riboSeqR Thomas J. Hardcastle, Betty Y.W. Chung March 3, 2015 Introduction Ribosome profiling extracts those parts of a coding sequence currently bound by a ribosome (and thus, are likely to be undergoing translation). Ribosomes typically cover between 20-30 bases of the mRNA (dependant on conformational changes) and move along the mRNA three bases at a time. Sequenced reads of a given length are thus likely to lie predominantly in a single frame relative to the start codon of the coding sequence. This package presents a set of methods for parsing ribosomal profiling data from multiple samples and aligned to coding sequences, inferring frameshifts, and plotting the average and transcript-specific behaviour of these data. Methods are also provided for extracting the data in a suitable form for differential translation analysis. Getting Data riboSeqR currently reads alignment data from flat text files that contain (as a minimum), the sequence of the read, the name of the sequence to which the read aligns, the strand to which it aligns, and the starting position of alignment. A Bowtie alignment (note that Bowtie, rather than Bowtie2, is recommended for short reads, which ribosome footprints are) using the option“–suppress 1,6,7,8”will generate this minimal data. It is by default assumed that the data are generated in this way, and the default columns specification for the default readRibodata function (see below) reflects this. Workflow Example Begin by loading the riboSeqR library. > library(riboSeqR) Identify the data directory for the example data. > datadir <- system.file("extdata", package = "riboSeqR") The fastaCDS function can be used to guess at potential coding sequences from a (possibly compressed; see base::file) fasta file containing mRNA transcripts (note; do not use this on a genome!). These can also be loaded into a GRanges object from an annotation file. > chlamyFasta <- paste(datadir, "/rsem_chlamy236_deNovo.transcripts.fa", sep = "") > fastaCDS <- findCDS(fastaFile = chlamyFasta, + startCodon = c("ATG"), + stopCodon = c("TAG", "TAA", "TGA")) The ribosomal and RNA (if available) alignment files are specified. > ribofiles <- paste(datadir, + "/chlamy236_plus_deNovo_plusOnly_Index", c(17,3,5,7), sep = "") > rnafiles <- paste(datadir, + "/chlamy236_plus_deNovo_plusOnly_Index", c(10,12,14,16), sep = "") 1 2 The aligned ribosomal (and RNA) data can be read in using the readRibodata function. The columns can be specified as a parameter of the readRibodata function if the data in the alignment files are differently arranged. > riboDat <- readRibodata(ribofiles, rnafiles, replicates = c("WT", "WT", "M", "M")) The alignments can be assigned to frames relative to the coding coordinates with the frameCounting function. > fCs <- frameCounting(riboDat, fastaCDS) The predominant reading frame, relative to coding start, can be estimated from the frame calling (or from a set of coordinates and alignment data) for each n-mer. The weighting decribes the proportion of n-mers fitting with the most likely frameshift. The reading frame can also be readily visualised using the plotFS function. > fS <- readingFrame(rC = fCs); fS 26 27 28 29 30 1030 8261 16355 2379 1346 2847 36011 3582 1634 436 3352 1687 3331 701 609 frame.ML 2 1 0 0 0 > plotFS(fS) These can be filtered on the mean number of hits and unique hits within replicate groups to give plausible candidates for coding. Filtering can be limited to given lengths and frames, which may be inferred from the output of the readingFrame function. > ffCs <- filterHits(fCs, lengths = c(27, 28), frames = list(1, 0), + hitMean = 50, unqhitMean = 10, fS = fS) We can plot the total alignment at the 5’ and 3’ ends of coding sequences using the plotCDS function. The frames are colour coded; frame-0 is red, frame-1 is green, frame-2 is blue. > plotCDS(coordinates = ffCs@CDS, riboDat = riboDat, lengths = 27) Note the frameshift for 28-mers. > plotCDS(coordinates = ffCs@CDS, riboDat = riboDat, lengths = 28) We can plot the alignment over an individual transcript sequence using the plotTranscript function. Observe that one CDS (on the right) contains the 27s in the same phase as the CDS (they are both red) while the putative CDSes to the left are not in phase with the aligned reads, suggesting either a sequence error in the transcript or a misalignment. The coverage of RNA sequenced reads is shown as a black curve (axis on the right). > plotTranscript("CUFF.37930.1", coordinates = ffCs@CDS, + riboData = riboDat, length = 27, cap = 200) NULL We can extract the counts from a riboCoding object using the sliceCounts function > riboCounts <- sliceCounts(ffCs, lengths = c(27, 28), frames = list(0, 2)) Counts for RNA-sequencing can be extracted using from the riboData object and the coding coordinates using the rnaCounts function. This is a relatively crude counting function, and alternatives have been widely described in the literature on mRNA-Seq. > rnaCounts <- rnaCounts(riboDat, ffCs@CDS) These data may be used in an analysis of differential translation through comparison with the RNA-seq data. See the description of a beta-binomial analysis in the baySeq vignettes for further details. > library(baySeq) > pD <- new("countData", replicates = ffCs@replicates, + data = list(riboCounts, rnaCounts), + groups = list(NDT = c(1,1,1,1), DT = c("WT", "WT", "M", "M")), + annotation = as.data.frame(ffCs@CDS), + densityFunction = bbDensity) > libsizes(pD) <- getLibsizes(pD) 3 26 27 28 29 30 1030 8261 16355 2379 1346 2847 36011 3582 1634 436 3352 1687 3331 701 609 frame.ML 2 1 0 0 0 0 5000 10000 20000 30000 Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 26 27 28 29 30 Figure 1: Number of n-mers in each frame relative to coding start. 27-mers are predominantly in frame-1, while 28-mers are chiefly in frame-0. > pD <- getPriors(pD, cl = NULL) > pD <- getLikelihoods(pD, cl = NULL) . > topCounts(pD, "DT", normaliseData = TRUE) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 seqnames start end width strand frame WT.1 WT.2 M.1 M.2 CUFF.9523.1 78 1040 963 * 2 98:526 135:490 569:501 320:472 Cre16.g684650.t1.2 97 1917 1821 * 0 5:39 0:42 0:35 64:56 g17763.t1 78 2981 2904 * 2 33:50 14:54 53:46 115:53 Cre17.g723750.t1.3 516 638 123 * 2 33:10 28:10 0:10 0:13 Cre06.g281600.t1.2 416 2917 2502 * 1 348:362 149:454 213:193 473:559 CUFF.37930.1 132 1151 1020 * 2 299:157 255:205 356:155 716:186 CUFF.28790.1 165 530 366 * 2 27:28 14:30 0:29 0:31 CUFF.34006.1 1182 2892 1711 * 2 33:22 28:18 18:23 0:31 Cre17.g717750.t1.2 106 828 723 * 0 5:7 7:11 18:10 26:9 CUFF.43770.1 62 441 380 * 1 38:51 0:59 36:48 38:58 0.4 0.0 0.2 Mean number of reads 0.6 0.8 4 start 50 100 150 200 −200 −100 stop Base position relative to CDS Figure 2: Average alignment of 27-mers to 5’ and 3’ ends of coding sequences. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Likelihood ordering FDR.DT FWER.DT 0.4250300 M>WT 0.5749700 0.5749700 0.3698900 M>WT 0.6025400 0.8427856 0.3564591 M>WT 0.6162069 0.9439595 0.3340023 WT>M 0.6286546 0.9812823 0.2846783 M>WT 0.6459880 0.9946715 0.1871873 M>WT 0.6737922 0.9990026 0.1826776 WT>M 0.6942965 0.9998178 0.1783432 WT>M 0.7102165 0.9999675 0.1453623 M>WT 0.7262633 0.9999953 0.1387323 M>WT 0.7397638 0.9999993 Session Info > sessionInfo() R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit) locale: [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 Mean number of reads 0.6 0.7 5 start 50 100 150 200 −200 −100 stop Base position relative to CDS Figure 3: Average alignment of 28-mers to 5’ and 3’ ends of coding sequences. [4] LC_COLLATE=C [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8 [10] LC_TELEPHONE=C attached base packages: [1] stats4 parallel stats [9] base LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8 LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8 LC_NAME=C LC_ADDRESS=C LC_MEASUREMENT=en_US.UTF-8 LC_IDENTIFICATION=C graphics other attached packages: [1] baySeq_2.0.50 riboSeqR_1.0.4 [5] GenomeInfoDb_1.2.4 IRanges_2.0.1 grDevices utils abind_1.4-0 S4Vectors_0.4.0 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] BiocStyle_1.4.1 XVector_0.6.0 tools_3.1.2 datasets methods GenomicRanges_1.18.4 BiocGenerics_0.12.1 6 NULL 200 0 0 50 50 100 100 150 150 chlamy236_plus_deNovo_plusOnly_Index17 :: CUFF.37930.1 1 280 640 1039 1477 1915 2353 2791 3229 3667 Figure 4: Alignment to individual transcript.
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