High way and Transportation II (Lab.) LCIV 4034 Lecture 1 The course will contain the following: 1- Project: Geometric design of highway. 2- Laboratory experiments. 3- Discussion. (If required). ما الفرق بٌن التصمٌم الهندسً و اإلنشائً للطرٌق؟ هو التصمٌم الذي ٌهتم بتحدٌد عدد وعرض مسارب الطرٌق وكذلك تصمٌم مقاطع الطرٌق األفقٌة و:ًالتصمٌم الهندس .الرأسٌة و العرضٌة هو التصمٌم الذي ٌهتم بتحدٌد طبقات الرصف المناسبة للطرٌق وسماكة كل طبقة رصف بما ٌتناسب مع:ًالتصمٌم اإلنشائ .حجم المرور على الرصفة و خواص مادة الرصف Introduction: Definitions: Speed: Rate of motion(mph, km/hr). There are three types of speed: - Spot speed. () سرعة لحظٌة It is the instantaneous speed of a vehicle at a specific location. - Running speed. The average speed maintained over a given route while the vehicle is in motion. - Average Journey Speed. Distance traveled divided by the total time taken to complete the distance. Volume, Flow: The total number of vehicles that pass over a given point of high way during specific time interval. Rate of flow: the equivalent hourly rate at which vehicles pass over a given point of highway during a given time period less than 1hour, usually 15min Peak hour factor (PHF): the ratio of total hourly volume to the maximum 15-minute rate of flow within the hour. Peak hour factor (PHF) 4 V15 volume during peak hour (peak rate of flow within peak hour) ) كل المركبات تمر في ربع ساعة PHF (minimum) = 0.25 ( V = V15 PHF (maximum) = 1 ( V=4V15 ) المركبات موزعة علي األرباع بالتساويSteady flow Example: Time volume Rate of flow 6:00-6:15 375 375× 4=1500 6:15-6:30 380 1520 6:30-6:45 412 1648 6:45-7:00 390 1560 V=1557 PHF 1557 0.945 1 1648 Density, concentration: (K,D): the number of vehicles occupying a given length of highway at a given instant. (Veh/km) عدد السٌارات الموجودة فً طول معٌن من الشارع فً لحظة معٌنة Level of Service: LOS is a qualitative measure that describes operational conditions within a traffic stream and their perception by drivers or / and passengers. Level of service has six levels, the first one is A, and the worst one in F. What is the difference between LOS and Category of roads ?? (page 5) ADT (average daily traffic): the average of 24hour counts collected over a number of days greater than 1day and less than 1-year ( عدد هذه األيام/ )مجموع السيارات خالل عدة أيام أقل من سنة. AADT (average annual daily traffic): the average of 24-hour counts collected over a year. It is used to: 1- Study The accidents and obstacles. 2- Design and evaluation of highway. 3- Study the benefits that may come from the road. Number of Lanes Determination . تعتبر أول خطوة في تصميم الطريق.) تعطي تحديد مبدئي لعدد المسارب (أثناء مرحلة التخطيط Required Data: 1. General terrain through which the highway will pass. )(طبيعة األرض o Level terrain: )(مستوية ال تحتوي منحدرات لذلك تستطيع الشاحنات الحفاظ علي سرعتها مثل المركبات األخرى o Rolling terrain: ()منحدرة ميل األرض يسبب بطء للشاحنات لكن بدون ازدحام o Mountainous: )(جبلية ) ازدحاماH.V ) انحدار عالي يسبب سرعة بطيئة نسبيا بذلك تسبب 2. AADT (the average annual daily traffic): For the design year: n (20-30) سنة تصميمية And growth rate of vehicles: i (3-5)% (AADT) n = (AADT) p × [1+i] n For the design present year )العمر االفتراضي (عدد السنين 0.03 geometric growth معدل الزيادة السنوية 3. The peak hour factor for the design year. PHF V 4V15 4. The percent of trucks. 5. The type of highway and environment. )(نوع الطريق المراد تصميمه Type of highway: (divided or undivided) )(وجود جزيرة أوال Environment: (rural, suburban, urban) 6. The desired Level of service ( LOS ) )(الحالة التشغيلية للطريق Computational steps: 1. Convert AADT (average annual daily traffic) to DDHV (Direction design hourly volume) using: DDHV=(AADT)n × K× D (VPHPD) vehicle per hour per direction K: the percent of AADT occurring in the peak hour. D: the percent of AADT traffic in the peak direction. (One direction)معامل المسرب يحولها إلي Type of environment K (factor) D (factor) Urban 0.09-0.1 0.5 Suburban 0.1-0.15 0.6 Rural 0.15-0.2 0.65 2. Obtain service flow rate per lane (SFL)i in (veh/hr/lare) for the desired (LOS) .) و نسبة الشاحنات و طبيعة البيئةLOS( أقصي عدد من السيارات ممكن السماح له بالمرور في هذا المسرب و تعتمد علي Service flow rate per lane for planning Applications (SFL) Percent Trucks LOS 0 2 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 20 Level Terrain A 700 700 700 700 650 650 650 650 650 600 B 1100 1100 1050 1050 1050 1050 1000 1000 1000 1000 C 1400 1400 1350 1350 1350 1350 1300 1300 1250 1250 D 1750 1750 1700 1700 1650 1650 1650 1600 1600 1550 E 2000 2000 1950 1950 1900 1900 1850 1850 1800 1750 Rolling Terrain A 700 650 600 600 600 550 550 500 500 500 B 1100 1050 1000 950 950 900 850 800 800 700 C 1400 1300 1250 1200 1200 1150 1100 1050 1000 900 D 1750 1560 1550 1500 1500 1400 1350 1300 1250 1100 E 2000 1900 1800 1750 1700 1600 1550 1500 1450 1250 Mountainous Terrain A 700 600 550 500 500 450 400 400 350 300 B 1100 950 850 800 700 700 650 600 550 450 C 1400 1250 1100 1050 1000 900 850 750 700 600 D 1750 1550 1350 1300 1250 1100 1050 950 850 750 E 2000 1750 1550 1500 1400 1250 1200 1100 1000 850 3. Obtain (Fe): adjustment factor for development environment and type of multilane highway. Type Divided Un-divided Rural 1 0.95 Urban Or Suburban 0.9 0.8 4. Calculate the required number of Lanes per direction. N DDHV SFL f e PHF Example: Given: -Divided highway -(AADT)p = 9420 (vpd) -Rural environment -PHF = 0.9 -Rolling terrain -LOS = B -% of trucks = 8% - i=2%, n=20 years Required: -Number of Lanes N=? Solution: 1. Find the future AADT: (AADT) n = (AADT) p × [1+i] n (AADT) n = 9420 x (1+0.02)20 = 13998 vpd 2. Convert AADT to DDHV: DDHV=(AADT)n × K× D 0.15 0.2 DDHV=13998× × 0.65 =1593 (vph) 2 3. Choose the adjustment factor Fe: Fe=1 4. Find the SFL: LOS ( B) Rolling Terrain %trucks 8 5. SFL 900 Determine the number of lanes (N) in one direction: DDHV 1593 N 1.96 N 2lanes SFL Fe PHF 900 1 0.9 (Use 4-lane multilane highway -2 lanes in each direction).
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