first quarter

Tampa Bay ITE
first quarter
Don’t miss this opportunity!!!
Please join TBITE for the very first quarterly luncheon where
Tampa Bay region ITS/ATMS virtuosi discuss the status and future vision of strategic applications.
(Panelist details to follow.)
Tuesday, March 24th, 2015
Registration @ 11:30am
Lunch 12pm-1pm
The Rusty Pelican
2425 N Rocky Point Dr, Tampa, FL
Meal choices: London Broil, Jack Daniel’s Chicken, Salmon
or Vegetarian Plate (upon request)
Please RSVP by March 17th to
Make checks payable to Tampa Bay ITE and mail to:
Danni Hirsch Jorgenson, P.E., 2014 TBITE Treasurer, 655 North Franklin Street, Suite 150, Tampa, FL 33602