(PLEASE FIND THE AGENDA/TABLE OF CONTENTS ON PAGE 4.) REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 3, 2015 9:30 AM Alfredo R. Santistevan Board Room 2nd Floor Suite 207 4308 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority Regular Meeting BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL March 3, 2015 Member in Attendance Mr. Sullivan, President Mr. Montaño, Vice President Mr. Crandall, Secretary Mr. Propst Ms. Goodwin Mr. Johnson Mr. Linton Ms. Padilla-Jackson Ms. Sucher Mr. Eichenberg 2 NMRHCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 2015 Mr. Julian Baca Alternate for PERA Executive Director 33 Plaza La Prensa Santa Fe, NM 87507 PO Box 2123 Santa Fe, NM 87504-2123 julian.baca@state.nm.us Ms. Jan Goodwin, Executive Director Educational Retirement Board PO Box 26129 Santa Fe, NM 87502-0129 jan.goodwin@state.nm.us; (W) 505-827-8030 (F) 505-827-1855 The Honorable Mr. Wayne Johnson NM Association of Counties Bernalillo County Commissioner One Civic Plaza, NW Albuquerque, NM 87102 Ms. Karen Brown Deputy County Commissioner Bernalillo County, District 5 kbrown@bernco.gov; 505-468-7212 (office) 505-462-9821 (fax) Mr. Terry Linton Governor’s Appointee 1204 Central Ave. SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 terry@lintonandassociates.com; 505-247-1530 Mr. Joe Montaño, Vice President NM Assoc. of Educational Retirees 5304 Hattiesburg NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Jmountainman1939@msn.com (H) 897-9518 Ms. Olivia Padilla-Jackson NM Municipal League Deputy Finance Director City of Albuquerque opadilla-jackson@cabq.gov Mr. Wayne Propst Executive Director Public Employees Retirement Association 33 Plaza La Prensa Santa Fe, NM 87507 PO Box 2123 Santa Fe, NM 87504-2123 Wayne.Propst@state.nm.us; W: (505) 476-9301 The Honorable Mr. Tim Eichenberg NM State Treasurer 2055 South Pacheco Street Suite 100 & 200 Santa Fe, NM 87505 Tim.Eichenberg@state.nm.us (W) 505-955-1120 (Fax) 505-955-1195 Ms. Karen Sucher NEA-NM, Classroom Teachers Assoc., & NM Federation of Educational Employees PO BOX 1983 Tijeras, NM 87059 smithsucher3@aol.com Phone: 505-286-8702 Mr. Tom Sullivan, President Superintendents’ Association of NM 800 Kiva Dr. SE Albuquerque, NM 87123 tlsullivan48@gmail.com; 505-330-2600 Mr. Doug Crandall, Secretary Retired Public Employees of New Mexico PO Box 20607 Albuquerque, NM 87154-0607 douginabq@gmail.com 3 Regular Meeting of the NEW MEXICO RETIREE HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS March 3, 2015 9:30 AM Alfredo R. Santistevan Board Room 2nd Floor, Suite 207 4308 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 AGENDA 1. Call to Order Mr. Sullivan, President Page 2. Roll Call to Ascertain Quorum Ms. Beatty, Recorder 3. Pledge of Allegiance Mr. Sullivan, President 4. Approval of Agenda Mr. Sullivan, President 4 5. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes February 3, 2015 Mr. Sullivan, President 6 6. Public Forum and Introductions Mr. Sullivan, President 7. Committee Reports Mr. Sullivan, President 8. Consent Agenda – Out-of-State Travel (Action) Mr. Tyndall, Executive Director 15 State and Local Government Benefits Association 2015 Annual Conference May 3rd – 6th, Bonita Springs, FL Express Scripts 2015 Outcomes Symposium May 12th -14th, Orlando, FL 9. Executive Directors Update a. b. c. d. e. f. Mr. Tyndall, Executive Director Senate Bill 169/House Bill 436 Investment Policy Update January 2015 Investment Report Legal Services RFP FY16 Operating Budget NMRHCA Anniversary 18 20 21 23 25 28 10. 5-Year Strategic Plan Review Mr. Tyndall, Executive Director 29 11. FY15 Contract Amendments (Action Item) Mr. Archuleta, Deputy Director 34 12. Date & Location of next Board Meeting April 7, 2015, 9:30 AM Alfredo R. Santistevan Board Room 2nd Floor, Suite 207 4308 Carlisle Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107 Mr. Sullivan, President 4 13. Other Business Mr. Sullivan, President 14. Adjourn 5 ACTION SUMMARY RETIREE HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY/REGULAR BOARD MEETING February 3, 2014 Item Action APPROVAL OF AGENDA Approved 3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 2, 2014 Approved 3 PUBLIC FORUM & INTRODUCTIONS Informational 3 COMMITTEE REPORTS Informational 3 Informational Informational Informational Informational 4 4 5 5 Informational 6 LIFE INSURANCE RFP SELECTION Approve contract negotiations 6 FY 15 2ND QUARTER BUDGET REVIEW Informational 7 FY16 LFC/DFA REC COMPARISON Informational 7 DISPOSAL OF IT EQUIPMENT Approved 8 IT SECURITY REVIEW Informational 8 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S UPDATE Senate Bill 169 Investment Policy Update December 2014 Investment Report Operational Updates Wall St. Journal Editorial on Retiree Health Care Page # DATE/LOCATION OF NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING: March 3, 2014, Albuquerque 6 MINUTES OF THE NM RETIREE HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY/BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING February 3, 2015 I. CALL TO ORDER A Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority was called to order on this date at 9:30 a.m. in the Alfredo R. Santistevan Board Room, 4308 Carlisle Boulevard, N.E., Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2. ROLL CALL TO ASCERTAIN QUORUM A quorum was present: Members Present: Mr. Tom Sullivan, President Mr. Joe Montaño, Vice President Mr. Doug Crandall, Secretary [by telephone] Mr. Julian Baca The Hon. Tim Eichenberg, NM State Treasurer Ms. Jan Goodwin Mr. Wayne Johnson [present 10:00-11:00 a.m.] Mr. Terry Linton Ms. Olivia Padilla-Jackson [arriving 10:30 a.m.] Members Excused: Ms. Karen Sucher Staff Present: Mr. Mark Tyndall, Executive Director Mr. Dave Archuleta, Deputy Director Mr. Tomas Rodriguez, IT Director Ms. Deb Vering, Chief Financial Officer Ms. Judith S. Beatty, Board Recorder Others Present: [See sign-in sheet.] 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mr. Linton led the Pledge of Allegiance. New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 2 7 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Crandall moved for approval of the agenda, as published. Ms. Goodwin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously by voice vote. 5. APPROVAL OF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: December 2, 2014 Mr. Montaño moved approval of the minutes of the December 2 meeting, as submitted. Mr. Crandall seconded the motion, which passed by voice vote, with Treasurer Eichenberg in abstention. 6. PUBLIC FORUM AND INTRODUCTIONS Chairman Sullivan welcomed State Treasurer Tim Eichenberg to the Board. There were no speakers from the floor. 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS Finance Committee Mr. Crandall reported that the Finance Committee met last week. The topics discussed will be covered by Mr. Archuleta later in today’s agenda. Legislative Committee Mr. Montaño reported that the committee has not met, but remains on task with various issues. He noted that Sen. Gay G. Kernan is sponsoring SB 169, increasing the employer and employee contribution rates, and there is also a potential sponsor on the House side. He commented that this will be a challenge, but committee members are resolute and dedicated to the task. Health and Wellness Committee Ms. Goodwin said the committee continues to hold regular meetings, and recently decided to work with Research & Polling to see what sorts of wellness options the members are interested in, if they are interested in having reduced deductibles or premiums, etc. She said the committee will meet with Research & Polling next week to finalize the survey. Mr. Tyndall said the survey will cost in the range of $15,000 to $20,000 and will be covered through the healthcare budget. Mr. Linton asked Mr. Tyndall if there has been any progress with the Project ECHO. Mr. Tyndall responded that information has been sent to Project ECHO head Dr. Sanjeev Arora for review, and a meeting will be set up in March. New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 3 8 Mr. Linton commented that the committee plans to make a proposal at the annual meeting in July for the Board to act on. Executive Committee Chairman Sullivan said the committee met last week to review and prepare the agenda for today’s meeting. 8. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S UPDATE a. Senate Bill 169 Mr. Tyndall said the NMRHCA met with Sen. Gay Kernan last week and expressed the agency’s extreme appreciation for her support over the years, and specifically for carrying this bill. He said Senate Public Affairs is expected to hear the bill this week. Mr. Tyndall stated that SB 169 amends the Retiree Health Care Act by increasing employer and employee rates. The employee increase will begin in FY17 from its current level of 1 percent to 1.375 percent over a three-year period. The employer increase will begin in FY17 from its current level of 2 percent to 2.75 percent over the same time frame (FY17 – FY19). Upon full implementation in FY19, an additional $45 million per year ($30 million from employers/$15 million from employees) will be directed to the Retiree Health Care Fund. Total recurring general fund impact will be approximately $15 million. Mr. Tyndall said SB 169, combined with other elements of the agency’s 5-year strategic plan, would ensure the program’s financial viability through 2040. [Mr. Johnson joined the proceedings.] b. Investment Policy Update Mr. Tyndall reviewed the Private Investment Pool Policy provided by the SIC. Mr. Tyndall stated that, in follow up to the Board’s approval in December of the revised asset allocation policy, the SIC would like the NMRHCA to attest to three things in order to participate in the SIC’s private investment pools: That the NMRHCA Board and its financial advisors: (i) have made an independent analysis of the Private Pool investments and, in so doing, (ii) have fully considered this policy as well as investment risks related to the Private Pools, and (iii) are not relying in any manner on the SIC or the SIC’s members, employees, managers, consultants, or agents. Mr. Baca asked for clarification about the NMRHCA’s approval process, i.e., would the Finance Committee approve the policy first and then send it to the Board. Mr. Crandall said the Finance & Investment Committee reviewed the asset allocation and gave approval before sending it to the Board in December. Mr. Tyndall said it was staff’s understanding that the Board’s December approval of the revised asset allocation, while not adopted as a resolution (the term used in the policy document), fulfilled New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 4 9 the requirements of the SIC policy. He said the information being attested to within the SIC policy was all part of the December vote. Mr. Baca said he wanted to be sure that there was transparency and proper reporting for the alternative investments, fees, and so forth. Mr. Tyndall stated that the JPA requires full transparency and full pass-through with regard to the NMRHCA’s portion of the fees for any particular pool. He added that the NMRHCA is not in a position to guarantee the degree of transparency the SIC has with its particular relationships, however. Board members noted that the Board unanimously approved on the revised asset allocation plan, as recommended by the Finance Committee and NEPC, at the December meeting, and that no further action would be necessary. c. December 2014 Investment Report Mr. Tyndall reported that the fund’s market value at December 31, 2014 was $393,831,237. d. Operational Updates Mr. Tyndall presented the 2nd Quarter FY 2015 Operational Update. Some highlights: -- NMRHCA managers and supervisors had a six-hour training session with the State Personnel Office’s training group. It was a very positive session. -- NMRHCA has committed to be one of the original participants in the NM Coalition for Healthcare Quality. Cost will be about $15,000. A lot of the group’s work will center around valuebased purchasing and payment reform with the provider community. -- On December 22, 2014, Express Scripts announced an update to its National Preferred Formulary to include access to Viekira Pak for the treatment of hepatitis C. Viekira Pak is clinically equivalent to Harvoni and Sovaldi. To date, the NMRHCA has spent about $3 million on hepatitis C treatment. -- Effective January 1, 2015, Viekira Pak became the exclusive option for patients with genotype 1 hepatitis C, regardless of symptoms or disease progression. At the same time, Sovaldi, Harvoni and Olysio became excluded from the National Preferred Formulary, although all three drugs will continue to be available for patients who have already begun treatment regimens. It is expected that Viekira will cost 20 to 30 percent less than what NMRHCA was paying for Sovaldi. -- In the 2nd quarter, NMRHCA experienced a 31 percent increase in call volume and 48 percent increase in the number of face-to-face transactions compared to the first quarter. This was driven by the switch enrollment period between October and mid November. -- Neil Kueffer has been hired as new Director of Product Development and Health Care Reform. New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 5 10 Mr. Tyndall reviewed the 2014-15 switch enrollment results, noting that over 70 percent of members are on a higher deductible option on the pre-Medicare plan. This says that, as people are retiring, they are choosing Premier rather than Premier Plus. The switch enrollment was successful, and trends continue that help improve the NMRHCA’s long-term viability. e. Wall St. Journal Editorial on Retiree Health Care Mr. Tyndall discussed an article in the January 15 Wall St. Journal, which reported that, based on a Standard & Poor’s study, underfunded healthcare obligations are now at about $1 trillion, and many cities and states are facing serious problems because of OPEB liabilities. While the article states that only 11 states have funded more than 10 percent of their retiree healthcare liabilities, the number of states has since increased to 12 with the addition of New Mexico. Mr. Tyndall commented that the NMRHCA Board has already incorporated several suggestions made in the article. He commended the Board on making some tough decisions as part of the strategic planning process. [Ms. Padilla-Jackson arrived at the meeting.] 9. LIFE INSURANCE RFP SELECTION Mr. Tyndall reported that, in response to the RFP that was issued in October 2014, proposals were submitted by Cigna, Dearborn, Hartford, Minnesota Life, Prudential, Standard and Voya. He said each of the four finalists made a presentation before the Evaluation Committee on January 15. Based on the composite scoring by the group as well as the finalist presentations, a selection has been made to provide Group Basic Life and Group Voluntary Life benefits for the NMRHCA. Mr. Tyndall said the State Purchasing Division is not ready to make the name of the awardee public until the contracts have been negotiated. NMRHCA staff would notify the Board of its selection upon final approval by the State Purchasing Division. Mr. Tyndall requested approval to enter into contract negotiations effective July 1, 2015. Mr. Johnson moved for approval. Ms. Padilla-Jackson seconded the motion. Treasurer Eichenberg commented that he assumed this was a quality-based selection, so questioned why the name of the awardee could not be made public. He said he thought the process in this case would be for the Board to select the person approved by the Evaluation Committee, allow the negotiations, and then vote to accept or not accept the negotiation result. Mr. Tyndall responded that he was following the direction of the State Purchasing Division. He noted that the procurement manager in this instance was the General Services Department, which preferred to go through State Purchasing for this procurement. Mr. Johnson commented that he was comfortable with this procedure, as it is exactly how Bernalillo County is required to operate under the State Procurement Code. Negotiation of a final contract is brought to the County Commission for approval, and the County is prohibited from New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 6 11 involving itself in negotiations with any potential vendor. He said any questions or concerns about something in a particular contract can be sent back to State Purchasing. Mr. Tyndall noted that NMRHCA Board members had been invited to participate as members of the selection committee in this procurement. Mr. Tyndall stated that this approval could be deferred until State Purchasing Division released the name of the awardee, if the Board preferred. The motioner and seconder indicated that they had no problem with moving forward with staff’s recommendations. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. 10. FY15 2ND QUARTER BUDGET REVIEW [Mr. Johnson left the meeting.] Mr. Archuleta presented this report. In comparing the budget to actual expenses, Mr. Archuleta noted that 53 percent has been collected and 46 percent spent midway through the fiscal year. He said NMRHCA could reasonably expect it would have sufficient budget authority to cover itself for the remainder of the fiscal year, barring a claim or two that could change that. Mr. Tyndall said NMRHCA anticipates about $37 million will be deposited in the investment account with the SIC by the end of the year, which is almost exactly the amount projected in the actuary’s solvency report. 11. FY16 LFC/DFA RECOMMENDATION COMPARISON Mr. Archuleta presented a background and overview of what the LFC and Executive recommendations were for FY16. Mr. Archuleta noted that, overall, the FY16 appropriation recommendations proposed by the LFC and Executive provide for a range of growth between 6.5 and 7.8 percent for the Healthcare Benefits Administration Program, with the LFC recommendation being greater. Mr. Archuleta stated that the budget scenario as recommended by the LFC provides NMRHCA with the greatest ability to accommodate projected revenues and expenditures for FY16, but the Executive recommendation provides for two additional FTE, which would be used to hire two customer service representatives. Mr. Archuleta noted that the Executive recommendation provides for almost $18 million in growth. However, growth last year was $20 million more than the previous year, so it would be difficult to live within that constraint this next year. The agency has people joining the Medicare Advantage plans, and there is a little less participation under the pre-Medicare plans as well; however, there is budget adjustment authority of up to 5 percent, which amounts to almost $15 million. As in past years, the agency can request additional budget adjustment authority depending on claim costs. New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 7 12 Mr. Archuleta commented that it is likely NMRHCA will receive the Executive recommendation. 12. DISPOSAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Mr. Archuleta referred to a list of equipment proposed for disposal. He commented that the list is long because no disposals have been made for about two years; however, staff plans to implement a schedule calling for disposals at least annually. Responding to Mr. Linton, Mr. Archuleta said the General Services Department was not interested in any items on the list. Mr. Archuleta asked for approval of the assets listed. Mr. Crandall moved for approval. Mr. Montaño seconded the motion, which passed unanimously by voice vote. [Ms. Goodwin and Ms. Padilla-Jackson were not present during the vote.] 13. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECURITY REVIEW IT Director Tomas Rodriguez reported that CAaNES has conducted an information security posture assessment, regulatory compliance mapping, and penetration testing of NMRHCA’s information security controls. Mr. Rodriguez stated that the overall results summary from CAaNES was as follows: “Overall, NMRHCA has good information security controls in place to protect its information technology assets and infrastructure. On the network, 4.45 vulnerabilities per host were identified, which is better than the average of 7.2 vulnerabilities per host across all CAaNES clients. This indicates that RHCA is less vulnerable than most organizations its size. The overall security rating of 7 out of 10 also compares favorably to the typical organization, most of which rate a 4 or 5 out of 10.” Mr. Rodriguez said he was pleased with these results. He commented that CAaNES was unable to penetrate NMRHCA’s network using common penetrating techniques; they were unable to crack the website or firewall, and were not able to penetrate other access points. Mr. Rodriguez discussed measures taken in the internal network to address problems identified by CAaNES. Mr. Rodriguez stated that, with just two IT staff members, it is a challenge to keep up with security updates, which come out at least once a week in identifying vulnerabilities. He added that, once a systems analyst is on board, he will be able to focus more attention on security updates. New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 8 13 14. DATE & LOCATION OF NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING March 3, 9:30 AM Alfredo Santistevan Board Room, 2nd Floor, Suite 207 4308 Carlisle Boulevard N.E. Albuquerque, NM 87107 15. OTHER BUSINESS Board members wished Mr. Archuleta a happy birthday. 16. ADJOURN Its business completed, the Board adjourned the meeting at 11:15 A.M. Tom Sullivan, President New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority: February 3, 2015 9 14 Consent Agenda (Action Item) Out-of-State Travel Request NMRHCA staff respectfully requests permission to attend the National Conference of the State and Local Government Benefits Association held on May 3 – 6 in Bonita Springs, FL. (see agenda on following page). Staff respectfully requests permission to attend the Express Scripts, Outcomes Symposium on May 12 – 14 in Orlando, FL. (agenda not yet available). Upcoming Board Member Professional Development Opportunities National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA) 2015 Annual Conference on August 1 – 5 in Monterey, CA. Registration opens April 2015. National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) 2015 Annual Conference and Exhibition held May 3 – 7 in New Orleans, LA. 15 2015 SALGBA Conference Agenda at a Glance Saturday, May 2, 2015 3:00pm-7:00pm--SALGBA Board Meeting Sunday, May 3, 2015 11:00am--Registration Open 8:00am-2:00pm--SALGBA Golf Tournament at Rapture Golf Course 8:30am-3:30pm--SALGBA Sunday Tour of Sanibel Island (meet in lobby) 4:45pm-5:15pm--SALGBA Board Reception (Invitation Only) 5:15pm-6:00pm--SALGBA Ambassador Reception (Invitation Only) 6:00pm-7:30pm--SALGBA Opening Night Networking Reception in Exhibit Hall Monday, May 4, 2015 NOTE: A conference namebadge is required for entry to all conference events! 6:30am7:15am 7:30am4:00pm 7:00am5:00pm 7:15am8:00am Interactive Wellness Registration Open Jurisdictional Lounge Open--(Jurisdicitonal Namebadge Required for Access) Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall 8:00am8:15am Welcome Pam Palmquist, SALGBA President and Jeff Havens, SALGBA's 2015 Emcee 8:15am8:30am Giving Back Delivering Grins presented by Scott Otto and sponsored by UHC Children's Foundation and UnitedHealthcare 8:30am9:30am Opening Keynote Elected Officials and Healthcare (Panel Moderated by Paul Campbell with UnitedHealthcare) 9:30am10:00am Break in Exhibit Hall & Delivering Grins 10:00am11:00am General Session Irresistible Forces and Immovable Objects: When Care and Budgets Collide — Dr. Steve Miller, Express Scripts Optimize Comprehensive Health Data to Improve Workforce Health, and Incentives that Drive Drive Educational Participation. Participation 11:15amValue Options: A 12:15pm Breakout Sessions Outcomes Purchasers Perspective that Drive Results What You Really Need to Know When Selecting a Specialty Pharmacy Partner Improving the Retiree Experience in Medicare Advantage Plans: Lessons Learned in Member Engagement Panel--David Hines, Metro Nashville School District Mark Saiz, City of Abuquerque, NM Brian Beasley, City of Farmers Jamie Wong, Lumicera Branch, TX Health Services Rae Godsey, Humana Jon Harris Sharipo Christine Brawn, State of Maine Lance Pendley, McGriff, Seibels & Williams Donna Hundley Mark Tyndall, State of New Mexico 12:30pm 1:45pm Lunch with Rex Havens presenting "One Big Happy Family" 1:45pm2:45pm Moving the Needle with Market Research: Challengin Employees to Share in Difficult Breakout Sessions Benefit Choices Managing Administrative Expenses for Public City of Fort Collins-Trend Management: Next Sector Health Benefit Capitalizing on a Culture of Generation Solutions to The Future of Programs Well-Being Lower Trend Retirement in America Dana Jepson, Employees Retirement System of Douglas Sherlock, Texas Sherlock Company Lynn Sanchez, City of Fort Collins, CO 2:45pm3:15pm Break in Exhibit Hall & Delivering Grins 3:30pm4:30pm Driving Financial and Smart Consumerism Predictive Analytics and Clinical Results With An Begins with Wiser Plan Patient Behavior – From Outcomes-Based Wellness Program Data to Engagement Breakout Sessions Selection Heidi Williams, Oregon Dr. Ken Yale, Educators Benefit Board ActiveHealthManagement John Carew, Karelia Health Jason Abaluck, Yale University 4:30pm5:00pm Giving Back Dr. Jane Barlow, CVS Health Cathie Eitelberg, Segal Consulting Current Issues in Pharmacy - Impact for Plan Sponsors Michael Petryna, Aetna Marilyn Hannan, Palm Beach County, FL Delivering Grins Finale Tuesday, May 5, 2015 1 16 6:30am7:15am 7:30am4:00pm 7:30am8:15am 7:00am5:00pm Interactive Wellness Registration Open Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall Jurisdictional Lounge Open (Jurisdicitonal Namebadge Required for Access) 8:15am9:15am General Session 9:15am10:15am Making Changes to a Large Plan--NC State Breakout Sessions Health Plan ACA Panel Discussion with Christina Nyquist, Aetna; Travis Smith, Foster & Foster; Kate Grangard, Gehring Group and moderated by Russ Dickhart, Aetna Influencing Choice through Transparency Caroline Smart, NC State Chet Loftis, Utah Public Health Plan for Teachers Employees' Health and State Employees Program Rick Johnson, Segal Consulting Navigating the Baby Boomer Exit--A Rational, Aligned HR & Benefits Approach Meeting the Challenge of Comparing State Retiree Speciality Pharmacy Cost Health Insurance Management Programs Across States Don Heilman, Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. Carol Bailey, TEAM Pharmacy Consulting Tom Weatherup, Truven Health Maria Schiff, Pew Charitable Trusts Luis Salaveria, State of Hawaii William Ashmore, State of Alabama 10:15am10:45am Break in Exhibit Hall 11:00amJumping into the VBID 12:00pm Breakout Sessions Pool Anne Timmons, State of Maryland Is a Private Health Care Exchange a Better Vendor Management Begins Increasing Consumerism Option to Deliver Health with the RFP--What Benefit in HealthCare – The Role Care Benefits Professionals Should Know of Pharmacy Robert Kelley, NC Office of Ben Pajak, Towers Watson State Human Resources Pani Tademeti, NC Michael Rea, Rx Savings Solutions Retirement Session TBA Neville Arjan, Findlay Davies 12:15pm1:30pm Awards Luncheon 1:45pm2:45pm General Session 2:45pm3:30pm Break in Exhibit Hall & Grand Prize Drawing 3:30pm5:30pm Roundtable Sessions-- 6:30pm9:30pm A Jurisdiction's Story of Health Care Plan Transformation Local Entities-Jurisdictional Attendees Only State Entities-Jurisdictional Attendees Associate Session-Associate Attendees Only Only Moderated by Baby Raley with the Town of Prosper, Texas (3:30pm-4:30pm)-Workplace Wellness Survey Results: What’s Happening, What’s Moderated by Denise Changing, and What’s Chapel with Missouri Consolidated Heath Care Working--Presented by Julie Stich, IFEBP Plan SALGBA Tuesday Evening Event Sponsored by CVS Health Wednesday, May 6, 2015 8:30am12:30pm 8:00am8:45am 9:00am10:00am SALGBA Informational Table Business Meeting SALGBA Jurisdictional Members Business Meeting/Breakfast General Session SALGBA Task Force on Best Practices, Moderated by Greg Brannan Jurisdictional Attendees attending this session will be entered to win a $500 scholarship towards the 2016 SALGBA Conference 10:15am11:15am General Session 2014 SALGBA Challenge Winners Presentation, Moderated by GOVERNING Jurisdictional Attendees attending this session will be entered to win a $500 scholarship towards the 2016 SALGBA Conference 11:30am12:30pm General Session 12:30pm State Benefit Comparison Research Outcomes--Research Project conducted by University of Missouri in partnership with SALGBA Grand Prize Drawing to Jurisdictional Attendee for $1000 Scholarship to attend 2016 SALGBA Conference in San Antonio, Texas (Must be present to win!) 12:45pm2:45pm Leadership Series Thinking for Success, Greg Brannan, Deer Oaks EAP Services (Box lunch served during session) Jurisdictional Attendees attending this session will be entered to win a $500 Scholarship towards the 2016 SALGBA Conference 2 17 Fiscal impact reports (FIRs) are prepared by the Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) for standing finance committees of the NM Legislature. The LFC does not assume responsibility for the accuracy of these reports if they are used for other purposes. Current and previously issued FIRs are available on the NM Legislative Website (www.nmlegis.gov) and may also be obtained from the LFC in Suite 101 of the State Capitol Building North. FISCAL SPONSOR REPORT 02/19/15 ORIGINAL DATE LAST UPDATED Kernan SHORT TITLE IMPACT HB Retiree Health Care Contribution Rates SB ANALYST 169 Hanika Ortiz REVENUE (dollars in thousands) FY17 Recurring or Nonrecurring Fund Affected $15,000.0 Recurring RHCA Fund Estimated Revenue FY15 FY16 ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL OPERATING BUDGET IMPACT (dollars in thousands) FY15 FY16 N/A N/A FY17 3 Year Total Cost Recurring or Nonrecurring Fund Affected $5,000.0 $5,000.0 Recurring GF $2,500.0 $2,500.0 Recurring OSF/FF $2,500.0 $2,500.0 Recurring Local Governments (Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases) SOURCES OF INFORMATION Responses Received From New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority (RHCA) New Mexico Municipal League (NMML) Department of Finance and Administration (DFA) SUMMARY Synopsis of Bill Senate Bill 169 amends the Retiree Health Care Act (Act) by increasing employee and employer contribution rates to the New Mexico Retiree Health Care Fund (Fund). The employee payroll contribution increases from 1 percent to 1.375 percent over a 3-year period, starting FY17. The employer contribution increases from 2 percent to 2.75 percent over this same period. 18 Senate Bill 169 – Page 2 FISCAL IMPLICATIONS RHCA reports upon full implementation in FY19, an additional $45 million per year ($30 million from employer and $15 million from employee contributions) will be directed to the Fund as compared to FY15. The recurring GF impact from employer increase is $15 million. A B C FY Employee Increase FY16 1.00% NA FY17 1.125% 0.125% FY18 1.250% 0.125% FY19 1.375% 0.125% 2015 Legislative Proposal D E F Employer Increase GF Impact 2.000% NA NA 2.250% 0.250% $5,000,000 2.500% 0.250% $5,000,000 2.750% 0.250% $5,000,000 G H Total RHCA Revenue NA NA 3.375% $15,000,000 3.750% $30,000,000 4.125% $45,000,000 Overall, net take home pay will be reduced $1.92 each pay period the first year, $3.84 the second year and $5.76 the third year for the average employee earning $40 thousand annually. RHCA reports that for every 0.375 increase in contributions, the period of time the program is expected to have a positive fund balance grows about 3 years while the year the program is expected to deficit spend is deferred about 2 years. SB 169, combined with other elements of the board’s 5-year plan to reduce spending, supports a positive fund balance through 2040. The proposed increase in the contribution rates for employers and employees from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019 is in addition to rate increases approved by the legislature back in 2009. The NMML reports the increase coupled with phasing out the hold harmless provision in FY16 may result in local governments increasing taxes at the local level or reducing services. SIGNIFICANT ISSUES DFA notes that non-salary benefits are a signficiant portion of total compensation received by state employees and are a greater percentage of the total compensation than is typically seen in other state governments and the private sector. Increases to non-salary benefits may come at the cost of salary increases and impede the state’s ability to compete with private sector salaries. As of June 30, 2014, the unfunded actuarial accrued liability (UAAL) is $3.4 billion, a decrease of $324 million from the 2012 valuation. The ratio of assets to liabilities increased to 10 percent, from 5 percent, while the annual required contribution decreased to $293 million, from $354 million. NMRHCA has a positive fund balance until 2033 with $400 million invested with SIC. OTHER SUBSTANTIVE ISSUES Nearly 100 thousand active government employees make payroll contributions to the program. WHAT WILL BE THE CONSEQUENCES OF NOT ENACTING THIS BILL The board may need to consider increasing the age to qualify for a health care premium subsidy to 60, eliminating pre-Medicare spousal subsidies, or migrating to a defined contribution plan. AHO/je/aml 19 20 NEW MEXICO RETIREE HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY CHANGE IN NET ASSET VALUE FOR THE MONTH ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 Large Cap Active Market Value December 31, 2014 $61,384,272.12 Core Plus Bonds $128,847,613.59 Large Cap Index $61,363,179.89 Non U.S. Developed $55,293,919.89 Non U.S. Emerging Mid/Small Cap Total $41,779,370.96 $45,162,881.48 $393,831,237.94 Prior Month Adjustment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Contributions 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Distributions/Withdrawals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fees Income Earned Capital Appreciation/Depreciation Market Value January 31, 2015 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,305.70 382,413.52 1,359.03 26,016.52 46,625.57 11,269.49 499,989.83 266,358.37 (41,836.87) (1,288,450.39) $60,128,127.43 2,023,553.42 $131,253,580.53 (1,691,201.22) $59,673,337.71 $55,586,294.79 $41,784,159.65 (2,113,145.58) $43,061,005.40 (2,844,722.28) $391,486,505.50 21 NEW MEXICO RETIREE HEALTH CARE AUTHORITY PORTFOLIO ALLOCATION FOR THE MONTH ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 Investment Equity Domestic Large Cap Active Large Cap Index Mid/Small Cap Policy Range 60,128,127.43 59,673,337.71 43,061,005.40 15% 15% 11% 42% 12.5% 12.5% 10% 35% 20-30% 55,586,294.79 41,784,159.65 15% 10% 25% 15% 15% 30% 10-20% 10-20% 131,253,580.53 34% 34% 35% 35% 30-40% 391,486,505.50 100% 100% Market Value $ International Non US Developed Emerging Markets Fixed Income Core Plus Bonds Total % of Total Long-term Target $ 5-15% 22 March 4, 2015 Barbara Serna, Bataan Memorial Building 407 Galisteo Street Santa Fe, NM 87501 Re: Request Permission to Submit Request for Proposals – General Legal Counsel 34300 Dear Ms. Serna, The New Mexico Retiree Health Care Authority (NMRHCA) is requesting permission from your agency to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for General Legal Counsel. This request is made per SBD Policy Memo #FY10-007 “Professional Services RFP Procurement Prior Approvals”. The scope of work will request the following services – NMRHCA seeks attorneys to perform General Counsel Services on behalf of the Board of Directors and agency. The bidder will be expected to provide general legal services including, but not limited to, the following functions: a. Provide counsel on governance and policy matters including interpretation of laws, statutes, and rules of federal and state governmental entities that may affect NMRHCA and its relationship with NMRHCA members institutions and retirees. b. Provide legal advice on matters ranging from benefits-related insurance matters, insurance policy interpretations, contractual matters involving the NMRHCA, as well as provide services of a general legal nature, including personnel matters. Legal advice includes providing the Board with opinions, memoranda and direction on legal issues pertaining to the NMRHCA. c. Attend Board meetings and other meetings as requested by the Executive Director or the Chairman of the Board of Directors. d. Oversee, from a legal perspective, the operation of the NMRHCA’s insurance programs and the activities of the contracted entities acting on behalf of the NMRHCA. e. Draft and/or review contracts, including insurance policies and contracts for services. f. Draft, review, and revise NMRHCA rules and regulations in accordance with the guidelines promulgated by the Commission of Records and Archives and other applicable governmental agencies. g. Interpret state and federal regulations that govern personnel actions, including Human Resources Development and Equal Employment Opportunity Council issues, and represent NMRHCA in personnel issues and disputes. The evaluation criteria for the RFP are as follows: 1. Experience in health insurance related matters, employee benefits, contract issues, and personnel issue resolution etc. (35 points) 2. Experience with administrative proceedings, state boards, and government agencies (15 points) 23 3. Hourly attorney rates and costs attributable to other personnel and functions which will be paid by NMRHCA (35 points) 4. Interview with selection committee (15 points) The evaluation committee will consist of the following staff: Mark Tyndall, Executive Director, David Archuleta, Deputy Director and Debbie Vering, Chief Financial Officer. Board Members: xxx and xxx. Please call me at 505-490-0519 if you have any questions. Sincerely, David Archuleta Deputy Director 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Healthcare Benefits Administration Program FY15 Contract Amendments (Action Item) The FY15 compensation associated with several of the contracts listed below was determined in May 2014, based upon projected participation and claim costs combined with limitations associated with the 50 Percent Rule. In December 2014, several contracts including Blue Cross & Blue Shield and Presbyterian (Pre-Medicare and Supplement Plan), Express Scripts and United Concordia were amended to reflect on the ongoing business activities related to the second half of the fiscal year. As the agency approaches the end of FY15, additional adjustments will need to be made in order to reflect growth in participation as well as the rates approved for the Medicare Advantage contracts effective January 1, 2015. Approval of these amendments will leave $7,295,845 unencumbered and available to accommodate anticipated adjustments to the remaining self-funded contracts prior to the end of FY15. FY15 Approved/Adjusted Operating Budget Contract BCBS Presbyterian Non-Medicare Medicare Advantage BCBS - Medicare Advantage United Health Care Express Scripts United Concordia Delta Standard Davis Vision Total Unencumbered Balance $272,085,845 * Amount Encumbered YTD Expended 24-Feb Contract Balance Percent Remaining Proposed Amendment $108,975,000 $65,902,984 $43,072,016 39.5% TBD $37,025,000 $6,500,000 $3,500,000 $1,500,000 $75,000,000 $10,500,000 $6,500,000 $11,150,000 $2,000,000 $24,119,967 $4,517,669 $2,300,408 $1,073,875 $44,078,445 $6,548,825 $4,504,903 $6,900,465 $1,292,528 $12,905,033 $1,982,331 $1,199,592 $426,125 $30,921,555 $3,951,175 $1,995,097 $4,249,535 $707,472 34.9% 30.5% 34.3% 28.4% 41.2% 37.6% 30.7% 38.1% 35.4% TBD $825,000 $285,000 $465,000 TBD $0 $565,000 $0 $0 $262,650,000 $161,240,069 $101,409,931 38.6% $2,140,000 $9,435,845 $9,435,845 $9,435,845 100.0% $7,295,845 *Amount includes BAR transferring $36,155 to other category Conclusion: NMRHCA staff respectfully requests approval to amend the existing agreements between Presbyterian Health Plan (Medicare Advantage), Blue Cross & Blue Shield (Medicare Advantage), United Health Care (Medicare Advantage) and Delta Dental indicated above totaling $2,140,000. 34
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