S e n i o r S e r v i c e s , I n c . o f W i c h i t a The Compass Life’s Directions MARCH 2015 ROVING PANTRY EXPANDS SERVICES TO BEL AIRE RESIDENTS. Roving Pantry is a grocery shopping and delivery program operated by Senior Services, Inc. of W ichita. The program takes grocery orders over the phone, then shops for and delivers those groceries to people who are age 60+ and who cannot easily go to the store and shop for themselves. The program currently delivers as far north as the 3400 block of North Woodlawn and realized those routes could be extended to serve the residents of Bel Aire. “We know the need is out there,” said Opal Smith, program coordinator, “In the past we really haven’t had the funds needed to expand. Now we see that we can provide our service to the closest surrounding communities.” The service is a key component for Senior Services’ efforts to meet the nutritional needs of the homebound populations of Wichita. When a participant couples the Roving Pantry service with Meals on Wheels, Senior Services is then able to meet all nutritional needs for that individual. Proper nutrition helps reduces the need for placement in a state funded nursing facility. “I couldn’t live by myself without it,” said Wichitan Lola Squires, who has used the Roving Pantry for about two years, “I don’t have anybody to buy groceries for me so I really appreciate the Roving Pantry.” Customers pay for the food and other items they order. There is no charge for the delivery but donations are encouraged. Participants place grocery orders a couple of days in advance of their scheduled delivery. Participants then pay for their groceries at the time of delivery. The service can be utilized on a temporary or permanent basis. If you or someone you know would benefit from the Roving Pantry, please call 267-4378. Senior Services, Inc. enrolled in the Dillons Community Rewards program. Dillons will give out up to $500,000 each quarter to various charities. Nonprofits receive money based on the quarterly spending of the customers who pick them. It’s EASY! Go to the Dillons website, select the Community Tab at the top of the page, then select Community Rewards. Once you’re enrolled you will be able to select the organization you wish to support. Each time you shop & use your Dillon’s Plus card money will go to the nonprofit you selected. To help support the work of Senior Services, Inc. enter 72530 or enter Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita. Visit the website at https://www.dillons.com/ Inside This Issue MARCH 2015 SSI Directory ................................................. 2-3 Northeast ....................................................... 4-7 Orchard Park .................................................. 8-11 Downtown ..................................................... 12-15 Linwood......................................................... 16-19 n ff o o rr m ma a tt ii o on n C C ee n n tt rr a a ll II n Northeast Senior Center 2121 E. 21st Wichita, KS 67214 (316) 269-4444 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Carnesha Tucker CarneshaT@seniorservicesofwichita.org Downtown Senior Center 200 S. Walnut Wichita, KS 67213 (316)267-0197 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Gerald McCoy GeraldM@seniorservicesofwichita.org Senior Services, Inc. Administrative Offices 200 S. Walnut (316) 267 - 0302 www.seniorservicesofwichita.org Orchard Park Senior Center 4808 W. 9th Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 942-2293 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Diane Nutt DianeN@seniorservicesofwichita.org Linwood Senior Center 1901 S. Kansas Wichita, KS 67211 (316) 263-3703 Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm Director: Cherise Langenberg CheriseL@seniorservicesofwichita.org The Benefits of Planned Giving Planned giving may be defined as a method of supporting nonprofits and charities that enables philanthropic individuals or donors to make larger gifts than they could make from their income. type of charitable giving very attractive to both donor and charity. What are the 3 types of planned gifts? 1) Outright gifts that use appreciated assets as a substitute for cash. While some planned gifts provide a 2) Gifts that return income or other life-long income to the donor, others financial benefits to the donor in use estate and tax planning return for the contribution. techniques to provide for charity and 3) Gifts payable upon the donor’s other heirs in ways that maximize death. the gift and/or minimize its impact What gift plans return income to on the donor's estate. Thus, by donors? definition, a planned gift is any Charitable gift annuities make fixed major gift, made in lifetime or at payments, starting either when the death, as part of a donor’s overall gift is made (an immediate-payment financial and/or estate planning. gift annuity) or at a later date (a By contrast, gifts to the annual fund deferred or flexible gift annuity). or for membership dues are made Some organizations maintain pooled from a donor’s discretionary income, income funds, which commingle and while they may be budgeted for, donations, pay beneficiaries variable they are not planned. depending on the earnings of the fund, and generally operate like a Whether a donor uses cash, charitable mutual fund. Charitable appreciated securities/stock, real remainder unitrusts and annuity estate, artwork, partnership interests, trusts are individually managed personal property, life insurance, a trusts that pay the beneficiaries retirement plan, etc., the benefits of either a fixed percentage of trust funding a planned gift can make this Page 2 income or a fixed dollar amount. What are the tax benefits of planned gifts? Donors can contribute appreciated property, like securities, receive a charitable deduction for the full market value of the asset, and pay no capital gains tax on the transfer. Donors who establish a life-income gift receive a tax deduction for the full, fair market value of the assets contributed, minus the present value of the income interest retained; if they fund their gift with appreciated property they pay no upfront capital gains tax on the transfer. Gifts payable to a charity upon the donor’s death, like a bequest or a beneficiary designation in a life insurance policy or retirement account, do not generate a lifetime income tax deduction for the donor, but they are exempt from estate tax. A planned gift is a great way to leave a legacy at your senior center. For more information, call Chris Heiman at 267-0302 x:216. The Programs of Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita CAN help you or a loved one today! In-Home Respite Care 267-1771 ext. 233 Info/Assistance on Aging 267-0122 ext. 201 Meals on Wheels 267-0122 Roving Pantry 267-4378 Senior Employment Program 267-1771 Senior Mentor Program 267-0302 ext. 203 “LIKE” us on Facebook search for Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! ANicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Mission: Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita is dedicated to delivering services that allow older adults the opportunity to lead quality lives while continuing to make positive contributions to the community. Vision: Senior Services, Inc. of Wichita shall be the area’s premier provider of services for older adults that enhances their quality of life. Senior Services Inc. of W ichita is not a government organization. We are a not for profit charity who relies on several funding sources, including private donations, to operate our 10 programs. 8846 West Monroe Circle, Wichita, KS 67209 www.kansastruckmobility.com SALES, SERVICE AND INSTALLATION OF STAIRLIFTS (316) 722-4291 Wheelchair vans Wheelchair/scooter lifts Accessible automotive seating Hand controls • VA Approved WWW.GOINGUPLLC.COM (316) 722-4291 Authorized for the City of Wichita License #08091 APPROVED VA PROVIDER SEE STAIRLIFT DEMO UNIT INSIDE KANSAS TRUCK MOBILITY SHOWROOM MOVE-IN SPECIAL $1000 OFF YOUR FIRST MONTH RENT when you mention this ad. Learn more about how our elegant home-like environment, full range of medical services, and high staffto-resident ratio allow you to comfortably age in place with us, regardless of your needs! 551 S. Holland, Wichita, KS 67209 Office: (316) 771.7585 www.verandaseniorliving.com FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM A 4C Page 02-09943 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 All Roads Lead to...Northeast Senior Center FROM THE DIRECTORS DESK: Come join us for our “Late” Mardi Gras Party Celebration Friday, March 13th Time: 2pm - 4pm Hello Everyone...How are you? Me, I am blessed and highly favored. I have a question to ask you...Do you know that you are truly blessed? If you are not sure, here are a few ways to help you know that you are: If you woke up this morning, then you are blessed. If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, then you are truly blessed. I am not sure how you are spending your time, but if it is not spent being thankful and grateful of all you have...please take a moment to get that together, because tomorrow is not promised...Be Blessed!!! ~ FOOD FOR THOUGHT ~ When people show you who they are, believe them. ~ Maya Angelou Ongoing Activities Monday 9:30 WSU Exercise 10:30 Advisory Council (Mar. 9th) 11:30 G.N.N.P. Lunch 12:30 T.O.P.S. (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) 1:30 Sing-a-long Thursday 9:30 Cross-Stitching 10:30 Crochet Class 10:30 Jewelry Class 11:30 G.N.N.P. Lunch 12:00 Women’s Bible Study 1:00 Spanish Class Tuesday 9:30 Keep It Moving (Exercise) 10:00 Beginner’s Crochet 10:30 Bingo 11:30 G.N.N.P. Lunch 1:00 Spanish Class Friday 9:30 WSU Exercise 10:00 Crochet Class 11:30 G.N.N.P Lunch 1:00 Bridge *New Classes and time changes are in Bold Print! Wednesday 9:30 WSU Exercise 10:00 Special Events Committee (Mar. 11th) 10:30 Basic Computer Class 11:30 G.N.N.P. Lunch 1:00 Line Dance (2nd & 4th Wed) *2:00 Drawing 101 GENERAL MEMBERS MEETING ~ March 9th @ 12PM Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 4 ...Northeast Senior Center Upcoming Events Monthly Events Advisory Council: Monday, March 9th, at 10:30am Special Events Committee: Wednesday, March 11th, at 10am Easter Program @ NESC Friday, April 3 ~ Time: 2pm - 4pm Blood Pressure Checks: Therapeutic Time (1st Tuesday each month at 11am) Foot Care by Michelle Steinke (First Wednesday each month by appointment) Michelle does nail trimming, corns, calluses, and foot massages. Please call 946-0722 (leave a message) 900 N Bayshore Dr • Wichita, KS 67212 (316) 945-3344 awaterfront@skilledhealthcare.com Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! ANicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Mother’s Day Dinner @ NESC Friday, May 8 ~ Time: 2pm - 4pm Our residents enjoy our quiet atmosphere and beautiful lakeside view. Scheduled !"#$%$#$&'()*+#$,-'().'/$,-)!,0)1!2$34 get-togethers. Meals, laundry, housekeeping, bathing & dressing assistance, medication administration and more. Pricing is all inclusive. Support Our Advertisers Helpline 24 hours a day 7 days a week Check the ads on this page before you check the internet or yellow pages. 1-800-272-3900 www.alz.org/centralandwesternkansas FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM B 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA Page 5 01-12-2015 10:09:19 ...Northeast Senior Center Educational Opportunities March April Thursday, Mar. 5 Robert Schmidt (Hart Pharmacy) Topic: “Vein Disease & Leg Pain” (A discussion on dealing with aches and pains associated with legs and helpful tips on coping) Thursday, Apr. 2 Robert Schmidt (Hart Pharmacy) Topic: “New Solutions for Pain Management” Friday, Mar. 12 Robert Schmidt (Hart Pharmacy) Topic: “Fear of Falling” (A discussion of fears associated with falling and tips to help prevent them) Friday, Mar. 13 Shirley Lewis (Sedgwick County Extension Office) Topic: “SNAP Program” – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – The new name for the federal FOOD STAMP Program Thursday, Mar. 19 Robert Schmidt (Hart Pharmacy) Topic: “Thyroid” (A discussion to help understand problems associated with Thyroid disorders) Friday, Mar. 20 Shirley Lewis (Sedgwick County Extension Office) Topic: “My Plate” – grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, & protein (A discussion on current nutrition guide for eating healthier) “MY PLATE” replaced MY PYRAMID Thursday, Mar. 26 Robert Schmidt (Hart Pharmacy) Topic: “Shingles” (A discussion on what is Shingles, how do you get them, and treatment) Friday, Mar. 27 Consumer Credit Counseling Service Topic: “Awareness & Basic Tips on Budgeting” Page 6 Thursday, Apr. 16 Shirley Lewis (Sedgwick County Extension Office) Rite Bite Series Topic: “High Blood Pressure” Thursday, Apr. 23 Shirley Lewis (Sedgwick County Extension Office) Rite Bite Series Topic: “Carbs & Fiber” Friday, Apr. 24 Teresa Hatfield (Sedgwick County Extension) Topic: “Reverse Mortgages” Thursday, Apr. 30 Shirley Lewis (Sedgwick County Extension) Rite Bite Series Topic: “Fats” Red Cross G.N.N.P. Offers lunch at 11:30am For reservations, call (316) 219-4020 ...Northeast Senior Center Newly Remodeled Short Term Rehab Wing offering PT, OT, Speech, & IV Therapy to help you gain your independence to return to your home Medicare & Medicaid Certified 2133 S. Elizabeth, Wichita • 316-262-4473 www.homesteadhealthcenter.org Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! ANicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Mt. Hope Nursing Center & Larsen Independent Living Apts. Making “Living Longer” Better By providing compassionate care to the elders we serve. www.mounthopenursingcenter.com 316-667-2431 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM C 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 Page 7 All Roads Lead to...Orchard Park Senior Center Director’s Notes: Greetings Everyone!!! March is National Brain Awareness Month The Alzheimer’s Society asks: Are you taking care of your brain? Scientific evidence shows that 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day, whether it’s a brisk walk or taking dance lessons, helps lessen the risk of dementia. Get your friends and family involved. Do something that everyone enjoys. Physical activity of any kind pumps blood and oxygen to the brain which is important for brain functioning. An active lifestyle also builds up your cognitive reserve and improves memory and thinking. But don’t stop there. The Alzheimer’s Society recommends combining physical activity with a healthy diet for added protection against dementia. Consuming nutrient-rich foods such as whole grains, dark leafy greens and fresh-water fish supports good cardiovascular health. It’s a well-known fact that heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure are contributing factors for vascular dementia. Training your brain to learn new things in new ways also preserves brain cells and in some cases, can even help reverse some of the cognitive decline that occurs with age. Engaging in activities with others such as volunteering or participating in a book club is even better for keeping your brain in top form. Staying connected socially boosts mood and attitude, both important ingredients for well-being. It’s never too late or too soon. The key is to make lifestyle changes that work for you. www.alzheimer.ca Diane Nutt, Center Director Ongoing Activities Mondays: Wednesdays Continued: 8 & 9 am Co-ed Low Impact Aerobics 9:00 am Wii Bowling 9:15 am T.O.P.S (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) 9:30 am Pickleball 10:30 am Stretch & Tone Chair Exercise 12:00 pm Open Pool Tables 12:30 pm Mexican Train Dominoes 10:30 am Bingo for Groceries 11:00 am Spades 12:00 pm Open Pool Tables 12:30 pm Party Bridge Tuesdays: 8:15 am Ease into Fitness 9:00 am Restorative Dance 12:30 pm Duplicate Bridge 12:30 pm Pool Tournaments 8 ball (2nd & 4th Tuesdays) 9 ball (1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays) Wednesdays: 8 & 9 am Co-ed Low Impact Aerobics 9:45 am Wii Bowling 10:30 am Computer Lab Thursdays: 8:15 am Ease into Fitness 9:00 am Crocheting with June 9:00 am I-Pad classes (must be a registered member, 6:00 pm alternating every other month) 9:00 am Movin and Groovin Senior Aerobics 12:00 pm Open Pool Tables 12:30 pm Mexican Train Dominoes 1:00-3:00 Pickleball Fridays: 8 & 9 am Co-ed Low Impact Aerobics 9:00 am Wii Bowling 10:30 am Stretch & Tone Chair Exercise 12:00 pm Open Pool Tables 1:00 pm Craft Class (2nd & 4th Friday of Month) Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 8 ...Orchard Park Senior Center Monthly Events: Special Occasions & Memorial Tributes Blood Pressure Checks: First Wednesday of the month 8:30 - 10:15 am., courtesy of Sandpiper Bay Healthcare & Rehabilitation Blood Sugar Checks: First Friday of the month 8:30 - 10:15 am, courtesy of HealthBack Home Health Gifts given in honor, memory, or appreciation of someone special are a wonderful way to express admiration and esteem. When you give a tribute gift to Orchard Park Senior Center, a card is sent to the person you are recognizing or the family of someone being remembered. The amount is not mentioned Donations in any amount are appreciated Lunch Out: Copper Oven - Tuesday - March 10th 11:30 a.m. 2409 West 13th St N Breakfast Out: Jimmy’s Egg - Tuesday - March 24th 8:30 a.m. 220 S West St. Foot Care pr ovided by Michelle Steinke on Wednesday - March 18th. Please call 946-0722 for appointment. Michelle does nail trimming, corns, calluses and foot massages. Sign Language Class: Monday - March 9th @ 11:15 a.m. Advisory Council: Monday - March 9th @ 11:30 a.m. iPad Classes March iPad classes will be held on Thur sday mornings at 9:00 a.m. The dates will be the 12th, 19th, & the 26th. Please call 942-2293 if You are interested in attending an iPad class. You must be a registered member to participate Red Cross Nutrition Site Red Cross Nutrition Site offers a meal served at 11:30 am. Monday thr u Fr iday. Please make reservations by Tuesday at 10:00 am. Call 219-4020 for more information Don’t forget to register for the craft classes on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. We are currently making earrings that we will also use as a fundraiser for the center. Page 9 ...Orchard Park Senior Center March Opportunities March 2nd @ 11:15 a.m. Serenity Hospice Care Caring for Arthritis without medication March 6th @ 11:15 a.m. doTerra Essential Oils Come and experience oils that can be used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health care practices. March 9th @ 11:15 a.m. Natalie Merten-Life Care Center Nutrition focused on Chronic Disease. March 13th @ 11:15 a.m. Officer Hallacy-S.E.N.I.O.R.S. Program Sheriff’s Elderly/Disabled Notification Intensive Outreach Response System March 16th @ 11:15 a.m. Caregiving Step by Step Video #2 Positioning, Mealtime Issues March 20th @ 11:15 a.m. Consumer Credit Counseling C.C.C. Awareness and Basic Budgeting March 23rd @ 11:15 a.m. Karen Kendrick-Envision Eye Diseases (Cataracts, Macular Degeneration) March 27th @ 11:15 a.m. Farrah-Innovative Physical Therapy Massages & Exercise March 30th @ 11:15 a.m. Dr. Charles Coleman-Sunflower Home Health & Hospice. Coping with Hypertension Page 10 April Opportunities April 6th @ 11:15 a.m. Teresa Hatfield-Sedgwick County Extension Office. Reverse Mortgages April 10th @ 11:15 a.m. WSU Dental Students Various Dental Presentations April 13th @ 11:15 a.m. Karen Kendrick-Envision Living with Low Vision April 17th @ 11:15 a.m. Shirley Lewis-Sedgwick County Extension Office. “My Plate” April 20th @ 11:15 a.m. Caregiving Step by Step Video #3 Transfer Training April 27th @ 11:15 a.m. Teresa Hatfield – Sedgwick County Extension Office. Powerful Tools for Caregivers ...Orchard Park Senior Center New Senior’s Exam, you only need 4 correct out of 10 questions to pass. How long did the Hundred Years’ War last? Which country makes Panama hats? From which animal do we get cat gut? In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution? What is a camel’s hair brush made of? The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal? What was King George VI’s first name? What color is a purple finch? Where are Chinese gooseberries from? 10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane? What do you mean you failed? Me, too! Pass this on to your brilliant friends. 1) 116 years 1337 - 1453 2) Ecuador 3) Sheep and Horses 4) November 5) Squirrel fur 6) Dogs 7) Albert 8) Crimson 9) New Zealand 10) Orange (of course) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Answers to the Quiz Orchard March Birthdays Earl Baker 3/23 Dorothy Bellinger 3/20 William Bloomer 1/23 Mary Boyer 3/12 Evelyn Danielson 3/3 Velva Ellenz 3/7 Laura Engels 3/27 Jonnie Fadely 3/12 Marty Ferguson 3/13 Marilyn Geiger 3/3 David Goscha 3/9 Ann Hightower 3/9 Dean Hinckley 3/24 Michael Jones 3/28 Terry Keeney 3/27 Caroline Kiehl 3/10 Carol Knouse 3/20 Bonnie Krenning 3/2 Shirley Leake 3/28 Freida Main 3/29 Mellisa Mellinger 3/23 L. Miller 3/18 Mario Nahas 3/25 Mary Nahas 3/1 Arletta Phelps 3/13 Mike Plagmann 3/20 Norma Poell 3/17 Michael Schomaker 3/3 Don Skolaut 3/15 Roberta Wells 3/13 Madeline Wilson 3/9 Martina Young 3/22 March Birthdays’ Celebration March 20th @ 11:15 a.m Page 11 All Roads Lead to...Downtown Senior Center As I reported last month, we began to see progress in reopening the Downtown Senior Center. I am so happy to report that the momentum is continuing to build. Partial power has been restored to the building and we are gradually getting closer to being able to host all of our events. We are also getting closer to having a fully functional kitchen. While we are on the subject of the kitchen staff, I ask you to continue to remember them during these very difficult times-Liz Buggs, Janet Fisher, Mike Gadbury and the entire kitchen staff who operate our MOW program. The staff and the volunteers have worked so hard to deliver meals to shut-ins. As I have said before, for many of those food recipients, Meals On Wheels is their lifeline. Simply put, if these meals aren’t delivered, then those people don’t eat. Our staff members are cold and tired and yet not a single delivery has been missed. I am proud to know this group of people and they are an inspiration to all of us. I would also like to thank the entire staff at the D.S.C. The employees in the Administration Building have patiently tolerated sharing space with displaced employees from the Senior Center and their patience has been tested. Those displaced Senior Center staffers have also been challenged. They have worked hours that were different than their regular schedules doing jobs that were different from their regular duties. They have shown professionalism in doing those tasks without being told and without being supervised. I really appreciate the effort they spend and the work they do. Once again, I would like to thank you, the members of the Downtown Center. I am grateful for your past participation, I miss seeing you and I anxiously await the time when we can reopen our doors and come together again. I hope you have a great month and hope to be together soon. Gerald McCoy Downtown Center Director Ongoing Activities Monday 8:00 Competitive Pickleball 9:00 Crochet Scarf Class 9:30 Wanda’s Exercises 10:00 Book club (1st Mon.) 11:00 Well Rep 11:00 Lewis Street Singers 1:00 Bridge 1:00 Beading Buddies 7:00 Round Dance Tuesday 9:00 Senior Job Club 10:30 Single SRS (eat out 2nd Tues.) 1:00 Bingo (not on 2nd Tues.) 1:00 Dominoes 1:00 Pool Tournament 2:00 Hip Hikers (1st Tues.) 2:00 Bible Study 5:30 Adventures in Writing (1st Tues.) Thursday 8:30 Foot Care (by appt.) 9:30 Gentle fitness 9:30 Drawing Class (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thur.) 10:00 Quilters’ Treasures 1:00 Pool Tournament 2:00 Sr. Financial Advisor (3rd Thurs.) 5:30 Writing Craft (1st Thurs.) Friday 8:00 Competitive Pickleball 9:30 Wanda’s Exercises 11:00 Well Rep 1:00 Party Bridge 1:00 SECA/Front Row Center (1st Fri.) 1:30 Hand and Foot Cards (2nd, 4th, and 5th Fri.) Wednesday 8:00 Competitive Pickleball 9:00 Spanish (Advanced) 9:30 Wanda’s Exercises 11:00 Well Rep noon Open Sewing 1:00 Ping Pong 1:00 Spanish (Beginning) 1:30 Sr. Legal Advisor (2nd Wed.) 1:30 Recreational Pickleball (2nd Wed. at 3:00) Daily Pool / Snooker DVD / VHS Movies Available Books / Magazines Available Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 12 ...Downtown Senior Center The Legend of the Leprechaun Have you ever wondered about the legend of the leprechaun? A leprechaun is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, clad in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. Like other fairy creatures, leprechauns have been linked to the Tuatha Dé Danann of Irish mythology. The Leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If ever captured by a human, the Leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for his release. Popular depiction shows the Leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat. Some people believe the story of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a metaphor for the journey of our life. According to this explanation, we spend our life chasing material goods and earthly treasures. In the process, we allow ourselves to become distracted by the pressures and disappointments of this world. We see possessions come and go and we begin to question the meaning of life. It is when we reach the sunset years that we see and appreciate the family that we love and the friendships we’ve formed. So, according to the story, when you see the REAL treasures at the end of your life, you have then found your pot of gold at the end of your rainbow. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Do you ever feel like you’ve found your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow on St. Patrick’s Day in March, and then you had to give it back in taxes in April? Page 13 ...Downtown Senior Center Classes and Activities I’d like to repeat this list of scheduled activities that will return when the Center reopens. We hope that you will find something that appeals to you and hope you will enjoy special events that are coming soon. Education & Information Senior Financial Advisor Join Senior Financial Advisor Stan Webb each month as he leads a discussion of financial topics that are faced by senior citizens. Senior Legal Advisor Senior Legal Advisors Jennifer Stutz and Melissa Pope host a monthly meeting to talk about legal issues that confront senior citizens. Discussions are informative and invaluable. AARP “Smart Driver” The AARP Smart Driver class is a two-day event that takes place each month at the Center. Successful completion of the course results in lower insurance costs. Health & Wellness Foot Care Foot care is provided by Michelle at the Downtown Senior Center on Thursdays from 9:00AM to 3:00PM. Michelle does nail trimming, corns, calluses and foot massage. The cost is $25 for senior center members; $30 for nonmembers. Call 946-0722 to schedule an appointment. Arts & Crafts Seniors Exploring the Cultural Arts (SECA) and Front Row Center If you love theatre and are interested in Wichita's local and professional talent, you need to join SECA and attend their monthly meeting. Call 267-0197 for more information. “Adventures in Writing” Anyone interested in discussing writing personal essays, memoirs, poetry, or fiction is welcome to join us. This group shares writing projects we’re working on, thinking about, or learning about the possibility of getting published. “Writing Craft” Basics of general writing: basic word counts and pages, writing from A to Z, writing pitfalls, confusing words, titles, sensory details, emotion and body language If you would like more information on “Adventures in Writing” or “Writing Craft,” call Starla at 3938195. She would love to hear from anyone with a passion for writing and developing writing skills. Hip Hikers You’re invited to join this group as they plan walks in and around the Wichita area. The group meets at the Downtown Senior Center once a month. Prairie Moon Book Club Our next book is “Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy” by Karen Abbott. This is the compelling true story of four women who risked everything to become spies during the Civil War. Abbott is the best selling non-fiction writer who’s previous works have included “American Rose,” which is a biography of Gypsy Rose Lee and “Sin in the Second City,” which tells the story of crime in Chicago during the first two decades of the 20th century. Senior Center Director Gerald McCoy facilitates this group. The conversations are always fun and lively and you’re invited to join the monthly meetings. Well Rep Exercise Program Our Well Rep Program is one of our most popular activities. This group meets three days each week and provides a fun way to maintain strength and stamina. Drawing class Joan Morrison leads our drawing classes. This informal group explores the fun side of creative expression. Feel free to contact us to sign up for the class, or to find out more. T.O.P.S. Take Off Pounds Sensibly with the suppor t of this group, which meets at the Downtown Senior Center once each week. This is just a small sample of the regularly scheduled activities that take place at the Downtown Senior Center. When we reopen for business, we hope that you will find something that appeals to you. Blood Pressure Check You can have your blood pressure checked at the Downtown Senior Center by members of the staff at Ancaire. Page 14 ...Downtown Senior Center We are making plans to move back into the Downtown Senior Center. As we get closer to the time when that happens, we will be making announcements about the new things that you can expect from your Senior Center. We will have guests who have interesting stories to share with us. Also, there will be new groups you can join and a Grand Reopening Party to celebrate our return to service. Stay tuned; it will be great! Gerald McCoy Downtown Senior Center Director For more than three decades Sedgwick Plaza, an Independent and Assisted Living Community, has been a tradition for area seniors. From the moment you walk in, you will be * Monthly Seminars * made to feel like part of the family. Our team is As a WWII or Korean War Veteran or widow, are you VA disability Pension eligible? dedicated to making sure our residents Contact us. feel at home right away as we work to meet and exceed your expectations. Are you a healthy 45 to 70 year old who would not want to spend $100,000 per year Call to schedule a complimentary lunch and tour. for care NOT covered by Medicare? Call us. Are you just going onto Medicare and want help deciding which plan is best for SEDGWICK PLAZA 2455 N. Woodlawn Ave., Wichita, KS 67720 you? First timers we can help find the best deal and best coverage. Call us. tel: 316-687-3741 | fax: 316-686-1265 Call David Landwehr 316-945-2011 Visit us online at sedgwickplaza.net State ID #:N087033 www.LTCareSolutions.com FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM D 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 Page 15 All Roads Lead to...Linwood Senior Center Hello Friends, Are you ready for a fun month? If not, get readywe are going to look for our pot of gold in the various activities we are celebrating this month! March also brings some special events including the day of celebrating Potato Chips and Peanuts. In honor of the day we ar e going to have a FUN-Draiser for the Linwood Sr Center so you will surely want to come by for the fun! We still have room if you want to walk in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 14, 2015. Just give us a call! Please remember to support your senior center by paying the $10 membership fee. This fee helps in the cost of sending the newsletter and keeping the lights on! Thank you for your kindness and support! Help us raise $ for Linwood Sr Center!!! You are invited to our “Peanut Butter & Jelly, Potato Chips & Pie FUN-draiser” for Linwood Senior Center!! Drop by on March 11, 2015 anytime between the hours of 11:00-1pm so we can share our comfort food with you! We will have a great variety of peanut butter, jellies, potato chips and pies! ($4 suggested donation) Join us for some FUN!!! Massages available too! Ongoing Activities Monday 8:00 Bible Study (1st Mon) 9:00 Dynabands 9:30 Stretching 10:45 Arthritis Exercise 11:30 GNNP Lunch Tuesday 9-3pm Foot Care 9:00 Brain Games 9-11 Pickleball 9:30 Fit & Balance 10:30 BINGO! 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:15 Walking 12:30 WSU Well-Rep 1:30 Dime Bingo 2:30 Writing Craft (1st Tue) Wednesday 9:00 Arthritis Exercise 10:30 Ancaire Blood Pressure Check (1st Wed) 11:30 GNNP Lunch 1:00 Pinochle w/ Henry Thursday 9-11 Pickleball 9-9:45 Beg. Line Dance 10:00 Line Dance 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:15 Walking 12:30 WSU Well-Rep 1:00 Pinochle w Henry 2:00 Mexican Train Dominoes / Games (2nd & 4th Thurs) Friday 9:00 Stronger Seniors 10:15 Presentations 11:30 GNNP Lunch 12:00 Tournament 13pt Pitch Daily/Anytime Walking 10 pt Pitch 12:30 For Lunch reservations please call 219-4020 Monthly 10:00 Advisory Council (last Wed of the Month) Birthday Party 3rd Wed of the month at 10:30 Registration Required for ALL center activities Page 16 ...Linwood Senior Center Beginning Computer Classes With Tim Paul Scheduled for March 11 & 18 from 9-10:30am Fee $10 Membership & RSVP required. Call 263-3703 for more information. Foot Care by Michelle Tuesdays at Linwood Call 946-0722 for an appointment. Ramona Richcreek 3/17 Nancy Stotler 3/17 Shirley Strange 3/17 Doris Ulriksen 3/1 Ramon Velazque 3/31 Larry Bolt 3/20 Barbara Cairns 3/02 Terry Chapman 3/10 Lucille Daley 3/24 Tom Elman 3/14 Jimmy Hall 3/16 Gerald Hall 3/21 Elizabeth Harms 3/17 Gladys Hutterer 3/23 Brenda Ingram 3/9 Priscilla King 3/18 Daniel Leak 3/1 Bruce Lingenfelter 3/19 Ludwig Martell 3/4 Darlene Mason 3/15 Linda Paul 3/23 George Rebarchek 3/9 When A Nursing Home Isn’t the Answer HomeCare You Can Trust And Afford 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK Call for a FREE Information Packet 316-721-6001 7348 W 21st St N., Suite 101 • Wichita, KS SKILLED NURSING Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! ANicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538 Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Newly Updated Private Rooms Available Short Term Rehabilitation or Long Term Care “We serve and enhance the lives of others with caring hands” 316-265-5693 www.medicalodgeswichita.com Come visit us! Ask for Rhody and mention this ad for a free lunch! 2280 S. Minneapolis • Wichita, KS 67211 100% Employee Owned FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM E 4C 02-0994 SENIOR SERVICES INC. OF WICHITA, WICHITA 01-12-2015 10:09:19 Page 17 ...Linwood Senior Center Educational Programs & Enrichment Activities For March Friday, March 6, 2015, at 10:15am “Working Out in the New Exercise Room at Linwood” Find out about all the state of the art equipment! Lisa Klassen, Linwood Recreation Center Friday, March 20, 2015 at 10:15am “Safety in the Home” Healthback Home Health Friday, March 13, 2015 10:15am “What Did You Say?” Hearing Health Meeting & Screenings Dana Brinkmeyer Ear Care Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 9:30am “The Low Down on Downloading” Learn How to Download Pictures in the Computer *RSVP Required* Gerald McCoy, presenter Friday, March 27, 2015 at 10:15 am “Move Well – Age Well” Dr. Wesley Detrick of Spine Care of Wichita Craft Time with Barbara Wednesday, March 18, at 2pm Come & join us as we make “Baskets & Bunnies” Let’s get some goodies ready for Easter next month! Please RSVP at 263-3703. Suggested donation for supplies is $5 Page 18 April 2015 Educational Programs Friday, April 10, 2015 at10:15am “Good Debt vs Bad Debt” Presenter - Cynthia Ongeche, Consumer Credit Counseling Friday, April 17, 2015 at 10:15am “What’s on TAP? Find Out About Free Phones and Great Alternative Devices for with Hearing Challenges” Presenter - Cady Macfee, KS Outreach Coordinator Hamilton Relay Friday, April 24, 2015 at 10:15am “Mythbusters – Hospice 101” Presenter- Bryan Dillon & Darcy Weiand of Encompass Home Health and Hospice. Early Bird Book Club Monday, March 9, 2015 at 8am. We are reading the book “At Home In Mitford” by Jan Karon. Enjoy the book and enjoy the discussion with us! Bible Study, Monday, March 2, 2015 we will study Psalm 103. Join us at 8am. It is a great way to start off your month! Authors — do not forget our “Writing Craft” Class on Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 2:30pm. Published author, Starla Criser will cover the topic of “Editing”--all types of editing. Call Starla for more information 393-8195. ...Linwood Senior Center “HOW TO MANAGE CHRONIC DISEASES SUCCESSFULLY” If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes, arthritis or heart or lung disease or any other chronic condition,… you may want to come to our classes provided by KOHRS which is the Kansas Optimizing Health Program. This is a 6 week program to help you find the support you need, find practical ways to deal with pain and fatique and discover better nutrition and ways to exercise to help you manage the disease instead of the disease managing you! You will meet new friends and learn ways to support yourself. The classes are free! The instructor is Alissa Rankin with the KOHRS program of Sedgwick County. The first class will start on March 9, 2015 from 1:30 to 4pm. Call for more information 263-3703! EMBOLDEN UR LIFE Self Defense Course Starting at Linwood in April 2015 Have you ever needed to defend yourself or thought you needed to learn how? You can learn how to protect yourself, even if you use a cane, walker or wheelchair. Come and learn techniques by Clay Cox, Former MO Valley Judo Champ. Class size is limited, call for more information 263-3703! Do you want a “Touch of Heaven?” On Peanut Butter & Jelly, Potato Chip & Pie Fundraiser Day, we also will be having “Doc Gilbert,” Massage Therapist here at Linwood to give 10 minute massages for $5. He will do head, lower back and shoulders! This will rejuvenate you! Call now to reserve your “Touch of Heaven” with Doc Gilbert! Fun times at the Linwood Senior Center! Wearable Crochet Love Stories Progam Below are our newly engaged friends! Page 19 PRESORT STANDARD US Postage PAID Permit #542 Wichita, KS Return Service Requested ANNOUNCING The 2015 Historic Delano St. Patrick’s Day Parade Saturday, March 14, 2015 * meet in church parking lot of Metropolitan Baptist Church no later than 10:30 a.m. * church is located at the corner of McLean & Douglas, parking lot is behind church and north of Lawrence Dumont * post parade pizza party pending the reopening of Downtown Senior Center or finding a different location to eat. Join us again for the 8th consecutive year to walk the parade with your senior center friends, volunteers and the staff members of Senior Services, Inc. A total of 8 motorized scooters are available for use on a first come, first serve basis. Scooter reservations required at your senior center by March 6, 2014. Call Senior Employment today 267– 1771 ATTENTION JOBSEEKERS: To clear up confusion caused by relocation after the fire, please note: All job fair attendees must pre-register by visiting or calling the offices of 200 S. Walnut between the hours of 9:00am - 3:00pm. The fair will be held at the American Red Cross but it is not the place to register or the location of the Senior Employment Program. The program is a valuable referral & placement service for jobseekers age 55 and better. Attendees must register as a client of the program then attend an orientation. Registration deadline is Friday, March 13, 2015. There is no cost to register or to attend the fair, but donations to the program are encouraged. Senior Employment Program 2015 Job Fair Tuesday, March 17th 9:00 am - 11:00 am held at American Red Cross 1900 East Douglas
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