TELEVISION NRW Informa0on on the Media Region North Rhine-Westphalia Media Region NRW Cologne Cathedral and Hohenzollern Bridge Television WDR RTL VOX Super RTL n-tv Phoenix QVC Radio WDR Deutschlandfunk Deutsche Welle radio NRW Producers film/televison ac9on concept Ansager & Schnipselmann AZ Media Brainpool TV Broadview Colonia Media Endemol elsani film Eyeworks Germany filmpool gff Geißendörfer Heima8ilm I&U ITV Studios Germany Li:le Shark Entertainment Lichtblick Film Made In Germany MMC Movies Network Movie Pandora Filmproduk9on probono Redseven Entertainment Raab TV-Produk9on Senator Film Köln Sony Pictures FFP Tresor TV UFA Show & Factual UFA Series UFA Fic9on Westside Filmproduk9on Wüste Film West Zeitsprung Pictures Zentropa Interna9onal Köln zero west Filmproduk9on Zieglerfilm Köln Studios MMC Studios nobeo WDR-Studios Köln-Bocklemünd 2 A Media Region at a glance Welcome to North Rhine-Westphalia, the state of media, communications and the creative industries. With its 18 million inhabitants NRW not only boasts the biggest popula9on among the German federal states; it is also one of the most economically powerful metropolitan regions in Europe. The media and communica9ons industry plays a decisive part in this. With 25,000 companies in the media and communications sector (2012), approximately 425,000 employees (2012), and a turnover of 126 billion Euros (2010), the state has developed into Germany’s leading media and crea9ve loca9on and one of the strongest in Europe. An incomparable cultural landscape ensures that the region is a:rac9ve and offers a high quality of life as well as produc9ve crosslinks between media, art and culture that guarantee its crea9vity and innova9ve vitality. Interna0onally opera0ng media companies Two global players head the ranks of the most influen9al media companies in North Rhine-Westphalia. Bertelsmann AG, the largest media corpora9on in Germany by far and number eight in the world, has its global headquarters in Gütersloh in Eastern Westphalia. This media giant operates in the following four main business fields in more than 50 countries around the world: television (RTL Group), books (Random House), magazines (Gruner + Jahr) and media services (arvato). Bertelsmann globally employs more than 100,000 people and posted revenues of 16.1 billion Euros in 2012. Bonn, some 200 kilometres to the southwest, is the home of Deutsche Telekom AG. With 133 million mobile phone customers, and 32 million landline and more Bertelsmann is based in North Rhine-Westphalia and interna9onally. The media business is experiencing rapid transforma9on. Digitaliza9on and crea9vity find the perfect innova9ve environment to par9cipate in these changes in North Rhine-Westphalia. Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Board Bertelsmann AG Media Harbour Düsseldorf, Gehry Buildings than 17 million broadband connections, it is among the world’s leading market representatives. The company offers products and services in the fields of landline telephones, mobile communications, Internet and, increasingly, moving images via IPTV and ICT solu9ons for business customers; it is represented in some 50 countries and employs more than 230,000 staff across the world. In 2012 the revenues of Deutsche Telekom amounted to 58.2 billion Euros. The Essen-based Funke media group (formerly the WAZ media group) also plays in the interna9onal media league with more than 10,000 employees in eight countries and revenues of 1.1 billion Euros in 2011. The tradi9onal focus of operations at this company in the heart of the Ruhr region is the newspaper and magazine business. Publishers with a future Along with Bertelsmann and the Funke media group, the DuMont Schauberg media group, the Handelsbla: newspaper from Düsseldorf and the Ippen Gruppe in Hamm are among the most important na9onal players in Germany. Today, what used to be classic publishers are broad-based interna9onal media corpora9ons facing up to the challenges of new digital distribu9on and aware of how to take advantage of them. The book publishers, too, are well equipped for the future. More than 500 publishers from NRW achieve a turnover of 3.7 billion Euros, first and foremost the German market leader in the field of hardcover literature, Bastei Lübbe, and the respected publisher Kiepenheuer & Witsch in Cologne. Watching films on a smartphone, reading magazines on a tablet PC, or watching IPTV on your television set – media and telecommunica9ons are growing closer together. NRW is well-posi9oned to promote this converging world with its crea9ve minds, innova9ve companies and technological competence. René Obermann, President of the Board Deutsche Telekom AG Facts and Figures > Germany’s leading media and communica9ons loca9on > 25,000 companies, 425,000 employees, 126 billion Euros turnover > Interna9onally opera9ng media and telecommunica9on companies > Bertelsmann, Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone, Funke/WAZ > Strong newspaper and book publishing sector > Leading TV broadcasters WDR, RTL, VOX, Super RTL, n-tv, Phoenix > 15 of the top 20 TV producers in Germany > Highly professional service-providers > One-third of the programme minutes produced in Germany > Lively and crea9ve film scene > Financially strongest film funding ins9tu9on > Booming games cluster, strong Web scene > Düsseldorf – adver9sing loca9on with the biggest turnover > Diverse art and cultural scene > Highly qualified specialist personnel > Excellent universi9es and colleges Dortmunder U, centre for art and crea7vity Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex German films and interna0onal star cinema Cinema from NRW – that means award-winning produc9ons popular with audiences, as well as arthouse highlights. Outstanding movies for the cinema have been produced here consistently for 20 years: including Til Schweiger’s Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, Tom Tykwer’s Run, Lola, Run, Sönke Wortmann’s The Miracle of Bern, Bully Herbig’s Manitou’s Shoe, Wolfgang Becker’s Good Bye, Lenin!, Wim Wenders’ Oscar-nominated Pina, and Margarethe von Tro:a’s Hannah Arendt. On top of that, many interna9onal produc9ons also benefit from the state’s first-class infrastructure, ideal condi9ons for produc9on, and a huge variety of unusual locations for shooting. With crea9ve and financial input from North Rhine-Westphalia, Michael Haneke (Hidden), Ken Loach (The Wind that Shakes the Barley) and Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Uncle Boonmee) won Golden Palm awards in Cannes, Semih Kaplanoglu (Bal) a Golden Bear, Samuel Maoz (Lebanon) a Golden Lion, Philip Gröning (Into Great Silence) the European Film Award, Gérard Corbiau (Farinelli) and Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now) a Golden Globe each and Kate Winslet even claimed an Oscar for The Reader. In 2012, Ron Howard, Lars von Trier, Jim Jarmusch, Sam Garbarski and Xavier Koller were among the directors who were shoo9ng their new films here. Events and awards Where so many professionals from the fields of media, communica9on and crea9vity meet, they need pla8orms for communica9on and events for their sectors. One perNRW is one of Germany’s most important media loca9ons. Cologne is especially important, above all in the field of the major entertainment shows and long-running series. We see the func9oning network of crea9ve minds, producers and service providers as well as the RTL Deutschland media group's geographical proximity to a large number of produc9on companies as being a key factor of our success. Anke Schäferkordt, Managing Director RTL Group manent fixture in the diary for the whole media business is the Media Forum NRW in Cologne where thought leaders of film, television, radio, print media, games, telecommunications and media policy meet each year in June. The fair gamescom is one of the most important interna9onal fairs for interactive entertainment. It takes place at the trade fair grounds, Koelnmesse, as does ANGA COM, Europe’s leading fair for cable, broadband and satellite offers, as well as Radio Day, photokina and dmexco. As far as film fes9vals are concerned, North Rhine-Westphalia provides a wide variety of events: almost 30 of them, ranging from regional to international importance, address the interests of film enthusiasts and professionals from Bonn to Bielefeld throughout the year. Europe’s biggest fes9val for book lovers, lit.Cologne, has been making reading into a popular event for 13 years now. More than 200 individual events have a:racted more than 90,000 visitors so far in 2013. And not least, NRW, as the centre of television in Germany, is the venue for the most pres9gious German television awards. Every year since 1999, the broadcasters ARD, ZDF, RTL and SAT.1 have been presen9ng the Deutscher Fernsehpreis (German TV Award) in the Coloneum in Cologne. The presenta9on of the Deutscher Comedypreis (German Comedy Prize) is made during the Interna9onal Cologne Comedy Fes9val, which underlines Cologne’s status as Germany’s comedy capital every year. Since 1964 works of outstanding ar9s9c and journalis9c quality for television have received the annual Grimme Prize in Marl. And the highly tradi9onal Deutscher Kamerapreis (German Camera Award) is at home in NRW, along with the s9ll young Deutscher Webvideopreis (German Web Video Prize). < The diversity of the a:rac9ve media region of NRW is unique in Europe. With its crea9vity and passion for cinema, WDR is an excellent partner for exci9ng and modern projects. This is where risks are taken and experiments carried out. We support the next genera9on of film-makers and media crea9ves and offer them a fer9le home at WDR. Tom Buhrow, Director of WDR Postproduc9ons ACT Videoproduk9on ARRI Film & TV Services cine plus Köln CinePostproduc9on Geyer Köln Industriesauger-TV PICTORION das werk RuhrSoundStudios digital postproduc9on ScanlineVFX SoundVision Torus Distribu9on The Match Factory media luna new films Games astragon So'ware Blue Byte Electronic Arts Piranha Bytes/Pluto 13 RTL interac9ve Turtle Entertainment Ubiso' Mobile communica9ons Coupies E-Plus Ericsson Glanzkinder KIT digital netSTART Venture Nokia Seven Principles RIM RTL interac9ve Sevenval T-Mobile Vodafone WDR mediagroup Internet AdAudience arvato Bassier, Bergmann & Kindler denkwerk favsol Pixelpark RTL interac9ve T-Systems Mul9media Solu9ons WDR mediagroup digital Media Region NRW > 3 Television Frank Plasberg Ma8hias Opdenhövel Ranga Yogeshwar Dieter Bohlen Hape Kerkeling Mar7na Hill Christoph Maria Herbst Cindy aus Marzahn Peter Kloeppel Anke Engelke Bülent Ceylan Shaun the sheep Be9na Bö9nger Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen Jörg Pilawa Bjarne Mädel Cordula Stratmann Broadcasters WDR RTL RTL Nitro VOX Super RTL n-tv Phoenix TV providers/ special interest channels BonGusto Collec9on Dügün TV Kanal Avrupa RTL Crime RTL Passion RTL Living Türk Show TV Persia1 Einsfes9val Sonfilm Teleshopping QVC Pali Türk Shop MediaSpar TV Regional windows RTL West SAT.1 17.30 Live aus Dortmund Regional/ local broadcasters NRW.TV CityVision Studio 47 Producers 20:15 Ac9on Concept Ansager & Schnipselmann augenschein AZ Media Badini Germany’s number one television loca0on North Rhine-Westphalia has been Germany’s undisputed number one television loca9on for around 20 years: this is where the major channels are located, this is home for the most important producers supplying all the TV sta9ons na9onwide: a third of all the TV programming produced in Germany comes from NRW. WDR Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Europe’s biggest public broadcaster and the largest sta9on in the ARD network, has its headquarters in the heart of Cologne’s city centre. WDR not only produces around 22 per cent of the programming on ARD’s joint television network Das Erste, but also provides content for the children’s channel KI.KA, the cultural channel Arte, the documentary channel Phoenix as well as the cultural channel 3sat and ARD’s digital services. WDR's most successful formats include the Sportschau, the ARD Morgenmagazin, Monitor, Menschen bei Maischberger, hart aber fair and Di8sche. Moreover, with its produc9on complex in the Cologne suburb of Bocklemünd, the broadcaster is an important address for German TV entertainment – this is where shows like Frag doch mal die Maus and Hirschhausens Quiz des Menschen are made as well as chat show formats such as Kölner Treff, Domian and Zimmer frei. RTL, VOX, Super RTL, n-tv, RTL Nitro Today, Germany’s most successful commercial television is produced in the Rheinhallen in Cologne. Over 20 million viewers tune in each day to RTL’s schedules. RTL has been The media industry lives from the crea9vity of its makers. In NRW, they find an outstanding infrastructure and lively networks. And they have the best possible partners in WDR as well as many other media companies to be able to realize their ideas with success and to a high standard. Eva-Maria Michel, Dep. Director-General WDR 4 G. Alsmann & C. Westermann the clear market leader with the younger audience for 20 years in a row. The channel is always se;ng new standards in light entertainment with such shows as Deutschland sucht den Superstar, Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus!, Das Supertalent or Let’s Dance which are as much an event live in the studio as they are on the television screen. The RTL sister channel VOX also provides important impetus for the development of entertainment with such formats as X Factor, Die Promi-Kocharena, Das perfekte Dinner, Shopping Queen and Der Hundeprofi – Mar7n Rü8er. Super RTL, n-tv and the latest offshoot RTL Nitro are further channels from the RTL family based in Cologne. These channels taken together make the company into Europe’s largest private broadcaster. Phoenix and QVC Following the major broadcasters, numerous other sta9ons with their own specialisa9ons have located and established themselves in NRW. In Bonn, Phoenix has now been opera9ng for 16 years from what was once ZDF’s capital city studio. Phoenix is run in coopera9on with ZDF and ARD, represented by WDR. Düsseldorf, for its part, is home to QVC Deutschland, the clear front-runner in the German teleshopping market. 11 regional studios, NRW.TV, WDR has a regional presence all over the state with 11 studios. The providers of commercial regional television include NRW.TV. From its base at the harbour in Düsseldorf, the channel provides a framework schedule for all of NRW. Cologne is the perfect loca9on for the things I do. There is a lot of overlap between friends and colleagues here, and I like to work with people who are also my friends. I like to see how things are organized elsewhere. But I am always extremely happy to return to Cologne, where I see that things work as I like. Anke Engelke, Comedian Stefan Raab Sandra Maischberger Günther Jauch Sonja Zietlow Oliver Welke Steven Gätjen Harald Schmidt Daniel Hartwich Chris7an Rach The local broadcasters, CityVision and Studio 47 supply individual ci9es and regions with their own range of programmes. Entertainment NRW is certainly the front-runner when it comes to producing entertainment – with impressive market shares of 75% for comedy, 54% for docu-soaps, 45% for game shows and 40% for shows. Almost all of the entertainment highlights of German television are produced in the TV capital of Cologne. Broadcasters, producers and interna9onal networks can take advantage of the professional competence that has been established here in the past decades. Prac9cally all of the major na9onal and interna9onal entertainment producers have their headquarters or a branch office here. UFA Show and Factual UFA Show and Factual (formerly Grundy Light Entertainment) is the No. 1 supplier of programming for German prime9me television and behind such show formats as Das Supertalent, Deutschland sucht den Superstar and Bauer sucht Frau; unlike any other company in Germany, it has played a unique role in shaping the genre of cas9ng shows. As a part of the worldwide leader Fremantle Media, UFA Show and Factual has access to an extensive interna9onal network. Endemol Deutschland The same also applies to Endemol Deutschland which, as part of the Dutch Endemol Group, produces such formats as Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, Re8e die Million!, Die RTL has been at home in NRW for 25 years. The lion's share of our programming is produced in Cologne: from news and magazine programmes, which we broadcast live from our broadcas9ng centre each day, through big shows like ‚Deutschland sucht den Superstar‘ and ‚Let's Dance‘ to fic9on produc9ons like ‚Alarm für Cobra 11‘ and daily series ‚Alles was zählt‘ and ‚Unter uns‘. Cologne's offers ideal condi9ons with a professional infrastructure and a lively crea9ve scene. Frank Hoffmann, Managing Director Programming RTL Television Facts und Figures > Germany’s number one TV loca9on for around 20 years > One of the biggest TV loca9ons in Europe > WDR, RTL, VOX, Super RTL, n-tv, Phoenix > QVC: market leader for German teleshopping > Cologne: Germany’s undisputed TV capital > One-third of domes9c television programming produced here > As many hours of TV programming as Bavaria, Hamburg and Berlin put together > 15 of Germany’s top 20 TV producers based in Cologne > Wide spectrum: entertainment, shows, series, comedy, sitcoms > First-class studio structure > MMC: one of the biggest state-of-the-art studio complexes in Europe > German Television Award, Grimme Award, German Comedy Award, German Camera Award Quizshow, Vermisst as well as the reality show Big Brother together with the new spin-off Promi Big Brother. With its headquarters in Cologne, the company has also set new trends in comedy on all of the channels in recent years with such popular formats as the Kaya Yanar-Show and new developments like Stars bei der Arbeit, Die Wiwaldi Show and Circus Halligalli with Joko Winterscheidt and Klaas Heufer-Umlauf. > As a television hub, NRW - and especially Cologne in this respect - is and remains top of the pile. A top-class and powerful TV industry has developed within the orbit of the RTL Deutschland Media Group and WDR, and this also offers an ideal environment for the growth of small channels like RTL NITRO. Oliver Schablitzki, Head of RTL NITRO Television s9ll con9nues to fascinate people. A lot is produced here in Cologne of the kind of programming that excite and entertain the viewers. We are grateful for the fact that we are able to work and live in such a crea9ve and innova9ve environment. Claude Schmit, Managing Director Super RTL At VOX, we live as a channel from the crea9vity of our highly qualified personnel – this applies as much within the RTL Germany Media Group as it does in the collabora9on with produc9on companies. This is par9cularly relevant at a 9me when we are wan9ng to transform the digital challenges into chances. And precisely those people able to do this are based here in Cologne. Bernd Reichart, Managing Director VOX Producers Berengar Pfahl Bildersturm Bildundtonfabrik Boekamp & Kriegsheim Bonito TV Boundless Produc9ons Brainpool TV Broadview Pictures Busse & Halberschmidt Calypso Entertainment Colonia Media colourfield Crispy-Films DFA Dor Film E+U-TV edie film EM+Cox encanto Endemol Germany Engs8eld Film Er'tal Ester.Reglin.Film Eyeworks Germany FFP New Media Film Bou9que Filmgeschwister Film-Manufaktur filmpool Florianfilm Fruitmarket gff Geißendörfer gilles:mann Gruppe 5 HMR Produk9on Horizont TV Hupe Hurricane i&u TV ini9alfilm TV Media ITV Studios Germany Krieg & Nolte Kromschröder & Pfannenschmidt Lichtblick Film Licht Filmproduk9on Lighthouse Home Entertainment loekenfranke Lore:a Walz Television > 5 Television Stefan Raab Producers Made in Germany Filmproduk9on mali BiggerThanLife Produc9ons megaherz Michael Meert Michelberger Müller & Seelig Network Movie Norddeich TV Polarlicht Power-Toons Prime Produc9ons probono Propeller Film PuppetEmpire Raab TV Redseven Entertainment RheinFilm rockinvasion Rowboat sagamedia Shine Germany Shuto Entertainment Sonfilm Sony Pictures FFP spin tv SUR Films Sutor Kolonko Tacker Film Tag/Traum television & more Tentakel.TV Tof Intermedia Tresor TV Troika Entertainment Turtle Entertainment tvision UFA Fic9on UFA Serial Drama UFA Show and Factual Uhland Film WestCom Medien Wiedemann & Berg Film Winkelmann Zeitsprung Pictures Zieglerfilm Köln Zinnober Film ITV Studios Germany and Eyeworks Germany The Bri9sh company ITV has also chosen Cologne as the headquarters for its German opera9ons. Located right in the city centre, the ITV Studios Germany (formerly Granada) work on such audience hits as Ich bin ein Star, holt mich hier raus!, Let’s Dance, Der Bachelor and the long-running early evening hit Das perfekte Dinner. Eyeworks Germany is yet one more Dutch produc9on group based in NRW, which is producing a wide range of entertainment out of Cologne – from Rach – Der Restaurant Tester through Die 10 to Schwiegertochter gesucht. The ProSieben comedy series switch reloaded and Mi8ernachtspitzen, WDR’s classic poli9cal sa9re show, are also part of the Eyeworks por8olio. Sony Pictures and Shine Germany The German outpost of Sony Pictures in Cologne is also at home in the world of comedy. Sketch formats like Sechserpack, 4 Singles and Böse Mädchen are part of the company’s repertoire. In the area of shows, Sony Pictures is responsible for WDR’s ever popular NRW Duell and Teddy’s Show with the YouTube star Tedros Teclebrhan at ZDFneo. The Shine Group has also had a presence in Cologne since 2009 with Shine Germany, producing shows in the MMC studios in Cologne-Ossendorf like Die perfekte Minute and Got To Dance, which had outstanding ra9ngs in 2013. Brainpool NRW is also the breeding ground for important local producers. For instance, Brainpool with its headquarters in Cologne-Mülheim has developed since being founded in 1994 from a classic producer into an all-embracing entertainment network which is not only responsible for major It is especially pleasing that the interna9onal importance of North Rhine-Westphalia as a TV produc9on loca9on is increasing. Not only the leading shows, but also the most successful varia9ons of German formats are coming from Cologne. Ute Biernat, CEO UFA Show and Factual 6 Anke Engelke Bas7an Pastewka shows like Schlag den Raab (sold to 13 territories worldwide), the TV total events (including the TV total high diving, sold to twelve territories worldwide) and staging the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf in 2011 for 120 million viewers. Brainpool also develops prize-winning comedy like no other with such formats as Stromberg, Ladykracher, Pastewka, Cindy aus Marzahn und Die jungen Wilden and die Bülent Ceylan Show. With its subsidiaries, the company also handles talent management, rights exploita9on and live entertainment, including the Interna9onal Cologne Comedy Fes9val and the German Comedy Prize. Moreover, it has been opera9ng its own entertainment portal on the Internet since 2008. Prime Produc0ons, First Entertainment, Bildundtonfabrik Cologne-based Prime Produc9ons has been bringing a new brand of humour to ZDF since 2009 with the heute-show. Oliver Welke’s sa9rical news progamme is recorded at the Brainpool Studio 3 in Cologne-Mühlheim and has received all of the important German television awards. Produc9on credits of First Entertainment, a subsidiary of Bavaria Film, through its Cologne branch include Die beste Klasse Deutschlands for Kinderkanal and Die große Show der Naturwunder for ARD’s Das Erste. Schwartzkopff TV, which also has an office in Cologne, is behind the RTL show Jungen gegen Mädchen which is recorded at the Coloneum. Bildundtonfabrik has been se;ng new trends since 2012 with young TV formats like Kebekus, Absolute Mehrheit and Roche und Böhmermann. Frame By Frame from Cologne is the producer of Raus aus den Schulden. NRW, and Cologne in par9cular, are something like the headquarters of the German TV entertainment sector: broadcasters, producers, service-providers and studio operators are all based here. There is no be:er infrastructure for ac9on-filled prime-9me shows and big media events in Europe. Jörg Grabosch, Managing partner BRAINPOOL TV Christoph Maria Herbst Germany’s TV-Stars NRW is the professional home of major TV stars. They don’t just appear here in front of the camera, but are also key movers and shakers in the TV industry as producers. For instance, Brainpool runs joint produc9on companies with ar9sts like Stefan Raab, Anke Engelke, Axel Stein and Elton. Harald Schmidt has been producing his late night show himself in Cologne-Mühlheim since 1997. Günther Jauch also gives important impetus to the industry with his own company i&u TV, producing, for example, Die ul7ma7ve Chartshow, Klein gegen Groß and the extremely successful 5 gegen Jauch. Frank Plasberg’s company Ansager und Schnipselmann is based in Düsseldorf and handles such ARD shows as Frag doch mal die Maus, Hirschhausens Quiz des Menschen and Das Quiz der Deutschen. And Friedrich Küpperbusch’s Cologne-based covers really diverse formats, including Das Duell for n-tv and könnes kämp’ and the sa9re magazine programme Tagesschaum for WDR. Mario Barth’s company Hauptstadt Helden TV in Düsseldorf produces Willkommen bei Mario Barth. Ambi0ous documentary film-makers Broadview TV has now established itself as one of the leading producers of documentaries about history and arts. Documentaries made in Cologne include Aldi gegen Lidl, Deutsche Dynas7en, München ’72, Krupp: Mythos und Wahrheit and Axel Springer. Broadview made the successful leap into the interna9onal film business with Klitschko. Similar subjects are also in the spotlight of the Gruppe 5 Filmproduc9on. It has produced, among other 9tles, Konrad Adenauer, Die Deutschen, Abenteuer Wissen and Terra X. ColourFIELD from Dortmund produces high-quality doNRW – an embarrassment of riches: everything is right on your doorstep, including an audience of 18 million which has no objec9on to seeing its own region on film. I ask myself why anyone would want to shoot anywhere else … ? We certainly like shoo9ng here, and nothing is going to change that. Thanks to the Films9ftung for its enduring support which makes the loca9on ul9mately unique. Leopold Hoesch, CEO Broadview TV Henning Baum cumentary series like Tropenfieber, Expedi7onen ins Gehirn or Das Imperium der Viren and has made a name for itself, in par9cular, with the large-scale ZDF project Deutschland von oben, which also found its way onto Germany’s cinema screens. > The close proximity to the important broadcasters and the outstanding produc9on condi9ons for quality television make NRW a:rac9ve for Endemol. So a:rac9ve that we are not only producing interna9onal TV hits like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? or Re8e die Million! in Cologne for Germany, but are also doing the same for other European TV markets as well. Marcus Wolter, Managing Director Endemol Cologne is without any doubt the capital of TV entertainment: this begins with the development of new ideas and ends with one being able to work in NRW with the most gi'ed talents on both sides of the camera to complete a crea9ve distance event like 'Das perfekte Dinner' (weekdays since 2006) with consistently high quality AND lots of fun. Anne8e Frier Studios/service-providers ACT Videoproduk9on ARRI Film & TV Services Brainpool Studios cine plus Köln CinePostproduc9on Geyer Köln Cubic Studios Cu;ng Crew Daywalker Studio DFA Die Colorie Digital postproduc9on Edit Sta9on Einschni: Video- und Postproduk9on Gradient Effects HeadQuarter Industriesauger TV Infostudios Logosynchron MMC Studios nobeo Pictorion Das Werk Pixellusion runge TV Scanline VFX Scope VFX Schni:werk SoundVision Splendid Synchron Studio 449 Torus WDR Bocklemünd WeFadeToGrey Jan Kromschröder, Managing Director ITV Studios Germany NRW is an extraordinary loca9on with outstanding infrastructure and transport connec9ons. Not least of all it is the combination of the Rhinelanders’ cheerful nature and Westphalian seriousness which cons9tute the charm of the region and its people. René Jamm, CEO Eyeworks Television > 7 Television Alarm for cobra 11, RTL Crime scene, WDR Anima9on Studios 3DHandwerk AKIKA Kommunika9on animagix film Anima9onsfabrik Blanx Effects Interac9ve Blickfischer Chamaeleon Digital Vision Daywalker Studios DigitalArtCore Elevision Anima9on Studio Grafik-Film JEP-Anima9on Jörg Reddemann Trickfilmproduk9on Parasol Island Power-Toons Radl Anima9on REBUSmedia Stefan Eling Moving Pictures Toonsisters TrickStudio Lu:erbeck Cas9ng Agencies Anja Dihrberg Cas9ng Die Besetzer Cologne Cas9ng Pool Filmcast Finalcast Horst D. Scheel Kris9n Diehle Cas9ng Marc Schö:eldreier Cas9ng Outcast supremeCast Susanne Ri:er Cas9ng Tigercast Associa9ons film- und fernsehproduzentenverband NRW e.V. Verband der Fernseh-, Film-, Mul9media- und Videowirtscha' VFFVmedia e.V. FICTION Cologne is also one of the most important loca9ons for the produc9on and filming of fic9on formats. An impressive number of TV events, TV plays, series, sitcoms and daily soaps are made here. Specialists for TV drama: Network Movie and Colonia Media Network Movie in Cologne’s Mediapark is a 100% subsidiary of ZDF Enterprises, but also produces for RTL and ARD. Its many successful TV produc9ons include excep9onal films by Ma; Geschonneck, Hans Steinbichler and Lars Becker. Colonia Media is responsible for such ra9ngs winners as the Schimanski series and the most popular German Scene of the Crime episodes from the NRW ci9es of Cologne, Münster and Dortmund. In addi9on, the Cologne-based company produces high-quality TV movies with star casts, such as Kehrtwende with Dietmar Bär, Schnitzel für vier with Armin Rohde, Jahr des Drachen with Klaus J. Behrendt, Hermine Huntgeburth’s Teufelsbraten and Dominik Graf’s Das Gelübde. Geißendörfer, Tag/Traum, Zieglerfilm, Zeitsprung and filmpool For almost 30 years, Lindenstraße has dominated Sunday viewing on German television as well as the profile of Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduk9on. Apart from this hit series, the company has made numerous award-winning films like Schneeland and Selbstgespräche. In 2013, Feo Aladag’s Später im Sommer went into produc9on, and the adapta9on of the fantasy bestseller Rubinrot opened successfully in the cinemas. Tag/Traum in the Cologne city centre has been producing documentaries and feature films for cinema and television for 30 years. Its TV highNRW is situated at the centre of Europe. The Rhine flows through NRW. It is a symbol for pantha rei (everything flows) and nothing stands s9ll. New things are developed, acknowledged and used. Everything is in a flux. Hans W. Geißendörfer, Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduk7on KG 8 lights include Sommer in Rom, Keine Angst and Sommer 1939. Zieglerfilm Cologne has also been behind numerous TV successes, incl. Ein Fall für die Anrheiner and Der Mann mit dem Fago8, the film version of Udo Jürgens’ life story. Zeitsprung Pictures, based in the west of Cologne, is represented on German TV by both movies and series, such as Beate Uhse, Contergan, Böseckendorf and Frau Böhm sagt Nein. And the All3Media Deutschland subsidiary filmpool in Hürth is commissioned by RTL II to produce Berlin – Tag und Nacht and Köln 50667, scripted docu-soaps which are very popular par9cularly with younger viewers, but also makes successful fic9on TV like the Crime Scene episodes from Münster and Polizeiruf 110. Series, sitcoms, daily soaps ac9on concept is one of the most successful producers of series in Germany. Its headquarters in Hürth turn out TV movies and series, headed by the long-running RTL series Alarm for Cobra 11 which has already been sold to around 140 territories. RTL has aired more than 250 episodes since 1996. 2013 saw ac9on concept’s very successful return to the interna9onal film business with Rush (dir: Ron Howard). The ITV Studios Germany in Cologne are behind the popular Sat.1 police series The last cop (over 50 episodes since 2008) with Henning Baum and this year’s new RTL series Sekretärinnen – Überleben von 9 bis 5. The 50 episode barrier has also been passed by the Sat.1 series Danni Lowinski with Anne:e Frier, a na9ve of Cologne, which has been made since 2008 at such loca9ons as the Higher Regional Court and the Neumarkt Gallery in Cologne. As a part of the RTL Group, the produc9on company UFA Serial Drama (formerly Grundy Ufa TV) is a guaranteed crowdpuller for daily soaps and series. More than 4,600 epiosdes It’s fun producing in NRW – that’s not only because the loca9ons are usually ideal and there is an exis9ng infrastructure, but also as the support from the authori9es and organisa9ons is exemplary. Hermann Joha, Managing Director ac7on concept Film- & Stuntproduk7on Heroes, RTL Genera7on War, ZDF of Unter uns have been made in the MMC Studios since 1994. The daily soaps Verbotene Liebe (more than 4,300 episodes since 1994) and Alles was zählt (more than 1,700 episodes since 2006) are also produced in Cologne by UFA Serial Drama. Sony Pictures Film und Fernseh Produk9on is regarded as Germany’s most successful producer of sitcoms: formats like Nikola and Die Camper were enduring successes. In the mean9me, the Sony por8olio has been extended to include TV movies and shows. TV events For several years now, major German TV producers, with the Bertelsmann subsidiary UFA Fic9on (formerly teamWorx) to the fore, have been coming to NRW to produce highquality TV events. The TV highlights of recent years, which were supported by the Film und Mediens9'ung NRW, include Genera7on war, The Adlon, Dresden and Die Gustloff for ZDF, Pinocchio (two-parter special for Christmas 2013, FFP New Media), Nacht über Berlin – Der Reichstagsbrand, Stauffenberg and Speer und er for ARD and Heroes, Auf der Jagd nach dem Bernsteinzimmer and Die Sturmflut for RTL. Studios, equipment and service-providers NRW has not only seen the development of a TV infrastructure unique throughout Europe over the past few decades, but also acquired the leading edge in experience. Technical service-providers like MMC, which provides one of Europe’s largest state-of-the-art studio complexes with a floor space totalling 157,000 sqm at the Coloneum in CologneOssendorf, and nobeo in Cologne and Hürth are considered as top addresses when it comes to modern TV studios. With these two, the Cape Cross Studios (Brainpool) in Cologne-Mühlheim, WDR’s produc9on studios in CologneExcellent public support, a good infrastructure, big TV sta9ons, lots of crea9ve people, Europe’s biggest studio at MMC and experienced providers of services for cinema, films and television: for Zeitsprung NRW is the ideal produc9on loca9on and a major centre of the television medium. Michael Souvignier, Managing Director Zeitsprung Pictures George, ARD Pinocchio, WDR/ARD Bocklemünd and the studios of DFA and Cubic in Düsseldorf, the region has a wide range of produc9on facili9es and technical know-how for fic9on and non-fic9on formats. And thanks to the large Bundesliga stadiums, such as in Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen and Cologne, as well as halls like the Lanxess Arena in Cologne and the Esprit Arena in Düsseldorf, NRW has made a name for itself as the venue for large-scale TV events from the Eurovision Song Contest (ARD) through the final of Germany’s Next Topmodel (ProSieben) to Deutschland gegen Holland – Die Revanche (SAT.1). < Cologne is by far the most important German produc9on hub for TV shows. Cologne is called the entertainment capital – and deservedly so. Friedhelm Bixschlag, Managing Director MMC Studios The studios and, above all, the excellent standard of personnel have kept NRW at the forefront of German TV entertainment for several years. Volker Weicker, Professor for Live Direc7on at the Academy for Media Arts Cologne (KHM), director for live entertainment, shows & sports A Day for a Miracle, ORF/ZDF The Adlon, ZDF TV events/Awards Cologne Conference German Comedy Award German Television Award German Camera Award German Webvideo Award Grimme Award NRW Events 1LIVE Krone Advance c/o pop C’n’B Conven9on Deutsche Welle Global Media Forum Duisburger Filmwoche Eurovision Song Contest 2011 Fes9val Großes Fernsehen GDC Europe German Developer Award Grimme Online Award Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden Int. Köln Comedy Fes9val Int. Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen Int. Frauenfilmfes9val Dortmund|Köln Interac9ve Cologne Karlsmedaille für Europ. Medien Kinofest Lünen lit.Cologne Living Games Fes9val Medienforum NRW Radio Day red dot award Rheinkultur Ruhrtriennale Summer Jam Funding Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW Contacts www.films9' With WDR and the RTL Media Group, NRW not only has two of the most important commissioners of programmes; the Film- und Mediens9'ung is a strong and innova9ve partner for producers. We have outstanding filmmakers in NRW and a very good infrastructure from studios through service-providers to postproduc9on possibili9es. Michael Smeaton, CEO FFP New Media Television > 9 Funding and Financing Funding Ins9tu9ons Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW MEDIA Antenne NRW Mediencluster NRW NRW.Bank NRW.Invest Funding in NRW: innova0ve and sustainable Contacts www.films9' NRW state Awards, Grants and Scholarships AV-Gründerzentrum NRW Förderpreis für junge Künstlerinnen und Künstler des Landes NRW Förderpreise der Vodafone S9'ung für Forschung Games Factory Ruhr Gründerpreis NRW netSTART NRW is one of Europe’s leading media regions. In order to build on this posi9on in economic, technological and crea9ve terms, the state supports the industry with enduringly effec9ve, mul9faceted support programmes and ins9tu9ons. This means NRW is not only the federal state with the strongest state film funding programme; its commitment to companies and projects in the field of new media, startups and young entrepreneurs also provides outstanding opportuni9es for development. Over and above its decisive par9cipa9on in the most important funding ins9tu9ons, the state of NRW also supports the film and media industry with competitions for the development of innovative and above all convergenceoriented business models in the digital media of the future. The interests of the media are represented politically by the Ministry for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media, which is situated in the state chancellery. The Department of Culture at the Ministry for Children, Youth, Culture and Sport supports media-cultural projects in a number of ways, with fes9vals profi9ng as well as the state’s cinemas and media workshops. Promotion of the creative industries with multiple interfaces to the media is based in the Ministry of Finance. North Rhine-Westphalia is the place for ideas, for crea9ve minds. They develop visions and stories, and so they all make NRW into the most successful film and TV loca9on in Germany. Whether films for cinema or TV, documentaries, soaps or the best in entertainment – there is no other loca9on producing as much as the Rhine and Ruhr region. This is a success story we owe to crea9ve minds from film and TV. But the state has contributed a lot as well. And it will stay that way. That’s a promise. Marc Jan Eumann, State Secretary for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media 10 Film- und Mediens0ung NRW The Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW is the financially strongest state funding ins9tu9on in Germany with an annual budget of 34 million Euros. Since its foundation in 1991 it has supported around 1,600 film and television produc9ons with funds amoun9ng to almost 530 million Euros. Besides the state of NRW, broadcasters WDR, ZDF, and RTL, and the state media authority (Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, LfM), are shareholders in the Film- und Medienstiftung NRW GmbH. Since 1992 the Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW has accommodated one of three German MEDIA antennae, which – along with comprehensive advice for the preparation of MEDIA funding applications in Brussels – also offers networking support for European coopera9ons. Among others the Films9'ung is also a partner of ifs interna9onale filmschule köln in Cologne, and the AV-Gründerzentrum. The Film- und Mediens9'ung has also been responsible since 2011 for the loca9on marke9ng and development of NRW as a media region. The development of both film and media culture and the film and media industry in NRW is our mission, the funding of film, television and innova9ve media content is our core competence. With the media region’s sustainability in mind, we help create a network of companies and players and promote NRW as the leading hub for film and media, communica9on and convergence in the middle of Europe. Petra Müller, CEO Film- und Mediens7'ung NRW Facts and Figures > Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW: Germany’s strongest regional funding ins9tu9on with 34 million Euros > Pilot funding programme for development of digital content > Pilot funding programme for innova9ve TV formats > Innova9on programme Digital Media NRW > Promo9onal awards and scholarships for company founders and young entrepreneurs > NRW.Invest supports companies moving to the state > NRW.Bank – financial partner of the crea9ve industries > Commi:ed state media and loca9on policy Mediencluster NRW Mediencluster NRW GmbH has been a subsidiary undertaking of the Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW since 2011. The prime focus here is on new media fields. Mediencluster NRW is the first place to contact when it is a ma:er of networking, consultation and financing issues, or the realisa9on of new business opportuni9es in North RhineWestphalia. AV-Gründerzentrum Launched in May 2006, the centre for audiovisual media is aimed at start-ups and young companies from the media industry. Budding film-makers are supported by accompanying consulta9on and the awarding of grants. Thanks to the close coopera9on with NRW's media and communica9ons industry and targeted know-how transfer, the AV-Gründerzentrum prepares young professionals for the future. Pilot funding programmes for digital content and innova0ve entertainment formats It was also in 2011 that the Filmstiftung launched a pilot funding programme for the development of innovative audiovisual projects in the fields of games, Internet and mobile communica9ons. Endowed with 1.5 million Euros for another period of three years (2014-2017), the programme is directed primarily at start-ups and young developers, as well as supporting content-affine concept and project developments. The Film- und Mediens9'ung North Rhine-Westphalia is the leading media loca9on in Germany. Companies will find outstanding loca9on factors here: superb public transport links and infrastructure, a highlydefined research scene, a qualified workforce, and a unique quality of life. has been supporting the development of non-fiction, innova9ve TV formats since 2012. The funding programme is primarily targeted at young TV format developers and producers from NRW. The money is intended to help them develop their own format ideas and present them in the market. Innova0on programme Digital Media In 2012, the innovation programme Digital Media was launched. It was ini9ated by the federal state of NRW and financed by the EU, suppor9ng small and medium-sized companies, educa9onal and research ins9tu9ons based in NRW for the realisa9on of their projects and business ideas. NRW.Bank The NRW.Bank also offers possibili9es of public funding and private capital loans to those founding companies and to middle-sized businesses in North Rhine-Westphalia. Thus, for example, it co-invests – with its crea9ve industries fund – to support the private capital basis of companies in the crea9ve industries in NRW. In addi9on, the NRW.Bank helps to secure the provision of loans to middle-sized film and TV producers, and supports promising start-ups with micro and start-up loans. NRW.INVEST As the state’s own economic funding association, NRW.INVEST offers poten9al investors from home and abroad a one-stop service: providing loca9on informa9on and help in the search for premises, and mediation or assistance with negotiations and permit procedures. Here, NRW.INVEST works together closely with the state government and regional and municipal business funding ins9tu9ons. Investors who have already se:led in North Rhine-Westphalia can rely on support from NRW.INVEST par9cularly when expanding, se;ng up new business or reloca9ng. < Petra Wassner, CEO NRW.Invest Funding > 11 Contacts State Chancellery NRW Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media in the Federal State of NRW Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media State/Representa9ve at federal level Stad:or 1 | 40219 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211-837-161 0 Personal advisor: Dr. Deniz Alkan Press officer: Nina Heil Dr. Marc Jan Eumann State Secretary for the Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media Telephone +49-211-837-151 3 Telephone +49-030-275 75-170 (Berlin) Rainer Weiland Departmental Head Department IV C Media & Telecommunica9ons Am Fürstenwall 21 | 40219 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211-837 148 4 The promo9on of North Rhine-Westphalia as a media loca9on is a departmental task of the Minister for Federal Affairs, Europe and the Media, Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren. Among other things, media policy covers the development of media law, media industry funding and loca9on development, the alloca9on of frequencies for radio broadcas9ng and accompanying the digitalisa9on of broadcas9ng, as in DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcas9ng – Terrestrial), for example. Film funding, especially with respect to educa9on and training in the media industry, is a further focus of media policy, as is the promo9ng of media competence among the state’s ci9zens. As a central event for the media industry, the annual Medienforum NRW in Cologne is supported by the state. Minister Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren and her State Secretary Dr. Marc Jan Eumann are supported in mee9ng their departmental responsibili9es by the media department in the State Chancellery. Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Garrelt Duin Minister for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry Horionplatz 1 | 40213 Düsseldorf Telephone + 49-211-837 02 Press officer: Ma:hias Kietzmann Claudia Nussbauer Head of Sec9on Crea9ve Industries Haroldstraße 4 | 40213 Düsseldorf Telephone + 49-211-837-2778 www.wirtscha' The name says it all: the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Energy and Industry formulates the basic principles of economic policy, sets the agenda for regional economic and structural policy, and provides the parameters for industry, commerce, cra's, trade and services to operate. Moreover, it is responsible for the energy industry, nuclear power and mining. We want to a:ract crea9ve minds for industry, services and science – and to have those people at our side, who can contribute through their work to a NRW that is strong and ready for the future. State Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesanstalt für Medien Nordrhein-Wes/alen; lfm) Dr. Jürgen Brautmeier Director Zollhof 2 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211-770 07-165 Dr. Frauke Gerlach Head of the Media Commission Telephone +49-211-770 07-161 12 The lfm is responsible for private radio and television. It decides upon the licensing of broadcasters, monitors and accompanies developments in the media through research ac9vi9es as well as by gran9ng awards such as the LfM-Hörfunkpreis for outstanding journalis9c achievements in private radio. Further areas of responsibility are the monitoring of Internet sites where the owner of the domain is based in NRW, and the promo9on of media competence. Film- und Mediens0ung NRW Petra Müller CEO Telephone +49-211-930 50 11 petramueller@films9' Chris9na Bentlage Head of Film Funding Telephone +49-211-930 50 20 chris9nabentlage@films9' Film und Medien S9'ung NRW GmbH Kaistraße 14 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49- 211- 930 500 info@films9' www.films9' Achim Strack Consultant TV and Entertainment Telephone +49-211-930 50 47 achimstrack@films9' Sabine Bull Head of Marke9ng Telephone +49-211-930 50 17 sabinebull@films9' Katharina Blum Head of Conferences and Events Telephone +49-211-930 50 48 katharinablum@films9' Heike Meyer-Döring Head of MEDIA Antenna NRW Telephone +49-211-930 50 14 media@films9' Tanja Güß Head of Press and PR Telephone +49-211-930 50 23 tanjaguess@films9' Mediencluster NRW Petra Müller CEO Kaistraße 14 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211- 930 50 11 Till Hardy Clustermanagement Kaistraße 14 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211- 930 50 42 Founded in 1991 and with an annual funding budget of 34 million Euros, the Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW is the financially strongest regional film funding ins9tu9on in Germany. Among its shareholders are WDR and the federal state of North RhineWestphalia, as well as ZDF, RTL and the state media authority, the Landesanstalt für Medien. The goal of the founda9on is to promote film and media culture as well as the film and media industry in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW is the central contact point for media in NRW. It provides funding for films for cinema and television in all stages of produc9on and exploita9on: from story and project development through produc9on to distribu9on and sales. In addi9on, there is support for cinemas. In 2011, Film- und Mediens9'ung NRW also became an integrated funding body for film and media and, a'er the takeover of Mediencluster NRW GmbH, opened up to the funding of innova9ve media content. Apart from funding measures, the Films9'ung’s brief also includes the marke9ng and development of the region NRW. Within its responsibility for film and media in the federal state, the Films9'ung NRW also holds interests in numerous ins9tu9ons and companies: Mediencluster NRW, ifs interna9onale filmschule köln, AV-Gründerzentrum, Grimme-Ins9tut and German Films. Mediencluster NRW contributes to developing the a:rac9on of North Rhine-Westphalia as a media hub, ac9vates poten9al, and supports innova9on and growth. It accompanies the innova9on programme “Digital Media NRW”, as well as providing comprehensive informa9on and services encompassing networking, possibili9es for funding and financing, the establishing of companies in the state, and media training, through to the realiza9on of new business opportuni9es. Incen9ves and developments regarding content and developments in the media scene are con9nuously monitored and communicated to the na9onal and interna9onal media industry. Stefanie Waschk Clustermanagement Kaistraße 14 | 40221 Düsseldorf Telephone +49-211- 930 50 15 AV-Gründerzentrum NRW Joachim Ortmanns Execu9ve Management Schanzenstr. 36 | 51063 Köln Telephone +49-221- 611 07 48 Launched in May 2006, the centre for audiovisual media is aimed at start-ups and young companies from the media industry. Budding film-makers are supported by accompanying consulta9on and the awarding of grants. Thanks to the close coopera9on with NRW’s media and communica9ons industry and targeted know-how transfer, the AV-Gründerzentrum prepares young professionals for the future. Contacts > 13 Contacts Film Commission NRW: Media representa0ves of the ci0es > Stadt Aachen Fachbereich Presse und Marke9ng Harald Beckers Haus Löwenstein Markt 39 52062 Aachen Phone +49-241-432-13 11 harald.beckers@ > Wirtscha'sförderung Arnsberg Rathausplatz 2 59759 Arnsberg Phone +49-2932-201 222 1 > Wirtscha'sförderung Rhein-Er' GmbH Andrea Barisic Willy-Brandt-Platz 1 50126 Bergheim Phone +49-2271-994 99-11 aba@wfg-rhein-er'.de > Bielefeld Marke7ng Elke Kringel Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 33602 Bielefeld Phone +49-521-516 779 elke.kringel@ > Stadt Bochum Herbert Schmitz Willy-Brandt-Platz 2-6 44777 Bochum Phone +49-234-910 358 1 > Stabsstelle Veranstaltungskoordina7on Stadthaus Berliner Platz 2 53103 Bonn Phone +49-228-775 555 > Dinamit GmbH Dinslaken Monika Melles Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 44-46 46535 Dinslaken Phone +49-2064-605 304 > Stadt Dortmund Hans-Werner Rixe Friedensplatz 3 44122 Dortmund Phone +49-231-502 581 4 14 > Gesellscha' für Wirtscha'sförderung Duisburg mbH Susanne Kirches Friedrich-Wilhelm-Straße 12 47051 Duisburg Phone +40-203-363 935 1 > Stadt Düsseldorf Theresa Winkels Marktplatz 1-2 40213 Düsseldorf Phone +49-211-899 305 6 theresa.winkels@ > Essen Marke7ng GmbH Anke Borm Rathenaustrasse 2/ Theatergasse 45127 Essen Phone +49-201-887 204 5 > Fröndenberg an der Ruhr Bahnhofstraße 2 58730 Fröndenberg/Ruhr Phone +49-2373-976 224 > Stadt Hamm Katja Johannpeter Werler Straße 3 59065 Hamm Phone +49-2381-173 484 johannpeter@ > Pro Herford Stadtmarke7ng GmbH Manfred Bischoff Goebenstraße 3-7 32052 Herford Phone +49-221-189 150 > Stadt Herne Ju:a Daniel Rathaus Rathausplatz 44626 Herne Phone +49-2323-16-224 9 Phone +49-2323-16-258 3 > Stadt Hürth Claudia Dahmann Christa Derigs Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 40 50354 Hürth Phone +49-2233-531 80 > Wirtscha'sförderungsGesellscha' Stadt Kevelaer mbH Ruth Keuken Venloer Straße 33-35 47623 Kevelaer Phone +49-2832-953 7 0 > Kreis Düren Josef Kreutzer Bismarckstr. 16 52351 Düren Phone +49-2421-222 383 pressestelle@ > pro Wirtscha' GT GmbH Julia Peschke Herzebrocker Straße 140 33334 Gütersloh Phone +49-5241-851 086 julia.peschke@ pro-wirtscha' > Kreis Me8mann Marion Strack Düsseldorferstraße 26 40822 Me:mann Phone +49-2104-992 030 kulturamt@ > Kreis Minden-Lübbecke Sabine Ohnesorge Portastraße 13 32423 Minden Phone +49-571-807-221 30 s.ohnesorge@ > Köln Stabsstelle Medien Köln Konrad Peschen Stadthaus Deutz Westgebäude Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 50679 Köln Phone +49-221-221-245 71 konrad.peschen@ Stabsstelle Medien Köln Andreas Füser Stadthaus Deutz Westgebäude Willy-Brandt-Platz 2 50679 Köln Phone +49-221-221-246 61 andreas.fueser@ > KulturStadtLev Kulturbüro Anke Holgersson Am Büchelter Hof 9 51373 Leverkusen Phone +49-214-406 4170 anke.holgersson@ > Stadt Lünen Simone Kö:er Willy-Brandt-Platz 1 44532 Lünen Phone +49-2306-104 150 1 simone.koe:er.02@ > Mülheim an der Ruhr Volker Wiebels Ruhrstr. 1 45468 Mülheim an der Ruhr Phone +49-208-455 135 0 Volker.Wiebels@ > Filmservice Münster.Land Nicola Ebel Klemensstraße 10 48143 Münster Phone +49-251-492 138 0 > WFMG Wirtscha'sförderung Mönchengladbach GmbH Pascal Hermanns Lüpertzender Straße 6 41061 Mönchengladbach Phone +49-2161-823 798 9 > Stadt Ne8etalWirtscha' und Marke7ng Christoph Kamps Doerkesplatz 11 41334 Ne:etal Phone +49-2153-898 800 2 christoph.kamps@ > Rhein-Kreis Neuss Robert Abts Oberstraße 91 41460 Neuss Phone +49-2131-928 750 0 robert.abts@ > Tourismus und Marke7ng Oberhausen GmbH Helmut Kawohl Schwartzstr. 62 46045 Oberhausen Phone +49-208-824 573 3 helmut.kawohl@ > Stadt Recklinghausen Reinhold Hegemann Rathausplatz 3 45655 Recklinghausen Phone +49-2361-501 351 > Stadt Rees Ludger Beltermann Markt 1 46459 Rees Phone +49-2851-511 76 ludger.beltermann@ > Kreis Siegen-Wi8genstein Hans-Peter Langer Koblenzer Straße 73 57072 Siegen Phone +49-271-333 116 1 hp.langer@ > Wfg Wirtscha'sförderung Kreis Soest GmbH Sonja Peck Villa Plange Sigefridwall 20 59494 Soest Phone +49-2921-30-2261 > Stadt Viersen Axel Greuvers Heimbachstr. 12 41747 Viersen Phone +49-2162-101 463 > Stadt Wiehl Uwe Bas9an Bahnhofstr. 1 51674 Wiehl Phone +49-2262-993 02 > Wuppertal Lutz Ahr c/o Bergische Entwicklungsagentur GmbH Kölner Str. 8 42651 Solingen Phone +49-212-881 606 70 Bas7an Pastewka, Anke Engelke Imprint Publisher Film und Medien S9'ung NRW GmbH Kaistraße 14 40221 Düsseldorf Phone +49-211- 930 500 Telefax +49-211- 930 505 info@films9' www.films9' © Film und Medien S9'ung NRW GmbH, October 2013 Editorial Team Sabine Bull (Head) Stefanie Hadding Loraine Lenz Design and Layout Design: Anna B. Design Layout and Se9ng Stephanie Cremer, Büro für Gestaltung Transla7on Mar9n Blaney Thank you We thank all the contributors who provided a quota9on and thus assisted in the crea9on of this brochure. Special thanks to Jörg Laumann, Lena Schütz-Kraan. The selec9on of the companies and loca9ons described serves as an example for the region and does not claim to be complete. Photos From le' to right Cover Brainpool/Boris Breuer, WDR p. 2, 3 Kölntourismus, Düsseldorf Marke9ng & Tourismus GmbH, Mark Ansorg/ Dortmund, Bertelsmann AG, RTL/Pick, Telekom, WDR p. 4, 5 WDR/Herby Sachs, WDR/Thomas Leidig, WDR/Melanie Grande, RTL/Stefan Gregorowius (2x), Jens Hauer, ZDF/ Willi Weber (2x), Brainpool, WDR/Max Kohr (2x), Brainpool/Willi Weber, RTL/ Stefan Menne, RTL (5x), Brainpool/Boris Breuer, RTL/Willi Weber, WDR/ Aardman Anima9ons Ltd., ProSiebenSat.1, WDR/ Be;na Fürst-Fastré, ZDF/Max Kohr, ARD/Frank Dicks, WDR/dpa, WDR (2x), SAT.1/Anatol Ko:e, Vox, Brainpool, VOX, Super RTL, RTL Nitro p. 6, 7 Brainpool/Willi Weber (2x), Brainpool/Boris Breuer, Brainpool/Frank Hempel, ProSiebenSat.1 (2x), UFA Show and Factual, Brainpool, Broadview Pictures, Endemol, ITV Studios, Eyeworks, FFP New Media p. 8, 9 WDR/Michael Böhme, RTL, ZDF/David Slama, RTL, SWR/Thomas Kost, ORF/Graf Film/Rowboat/Toni Muhr, FFP New Media, ZDF/ Stephanie Kulbach, Geißendörfer Film- und Fernsehproduk9on KG, ac9on concept, Zeitsprung Pictures, MMC Studios, Volker Weicker, FFP New Media, WDR p. 10, 11 Staatskanzlei Nordrhein Wes8alen/Fotoagentur Fox, Film und Mediens9'ung NRW/Heike Herbertz, NRW.Invest p. 12, 13 Staatskanzlei NordrheinWes8alen/Ralph Sondermann, Staatskanzlei NordrheinWes8alen/Fotoagentur Fox, Staatskanzlei NRW, Claudia Nussbauer, Landesanstalt für Medien NRW/Fox Foto Uwe Völkner, Landesanstalt für Medien NRW/Anne:e Etges, Film und Mediens9'ung NRW (8x), AV-Gründerzentrum NRW p. 15 Der Deutsche Fernsehpreis Imprint > 15 Film und Medien S9'ung NRW GmbH Kaistraße 14 40221 Düsseldorf Telefon +49- 211-930 500 info@films9' www.films9'
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