoes and a
salad, either tossed or
With St. Patrick’s Day
fast approaching, please
send me your great recipe
for this special day.
Until next week remember, it is not what we
have that matters, it is how
we give what we have that
really matters. God Bless, Carol Jean
Suet Cakes 99¢
Variety of kinds
Marion Lumber Yard
606 N. Mill Street, Marion • 231-743-2416
Hours: M-F 7:30am to 5pm • Sat 8am to 1pm
The Marion Press - March 6, 2015 - Page 5
Shelters seeing homeless increase
on their rent or mortgages,
and in turn, their family
It’s a heartbreaking and or themselves become
frightening fact, but, with
homeless. It’s a continuthe frigid cold temperaous domino effect that’s
tures that effect those livputting more and more
ing on the streets and the
Michigan individuals and
Michigan poverty levels
families in a low-income
that are on the rise, there
poverty level bracket and
is a high fluctuation of
or, no bracket at all.
homeless men, woman and
The proof is in the
children needing a place
reporting number of beds
for safe harbor during
in local shelter’s that are
this time and there are no
becoming filled to capacity
signs of slowing down or
more and more on a nightdecreasing of numbers in
ly basis and the frequency
our local communities.
in soup kitchen meals
From the ongoing reces- increasing daily, to finding
sion to the countless job
places available for people
losses, medical bills, to the to talk to and get or receive
many home foreclosure’s
help from. Many Homein our counties, it makes it less live together doubled
hard for some to keep up
with relatives or friends
By Jennifer Bomorra
Osceola County
Sheriff’s Crime Log
Weekly Sheriff’s Report 2-22-2015 to 2-282015
The Osceola County
Sheriff’s Office investigated several complaints for
the above week. The following is a brief summery
for some of that activity
which occurred.
On 02-22-2015 a deputy
conducted a traffic stop on
a vehicle, within Burdell
Township, for a speeding infraction. Through
investigation it was
discovered that the driver
was operating their vehicle
with a suspended driver’s
license, and was also in
possession of suspected
marijuana. The driver was
arrested and transported
to the Osceola County Jail
without incident.
On 02-22-2015 deputies were dispatched to a
Sylvan Township home
on the report of a subject
having suicidal thoughts.
Upon arrival the scene was
secured, and the subject
in question was taken into
protective custody and
was transported to Reed
City- Spectrum Health for
a mental evaluation.
On 02-23-2015 deputies were dispatched to a
Burdell Township home
on the report of an active
entry alarm complaint.
Upon arrival the scene was
checked and everything
was found to be secure.
On 02-23-2015 the k-9
team assisted the Village of
Kalkaska’s police department with a k-9 sniff of
a business, where a bomb
threat was reported. The
K-9 team completed the
assist, which did not reveal
anything suspicious, and
returned to the county upon
On 02-24-2015 deputies investigated 3 vehicle
crashes which occurred
within Leroy, Richmond
and Lincoln Townships.
On 02-24-2015 a deputy
responded to an Osceola
Read stories,
see photos,
join contest
and connect
with other
County court, and arrested
a subject for violating the
conditions of their parole.
The subject was arrested
and was transported to the
Osceola County Jail without incident.
On 02-25-2015 deputies investigated 2 vehicle
crashes with injuries.
Incidents occurred within
Burdell Township.
On 02-25-2015 a
subject, who was having
suicidal thoughts, walked
into the lobby of the sheriff’s office and requested
to speak with a deputy.
The subject was taken into
protective custody and
was transported to Reed
City Spectrum Health for a
mental evaluation.
On 02-26-2015 deputies investigated 2 vehicle
crashes which occurred
within Highland and Richmond Townships.
On 02-27-2015 deputies investigated 3 vehicle
crashes, which occurred
within Richmond and
Osceola Townships.
On 02-27-2015 a sergeant assisted an officer
with the Reed City Police
Department, with a 911
hang-up complaint. The
sergeant provided scene security while the Reed City
officer completed their investigation, and cleared the
scene once his assistance
was no longer needed.
On 02-28-2015 deputies
were dispatched to an Evart
City business on the report
of an intoxicated juvenile
attempting to purchase
alcohol. Upon arrival the
deputies secured the scene,
and located 2 intoxicated
juveniles in regards to this
incident. The juvenile that
was attempting to purchase
the alcohol was arrested
and transported to the
Osceola County Jail, while
the other juvenile was
issued a misdemeanor citation for this offence, and
was turned over to their
On 02-28-2015 deputies investigated 2 vehicle
crashes which occurred
within Lincoln and Marion
The Osceola County
Sheriff’s Office would like
to remind citizens to report
any and all suspicious
activity that is observed
within their neighborhoods,
and to contact the sheriff’s
office if you have any information pertaining to the
above complaints.
and others end up moving
into lost cost motels or into
shelters that are available.
Some Shelters are even
projecting that they will
see more than 12,000 beds
used nightly by the end of
“The New Hope Shelter
provides a safe place for
homeless men, women and
families in our surrounding
communities, It is one of
the only running shelters
in the Northern Michigan
who houses families besides in Traverse City” said
Brenda Wright, Executive
Director at NHS.
New Hope Shelter was
founded in 1992 through
collaboration between the
Cadillac Area Ministerial
Association and Mercy
Hospital. It started out with
the men’s homeless shelter
first in 1992, now, in 2015,
there is a men’s, women’s
and 3 family shelters on
going, and if more homes
were available, those
would be filled to capacity
as well.
New Hope Shelter also
collaborates with other
organizations and agencies in the Cadillac and
surrounding areas for the
purpose of providing coordinated services that help
the people in the shelters
New Hope shelter in Cadillac
secure permanent housing.
“In September, the
weekend after Labor day,
we do a donation drive
out in front of Walmart in
Cadillac, It ends up being a
great way to provide many
items needed for all the
shelters and it’s a big help
because our shelters are
almost always filled to capacity every night” Brenda
wright added.
If you or your family
need any help or if you are
able to donate, be it clothing, food or household
items in any way, contact
Brenda Wright (executive
director ) at (231)-4682022
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Page 6 - The Marion Press - March 6, 2015
1. Cards with 1 symbol
5. Stripes
10. Beige
14. Rant
15. Genuinely
16. Charges
17. Unrelenting
19. Run away
20. A very long period
21. Television
22. Rinds
23. An informal term for
25. Inflammations of the big
27. Altitude (abbrev.)
28. The words of an opera
31. Surplus
34. Harness racer
35. 3 in Roman numerals
36. Lean
37. Indemnify
38. Formal dance
39. Snake-like fish
40. One who poses
41. Water holes
42. Marriage offer
44. Hasten
45. Drying cloth
46. Motion of hands
50. Street urchin
52. France’s longest river
54. Not bottom
55. Ends a prayer
56. Silver-grey wingless
58. Hue
59. Leg joints
60. Hodgepodge
61. Makes lace
62. Severe pain
63. Delay or postpone
Page 7
“Get Well,
Have news to
Coming Events?
Letter to the Editor?
Email us:
Visit us online:
Cruise into
1. Disney mermaid
2. Small boat
3. What’s happening
4. Gender
5. Unbending
6. Exchange
7. Country bumpkin
8. Not rational
9. Yes to a sailor
10. Decadent
11. Heavenly
12. Bobbin
13. Applications
18. Small egg
22. Happy cat sound
24. Sourish
26. Comply with
28. Continuation of the coat
29. Cultivate
30. Anagram of “Silo”
31. Stair
Go Home”
Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
220 Hughston St.
McBain, MI 49657
32. Jetty
33. Portion
34. Bicycling
37. Thorny flower
38. Red vegetable40. Cut
41. More prudent
43. Scoring units
44. Unorthodox tenets
46. Donated
47. Practical
48. Kino gum
49. Ancient Hebrew vestment
50. International trade
51. Dogfish
53. Margarine
56. Calypso offshoot
57. Dandy
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The Marion Press - March 6, 2015 - Page 7
Comets unable to catch up, Manton wins 77-55
By Ben Murphy
after digging a deep hole,”
Veddler said. “Against a
A slow first quarter
team like that though, it’s
led to Northern Michigan
hard to play catch-up ball.”
Christian’s demise Tuesday
Jonathan Perry continnight, as the Comet boys
ued his fine outside shootfell to visiting Manton 77- ing, hitting five threes to
55 in Highland Conference finish with 15 points, Kade
Ellens had 13 points and
The Rangers carried a
three steals, Cody Winkle
26-7 after the first quarter
netted nine points and
and led 43-19 at the break. had eight boards, Jordan
“We just didn’t deEisenga had eight points
fend well in the first half,
and Jager Haan had six.
especially the first quarter,”
On Saturday NMC hostNMC head coach Dale
ed nearby Marion, cruising
Veddler said. “They came
to a 76-32 Highland win.
out and pounded it into the
The Comets led 18-9 afpaint and we didn’t do a
ter the first quarter and had
good job on their big guys. a commanding 39-20 lead
We were playing defense
by the half. NMC pushed
with our hands and were
its lead to 62-26 and had a
fouling. I don’t think men- 14-6 edge in the fourth.
tally we were ready to take
“It was a fun game for
on a team that size.”
the kids,” Veddler said.
NMC fell further back
“I thought we played a
in the third, trailing 58-30
lot better than we did the
with just the fourth left to
first time we played them.
Everybody got a lot of
“We kind of settled into minutes and everyone got
things in the second half
into the book.”
The Comets had 23
steals as a team and were
led by Dracht with 14
points, Eisenga had 11,
Winkle netted 10 and
grabbed eight rebounds,
had eight steals and two
blocks and Cody Farr had
eight points.
For Marion, Tyler
Johnson led the way with
11 points and Spencer
Witbeck had nine.
NMC (9-10 overall,
4-9 Highland) was at
Lake City on Thursday in
its regular season finale.
The Comets begin play in
the Mt. Pleasant Sacred
Heart class ‘D’ district on
Wednesday against host
Sacred Heart.
Marion also played at
Evart in a league game on
Thursday, Feb. 26, suffering a 84-45 setback.
The Wildcats led just
22-16 after the first but
pushed their lead to 42-25
by the half and led 65-37
after three.
Jared Deighton led
Marion with nine points.
Marion (1-15 overall,
0-12 Highland) hosted
McBain on Thursday and
begins play in the Sacred
Heart district on Wednesday against Big Rapids
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Puzzles on page 6
Lady Eagles fall to Evart
By Ben Murphy
the Eagles could score just
two points.
The Marion girls’ basKinzie Sikkema had 12
ketball missed out on its
points to lead the way for
last chance to get a regular the Eagles Anissa Keeler
season win on Wednesday, put in six.
Feb. 25, as the Lady Eagles
Marion (0-20 overall,
fell to visiting Evart 45-29. 0-14 Highland) is playing
Marion scored the first
in the Big Rapids Crossfive points of the Highland roads class ‘D’ district this
Conference contest but
week. On Wednesday they
that lead slipped away to
played Mt. Pleasant Sacred
a 23-15 deficit by the half. Heart with the championEvart led by six at 33-27
ship being played tonight
entering the fourth, where
charge)• •Deadline
Call Call
or email
or email
eds taken
*no commercial ads
Lucky 7 CLASSIFIED SPECIAL • 30 for 4 weeks*
your Classified appears in: 1 Print edition of the Clare County Review 2 Print edtion of the Marion Press 3 on Clare County Review website
4 on Marion Press website 5 on digital download version of the Clare County Review 6 on digital download version of the Marion Press 7 on Facebook
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The City of Clare is an equal opportunity employer.
Place your ad today
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e-mail your classified to 231-743-2481 989-386-4414
Page 8 - The Marion Press - March 6, 2015
Lady Ramblers
win district opener
By Ben Murphy
Sports Writer
McBain got its first
district game win out of the
way Monday night, starting
its’ hopeful long playoff run
with a 59-30 throttling of
The Ramblers led the
class ‘C’ hosts 12-6 after the
first quarter and pushed the
lead to double digits by the
half at 28-15.
A big third quarter helped
McBain put the game out
of reach, scoring 20 points
to lead 48-22 entering the
Meredith Hamlet led
McBain with 25 points and
six steals, Michaela Koopman had 14 points, Chey
Zuiderveen had six points
and eight boards and Sam
VanHouten had eight points.
On Friday McBain beat
visiting Evart in its Highland Conference and regular
season finale, 82-49. The
win gives the Ramblers a
share of the league title with
Pine River as both teams
went 13-1 in conference
The Ramblers had a
small yet healthy lead early,
carrying a 20-13 edge after
one and led 40-28 at the
half. Entering the fourth it
was 60-38 and the Ramblers
coasted from there.
Koopman had a team
high 15 poitns and seven
rebounds, VanHouten had 10
points, Hamlet added 14 assists, Charity Ingleright had
nine points with Zuiderveen
and Asia LaGrow netting
six apiece. Kate Bode also
grabbed six rebounds and
had four steals.
McBain (17-4) played
Lake City in the semi-finals
on Wednesday with the
championship game taking place tonight (Friday)
against the winner of Pine
Downtown McBain
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River and Evart. McBain
hosts regionals next Tuesday
and Thursday.
NMC 75-49 Marion Snowfest Race Results
By Ben Murphy
Photo by Jennifer Bomorra
Kitty Kat
1st Brandon Martinson (Cadillac)#1
McBain kept its two game
2nd Bryce Methem
lead in the Highland Con(St Charles)#1x
ference race Friday night,
3rd Easton Hayes
topping cross-town rival
Northern Michigan Christian 120 Stock
1st Maverick Blain
The Ramblers carried a
2nd Kiah Hammar
20-7 lead after the first quarter
and led 39-23 by the half.
3rd Kasen Dunn
McBain pushed that lead to
57-39 entering the fourth.
120 Improved
Craig Sterk led McBain
1st Seth Duncan
with 21 points, Jordan Vaner(Leroy)#14
hoef had 13, Ty Sterk netted
2nd Miranda Hess
12 and Cole Powel had 11.
3rd Kasen Dunn
Cody Winkle led NMC
with 15 points and four
rebounds, Jordan Eisenga had Kids 8-12 HR Single Stock
1st Drake Dershem
13 and Kade Ellens added
eight points, seven rebounds
2nd Payden Griffore
and three blocks.
McBain (16-2 overall, 11-1
3rd Lexi Shcpers
Highland) was at Evart on
Thursday and hosts the class
HR Single Stock
‘C’ district next week, begin1st Jeff Smith
ning with Wednesday’s game
(Traverse City)#117
2nd James Gibel
against Pine River.
(Lake City)#8
3rd Dartegnan Dershem
340 Twin Stock Fan
1st Greg Town
(Traverse City)#84
2nd Todd Cole
3rd Eric Williams
By Ben Murphy
340 Twin Stock Free Air
Sports Writer
1st Jordan Oudman
Northern Michigan Chris2nd Terry Huttenga
tian had its girls’ basketball
team end the regular season
3rd Shawn Robinson
with a home win Friday night,
440 Twin Stock Fan
as the Lady Comets snagged
1st Greg Town
a 59-37 Highland Conference
(Traverse City)#53
win over Lake City.
2nd Jim Kosinski
“We came in with a whole
(Cass City)#55
different attitude,” head coach
3rd Rob Blair
Casey Sigafoose said. “The
(Lake City)#36
last time we played them we
440 Twin Stock Free Air
didn’t play well. We knew we
1st Mike VanPolen
had to come out scoring and
that was key for us.”
2nd Rean Spannagel
The Lady Comets led 14-3
(St Charles)#21
3rd Shawn Robinson
after the first quarter but saw
that lead shrink to 23-18 by
1975 & Older Vintage Pro
the half. NMC pulled back
1st Bob Lockhart
ahead by double digits by
the end of the third, leading
2nd Greg Helsel
(Lake City)#41
“After the first quarter
3rd Mike Warchol
our confidence was soaring,”
Sigafoose said. “Lake City
Outlaw Misfits
did a good job in the second
1st James Gibel
quarter so we had to change
(Lake City)#666
up the defense but we main2nd Tanner Heetderls
tained that defense until the
3rd Brad Lucas
third quarter and that allowed
us to keep the lead. I’m proud
1980 & Older 340 Trail Stock
of our girls, we had a great
Fan/Free Air
season and took third in the
1st Bob Lockhart
Melanie Heuker led the
2nd Tanner Heetderks
Comets with 24 points,
seven steals and six rebounds,
3rd Chris Patterson
Sydney Dick had 14 points,
(St Johns)#1
Kylie Lanser had 10 points
1980 & Older 340 Trail Stock
and five boards and Rachel
1st James Bazuin
Westmas had four points and
10 rebounds.
2nd Ryan Blain
The Comet junior varsity
(Lake )#52
team also won, 58-8 which
3rd Ryan Eisenga
caps off a perfect 20-0 season.
NMC was led by Kendra
1980 & Older 440 Trail Stock
Vanpolen with 13 points and
Fan/Free Air
Madelyn Yount had 12.
1st Darren Alversteffer
NMC began class ‘D’
district play on Wednesday at
2nd Mike Warchol
Big Rapids Crossroads against
3rd Jake Porter
the host school. The cham(Manton)#63
pionship is tonight (Friday)
with Marion and Mt. Pleasant 1980 & Older 440 Trail Stock
Liquid Sacred Heart playing on the
1st Eric Williams
other side of the bracket.
Sports Writer
Lake City
2nd Mike Bohn
3rd Wesley Spidel
(Boyne Falls)#79
440 Twin Improved Fan
1st Jim Kosinski
(Cass City)#55
2nd Todd Cole
3rd Scott Labbe
440 Twin Improved Free Air
1st David Deland
2nd Dave Wright
3rd Cody Decker
340 Twin Improved Free Air
1st Dave Wright
2nd Mike Dershem
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3rd Josh VanBuskirk
HD Single Improved
1st Karl Mihatsh
(Traverse City)#K9
2nd Rory Brower
HR Single Improved
1st Ron Kuripola
(Houghton Lake)#4
2nd Jeff Smith
(Traverse City)#117
3rd Rory Brower
340 Twin Improved Fan
1st Todd Cole
Mikuni Single
1st Ron Kuripla
(Houghton Lake)#333
2nd Brian Osantownski
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The amount of the saver’s credit
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and your credit rate. For more
information, refer to Publication
590-A (PDF), Contributions to
Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs), or the instructions
for Form 8880 (PDF), Credit
for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions. If you are
eligible for the credit, your credit
rate can be as low as 10% or as
high as 50%, depending on your
adjusted gross income. The lower
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applicable), the higher the credit
rate; your credit rate also depends
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factors will determine the maximum credit you can take. You are
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Form 1040A (PDF), U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, or
on Form 1040NR (PDF), U.S.
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Return. You cannot use Form
1040EZ (PDF), Income Tax Return for Single and Joint Filers
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this credit.
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