In this issue Antitrust– Litigation– EU Law
No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Made in Germany
In this issue
Antitrust – Litigation – EU Law – M&A transactions – Purchase price clauses – Compliance –
Management board liability – Diversity – Female quota – Corporate pensions
2 – Editorial/content – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Professor Dr.
Thomas Wegerich,
Business Law Magazine
egal implications of the
By Dr. Peter Göpfrich
Business Law Magazine:
India and France have joined the club
Dear Readers,
Our network is expanding its global reach: We
welcome the German Chambers of Commerce in
India and France as new partners of Business Law
Magazine (BLM).
In this fourth issue of BLM you will find an in-depth
article on the EU directive on antitrust damages
actions. This is a brand new law that is shaking up
the legal landscape quite a bit – so make sure you
don`t miss the piece.
You are more interested in M&A topics, Purchase
price clauses, compliance management systems,
diversity or pension matters? No problem, our team
of outstanding authors has covered it all.
Enjoy reading!
EU Law/antitrust
significant step towards
The EU directive on antitrust
damages actions: A plaintiffs’ boost
for antitrust damages litigation?
By Michael J.R. Kremer and ­
Anna-Maria Quinke
Mergers & acquisitions
11_ I t is all about finding the fit
A key decision for seller and buyer:
Purchase price clauses for company
By Matthias Kasch and Dan Kessler
Best regards,
15_ D
oing something to counter
the “angst”
Third-party certification of
compliance management
systems—a route to limit
the liability of the management
By Dr. Benno Schwarz and
Dr. Sebastian Lenze
Corporate governance
20 _ A
step in the right direction?
Shaping the corporate landscape in
Germany: The “quota”—promotion
of women in leading positions
By Dr. Heike Wagner and
Dr. Florian Plagemann, LL.M.
Labor law
24 _ C
losing the gap
40% of employees are not entitled
to corporate pension: major reform
of German Corporate Pension Act
is coming up this year
By Dr. Marco Arteaga
Thomas Wegerich
31_ Advisory Board
32_ Strategic partners
33_ Cooperation partners
34_ Imprint
US law/international law
27 _ Still winding, but less rocky
The Cuba embargo:
Does the U.S. shift in policy mean
new opportunities for European
By Hamilton Loeb and
Scott M. Flicker
3 – Focus – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Dr. Peter Göpfrich,
CEO of AHK in the United Arab Emirates
and Delegate of German Industry and
Commerce for the Upper Gulf Region,
Legal implications of the “Arabellion”
By Dr. Peter Göpfrich
he political events in the Middle East in the
context of the “Arab Spring” are also
generating new legal aspects and challenges for
doing business in the region.
Politics in the Middle East
The MENA-Region was, due to its political,
economic, legal and cultural peculiarities, never
quite an easy playing field for foreign companies,
especially not for SMEs. Nevertheless, for many
decades they operated by and large in a relatively
stable environment wherein an insider was able
to navigate reasonably and safely. All this has
changed since the protests of 2011 in Tunis and
Egypt have ignited a process toppling autocratic
heads of states (Tunis, Egypt, Libya, Yemen), civil
war breaking out (Libya, Syria, Yemen), and
ultimately even existing geographical boundaries
of states might be changing in the process (Syria,
Iraq, Libya, Yemen) and new states (Kurdistan) as
well as quasi-states (Islamic State/ IS) might be
emerging. This process, perhaps better described
as “Arabellion” rather than the largely discredited
original “Arab Spring”, might not even stop at
the—albeit historically somewhat artificial—borders of the Gulf Cooperation Council’s monarchies in the Arab peninsula that have been
largely unaffected so far by the changes and
upheavals in their neighborhood. At least some
of them, in the long, might not be able to
immunize their populace (especially the young
initial implementation. However, not only
legitimized in the interim by a popular presiden-
institutional change with financial largesse.
state level may invoke the need for investment
the support of the Egyptian army.
generation) against the appeal of political and
Legal impact on doing business
in the Middle East
The Arabellion has already made an impact on
some legal issues with practical consequences for
doing business in the region as well. Some of
these issues have already been debated in
International Arbitration Tribunals or—as the
issue of “force majeure”—have an impact on the
interpretation of ongoing contracts or the
drafting of new contracts. Other legal issues are
still pending in the future, however, possible
pitfalls should already be considered at the
present time, well in advance.
Investment protection
This is an important feature in international
business, especially in times of political change.
Even before the Arabellion, the Middle East
provided a good example of the need for
investment protection. A change of government
changes and disruptions on the government and
protection. The disruption of infrastructure,
transport or supply lines or internal riots,
demonstrations, closures or boycotting measures
by a local workforce or incited populace may
impede the proper execution of a contract or the
proper implementation of an investment project
as well. Such impediment of the fulfillment of
investment contracts—or even in some cases
normal commercial contracts—may amount to
an investment issue according to bilateral
investment treaties (BITs) or international
investment conventions. The most important and
widespread of these is the International
Convention on the Settlement of Investment
Disputes (ICSID). Some cases have already been
forwarded to an ICSID—effectively an arbitration
tribunal—where the underlying reasons are
related to political changes in the course of the
A case in point for this is the post-revolutionary
may result in review or even cancellation of
Egypt, a country that has experienced two
constitutions, laws regulations and practices may
toppling of the former longstanding President
without intention of any kind of compensation;
deposition of his successor Mohammed Morsi by
contracts, concluded by the former government;
“revolutions” since 2011. The first involved the
change abruptly without previous notice and
Hosny Mubarak and was followed by the
even privatizations may be rescinded years after
the chief of staff, Abd el-Fattah as-Sisi, who, albeit
tial election, bases his extensive power mainly on
Several claims by investors against the Arab
Republic of Egypt (ARE) were brought in front of
an ICSID arbitral tribunal. A few have already
been decided, yet most are still pending. Some of
these cases deal with important issues and topics
of international investment arbitration as
developed and elaborated over the last decades.
For instance, some cases deal with the question
of “unlawful expropriation”, that is, whether an
investor can challenge those acts whereby the
new (post-revolutionary) government has
cancelled or reversed certain investment projects
that were initiated and concluded under the
tenure of the former government. The root of
these cases is the tension between legal certainty
for foreign investors through bilateral investment
treaties and the reforms measures taken by the
new government after the “revolution”.
For instance, a very prominent case concerns the
cancellation of a politically sensitive deal for
delivery of gas to Israel, signed under the former
Mubarak-regime with a private consortium. The
new Egyptian government cancelled the contract
because it was of the opinion that the gas price
fixed in the contract was by far too low and had
been concluded at great detriment to the
4 – Focus – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Egyptian state. For the investor (the claimant in
Arab Republic of Egypt, ARB/11/16). The arbitration
of investments not only against violence by state
impede proper execution of private commercial
unlawful expropriation according to the
whether a state can invoke an investor‘s
non-state actors. In a former case of a private
majeure is at the forefront of these. Companies
this case) this cancellation amounted to an
applicable BIT as well as according to ICSID (the
cases referred to here are published under the
following website: https//icsid.worldbank /apps/
ICSIDWEB /cases). In another case, the claim of
an Indonesian investor relates to an Egyptian
court decision that has annulled the acquisition
of a textile company that the investor (claimant)
had acquired through a privatization scheme.
According to the previous decision of an Egyptian
court, this privatization was illegal because the
state assets were offered for an allegedly
politically motivated cheap price to cronies of
former President Hosny Mubarak (Ampal-Ameri-
can Israel Corporation and others v. Arab Republic
of Egypt, ARB /12/11, May 23, 2012).
Similar cases, dealing with claims of unlawful
expropriation concerning oil operations and
exploitation services or the acquisition of shares,
are pending in front of ICSID arbitration tribunals
against the state of Tunis and Oman. A very
interesting case before an ICSID arbitration
tribunal claims that Egypt improperly overturned
a land purchase deal authorized by the previous
regime. This case, still pending, is of special legal
interest insofar as it also deals with allegations of
corrupt dealings by the investor (the claimant)
with the former regime. In 2011, that is, one year
before the ICSID case was registered, an Egyptian
court had sentenced the investor (claimant), a
businessman from the UAE, to five years in prison
and a fine of over $45 million for acquiring land
for the development a luxury resort from Egypt’s
ex-president Hosni Mubarak at below-market
tribunal will have to deal with the question as to
corruptive conduct when state organs played a
part or knew about the illegality and neverthe-
investor (Wena Hotels) versus the state of Egypt,
the arbitration tribunal stated: “The tribunal
less accepted it (“estoppel”). In a former ICSID
agrees with Wena that Egypt violated its
principle of fairness should prevent the govern-
protection and security; there is substantial
jurisdictional defense when it knowingly
of) EHC’s (a private company) intentions to seize
that was not in compliance with its law (RDC v.
from doing so. Moreover, once the seizures
Jurisdiction, ICSID ARB/07/23, 18 May 2010, para.
Tourism took no immediate action to restore the
case, the arbitration tribunal stated that the
obligation to accord Wena’s investment full
ment from raising violations of its own law as a
evidence that Egypt was aware of (the employees
overlooked them and…endorsed an investment
the hotels and took no actions to prevent EHC
Guatemala, Second Decision on Objections to
occurred, both the police and the Ministry of
hotels promptly to Wena’s control” (Wena Hotels
As in the aforementioned cases concerning
“unlawful expropriation” or the impact of the
v. Egypt, Award, 8 December 2000, 41 ILM 896
(2002), para. 84).
“estoppel principle”, there are also a number of
Other core issues of international investment law
investment laws as elaborated especially by ICSID
developments. As for Syria, Iraq or Libya, for
possibly further developed in the pending ICSID
armed conflicts will affect the continued
other Arab states. Among these is the question
prove relevant—according to the UN ILC Draft
the scope of the BIT protection if it does not
conduct of an insurrectional movement shall be
regard, a former ICSID arbitration tribunal did not
UN ILC draft articles, the answer is yes when the
many other important principals of international
will inevitably emerge with political and military
arbitration tribunals that will be applied and
example, the question as to whether or not
cases related to Arabellion issues in Egypt or
application of bilateral investment treaties will
whether or not an investment is excluded from
articles “not ipso facto…”—or whether or not the
comply with national law of the host state. In this
considered an act of the state. According to the
rule in favor of the claim of the investor, stating
that “…nobody can benefit from his own wrong
- understood as the prohibition for an investor to
benefit from an investment effectuated by
means of one or several illegal acts” (Inceysa
Vallisoletana S.L. v. Republic of El Salvador, Award,
2 August 2006, ARB/03/26, paras 231, 240 ff.).
prices. This case touches the famous “estoppel”
Another core issue of international investment
investment arbitration (Hussain Sajwani, Damac
Egypt and other “Arab Spring states“ is the
doctrine that is a central pillar of international
law to be dealt with in some ICSID cases against
Park Avenue for Real Estate Development S.A.E.,
question as to whether or not the applicable BIT
and Damac Gamsha Bay for Development S.A.E. v.
organs, but also against violence stemming from
or the ICSID convention provides full protection
insurrectional movement becomes the new
government of the state or it can establish a de
facto state, and the answer is no when the
insurrectional movement is ultimately unsuccessful.
Force majeure
The current situation in some parts of the Middle
East is not only relevant with respect to the field
of public or private international law or the field
of investment treaties, where a state or state
entity is involved on at least one side of the
conflict. There is also a host of issues that can
contracts, and certainly the question of force
may be forced to repatriate workers due to civil
or military unrest, work may need to be
suspended, delayed or completely abandoned. In
normal circumstances, delays or other impedi-
ments to performance can give rise to claims for
damages for breach of contract. In circumstances
where it is claimed that the cause of the delay
was either unforeseeable or beyond the control
of the parties, a right to recover damages may
not arise.
With respect to the definition or repercussions of
force majeure, most of the Arab states follow the
Egyptian civil law that is inspired by French Civil
Law principles. According to these principles, a
differentiation has to be made between
“impossibility” (an extraneous event that makes
performance of contractual obligation impossi-
ble, that renders the obligation suspended -Art.
373 EGY Civil Code) and “imprevision” (an
extraneous event that makes performance of
contractual obligation onerous and in such case a
judge can amend the contract to restore the
contractual balance (Art. 147 EGY Civil Code). In
both cases, exceptional circumstances of general
application (revolution, war, civil war, strike,
power cuts, currency restrictions, etc.) are
required that were not foreseeable when the
contract was made. In English law, force majeure
is essentially a creature of contract and thus—
unlike the continental civil law tradition where a
general clause can give a wide flexibility for
reasoning and interpretation—the wording of
such a clause in the contract is key and needs to
be considered carefully. It will therefore vary in
meaning and scope depending on the particular
wording used in each case. Generally, force
majeure will be defined by reference to events
that are beyond a party’s reasonable control and
5 – Focus – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
may be limited to a specified category or list of
events (such as war, acts of God or natural
disasters, for instance). For example, an act of
terrorism is not considered an act of war and
therefore would not excuse a delay in performance under force majeure wording that only
covers acts of war. Moreover, the party seeking to
rely on the clause must demonstrate that it has
taken all reasonable steps to avoid or at least
mitigate the effects of the disrupting event and
has in turn complied precisely with the prescribed notice requirements.
The difference between civil law tradition and
common law tradition can lead to different
rulings, as can be seen in the example of recent
cases in Iraq, especially regarding contracts with
the government, public sector entities or
state-owned companies. In most Arab countries,
such contracts are governed by special regulations
that define force majeure according to the
continental European civil law tradition. In Iraq,
contracts entered into by the government and
most public entities are subject to a specific public
government contracts law. This law requires that
the disrupting event be unforeseeable to the party
invoking force majeure. The application of this law
has recently created some problems to the extent
that some parties incorporated clauses into their
contracts that expressly recognized the security
situation as it then existed. Iraqi courts held, in
some cases, that security problems in the country
cannot be considered unforeseeable and that
parties take on this risk when they enter in
contracts in the Iraqi market. Therefore, a party
was not entitled to rely upon security risks as an
excuse for the disrupted or delayed implementation of a contract.
related to the Arabellion that are either already
on the table or will emerge with time in the
course of the political developments.
Security is a key concern for any company active
in the region, especially in countries such as Libya,
Syria and Iraq (not to mention Yemen, a no-go
country for international companies for many
years already). Many companies feel compelled to
hire bodyguards and security providing companies. To do business under such conditions raises
a number of intricate legal questions about the
regulatory framework for security services,
especially in areas where state control has
effectively ceased. Another legal topic relates to
the conclusion of oil contracts with others, like
sovereign states, a topic that is already of current
importance regarding such contracts with the
government of the more or less autonomous
“Kurdistan” in Erbil, for example, and in future
also become relevant with respect to Libya, Iraq
or Syria, where such contracts might have to be
concluded with non-state actors like tribal
leaders, militia leaders or—not to be ruled out
entirely—a governing body in the self-proclaimed
Caliphate of IS in current regions of Syria and
Other current and future legal issues
Legal topics related to state succession might be
another issue as well. Given the situation in Syria,
Iraq, Libya or Yemen, the map of the new Middle
East may ultimately come to look distinctively
different from what we have today. Any business
lawyer dealing with the region is well advised to
be prepared for the fact that states will disintegrate, that new states will emerge, that borders
will change and to accordingly prepare a legal
scenario for the effects this would have on
international agreements and contracts with
government or with private counterparts.
Apart from the predominant issue of force
majeure, there are numerous other legal issues
Finally, sanctions are a longstanding reality when
doing business with some countries in the
Middle East; actual examples are Iran, Syria and
Libya. Compliance lawyers have to concern
themselves with the question as to how
sanctions can affect contracts and corporate
compliance and deal with the different layers of
supranational, international and national bodies
imposing trade restrictions.
The upheavals in the Middle East in recent years
have accentuated or initiated a host of issues of
public law or civil and commercial law, issues that
require the utmost care and diligence in order to
navigate safely and successfully through a region
that nevertheless is and will continue to be an
important market for German and international
business. Business associations such as the
German Chambers of Industry and Commerce
abroad (AHK) can—due to its location in the
region and its knowledge of the political,
economic and legal framework, and its valuable
connections and links—be a useful partner for
companies as well as their legal counsels and
attorneys in doing business in this new Middle
Editor’s note: In early summer 2015, the AHK in
UAE is planning and organizing a legal conference in Germany in order to further explore
these topics in-depth and to discuss and provide
practical solutions. Legal counsels and attorneys
are invited to share their experience and
knowledge at the above mentioned conference
and are kindly requested to contact AHK (peter. or anne.paul@ahkuae.
6 – EU Law/antitrust – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
A significant step towards harmonization
The EU directive on antitrust damages actions: A plaintiffs’ boost for antitrust damages litigation?
By Michael J.R. Kremer and Anna-Maria Quinke
n November 10, 2014, the European Council approved the final text
of the Directive 2014/104/EU of
the European Parliament and of the Council
on certain rules governing actions for
damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions
of the Member States and of the European
Union (Directive). This adoption marks
the end of a long legislative procedure
that was initiated with the much-awaited
European Commission proposal of June 11,
2013. The Directive aims to facilitate and
harmonize antitrust damages actions in
Member States and optimize the interplay
between private and public enforcement
of competition law. The text of the Directive was published in the Official Journal of
the European Union on December 5, 2014
and entered into force. The Member States
have until late 2016 to introduce relevant
national legislation to implement the provisions of the Directive into national law.
and balanced legislation of antitrust damages litigation, both public and private
enforcement of competition law had
become even more prominent in some
of the Member States in the European
Union. The European Commission and the
National Competition Authorities (NCAs)
impose increasing administrative fines on
cartelists. In 2014, in Germany alone, the
NCA issued administrative fines in excess
of €1 billion. The strict public enforcement
along with public attention and press
coverage also had a remarkable effect on
the private enforcement side. A changed
awareness with respect to the commercial relevance paired with an aggressive
plaintiffs’ bar, “joint plaintiffs groups” and
litigation funding have led to an increasing number of high-profile follow-on
damages lawsuits. For example, Deutsche
Bahn recently joined forces with the German companies of Bosch, Continental
and Kühne+Nagel in the air cargo cartel
litigation claiming some €3 billion from a
group of thirteen international airlines.
Several years ago, parallel to the initiation
of the debate regarding a more detailed
From a plaintiff’s standpoint, the jurisdictions of Germany, the UK and The –>
Cartel participants are faced with the increasing risk that confidential documents may be
disclosed in civil litigation proceedings.
© kiddy0265/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images
7 – EU Law/antitrust – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Netherlands are most favorable for
antitrust damages actions and thus
the vast majority of antitrust damages
claims are filed there. The Directive
aims to introduce the “advantages”
in procedural and substantive law of
these jurisdictions as standard for all
Member States. The Directive therefore provides for an array of (mainly
procedural) tools to facilitate the
private enforcement of antitrust damages claims, such as rules on burden
of proof, binding effect of decisions
of the NCA, presumption of incurrence of damages, extended period of
statute of limitation. But apart from
these “plaintiff-friendly” provisions, the
Directive also upholds the protection
of information provided by a cartelist
as part of the leniency program before
the NCA or the European Commission.
Cartel participants are faced with the
increasing risk that confidential documents included in the file of the competition authority may be disclosed
in the civil litigation proceedings as a
consequence of claimants’ requests of
disclose the investigation file of the
prosecution. The Directive therefore
seeks to balance the relation between
public and private enforcement without jeopardizing the effectiveness of
leniency programs as an important cornerstone for the public enforcement by
allowing disclosure to a certain (considerably broader) extent, yet prohibiting the disclosure of leniency statements and settlement submissions.
The Directive’s scope is not limited to
damage claims in connection with
cartels. Its provisions will also impact damages actions resulting from
abuse of dominance, such as claims
under Article 102 of the Treaty on the
Functioning of the European Union
(TFEU), for example. Yet, most of the
Directive’s provisions apply to cartel damages actions. Therefore, this
article addresses and comments on
the main provisions of the Directive
and their expected impact on cartel damages actions in Germany.
Key concepts and provisions of the Directive
In most of the Member States of the
European Union, private enforcement
of competition laws has been the
exception rather than the rule due
to major obstacles in the respective
national laws, especially relating to
the gathering of evidence, substantiation of damages and burden of proof.
Aiming to ease these obstacles, the
Directive provides a set of substantive and procedural standards and –>
8 – EU Law/antitrust – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
concepts such as inter alia harmonized
rules on (1) binding effect of national
infringement decisions, (2) disclosure of
evidence, (3) limitation periods, (4) limits
on the liability of immunity recipients
and small or medium-sized companies,
(5) passing-on defense, (6) joint and
several liability of antitrust infringers and
(7) reputable presumptions in connection with the incurrence of damages.
While the need of legislative implementation in Germany is limited compared
to other Member States as the existing substantive and procedural laws
reflect most of the Directive’s provisions, some of the changes will impact
the approach to litigation by plaintiffs
as well as the courts’ practice in handling follow-on damage claims.
Right to full compensation (articles 3 and 4 of the Directive)
Articles 3 and 4 of the Directive set the
core principle that drives the other provisions of the Directive: any natural or legal
person who has suffered a loss due to an
infringement of competition law shall
be entitled to full compensation. This
principle had been established as case
law by the European Court of Justice
several years ago and is the primary
basis for any right to seek compensa-
tion for an antitrust infringement. In its
Manfredi decision, the European Court
of Justice ruled that the effectiveness of
Article 101 of the TFEU (and Article 102
of the TFEU) would be jeopardized “if it
were not open to any individual to claim
damages for loss caused to him by a
contract or by conduct liable to restrict or
distort competition.” Therefore, the main
objective of the Directive is to introduce
laws and concepts that allow those who
have incurred damages as a consequence
of an antitrust infringement to recover
actual losses, lost profits and payment of
interest. This principle—though already
established under Sec. 33 para 3 of the
German Law on Restrictions of Competition (“GWB”)—will certainly change the
legal framework in some of the Member
States but also change the approach
of plaintiffs to antitrust litigation.
plaintiffs’ entitlement to disclosure is very
limited. Under the German Code of Civil
Procedure, a plaintiff may seek disclosure only under narrow prerequisites, for
example, when the plaintiff can—inter
alia—identify a specific document and
its relevance for the lawsuit, an undertaking almost impossible due to the above
described particularities of a cartel.
Rules on disclosure of evidence (articles 5 through 8 of the Directive)
The Directive introduces—in the case
of the German Code of Civil Procedure—expands the availability of
discovery to the plaintiffs. The national
courts are to be empowered to order
both respondents and third parties
to disclose relevant information or
documents in their possession or
control. The requirement of specification of the documents by the plaintiff
is relaxed as the requested documents
have to be “described as precisely and
In general, a plaintiff must substantiate and prove the prerequisites of his
alleged claim. Due to the nature of the
cartel, such as the secrecy of the anticompetitive agreements, cartel meetings
and pricing discussions, for example, the
availability of evidence and the question of disclosure are at the heart of any
follow-on damages litigation. So far, the
The main objective of the
­Directive is to introduce laws
and concepts that allow those
who have incurred damages
as a consequence of an antitrust infringement to recover
actual losses, lost profits and
­payment of interest.
narrowly as possible on the basis of
information reasonably available”. The
entitlement to disclosure also includes
the possibility to request access to
information contained in the file of the
European Commission and the NCAs.
Despite this allowance of a broader
access to information and documents,
the concept is still far different from
any common law discovery proceedings. Before granting any request for
disclosure, the national court have
to assess the relevance and proportionality of the request in view of the
facts that are to be proven but also
the interests of respondents with
respect to confidentiality or business
secrets. Hence, disclosure may only be
granted if the respective documents
are relevant, the request proportionate
and reasonable for the substantiation of the claim and if no superior
interests on respondent’s side exist.
Importantly, though, the Directive also
clarifies that the leniency programs of
the European Commission and the NCAs
shall not be undermined. If an antitrust
infringer who cooperates with the authorities by disclosing otherwise secret
information about the cartel and confidential information about the business
would have to expect that this information will be used against him by –>
9 – EU Law/antitrust – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
plaintiffs as well, he may second guess
cooperation which would then impede
the public enforcement of competition
law. Consequently, the disclosure of leniency statements and settlement submissions is explicitly and without limitation
excluded. Other information and submissions prepared by the parties or the NCA
in the course of the cartel proceedings
are only protected from disclosure until
the NCA has closed its proceedings.
Binding effect of the NCA’s final decisions (article 9 of the Directive)
One of the reasons for choosing Germany as jurisdiction for the follow-on
damages litigation has been the binding
effect of final NCA’s decision confirming an infringement of national or EU
competition law. This binding effect lifts
a considerable part of the burden of
proof for the plaintiffs, at least as far as
proving liability is concerned (the NCA
or European Commission decision do
not make any binding determination on
the quantum of potential damages).
The Directive therefore provides that
final NCA’s decisions on an antitrust infringement (for example, of the German
Cartel Office) are binding for the German
courts, for instance, a general binding
effect is introduced for NCA decisions in
the court of the same jurisdiction. The
Directive, though, goes one step farther
stipulating also that final decisions
from other Member States will carry a
prima facie evidence for the infringement of competition law. Hence, these
rules complement the binding effect of
final decisions of the European Commission under Art. 16 para. 1 VO 1/2003.
The Directive also clarifies
that the leniency programs of
the European Commission
and the National Competition Authorities (NCAs) shall
not be undermined. Consequently, the disclosure of leniency statements is explicitly
Consequently, the introduction of a
general binding effect will be of considerable impact in making litigation
of infringements of competition law
more attractive in the other Member
States as well. The changes though do
not level the playing field in determining
“preferred jurisdictions” for plaintiffs. In
Germany, Sec. 33 para 4 GWB provides
that NCA’s decision of other Member
States even constitute full proof for
an infringement of competition law.
unintended effect of limiting competition
rather than promoting fair competition.
Limits on the liability of immunity
recipients and small and medium-sized
companies (article 11 of the Directive)
Passing-on defense – the proper
plaintiff vs. the proper respondent
(articles 12 to 15 of the Directive)
Cartel participants are liable for damages as joint and several debtors which
is one of the reason for many multi-party
lawsuits in follow-on damages litigations. In conversion of the intention to
strengthen and protect the leniency
programs described above, the Directive
implements important limitations to
joint and several liability: leniency applicants who have cooperated and been
granted immunity from administrative
fines are only liable to their direct and indirect purchasers. Hence, assuming that
those leniency applicants who received
full immunity often seek settlements
with their customers, follow-on damages litigation may even be fully avoided
(with minor exceptions). The legislature’s
reasoning is to make the leniency program even more attractive and therefore
strengthen the public enforcement of
competition law. A further exemption
is for small or medium-sized companies
who only were minor contributors and
participants to the cartel as the risk of
their insolvency as a consequence of
fines and damage claims could have the
A characteristic of many cartels is that
the goods subject to the cartel are
“passed on” to another manufacturing
stage and ultimately to the customer.
Who in that case is entitled to claim
the cartel surcharge and who is not?
For the direct purchaser of cartelized
goods the Directive aims to ensure full
recovery of damages, but also excludes
“over-compensation”. Only the actual
loss, such as cartel overcharge incurred
at each manufacturing stage or level of
the supply, for example, may be recovered
at that respective level. A respondent is
therefore entitled to invoke the passingon defense arguing that the plaintiff
as the direct purchaser has passed the
cartel overcharge on (in whole or in
part) to its own customers. The burden
of proof rests with the respondent.
Contrary to the direct purchaser, the
indirect purchaser bears the burden
of proof that and to what extent the
cartel over-charge has been passed
on to him. Due to the various and –>
10 – EU Law/antitrust – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
individual market circumstances, it
becomes more difficult for the indirect purchaser to prove that the cartel
over-charge (or part of the cartel overcharge) has been passed on to him, the
farther he is down the supply chain.
Therefore, the Directive provides a rebuttable presumption that a surcharge
has been passed on to an indirect
purchaser who can show that: (1) the
respondent infringed competition law;
(2) the infringement resulted in an
overcharge for the direct purchaser; and
(3) the indirect purchaser purchased the
goods or services that were the subject
of the cartelized goods or services.
Presumption of incurrence of damages (article 17 of the Directive)
The determination of damages,
for example, whether damages
have been caused at all and—
if so—to what extent, poses one of
the many challenges for plaintiffs but
also courts in follow-on damage litigations. The Directive aims to ease this
challenge by establishing a rebuttable
presumption that cartel infringements
did cause damages that may then be
recovered by the plaintiff. This presumption has not yet been established by case
law in the highest courts in Germany
and will certainly take away one of the
major defenses of cartelists in litigation.
Furthermore, the Directive provides that
national courts shall have the option
to estimate the amount of damages in
instances where it is practically impossible or excessively difficult to specifically
quantify the precise damages incurred.
In Germany, the option of the civil court
to estimate the amount of damage is
already established in Sec. 287 of the German Civil Procedure Code and is certainly
one of the reasons that made Germany
a “preferred jurisdiction” in the past.
Summary and outlook
The Directive is a significant step towards the harmonization of the Member
States’ substantive and procedural rules
of private antitrust damages litigation.
The existing differences between the
rules in the Members States governing actions for damages of European
or national competition law will be
largely reduced. The Directive creates the
necessary conditions to harmonize the
procedural infrastructure for antitrust
damages actions in the Member States.
Furthermore, the Directive will close or
at least ease the ongoing controversial
debate about the disclosure of the leniency submissions by prohibiting the
disclosure of the leniency statements and
thus reinforcing the effectiveness of early
applications under leniency programs.
With regard to Germany, the implementation of the Directive’s provisions will
require significant changes in procedural and substantive law. That said,
the new provisions might increase the
number of antitrust damage claims. The
presumption that cartel infringements
have caused damages relieves plaintiffs
of the burden of proof that losses were
suffered as a consequence of the cartel. The new provisions could therefore
move the main debate before court
to the quantum of damages, yet the
Directive does not give any guidance on
determining the quantum of damages.
If harmonizing was the aim of the Directive, the implementation of the Directive’s
provisions certainly will create a comparable minimum level of substantive and
procedural rules in the Member States. It
is unlikely, though, that these changes will
distract plaintiffs from the established jurisdictions of Germany, the UK or The Netherlands. While follow-on damages litigation
may become more of a focus in other Member States as well, the established jurisdictions are likely to see a further increase
of litigation of cross-jurisdictional cartel
claims where plaintiffs will seek to take
advantage of the Directive’s changes. <–
Dr. Michael J.R. Kremer,
Attorney at Law, Partner,
Clifford Chance, Düsseldorf
Anna-Maria Quinke,
Attorney at Law,
Clifford Chance, Düsseldorf
11 – Mergers & acquisitions – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
It is all about finding the fit
A key decision for seller and buyer: Purchase price clauses for company acquisitions
By Matthias Kasch and Dan Kessler
urchase price clauses are the
central interface between
economic and legal aspects in
the negotiation of company acquisition
agreements. It is necessary to carefully
weigh the advantages and disadvantages
of differing purchase price adjustment
mechanisms, with a view to market
conditions and the economic motives
pursued by the respective parties.
determine equity value, however, the
parties must subtract the company’s
debt and add the amount of cash held
by the company. Additionally, in connection with this valuation, the parties often agree on a “normal” level of
working capital for the company. How
these elements are determined and
potentially adjusted will affect –>
In connection with any company acquisition, the most important business
decision will be what the purchase
price should be. However, since there is
regularly a time gap between the signing of the purchase agreement and the
closing of the transaction, the parties
must also agree on the legal mechanics necessary to take into account
changes between signing and closing.
As a result, finding the right method to
determine the final purchase price also
becomes a significant business decision.
It is common for the enterprise value
of a target company to be calculated
on the basis of a multiple of EBITDA. To
The locked box mechanism is simple, quick and cost-efficient and provides price certainty, particularly to the seller.
© trgowanlock/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images
12 – Mergers & acquisitions – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
the proceeds ultimately paid by the
buyer and received by the seller.
Locked box mechanism
When a “locked box” purchase price
adjustment mechanism is used, the
parties define the purchase price with
reference to existing financial statements dated prior to the date the
purchase agreement is signed. There is
no adjustment to the purchase price
to reflect changes in the business between the date of the existing financial statements (the “locked box date”)
and the date on which the acquisition
is closed. As a result, a buyer essentially
takes on the risk of the acquired company on the locked box date, while not
legally owning the company until the
closing date. The buyer, however, does
have some protection in the form of
anti-leakage covenants. These covenants generally prevent the seller from
extracting value (such as dividends,
payment of transaction expenses)
from the target company during the
period between signing and closing.
The locked box mechanism is simple, quick and cost-efficient for both
parties and provides price certainty,
particularly to the seller. It also allows
the seller to easily compare offers, as
potential buyers are all valuing the
company as of a fixed prior date. With
a buyer’s recourse limited to claims
that anti-leakage covenants were
breached, the locked box mechanism
is generally viewed as seller favorable.
When the same old way isn’t enough
creativity is required.
Post-closing adjustments
In contrast to the locked box approach,
a purchase agreement which provides for a post-closing purchase price
adjustment allows the final purchase
price to be determined as of the actual
date of closing. Under this approach,
parties often agree that the purchase
price paid at closing will be calculated
based on estimates of the target company’s debt, cash and working capital
as of the closing date. The seller most
often prepares these estimates. Following the closing, the buyer will have the
possibility to review these amounts
and have the opportunity to object. If a
dispute arises, the parties can come to
a settlement or submit the dispute to
a neutral arbitrator, often an accounting firm. The purchase agreement will
contain detailed procedures for this
process. With the ability to review
the debt, cash and working capital
amounts post-closing, this approach is
generally considered pro-buyer as compared to the locked box approach. –>
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
Hofgarten Palais, Marstallstrasse 11
Munich 80539, Tel. +49 89 189 330
13 – Mergers & acquisitions – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Debt and cash definitions
With the ability to increase (in the case of
cash) and decrease (in the case of debt)
the actual purchase price paid to the sellers of the target company, the definitions
of such terms in the purchase agreement take on significant importance.
Buyers may try to expand the definition
of debt to include items for which it
believes the sellers should be responsible (such as change of control payments
to employees). Buyers may also try to
exclude certain items, such as deposits
that are not easily accessible (“trapped”
or “restricted” cash), from the definition
of cash. Understanding of, and agreement on, the definitions of these terms
is therefore essential to understanding
what the ultimate purchase price will be.
Net working capital
As previously mentioned, valuation
of the target company will often assume an agreed upon “normal” working
capital amount. The parties agree that
the purchase price will be increased or
reduced to the extent the actual working
capital at closing differs from the agreed
target. Net working capital is generally
composed of the sum of inventories
and current receivables less current
liabilities. Again, the parties may negoti-
ate for specific items to be included or
excluded in the definition of working
capital so that adjustments to the purchase price will be made in their favor.
On balance, there are two good reasons
for such a purchase price adjustment.
Firstly, the inclusion of net working
capital limits the possibilities to manipulate the purchase price. Secondly, the
mechanism ensures that the target will
have a minimum of liquidity or funds
available at short notice safeguarding a
continuation of the target’s business.
Risk of manipulation
A post-closing purchase price adjustment mechanism may encourage a
seller to generate additional free liquidity so as to increase the purchase price.
These effects could result from sale and
lease-back transactions, factoring, de
facto debt financing due to extended
payment dates for supplies, advance
payments from customers or a failure
to make investments that are necessary for the business. In order to protect
against this risk, a buyer will typically
ask for a past practice clause requiring
the seller to run the target company in
accordance with past practices during the period between signing the
purchase agreement and closing.
Relevance of the valuation method
Adjustments to the purchase price for
cash and debt are not appropriate to the
extent such amounts are taken into account in the valuation of the target company, such as when a capitalized earnings
value method such as, the German IDW
S1 standard, for instance, or a discounted
cash flow method in a net approach/
equity approach (“Nettoansatz”) is used.
The choice of the purchase price calculation and its potential
adjustment method is one of
the key decisions to be made
at the start of a transaction by
both seller and purchaser.
Since the regulatory and economic
capital is a crucial factor for the seller
and the buyer, a net equity purchase
price adjustment may be more recommendable for the acquisition of
banks and insurance companies than
a cash-free/debt-free adjustment.
Equity guarantees
Equity guarantees—in particular those
exploiting the sensitivity of IFRS equity
to changes in assets—in combination
with a guarantee on the correctness of
the financial statements may provide
adequate protection against a potential
accounting mismatch. The efficiency
of an equity guarantee is driven by the
level of detail of its wording. The broader
the wording, the greater its reach.
Earn-out clauses
The parties may decide in certain situations to make a portion of the purchase
price subject to the future performance
of the target company. The parties
may establish for this purpose certain
thresholds that must be reached. This
“earn-out” approach is most often taken
in cases where the seller and the buyer
fail to agree on a middle ground regarding their respective assessments of the
future earnings of the target company.
Earn-out clauses typically have a specific
term during which the contractually
defined goals or ratios must be reached
in order to trigger a payment of an additional purchase price component.
The seller faces the risk that the buyer
will attempt to influence the achievement of these goals or ratios by postponing positive developments to a time
after the earn-out period. As a result, –>
14 – Mergers & acquisitions – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
earn-out provisions often contain
extensive covenants with respect
to how the buyer may operate the
target company following the closing. These covenants seek to attain a
balance between allowing the buyer
to run its business as it sees fit and
providing a fair opportunity for the
seller to achieve its earn-out targets.
In light of their complex structure and
high potential for disputes, earn-out
clauses are recommended only if
reasonable in terms of the target’s
expected future enterprise value.
The purchase price clause in a private
company acquisition should fit how
the parties value the target company.
The choice of the purchase price calculation and its potential adjustment
method is one of the key decisions to
be made at the start of a transaction
by both seller and purchaser. Careful
drafting of the purchase price clause,
particularly regarding a potential
purchase price adjustment calculation,
is essential to avoiding unintended
disadvantages for either party.
Transaction certainty is of great value
to all parties. This is best achieved by
using mechanisms that are as sim-
ple and unambiguous as possible.
The path to complexity is fraught
with the risk of an arrangement that
is either incorrect or fails to cover
matters that may arise in the future
and are difficult to predict. <–
Matthias Kasch,
Rechtsanwalt, Partner,
White & Case, Frankfurt
Dan Kessler,
Attorney at law,
White & Case, New York
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15 – Compliance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Doing something to counter the “angst”
Third-party certification of compliance management systems—a route to limit
the liability of the management board?
By Dr. Benno Schwarz and Dr. Sebastian Lenze
he temperature has dropped
in German corporate boardrooms and an atmosphere of
uncertainty and sometimes “angst”
can be sensed when discussing personal liability of management and
supervisory board members in light
of the myriad of compliance viola-
tions that can arise in the daily life
of a globally operating company.
No consulting business that is worth its
name would let the opportunity pass
to fill this void with excellent, good,
and—sometimes—bad advice, providing guidance and support, and prom-
When assessing the effectiveness of “compliance certificates”,
each of the key sources of liability need to be analyzed in detail.
ising a safety net for businesses and
their management. One fairly recent
and important facet of this trend is the
emergence of “compliance certificates”
that come in various shapes and forms.
address under German law and discusses the limits of these new products.
The following article assesses the liability exposure that such certificates may
While the specific source of exposure can
be quite complex, it will always stem –>
Sources of exposure for
­companies and management
© Aquir/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images
16 – Compliance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
from a few fundamental violations.
In the case of individual liability of a member
of management or the supervisory board,
liability can arise from criminal conduct, violation of administrative laws and regulations
(including a lack of due organization of the
business and due oversight), or civil liability
for a negligent (or intentional) violation of
the individual manager’s duty of office.
In the case of corporate liability, under
German law, a company cannot be subject
to criminal liability: criminal acts committed by individuals on behalf of or for the
benefit of the business expose the business to administrative fines (including the
disgorgement of illicitly gained benefits).
Additionally, the business may be exposed
to civil liability, such as damage claims
from contract partners, for example.
When assessing the effectiveness of
“compliance certificates” to limit the
exposure of a business or its management, each of the key sources of liability need to be analyzed in more detail
against the background of the specific
review activities planned or undertaken by the issuer of the certificate.
Types of compliance certificates
An initial, high-level analysis shows
two different approaches offered on
the German market (and globally):
(a) Compliance certificates in accordance with precisely described review
standards, such as IDW AssS 980 (IDW
AssS 980: Principles for the Proper
Performance of Reasonable Assurance
Engagements Relating to Compliance
Management Systems), certificates
rendered on the background of Compliance Management System Guidelines
under ISO 19600, or under TR CMS
101:2011 (TR CMS 101:2011 – Standard
for Compliance Management Systems
(CMS) of TÜV Rheinland); and (b) tailored certifications and review reports
prepared in an individualized fashion
by law firms or expert consultants,
whether in the context of a regulatory
proceeding (such as an FCPA compliance monitorship) or upon special
request by the company’s management or by the supervisory board.
Criminal exposure
Criminal exposure for an individual
member of management is typically
centered around a limited number of
criminal offences: (a) criminal conduct
qualified as fraud or breach of trust
[Betrug und Untreue, Chapter 22 of the
German Criminal Code (StGB – Strafgesetzbuch) with § 266 StGB (Untreue)
being the central criminal provision in
the context of criminal offences conducted by management.], (b) criminal
books and records violations [§ 283b
StGB – violation of book-keeping duties
(Verletzung der Buchführungspflicht),
§ 400 Stock Corporation Act (AktG – Aktiengesetz) Misrepresentation (Falsche
Darstellung)], and (c) criminal conduct
for a violation of duties to prevent certain crimes (such as corruption crimes)
as a guarantor (§ 13 StGB in conjunction
with the respective criminal offence).
Further, German criminal law does not
only punish an individual who violates
criminal laws by an act, but under
certain circumstances also in case of
an omission to act (§ 13 para 1 StGB.).
Exposure for ­administrative law violations
Individual exposure for management
or personnel in managerial roles
The German Administrative Offences Act
(OWiG – Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz)
states that the failure to take adequate
supervisory measures to prevent that
crimes or administrative and regulatory
offences are committed in connection
with the respective business, constitutes
an administrative offence (§ 130 para
1 OWiG.). The offence is committed if
a representative of the business or a
person with managerial responsibilities
(Leitungsperson) fails to exercise due
supervision and, thereby, enables that
the offence is committed by the business or from within the business in the
interest of the business (§ 130 para 1
OWiG in conjunction with § 30 OWiG).
In such a scenario, a recent certification
from an independent expert confirming
that the compliance management system established in the business was well
designed, duly implemented, and effective, and—in the normal course of business—would have prevented the offence
from occurring in an undetected manner, can be a powerful tool to build a better defense for the individual manager.
Corporate exposure
Under the OWiG, a company is punishable if its managerial personnel (Leitungs­
personen) had failed to establish an
organization that in the normal course
of business would prevent crimes or offences to occur from within the company or in the interest (or for the benefit)
of the company (§ 130 in conjunction
with § 30 OWiG), or if crimes or offenses
have been committed by representatives
of the company or business (Unternehmensvertreter, § 30 para 1 OWiG).
While an effective compliance system
is not a defense expressly stipulated –>
17 – Compliance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
under German law, a well-designed and
carefully implemented and executed
compliance management system may
be a strong argument to succeed in a
declination of the charges against the
business or to lower the fines under the
OWiG for the company. Whether or not
fines will be imposed and the amount
of the fines is within the reasonable discretion of the deciding court.
It should be noted, however, that in
cartel matters, the fact that a company
has a vigorous antitrust compliance
management system is generally not
considered a defense under German
law (Activity report of the Federal Cartel
Office, documented in the parliament’s
papers, BT-Drs. 17/13675, para (46.)
Civil law exposure to damage claims
Individual exposure for management
Even without a criminal or corporate
offence being established, members
of management (and supervisory
boards) may be subject to damage
claims raised by the company, if the
company has incurred damage due
to a violation of the manager’s duty
of office (objektive Pflichtwidrigkeit).
In these cases, a compliance certificate
covering the design, implementation
and effectiveness of the compliance
management system of a company
that has been established to prevent
and detect the specific type of violation
that has occurred can be an extremely
important piece of evidence to support the defense of the board member.
The possible protection that might be
provided by the certificate, however, will
heavily depend on the scope and level
of detail of the compliance review.
Corporate exposure
Corporations can be subject to civil
claims stemming from a large array of violations and offenses. In corruption matters, for example, typical
claims could stem from third parties
that were co-bidders in a procurement
procedure where they lost against
the bidder that paid bribes. A compliance certificate will be of no help in
this case if the corrupt activity has
already been established as a fact.
It should be noted that a compliance
certificate that may help an individual
board member in a civil law claim
brought against him or her by the
company for failure to fulfill a duty of
office does not necessarily add value
for the corporate defendant in the
typical civil law claims that stem from
compliance violations. This can be at-
tributed to the fact that by law, the
employee’s or officer’s corrupt misconduct is attributed to the company
according to § 31 or 278 German Civil
Code (BGB – Bürgerliches Gestezbuch).
First experience with compliance
certificates—lessons learned
Compliance certificates are aggressively sold in today’s corporate world.
Some service providers suggest that an
“anticipated expert report” will “eliminate the liability of management and
supervisory board members in case of
mistakes” (“Entlastung der Unternehmensleitung im Falle eines Fehlers
durch unabhängige Bescheinigung
der Konformität“, see TÜV Rheinland,
Other marketing materials suggest
that the review under a certain standard (IDW AssS 980, for example) itself
is a guarantee for quality and protection. All these statements should be
considered with necessary caution.
As is true for so many things, when
it comes to assessing compliance
certificates, one has to consider the
substance of the review rather than
the form or name of the certificate.
Review activities for obtaining compliance certificates lead from a mere
“check-the-box-approach” and desk-top
review of a company’s documentation of the compliance program to a
sophisticated review of the design,
implementation and effectiveness of
a compliance management system,
including a risked based real-life review
and testing of the effectiveness on-site
in markets that are considered critical.
Compliance certificates of
whatever name or nature will
never be a “carefree-certificate” providing blanco insurance
against the personal liability of
a company’s management or
the company itself.
For certificates that require only a
very superficial desktop review of a
company’s compliance system, in our
view, the GIGO-principle (Garbagein-Garbage-out) is probably the
best benchmark to assess the –>
18 – Compliance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
effectiveness. Corporate life is too
colorful to provide protection by only
checking boxes in an itemized list.
The more sophisticated the design and
the more detailed the review becomes,
the more protection the respective compliance certificate can provide. In short,
the WYPIWYG-principle applies here,
namely, What You Pay Is What You Get.
However, it is not the absolute number
of review activities that makes the difference in quality, but rather the thoughtful
and balanced scoping of the review, the
risk-based selection of the review areas,
and the approach to the analysis and
testing methodology. In this respect,
intellectual firepower will likely prevail
over pure quantity of data crunching.
An important aspect is frequently
overheard in noisy sales pitches given
by professional service companies and
consultants: The mere standard for
the process of conducting the review
(such as IDW AssS 980) does not create a defined level of quality or protection by itself. While these standards
are extremely helpful guidelines for
the professional to plan and approach
the review, the question whether or
not the specific review provides more
or less protection to the management board is fully contingent upon
the respective scope, methodology
and level of detail of the review.
Assessment of compliance certificates by German courts
The final jury regarding to what
extent that compliance certificates
protect individual members of the
management board or the corporate
defendant is still out. There are no
decisions of the higher courts specifically addressing the question of
certificates. The one decision that may
provide some guidance on how courts
in future may assess compliance
certificates is the “Ision-Decision”
rendered by the BGH in 2009 (BGH,
Decision of 20. 9. 2011 – II ZR 234/09).
The key question that had to be
decided by the court in this case was
when and to what extent members
of the management board may rely
on the opinion of experts in areas
where the individual member (or the
board collectively) lack the necessary
experience or expertise to ensure
that their decision is correct and does
not lead to a violation of their duties of care towards the company.
The court stated that to the extent a management decision –>
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19 – Compliance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
requires expertise outside of the
core expertise of management, it is
reasonable and necessary to seek
for outside advice and expertise
that management can generally can
rely upon. Further, the court developed a four-step test that needs to
be satisfied before management
can rely on outside expertise.
Expertise matters
Firstly, the expert rendering the advice must be sufficiently qualified in
the respective field of expertise. While
this sounds trivial at first glance, it
is important for the management to
objectively establish the qualification of
the expert (such as through reviewing
the track record of the expert, seeking testimony from other experts and
documenting the results, for example).
Independence is critical
Secondly, the expert should be independent. Again, at first sight a
no-brainer, but in the context of the
review of a compliance management
system, some tricky situations may
arise if the expert has designed the
system it is reviewing, or if the expert
handles other significant matters for
the client that might lead to conflicts.
Company cooperation is crucial
Thirdly, the expert must be provided with
all necessary information and support to
carry out its work and to come to a fully
unbiased opinion. In more complex matters, such as a compliance review of a globally operating company, this aspect puts
a significant burden upon management
and company seeking advice to establish a
process that allows the expert to carry out
its work with the required level of detail
and based on all necessary information.
Management oversight remains
front and center of the review
Lastly, management cannot simply take
advice and implement recommendations
without first critically reviewing the advice
given and the basis underlying the expert’s
conclusions. The final plausibility check
is the essential step for management
in exercising the required diligence and
care. Management has to convince itself
that the expert has come to a conclusion
based on a reasonable process, a diligent
review of the facts, and that the result
appears to be reasonable and workable.
Where do we go from here?
While the Ision matter is certainly
not the final word expressed by Ger-
man courts on the viability of compliance certificates to limit liability; it
should remind us that compliance
certificates of whatever name or nature
will never be a “carefree-certificate”
providing blanco insurance against
the personal liability of a company’s
management or the company itself.
However, when planned, designed
and implemented thoughtfully with
adequate resources and with the full
support and cooperation of the company and its management, they can
be powerful tools to limit the liability
of both management and companies
themselves stemming from charges of
negligence in criminal matters, administrative offences, as well as limiting the personal liability of members
of management and the supervisory
board from civil damage claims. <–
Dr. Benno Schwarz,
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP,
Dr. Sebastian Lenze,
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP,
20 – Corporate governance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
A higher degree of diversity in companies shall enhance corporate efficiency and success.
© Rallef/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images
A step in the right direction?
Shaping the corporate landscape in Germany: The “quota”—promotion of women in leading positions
By Dr. Heike Wagner and Dr. Florian Plagemann, LL.M.
n December 11, 2014, the Federal
Cabinet came to a decision on
the final draft of the “law on
equal participation of women and men in
leading positions in the private economy
and in the public sector” in order to introduce a female quota. The Federal Cabinet’s draft law foresees a quota of 30% of
the underrepresented gender, at a minimum, on the supervisory boards of certain companies. Moreover, the draft law
includes an obligation to achieve certain
target quotas (Zielgrößen) for supervisory
boards and several management levels. If
adopted, some aspects of the law could
enter into force as early as January 1, 2016.
From January 1, 2016, the “law on equal
participation” may take effect. This
legislation aims to introduce a higher
degree of diversity in companies that
enhances corporate efficiency and success. As an ancillary societal benefit, the
female quota is intended to advance
the corporate culture in Germany.
The proportion of leading positions held
by women in German businesses and
within the federal administration is still –>
21 – Corporate governance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
very low. Women are still underrepresented in high-level roles (such as
managing board and upper management positions) to a similar extent as
they are underrepresented on supervisory boards. The statistics: 43% of
people in the job market are women,
with the level of qualification being
equal across both genders; 53.3% of
all people fulfilling the requirements
to study within Germany, and almost
50% of all graduates in higher education are women. At the end of 2013,
4.4% of all members of the managing
boards and 15.1% of all members of the
supervisory boards of the largest 200
companies in Germany were women.
Statutory rules
A fixed quota of 30% on the supervisory boards of listed stock
corporations that are co-determined on a basis of parity.
All listed stock corporations that are
co-determined on a basis of parity
shall be affected. The co-determination
on a basis of parity is ruled in “Mitbestimmungsgesetz” , “Montan-Mitbestimmungsgesetz” or the “MontanMitbestimmungsergänzungsgesetz”. It
should be noted that the requirements
for “listed” and “co-determined” are
given cumulatively. This will therefore encompass large public companies having the legal structure of a
stock corporation (AG) and partnerships limited by shares (KGaA).
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Legal consequences
A gender quota of 30% shall apply
to for the supervisory boards of such
companies from January 1, 2016. This
quota will be met successively for all
seats on supervisory boards that become vacant from January 1, 2016 onwards. The minimum quota generally
applies to the entire supervisory board
(Gesamterfüllung). Prior to any appointment the employer or employee
side may object the applicability of the
Gesamterfüllung, to the chairman of
the supervisory board. As a result, each
side is responsible for the fulfilment
of its share of the quota separately.
In the event of non-compliance
the whole election/appointment
process is null and void. The seats
reserved for the underrepresented
gender will stay unoccupied (“empty
seat”). The “empty seat” shall be
by-elected through new elections or
replaced by an appointing court –>
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22 – Corporate governance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
(Ersatzbestellung). In such a case, the
Ersatzbestellung by the appointing court
is likely to be utilized for financial reason.
All supervisory board members appointed
before January 1, 2016 — that is to say,
prematurely — will be eligible to fulfill
their terms as foreseen by the appointment. After January 1, 2016, appointment
corresponding to the quota is required
with respect to the vacated seats of
resigning supervisory board members.
An obligation to set a binding quota for
listed stock corporations and companies,
co-determined on a basis of parity.
Companies that are co-determined on a
basis of parity or listed stock corporations
shall be affected. This might be a stock
corporation (AG), or a partnership limited
by shares (KGaA), or a limited liability
company (GmbH). Not only
companies that are
mined on a basis of parity, but companies that are co-determined by 33%
(Drittelmitbestimmte Unternehmen)
shall also be affected. As a general
rule, this will encompass companies
with more than 500 employees.
Legal consequences
From January 1, 2016, such companies will
be required to set targets (Zielgrößen)
regarding the quota of women in the
supervisory board, managing board,
and upper management level. These
targets and their achievement or failure need to be announced publically.
The supervisory board is obligated to
set such targets with respect to the
supervisory board and the managing
board by resolution. This also applies
to smaller corporate bodies (such as
a supervisory board with only three
members or a managing board with only
two managers, for example). A determination of a quota for the supervisory
board is not required for companies
that are otherwise obligated to meet
the 30% quota by law (see above).
The managing board is also obligated
to set targets for the two levels of
management immediately below the
managing board. These two levels of
management shall not be those broadly
defined in business terms (such as top
management, middle management and
lower management); rather they will
correspond to the two tiers immediately
below the managing board in established hierarchy of management, as is in
place in the given company. A minimum
target number is not required. Companies may set their own targets according
to their individual needs and resources.
However, the company may not set
a target figure lower than the actual
quota of underrepresented members
of the respective body. This stipulation
does not apply as soon as the actual
quota in the relevant body exceeds 30%.
The quota to be determined for the
first time in 2016 must also provide a
deadline as to when the quota is fulfilled. This deadline for the first determination must not exceed two years.
Any deadlines subsequently established shall not exceed five years.
As a result, a wide variety of different arrangements are possible: the
project planning might foresee a
final target that shall be met gradually. Alternatively, step-by-step deadlines would also be conceivable.
The obligation to meet targets
is intended to put pressure on
companies by means of public
perception. This pressure shall
motivate companies to increase the proportion of women in
leading positions.
Such fixed targets and deadlines, their
achievement or non-achievement within
the specified time limits and, where
appropriate, the reasons for their nonachievement, are to be published and made
wholly transparent. The announcement
has to take place in the federal gazette
(Bundesanzeiger) that is publicly
available via the commercial register. –>
23 – Corporate governance – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Failure to meet the set target is an undesirable but not inconceivable possibility. In this case, the legislation does not
anticipate severe legal consequences or
a retroactive decrease of the determined
target. However, the management board
must justify a failure to meet the set
target and must disclose the details of its
efforts to meet the determined target.
Practical consequences
The “law on equal participation” is an
additional regulation that the respective companies will have to face. Especially in the near future, it is essential
to include such obligations in strategic
planning regarding the appointment
of new members of corporate bodies or the determination of targets.
Regarding the mandatory fixed quota in
supervisory bodies, we expect to see the
following consequences: since all members of supervisory boards appointed
before January 1, 2016 will continue until
the regular phase out, we expect more
appointments of members to supervisory
boards within 2015. As a result of this
mandatory quota effective from January 1, 2016, the appointment of women
may be postponed until the following
rounds after this date. In the long term
this will not have an impact on the fact
that companies will be obligated to appoint more women to their supervisory
boards. The “empty seat” (Leerer Stuhl)
consequence might be acceptable for
a transitional period, but will not be an
adequate solution. In practice, we might
see a bundling of supervisory board seats
to be held by certain women who are
sufficiently qualified and well connected.
In the long term, companies will not be
able to avoid specific training, education, and preparation of female staff in
order to encourage and prepare them
for future supervisory board positions.
The obligation to set targets is intended
to put pressure on companies by means
of public perception. This pressure shall
motivate companies to increase the
portion of women in leading positions.
Moreover, the increase in mandatory
documentation and the potential considerable costs of justifying failure to meet
a target will constitute an additional burden. This should deter companies from
prematurely setting ambitious targets
for reasons of public image/perception.
Rather, companies should be interested
in creating a realistic and achievable
timetable. Companies must also consider
that once a certain quota is reached,
falling below this quota at a later point
in time will also trigger significant
documentation and justification require-
ments. Therefore, it can be assumed
that some companies will endeavor to
maintain quotas at a relatively low level
across all management tiers, in order to
shield themselves from later obligations
to meet or maintain certain targets. It
remains to be seen whether image/public relations issues will create sufficient
pressure as to dissuade companies from
choosing this destructive option. <–
Dr. Heike Wagner,
Lawyer and Partner,
CMS Hasche Sigle, Frankfurt
Dr. Florian Plagemann,
LL.M. (Cornell University), Lawyer,
CMS Hasche Sigle, Frankfurt
24 – Labor law – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Closing the gap
40% of employees are not entitled to corporate pension:
major reform of German Corporate Pension Act is coming up this year
By Dr. Marco Arteaga
ermany is rushing towards a
major reform of its Corporate
Pension Act, known as the German “Betriebsrentengesetz (BetrAVG)”.
Similar to the large industry pension
funds in the Netherlands that have accumulated almost €1 billion in assets, or the
pension reform of 2008 in the UK that led
to the setup of the National Employment
Savings Trust (NEST), or Switzerland’s
1985 Corporate Pension Act (Gesetz über
die Berufliche Vorsorge or BVG) that has
accumulated more than CHF 700 billion to the present day, Germany is now
also heading towards large, potentially
nationwide industry pension funds.
On January 26, 2015, the German Ministry
of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS) presented a far-reaching new proposal that
may potentially change the landscape for
German corporate pensions completely.
It bears the title “The new Social Partner’s
Model for Corporate Pensions”. The bill is
expected to pass the Bundestag (the German Parliament) within the current legislative period, perhaps even still this year.
The urgency for such a reform is obvious,
for at present, only some 60% of German
employees possess any occupational
pension entitlements whatsoever in addition to their social security pension. It is
therefore mandatory to assume meas-
The reform will establish new freedoms of choice, especially with respect to the possibility
of limiting the employer’s cost exposure and financial risk.
© Fesus Robert/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images
ures that will lead to a much broader
dissemination of corporate pensions.
Whatever this bill will ultimately contain,
it is likely that it will have an impact
on all German employers, regardless
of size and industry, and also regardless of whether or not they currently
entertain any corporate pension plan.
One can expect that all employers and
companies in Germany will be affected.
In the year 2002, the German pension
landscape already underwent a fundamental change of paradigm. Due to the
demographic development with further
decreasing birth rates and continuously
increasing life expectancies, the decision was made to substantially decrease
social security pensions over time. Soon
afterwards, the regular retirement age
was raised to 67. In turn, to compensate
for the foreseeable income gaps for future pensioners, corporate pensions and
private savings were boosted. The plan –>
25 – Labor law – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
was that these sources of retirement income should compensate for the decline
in social security pensions. With respect
to income levels up to the social security
ceiling, the social security pensions on average had accounted for some 80% of an
average pensioner’s household income.
The aim was to keep retirement incomes
stable overall. This reform was named
“Riester-Reform” after the then minister
of Labor and Social Affairs, Walter Riester.
Still, as of today, corporate pensions only
play a rather minor role in Germany’s
complex system of retirement provisions.
The average corporate pension in Germany lies in the order of €100 per month,
accounting for less than 10% of an
average pensioner’s household income.
The fact that these developments call
for further reform steps is evident as
it has now become obvious that the
entirely voluntary framework that solely
leaned on tax advantages and social security contribution reductions does not
lead to a sufficient distribution of supplementary old age pensions coming
from occupational pension schemes.
The 40% of employees in Germany that
are still not entitled to any corporate
pension is too large a number. In the
light of this dissatisfactory statistic,
there is great risk that particularly low-
income households will not achieve
adequate pension levels in the future
should the government not step in and
take action. And the environment for
legislative action is favorable, for there
is a broad consensus across nearly all
political parties that corporate pensions
are the instrument of choice in order to
solve the upcoming retirement income
problem in Germany. One of Germany’s
largest and most influential unions, the
metal industry’s IG Metall, has conducted an extensive broad survey amongst
young employees. The outcome clearly
demonstrated that particularly young
people trust their employer and his
pension plan more than private savings,
investment funds and even the social
security pension. Corporate pensions
are therefore viewed as the instrument
of choice to resolve this situation.
Key elements of the upcoming reform
The corporate pension reform aims at
establishing large pension funds through
according collective labor agreements
between the social partners, such as
unions on the one hand, and employers’ associations on the other hand, for
example. The intention is to include
small and medium-sized businesses
(SMBs) in such collective agreements
as corporate pension arrangements
are least proliferated in this segment.
The plan is to grant the social partners
very far-reaching liberties to arrange
many areas of the corporate pension
regime according to their specific
industry needs and preferences. Employers should be ”lured” into such new
pension arrangements by allowing, for
the first time in Germany, the introduction of fully fledged “defined contribution” plans, where the employer is liable
for his contribution and nothing else
(“pay and forget”). This is a novelty to
the German corporate pension landscape as up until now, employers were
always liable for any funding shortfall
within their external funding vehicle.
Today, corporate pensions bear a considerable financial volatility and the full
cost can virtually not be anticipated
in advance. In short, corporate pensions can be a nightmare to CFOs at
a time when one of the dominating
financial paradigms in our modern
economies can perhaps best be summed
up with the words “no surprises”.
The proposal foresees that the new
type of pension funds would be cogoverned by both unions and employers’ associations. The fund itself would
be a member of Germany’s Insolvency
Protection Fund for corporate pensions, the Pensions-Sicherungs-Verein
(PSV). Thus, in case of bankruptcy of
the pension fund, the fulfillment of the
pension commitments would still be
secured. Furthermore, these pension
funds would need to be operated under the legal status of a “Pensionsfond”
or a “Pensionskasse”, and would thus also be supervised directly by Germany’s
Financial Supervisory Authority, BaFin,
the German equivalent to the FSA.
However attractive the upcoming reform might be, it is no
secret that the federal government views this reform as its
“final offer” to the economy
to arrange for these corporate
pension plans on a voluntary
Regarding the plan, under the design
of such funds, social partners are to be
granted a very broad playing field. They
can foresee lifelong pensions, lump sum
payments, any kind of biometric risk coverage and they would also be entitled to
drop the requirement of full indexation of
ongoing pension payments that currently
exists in the German Corporate Pension
Act. Moreover, the funding regime will be
left to the social partners’ discretion –>
26 – Labor law – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
as well. These funds could be employerfunded, employee-funded or co-funded.
In short, anything will be possible.
One of the most remarkable novelties in
the ministry’s proposal—at least from a
labor lawyer’s perspective—is the plan
to allow employers and employees who
are not members of the according union
or employers’ association, respectively,
to opt into such a pension regime and
to appreciate its benefits, including the
limitation of the employer’s liability
by using the defined contribution type
plan. Of course, this requires that the
pension fund itself also permits such
participation of non-members of unions
and employers’ associations. In other
words: the pension fund’s bylaws have
to allow employers and employees who
are not members of any social partner
to become members of their fund. And
of course it is unclear if they will decide
to do that: on the one hand that would
allow for a strong and rapid growth
of the pension fund leading to more
financial stability and better risk dispersion. On the other hand, many union
members and members of employer
associations could view this as “cherrypicking” and ask the question why,
instead, these individuals and companies do not simply join the union or the
employers association, respectively.
The proposal presented by the German
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs very
cleverly establishes substantial additional
negotiational leeway for the social partners. The intention is to entice them—still
on a voluntary basis—into establishing
large, cost-efficient, ideally industry-wide
corporate pension funds. The ministry
rightfully puts collective solutions in the
foreground, as they are much more apt to
provide high risk coverage in the event of
death or disability compared to individual
private insurance solutions. From an employer’s perspective, particularly speaking
for small and medium-sized businesses
the opportunity to limit their own liability to just their contributions must be
highly attractive because currently these
firms have to vouch for these obligations
indefinitely and without any financial
limitation. It can therefore hardly be seen
as a surprise that at present, firms’ corporate pension plans virtually do not exist
in this size. Should this reform become
a reality, establishing a pension plan
would be simple for these employers,
for all they would have to do is to make
a single signature in order to become a
member of the pension fund and then to
pay the contributions. All the rest would
be handled by the pension fund. Clean,
simple and with no further obligation.
That said, however attractive the upcoming reform might be, it is no secret
that the federal government views this
reform as its “final offer” to the economy
to arrange for these corporate pension
plans on a voluntary basis. Government officials have been heard saying
that the next step might then well be a
compulsory corporate pensions or savings system similar to the compulsory
solutions in the UK or in Switzerland.
new ones, for that matter, until the new
legislative framework lies on the table.
There is a good chance that this will all
come to fruition in this calendar year. <–
All officers, consultants and pension
lawyers, including work council and
union members who deal with corporate pensions in Germany, should be
aware of this rapidly upcoming change
in the pension environment. It is likely
that the reform will establish major
new freedoms of choice, especially with
regard to the possibility of limiting the
employer’s cost exposure and financial
risk. In turn, from an employees’ perspective, this pension reform may well create
the framework that could provide for
levels of risk and pension coverage not
seen. It seems likely that the times of
large volatility of pension liabilities and
pension cost will be nearing their end. It
therefore appears to be recommendable
to postpone any major introduction of
a change to existing pension plans, or
Dr. Marco Arteaga,
Attorney at Law, Partner,
DLA Piper LLP, Frankfurt
27 – US law/international law – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Still winding, but less rocky
The Cuba embargo: Does the U.S. shift in policy mean new opportunities for European companies?
By Hamilton Loeb and Scott M. Flicker
n December of last year, capping a
series of fast-breaking developments,
U.S. President Barack Obama called
a press conference to declare an end to
the policy of economic embargo against
Cuba, stating, “Decades of U.S. isolation of Cuba have failed to accomplish
our objective of empowering Cubans to
build an open and democratic country.”
In the several months since that declaration, the President has taken a number
of immediate actions that fall within his
executive and foreign affairs authority, including re-launching diplomatic relations
(the U.S. Government seeks to reopen
its embassy in Havana by April of this
year) and authorizing numerous limited
channels of trade in travel, telecommunications, construction and banking. Other
actions to dismantle the more than five
decades of sanctions against Cuba will require legislation from the U.S. Congress, always an uncertain prospect rendered still
more unpredictable by Republican control
of both houses and by a particularly early
start to the “silly season” that marks any
U.S. presidential election campaign.
So what now? Are we at the advent of a new
“gold rush,” where U.S. and non-U.S. businesses and investors begin pouring time,
attention and capital into Cuba’s economy?
Are U.S. companies and financial institutions
preparing to enter the market? What about
non-U.S. players in Canada, Mexico, or Europe
who have sought our assistance in avoiding
complications with U.S. enforcers in carrying
out their business relationships in Cuba?
Initial, limited relaxation measures
The most under-reported aspect of
the President’s new Cuba policy is its
somewhat limited impact. The U.S.
Administration is highly constrained
under existing U.S. law that has enshrined the Cuba embargo regulations
with statutory force since the 1990s.
In other sanctions imposed upon regimes over the years—Libya, Iran,
Iraq (under Saddam Hussein), Sudan,
Panama (under Manuel Noriega), and
so forth—the President has been free
to adjust the scope of restrictions at
the edges as a lever to encourage –>
The path to Cuba remains winding, but perhaps less rocky than before
the announced policy shift.
© Rambleon/iStock/Thinkstock/Getty Images
28 – US law/international law – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
favorable behavior by the targeted
country. Congress sought to remove
that power with respect to Cuba in
the 1996 Helms-Burton Act. Since
that time, it has been part of received
wisdom that the President and the
Treasury Department cannot make
substantial changes in the Cuba restrictions by regulatory action alone.
So far, President Obama appears to be
respecting this line, referring carefully
to actions the Administration will take
that are “authorized by [current] law.” The
White House has not yet formally sought
any modification of existing legislation
from Congress. With Republican control
of the Congress, the Administration has
to step carefully in seeking any relief from
Cuba sanctions laws, especially as doing so
might require expenditure of political capital the President may be saving for another, arguably more important, foreign policy
goal—securing a nuclear deal with Iran.
Thus, the moves we have seen to date
have been somewhat narrow, authorizing expanded travel, use of U.S.-issued
debit and credit cards in Cuba, and a
relaxation of restrictions on exports of
U.S. goods and technology in the fields of
telecommunications and construction.
These initial, modest steps necessarily
fall short of a lifting of the embargo.
New space for overseas companies?
Cuba boasts a number of sectors that are
ripe for increased investment, including resorts and leisure, health care and
life sciences, transportation, energy
and infrastructure, and telecommunications. Given the complexity that
remains for U.S. companies to engage
directly with Cuban counterparties, we
expect to see increased activity in these
sectors by non-U.S. companies, taking
the shift in U.S. policy as their signal to
explore opportunities in the market.
The existing U.S. rules, however, continue
to cast a long shadow on such activity.
The Cuba embargo applies to non-U.S.
entities that are owned or controlled by
U.S. persons, as well as to all U.S. nationals—wherever located, and by whomever
employed. A German company can run
afoul of OFAC’s rules by employing an
American who participates—whether as
a salesman or a member of the board of
directors—in dealings with Cuba. Walling
off American executives or employees
from business activity with Cuba will
continue to be required, except in the
categories of business that are subject
to the general license. Thus, a non-U.S.
company that hires an American to
lead its North American business strategy will continue to have to carve him
or her out of any dealings with Cuban
customers. A European hotel operator
who acquires management contracts
on several Caribbean properties will not
be able to use American personnel to
oversee the affairs of a Cuban resort. This
application of the embargo to transactions by U.S.-owned or U.S.-controlled
entities in third countries, or even to
non-U.S.-controlled entities dealing in U.S.
origin goods or technologies, has long
been a source of contention with allies
and trading partners, and a real compliance headache for our non-U.S. clients.
Given the complexity that
­remains for U.S. companies
to engage directly with Cuban
counterparties, we expect to
see increased activity by nonU.S. companies, taking the
shift in U.S. policy as their
­signal to explore opportunities in the market.
As much as the Obama Administration
may like to provide relief from these
restrictions, it is barred from doing so by
the provisions of the 1996 Helms-Burton
Act, that states that “[t]he economic
embargo of Cuba, as in effect on March
1, 1996, including all restrictions under
part 515 of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations, shall … remain in effect” unless
and until the President certifies that a
“transition government” has assumed
power in Havana. The President can
make such a finding only if at least eight
specified factors are present. Among
those factors are that the government
“does not include Fidel Castro or Raul
Castro,” that it has “legalized all political activity” and “released all political
prisoners,” that it has committed to a
timetable for “free and fair elections”
with “multiple independent political
parties” and “UN or equivalent election
monitors,” and that it is establishing an
independent judiciary. No such finding is plausible at present, of course.
Since “all restrictions” under the OFAC
Cuba regulations must remain in place
by statute until such a finding—including the restriction on activity of
foreign subsidiaries owned or controlled by U.S. persons—there can be
no outright move to lift the embargo
on conduct by U.S.-controlled entities or U.S. persons located overseas.
But the Administration can make decisions about how it deploys its enforcement resources. The White House has –>
29 – US law/international law – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
declared in its communications on the
recent policy shift that “[p]ersons must
comply with all provisions of the revised
regulations; violations of the terms and
conditions are enforceable under U.S.
law.” How forcefully Treasury and OFAC
will back that up with new enforcement
actions, in a climate wherein the White
House is trying to leave the old Cuba policy behind, will be interesting to watch.
One immediate consequence may be to
change the calculus on voluntary disclosure of Cuba violations. OFAC’s stated policy is to provide leniency to violators who
voluntarily disclose their infractions to
OFAC prior to any investigation starting. A
company that knows it has violated antiquated rules that U.S. policy now declared
to have been a failure might find it easier
to make a voluntary disclosure and obtain
lenient treatment. And this calculus may
provide correct, as we expect the Administration to reserve vigorous enforcement
for egregious cases involving contraband
or weapons or efforts to undermine U.S.
policy by providing economic support to
the Cuban government in a manner that
falls within the scope of U.S. jurisdiction.
The congressional wildcard
Another open question is what the new
Republican Congress will attempt to do
on Cuba policy. Today’s Republican Party
still contains sizeable elements that
oppose any dealings with Cuba as long
as the Castro family remains in control.
Florida senator Marco Rubio’s reaction to
the Obama announcement, predictably,
was scathingly hostile (“another concession to tyranny”). Former Florida governor
Jeb Bush similarly staked out an adversarial posture, accusing the Obama White
House of “reward[ing] … dictators.” Other
aspiring Republican presidential candidates who have kept quiet on the Cuba
embargo can now be expected to line
up in opposition, in order to keep their
prospects in a 2016 Florida primary intact.
surely exist, and if carefully advised,
early entrants could well find the rewards to be well worth the risks. <–
Whether the new Congress will produce
legislation to block the Obama initiative—even with Republican majorities—
is by no means a foregone conclusion. Nor
is it obvious that a vote on such legislation would necessarily divide on straight
party lines. The new Obama policy will
draw support from some traditional,
free-market Republicans, and a pocket of
anti-Castro Democrats (such as New Jersey senator Bob Menendez) will not vote
with the President on Cuba legislation.
For non-U.S. companies and investors,
the path to Cuba remains winding,
but perhaps less rocky than before the
announced policy shift. Opportunities
Hamilton Loeb,
Attorney-at-Law, Partner,
Paul Hastings LLP, Washington
Scott M. Flicker,
Attorney-at-Law, Partner,
Paul Hastings LLP, Washington
Louven (Ed.)
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v. Dryander • Riehmer (Eds.)
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31 – Advisory board – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Dr. Hildegard Bison
BP Europa SE, General Counsel Europe,
Dr. Klaus-Peter Weber
Goodyear Dunlop Tires GmbH,
General Counsel, Hanau
Dr. Florian Drinhausen
Deutsche Bank AG, Co-Deputy General
Counsel for Germany and Central and
Eastern Europe, Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Arnd Haller
Google Germany GmbH
Legal Director, Hamburg
Professor Dr. Stephan Wernicke
DIHK – Deutscher Industrie- und
Handels­kammertag e. V., Chief Counsel,
Director of Legal Affairs, Berlin
Dr. Severin Löffler
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Assistant
General Counsel, Legal and Corporate Affairs
Central & Eastern Europe, Unterschleißheim
Dr. Georg Rützel
GE Germany, General Counsel Europe,
Frankfurt am Main
Dr. Hanns Christoph Siebold
Morgan Stanley Bank AG, Managing Director,
Frankfurt am Main
32 – Strategic partners – BLM – No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Dr. Claudia Milbradt,
Königsallee 59, 40215 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49 211 43 55 59 62
Dr. Michael J.R. Kremer,
Königsallee 59, 40215 Düsseldorf
Telephone: +49 211 4355 5369
Dr. Heike Wagner,
Equity Partner Corporate,
Barckhausstraße 12-16, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 71 701 322
Mobile: +49 171 34 08 033
Dr. Ole Jani,
Lennéstraße 7, 10785 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 20360 1401
Dr. Ludger Giesberts,
LL.M., Partner / Head of Litigation & Regulatory,
Hohenzollernring 72, 50672 Köln
Telephone: +49 221 277 277 351
Mobile: +49 172 261 07 24
Dr. Benjamin Parameswaran,
Country Managing Partner,
Jungfernstieg 7, 20354 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 40 188 88 144
Mobile: +49 162 249 79 23
Dr. Lutz Englisch,
Hofgarten Palais, Marstallstrasse 11, 80539 Munich
Telephone: +49 89 189 33 250
Michael Walther,
Hofgarten Palais, Marstallstrasse 11, 80539 Munich
Telephone: +49 89 189 33 180
Dr. Regina Engelstädter,
Siesmayerstraße 21, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 90 74 85 110
Mobile: +49 170 57 58 866
Edouard Lange,
Siesmayerstraße 21, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 90 74 85 114
Dr. Dirk Stiller,
Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 35-37, 60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 95 85 62 79
Mobile: +49 151 1427 6488
Dr. Friedrich Ludwig Hausmann,
Partner, Leiter Praxisgruppe Öffentliches Wirtschaftsrecht,
Lise-Meitner-Straße 1, 10589 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 2636 3467
Mobile: +49 151 2919 2225
Markus Hauptmann,
Managing Partner Germany,
Bockenheimer Landstraße 20, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 29994 1231
Mobile: +49 172 6943 251
Dr. Robert Weber,
Bockenheimer Landstraße 20, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: +49 69 29994 1370
Mobile: +49 170 7615 449
33 – Cooperation
Advisory Board
– –BLM
No. –1 No.
– June
1 –26,
20145, 2015
Dr. Hildegard
BisonChamber of Commerce, Inc.
BP EuropaGellert,
SE, General
at Law,
Bochum Legal Department & Business Development ­Consulting,
German American Chamber of Commerce, Inc.,
Broad Street, Floor 21, NY 10004, New York, USA
+1 (212) 974 8846 /
German American Chamber of Commerce of the Midwest
Dr. Florian Drinhausen
Sandy Abraham, Manager Membership Development &
Deutsche Bank AG, Co-Deputy General
Engagement, USA
Counsel for Germany and Central and
Telephone: +1 (312) 665 0978
Eastern Europe, Frankfurt Main
Dr. Klaus-Peter
Industry and
Commerce Greater China
Tires GmbH,
Tower Counsel,
One, Lippo
Centre, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong
Telephone: +852 2526 5481 /
Heads of Legal and Investment Departments
Dr. Arnd Haller
Google Germany GmbH
Legal Director, Hamburg
German Brazilian Chamber of Industry and Commerce
WernickeHead of Legal Department,
Dr. Claudia
– Deutscher
und São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Rua Verbo
Divino, Industrie1488, 04719-904
e. 5216
V., Chief Counsel,
+55 11 5187
Director of Legal Affairs, Berlin
Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc.
Yvonne Denz, Department Manager Membership and Projects,
Dr. Georg Rützel
480 University Ave, Suite 1500, Toronto, ON M5G 1V2, Canada
GE Germany, General Counsel Europe,
Telephone: +1 (416) 598 7088
Frankfurt Main
German-Dutch Chamber of Commerce
Ulrike Tudyka, Head of Legal Department,
Nassauplein 30, NL – 2585 EC Den Haag, Netherlands
Telephone: +31 (0)70 3114 137
German-French Chamber of Industry and Commerce
RA Joachim Schulz, MBA, Head of Legal and Tax Department,
18 rue Balard, F-75015 Paris, France
Telephone: +33 (0)1 4058 3534
Dr. Nils Seibert,
+86 10 6539 6621
Steffi Ye,
Dr. SeverinYuLöffler
Microsoft Shanghai
Deutschland GmbH, AssistantGuangzhou
General Counsel,
Legal and Corporate Affairs
21 5081
+86 20 8755 2353 232
Central & +86
German Emirati Joint Council for Industry & Commerce
Anne-Friederike Paul, Head of Legal Department,
Dr. Hanns Christoph Siebold
Business Village, Office 618, Port Saeed, Deira, P.O. Box 7480,
Morgan Stanley Bank AG, Managing Director,
Dubai, UAE
Frankfurt Main
Telephone: +971 (0)4 4470100
Indo-German Chamber of Commerce
Zarir Desai, Director Finance, Administration and Company Affairs
Maker Tower ‚E‘, 1st floor, Cuffe Parade,
Mumbai (Bombay) 400 005, India
Telephone: +91 22 66652 150
Kelly Pang,
+886 2 8758 5822
34 – Cooperation
Advisory Board
– No.
1 – June
26, –2014
No. 1 – March 5, 2015
Dr. Hildegard
Bisonof Commerce and Industry in Japan
BP Europa
SE, General
Editor in
Bochum KS Bldg., 5F, 2-4 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku
102-0075 Tokyo, Japan
+81 (0) 3 5276 8741 /
Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Florian Drinhausen
Thomas Urbanczyk,
LL.M., Attorney
at Law,
Bank AG, Co-Deputy
of the
Legal and Tax Services
and Central
ul. Miodowa
14, Frankfurt
00-246 Warsaw,
Main Poland
Telephone: +48 22 5310 519
German-Saudi Arabian Liaison Office for Economic Affairs
Professor Dr. Stephan Wernicke
Christian Engels, LL.M., Legal Affairs / Public Relations,
DIHK – Deutscher Industrie- und
Futuro Towers, 4th Floor, Al Ma‘ather Street, P.O.Box: 61695
Handels­kammertag e. V., Chief Counsel,
Riyadh: 11575, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Director of Legal Affairs, Berlin
Telephone: +966 11 405 0201
Southern African – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry NPC
Rützel Legal Advisor and Project Manager
Social Responsibility, PO Box 87078,
Germany, Centre:
Counsel Europe,
2041, 47, Oxford Road, Forest Town, 2193
Johannesburg, South Africa
Telephone: +27 (0)11 486 2775 /
Dr. Klaus-Peter Weber
Goodyear Dunlop Tires GmbH,
General Counsel, Hanau
Dr. Arnd Haller
Google Germany GmbH
Legal Director, Hamburg
Dr. Severin Löffler
Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Assistant
General Counsel, Legal and Corporate Affairs
Central & Eastern Europe, Unterschleißheim
Professor Dr. Thomas Wegerich
News staff:
Thomas Wegerich (tw),
Karin Gangl (kgl)
Publishing companies:
Der F.A.Z.-Fachverlag
Managing Directors:
Dr. André Hülsbömer, Jürgen Kiehl
Frankenallee 68-72, 60327 Frankfurt Main, Germany
Number in the commercial register: 53454
Local Court Frankfurt Main
Telephone: +49 69 7591 2217
Fax: +49 69 7591 1966
Dr. Hanns Christoph Siebold
Morgan Stanley Bank AG, Managing Director,
Frankfurt Main
German Law Publishers GmbH
Managing Director and Publisher:
Professor Dr. Thomas Wegerich
Stalburgstraße 8, 60318 Frankfurt Main, Germany
Telephone: +49 69 9564 9559
Fax: +49 69 7591 1966
Annual subscription: free of charge,
frequency of publication: quarterly
Project management:
Karin Gangl
Telephone: +49 69 7591 2217
Fax: +49 69 7591 1966
Graphic-design concept and layout:
Rodolfo Fischer Lückert
Online design and realization:
Thomas Hecker
F.A.Z.-Institut für Management -, Markt- und
­Medieninformationen GmbH