39th Annual Bull Sale - Colorado State University

Colorado State University
39 Annual Bull Sale
March 28, 2015
CSU ARDEC Facility, Fort Collins, Colo.
Selling 30 Yearling Angus & Hereford Bulls
via Private Treaty
All bulls will be pre-priced and available for the first time starting on sale day.
Sale Day Schedule
9:00 a.m.
Coffee and donuts
Viewing of pre-priced bulls
11:00 a.m.
Buyers and high bidders determined
12:00 p.m.
Begin loading out bulls
SALE DETAILS: All cattle will be pre-priced with a “base price”. If more than
one person is interested in a bull at his base price, the sale coordinator will lead
a slow-speed bid-off to determine the high bidder and final selling price.
More information is at www.csubulls.colostate.edu and in the sale catalog.
For more information and to
request a sale catalog, contact:
Jason Ahola • 970-491-3312
jason.ahola@colostate.edu • www.csubulls.colostate.edu
Expecting the best out of more than just our Students!