ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH 542 Blue Heron Drive, Hallandale, FL 33009-5799 * (954) 458-1590 * MASSES: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM Saturday 9:00 AM Saturday Vigil 4:00 PM Sunday 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM 1:00 PM in the Spanish Language Holy Day Vigil 7:00 PM Holy Day 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM Rev. James A. Quinn, Pastor Assisting Priests: Fr. Jim Nero, OFM, Fr. Julio Estada, Fr. Robert Vallee, Fr. Jairo Tellez SACRAMENTS CONFESSIONS - 3:00PM Saturday and by appointment. BAPTISMS - Every Third Saturday at 10:30 AM. Call the Parish Office for more information. BAUTISMOS - En Español: Los Segundo y el Cuarto Sábados del Mes a las 10:30 AM, noviembre a mayo. Preparación para el Bautismo el Segundo Jueves del Mes a las 8:00 PM, noviembre a mayo. MARRIAGE - By appointment with the pastor. Please make arrangements six months in advance. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION If you have questions concerning the Catholic Faith, call the Parish Office (954) 458-1590. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS - K-I thru High School. Two years of religious instruction required for Sacramental Programs. ST. MATTHEW PARISH REGISTRATION If you attend Mass here at St. Matthew, you are encouraged to register with us. Please stop by the Parish Office to fill out the simple registration form or download the form from We urge you to get involved with our ministries and, as a stewardship parish, ask that you use your Offertory envelopes. If you are not a registered and active member of our parish, Baptisms, Marriages, Sponsor certificates and other documents needed from the Church will take longer to obtain and, in some cases, not possible. You must be attending Mass regularly and be an active member of the parish. Parish e e--mail: Parish Staff - Joanne Perciavalle: Lois Montanarello: PASTORAL SERVICES and MINISTRIES Adult Education Legion of Mary Altar Keepers Ministry to the Sick Altar Servers Music Ministry St. Matthew Archdiocesan Outreach Ministry Council of Catholic Women Baptismal Preparation Bereavement Bulletin Committee Church Decorating Craft Makers Eucharistic Ministers R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) R.C.I.C. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children) Religious Education for Adults/Children Respect Life Rosary makers Evangelization Stewardship Feed the Hungry Ushers/Greeters Hospitality Vocations Lectors Come home to St. Matthew. Here there are no strangers, only friends you haven’t met yet. March 8, 2015 Page Two St. Matthew Pig Roast & Festival Sunday, March 15, 2015 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM ******************************** *** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED *** Tuesday, March 10th @ 10AM to help set up tables & chairs Friday, March 13th @ 10AM Decorating Friday, March 13, 14 & 15th to help with pigs If interested, please e-mail Ellen Ford at or call the Parish Office 954-458-1590 BOLETIN HISPANO Se necesitan voluntarios, el 10 de marzo a las 10.00 a.m. para ayudar a poner mesas y sillas para el Festival, también para el viernes 13 de marzo a las 10.00 a.m. para ayudar con la decoración y los dias 13 14 y 15 para ayudar con los lechones. Si usted puede ayudar por favor llame a la Oficina 954-458-1590 o escriba a Ellen Ford a saintmatthewfestival@ gmail. com. Gracias otra vez a todas las personas que donaron diferentes artículos, dinero,etc y gracias a todos los voluntarios por dar su tiempo y talento para que el Festival sea un éxito. No olviden de comprar sus boletos para las diferentes rifas, los boletos antes del Festival cuestan $ 5.00 por 6 boletos,el dia del Festival costarán $1.00 cada uno. La estación de la Cruz se hace todos los viernes de Cuaresma a las 12.00 del mediodia. Debemos participar en este servicio y vivir la Cuaresma, por ejemplo haciendo algo bueno por alguien en forma anónima, hacer ayuno y meditando en el sacrificio de Cristo, ayudar y ser compasivo con el que necesite en nuestra comunidad, perdonar a la persona que me ofendió,confesar mis pecados y pedir a Dios que me ayude a ser más obediente a Su Palabra, Oraré por esa persona que me ha ofendido, si estoy tentado a condenar a otros, recordaré la misericordia y el perdón de Dios, seguiré el ejemplo de Cristo y encontraré la manera de ayudar a otros, haré de Cristo la fundación de mi vida, agradeceré a Dios por su gran sacrificio de amor, Hoy agradeceré a Dios por haber enviado a su Hijo para morir por mis pecados. Recuerde que honramos a Jesús a través de nuestras acciones ya sean grandes o pequeñas. Que Dios los bendiga. EUCHARISTIC MINISTER & LECTOR SCHEDULE 3-14-15 4:00PM EM: M Cardamone, O Jarosiewicz, A Mendoza, E Millares, B Woroniecki L: E Cuomo 3-15-15 8:30AM EM: K & A Hutnick, L Stewart, J & R Vargas L: J Ippolito 10:00AM EM: R Bergouignan, O Fleurant, H & B Ortiz, L Shamlian L: B Jenkins 11:30AM EM: J Hawkins-Greenidge, G Ippolito, D Jadunandan, J Marrero, J Monteleon L: F Arietta 1:00PM EM: R & F Lara, R Paiz, M Vazquez L: M Lamas, J Porras 6:00PM EM: L Gomez, D Oakely, J Mezquia L: P Scola MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, March 7, 2015 4:00 PM (L) Mario & Sarah Rojas on their wedding anniversary †Fernando Mazuera by his son, Fernando †Bernice Breen by Robert O’Donnell Sunday, March 8, 2015 8:30AM †Mary Nadeau by her husband †George Saunders by Aida Sanchez †Emilio Meclavcic by Pina & Ezio Delbello 10:00AM †Gene Lamb by Alice Lamb †Robert Bisson by Mildred Bisson †Lorraine Marie Victory by her loving family 11:30AM †Donato Testini by daughter Nella Per familia Frustaci, living & deceased by Giuseppe Frustaci †Mirella Garcia by the Nicolella & Falcone families 1:00PM †Antonio D’amelio by Antonietta D’amelio †Jorge Humberto Rodriguez by sisters Amparo & Olga Rodriguez †Ana Elvia Gonzalez by su hija Auristela 6:00PM †Maria, Nicolas & Olga Pac by family & friends †Maria Carmen Lopez by Ruben Rocha Parishioners of St. Matthew by Fr. Quinn Monday, March 9, 2015 8:30 AM †The deceased members of the Perretti family by family †Elvira & Ignacio Burneo by Cecilia Castillo †Paolo Fumarola by Annette & Nick Guerrera Accion de gracias a Senor de los Milagros by Carmen Rumayor Tuesday, March 10, 2015 8:30 AM †Alice Aldea by her sisters †Bernice Wisniewski by her family †Roscoe & Marie Smith by their family †Ramon Santurio by his loving wife Esther Santurio Wednesday, March 11, 2015 8:30AM †Peter Sclafani by his family †Luis Castellanos by Marie Castellanos (L) For the health of Fabrizio Acquaviva by Isabel & Santiago de Urbina Thursday, March 12, 2015 8:30 AM †Harvey Weiss by Patricia Weiss †Cecilia & Thomas Grimes by Patricia Weiss †Domenic N. Gioello - 1 year - by his wife Lucille Per familia Frustaci, living & deceased, by Giuseppe Frustaci Friday, March 13, 2015 8:30 AM †Linda Ranno by Julia & Manny †Ambrose LeBlanc & Irene Talbot by Colette LeBlanc †Eduardo Cardona by Alberto & Evelyn Cardona (L) For the health of Fabrizio Acquaviva by Isabel & Santiago de Urbina Saturday, March 14, 2015 9:00AM †Mary Avallone by Joe Avallone †Steve Chiariello by Neal & Ann O’Leary †Emil Bonoccorsi by Neal & Ann O’Leary PLEASE REMEMBER ST. MATTHEW CATHOLIC CHURCH/ ARCHDIOCESE OF MIAMI IN YOUR WILL. REMEMBER TO PURCHASE YOUR PRE-SALE FOOD TICKETS FOR ADDITIONAL SAVINGS - 6 TICKETS FOR $5.00 FOOD TICKETS WILL BE $1.00 EACH THE DAY OF THE FESTIVAL *************************************** SEE THE FLYER ENCLOSED IN THIS WEEKEND’S BULLETIN. GREAT PRIZES … CASH … GIFT CERTIFICATES AND MUCH MORE. BUY YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS TODAY! YOU CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T ENTER. *************************************** A REMINDER OF THE SILENT AUCTION FOR THE BEAUTIFUL FULL LENGTH MINK COAT. COME BY THE PARISH OFFICE TO VIEW THIS TOP QUALITY MINK (VALUED AT $14,000.00). PUT IN A BID FOR A CHANCE TO WIN THIS BEAUTY - BIDDING STARTS AT $500.00. YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID WHEN YOU HEAD BACK HOME TO THE COLD NORTH AND YOU’RE WEARING THIS GORGEOUS MINK COAT. Page Three STEWARDSHIP: “Sharing God’s Gifts” As Catholics, we give in gratitude for what God has given to us; this is what motivates us. We give because of faithfulness. The offertory collection for Sunday, February 22, 2015 was $12,059.00 with 162 envelopes used. God bless you for your generosity and support of your St. Matthew Parish! In using your offertory envelopes each week, please make sure your envelope number is listed on it. Also, please make sure we have your correct address to avoid unnecessary additional fees for returned mail from the post office. If you do not know your envelope number, please call the Parish Office and we will gladly give it to you. If you are currently receiving offertory envelopes in the mail and are not using them each week, please call the Parish Office to advise. 2015 Archbishop’s Charity and Development Drive ‘One in Faith, One in Hope, One in Charity’ Together, We Change Lives A heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who has made a commitment to the 2015 Archbishop’s Charities and Development Drive (ABCD). To date, 189 parish families have responded. However, we need the support of ALL members of St. Matthew Parish if we are to be successful in reaching our parish goal of $71,749.00. Pledges totaling $70,249.08 have been made so far. Now is the time to make a return to the Lord for all He has given us. Even a small gift can make a big difference in the lives of those in need. Whether your gift is $50, $365, $1,000 or even $5,000, it is truly impactful and appreciated. If you have not yet responded to the 2015 ABCD, please consider making a gift - a gift from the heart - by using the pledge envelopes available in the pews and at the church entrances. Thank you for all that you do and the spirit in which you do it! God bless you! ABCD “One in Faith, One in Hope, One in Charity” 2015 Archbishop’s Charity & Development Drive My Pledge $____________ Down Payment $________________ Balance $__________________ Terms of Pledge: [ ] Monthly [ ] Quarterly [ ] Semi-Annual [ ] Total Amt. Credit Card: [ ] Visa [ ] MC [ ] Amex No. ___________________________ Exp. Date: ___________________ [ ] Mr. & Mrs. [ ] Mr. [ ] Ms. [ ] Miss Name: _____________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________ City/State: __________________________________ Zipcode:__________ Donor’s Signature: _____________________________________________ [ ] I have included St. Matthew in my will or other estate planning document [ ] Please have someone contact me about including St. Matthew in my estate plans Please make your check payable to St. Matthew Catholic Church ABCD MARK YOUR CALENDAR! SAVE THE DATE! Friday, March 27, 2015 from 7 to 10PM Pastor’s Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner/Dance Please be sure to submit your RSVP by Mar. 20th Third Sunday of Lent March 8, 2015 I, the Lord, am your God … You shall not have other gods besides me. - Exodus 20:2a,3 Kindly remember in your prayers the sick people of our parish, people confined to their homes, hospitals and nursing homes, especially Donald Moran, Raymond Dennard, James & Thomas Lysaght, Martin Cohen, Anthony Randle, Maria Burneo, Julia Winters, Herbert Burgess, Fina Howard, Jenny Fernandez, Marianne Bariglio, Vincent Caleta, Jeffrey Jenkins, Maryann Simone, Judith Lagonikos, Grace Guidone, Claire, Doug & Mary Ann Polk and children, Grace Sarta, Tommy Trotter, Thomas Morante, Hannah Navarro, Maria Nieves, Donna Sacco, Karune Alxi Lafortine, Joseph McBride, Ronald Hunt, Jennifer Sutter, Madeline O’Connor, Joseph Re, Noelia Pardo, Rodry Lopez, Frank Catapano, Sonia Ocampo, Donna Everts, Chris Fenton, Carla Vittoria, Irvin Bruce Sr., Herb Shamlian, Kenneth LaCruz, Phillip Elliott, Thelma Emano, Arminda Latarewicz, George Murphy, Adolph Otto Carbone, Linda Decker, Gun-Britle Rosengren, Joel Rivera. Please pray for those who have died. NEXT WEEKEND’S SPECIAL COLLECTION THE CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) COLLECTION ‘Help Jesus in Disguise’ With your gift to this special collection refugees are helped through USCCB Dept. of Migration & Refugee Services, the people of Bolivia & Ethiopia through the humanitarian work of CRS, legal assistance to immigrants through the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., and much more pastoral work and aid to victims of natural disasters. Please be as generous as your means allow. ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ (Mt. 25:40) EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT The Blessed Sacrament exposed Mondays 7:30-10:00AM. ST. MATTHEW CRAFTMAKERS Meetings are held on Mondays at 10 AM in Rose Hall. LEGION OF MARY Meetings are on Mondays at 9:30 AM in Parish Hall. BINGO BRIGADE BINGO is held Wednesdays. Doors open at 10:00 AM & play begins 11:00 AM. Coffee & beverages are available. St. Matthew Religious Education Barbara Woroniecki, D.R.E. 954-458-1590 or Coffee & cake will be served in Parish Hall after all the weekend Masses to raise funds for World Youth Day 2016. Please support this very worthy cause to help send our ten St. Matthew children to Krakow next year. Thank you. STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Friday at 12:00 PM during Lent.
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