CONFERENCE BROCHURE Innovative health care delivery, specifically transitions of care, in an age of health care reform and increased visibility of CNS’s practice outcomes are the watchwords for the 2015 conference. The conference will highlight novel approaches to CNS practice within the three spheres of influence: the client sphere (individual, family, community), the staff sphere (nurses, nursing practice), and organization/system sphere. Schedule Highlights WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2015 Pre-Conference Sessions 8:30am – 11:30am Education - Developing Clinical Judgement From Theory to Practice Or Research - Challenges of Intervention Research for the Clinical Nurse Specialist Or Legislative/Regulatory - What You Need to Know About Independent Practice and Reimbursement Pre-Conference Session 12:30pm – 5:30pm Pharmacology THURSDAY MARCH 5, 2015 Opening Ceremony Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, Opening Keynote Speaker 20 Concurrent Sessions New Member & First Time Attendee Orientation Poster Presentations Opening Reception Friday, March 6, 2015 Award Presentations 21 Concurrent Sessions Poster Presentations Incoming President’s Luncheon Dave Hanson, General Session Speaker Saturday, March 7, 2015 7 Concurrent Sessions Lisa Summers, CNM, DrPH, Closing General Session Speaker Exhibit Hall Will Be Open Thursday & Friday, March 5-6 The Conference Hotel Loews Coronado, 400 Coronado Bay Road, Coronado, CA 92118 Discounted rates for attendees; $199 for single & double occupancy. Make your reservations by calling the hotel directly at 1-800-815-6397. Reservations must be made before February 4th, 2015 to receive the discounted rate. Mention the NACNS Conference when calling. Transportation: From Airports: Super Shuttle Shared Ride Van Service - $16 one-way. Taxis: Est. $45 one-way from San Diego Airport. Hotel Parking: $15+tax/daily self-park or $32+tax/ daily for valet parking Continuing Education: An application for contact hours will be submitted to the PA State Nurses Association. We anticipate approximately 10 plus hours will be offered for the main conference with ADDITIONAL hours available for pre-conference sessions as well as poster evaluation. Pharmacology credits will be available for a number of sessions. Please note that a pharmacology pre-conference session will provide you with 4 pharmacology CE. In an ongoing effort to conserve the resources of the association and our planet, the complete NACNS 2015 Conference Schedule will only be available in PDF format. Please visit for complete program and session information. (Subject to change) Wednesday, March 4, 2015 7:30am – 8:30am Pre-Conference Registration 8:30am – 11:30am Pre-Conference Sessions Education - Developing Clinical Judgment: From Theory to Practice Presenters TBD Research - Challenges of Intervention Research for the Clinical Nurse Specialist Cynthia Bautista, Jan Foster, Susan Fowler, Karen Rice and Mary Fran Tracy CNS Roving Rounds-Reaching Frontline Nurses Across All Settings to Improve Pain Knowledge Maureen Krenzer Session A2: Re-Designing Health Care Team Communication to Improve Discharge Preparation Kristi Opper Development and Trial of a Patient Screening Tool Utilized by Clinical Nurse Specialists to Facilitate Transition to Discharge Destination: An Experience from a Canadian Acute Care Hospital Katalin Pere Perceptions of Readiness for Hospital Discharge, Quality of Discharge Teaching, and Post-Discharge Coping Difficulty Legislative/Regulatory - What You Gabriella Malagon-Maldonado, Jacqueline Hiner and Monika Need to Know About Independent Lanciers Practice and Reimbursement Presenters TBD Session A3: 11:30am – 12:30pm Pre-Conference The Influence of the CNS in Implementing a Delirium Initia Luncheon tive at a Community Hospital Angeline Dewey 12:30pm – 5:30pm Pre-Conference Sessions Pharmacology Clinical Nurse Specialist as Consultant: Interprofessional Delirium Management Project Main Conference Registration 2:00pm - 6:00pm Linda Heitman Thursday, March 5, 2015 7:30am - 7:00pm Registration 7:30am – 8:15am Breakfast 8:15am – 8:30am Opening Ceremony 8:30am - 8:45am Welcome Remarks 8:45am – 9:45am Opening Keynote Speaker: “Role of Clinical Nurse Specialist in a Culture of Health” Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, FAAN, Cedars-Sinai, Opening Keynote Speaker 9:45am – 10:00am Awards: Researcher of the Year, Preceptor of the Year, Educator of the Year 10:00am – 10:30am AM Break Concurrent Session A | 10:30am – 11:45am Session A1: Improving Nurse Knowledge and Attitudes about Caring for Hospitalized Patients with Persistent Pain Allison Keen Improving Pain Management Through Student Nurse, Faculty and Staff Collaboration Mary Lynn Parker and Jole’ Mowry Challenges Faced While Implementing a Delirium Assessment and Prevention Guideline on an Inpatient Medical Unit Jeri Smith Session A4: The Trouble With Tonsils...... Susan Sorge “Wake Up Little Susie, Wake Up”: Implementing the Pasero Opioid Induced Sedation Scale in a Children’s Hospital. Jane Hartman Effectiveness of the State Behavioral Scale in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Christine Perebzak Session A5: Clinical Management Lecture Common Elderly Beat: Atrial Fibrillation, Revised Management Guidelines and Nursing Implications Christine Cutugno Session A6: Symposium Alarm Fatigue: Strategies to Safely Manage Clinical Alarms and Prevent Alarm Fatigue Anita White, JoAnne Phillips, Patti Radovich, and Carolyn Crumley 11:45am – 12:45pm Lunch 11:45am – 12:45pm NACNS New Member & First Time Attendee Orientation First time attendees and new members are invited to join us for lunch, door prizes, and information on all the exciting benefits NACNS offers. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn about the only professional society dedicated to clinical nurse specialists. Concurrent Session B | 12:45pm – 2:00pm Session B1: Transforming Cardiac Outcomes: Implementation of the RACER (Rapid Assessment of Chest Pain and EKG Response) Team by the Cardiac Clinical Nurse Specialists Barbara DeRossett and Lisa Job The Outcomes of a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Initiative to Engage Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Heart Failure Care Cynthia Webner The Prevalence and Clinical Relevance of Sexual Dysfunction in Women with Pulmonary Hypertension Todd Tartavoulle Session B2: Just a Click Away! Tools, Tips and Technologies for Diabetes Management at your Fingertips Mary Beth Modic Enhancing System Integration: The CNS Role in an e Policy Tech Management System Anita White “Impacting Patient Safety: CNS’ Use of Electronic Data to Evaluate Use of Medications Associated with Falls” Suzanne Purvis Session B3: Implementation of an Early Nurse-led Family Meeting in a Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit (NSICU) Huixin Wu Every Patient Every Time: Developing Consistent Communication Practices to Improve the Patient and Family Experience in Care Coordination Katherine Kurbjun Including the Patient in their Care - Bedside Shift Report. Catherine Brennan and Mary Kisting Session B4: The Great Debate Continues… Why Clinical Nurse Specialist Practice is Still Relevant Elissa Brown, Deborah Messecar and Anita White Introducing the Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist to the Ambulatory Setting and Culture Karen Warfield and Teresa Pepin Participation of Nurses in Health Services Decision-making and Policy Development: A Global Perspective Susan Smith Session B5: Clinical Management Lecture Dealing with Dementia: Are You Ready? Sharon Gunn Session B6: Symposium Transitions in Care: Living Up to the Promises of Evidence Based Practice Lisa Hopp, Leslie Rittenmeyer and Jane Walker Session B7: Clinical Management Lecture Characteristics of Children Using an Enclosure Bed Eileen Sherburne Concurrent Session C | 2:15pm – 3:30pm Session C1: An Interprofessional Approach to Implementing a Nurse Driven Foley Removal Protocol in a Multi-Hospital System Deborah Solomon Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Roadshow: Driving the Rate to Zero Melissa Ciccarelli Implementation and Sustainment of Hospital-Wide Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Bundles to Prevent Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) Jesus Crespo-Diaz Session C2: Decreasing LOS at a Primary Stroke Center Kimberly Holmes Pushing the Evidence through Collaboration: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Reduces Inpatient Length of Stay and Postoperative Complications Kathleen Rea Utilization of the Modified LACE Tool to Identify Patients at High Risk for Readmission Angeline Dewey Session C3: Turn of the page: Creating a Diabetes Self-Management Education (DSME) Curriculum Across a Hospital System Mary Beth Modic Overcoming Barriers to Transform Patient Hygiene: Improving Quality of Care, Satisfaction, Workflow Efficiency, and Cost Mary Carol Racelis and Kydie Schriver The CNS Role in Meaningful Recognition Linda Tamburri, Myrna Young and Kathy Soriano Session C4: The Clinical Nurse Specialist/Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse in an Advanced Practice Role: Preventing Hospital Readmission Vittoria Pontieri-Lewis and Tracey Malast Improving Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcer Rates: The Role of the CNS in Transforming Practice Rhonda Allan Reducing Medical Device Related Pressure Ulcers: An Interprofessional Approach Using Data and Innovation to Improve Adult and Pediatric Outcomes Peggy Kalowes Session C5: Clinical Management Lecture Severe Aortic Stenosis: Medical Management of a Surgical Problem Theresa Cary Session C6: Symposium The Small Things Can Have the Biggest Bang for the Buck Kyla Schoenwetter Session D3: The Flip Side of Things: The High Cost of Prone Positioning Diane Barkas Session C7: Clinical Management Lecture Innovative Approaches to Diabetes Therapy and Education: Tailoring Strategies to Meet the Needs of the Aging Adult Kimberley Krapek Tracheostomy Suctioning: An Evidence-Based, Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Best Practice Kristin Calvitti 3:30pm – 4:00pm PM Break 4:00pm – 5:30pm General Session – President’s State of the Organization Address & Award Presentations: CNS of the Year, Clinician of the Year 5:30pm – 7:00pm Opening Reception & Poster Session Friday, March 6, 2015 7:30am - 7:30pm Registration 7:30am – 8:45am Breakfast 8:00am – 8:45am Exhibits & Poster Viewing 8:45am – 9:45am NACNS Business Meeting 9:45am – 10:00am Award Presentations: Student Poster Winner & Affiliate of the Year 10:00am – 11:00am General Session Speaker “Times of Change & Transition: Opportunities Abound for Clinical Nurse Specialists” Dave Hanson 11:00am – 11:15am AM Break Concurrent Session D | 11:15am – 12:30pm Session D1: How do Pandora and Cassandra capture the value of the CNS? Amanda French Using a Qualitative Approach to Explore Nursing Faculty Perceptions of Teaching Online Yvonne Smith Applying Evidence; An Electronic Solution to Improve Patient Outcomes Kerista Hansell Session D2: Exploring the Experiences and Needs of Children Visiting the Adult Intensive Care Unit Myra Cook Did I just hear a.... “Pediatric Code Stroke”? Adriana Senatore, Anthony Filipelli and Jennifer Bondarew Is the Baby PURPLE? Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome Lisa Laws and Kathleen Mahoney Leading the Change: Educating the How To and Knows of Non Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation Vittoria Pontieri-Lewis Session D4: Expansion of an ICU Based Nurse Initiated Intravenous Insulin Infusion Protocol into the OR and PACU Environments Kristina Pearson Xcitement for Xa: CNS as Orchestrator for Implementation of an Organizational Transition from PTT to Anti-Factor Xa for Heparin Monitoring Molly Howard Utilization of Cryotherapy in Decreasing the Incidence and Severity of Oral Mucositis in Hematopoeitic Stem Cell Transplantation Theresa Gorman and Mae McHugh Session D5: Clinical Management Lecture Demystifying Pharmacotherapy Management in Solid Organ Transplant Pharmacotherapy: The Current State and Future Challenges Winston Ally Session D6: Symposium Quality, Safety, Cost Reduction: Clinical Nurse Specialists Lead the Way Brenda Artz, Amy Seitz Cooley and Cynthia Stermer Session D7: Clinical Management Lecture Delirium Prevention in the ICU: Successful Implementation of the ABCDE Bundle Susan Smith 12:30pm – 1:45pm Incoming President’s Luncheon & Awards. Presentations: Lyon Award, Davidson Award Concurrent Session E | 1:45pm – 3:00pm Session E1: Infrequent Assessment of Pain in Older Adult Trauma Patients Cheryl Lillegraven Diagnosing Acute Pain in Hospitalized Children. A Systematic Review Tracy Chamblee Pause for POSS: Assessing Unintentional Sedation in Patients receiving Opioids Mary Ann Francisco Session E2: A, B, C’s and 1, 2, 3’s: Recognizing Pharmacological Risk When Your Patient is Pregnant or Breastfeeding Kathleen Mahoney CNS Influence to Increase Staff Confidence and Decrease Cesarean Section Decision to Incision Times: Use of Simulation Training to Develop a Multidisciplinary Obstetric Rapid Response Team to Improve Patient Safety Christine Somberg and Maryann Obassapian A Perinatal Falls Screening Tool: Development, Implementation, and Outcomes Brenda Baker Session E3: Transformational Leadership: The Co Collaboration role of a Clinical Nurse Specialist Team Leader and Development of a Clinical Metrics Scorecard Kathy Tripepi-Bova Formation of A CNS System Council: Transitioning to Coordinated Care Standards Across a Healthcare System Shannon Johnson Bortolotto and Melanie Roberts Peer Review is not Chart Review: Making a Real Attempt to Improve Professional Performance Kathleen Hill and Kelly Haight Session E4: Write it Right: Getting Published Nancy M. Albert Hot Topics, Burning Questions & Best Practices: Creation & Sustainment of an Acute Care Journal Club Courtenay Wannamaker Better Nutrition through Interprofessional Education and Collaboration: What’s to Eat? Beth Quatrara Session E5: Clinical Management Lecture Getting to the Heart of Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) Management Jennifer Colwill Session E6: Symposium Mission Possible: A Clinical Nurse Specialist Led Initiative to Improve the Health of Mothers and Infants by Promoting the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding Across a Healthcare System Marianne Allen and Deborah Schafer Session E7: Clinical Management Lecture Sickle Cell Anemia: Collaboration and Best Practice Virginia Hallenbeck and Deborah Hanes 3:00pm – 3:30pm PM Break Concurrent Session F | 3:30pm – 4:45pm F1: Sim-Stakes: Discovering the Root Cause of Patient Care Errors through Simulation Melissa Reynolds Pediatric Massive Transfusion Simulation: Improving Interprofessional Team Performance through Innovation Tracy Chamblee Cultivating Competent Nurses One Step at a Time Suzan Miller-Hoover Session F2: A Clinical Nurse Specialist’s (CNS) role in a multidisciplinary order set committee to improve patient care outcomes and hospital value-based purchasing (VBP) metrics. Sarah Pangarakis A CNS-Led Initiative: Earlier Response and a Team-based Approach to Patient Clinical Deterioration Linda Ozekcin Lessons Learned in an Ongoing Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Effectiveness of a Multicomponent Intervention in Improving Delirium Outcomes in Acute Stroke Karen Rice Session F3: Care Settings are not Universally Equal: Tailoring the Falls Approach to Prevent Harm in the ED Ron Kraus Horizontal Violence and the Relationship to Patient Falls: Implications for Clinical Nurse Specialists Elizabeth Rocha A Bundled Approach to Fall Prevention Thresa Isley Session F4: Alarm Fatigue: The Tale of The Boy Who Cried Wolf Lynette Roush and Todd Yamokoski Clinical Nurse Specialists across the continuum of care from hospital to ambulatory: realigning the role of the CNS Kristin Negley and Shauna Schad Charting a Coarse for Seamless Inpatient Care Transitions: A Voyage of CNS System Leadership Kimberly Elgin Session F5: Clinical Management Lecture Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis, Who Needs it? Rosemary Lee Session F6: Symposium Capturing Individual and Group Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Practice? Just Tap the App! Jennifer Colwill and Meredith Lahl Session F7: Clinical Management Lecture Pharmacology Update for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Maureen Seckel 4:45pm – 6:00pm Task Force Forums Saturday, March 6, 2015 7:30am – 12:30pm Registration 7:45am – 9:00am Breakfast Concurrent Session g | 9:00am – 10:15am Concurrent Session G | 9:00am – 10:15am SeSSiOn g1: fAllS ii Session A ProactiveG1: Approach to Alcohol Withdrawal Management A Approach in Proactive Hospitalized Patientsto Alcohol Withdrawal Management in Hospitalized Patients Sarah Pangarakis Sarah Pangarakis Improving Patient Safety and Awareness Through the ImImproving Patient andTeam Awareness Through the Implementation of a Safety Fall Alert plementation of a Fall Alert Team Anna Bird Anna Bird CNS Led: Regional Health Care System Journey to Zero CNS Led: Sensitive Regional Health Care System for Nurse Indicators, Phase 1 Journey to Zero for Nurse Sensitive Indicators, Phase 1 Mary Waldo Mary Waldo SeSSiOn g2: frAmewOrK Session G2: Implementation Science to Maximize Your Are You Using Are You Using Implementation Science to Maximize Your Improvement Projects? Improvement Projects? Caroline Etland Caroline Etland Optimizing CNS practice across a Health System utilizing Optimizing CNS a Health System utilizing IHI Triple Aim andpractice Magnetacross as a Framework IHI Triple Aim and Magnet as a Framework Jennifer Zanotti Jennifer Zanotti Sustaining Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) through DevelopSustaining Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) through Development of a Specific EBP Strategic Plan ment of a Specific EBP Strategic Plan Elisa Jang Elisa Jang SeSSiOn g3: trAnSitiOnS ii G3:Transition: Delays in Regaining Highest Level Session Caught in the Caught in the Transition: Delays inFrom Regaining Highest of Mobility During the Transition ICU to Floor Level of Mobility During the Transition From ICU to Floor Sarah Pandullo Sarah Pandullo The Clinical Nurse Specialist: A Leader in Transitional Care The Clinical Nurse Specialist: A Leader in Transitional Care Lianna Ansryan Klemp Lianna Ansryan Klemp Scripps Care Management Improves Care Transitions Kristin Dixon, Felipe Gutierrez and Melissa Johnson SeSSiOn G4: g4: SePSiS Session Best Practices In Sepsis; A CNS Lead Emergency Department (ED) and Critical Care (CC) Quality Improvement Collaborative Shannon Johnson Bortolotto and Robin Scott Sepsis Bundle Development, Implementation, and Progression using the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) as Facilitator Phyllis McCorstin and Debby Rush Nursing Research and Evidence-based Practice: A Global Perspective Susan Smith SeSSiOn G5: g5: Clinical clinicAl Management mAnAgement Lecture lecture Session Using Creativity, Staff Engagement, and an Interprofessional Team to Improve Hospital-wide Glycemic Control Siobhan Geary SeSSiOn G6: g6: Symposium SymPOSium Session Stop the Noise: A CNS-Lead Quality Improvement around Alarm Management Stacy Jepsen, Sue Sendelbach and Sharon Wahl SeSSiOn G7: g7: Clinical clinicAl Management mAnAgement Lecture lecture Session Impact of Rapid Response Nurse on Patients who Experience Severe Hypoglycemia in the Hospitalized Setting Doris Meehan and Irma Moore 10:30am – 11:30am 11:30am Closing General general Session Speaker: Lisa Summers, CNM, DrPH Speaker: THE FUTURE iS TODAY EntEring a World of nEW PracticE challEngEs for thE clinical nursE sPEcialist Poster Presentations Thursday, March 5 1. Improving Transitions in Renal Transplant Recipients using Vocera Care Experience (VCE) Discharge Module Technology Jessica Weber and Gwen Klinker 2. Improving the Outcomes of Colectomy Patients Across the Transitions of Care Kathy Brandi 3. Acute Transfer Process for an Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit Emily Gormican Soens 4. Clinical and Fiscal Outcomes Facilitating and Sustaining a SCIP-9 Improvement through CNS Leadership Brandee Wornhoff 5. Level of Care Transitions in the Hospital Setting Kimberly Nelson 6. Raising the Bar Clinical Nurse Specialists Improve Hypoglycemia Outcomes Gwen Klinkner, Helen Martin and Kristen Stine 7. A Pilot Project to Minimize Alarm Fatigue in Remote Telemetry Units Heather Bivens 16. Does Nursing Improve Healthcare Outcomes in Homeless Veterans Linda Caissie 17. Increasing Patient Engagement as a Quality Improvement Strategy Sheryl Zang 18. Interprofessional Collaboration for Prevention of Ophthalmologic Complications in the Pediatric Critical Care Unit Caryn Steenland 19. Patient Acuity and Nursing Workload Affects Patient Outcomes Emily Schmitt 20. Get Up and Go An interdisciplinary team approach to early mobilization on a medical/surgical unit. Carey Webster 21. Transforming Palliative Care to In-patient Hospice care Shiow-Lan Wang 22. Satisfied Nurses Lead to Improved Outcomes Regi Freeman 23. Investigating the Use of Instructional Videos on Social Media to Increase Effectiveness of Hands-On Practical Applications Julie Cronin 8. Use of a Low Stimulation Environment of Care to Improve Outcomes for Infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Janice Ancona 24. Nurse Driven Quality Improvement to Enhance Standards of Skin Care in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Regi Freeman 9. The Assessment of Gastric Residual Volume Sacred Cow Versus Evidence Based Practice? Melissa Ciccarelli and Melissa Reynolds 25. A Patient & Family Centered Care Approach to Transferring Accountability of Patient Care in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit Regi Freeman 11. How one Rapid Response Team Reduced Sepsis Mortality Sheryl Zang 12. Innovative Practices to Improve Patient and Family Experience An Interdisciplinary Team Approach Molly Kaul 13. How the Implementation of a Fall Alert Team Affected the Reporting Rate of Patient Falls Anna Bird 14. Reducing Central Line Blood Stream Infections With Daily Chlorhexidine Baths - A Potential Solution Leaves Questions Unanswered Kelly Keenan 15. An Innovative CNS Led Project Decreases Radiation Exposure to Patients, Increases Efficiency of Nurses and Reduces Cost Through the Implementation of ECG Guided PICC Placement Technology. Renee Butts and Todd Olrich 26. Implementing PEWS in an Acute Care Pediatrics Unit with an Effective Pediatric Rapid Response Team Already in Place Khanh Luu 27. Empower Professionalism, Optimize Resources, Unite Multidisciplary services ED OBS UNIT Patricia Blair 28. Team-Based Learning Improves Nurses’ Knowledge of Cardiac Surgical Resuscitation Ai Jin Lee 29. Improving Identification and Documentation of Altered Skin Integrity Hannah Musgrove 30. Barriers to Diabetes Self Management Margie Hull 31. Patient and Nurse Factors that Drain Nursing Time in Chest Tube Management Myra Cook Poster Presentations Friday, March 6 32. Identifying Clinical Nurse Specialist Students’ Perspectives of Learning in Civic Engagement Activities Jennifer Embree 33. Innovative Teaching Strategy for Best Practices in Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection Prevention Ashley Mickiewicz 34. Innovations in Intermediate Care Training Shiow-Lan Wang 35. Taking Change of Shift Report to the Patient’s Bedside Improving Safety, Satisfaction, and Engagement. Ella Dohlin 36. Severe Hyperglycemia in the Hospital Med/Surg Environments Why does it continue to occur? Kristi Koo 37. Critical Event Debrief in Obstetrics Supporting an Interprofessional Team Jacqueline Hiner 38. Nursing Grand Rounds for Patient Teaching An Innovative Clinical Education Strategy Margie Hull 39. Development and Implementation of a Competency Based Cardiac Catheterization Lab Orientation Darilyn Paul 40. Unfolding Case Study Simulation Strategies to Promote Clinical Judgment based on a Theatre Approach Pam Bellefeuille 41. A Collaborative Model for CNS Orientation Vivian Haughton, Claire Mooney and Amanda Shrout 42. Best Practice Using Alcavis Prior to Connecting or Disconnecting Patients from Peritoneal Dialysis to Prevent Peritonitis Patricia James 43. Utilizing an Interprofessional Team Approach and Innovative Learning Activities to Teach Therapeutic Delivery of Care Toward Patients Displaying Challenging Behaviors Kristian Del Rosario and Betty Lee 44. CLABSI Knock Out Suzanne Davies and Kim-Cheree Jackson 45. What Would Florence Think of Us Now? Bridging Research and Practice at the Bedside Melissa Gordon, Natalie Shelton , Susan Tomlin and Courtenay Wannamaker 46. Costing Out Care Creating a CNS Outcomes Summary Tool Stella Riddell 47. Best Practices for Faculty Using iPad-mini to Enhance Interprofessional Education Carol Delville 48. Documentation of Chemotherapy Assessments from Paper to Electronic Ashley Mickiewicz 49. Implementation of a Pressure Ulcer Prevention Rounding Tool Anita White 50. Impact of a Clinical Nurse Specialist in a Rural Multihospital Acute Care Setting Implementing Mild Therapeutic Hypothermia for Post Cardiac Arrest Patients Jennifer Campos, Crystal Honold and April Miller 51. The Clinical Nurse Specialist A Transformational Force for Innovative Nursing Practice Kim Hall and Ellen Harvey 52. Strategies to Decrease Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers from a CNS Led Skin Care Team Mary Bedell 53. Keep Them Moving. A Clinical Nurse Specialist Led Out of Bed Nurse Driven Protocol. Dolores Morrison 54. The Evidence-Based Practice Toolkit A Resource for Changing Practice Elisa Jang 55. Nurse Driven Backboard Removal Protocol Reduces Time Patients Spend in Full Spinal Immobilization Michael Allain 56. A Collaborative Approach to CAUTI Prevention, Indwelling Urinary Catheter Use and SCIP - 9 Compliance Cheryl Houseman 57. Care Transitions Innovative Role for Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) as an Advance Practice Expert Leading Inter Professional Team Approach to Improve Transitions of Care and Quality Outcomes in High Risk Readmission Vulnerable Populations Eileen Haley and Melissa Meehan Student Posters 1. Effectiveness of Home Health Care Provided by Nurses to Patients with the Same Ethnic Backgrounds Diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 and Hypertension Taeil Jun 2. An Investigation of the Effects on Alarm Fatigue with Implementation of an Evidenced-Based Alarm Management Strategy Jacob Ainsworth 3. Developing and Implementing a Delirium Screening, Prevention, and Treatment Protocol in a Community Hospital ICU Sharon Newton 14. Nursing Knowledge on Anti-embolism Stockings Karen Dombkowski 15. The Effect of Stroke Education on Stroke Readmission Rates Monica Vidaurri 16. Alarm Fatigue: Will Silencing Alarms Give a Voice to Patient Safety? Erin Phinney 17. Improved Transitions of Care through the Implementation of a Discharge Summary Template and Provider Education Lori Dzera 4. Safety Auditing as a Nursing Accountability Measure for Hospital Fall Prevention Nicole Huntley 18. CNS: Leading the Way to Better Glucose Control: Implementing a Basal Bolus Insulin Protocol Sally Hafner 5. CNS: Higher level of Safety: Overuse of Proton Pump Inhibitors and Clostridium Difficile Infection Lisa Larkin 19. A CNS-Driven Interdisciplinary Approach to Lower Hospital Acquired-Clostridium Difficile Infections Rates Jemmima Ojala 6. Motivational Interviewing to Engage Pediatric Patients in Treatment and Management of Pain Susan Tyler 7. Increasing Quality of Care with the Use of a Competency Validation Tool Elizabeth Sheldon 8. Examining a Combination Approach to Manage Pain in Negative Pressure Wound Therapy: A Literature Review and Implementation Model Samantha Kuplicki 9. Closing the Loop With Sepsis: A CNS Driven Interprofessional Intervention to Reduce Time to First Dose Antibiotic Brian Pratt 10. Health Coach: Advancing the Clinical Nurse Specialist Role in an Urban Community Wellness Center Joycelyn Howard 11. Development of a Nurse-Driven Holistic Assessment Tool for Terminal Restlessness at the End of Life Sarah Hook 12. Bridge from Cancer to Cancer Survivorship Andrea Andres 13. Peripheral IV Catheter Care; An Analysis of Flushing Techniques & Line Management in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Whitney Harris National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists 2015 Annual Conference Registration Form CONTACT INFORMATION NAME___________________________________________ FIRST NAME FOR BADGE____________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP___________________________________ DAYTIME PHONE__________________________________ EMPLOYER_______________________________________ POSITION_______________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS*__________________________________ *Required for registration confirmation My mailing and e-mail addresses and position can be listed on the conference participant list. Yes No Yes, I am willing to serve as a session moderator. Please contact me if my services are needed. SCHEDULE SELECTION Please indicate which Concurrent Sessions you are planning to attend by checking one checkbox for each session series.You may change your selection at any time without notifying the conference office: Please visit the NACNS website to view full program information. Thursday, March 5: Sessions A: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Sessions B: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sessions C: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NACNS New Member & First Time Attendee Orientation Friday, March 6: Sessions D: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sessions E: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sessions F: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SATURDAY, March 7: Sessions G: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Refund/Cancellation Policy: Requests must be submitted via email to A $175 administrative fee will be deducted from the refund. NACNS reserves the right to cancel this program and return all fees in the event of insufficient enrollment. In the case of cancellation, NACNS cannot be responsible for other registrant expenses, including but not limited to, reimbursement of airline or other transportation fares, hotel or rental charges, deposits, or penalties. NO REFUND REQUESTS will be accepted after February 20st, 2015. --------------------------------------------------------------------------Mail to: NACNS 100 North 20th Street, Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19103 Fax to: 215-564-2175 Email to: REGISTRATION FEES Registration fees include breakfast and lunch daily and CE credits. FULL CONFERENCE (THURS – SAT) NACNS MEMBER: Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) $450.00 Advance (received by 2/23/15) $475.00 Onsite $525.00 NACNS STUDENT MEMBER: Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) Advance (received by 2/23/15) Onsite $395.00 $320.00 $345.00 NON-MEMBER: Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) $625.00 Advance (received by 2/23/15) $650.00 Onsite $700.00 JOIN NACNS & REGISTER: Full Member Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) Advance (received by 2/23/15) Onsite $665.00 Student Member Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) Advance (received by 2/23/15) Onsite $495.00 $590.00 $615.00 $420.00 $445.00 SINGLE DAY NACNS MEMBER: Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) $225.00 Advance (received by 2/23/15) $250.00 Onsite $300.00 STUDENT Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) $150.00 Advance (received by 2/23/15) $175.00 Onsite $225.00 NON-MEMBER: Early-Bird (received by 1/19/15) $300.00 Advance (received by 2/23/15) $325.00 Onsite $375.00 PLEASE INDICATE WHICH SINGLE DAY: Friday Saturday Thursday PRE-CONFERENCE SESSIONS: Morning Session: $110.00 Indicate Your Attendance: Education Pre-Con Research Pre-Con Leg/Reg Pre-Con Afternoon Session: $250.00 Indicate Your Attendance: Pharmacology Pre-Con GRAND TOTAL: $__________ Please indicate method of payment: Check (payable to NACNS) NACNS TAX-ID: 33-0671730 Please register online for credit card payments. PLEASE CONTACT NACNS AT 215-320-3881 IF SPECIAL DIETARY OR MOBILITY ACCOMMODATIONS ARE REQUIRED. BY REGISTERING FOR THE CONFERENCE YOU GRANT NACNS PERMISSION TO USE 2015 Annual Conference YOUR PHOTO FOR PROMOTIONAL PURPOSES. Save Date: IS the AVAILABLE ATNACNS ONLINE REGISTRATION WWW.NACNS.ORGMarch 5-7, 2015 Loews Coronado Bay San Diego, CA Leading the Way in Education, Research, and Practice – Locally to Globally The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, situated within an extraordinary four-block radius of top-ranked schools of Medicine, Public Health, and The Johns Hopkins Hospital, provides students and faculty with interprofessional opportunities and resources unparalleled in scope, quality, and innovation. Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (PhD) Post-Degree Opportunities Continuing Education Programs Clinical Nurse Specialist Emergency Room Nothing matters more than our children. At Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, located in Milwaukee, WI, we believe that kids deserve the best. Our belief drives everything we do. We are seeking your expertise. At Children’s, you would be a part of a valued CNS team with the following responsibilities: Provide leadership in clinical practice, education, research and professional development for patient care staff within Patient Care Services. Serve as the clinical practice leader; collaborating with the Patient Care Manager, Supervisors and Medical Director to ensure competent nursing care to children and families. Actively support the Children’s philosophy of professional practice and uphold the values and standards of Patient Care Participate in clinical improvement initiatives and ensure educational efforts are consistent with Patient Care Service’s goals and strategic plan. Collaborate as active member of councils and committees within the Professional Practice Model. Come visit us at our booth or go to one of Children’s Clinical Nurse Specialist presentations to hear our experts: Podium Session A4 – The Trouble with Tonsils -: Susan Sorge, MS, RN, CNS Podium Session B7 - Characteristics of Children Using an Enclosure Bed - Eileen Sherburne, MS, ACNS-C, FNP-BC, CRRN, CNRN,WCC Poster - Innovative Practices to Improve Patient and Family Experience: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach - Molly Kaul, MS, RN, PCNS-BC To apply for this opportunity, go to Search Clinical Nurse Specialist; or send resume to
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