Notes compiled for Pediatrics Reproduction (Med I, Block 4, RP) Contents Class number Class name Type Department Instructor RP010 Development of Genito-Urinary System Embryology of the GU system Congenital anomalies and benign conditions of the Vulva and Vagina Congenital anomalies and benign conditions of the Uterus and Cervix Congenital anomalies and benign conditions of the ovaries and tubes Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea and Hyperandrogenic disorders Perinatal Genetics Neonatal Recussitation and assessment Infections in Pregnancy and the Neonate Perinatal Infections and HIV in Pregnancy L AN Dr. M Torchia A/GLP L AN RP Dr. M Torchia Dr. M Morris L RP Dr. M Morris L RP Dr. M Morris L RP Dr. M Morris L L GN RP Dr. B Chodirker Dr. S Dakshinamurti L ID/RP Dr. J Embree L ID/RP Dr. J Embree RP011 RP015 RP016 RP018 RP029 RP049 RP051 RP062 RP063 RP 010/KD 2 Dr. M.G. Torchia Department of Surgery Lecture Notes Summary of Developmental Facts kidneys are unique in their development - progression of more and more complex “kidneys” as the embryo/fetus grows and develops urinary and genital systems come from a common source - intermediate mesoderm parts of one renal system are incorporated by another during development while others are lost through apoptotic processes differentiation, development and growth of many structures are dependent on the interaction between epithelial and mesenchymal cells most sex related structures begin as indifferent in structure and under the influence of hormones and factors differentiate into appropriate male and female structures the urinary system forms before the gonadal system Enveloping of the yolk sac is important for the development of the bladder, GI tract etc. “Renal Systems” Figure 13-6 Cloaca (formed from the enveloping of the yolk sac) Moore and Persaud Pronephros o o o o Epithelial cords differentiate from intermediate mesoderm (day 22) Pronephric ducts begin to grow down toward the cloaca and has a single nephron Pronephros in lower animals and fish - find hematopoietic cells Pronephric cells disappear through the process of apoptosis Mesonephros o Pronephric ducts stimulate mesoderm - mesonephric tubules (cranial 4-6 pairs) o Later mesonephric tubules condense from mesoderm and are composed of vascular glomerulus within an epithelial capsule o Lumen is complete and mesonephric (wolffian) duct connects to cloaca (28 d) o Urinary function is unclear but in fish and amphibians the mesonephros is capable of producing a filtrate (no need to conserve water so no concentrating) o New evidence in humans that yolk sac hematopoietic cells are only transient while the definitive, long lived adult system hematopoietic cells are found in the aortic-gonadal-mesonephric region o Mesonephros is chickens has been shown to be necessary for limb development o Leftover mesonephric tissue can end up as lesions in the wall of cervix, prostate, renal pelvis and may be falsely interpreted as adenocarcinoma due to their tubule Development of the Genito-Urinary System like structures mimicking glands. RP10/KD002 Metanephros (figure 13-6) Mesonephric duct forms a ureteric bud (epithelial cells) that grows and branches (approximately 15 times) into surrounding intermediate mesoderm (30-34 d) Buds become the collecting ducts Inductive interactions between mesoderm and epithelium result in formation of the metanephros (both must be present for normal development) Mesoderm condenses into metanephric blastoma which forms the renal tubules Together mesoderm cells, epithelial (bud) cells and ingrowing vascular endothelial cells from the dorsal aorta (blood supply) form the nephrons Nephrons start out as rounded group of cells to a comma shaped hollow and then into an S-shape due to growth and cell differentiation Portion of nephrons most distal to tubule forms Bowman‟s capsule around glomerulus while proximal portion of the S shape forms proximal and distal convoluted tubule and Loop of Henle There are about 15 generations of nephrons formed with the proximal maturing faster While sets of nephrons are forming, kidney is enlarging, ducts enlarge and form pelvis and calyces (major and minor based on generation of tubule) to guide urine from kidney to bladder Kidneys are lobulated in fetus but lobulations disappear soon after birth Position of kidneys Move from pelvis to abdomen due to caudal growth of embryo (4th lumbar to 1st lumbar to 12th thoracic) with a rotation from ventral facing to anteromedial - brings them together with adrenals Retroperitoneal Vascular lobes of kidney (typically 5) are originally fed from segmental arteries off the aorta and are usually reduced to a single artery (75% of patients) Accessory Renal Artery: end arteries Autosamal recessive polycystic KD: rare, bilateral, 100‟s small uniform cysts; lung hypoplasia (oligohydramnios); transplant needed; many cysts in the parenchyma, few glomeruli; massive, non-functional kidneys Multicystic Dysplastic KD: large cysts within the kidneys; 85% unilateral, the cysts slowly progress through adulthood (not as life-threatening as the previous condition) Development of the Genito-Urinary System RP10/KD002 Horseshoe Kidney: if the budding is close together they end up in the midline in the pelvis Duplicate Ureters Ectopic (pelvic) Kidney: one kidney remains in the pelvis area Urinary Bladder Formed during division of the cloaca by the urorectal septum (between hindgut and allantois) during week 6-7 Cloaca is divided into rectum and urogenital sinus also dividing the cloaca membrane into anal membrane and urogenital membrane Area of fusion of urorectal sinus, lateral body folds, and cloacal membrane is the perineum Allantois base expands to form the transitional epithelium of bladder while distal ends forms urachus (median umbilical ligament - bladder to umbilicus) Other layers of bladder form from mesenchyme Growing bladder incorporates mesonephric ducts and proximal ureteric buds ending up with separate openings for both in bladder (figure 13-18) Area where mesonephric ducts enter elongates and forms urethra Distal urethra (male only) forms from endodermal downgrowth from surface of penis Urine During changeover from mesonephros to metanephros, amniotic fluid constituents change with an increase in creatinine, γ-glutamyltransferase, β-2-microglobulin (10-11 weeks) Urine is excreted into amniotic cavity forming major portion of amniotic fluid Renal functioning before birth to remove metabolic waste from blood not „necessary‟ due to placenta Oligohydramnios (too little fluid) - urethral obstruction, renal agenesis - lung hypoplasia Polyhydramnios (too much fluid) - usually due to GI obstruction/no swallowing; premature membrane rupture Genital system Germ cells Form in posterior wall of yolk sac ( 24 d) and are recognizable by size and alkaline phosphatase content Migrate through hindgut and dorsal mesentery (move by ameboid movement, tissue displacement, and cytoplasmic linkages) Migration stops as cell reach developing gonadal ridges (5th week) Number 1000-2000 Aberrant locations form germ cells that survive may produce teratomas Development of the Genito-Urinary System RP10/KD002 Gonads Form along ventromedial border of mesonephros (cranial portion of mesonephros becomes the primordia of adrenal cortex - caudal becomes genital ridges (5th wk) Genital ridges of male/female are indifferent and only under influence of the Sry gene (Y Xsome, testes-determining factor) and mesonephros signals (which may be a switch for other genes) does differentiation occur o Testes Testes develop quicker ovaries When germ cells reach genital ridges, epithelial cells in the ridges (coelemic) move inward forming primitive sex cords - testis also attract endothelial and myoepithelial cells from mesonephros By 6 weeks testes show cell differentiation leading to formation of tunica albuginea (connective tissue), seminiferous tubules By 8 weeks Leydig cells within testes synthesize testosterone and androstenedione but stop this production by about week 17/18 until puberty By 8 weeks the Sertoli cells produce Müllerian inhibiting substance causing involution of the female genital ducts o Ovaries Absence of Sry and therefore, testosterone, leads to formation of ovary Germ cells must reach genital ridge or “primitive streak ovaries” form Interior structure is thought to be formed in a similar way to testes From the time of entry into the genital ridge to about 120 days oogonia undergo mitosis and gradually begin to undergo first meiotic division to become oocytes (signals possibly from mesonephros) but stop development at prophase of 1st meiotic division Over fifty years may pass until some oocytes complete meiosis resulting in increased incidence of abnormalities Sexual duct system At the indifferent stage mesonephric (Wolffian) duct and paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts along mesonephric ridge Paramesonephric ducts terminate at urogenital sinus caudally and coelomic cavity in a funnel shape cranially o Males Müllerian inhibiting substance causes paramesonephric duct cells to undergo apoptosis leaving only tiny identifiable terminal portions Development of the Genito-Urinary System RP10/KD002 Testosterone causes mesonephric ducts to differentiate into ductus deferens Accessory sex glands form from epithelial outgrowth of ducts (seminal vesicles, prostate, bulbourethral glands) through epithelial - mesenchyme interaction and androgens o Female Without testosterone the mesonephric ducts regress Cranial paramesonephric duct become uterine tubes with open fimbriated ends Caudal end, the paramesonephric ducts approach and fuse forming uterus Vagina thought to form by the most caudal mesonephric ducts contributing cells and inducing other changes in surrounding tissues Descent of Testes Testes are retroperitoneal Three phases to descent o Enlargement of testes and regression of mesonephric kidneys o Regression of paramesonephric ducts - descent to inguinal ring o Testosterone + gubernaculum (mesonephric ligament) - into scrotum (7th month to birth) External Genitalia Indifferent initially - derived from mesoderm tissue around cloaca forming a genital tubercle flanked by a pair of genital folds with pair of genital swelling farther lateral o Males Dihydrotestosterone influences elongation of genital tubercle to form penis, genital swelling to form scrotal pouches Groove on underside of penis formed from genital folds, become a groove continuous with urogenital sinus, and closes to form penile part of urethra Urogenital sinus closes and forms prostatic part of urethra o Females Causes of Intersex: Without action of dihydrotestosterone genital tubercle forms clitoris, genital folds become labia minora, genital swellings become labia majora Urethra develops from cranial part of urogenital sinus (i.e. prostatic urethra) Development of the Genito-Urinary System RP10/KD002 o Ovotestes: rare; have both testicular and ovarian tissue o Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: XX; pseudo-hermaphrodites; enzymatic error adrenal gland cannot produce cortisol thereofore pumps out more and more androgrens masculization due to more male phenotypic structures o Androgen insensitivity syndrome: XY; testosterone receptor error; again it‟s a pseudohermaphrodite; there is a fight between the male and female phenotype Reproduction 010 and 011 Study Guide Reproduction 010 L Development of the Genito-urinary System 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the role of the intermediate mesoderm in the development of the urinary system. 2. Discuss the development of the three sets of human excretory organs, with special emphasis on the permanent kidneys. 3. Describe congenital abnormalities relating to positional changes of the kidneys during development of the renal vessels. 4. Explain the formation of the urogenital sinus, urinary bladder and urethra. 5. Briefly discuss the following: duplication of the upper urinary tract, renal ectopia, horseshoe kidney, congenital polycystic disease of the kidney, urachal malformations and exstrophy of the bladder. Learning Outcomes for Reproduction The student will be able to provide counseling and care for a patient with congenital anomalies of the reproductive tract, including counseling on future fertility and sexual function. Reproduction 011 LP Embryology of the Genito-urinary System Learning Objectives 1. Understand how the three sets of excretory organs develop and change. 2. Describe the process of nephrogenesis (development of nephrons). 3. Describe the partitioning of the cloaca and the derivatives formed from the urogenital sinus. 4. Describe the development of the gonads and genital ducts. 5. Describe the formation of external genitalia. 6. Relate the effects on the uro-genital system to normal and deficient excretion of testes-determining factor, mullerian inhibiting substance, and testosterone. 7. Understand the basic principles involved in the histogenesis of the adrenal glands. 8. Describe the pathogenesis of urogenital defects including renal agenesis, ectopic kidney, horseshoe kidney, exstrophy of the bladder, intersexuality, cryptorchidism, and inguinal hernia. Text: Hacker and Moore Chapter 3 pages 20-28. Key Study Points A sound understanding of the normal anatomy and development of the genito-urinary tract is an important cornerstone for understanding clinical problems in caring for those with congenital abnormalities or disease processes in the genito-urinary tract. The urogenital system develops from the: Intermediate mesoderm Mesothelium lining the abdominal cavity Endoderm of the urogenital sinus. The urinary system begins to develop about 3 weeks before the genital system is evident. Three successive kidney systems develop: The pronephri which are vestigial and nonfunctional The mesonephroi whihc serves as temporary excretory organs. The metanephros which become the permanent kidneys. The metanephri or permanent kidneys develop from 2 sources: The metanephric diverticulum or ureteric bud which gives rise to the ureter, renal plevis, calices and collecting tubules. The metanephric mass of intermediate mesoderm which gives rise to the nephrons. The kidneys develop in the pelvis but migrate up during normal development. Abnormalities in development of the metanephros and paramesonephric ducts can accompany each other for example in patients with a left hemi-uterus and an absent right kidney. For reproduction the embryology can be divided into: 1. Development of the external genitalia 2. Development of the internal genitalia 3. Development of the ovaries and testes. The reason for this division is simple. Each of these has a separate origin; clinically this means that abnormalities in the different areas are usually not related. For example abnormalities in development of the uterus are not usually accompanied by abnormalities of the external genitalia or abnormalities of ovarian development. The appearance of the external genitalia is heavily influenced as well by hormonal stimulation in utero, an abnormality of the external genitalia may actually be endocrine in origin (for example testicular feminization or congenital adrenal hyperplasia) and not be related to any abnormality in the embryologic development. Embryos are unisex on visual inspection until ~ 7 weeks gestation. Female genitalia are readily distinguishable by 12 weeks and visible on ultrasound (as absence of a phallus at 18-20 weeks) The urogenital sinus development results in a i. Small vaginal contribution (likely the lower third but controversial) ii. Hymen iii. Skene’s glands iv. Bartholin’s glands v. Prostate, prostatic utricle, Cowper’s gland in male The medial urogenital fold results in development of clitoris, prepuce of the clitoris and the labia minora (penis in male) The lateral genital folds result in development of the labial majora (Scrotum in male). See next page for image of the adult vulva and try and compare the structures. Think about what an abnormality of central fusion of the urogenital folds would look like. We see this in patients who are born with bladder exstrophy, an example of failure of midline fusion. They will have a normal vagina past the lower third, a normal cervix and normal uterus. Internal Genital Development The upper vagina, cervix, uterus and fallopian tubes are formed from the paramesonephric (Mullerian) ducts. The male homologous structure is the hydatid testis. Paramesonephric development will occur at the expense of mesonephric development in the absence of the Y chromosome. o With a Y chromosome present mullerian inhibiting substance is produced and the mesonephric duct develops instead. Female sexual development does not depend on the presence of ovaries or hormones, in contrast to the male who needs the testosterone production to develop normally. Most anomalies of the uterus and vagina result from abnormal fusion of the paramesonephric ducts. Early embryologic development of the genital tract and vaginal plate. o PD= paramesonephric duct o MD= mesonephric duct o US= urogenital sinus o MT=mullerian tubercle o UVP=utero-vaginal primordium o VP= vaginal plate. Ovaries: At 4 weeks post-conception thickening of coelomic (peritoneal) epithelium on the ventro-medial surface of the genital ridge occurs. A bulging genital ridge is subsequently produced by rapid proliferation of the coelomic epithelium an area that is medial but parallel to the mesonephros. After 5 weeks projections from the germinal epithelium extend into the mesenchyme to form primary sex cords. Definite ovarian characteristics do not appear until 10-12 weeks. At 3 weeks large primordial germ cells appear intermixed with other cells in the endoderm of the yolk sac wall of the primitive hindgut. These germ cell precursors migrate along the hindgut dorsal mesentery and are all contained in the mesenchyme of the undifferentiated urogenital ridge by 8 weeks. The oogonia are incorporated into the cortical sex cords of the genital ridge. The first histologic evidence of follicles is seen at ~ 20 weeks with germ cells surrounded by flattened cells derived from the cortical sex cords/. These cells are recognizable as granulosa cells of coelomic epithelial origin and theca cells of mesenchymal origin. Their origin is separate from the paramesonephros and urogenital sinus, abnormalities in the ovaries will be independent of these systems. Clinical cases: 1. A 19-year-old female presents with primary amenorrhea. She has a mosaic XO/XX chromosome pattern. Serum estrogen levels are low and breast development is absent. (Turner’s syndrome) Would you expect her internal genitalia to be normal? 2. A 16-year-old female presents to the clinic with primary amenorrhea. She has normal female external genitalia but a small blind vagina. She does not have any axillary or pubic hair. Her chromosome pattern is XY. What has happened here? 3. A 20-year-old woman comes to see you about her future fertility. She was born with bladder extrophy and has had multiple surgeries with construction of a continent bladder stoma. She is sexually active without difficulty and is on an oral contraceptive for family planning. Answers on next page. Answers: 1. Her internal genitalia would be normal but would be small as her ovaries may not have been able to make sufficient estrogen to complete growth of the uterus that occurs after onset of puberty. 2. This is a case of complete androgen insensitivity. The testes would be normal and healthy and able to produce mullerian inhibiting substance but the tissues in this disorder do not respond to testosterone. The male appearance of external genitalia is dependant on testosterone action. 3. Bladder extropy is a severe developmental abnormality of the urogenital sinus. AS the internal genitalia develop from para mesonephric ducts they should not be affected. Her fertility would be normal except for the possibility that some of her surgical procedures may have interfered with tubal patency. She also probably wants to know the risk of her infant being affected by the same disorder. Learning Objectives: Reproduction 015 Congenital Anomalies and Benign Conditions of the Vulva and Vagina Congenital abnormalities of the vulva • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia in a female fetus. • Most important to recognize clinically in the newborn period as can be life threatening. Congenital abnormalities of the vulva • Vulva 1. Describe the congenital abnormalities of the vulva and outline the clinical importance of the differential diagnosis. 2. List 6 common structural and benign conditions of the vulva. 3. Describe 2 types of vulvar trauma. 4. Describe 6 common benign epithelial conditions of the vulva. Congenital abnormalities of the vulva • Very important to deal with at birth as gender assignment can be difficult. – Sensitivity and avoidance of hasty decisions important. • Careful physical examination, pelvic ultrasonography, hormonal studies, buccal smear, karyotyping and consultation necessary. Benign Conditions of the Vulva: Noninfectious • Female pseudohermaphroditism – Virulized female. – Caused by masculinization in utero. • Male pseudo hermaphroditism – Inadequately virulized male. – For example in androgen insensitivity. • True hermaphroditism – Very rare, needs both ovarian and testicular material. • Labial agglutination • Thin atrophic labia minora adhere if irritated or traumatized. • Treatment with topical estrogens. • Good local care to prevent recurrences. 1 Benign Conditions of the Vulva: Noninfectious • Fox-Fordyce Disease • Epidermal inclusion cysts and sebaceous cysts. – Pruritic raised yellowish retention cysts • • • • Benign Conditions of the Vulva: Noninfectious Often inflamed Can occur in axilla, mons, or labia Keratin plugged apocrine glands. Treatment difficult. Clinical Case – Located below the epidermis – Mobile, nontender, spherical and slow growing. – Excision if symptomatic. Benign Conditions of the Vulva: Noninfectious • Vulvar varicosities • 7 year old female with a 1 year history of painless swelling on vulva, previous history of straddle injury to the area. • Diagnosis? • Inclusion cyst. • More common multiparous women. • Urethral caruncle – Small fleshy outgrowths of the urethral mucosa. • In children results from prolapse of mucos. • In postmenopausal women occurs when hypoestrogenic vaginal mucosa contracts away from urethral mucosa. Benign Conditions of the Vulva: Noninfectious • 4 year old with history of urinary frequency and dysuria, MSU showing no growth • Diagnosis? • Urethral prolapse Benign Conditions of the Vulva: Noninfectious • Vulvar vestibulitis – Inflammation of one or more of the minor vestibular glands. – Severe introital dyspareunia – 1-4mm erythematous dots that are very tender when touched with a Q-tip. – Difficult to treat, some response to corticosteroids. 2 Benign growths of the vulva • Lentigo and nevi can be found on the vulva and may need to be biopsied to exclude the possibility of melanoma. • Fibromas • Form in deeper connective tissue of the vulva and may become large requiring excision. Benign growths of the vulva • Hidradenoma – Apocrine gland tumor • Neurofibroma – Associated with Von Recklinghausen’s disease • Angiomata – Small cherry angioma can appear during life, larger congenital angiomas require more complex investigation and possibly surgery. • Lipomas • are slow growing tumors composed of adipose tissue and may require excision. Vulvar trauma • Straddle injuries • Female genital mutilation. • Obstetric injuries Epithelial Conditions of the Vulva • • • • Squamous cell hyperplasia Lichen sclerosis Lichen planus Common skin conditions appearing on the vulva • Eczema • Psoriasis • Pemphigus Management Atrophic and hypertrophic vulvar dystrophies • Biopsy • Biopsy • Biopsy • Cannot visually rule out a premalignant or malignant lesion in an adult! • Topical corticosteroids mainstay of therapy. 3 Contact Dermatitis Vulvar Symptoms • Lichen sclerosus • Thin atrophic epithelium on biopsy • Symptoms controlled by application of steroid cream to affected area • Erythema and burning, exam can also reveal edema and excoriations in severe cases. • Treatment; – – – – Learning Objectives: 1. Describe 2 congenital abnormalities of the vagina and outline their clinical significance. 2. Describe 5 structural and benign conditions of the vagina. 3. Describe 2 causes for vaginal trauma and outline the treatment. 4. Describe one functional disorder of the vagina. Congenital abnormalities of the Vagina • Canalization abnormalities – Imperforate hymen – Transverse vaginal septum – Upper genital tract normal • Mullerian associated anomalies – Longitudinal vaginal septum – Vaginal agenesis or atresia. – Often associated with uterine and cervical anomalies. Embryonic Remnants • Gartner Duct cysts – Thick walled soft cysts resulting from mesonephric remnants(vas deferens , seminal vesicle in the male) – Can vary in size from 1-5 cm. – Usually found on the anterior and lateral walls high in the vagina or laterally lower in the vagina. – Excision if symptomatic Biopsy of any thickened or white areas. Removal of the irritant Topical mild or moderately strong corticosteroids Antihistamines and bland emollients. Structural and Benign Conditions • • • • Urethral diverticula Inclusion cysts Bartholin duct cyst Loss of pelvic supports: • Cystocoele • Rectocoele • Enterocoele. 4 Bartholin duct cyst Vaginal Trauma • Commonest cause sexual assault • 1-year-old female brought to emergency department after a 2 day history of vaginal bleeding. Dermtologic conditions • Condyloma accuminata • Herpes simplex virus • Lichen planus Vaginismus • Painful involuntary contraction of the vaginal introital and levator ani muscles. – Can preclude or prevent vaginal penetration during coitus, pelvic examination or tampon use. – Sexual dysfunction clinic after ruling out pathology that is treatable. 5 7/22/2009 Objectives Reproduction 016 Congenital Anomalies and Benign Conditions of the Uterus and Cervix Objectives 3. Describe 2 common benign neoplastic lesions of the cervix. a. Define Nabothian cyst b. Endo and ectocervical polyps 4. Define endometrial hyperplasia and outline its risk factors. 5. Outline a treatment plan for a patient with endometrial hyperplasia. 6. Describe functional conditions of the uterine corpus and cervix. Variations in uterine and cervical development 1. Describe the common congenital anomalies of the uterus and cervix, and outline their clinical importance. 2. Discuss the symptoms, differential diagnosis, investigation and management of uterine leiomyomas and endometrial polyps. Congenital Anomalies of the Uterine Corpus and Cervix • Remember: absence of a Y chromosome leads to regression of the mesonephric system and development of the paramesonephric system. • The most common anomalies result from either – incomplete fusion of the paramesonephric ducts, – incomplete fusion of the ducts – formation failures. • Uterus didelphys is the most extreme failure of fusion. • Cervical anomalies most commonly associated with fusion defects in the uterus. • Normal karyotype but need to rule out associated renal anomalies. Clinical Significance • Defects associated with obstruction can cause dyspareunia, hematocolpos or hematometra, as well as infertility. • Defects associated with abnormalities in the size and shape of the uterine cavity can cause preterm labor and increased need for C/S due to malpresentation. 1 7/22/2009 Uterine Leiomyomas Structural and Benign Neoplastic Conditions • Uterine Leiomyomas – Benign tumors derived from smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. – At least 45% of women will have them by the fifth decade of life. – Most are asymptomatic – Can cause: • excessive uterine bleeding, • pelvic pressure and pain, • infertility. • Uterine Leiomyomas (fibroids) – – – – – – Rare before menarche, can regress in menopause. May enlarge dramatically in pregnancy. Calcification may occur Degeneration may be a source of pain. Location crucial in understanding symptoms. Malignant leiomyosarcomas rare. Uterine Leiomyomas Uterine Leiomyomas • Symptoms • Submucosal • Subserosal • Intramural – Majority are asymptomatic – Mass effect can cause pelvic pressure, congestion and bloating, as well as constipation and urinary frequency from pressure on the bladder. – Urinary retention a rare complication. – Menorrhagia a major risk with intramural and submucosal fibroids. Uterine Leiomyomas • Case History A 45-year-old woman presented with menorrhagia resulting in chronic anemia. (Hgb 79). Pelvic examination showed a slightly bulky anteverted uterus with normal adnexa. She failed to respond to hormonal suppression therapy. Pelvic ultrasound showed a 2 cm. fibroid intramurally in the cornual area of the uterus. Differential Diagnosis • The differential diagnosis must include other pelvic masses and other causes of menorrhagia. – – – – – – – Most common differential is an ovarian neoplasm tubo-ovarian inflammatory mass Pelvic kidney Diverticular or inflammatory bowel mass Cancer of the colon. Pregnancy Adenomyosis 2 7/22/2009 Treatment • Based on • Medical Management – Hormonal • Progestin-only therapy • Combination hormonal contraceptive methods • GnRH agonists • Surgical Management • • • • Patient Choices Myomectomy Hysterectomy Embolization of uterine arteries Ablation of submucosal fibroids via hysteroscopy. Hysteroscopy – Informed consent – Desire for future fertility – Willingness to undergo a surgical procedure – Willingness to undergo medical therapy and any potential side effects. Fibroids via the Hysteroscope • Dextrose 5% and saline in water • Office or OR • Diagnostic or therapeutic Endometrial Polyps • Endometrial polyps form from the endometrium to create abnormal protrusions of friable tissue into the endometrial cavity. • Can cause unpredictable bleeding and menorrhagia. • Source of post-menopausal bleeding. • Benign. Diagnosis and treatment • Diagnosis can be made on – Ultrasonography – Hysteroscopy • Treatment – Endocervical and endometrial polyps that protrude from the endocervix can often be removed in the office. – Remainder require D&C or operative hysteroscopy. 3 7/22/2009 Hysteroscopic Image Benign Conditions of the Cervix • Endo and ecto-cervical polyps • Hysteroscopic image of an endometrial polyp • This would be accessible to excision using electrocautery at the time of hysteroscopy. Nabothian Cysts – – – – Commonest benign growth of the cervix. Cause post-coital or coital bleeding or menorrhagia Local proliferation of cells Narrow based polyps can be removed by twisting them off at the base in the office. – Broader base polyps require removal with cautery in an operative setting. – All specimens must be sent for pathology, as early adenocarcinomas may present this way. Epithelial conditions of the uterine corpus and cervix • Endometrial Hyperplasia • Very common • Result from the process of squamous metaplasia • Layer of superficial squamous cells cover over an invagination of columnar cells under the cervix. • May cause dyspareunia. Treatment • Simple hyperplasia (no atypia) – Medroxyprogesterone acetate 5-10mg orally for 10 days each month • Repeat endometrial biopsy to confirm successful treatment • Treat the underlying cause • Complex hyperplasia – Needs formal evaluation of endometrium with fractional D&C – Treat with daily progesterone therapy for 3 months. • Complex hyperplasia with atypia – Hysterectomy or careful follow-up after 3 months of progesterone. – Seen at times of unopposed estrogen stimulation • • • • PCOS Obesity Estrogen therapy Use of tamoxifen. • Diagnosis by endometrial biopsy – Suspect in intermenstrual bleeding, Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and menorrhagia. Asherman’s syndrome • Iatrogenic • Loss of a large component of the functional endometrial lining. • Case History – A 22-year-old woman underwent a D&C in the postpartum period for retained products of conception, and subsequently developed prolonged amenorrhea. • Commonest cause D&C in high risk setting. • Endometrial ablation a deliberate intent to cause this to ameliorate menorrhagia. 4 7/22/2009 Functional Conditions of the uterine corpus and cervix • Cervical stenosis – Usually as a result of trauma • Endocervical curettage, dilation or conization – or hypoestrogenism • Cervical incompetence – Cervix is unable to maintain pressure under the increasing demands of a pregnant uterus. – Can be intrinsic – Can be due to cervical surgery. 5 7/22/2009 Objectives Reproduction 018 Congenital Anomalies and Benign Conditions of the Ovaries and Tubes Congenital Anomalies of the Ovaries • Rare! – Congenital duplication or absence of one ovary can occur and is not associated with paramesonephric abnormalities. • Genetic chromosomal disorders such as Turner’s (XO) are associated with abnormal gonadal development. – (small, early loss of function) • Y chromosome predominant in situations like Kleinfelter’s (XXY) • XY gonadal genesis or testicular feminization – Presence of the Y chromosome necessitates removal after puberty because of risk of germ cell tumors. Neoplastic Tumors of the Ovaries • Premenarchal years – 10% are malignant. – 90% benign. • Reproductive or menstrual years – 15% are malignant • Menopausal years 1. Outline the congenital abnormalities of the ovaries and tubes. 2. Describe the common functional and benign tumors of the ovary. 3. Discuss the clinical management of these tumors. 4. Describe 3 benign conditions of the fallopian tubes and their management. Benign Conditions of the Ovaries • Functional – Follicular cysts – Lutein cysts – Polycystic sclerotic ovaries • Inflammatory – Salpingo-oophoritis – Pyogenic oophoritis – Granulomatous oophoritis • Metaplastic – Endometriomas The Ovary • Amazing ability to develop a wide variety of tumors, the majority of which are benign. • Need to be able to recognize when a malignancy is more likely to exist. • During childbearing years 70% of ovarian masses are functional – Remainder are neoplastic or metaplastic (endometriomas) – 50% are malignant. 1 7/22/2009 Functional Cysts • Dozens of follicles form each cycle. • If one persists and is larger than 3 cm it is defined as a functional cysts. • If it is a persistent follicle it is classified as a follicular cysts and may produce estrogen. – Lined by granulosa cells • If it is a persistent corpus luteum, it is defined as a lutein cyst and may produce progesterone, delaying onset of menses. Symptoms Functional Cysts- continued • Hemorrhagic cysts • Hemorrhage occurs into the cysts as a result of invasion of ovarian vessels into the functional cysts • More likely to be symptomatic • Theca-lutein cysts – Associated with high levels of HCG – Also can be associated with ovarian hyperstimulation (inducing ovulation in IVF) • Luteomas of pregnancy • Polycystic ovarian syndrome Torsion of Ovarian Cyst • Often asymptomatic • Can reach sizes up to 15 cm. • Lutein cysts more likely to delay menses than follicular cysts • Hemorrhagic cysts more likely to be symptomatic with severe pain • Torsion – surgical emergency • Rupture – May be a surgical emergency. Diagnosis • Pelvic examination – In the non-obese patient palpable after reaching a size of 5-6 cm. – Cysts are mobile unilateral and not associated with ascites. (Except PCOS which will be bilateral) • Pelvic ultrasound very useful in trying to differentiate between functional and neoplastic cysts, but not infallible. Management • Reproductive age patient presenting with < 6 cm cyst ok to wait and reexamine after next menses. (pelvic exam or U/S) • If > 6 cm, or feels solid or fixed ultrasound imaging is appropriate. • If lesion is painful, multilocular or partially solid (on US) surgical exploration is indicated. • Laparoscopy/laparotomy • Spontaneous regression will occur in up to 70% of adnexal cysts. 2 7/22/2009 Epithelial Ovarian Neoplasm Benign Neoplastic Ovarian Tumors • Ovarian Neoplasms – Divided into • Epithelial – ovarian surface • Stromal • Germ cell • Benign cystic teratoma ( dermoid) is the most common, from the germ cell group. Epithelial Ovarian Tumors • Serous tumors – 70% will be benign – 5-10% borderline malignant potential – 20-25% are malignant. • Mucinous tumors can attain a massive size – 85% are benign – Rarely complicated by pseudomyxoma peritoneii • Brenner tumors – Cells resemble transitional cells of the bladder – Rare, benign Germ cell tumors • Make up ~ 60% of ovarian neoplasms in children. • Benign cystic teratoma the most common. (aka dermoid cyst) • 10-15% bilateral • Ectodermal tissue – Sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, teeth – Some mesodermal and rarely endodermal elements • All tissue benign in nature. • Derived from the mesothelium lining the peritoneal cavity • Maintain their ability for example to develop the different types of histologic tissue seen in the mullerian tract. – – – – Serous Mucinous Endometrioid Brenner - bladder mucosa Sex-cord stromal tumors • Granulosa-theca cell tumors – Feminizing tumors due to their ability to produce estrogen • Precocious puberty in the child • Menorrhagia and endometrial hyperplasia in the adult – Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors • Less common but can cause virulizing symptoms • All have low malignant potential • Fibromas • Smooth solid tumor made of interlacing bundles of fibrocytes • Benign but can be associated with ascites • Meigs syndrome: trans thoracic flow thru lymphatics of the fluid can cause ascites and hydrothorax. Diagnosis • Again most asymptomatic unless torsion or rupture occur. • Bimanual examination in the non-obese patient. • Pelvic ultrasonography, particularly transvginal in obese patient • Tumor markers • CA 125 – tumour marker for ovarian cancer but not sense or spec enough for screening; useful for following malignancy • Hormone markers • Laparoscopy – if unsure by US 3 7/22/2009 Management • Solid tumours generally treated with unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy • Ovarian cystectomy in younger women a possibility if it is unilocular. • Ovarian fibromas an exception, although solid can be treated with cystectomy. • Dermoids can also be treated with cystectomy. • Ascitic fluid needs to be sent for cytology • TAH –BSO for the older woman may be appropriate. • Total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oopherectomy • Due to large risk of malignancy Benign Conditions of the Fallopian Tube • Most lesions inflammatory in nature – Hydrosalpinx – tube distended with fluid – Pyosalpinx – tube distended with pus • Tubes have less tendency towards neoplastic transformation Rare • Neoplasms that do occur – – – – – Epithelial adenomas Polyps Myomas Inclusion cysts Angiomas. Benign Ovarian Cyst Operative View • A 15-year-old female presented with abdominal pain and a larges simple cyst on ultrasound. The mass did not have a solid component. • Operative laparoscopy performed for ovarian cystectomy, lower picture is the post-op view! Management • Pyosalpinx is aggressively treated with IV antibiotics as for salpingitis • Surgical excision may be required. • Instant infertility and early menopause • Hydrosalpinx may be managed conservatively if it is asymptomatic – Salpingectomy if symptomatic. (it doesn’t serve any function anyway) • Benign growths may be excised via laparoscopy. Objectives 1. Outline the congenital abnormalities of the ovaries and tubes. 2. Describe the common functional and benign tumors of the ovary. 3. Discuss the clinical management of these tumors. 4. Describe 3 benign conditions of the fallopian tubes and their management. 4 7/22/2009 Objectives RP029 Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea and Hyperandrogenic Disorders Definition of Primary Amenorrhea 1. No period by age 14 in the absence of growth or development of secondary sexual characteristics. 2. No period by age 16 regardless of the presence of normal growth and development with the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics. Diagnostic Strategy Using the Compartment System • Compartment 1 • Disorders of the outflow tract or uterine target organ. • Compartment 2 • Disorders of the ovary • Compartment 3 • Disorders of the anterior pituitary • Compartment 4 • Define primary amenorrhea and state when a patient should be investigated for it. • Classify primary amenorrhea disorders based on presence or absence of secondary sexual characteristics and presence of mullerian anomalies. Rule # 1 • Rule out pregnancy first – This is never a wrong answer! Compartment 1 disorders • Disorders of the outflow tract or uterus – Obstructive Mullerian tract anomalies – Agenesis of the Mullerian tract (MRK) – Hypoplastic Mullerian anomalies – Imperforate Hymen – Complete androgen insensitivity (XY) – Rare forms of CAH (XY) • Disorders of the central nervous system. 1 7/22/2009 Compartment 2 Disorders • Disorders of the ovary – Gonadal agenesis or dysgenesis • XO, XXX, Mosaic Compartment 3 Disorders • Disorders of the anterior pituitary – Pituitary tumor • Producing excess PRL, TSH, – Growth hormone (can initially present with high PRL and amenorrhea). Compartment 4 Disorders Puberty Milestones Review • Disorders of the central nervous system – Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism • Kallmann’s syndrome-accompanying anosmia. • Stress related amenorrhea – Exercise – Chronic illness • Anorexia nervosa • Hypothyroidism • Craniopharyngioma can present as primary amenorrhea, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and delayed puberty warrant an MRI to rule out Puberty Milestones Review Puberty Milestones Review 2 7/22/2009 Puberty Milestones Review Presence of Secondary Sexual Characteristics • Puberty has been initiated normally • Look for : – Mullerian tract anomalies • Obstructive • Hypoplastic • Agenesis Puberty Milestones Review Absence of Secondary Sexual Characteristics • Puberty has not been initiated normally – Look for: • Hypothalamic causes • Pituitary causes • Ovarian agenesis or dysgenesis. – Complete androgen insensitivity – Rare forms of CAH Objectives • Define secondary amenorrhea. • Discuss the differential diagnosis for secondary amenorrhea associated with hypoestrogenism. • Discuss the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of amenorrhea associated with hyperprolactinemia. • Define mild hypothalamic dysfunction causing amenorrhea and outline its treatment. Definition of Secondary Amenorrhea 1. In a woman who has been menstruating, the absence of periods for a length of time equivalent to a total of at least three of the previous cycle intervals or 6 months of amenorrhea. 3 7/22/2009 Rule # 1 • Rule out pregnancy first – This is never a wrong answer! Diagnostic Strategy Using the Compartment System • Compartment 1 • Disorders of the outflow tract or uterine target organ. • Compartment 2 • Disorders of the ovary • Compartment 3 • Disorders of the anterior pituitary • Compartment 4 • Disorders of the central nervous system. Compartment 1 disorders • Disorders of the outflow tract or uterine target organ. – Asherman’s syndrome Compartment 3 Disorders • Disorders of the anterior pituitary – Pituitary tumors • PRL, TSH – Sheehan’s syndrome Compartment 2 Disorders • Disorders of the ovary – Premature ovarian failure • Autoimmune • Chromosomal mosaicism • Partial CAH (adrenal as well) Compartment 4 Disorders • Disorders of the central nervous system – Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism • Stress related amenorrhea – Exercise – Chronic illness • Anorexia nervosa • Hypothyroidism 4 7/22/2009 Secondary amenorrhea associated with hypoestrogenism. • Hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction – Includes patients with severe weight loss or excessive exercise, anorexia nervosa, severe systemic diseases, pituitary or CNS lesions and pituitary failure. • Premature ovarian failure – Ovarian failure before the age of 40. • Hyperprolactinemia – If not explained by drug use or hypothyroidism, a CT or MRI of the sella turcica should be performed. Mild hypothalamic dysfunction • Patients with adequate estrogen levels but who are anovulatory may have a mild form of hypothalamic anovulation. – – – – – Nutrition/exercise mismatch Psychological stress Recent use of DepoProvera Recent pregnancy or lactation. When pregnancy not desried, observation and periodic withdrawal bleeds with progesterone appropriate. Case History • A 25-year-old female presents with secondary amenorrhea. BMI is 22. • Her TSH and Prolactin are normal. • She has a withdrawal bleed on progesterone. Amenorrhea associated with hyperprolactinemia. • Treatment objectives – Elimination of lactation • Medical with bromocriptine (dopamine agonist) • Surgical for visual field defects or failure to improve on medical therapy. – Establishment of normal estrogen secretion – Induction of ovulation when fertility is desired. – Treatment of tumors as indicated. • Mass effects of prolactinomas • Craniopharyngiomas. Case History • A 16-year-old female comes to your clinic with a diagnosis of primary amenorrhea. • She has had breast development at age 12 • TSH and Prolactin are normal. • She has been on an oral contraceptive ( for contraception) with no withdrawal bleed. Case History • A 23-year-old competitive track and field athlete presents with a 6 month history of amenorrhea. • Her TSH and prolactin are normal • She fails to bleed after a Progesterone challenge. • After being placed on an OCP she does have regular withdrawal bleeds. • FSH is low. 5 7/22/2009 Case History • An 18-year-old female presents with oligomenorrhea. She has a BMI of 29. TSH is elevated and her prolactin is mildly elevated. She has a withdrawal bleed after progesterone. Objectives Case History • A 17-year-old female presents with secondary amenorrhea. Her TSH and prolactin are normal. She fails to have a withdrawal bleed on progesterone, but does bleed after one cycle on an OCP (combined).Her FSH is high. Ovarian ultrasound • Outline the medical treatment for a patent with a diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Treatment Aims • Correct the hyperandrogenisim and its effects • Correct the anovulation and its adverse effects – Protect the endometrium from hyperplasia – Restore fertility when desired. • Identify and treat insulin resistance. hyperlipidemias and hypertension when present. Hyperandrogenism • Hirsuitism and acne – Combination oral contraceptive therapy or Depo-Provera • Need mechanical methods to remove pre-existing hair. • Diane 35 containing cyproterone acetate is best available product for treatment of androgen symptoms. – Spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist) also indicated for treatment of hirsuitism when ovarian suppression therapy fails. – Weight loss 6 7/22/2009 Differential Diagnosis for hyperandrogenic disorders • • • • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Cushing’s syndrome Adrenal neoplasms Racial differences in expression of androgenic effects in the skin can lead to difficulties in diagnosis (excess hair with normal androgens, minimal hirsuitism in the face of elevated androgens) Treatment • Insulin resistance – Weight loss – Oral hypoglycemics • Hyperlipidemias – Weight loss – Medical therapy. 7 RP049 - Perinatal Genetics Learning Objectives Perinatal Genetics: Metabolic / Genetic Disorders in Pregnancy After this lecture the student should be able to Describe the effects of genetic/ metabolic diseases in the mother on the mother or pregnancy and provide examples Describe the effects of genetic/ metabolic diseases in the mother on the fetus and provide examples Describe the effects of genetic/metabolic diseases in the fetus on the mother and provide an example Bernie Chodirker Definitions: Mother = Mother and pregnancy and delivery Fetus = Fetus, placenta and baby Effects of Metabolic / Genetic Disorders in Pregnancy Four 1 2 3 Main categories Effects of disease in the mother on the mother/pregnancy Effects of disease in the mother on the fetus Effects of disease in the fetus on the mother/pregnancy Effects of disease in the fetus on the fetus 4 Genetic Disorders Affecting Fertility GALACTOSEMIA -females with classical galactosemia develop hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism fertility is rare CYSTIC FIBROSIS- CBAVD in males CONG. ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA HOMOCYSTINURIA-? S.A. Turner Syndrome Pregnancy possible if mosaic or with assisted reproduction 2 patients died of aortic dissection in third trimester Myotonic Dystrophy Myotonic Dystrophy CTG repeats 24/69 none adult 5/845/75 13/300 juvenile congenital 13/112 5/160 13/205 14/2100 13/730 16/200 Myotonic Dystrophy Mother on Mother Prolonged labor due to maternal weakness post-partum hemorrhage, pre-term labor respiratory distress with small amounts of resp depressants Mother on Fetus Old 1 theory was maternal non-genetic factor fetus on mother hydramnious (10% of idiopathic hydramnious) fetus on fetus Congenital myotonic Dystophy Genetic Disorder in Mother Affecting Mother Genetic Disorder in Mother Affecting Mother Neurofibromatosis NF1 (Dugoff 1996) Marfan 21 Syndrome (Rossiter 1995) women, 45 pregnancies aortic root < 40, tolerate pregnancy well 2 aortic dissections 105 women 247 pregnancies livebirths, 44 SA’s, 21 TA’s, 2 ectopic 7 C-section due to NF (eg. Pelvic neurofibroma no increase in pregnancy complications eg. Preeclampsia 60% new neurofibromas, 52% enlargement of neurofibromas 182 Genetic Disorder in Mother Affecting Mother Ehlers Danlos Syndrome IVVascular type Thin, translucent,fragile,premature aged skin minimal joint hypermobility Spontaneous rupture of arteries and internal organs colon, uterus average life span 40 Autosomal Dominant Genetic Disorder in Mother Affecting Mother Skeletal dysplasia (Allanson, 1986) women (26 Achondroplasia) pregnancies (70 to term) 9 women had resp distress in last 2/12 63/70 deliveries were C-Section epidural successful in 23 Suggest baseline pulmonary function careful with general anesthetic small trachea, spine instability, lower body mass, Genetic Disorder in Mother Affecting Mother Ehlers Danlos Syndrome IV- Vascular type (NEJM, 2000) 83 pregnancies 12 deaths 5 uterine rupture during labor 2 of blood vessel rupture at delivery 5 of blood vessel rupture within 2 weeks after delivery Pepin unknown if CS would help More Genetic disorder in mother affecting mother 46 89 Genetic Disease in Mother affecting Mother CF: 1/2 have serious /progress lung decompensation - 43% no change, 43% worse, 14% better Multiple Sclerosis- relapse rate similar to non-pregnant Epilepsy Asthma if if 1 seizure/month prior, most worse 0 seizure/ 9 months prior, 25% worse Metabolic Disease in Mother affecting Mother Metabolic Metabolic disease causing further organ damage during pregnancy Glycogen storage disease I (renal) Cystinosis (renal) decompensation after delivery Cycle Disorders (OTC Deficiency) CPS deficiency Urea Glycogen Maternal Poryphyria Maternal Storage Disease III (cardiomyopathy) ( 50% had attacks during pregnancy, 1 maternal death) High Maple Syrup Urine Disease Homocystinuria risk for postpartum thromboembolism Maternal Disease Affecting Fetus PKU phenylalanine 2 -------x--------->Tryosine Autosomal recessive 1/ 12,000 Caucasian births carrier frequency 1/50 Disease can range from Classic to mild hyperphenylalanemia Maternal Disease Affecting Fetus Maternal PKU MATERNAL PKU routine NB screening began in 1960’s, early rx women are now fertile, ~2800 fertile women with normal IQ in U.S. (~300 in Canada) by 1990. Rouse et al (2000) 413 offspring to 354 women with PKU 31 CHD, 17 microcephaly with MR, no control before 4-8 weeks. Need for metabolic control prior to pregnancy Developmental Follow-up et al (2000) –FU in 149 offspring Waisbren Good control= mean score 99 without control by 20 weeks IQ<2SD Overall 30% of children have social /behavioral problems Treatment at any stage may be helpful 47% Nutritional Rickets Maternal PKU Vitamin Do we know all the moms with PKU? Hanley et al (1999) retrospective survey, of 414 women with maternal PKU, 17 diagnosed for 1st time in pregnancy, including 6 only after birth of the affected offspring Recommendations Diet life long ; consider PKU embryopathy in children with microcephaly, MR, CHD if firstborn, other affected, mom with MR “Consider Prenatal screening for any woman born before 66” D Deficiency Inadequate vitamin D in diet (milk, liver, fish) Inadequate exposure to sunlight for dermal vitamin D synthesis Congenital Rickets 3 Innes et al 2002, 4 Aboriginal Manitoba babies with Congenital Rickets whose mothers had evidence of Vitamin D deficiency, did not consume milk, little prenatal care, no vitamins, Mirror syndrome Fetal conditions with Mirror syndrome Also Placental called “pseudotoxemia”, “triple edema syndrome”, “maternal hydrops”, Ballantyne syndrome”. Fluid retention in women with hydropic fetus Chorioangioma infections Alpha-thalassemia Sacrococcygeal teratoma Trisomy 13 Rh erythroblastosis Ebstein Anomaly Cardiac arrhythmia Viral complications may include pulmonary edema also get pre-eclampsia Outcome poor for mother and baby without prompt delivery or treatment of hydrops Complete Mole Histologically, the hydatidiform mole has large avascular villi and areas of trophoblastic proliferation. Diploid karyotype 85% 46,XX 15% 46,XY 80-100% paternal only diandric diploidy Diploid complete moles occasionally go to choriocarcinoma 15% local invasion, 4% distant can also present with hyperemesis, pre-eclampsia,heavy vag bleed, RDS, hypertyhroidism due to trophoblastic hyperplasia and high HCG Well recognized pregnancy complications Hyperemesis Gravidarum : very common Pre-eclampsia : common (5%) HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes, Low Platelets) syndrome uncommon (1/200) AFLP (Acute Fatty Liver of Preg) jaundice, Plasma encephalopathy, (1/10000) Free Fatty Acids Cytoplasm CPT1 Inner Mt. Memb CPT2 Fatty Acyl-CoA Acetyl-CoA LCHAD (long chain-3-hydroxylacyl-CoA dehydrogenase), MCAD (medium chain-acyl-CoA dehydrogenase), CPT-1 (Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase 1) def. & ?others are part of a new class of metabolic disorders called fatty acid oxidation defects (FAOD) FAOD are only recently characterized; in childhood present as Reye-like syndrome, ALTE, cardiomyopathy etc Long Chain Fatty Acids Outer Mt. Memb Mitochondrial Matrix Metabolic Fetal Disease Affecting Mother Signs and Symptoms of Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects lethargy hepatomegaly myopathy Reye-like episodes failure to thrive seizures cardiomyopathy sudden death coma hypoketotic hypoglycemia MCAD LCAD LCHAD Fetal disease affecting mother There Liver Steatosis in FAOD Cardiomyopathy in FAOD are now well- documented studies showing association of LCHAD with preeclampsia, HELLP and esp. AFLP and HELLP Ibdah et al. A fetal fatty acid oxidation disorder as a cause of liver disease in pregnant women. NEJM. 1999;340:1723-31. 24 children with hypoketotic hypoglycemia and fatty liver Fetal disease affecting mother ? 8 homozygotes for glu474gln LCHAD 11 compound heterozygotes for glu474gln LCHAD 5 with cardiomyopathy/neuropathy no glu474gln mutations 7 had AFLP and/or HELLP 8 had AFLP and/or HELLP 0 had AFLP and/or HELLP Mechanism In presence of Glu474Gln mutation, metabolites produced by fetus or placenta accumulate in the mother and are highly toxic to liver. Metabolites overwhelm the mitochondrial oxidation machinery of the heterozygous mother who is already under stress from the increased demand for fatty acid oxidation in later stages of pregnancy.. Signs and Symptoms of Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects Fetal disease affecting mother Pre-eclampsia and HELLP also associated with MCAD deficiency hyperemesis gravidarum HELLP and AFLP also associated with hepatic CPT-1 deficiency lethargy hepatomegaly myopathy Reye-like episodes failure to thrive seizures cardiomyopathy sudden death coma hypoketotic hypoglycemia hyperemesis gravidarum Pre-eclampsia HELLP syndrome acute fatty liver of pregnancy Recommendations Conclusions Strauss Some et al b Seminars in Perinatology (1999): AFLP / recurrent HELLP Maternal screen for common LCHAD mutation in parents baby for FAOD- glucose, urinary organic acids, acylcarnitine profile, carnitine, palmitate oxidation & DNA testing investigate Yield will be lower for isolated HELLP of the disorders mentioned may be modified prenatally or postnatally by diet e.g.PKU, Pregnancies can cause significant complications from Genetics disorders for mother or baby Pregnancy or birth of an affected child may often be the “presenting symptom” of an inborn error of metabolism in the family Learning Objectives After this lecture the student should be able to Describe the effects of genetic/ metabolic diseases in the mother on the mother or pregnancy and provide examples Describe the effects of genetic/ metabolic diseases in the mother on the fetus and provide examples Describe the effects of genetic/metabolic diseases in the fetus on the mother and provide an example 7/22/2009 Objectives Newborn Assessment and Resuscitation Med II RP051 Shyamala Dakshinamurti Section of Neonatology • 5 million neonatal deaths per year worldwide • Birth asphyxia accounts for 19% of neonatal deaths and is a major source of perinatal mortality At the end of this lecture, you will be responsible to know the following: • • • • Immediate assessment of the newborn Apgar score: its elements and implications Major complications of term delivery Physiology of perinatal depression and of basic resuscitative measures • Common causes of failed resuscitation • Principles of gestational age assessment • Major complications of prematurity You Are Called to Attend a Delivery… • 10% of newborns require some respiratory assistance at birth • 1% of newborns require extensive resuscitation at birth • 30,000 deliveries a year in Manitoba • This means 300 newborn resuscitations per year • You will be doing some of these! Newborn Assessment • You are called to attend this delivery • Maternal history: 26 yr G1 P0, medically healthy, swabs and serologies normal, in spontaneous labour at term (39 wks GA) • Intrapartum fetal tracing has shown deep variable decelerations, but these have resolved with changes in maternal position • Mild shoulder dystocia, otherwise delivery uneventful • Baby is born flat, blue, not breathing • Now what? Newborn Assessment • Immediate questions: • Is the baby breathing? • What is the baby’s heart rate? • What is the baby’s colour? • Why are you asking these questions? Basic Physiology of Neonatal Transition: • • • • • Oxygenation switches from placental to pulmonary Respiratory drive needs to be stimulated High vagal tone controlling heart rate Hypoxia is a vagal stimulant Almost all cardiorespiratory depression is therefore respiratory in origin. Almost. 1 7/22/2009 Respiratory Adaptation Circulatory Adaptation • During fetal life, high pulmonary vascular resistance means blood from the right ventricle bypasses the lung circulation • Blood enters aorta via the ductus arteriosus • After birth, lungs are oxygenated with first breaths and pulmonary vascular resistance falls • Ductus closes; Blood enters the lungs via pulmonary artery, and is oxygenated • Alveolar fluid is absorbed by the lung (active Na+ ion transport at birth, stimulated by O2) • Lung inflation initially requires very negative intrathoracic pressure to recruit alveolar expansion • Stimuli for respiratory effort include rising PO2 at birth and hormonal changes associated with birth, including decreased prostaglandin production • A supraphysiologic PCO2 also stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors; a PCO2 below the apneic threshhold abolishes breathing activity • Physical stimuli stimulate breathing by increasing arousal insult insult continues… Primary and Secondary Apnea Primary Apnea • ‘stunned infant’ • Transient apnea; can be associated with drop in HR • Spontaneous recovery possible with appropriate stimulation regular respiratory effort Secondary Apnea • ‘down for the count’ • Protracted apnea, associated with bradycardia and desaturation • Spontaneous recovery not possible; will need resuscitation gasping respiration HR falls; Sat may fall HR falls; Sat falls; BP falls BP stable At first glance, these look the same! Causes of Neonatal Cardiorespiratory Compromise Physiology of Resuscitation • Primary apnea lasts 1 to 2 min, followed by gasping of progressively increasing vigour • Secondary (terminal) apnea can persist for over 10 minutes prior to cardiac arrest • Hypoxemia itself inhibits respiratory effort • In severe asphyxia, PaCO2 rises by 10 mmHg/min; pH can drop from 7.30 to 6.80 in 5 min • PaO2 drops as low as 30 mmHg within 5 min of severe asphyxia, with lactic acidosis and onset of hypotension • Cerebral blood flow decreases with hypoxia • Reperfusion injury and oxygen radicals cause much of the CNS damage in perinatal hypoxia/resuscitation • Respiratory • Apnea increases vagal tone and causes bradycardia • Respiratory acidosis can be a direct cause of hemodynamic compromise • Cardiac • • • • Blood loss (placenta; cord accident) Arrhythmia Anemia (high output failure) eg. Rh incompatibility Septic shock 2 7/22/2009 Decision Tree Facilitating Neonatal Adaptation • Place baby in a warm location • Dry the baby off – and remove the wet linens! • Clear the airway of mucus and fluid; position for open airway (sniffing position) • Stimulate respiration by gentle rubbing of skin on back • Watch for onset of respiratory efforts Dry Clear airway observe Breathing? Heart rate? No respir effort or Poor respir effort Good respir effort HR > 100 observe Colour pink? Baby to mom; You can go get a coffee • You have 30 seconds for this stage PPV Causes of Perinatal Respiratory Distress While you’re thinking: Decision Tree Can’t breathe: • Mechanical airway obstruction (meconium, blood, mucus) • Parenchymal lung disease (retained alveolar fluid, pneumonia, etc) • Prematurity and hyaline membrane disease • Space-occupying lesion in pleural space (air, liquid, …gut) dry, clear airway Poor respir effort PPV x 30 sec observe Won’t breathe: • Intrauterine asphyxia • CNS depressants (narcotics, barbiturates, alcohol, anaesthetics, magnesium) • Trauma (cerebral edema, hemorrhage) • Neurologic disorders; congenital anomalies Breathing? Heart rate? Poor respir effort HR > 100 Good respir effort Pinking up HR > 100 Stop PPV and observe Keep doing PPV What is the Apgar at 1 min? What does APGAR stand for? Trick question: it’s not an acronym! It’s named after Dr Virginia Apgar (1953) • Infant is 60 seconds old… take a second to reassess: 1 Heart rate Respir rate Colour Reflex Tone 2 > 100 Regular Pink Grimace, Sneeze or Cough Good flexor tone 1 < 100 Irregular or Gasping Acrocyanosis only Twitch Some tone 0 None Apnea Cyanosis or Pallor None Flaccid 0 0 Apgar score is measured at 1 min and 5 min 0 0 • Palpating the base of the umbilical cord, you feel a heart rate of about 8 beats in 6 seconds, ie. 80 beats/min • No spontaneous respir effort; you are still bagging at about 60 breaths/min • Colour is pale, with acrocyanosis • No response when nasopharynx is suctioned • Extremities are limp and flaccid, no spontaneous movements seen In sum, the 1 minute Apgar is only 1. How bad is this? 3 7/22/2009 Back to the Decision Tree… Implications of Low Apgar Scores Poor respir effort • At 1 minute, 6% of babies have Apgar score of 0-2; 24% score 3-7; 70% score 8-10 • This 1 minute Apgar does not correlate with a bad longterm outcome • 5 min Apgar < 4 is associated with major neurological sequelae (cerebral palsy, usually spastic diplegia) • Combination of pH < 7.0 and Apgar < 4 at 5 min has specificity and positive predictive value of ~100% (but poor sensitivity, ~60%) for neurologic abnormality • pH < 7.0 and Apgar < 4 is also associated with 8-fold increased risk of neonatal death PPV x 1 min so far observe Breathing? Heart rate? while ventilating HR > 100 HR < 60 Continue PPV Cardiac compressions Keep doing PPV Observe for onset of respir effort … another 30 seconds then consider drugs (epinephrine) NRP and Drugs NRP and Drugs Other NRP drugs: • Volume – Crystalloid (NS or Ringer’s lactate) usually sufficient to restore intravascular volume in shock – In case of blood loss (eg. Placental abruption), emergency blood transfusion • Sodium Bicarbonate – Almost useless – Can be used to correct a severe metabolic acidosis; but this is almost always a result of poor perfusion – far better to fix the perfusion problem – Route is iv only (need an umbilical central line) • Narcan – To reverse effects of recent maternal narcotic therapy, if you know for a fact that there was no chronic maternal drug use • Recall: about 10% of regular term deliveries require some intervention; about 1% of regular term deliveries require resuscitation • Of those infants resuscitated, only about 1% require more than PPV +/- CPR; you don’t open the drug box very often • Epinephrine is the most commonly needed resuscitation drug in NRP; it can be given iv, or via endotracheal tube Which route will you use if you need it in this case? Most Common Morbidities at Term • Sepsis • Commonly Group B Streptococcus • Can also be enteric Gram Negative bacilli • Presents as pneumonia or septic shock; but can also be quite subtle in onset • Perinatal asphyxia • Prolonged labour, cord compression, nuchal cord (usually problems reversible with good resus) • Placental abruption, placenta previa, vasa previa (can cause significant blood loss) • Placental insufficiency (acute on chronic) Causes of Rescuscitation Failure • Inadequate thermoregulation • • • • Lack of radiant heat source Failure to dry infant and remove wet linen Can stymie all further resus efforts Poor respiratory support • • • • Take care to position head to open airway Appropriate pressure, appropriate speed !! Ensure chest inflates with each bagged breath Is tubing hooked up to an oxygen source? Good PPV means you rarely need to intubate 4 7/22/2009 What is the Apgar at 5 min? It’s now time for your 2nd Apgar assessment: 2 1 1 2 1 • With your assiduous efforts at PPV, infant now has a heart rate of 12 beats in 6 seconds’ count, ie. 120/min • Making occasional gasping respiratory effort • Centrally has started to pink up, although extremities are still blue • Sneezes with suctioning, grimaces • Extremities have some tone, but limbs are in an extended position The 5 minute Apgar is up to 7. Good resuscitation! Prematurity: A Special Scenario A Successful Resuscitation… But don’t forget the after-care: Monitoring for late complications of perinatal depression (includes failure of circulatory transition) • iv, O2, monitor • to mother when you are satisfied all is well Hyaline Membrane Disease • Premature infants are considered viable after 23 weeks gestation, or > 500g – 23-24 weeks is a grey zone (mortality > 90%) – At 23 weeks, lungs are still in a canalicular phase of development (few alveoli, big A/a gradient) – At 25 weeks, mortality 40-50% – By 27 weeks, lungs are alveolarizing, and mortality is down to <20% • Primary complication of preterm birth is respiratory distress due to surfactant deficiency and hyaline membrane disease • The greatest advance in neonatal care in the last 50 years is artificial surfactant Surfactant - Physiology surfactant • Surfactant is a product of alveolar type II cells; artificial surfactant may be synthetic or derived from animal lung extracts • Decreases alveolar opening pressure, ie. the pressure at which the lung parenchyma begins to fill beyond dead space volume • Achieved by lowering the surface tension at the gas liquid interface in the small airways and alveoli • Surfactant also stabilizes the lung on deflation, maintaining functional residual capacity by preventing complete collapse of previously inflated alveoli Hyaline Membrane Disease Post Surfactant High surface tension Collapsed alveoli Hypoventilation, V/Q mismatch Hypoxia Pulmonary vascular constriction Decrease in surface tension Inflation of alveoli Relaxation of pulmonary vessels Good gas exchange Respiratory failure Metabolic acidosis Circulatory failure 5 7/22/2009 How Preterm is Preterm? Major Factors Determining Outcome • The major determinate of overall perinatal mortality and morbidity is prematurity • In developed countries, preventing prematurity would markedly improve infant mortality figures • In developing countries, sepsis is still king (and is the major hazard for term infants in North America) • The main determinate of quality of life is longterm neurological function • Perinatal asphyxia, intraventricular hemorrhage, cerebral palsy and learning disability are all increased with preterm birth and low birth weight Gestational age assessment • Based on physical features and on neurological devt • Skin thickness, skin creases, devt of cartilage, breast buds, genital devt • Muscle tone (flexor vs extensor), joint laxity Determining Neurodevelopmental Outcome: Intraventricular Hemorrhage Summary • Principles of cardiorespiratory resuscitation in the depressed infant: • Incidence - ~ 20% of infants <1500g • Pathogenesis – Highly vascular germinal matrix with tenuous capillary integrity, poor cerebral autoregulation – Fluctuating cerebral blood flow IVH (especially in infants with severe RDS) Periventricular venous congestion Ischemia Hemorrhagic infarct • Temperature regulation • Resolve respiratory problems first • Hemodynamic instability and bradycardia often (but not always) secondary to respiratory issues • • • • Apgar scores and their implications Common causes of failed resuscitation Resuscitating the premature infant Determinates of term and preterm outcome Cerebral palsy, neurologic deficit 6 7/22/2009 RP062 - Infections in pregnancy and the neonate Goal To introduce the concept of the special nature of infections in pregnancy Lecture + Tutorial Objectives Describe the factors that specifically affect infections during pregnancy and the neonatal period List the most important congenital and perinatal infections List the consequences of congenital and perinatal infections Describe what determines the consequences of congenital and perinatal infections Outline how to diagnose congenital and perinatal infections Congenital infections Definitions Perinatal Infections: Occur during gestation, labour and delivery, or during the first month of life Congenital Infections: Occur during gestation Vertical Infections: Occur secondary to infection of sperm or egg Early Onset Neonatal Infections: Occur before 7 days of age Late Onset Neonatal Infections: Occur from 7 days to 3 months of age Infections transmitted during Labour/Delivery HSV Hepatitis B HIV HPV Enterovirus Varicella CMV Gonococcus/Meningococcus Chlamydia Ureaplasma/Mycoplasma GBS/E.coli/Listeria Staph aureus/GAS/Gram negatives Candida Syphilis HSV Hepatitis B HIV Varicella CMV Human parvovirus B19 Toxoplasmosis Malaria TB Neonatal Sepsis Group B hemolytic Streptococcus E. coli Listeria monocytogenes Group A hemolytic Streptococcus Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Pseudomonas Staph aureus Coagulase negative Staphylococcus Candida Tuberculosis 1 7/22/2009 Points about Infections during Pregnancy and during the Neonatal period transplant antigens expressed on cell surfaces of the fetal/placental unit maternal immune responses selective transfer of immune co-factors infant immune system develops over time Possible Consequences of Congenital Infections » 2 months 2 years of age IgG but not IgM or IgA transplant across placenta Placenta (& membranes) act as a barrier to infection Neonate is a sterile field for microbial colonization Possible Consequences of Congenital Infections Intracranial calcifications and hydrocephalus due to congenital CMV Possible Consequences of Congenital Infections Hutchison’s Teeth due to congenital syphilis Nothing Fetal Death Fetal malformations Chromosomal alterations Progenitor Cell Death Scar Formation Ongoing Infection Growth disturbances Microcephaly Cranial Calcification Organ system disease Maternal death Possible Consequences of Congenital Infections Chorioretinitis due to toxoplasmosis Possible Consequences of Congenital Infections Snuffles 2 7/22/2009 What determines the Consequences Timing of the maternal infection during gestation Timing of the transmission to the fetus Maternal general health status Drugs and other treatment given Virulence of the infecting organism General health status of the infant LUCK!!!! Diagnosis Neonatal Sepsis Early: congenital or during labour Late: Congenital, labour and delivery, postnatal Signs: often non-specific » respiratory distress » fever » circulatory collapse » seizures » rash » localizing ms signs Maternal symptoms Maternal history of exposure Isolation of the pathogen from the mother, placenta and/or infant Documentation of maternal immune response (IgM or IgG) Infant signs and symptoms Infant antibody response - IgM, IgA or sustained IgG Neonatal Sepsis Broad Differential Diagnosis » Primary respiratory disease » Congenital cardiovascular disease » Inborn errors of metabolism » Neurovascular accidents » Sepsis Management High index of suspicion Presume sepsis until proven otherwise Obtain appropriate cultures THEN start antibiotics +/- antivirals Choice of antibiotics based on clinical situation Further therapy based on results of cultures identity of the pathogen antimicrobial sensitivities clinical condition response to therapy 3 University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Med 2 / Blk 4 / RP063 2008 RP63 TUTORIAL - Perinatal Infections & HIV in Pregnancy Objectives: 1. Describe the factors that specifically affect infections during pregnancy and in the neonatal period. 2. List the most important congenital and perinatal infections. 3. List the consequences of congenital and perinatal infections. 4. Describe what determines the consequences of congenital and perinatal infections. 5. Outline the clinical & laboratory diagnosis of congenital and perinatal infections. 6. Discuss the prevention and medical management principles for congenital and perinatal infections. CASE #1 Baby Boy A. This infant was born at 34 weeks gestation to a 25-year-old gravida 1 para 0 mother. Prenatal course was uneventful until spontaneous rupture of membranes followed 12 hours later by the onset of labor. Labor lasted 16 hours. The delivery was difficult and forceps were necessary. The baby was small, weighing 1900 grams. APGAR scores were 5 at one minute and 9 at five minutes. The baby was well until 6 hours of age when he was found to be pale and mottled with grunting respirations of 70/minute. The chest X-ray showed a bilateral reticular infiltrate which had a ground-glass appearance. A CBC was drawn and the results were as follows: Hemoglobin=124 g/L; Platelet count=18x10e9/L; WBC=3.2x10e9/L with the differential showing 37% mature and 21% young PMNs. Comments re case: Normal APGARs of 8 and 8, Hg should be at least 130 in neonates, WBC in first month of life should be around 20-30. QUESTIONS: 1. What could be the non-infectious and infectious causes for this child’s illness? Non-infectious: muconium aspiration hyaline membrane disease congenital heart defects infectious: pneumonia, pneumonitis, sepsis (early onset up to seven days, vs late onset 7 days – 3 months) - E.coli - GBS - Lysteria - Herpes viruses (HSV, Varicella- especially when lesions present a few days before and after delivery in which case mom is viremic during delivery) 2. What risk factors - could have predisposed this infant to an infection? prematurity prolonged rupture of membranes (anything more than 18 hrs is risk for sepsis) instrumentation 3. When would this infant have probably acquired such an infection? - exposure during labor and delivery 4. What could have been done to prevent illness due to an infection in this infant? - Intrapartum Abx for mom if GBS status unknown or positive, o GBS bacteuria, previous GBS illness in previous baby, GBS swab positive - If mom has intrapartum fever - prolonged rupture of membranes 5. Comment on the results of the CBC in terms of the newborn premature infant’s ability to cope with an infection. - HgB is low, platelets low (usually same as adults), WBC is very low, significant left shift (consistent with sepsis and overwhelming sepsis) Page 1 of 4 University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Med 2 / Blk 4 / RP063 2008 TX with ampicillin, gentamycin, acyclovir CASE #2 Baby Boy E. This infant was delivered ½ hour after this 19-year-old unmarried mother was admitted to hospital in labor. Gestational age was unknown and the mother had no prenatal care. The mother would give no information about herself and wanted to sign herself out of the hospital after delivery of her infant. However, the anesthetist had noted needle marks on her arms when he had started her IV during delivery. The infant weighed 1900 grams but appears term. APGARs were 9 at one minute and 9 at five minutes. The head circumference is less than the 5th percentile for a term infant. The infant is described by the nurses as jittery and difficult to handle. QUESTIONS: 1. What congenital or perinatal infections, if any, could this infant have? - small for gestational age/IUGR type picture - HIV, syphilis, CMV, toxoplasmosis, HBV, HCV, EBV, parvovirus (tends to cause hydrops rather than small baby) 2. What are the risk factors which predispose this infant to a congenital infection? - poor pre-natal care - high-risk maternal behavior (presumed IV drug use, maybe many sex partners) - IUGR 3. What other non-infectious problems could this infant have? - withdrawl - any other regular baby things – hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, IUGR stress 4. What other physical findings should one look for to determine if this infant had a congenital infection? - vital signs - constellation of symptoms of specific infections - Head neck: microcephaly, cataracts (rubella), deafness, Calcifications of brain seen on CT in CMV, toxoplasmosis, - SMK: X-ray of long bones for periostitis in syph 5. How could one determine whether this infant had one or more congenital infections? - toxicology screen - HIV testing - mom’s serum Ab and baby and do baby HIV PCR at 2 weeks age o HIV positive mom will hve antibody positive baby - Hepatitis B – get mom’s status quickly, if positive give baby Anti-HBV Ig and vaccine, if unknown give vaccine and test baby for Anti-HBV Ab and wait for those results to decide if Ig should be given - Blood culture, urine culture, LP for standard pathogens - LP – Syph, CMV, - Urine for CMV culture within first 21 days of life - pathology should look at placenta (infection specific changes) CASE #3 Baby Boy F. This infant was born at term to a 23-year-old married gravida 1 para 0 mother. The antenatal course was uneventful. The infant was born via an uncomplicated vaginal delivery after a 16-hour labor. Membranes ruptured at delivery. The infant weighed 3600 grams and the APGAR scores were 10 at both one and five minutes. The post-delivery course was uneventful until the infant was 10 days of age when his parents brought him to the Emergency Department. He had been well until that day when he became “fussy” and didn’t feed well. His mother thought he was warm and took his temperature which was 39.5C. On the way to the hospital, he seemed to become pale and mottled. His mother noted that Page 2 of 4 University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Med 2 / Blk 4 / RP063 2008 he seemed to be arching his back and not responding to her. She thought he might be having a seizure. QUESTIONS: 1. What infectious agents acquired perinatally or postnatally could be causing this child’s illness? - late onset sepsis - GBS, E.coli, lysteria - HSV (still within timeframe for disseminated infection) - enterovirus (GI infections, hand,foot,mouth disease can cause fatal infection in newborns while generally self-limitting in adulthood) 2. Discuss why infants have “late-onset” perinatal bacterial infections? - exposed later or with less virulent pathogens 3. What are the risk factors that would predispose this infant to an infection? - no risk factors CASE #4 Mother C. A G1P0 25-year-old married woman seeks prenatal care at 9 weeks gestation. She is well and has no abnormalities on physical examination. As part of the initial screening investigations, she is found to be HIV seropositive. Her CD4 count is 400 and her HIV viral load is 55,000 RNA copies per ml. She states that she has only had one sexual lifetime partner. Her husband is tested and found to be HIV positive. He denies any risk factors but admits to have had several one night stands while in university before he was married. The woman elects to continue her pregnancy. QUESTIONS: 1. What other infectious or non-infectious conditions, if any, could this woman have? - STI’s come in packs, test for all of them o syphilis, HPV, GC, Chlamydia, trichomonas, HepB, HepC 2. What are the potential ways that HIV could be transmitted from the mother to her infant? - transplacental (very small percent), during vaginal delivery, breastmilk 3. What interventions could be used to reduce the risk that the infant will acquire HIV from this mother? - Antiretrovirals – start at end of first trimester, triple combo (efaverin is not safe in pregnancy, the rest are) - C/S if viral load doesn’t come down below 1,000 - intrapartum IV AZT 2mg/Kg bolus and 1mg/kg/hr after that - baby gets AZT for a few weeks postpartum - Baby viral PCR at 2 weeks, and repeat times 2, do antibody screen at 1 year to confirm - No breast feeding CASE #5 Baby Boy H. This 3-month-old infant is admitted to Children’s Hospital with pneumonia which, on X-ray has a bilateral interstitial pattern. On physical examination he is distressed and mildly cyanotic with a respiratory rate of 70 per minute. His weight, height and head circumference are all below the 5 th percentile for his age. The liver edge is palpable 5 cm below the right costal margin and the spleen is palpable 2 cm below the left costal margin. He has several palpable lymph nodes 1-2 cm in diameter bilaterally in the axillar, inguinal and cervical regions. QUESTIONS: 1. What congenital or perinatal infection, if any, could this boy have? Page 3 of 4 University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine Med 2 / Blk 4 / RP063 2008 - HIV + pneumocystis pneumonia until proven otherwise Chlamydia Community acquired pneumonia RSV big liver, spleen and lymphnodes : EBV, CMV, Toxoplasmosis, leukemia, SCID would present at this age but they don’t have lymph nodes 2. How could HIV infection be diagnosed in this circumstance? - viral PCR (because he’d still have mom’s Ab) - CD4 count and CD8 counts will come back more quickly (less than 500 is the child equivalent to the adult less than 200) 3. If this infant were found to be infected with HIV, what other clinical illnesses might this child develop in the future? - any opportunistic infection (toxoplasmosis, CMV) - community acquired infections - DO ALL IMMUNIZATIONS except BCG or oral polio 4. Generally, how would you treat this boy if he were found to be HIV infected? - infants are treated at time of diagnosis because there are a subset of kids that will deteriorate very quickly in first year of life - kids diagnosed later in life are followed for CD4 and viral loads every three months o different cell count numbers Page 4 of 4
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