Tallangatta Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc. Inc. Established 1896 Presents Tallangatta’s 119th Annual Show HORSE SCHEDULE Friday 6th & Saturday 7th March 2015 GENERAL ADMISSION TO SHOW FRIDAY FRIDAY EVENING SATURDAY 6pm onward $10 Adult (Over 18yrs) Adult $5 Adult (Over 18yrs) $20 Family 2 adults/2 children Family (Over 18yrs) $10 2 adults/2 children $5 Children unaccompanied Children Family $20 2 adults/2 children $2 unaccompanied Family Weekend Pass - $10 Children $5 unaccompanied 2 adults/2 children $30 $15 Single Weekend Pass Child Weekend Pass – unaccompanied – under 15 years old Annual Senior Society Membership $5 $30 st Due 31 January - free entry to Show for member and one guest Annual Junior Society Membership $20 (16 yrs and under) Exhibitors of cattle classes must be current financial members of Tallangatta Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc. Membership includes Show admission and event entry. Hoof & Carcass exhibitors must be current financial members of Tallangatta Agricultural & Pastoral Society Inc. Membership includes Show admission. Event entries must be paid GENERAL INFORMATION All events will stop for THE GRAND PARADE which will be run at 3.30pm on Saturday. No exhibits to be removed or prize money dispersed before 4.30pm. CONTACT DETAILS: President: Roger Lees (02) 60713330 Postal Address: PO Box 101 Tallangatta, 3700 Email : polarpaws@hotmail.com.au Regulations and By-Laws OBJECTS OF THE TALLANGATTA AGRICULTURAL & PASTORAL SOCIETY The object of the Society shall be to encourage the development of pastoral, agricultural and horticultural pursuits, by means of periodical exhibitions, of which prizes, or certificates of merit shall be awarded for superiority in all descriptions of livestock, agricultural, dairying and horticultural products, farming implements and machinery and other manufacturers of this and other States of the Commonwealth, and for such handiwork as the Committee may deem desirable. In furtherance of the objects of the Society, a correspondence and friendly intercourse will be encouraged with kindred societies in the Australian Commonwealth and other countries. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. BY- LAWS At all meetings of the Committee or at any other meeting of the Society, the chair shall be taken by the President, or, in his absence, by one of the VicePresidents, or by one of the Committee in the event of their absence. All matters discussed by the Committee shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members present, the Chairman to have a casting vote besides his vote as a Member of the Committee. The duties of the Secretary shall be to receive all moneys on account of the Society; and to hand them to the Treasurer within seven days of receipt; to produce all vouchers or other documents when required; to attend all meeting of Committee and Members and keep a Minute Book of the proceedings; to carefully keep and produce when required all correspondence, papers and other documents in connection with the Society; and in all matters connected with the Society to act according to the instructions of the Committee. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to deposit all moneys received on account of the Society to the credit of the same in a bank appointed by management. All moneys paid on account of the Society shall be by cheque of a bank, such cheque to be signed by any two of the President, Treasurer or Secretary. The Annual Subscription to the Society shall be due on the 31st January In the event of a protest, any protest made should be lodged with the Secretary at the Secretary’s Office with a deposit of fifty dollars. Protests will be considered and dealt with by the committee following the Show. If a protest is lost, the deposit paid will be forfeited. Horses Affiliated with Equestrian Australia ALL ENTRIES TAKEN ON THE DAY ALL HACKS MUST BE MEASURED STEWARDS ARE EMPOWERED TO ALTER THE PROGRAMME AND DELETE CLASSES IF NECESSARY ALL ENTRIES ARE $3 PER HORSE PER CLASS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED COMPETITION COMMENCES AT 9AM IN ALL RINGS ENTRIES IN RINGS 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 MUST PARADE IN THE GRAND PARADE PRIOR TO THE PAYMENT OF ANY PRIZE MONEY All riders riding a horse at an EA or affiliate event, must wear protective headgear to the current Australian, European, or American Standard. The retaining harness must be secured and fastened at all times. Riders without approved headgear shall be ineligible to compete until rectified. This rule applies to all events not just under age competition. Judging will proceed after two calls unless the Chief Steward is notified. Stallions permitted- must be restrained at all times. Ponies, Galloways or Hacks measured on request of direction of the Stewards. All horses that have won a prize must enter the Grand Parade or will forfeit Prize Money. All horses to assemble at 3.15pm for the Grand Parade. No Prize Money before completion of Grand Parade Classification of Hacks prior to judging Age of horses date from August 1. Measuring Steward: Mr Leo Kirk Ribbons awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd (unless specified) Horse entry money includes insurance. All exhibitors will be required to complete and sign waiver form at horse ticket office (green shed located on arena) prior to competing. TALLANGATTA SHOW SOCIETY TAKES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ALL SPONSPORS FOR THEIR SUPPORT All enquiries regarding the Horse Program - TBA Show Jumping Schedule Enquiries: Mr Roger Lees Ph: 0427 712 297 or 02) 6071 3330 All Showjumping entries via www.globalentriesonline.com.au/ Entries close on March 3rd 2015. Payment on the day except show jumping. Ring 1 Judge: TBA Entry $3: 1st Prize $10; 2nd $5 Ribbons to 3rd RING 1 - HACKS NOTE: Hacks are ineligible to compete for placing’s in Hunter classes Hunters are ineligible to compete for placing’s in Hack classes 1. Smartest on parade 16yrs and over. 2. Lady rider 16yrs and under 21. 3. Lady rider 21 and over 4. Gentleman rider 16yrs and over 5. District rider over 16yrs. Champion / Reserve Champion Rider 6. Led hack over 15hh ne 15.2hh 7. Led hack 15.2hh ne 16hh 8. Led hack over 16hh. Champion / Reserve Led Hack 9. Novice ridden hack over 15hh 10. Ridden hack 15hh ne 15.2hh 11. Ridden hack 15.2hh ne 16hh 12. Ridden hack 16hh and over. Champion / Reserve Champion Hack 13. Led hunter ne 12hh 14. Led hunter 12.hh ne 13.hh 15. Led hunter 13.hh ne 14.hh Champion/ Reserve Led Small Hunter 16. Led hunter 14hh ne 14.2hh 17. Led hunter over 14.2hh ne 15hh Champion/ Reserve Led Galloway Hunter 18. Led Hunter 15hh ne 16hh 19. Led Hunter 16hh and over Champion /Reserve Champion Led Hunter. 20. Novice ridden hunter. 21. Ridden hunter under 12hh 22. Ridden hunter 12hh ne 13hh 23. Ridden hunter 13hh ne 14.hh Champion And Reserve Champion Hunter Pony 24. Ridden hunter 14hh ne 14.2hh 25. Ridden hunter over 14.2hh ne 15hh. Champion / Reserve Ridden Hunter Galloway 26. Ridden hunter over 15hh ne 15.2hh 27. Ridden Hunter over 15.2 ne 16hh 28. Ridden hunter over 16hh Champion And Reserve Champion Ridden Hunter Hack SUPREME RIDDEN OPEN EXHIBIT Ring 2 Judge: TBA Entry $3: 1st Prize $10; 2nd $5 Ribbons to 3rd RING 2 - GALLOWAYS 1. Smartest on parade 12yrs and under 16yrs 2. Rider 12yrs and under 14 yrs 3. Rider 14yrs and under 16yrs Champion/Reserve Champion Rider Under 16yrs 4. Led Galloway 14hh ne 14.2hh 5. Led Galloway 14.2hh ne 15hh Champion/Reserve Champion Led Galloway 6. Novice ridden Galloway ne 15hh 7. Galloway 14hh ne 14.2hh 8. Galloway 14.2hh ne 15hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Galloway ALL CHAMPION RIDDEN OPEN ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SUPREME RIDDEN OPEN EXHIBIT RING 2 - GOOD HANDS QUALIFYING RIDING COMPETITION For Boys & Girls 12yrs & under 15yrs The winners are eligible to compete at the Royal Melbourne Show 1st Prizes: R.A.S. Certificate- Not Entry Fee First R.A.S. Certificate. Competitors taking part in “Good Hands” Competition must ride in a snaffle. Competition will be judged solely on riding ability. Special attention will be paid to hands and seat, general management and control of horse or pony. Entry is free and made by lining up for parading when required. Ring 2 – PINTO No prize money for these events Sponsored by Victorian Pinto Society Inc. Entries must be registered with society except classes 16 and 17 9. Led young stock Pinto 10. Led pinto stallion/colt 11. Led pinto mare/filly 12. Led gelding. Champion/Reserve Champion Led Pinto 13. Ridden pinto stallion 14. Ridden pinto mare 15. Ridden pinto gelding Champion/Reserve Ridden Pinto 16. Led non registered pinto male 17. Led non registered pinto female Champion And Reserve Champion Non Registered Pinto ALL CHAMPION RIDDEN FROM THE BREED AND COLOUR SECTIONS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SUPREME RIDDEN BREED EXHIBIT. RING 2 – AUSTRALIAN MINIATURE PONY SOCIETY Sponsored By FloJoh Miniature Ponies 18. Led stallion 19. Led mare 20. Led gelding 21. Led young stock Champion/Reserve Led Australian Miniature Pony (AMPS Inc) Team Yarding and Snaffle Bit Cutting Competition Nomination forms will be available early February For more information please contact Upper Murray Horseman’s Association Team Yarding Coordinators: Faye Olsson: 0428 267 380 Penny Wallace: 0419 963 020 Building Permits & Inspections KWA Building Permits & Inspections Suite 1, 356 Main Street, Mornington 3931 P 1300 592 737 F 03 5977 1927 E info@kwabuildingpermits.com.au www.kwabuildingpermits.com.au WE ISSUE BUILDING PERMITS FOR ANYTHING THAT NEEDS A BUILDING PERMIT. STABLES, HOUSES, HAY SHEDS, INDOOR ARENAS, FACTORIES AND THE LIST GOES ON, THROUGHOUT MOST OF VICTORIA. Ring 3 Judge: TBA Entry $3: 1st Prize $5; 2nd $2 Ribbons to 3rd RING 3 - PONIES 1. Smartest on parade 12ys and under 2. Rider under 6 yrs maybe led. 3. Rider 6yrs & under 8yrs 4. Rider 8yrs and under 10yrs 5. Rider 10 yrs and under 12 yrs. Champion/Reserve Champion Rider Under 12 yrs 6. Led pony ne 12hh 7. Led pony 12hh ne 13hh 8. Led pony 13hh ne 14hh Champion/Reserve Champion Led Pony 9. Novice pony ne 14hh. 10. Pony 12hh and under 11. Pony 12hh ne 12.hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Small Pony 12. Pony 12.2hh ne 13hh 13. Pony 13hh ne 13.2hh 14. Pony 13.2hh ne 14hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Large Pony ALL CHAMPION RIDDEN OPEN ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SUPREME RIDDEN OPEN EXHIBIT RING 3 - SHETLANDS Sponsored by Wiligo Miniatures 15. Led Shetland male ne 8.2hh 16. Led Shetland female ne 8.2hh Champion/Reserve Champion Small Shetland 15. Led Shetland male 8.2hh ne 10.2hh 16. Led Shetland female 8.2hh ne 10.2hh Champion/Reserve Champion Large led Shetland 17. Ridden Shetland male 18. Ridden Shetland female Champion/Reserve Ridden Shetland WINNER OF RIDDEN SHETLAND IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE SUPREME RIDDEN BREED EXHIBIT RING 3 – MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND (M&M) CLASSES. Any Australian Pony Stud Book (APSB) Registered Breed Sponsored by Cataraqui Welsh Cobs No prize money for these events 19. Led male 20. Led female 21. Led Young stock Champion/Reserve Champion Led Mountain and Mooreland 22. Ridden Male 23. Ridden Female Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Mountain and Mooreland CHAMPION RIDDEN M&M IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE SUPREME RIDDEN BREED EXHIBIT Ring 3 Cont’d RING 3 - ARABIANS Sponsored By Antipodean WarmBloods Kaferthal Arabians 24. Led purebred Arab male 25. Led purebred Arab female 26. Led purebred Arab gelding Champion/Reserve Champion Purebred Arab 27. Led derivative male 28. Led Derivative Female 29. Led Derivative gelding Champion/Reserve Champion Led Derivative Supreme Led of Arabian Breeding Garland Sponsored by Helen Hadfield. 30. Ridden purebred male 31. Ridden purebred female 32. Ridden purebred gelding Champion/Reserve Champion Purebred Ridden 33. Ridden Derivative male 34. Ridden Derivative female Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Derivative 35. Costume Adult 36. Costume Youth Champion/Reserve Champion Costume Garland Sponsored by Helen Hadfield. CHAMPIONS ELIGIBLE FOR SUPREME RIDDEN BREEDS www.freereinequestrian.com.au 3405 Murray Valley Hwy, Bonegilla, VIC, 3691 02 6020 6060 0428 268 411 Ring 4 – Second Chance Ring Judge: TBA Entry $3: No prize money for these events - Ribbons to 3rd RING 4 – SECOND CHANCE RING 1. Ridden Hunter ne 12hh 2. Ridden Hunter 12hh ne 13hh 3. Ridden Hunter 13hh ne 14hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Small Hunter 4. Ridden Hunter 14hh ne 14.2hh 5. Ridden Hunter 14.2hh ne 15hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Galloway Hunter 6. Ridden Hunter 15hh ne 15.2hh 7. Ridden Hunter 15.hh and over Champion/Reserve Champion Large Ridden Hunter 8. Ridden Open Pony ne 12hh 9. Ridden Open Pony 12hh ne 13hh 10. Ridden Open Pony 13hh ne 14hh Champion/Reserve Champion Open Pony 11. Ridden Open Galloway 14hh ne 14.2hh 12. Ridden Open Galloway 14.2hh ne 15hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Open Galloway 13. Ridden Open Hack 15hh ne 15.2hh 14. Ridden Open Hack 15.2hh ne 16hh 15. Ridden open Hack 16hh and over Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Open Hack RING 4 – WELSH PONIES AND COBS No prize money for these events Sponsored by Moondyne Pony Stud Led Welsh Mountain Pony Section A 16. Led welsh mountain female. 17. Led welsh mountain male Champion/Reserve Champion Led Welsh Mountain Pony Section A Led Welsh Pony Section B 18. Led welsh pony female 19. Led welsh pony male Champion/Reserve Champion Led Welsh Pony Section B Led Cob 20. Led welsh cob C/D female 21. Led welsh cob C/D male Champion/Reserve Champion Led C & D Cob 22. Partbred ne 12hh any sex 23. Partbred 12.2hh and over any sex. Champion/Reserve Champion Led Part Bred Ridden Welsh 24. Ridden Stallion of any section 25. Ridden mare or gelding of any section Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Welsh Any Section ALL CHAMPION RIDDEN WELSH ARE ELIGIBLE FOR SUPREME RIDDEN BREED EXHIBIT Ring 5 Judge: TBA Entry $3: Prizes 1st $5, 2nd $3, ribbons to 3rd ALL HORSES MUST BE REGISTERED AND RIDERS MUST BE BREED MEMBERS. REGISTRATION PAPERS & MEMBERSHIP CARDS TO BE PRODUCED ON REQUEST RING 5 – AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSES (ASH) Sponsored by The Last Tangle Led: 1. Led Male 2. Led Mare Champion/Reserve Champion Led ASH 3. Ridden Ash 3 years & under 4. Ridden Male 5. Ridden Female Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden ASH Working Events: 6. Working Male 7. Working Female 8. Junior Rider /working 17 years & under Champion/Reserve Champion Working ASH RING 5 – AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL SADDLEHORSE ASSOCIATION (ANSA) Sponsored by ANSA 9. Led ANSA Stallion 10. Led ANSA Mare 11. Led ANSA Gelding Champion/Reserve Champion Led ANSA 12. Ridden ANSA 14hh ne 15hh 13. Ridden ANSA 15hh ne 16hh 14. Ridden ANSA over 16hh Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden ANSA RING 5 - PAINTS Sponsored By Mandi Williams 15. Led paint male 16. Led paint female 17. Led paint bred any sex. Champion/Reserve Paint Or Paint Bred RING 5 - QUARTER HORSES (QH) Sponsored by Chenay Collins Australian Quarter Horse Association (No prize money) 18. Led QH male 19. Led QH female Champion/Reserve Champion Led QH 20. Ridden male 21. Ridden female Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden QH Ring 5 Cont’d RING 5 - DILUTES Sponsored By Dilutes Australia Palomino 22. Led palomino stallion/colt 23. Led palomino mare/filly 24. Led palomino gelding. Champion/Reserve Champion Led Palomino Buckskin/Dun 25. Led buckskin stallion/colt 26. Led buckskin mare/filly 27. Led buckskin gelding. Champion/Reserve Champion buckskin 28. Led any other dilute male 29. Led any other dilute female 30. Led roan any sex Champion/Reserve any Other Dilute Ridden Colours 31. Ridden paint. 32. Ridden paint bred 33. Ridden palomino 34. Ridden buckskin 35. Ridden roan 36. Ridden any other dilute Champion/Reserve Champion Ridden Colour ALL CHAMPIONS FROM EACH RIDDEN BREED SECTION ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE SUPREME RIDDEN BREED EXHIBIT Ring 6 - Fun Ring Approx. 10am Entry $1.00 per entry. All entrants receive a ribbon Casual dress - Safety gear must be worn Sections 1/6 for riders not competing in rings 1 & 2 Sections 7/12 open to all riders. 1. Best Presented Boy Handler 2. Best Presented Girl Handler 3. Boy or Girl rider under 6 4. Boy or Girl rider 6 & under 8 years 5. Rider 8 and under 10 years 6. Rider 10 yrs and under 16 years 7. Adult & Child Pairs 8. Fattest Pony 9. Pony with Longest Tail 10. School Pony 2 or more riders 11. Fancy Dress any age 12. Consolation Rider for any rider not winning a ribbon Understanding the needs of families of Wodonga- Albury and surrounding areas. Chapel and function Room available. 6024 1093 24 HOURS – 7 DAYS 20 South Street Wodonga, Victoria 3690 Email: conways1@bigpond.net.au LEIGH FAHEY Fencing, Landscaping & Handyman Needs ABN 2992 6229 863 P: 02) 6071 2389 M: 0418 712 389 PO Box 73, Tallangatta VIC 3700 STALLION SPONSORS Jirrima Performance Horses Pam Haysom ‘ Pam Christie Lindsay Bromfield Sylvandale Performance Horses www.glenaraparkhorses.com Mayfield Farm Isle Of Wight Cornella Stud Adam Johnson Johnson Section 55Show Jumping Course Builders: Thursday & Friday: Mr Roger Lees Saturday: Mr Graeme Crawshaw E.A AFFILIATED SOCIETY, All Horses and Riders in all events must be registered with the E.A. unless noted otherwise Prize money as indicated. RIBBONS 1st, 2nd & 3rd NO PRIZE MONEY PAID WITHOUT PERFORMANCE CARDS CHIEF STEWARD: Mr Roger Lees Ph: 0427 712 297 All entries via www.globalentriesonline.com.au/ Entries close on March 2nd 2015 Camping $10 per night All yarding must be to current EA Standards, horses may compete in 3 events per day. Thursday 5th March, commencing 8am: Today’s Program Sponsored by: The Haire Truck and Bus Repair Company, Enzed, Beaurepaires, JC Butko Engineering, Stewart Tracy Mylon, Gilly’s Steel. Free service fee prizes are inclusive of “Service Fee” only. All associated costs including but not limited to, vet fees, transport, agistment, collection fees are the responsibility of the mare owner. Event 1: 70cm, Article 274 5.6 Entry Fee - $7 st nd rd th 1 $30 2 $20 3 $10 4 $5 Event 2: 80cm, Article 274 5.6 Entry Fee - $7 1st $30 2nd $20 3rd $10 4th $5 Event 3: 90cm, Article 274 5.6 Entry Fee - $7 st nd rd th 1 $35 2 $25 3 $15 4 $5 Event 4: 1.05m, Article 274 5.6 Entry Fee - $10 st nd rd th 1 $100* 2 $70 3 $50 4 $20 *Plus free service fee to “Glenara Renegade” Event 5: 1.15m – 1.20m, Article 274 5.6 Entry Fee - $15 Sponsored by Ledger Racing New Water Walker 1st $150* 2nd $90 3rd $60 4th $20 *Plus free service fee to “Our Peace Officer” Friday 6th March, commencing 8am: Event 6: 90cm, Article 238 2.1 1st $35 2nd $25 3rd $15 4th $5 Event 7: 1.05m U20 Points, Article 238 2.2 Entry Fee - $7 Sponsored by Leigh Fahey Fencing Entry Fee - $12 1st 2nd 3rd 4th $120* $80 $50 $20 *Plus free service fee to “Stars & Stripes” Event 8: 1.15m – 1.20m, Article 238 2.2 Entry Fee - $17 Sponsored by Murrumbidgee Rural traders Pty Ltd 1st $170 * 2nd $120 3rd $70 4th $30 *Plus free service fee to “Belcam Coalac” Event 9: 1.30m, Article 238 2.2 Entry Fee - $25 Sponsored by KWA Building Permits and Inspections 1st $250* 2nd $170 3rd $110 *Plus free service fee to “Renegade Z” 4th $70 5th $30 Friday night commencing 5.00pm: Event 10: 1.25m Article 239 Speed Championship Entry Fee $25 Sponsored by John Hossack Funeral Services and Free Rein Equestrian Supplies 1st $300* 2nd $200 3rd $100 4th $50 *Plus free service fee to “Somerset D’Isle” (Sire – Diarado, Dam Sire – Balou Du Rouet) 5th $25 Saturday March 7th, commencing 8am: POINT SCORE JACKPOT Prizes to and 2nd. Prize Money to be advised Corryong- Jingellic- Tallangatta 1st Conditions: HORSES MUST COMPETE AT ALL SHOWS Points: 1st- 5, 2nd- 3, 3rd- 2, 4th- 1 Junior events do not count. To be presented at Group Annual Dinner $200 proudly sponsored by Olssons Event 11: 80cm, Article 238 2.1 1st $40 2nd $20 3rd $10 Event 12: Junior U18, Article 238 2.2 Entry fee - $7 4th $5 Sponsored by Mr Lang Peterkin 1st 2nd 3rd Entry Fee - $5 4th $50 $30 $20 Event 13: 1.20m – 1.25m, Article 238 2.2 $10 Entry Fee - $20 Sponsored by The Prichard family 1st 200* 2nd $150 3rd $80 4th $30 *Plus free service to “Woodleigh Don Juan” Event 14: 1.30m – 1.35m, Article 238 2.2 5th $20 Entry Fee - $20 Sponsored by The Lime Connection 1st $220* 2nd $180 3rd $100 4th $50 *Plus free service fee to “Mayfield Pzazz” Event 15: 1.05m, Article 274 5.6 5th $20 Entry Fee - $10 Sponsored by Flippin’ Fresh Seafood 1st $100* 2nd $70 3rd $50 4th $20 *Plus free service to “Isle Of Invercargill” Event 16: 11.10m – 1.15m, Article 274 5.6 Entry Fee - $15 Sponsored by Conway Funeral Homes 1st $150* 2nd $90 3rd $60 4th $30 *Plus free service fee to “Weltmeyer” ***Competition will stop for the Grand Parade at 3.30pm*** Pre – arranged funeral plans Spacious chapel Fully serviced function room 24 hour service Four close locations: Holbrook 6041 3855 Corryong 6076 2022 Albury 6041 3855 Howlong 6041 3855 Proud sponsors of the Tallangatta Show 435 Wilson Street Albury www.hossackfunerals.com.au THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING SPONSORS: The Prichard Family Mr Lang Peterkin Section 66- Sporting Horse Events – Ring 5 PLEASE NOTE: All events are run under the Rules & Regulations of the Sporting Horse Association (S.H.A) Chief Steward: Mr. L. Kirk Steward: Mr. X. Kirk Sporting Horse Entries Taken at Horse Event Office, Between 11am and 12pm Events start at 1pm 1. Local Barrel Race – entry $2 1st $8; 2nd $4; 3rd $2, 4th $1 2. Under 14yrs Barrel Race – entry $2 1st $8; 2nd $4; 3rd $2, 4th $1 3. Under 17yrs Barrel Race – entry $3 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $5, 4th $2 4. Open Barrel Race – entry $5 1st $50; 2nd $25; 3rd $15, 4th $10 5. Local Bending Race – entry $2 1st $8; 2nd $4; 3rd $2, 4th $1 6. Under 14yrs Bending Race – entry $2 1st $8; 2nd $4; 3rd $2, 4th $1 7. Under 17yrs Bending Race – entry $3 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $5, 4th $2 8. Open Bending Race – entry $5 1st $50; 2nd $25; 3rd $15, 4th $10 9. Local Stake Race – entry $2 1st $8; 2nd $4; 3rd $2, 4th $1 10. Under 14yrs Stake Race – entry $2 1st $8; 2nd $4; 3rd $2, 4th $1 11. Under 17yrs Stake Race – entry $3 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $5, 4th $2 12. Open Stake Race – entry $5 1st $50; 2nd $25; 3rd $15, 4th $10 13. Local Flag Race – entry $2 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $5, 4th $2 14. Under 14yrs Flag Race – entry $2 1st $15; 2nd $10; 3rd $5, 4th $2 15. Under 17yrs Flag Race – entry $5 1st $25; 2nd $15; 3rd $10, 4th $5 16. Open Flag Race – entry $10 1st $100; 2nd $50; 3rd $25, 4th $15 EFTPOS & Credit Cards Welcome. Contact Neville Green Mobile- 0416267485 Fax-026061009272 email -neville.green@flippinfresh.com.au LILYDALE AGLIME GALONG AGLIME MAGLIME DOLOMITE Stafford Anderson Bulk Fertilizer & Lime Spreading Facility MURRAY GOULBURN TRADING P/L 19 Kiewa East Road, Kiewa, Victoria, 3691, Australia Phone: (02) 60273027 Fax: (02) 6027 3028 Mobile :0427 261 125 ................................................................................................... THANK YOU FOR YOUR SPONSORSHIP MURRUMBIDGEE RURAL TRADERS PTY LTD FOREST HILL, NSW 0429208699 Tallangatta Show Results Results 2014 RIDER/HANDLER HORSE EVENT RESULT
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