中国科学院“百人计划”A 类 择优支持申请表 申请人姓名 Chanhong Kim 聘用单位 中国科学院上海植物逆境生物学研 究中心 联系电话 021-57078272 传 真 021-57078013 电子邮件 中国科学院人事局 姓名 Chanhong Kim 性别 男 1969 年 12 月 出生年月 专业 植物学 研究领域 聘任岗位 研究员 上岗时间 光合作用和信号胁 迫 2014 年 8 月 学习经历(从本科填起) 起始时间 终止时间 1988.3 1998. 2 2000.5 2004.7 单位 学位 韩国东国大学 (Dongguk 学术、硕士 University, Korea) 瑞士联邦理工学院, 苏黎世(ETH Zurich, 博士 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) 专业 生物学 植物学 工作经历(准确到月份) 起始时间 1998.3 终止时间 2000. 2 2004.8 2006.7 2006.8 2008.3 2008.4 2014.7 2014.8 至今 单 位 浦项科技大学 研究领域 Establishment of Agrobacterium -mediated transformation system of rice Chloroplast-to瑞士联邦理工学院, nucleus 苏黎世 retrograde signaling Chloroplast-to瑞士联邦理工学院, nucleus 苏黎世 retrograde signaling Chloroplast美国康奈尔大学—鲍 mediated plant 依斯·汤普森植物研 specific cell 究所 death program 中国科学院上海植 光合作用和信 物逆境生物学研究 号胁迫 中心 专业技术职称 研究助理 博士后 课题组长 研究员 研究员 如内容较多,本栏目填不下时,可另纸接续(以下各栏目均如此) 主要学术成就、科技成果及创新点(简要概括,不超过 500 字) During my stay at ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich) and Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell university, I have gained strong expertise and knowledge in the area of plant stress biology in the emphasis on “downside of plant photosynthesis”. Chloroplasts are major places where chemically distinct reactive oxygen species (ROS) formed as inevitable byproducts of photosynthesis and it has long been thought that the enhanced level of ROS under stress causes detrimental effects on plants. Recent research, however, revealed that these ROS apart from presenting the oxidative damage in the plants, also acts as important signaling molecules. Despite of the fact that the impact of ROS has been subject of intense research in stress biology, relatively little is known their precise targets and any molecular components monitoring constantly the level of ROS. The major difficulties investigating the role of individual ROS are (i) in cells under stress, ROS increase almost simultaneously, thus it is difficult to define the biological activity of one particular ROS and to link it to a certain cellular response (ii) ROS interact with molecules including proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, and in this way may irreversibly damage or alter the function of the targets. However, besides causing these toxic effects ROS may also be perceived as signals. Criteria to distinguish between these two modes of action are obscured (iii) the in vivo activity of ROS is most often studied under steady state conditions that do not allow separating primary from secondary effects of ROS. For last 10 years, my previous colleagues and I have endeavored to circumvent these problems in order to understand the biological significance of ROS in plants using Arabidopsis flu mutant that accumulates singlet oxygen (1O2), one of ROS, within chloroplasts in non-invasive and controlled manner, thus the most of problems listed above can be resolved. Because of short lifespan, a limited diffusion distance and an imminent reactivity with other macromolecules, it seems1O2 produced by PSII are not able to diffuse across chloroplast envelope membrane, yet the nuclear gene expression changes are obvious in flu mutant. Moreover the fact that the flu phenotype is conditioned by the presence of nuclear-encoded and plastid-targeted EXECUTER1 (EX1) and EXECUTER2 (EX2) proteins guide this project towards next step in revealing the molecular mechanism how EX1 and EX2 are able to sense the various level of 1O2 and react to activate chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling. As a result of recent collaboration with Dr. Klaus Apel affiliated at Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell university and results obtained at PSC, we believe our proposed research objectives at PSC are fully feasible to open new research era of chloroplast biology in conjunction with environmental stresses. Our long-term research aims to reengineer the sensing machinery of chloroplast, which may allows us to reinforce stress tolerance of plants. 1-3 篇代表性论文(从事科研工作以来) 作者排序 First author First author Non-first author 题 目 期刊名称 Chloroplasts of Arabidopsis are the Plant Cell source and a primary target of a plant-specific programmed cell death signalling pathway. Singlet oxygen-mediated retrograde PNAS signaling during late embryogenesis predetermines plastid differentiation in seedlings by recruiting abscisic acid The genetic basis of singlet Science oxygen-induced stress responsive of Arabidopsis thaliana 年份、卷期 及页码 2012 24(7):3026-39 2009 106 (24):9920-4 2004 306 (5699):1183-5 近 5 年发表主要论文或获批准专利情况 作者排序 题 目 期刊或国际 会议名称 年份、卷期 及页码 Co-first author Blocking the QB-binding site of photosystem II by tenuazonic acid, a non-host-specific toxin of Alternaria alternata, activates singlet oxygenmediated and EXECUTER-dependent signaling in Arabidopsis Plant, Cell & Environment 2014, doi: 10.1111/pce.1246 2 Co-correspondi ng author) Singlet oxygen-mediated and EXECUTER-dependent signalling and acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana exposed to light stress Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2014, doi:10.1098/rstb.2 013.0227 First author Singlet oxygen-mediated signaling in plants: moving from flu to wild type reveals an increasing complexity Photosynth Res. 2013, 116(2-3):455-64. First author 1 Mol Plant. 2013, 6:1580-1591 O2-mediated and EXECUTER-dependent retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling in norflurazon-treated seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana. First author Chloroplasts of Arabidopsis are the source and a primary target of a plant-specific programmed cell death signaling pathway Plant Cell 2012, 24(7):3026-39. Non-first author The chloroplast division mutant caa33 of Arabidopsis thaliana reveals the crucial impact of chloroplast homeostasis on stress acclimation and retrograde plastid-to-nucleus signaling Plant Journal 2012, 69(4):701-12. First author Arabidopsis light-dependent NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A (PORA) is essential for normal plant growth and development: An addendum Plant Molecular Biology 2012, 80: 237-240 近 5 年出版主要著作情况 作者排序 书 名 出版社及年份 撰写章节及 页码 注:“作者排序”栏按“第一作者”、“通信作者”、“非第一作者”顺序填写 论文被收录情况统计(篇) SCI EI 第一作者 12 1 通信作者 1 0 非第一作者 11 4 中国科学引文数据库 总 24 计 5 论文被引用情况统计(SCI 引用) 他人引用次数 第一作者 204 通信作者 2 非第一作者 492 总 计 引用期刊种数 引用作者人数 698 以上内容已经申请人确认,情况属实。 申请人签字: 2015 年 3 月 4 日 注: 1. “论文被收录和引用情况”只针对前面列出的代表性论文和近 5 年主要 发表论文进行统计; 2. 自引部分不计入引文统计中; 3. 对列入统计表中的论文需附论文首页复印件; 4. 对列入统计表中的论文需提供被引用情况证明。 到位后已开展的工作(包括研究内容与方向,实验室建设,团队建设等情况) A brief summary of research background and plans The goal of proposed project is to decipher the emerging role of chloroplast as a sensor of environmental factors. Previously my research has been aimed to elucidate the biological activity of singlet oxygen (1O2) and to define criteria that may be used to distinguish between cytotoxicity and signaling of this ROS. One of the difficulties in studying the biological activity of 1O2 stems from the fact that in cells under stress several other chemically distinct ROS are generated simultaneously thus making it very difficult to link a particular cellular response to singlet oxygen. This problem has been tackled by using the conditional flu mutant of Arabidopsis in which 1O2 are induced upon dark-to-light transition in non-invasive and controlled manner. By varying the length of the dark period one can modulate noninvasively the level of the photosensitizer and define conditions that minimize the cytotoxicity of 1O2 and either endorse acclimation or promote a genetically controlled cell death response. The genetic basis of this 1O2-mediated signaling is revealed by the effect of mutations of two nuclear genes encoding the plastid proteins EXECUTER1 and EXECUTER2 that are sufficient to abrogate 1O2-dependent stress responses. Photosystem II (PSII) is a major place where 1O2 are generated under light stress and active PSII units reside in grana core of thylakoid membrane. Interestingly our recent data shows that EX1 and EX2 proteins reside in grana core where the most of PSII complexes are assembled and both EX proteins interact with PSII core proteins, D1 and D2. It has long been known that apart from their importance in photosynthesis, D1 and D2 proteins are thought as potential 1O2 scavengers since PSII core chlorophyll molecule is a cause of 1O2 generation under light stress. Indeed it has been shown that D1 and D2 proteins are damaged by 1O2 and the rapid degradation of D1 and D2 proteins became obvious when the chloroplast protein translation was concurrently inhibited as D1 and D2 are encoded in plastid DNA. Our recent data, however, suggest that EX1 and EX2 proteins seem more susceptible to light stress than D1 and D2 and their rapid decline in response to 1O2 is likely associated with a rapid reprogramming of nuclear gene expression. In sum, our recent results gives rise an exciting turning phase of our research on plant stress biology, in which PSII core protein D1/D2 and EX1/EX2 may compose an integral part of 1O2 sensor. Taken together, we became interested in studying how chloroplast is able to sense the level of 1O2 under stress condition and use the decoded information to gain benefit to adapt or acclimate in changing environments with their sessile characteristic. Currently at PSC our research has focused on investigating major questions as Obj. 1. Disclose 1O2 sensor and 1O2 sensing mechanism in chloroplast; Obj. 2. Identify a genuine signaling molecule, released upon 1O2 eruption and EX-interacting proteins residing near PSII; Obj. 3. Reveal intracellular network of EXECUTER proteins from chloroplast to nucleus; Obj. 4. Identify regulatory modules consisting of primary 1 O2-responsive transcription factors and their target genes; Obj. 5. Find essential molecular components that confer cross-tolerance to both abiotic and biotic stresses. As growing body of evidences suggest that chloroplast may act as sensor of various environmental factors, application of “omics technology” to stress biology has been increasingly demanded to reveal an initial perturbation in chloroplast upon stress treatment. However, dissecting an initial phase of stress and connecting with a particular biological outcome are still problematic as one can assume that even thought chloroplast perturbation is a seeming result in response to various stresses, other subcellular compartments may respond to stress as well. Hence applying the primary stress only within chloroplast became a major challenge to understand how chloroplasts sense stress and react to induce chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling. By using Arabidopsis T-DNA mutants, we have obtained several intriguing chloroplast mutant lines (available at PSC seed base) that impair not only chloroplast functions but also configuration, and more importantly they mimic stress responses in the absence of external stimuli (Figure 1). By exploiting these intriguing lines and using all instruments provide by PSC and PSC core facility institutes we expect our research outcomes may shed light on understanding the emerging role of chloroplasts as sensor of environmental factors. Our long-term research aims to reengineer the sensing machinery of chloroplast, which may allows us to reinforce stress tolerance of plants. Figure 1. Long-term research perspective and work flow of Kim’s laboratory (Obj. 6). (A) Simplified scheme of research outline shows that our research will mainly focus on understanding how chloroplasts act as sensors of multitude of environmental factors. As the earliest perturbations under stresses occur in mostly photosynthesis and plastid gene expression, we are supposing that the molecular complexes acting as potential sensors might be connected with photosynthesis and other major metabolisms in chloroplasts. (B) To find putative molecules that allow chloroplasts acts as sensors, we have carried out a genetic screen with 540 chloroplast mutant (T-DNA) lines impaired in particular functions or morphology of chloroplasts, but yet they grow normally under non-stressed condition. By analyzing photosynthetic activity and cell death response, to our surprising, in the absence of external stimuli several mutants show discrete a cell death phenotype in resemblance with hypersensitive response (HR) accompanying restricted cell death. Most of mutant lines are known but their stress responses including discrete cell death (DCD) were masked until now because of their usual phenotype. The DCD phenotype can only be revealed by chemical staining otherwise invisible. Currently we exploit these mutants as ideal biological tools to find potential chloroplast sensors that interrelate the chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling and pathogen-triggered hypersensitive response. In addition, this research approach will shed light on plant-specific cell death program that is specifically triggered by chloroplasts. Current staff and postdoc members and students Dr. Yanchun Liu and Dr. Keun Pyo Lee became my first lab members on June 2014 and begun to shape gradually our laboratory by ordering and installing all required lab instruments, mutant seeds related with future projects and other essential stuffs before my joining at PSC. More importantly they propagated seeds of important Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic lines and concurrently tested the growth chambers to fix all possible problems before we bring our projects into being initiated. In doing so, we have managed to initiate our research projects after my arrival at PSC on August 2014. More importantly on May 2014, I started to screen postdoc candidates who applied my lab and showed willingness to be a part of our research team, and amongst I selected the three postdoctoral candidates whose expertise fit well with our proposed research plans. Indeed so far all members show decent progresses with each assigned research project. Beside one PhD candidate and two master candidates joined us on September and November 2014, respectively. 1. Dr. Keun Pyo Lee, Associate Specialist RESEARCH PROJECT and DUTY Genetic versus epigenetic regulation of nuclear gene expression using chloroplast mutants that conditionally develop cell death in the absence of external stimuli Seed germination control mechanism under unfavorable environmental condition Dr. Keun Pyo Lee acts as mentor of one PhD candidate Mr. Richie and organize “Journal Club” one per two weeks Dr. Keun Pyo Lee is taking care of all the RNA seq samples for the quality control and to communicate wit Genomics and Bioinformatics core facilities members. EXPERIENCE 2014-Present: Associate Specialist, Photosynthesis and Stress Signaling Group, PSC 2013-2014: Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh (UK) 2012-2012: Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate (Maitre Assistant), Department of Botany and Plant Biology, University of Geneva (Switzerland) 2008-2011: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Botany and Plant Biology, University of Geneva (Switzerland) EDUCATION 2009: PhD in Natural Science, ETH Zurich (Switzerland) SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. Kang J, Yim S, Choi H, Kim A, Keun Pyo Lee, Lopez-Molina L, Martinoia E, Lee Y. (2015) Abscisic acid transporters cooperate to control seed germination. Nature Communications, Accepted on February 2015 2. Gabriela Toledo-Ortiz, Henrik Johansson, Keun Pyo Lee, et al. (2014) The opposing action of HY5 and PIFs through a common cis element adjusts transcriptional responses of photosynthetic genes to external light and temperature cues. PLOS Genetics, Accepted 3. Keun Pyo Lee and Luis Lopez-Molina (2013) A seed coat bedding assay to genetically explore in vitro how the endosperm controls seed germination In Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 81, e50732, doi:10.3791/50732 4. Keun Pyo Lee and Luis Lopez-Molina (2012) Control of seed germination in the shade. Cell Cycle, 11(24), 4489-4490 5. Keun Pyo Lee, et al. (2012) Spatially and genetically distinct control of seed germination by phytochromes A and B. Genes & Development, 26(17), 1984-1996 6. Chanhong Kim, Rasa Meskauskiene, Shengrui Zhang, Keun Pyo Lee, et al. (2012) Chloroplasts are the source and a primary target of a plant-specific programmed cell death signaling pathway. Plant Cell, 24(7), 3026-3039 7. Keun Pyo Lee*, et al. (2010) A seed coat bedding assay shows that RGL2-dependent release of abscisic acid by the endosperm controls embryo growth in Arabidopsis dormant seeds. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 107(44), 19108-19113 (* Joint first co-authors) 8. Chanhong Kim*, Keun Pyo Lee*, et al. (2009) 1O2-mediated retrograde signaling during late embryogenesis predetermines plastid differentiation in seedlings by recruiting abscisic acid. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 106(24), 9920-9924 (* Joint first co-authors) 9. Keun Pyo Lee*, Chanhong Kim*, et al. (2007) EXECUTER1-and EXECUTER2dependent transfer of stress-related signals from the plastid to nucleus of Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 104(24), 10270-10275. (* Joint first co-authors) 10. Daniela Wagner, Dominika Przybyla, Roel op den Camp, Chanhong Kim, Frank Landgraf, Keun Pyo Lee, et al. (2004) The Genetic Basis of Singlet Oxygen-Induced Stress Responses of Arabidopsis thaliana. Science, 306, 1183-1185 2. Dr. Jianli Duan, Postdoctoral Fellow RESEARCH PROJECT and DUTY A novel chloroplast retrograde signaling linked to an impaired photosystem II (PSII) repairing cycle, leading to susceptible phenotype under photooxidative stress while the wild type plants are able to acclimate Genetic screen to find mutants that compromise the susceptible phenotype of the mutant with an impaired PSII repair cycle Dr. Jianli Duan organizes all genetic materials obtained from others and developed in my lab in order to ovoid any cross contamination EXPERIENCE 2014-present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Photosynthesis and Stress Signaling Group, PSC EDUCATION 2008-2012: PhD in Plant Molecular Biology. Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology (SIPPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. Chi Shan, Zhiling Mei, Jianli Duan, et al. OsGA2ox5, a Gibberellin Metabolism Enzyme, is Involved in Plant Growth, the Root Gravity Response and Salt Stress. PLoS ONE. 2014; Jan 27;9 (1):e87110 2. Jianli Duan and Weiming Cai. OsLEA3-2, an abiotic stress induced gene of rice plays a key role in salt and drought tolerance. PLoS ONE. 2012; 7(9):e45117 3. Yunpo Zhao, Hao Zhang, Zhiqian Li, Jianli Duan, et al. A major facilitator superfamily protein participates in the reddish brown pigmentation in Bombyx mori. J Insect Physiol. 2012; 58:1397-405 3. Dr. Vivek Dogra, Postdoctoral Fellow RESEARCH PROJECT and DUTY Understanding molecular and genetic basis of crosstalk between biotic and abiotic stress using one of the chloroplast mutants that show discrete cell death in reminiscent with hypersensitive response accompanying restricted cell death Dr. Vivek Dogra is taking care of protein samples for the subsequent GC-MS/MS and communication with proteomics core facility members Dr. Vivek Dogra works together with one of the master candidate. EXPERIENCE 2014-present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Photosynthesis and Stress Signaling Group, PSC EDUCATION 2009-2014: PhD in natural sciences, CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. Kaur D,# Dogra V,# Thapa P, Sood A, Bhattacharya A and Sreenivasulu Y (2015). In vitro flowering associated protein changes in Dendrocalamus hamiltonii. Proteomics (in press, # Contributed equally)] 2. Dogra V and Sreenivasulu Y (2014). Cloning and functional characterization of β-1, 3-glucanase gene from Podophyllum hexandrum - A high altitude Himalayan plant. Gene, 554(1):25-31 3. Shafi A, Dogra V, Gill T, Ahuja PS and Sreenivasulu Y (2014). Simultaneous Over-Expression of PaSOD and RaAPX in Transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana Confers Cold Stress Tolerance through Increase in Vascular Lignifications PLOS One, 9(10): e110302. 4. Deswal R, Gupta R, Dogra V, Singh R, et al. (2014). Plant Proteomics in India and Nepal: Current Status and Challenges Ahead. Physiology and Molecular Biology of the Plants 19(4): 461-477 5. Dogra V, Ahuja PS and Sreenivasulu Y (2013). Change in protein content during seed germination of a high altitude plant Podophyllum hexandrum Royle. Journal of Proteomics 78: 26-38 6. Gill T, Dogra V, Sreenivasulu Y, Kumar S and Ahuja PS (2012). Protein dynamics in Arabidopsis seeds over expressing Potentilla superoxide dismutase during germination under copper stress. Journal of Plant Research, 125(1) :165-172 4. Dr. Somesh Singh, Postdoctoral Fellow RESEARCH PROJECT and DUTY 1O2 project: revealing 1O2 sensor in chloroplast and its cognate molecular mechanism Dr. Somesh is organize all cloning and destination vectors in order to avoid cross contamination Dr. Somesh works together with one of the master candidates. EXPERIENCE 2014-present: Postdoctoral Fellow, Photosynthesis and Stress Signaling Group, PSC EDUCATION 2007-2013: PhD in Biotechnology, CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory (Affiliated to University of Pune, India). SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. Rishi K Vishwakarma, Krunal Patel, Prashant Sonawane,Uma Kumari, Somesh Singh, et al. (2015) Squalene Synthase Gene from Medicinal herb Bacopa monniera: Molecular Characterization, Differential Expression, Comparative Modeling and Docking Studies. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter (Accepted February 2015). 2. Ruby, R. J. Santosh Kumar, Rishi. K. Vishwakarma, Somesh Singh, B. M. Khan (2014) Molecular cloning and characterization of genistein 4’-O- glucoside specific glycosyltransferase from Bacopa monniera. Molecular Biology Reports, 41(7): 4675-4688. 3. Somesh Singh, Rishi K. Vishwakarma, Santosh R.J. Kumar, Prashant Sonawane, B. M. Khan (2013) Functional characterization of a flavonoid glycosyltransferase gene from Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 170 (3): 729-741. 5. Dr. Yanchun Liu, Lab manager RESEARCH PROJECT and DUTY Involved in routine molecular works including genotyping and protein blot to isolate and to confirm valuable genetic resources Dr. Yanchun Liu acts as lab manager who organize disposable stuff, chemicals, enzymes, antibodies and all required kits we use on daily basis. Dr. Yanchun Liu works for all documents need to be archived for PSC and translated for foreign staff and postdoctoral fellows Dr. Yanchun Liu organizes all microscopes in my lab for maintenance and to educate first user based on her previous experiences EXPERIENCE 2014-Present: Lab Manager, Photosynthesis and Stress Signaling Group, PSC 2011-2014: Research Assistant, Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden 2010-2011: Research Assistant, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences EDUCATION 2010: PhD in Natural Science, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1. Yan-Chun Liu, Hua Peng, 2011. Microstegium butuoense (Poaceae), a new species from S Sichuan, SW China. Annales Botanici Fennici 48(2):182-184. Yan-Chun Liu, Hua Peng, 2010. Miscanthus subgen. Rubimons subgen. nov. (Poaceae) and Miscanthus villosus sp. nov. from southwest Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 28: 1-3. 3. Yan-Chun Liu, Hua Peng, 2009. Mastixia mirocarpa (Mastixiaceae), a new species from Mt Yulong Yunnan, SW China. Annales Botanici Fennici, 46(6): 566-568. 2. Students 1. Mr. Richie Lv (September 2014 – present) - His research focuses on revealing molecular components that are likely required during plastid transition phases e.g. from etioplast to chloroplast or from chloroplast to gerontoplast. These two transition phases share a seeming characteristic in terms of enhanced level of ROS in plastid. Arabidopsis mutant failed to regulate this process shows dramatic cell death response in age-dependent manner, resulting in a significant loss of yield. 2. Ms. Jun Fang (November 2014 – present) - His research focuses on understanding the role of chloroplast in mediating cross-tolerance between light and biotic stress. Arabidopsis mutant impaired in chloroplast biogenesis exhibit discrete cell death in the presence of light and upregulates stress-responsive genes, and the phenotype closely resemble the hypersensitive response accompanying restricted cell death that appears during incompatible plant-pathogen interaction. 3. Mr. Zihao Li (November 2014 – present) - His major research goal is to understand the initial phase of chloroplast perturbation upon stress treatment. He uses Arabidopsis mutants that develop stress responses in controlled manner, thus he must be able to delineate the molecular event prompted in chloroplasts upon induction of stress. 主持或参加项目的情况 项目名称 经费来源及额度 担任角色 用人单位提供的条件(包括科研经费、实验用房、研究助手配备及研究生指标 和住房等) 植物逆境生物学研究中心为申请者提供科研启动经费 150 万元,办公及实验用房 100 平 米,配备研究助手 4 位,研究生指标 4 名,提供引进人才住房补助,并根据相关政策为申请 者在沪工作及生活方面提供最大限度的支持。 获资助后拟达到的总体目标与预期成果(包括拟解决的科学问题、实验室 环境、人才队伍建设和培养等) As an important experimental tool, several Arabidopsis mutants that impairs certain chloroplast integrity and conditionally mimic stress responses in the absence of external stresses are chosen to decipher the emerging role of chloroplasts as a sensor of environmental factors. As briefly explained in the section of research plans, we are quite assured of reaching proposed research objectives focused on revealing (i) 1O2 sensor; (ii) the underlying molecular mechanism of 1O2-specific and EXECUTER-dependent chloroplast-to-nucleus retrograde signaling; (iii) 1O2-specific transcription factors and their role for the cross-tolerance. By pursuing these objectives listed earlier, we are expecting multiple publications, at least three research articles, related with EXECTUER and 1O2 signaling projects, at high impact journals and one or two review articles to update the area of chloroplast signaling with our discoveries. As growing body of evidences suggest that chloroplasts may act as sensor of environmental factors and play important role in both abiotic and biotic stresses to reinforce the acclimation and immune response of plants, we believe our current research activities as explained earlier (See Figure 1. Long-term research perspective and work flow of Kim’s laboratory in the section of research plan) may shed light on the emerging function of chloroplast with emphasis on stress perception and responses. By doing so, we are expecting at least two research articles at the last years of this project with contexts of plant acclimation and cross-tolerance. If our proposed research projects became reinforced, the positions of current members including three postdoctoral fellows and three students position would be more secured. Also I’m going to have two more students since we are expecting the outcome of genetic screens soon. Our proposed research plans require thoughtful understanding on physiology, bioinformatics, proteomics, molecular, genetic and cell biology, and thus students in my lab would have a great opportunities to learn all techniques required and to discuss with senior members including me, staffs and postdoctoral fellows. Students will gradually gain expertise and deep knowledge spanning the importance of photosynthesis and its related downside which in turn gives rise certain constructive impacts on plants’ resistance against environmental stresses. More importantly in our research environment, a primary language is English and thus our students are exposed to a similar environment as those of international institutes where eventually they want to apply at the end of his or her PhD program. 获资助后经费使用计划 年度 科学事业费(万元) 基本建设费(万元) 合计(万元) 2016 100 60 160 2017 50 0 50 2018 50 0 50 合计 200 60 260 注: 1.申请年度第一批择优者,“年度”从当年度开始,申请年度第二批择优者,“年度” 从通过择优支持下一年度开始;以 3 年为期; 2.基本建设费 60 万元将在获得择优支持的第一年一次性拨付到位; 3.科学事业费 200 万元将按经费使用计划分年度拨付。 择优支持专家组名单(“专家类别”请注明是否为组长或所学术委员会成员) 姓名 单位 职称 学科领域 专家类别 专家组对申请人的综合评价 专家组意见(在□内划√): 建议支持□ 建议不支持□ 评审专家组组长: 年 月 日 签字 用人单位意见 负责人(公章): 年 月 日 院意见 签字(公章) : 年 月 日
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