Sponsorship Prospectus - Gifted and Talented National Conference

International Conference of Giftedness, Talent
Development and Excellence
Sponsorship Prospectus
The Conference will be held 19 – 21 March 2015 at the Brisbane
Convention and Exhibition Centre in South Bank, Brisbane.
2015 is the International Year of Light. This choice for the 2015
International Year theme recognises that studying light has revealed much
to us about the universe in fields such as science, technology and
engineering, and the application of light has played a role in important
areas such as medicine, communication and energy.
Light also inspires and illuminates visual and performing arts, literature,
cultural monuments and spaces, as well as influencing human thought.
Therefore, just as light bridges disciplinary boundaries, so too is it a fitting
theme for a conference that aims to illuminate the spectrum of giftedness
and talent development and bridge the boundaries of research and
The conference will have a special focus on the spectrum of different
types of giftedness (e.g. intellectual, creative, artistic, social and
emotional, and physical and perceptual giftedness) and the range of
different approaches to gifted education and talent development. We will
be hosting researchers, teachers, school leaders and administrators, a
variety of practitioners, parents, and students from diverse backgrounds
and countries. We look forward to meeting you all in Brisbane, Australia
March 2015!
Regular updates regarding the Conference will be available on –the
conference website www.qagtcconference.com.au
The Queeensland Association for Gifted and Talented
Children (QAGTC) is the state association for assistance for
educating gifted children in Queensland.
The Australian Association for the Education of Gifted and
Talented (AAEGT) is the national umbrella association for
gifted provisioning in Australia. Each state of Australia is
affiliated with the national association through their
individual state associations.
The International
Association for Talent
Development and
Excellence (IRATDE) was
established in the year
2008 by a group of
scientists from various disciplines. The place of incorporation was the
University of Regensburg in Germany. The founders were specialists in
giftedness research, creativity research, expertise research, excellence
research, and innovation research.
President – Anthony Stevens
Vice President – Dr Carly Lassig
Treasurer – Lyn Allsop
Secretary – Jo Belchamber
President - Professor Wilma Vialle
Secretary – Nancy Devlin
Treasurer – Catherine Wormald
President - Prof. Abdullah Aljughaiman
Vice President - Dr Heidrun Stoeger,
Secretary General - Dr Albert Ziegler,
Treasurer - Professor Jiannong Shi
Executive Officer - Dr Wilma Vialle
The 2015 Conference is being hosted in Brisbane by the Queensland
Association for Gifted and Talented Children Inc. in collaboration
with AAEGT and IRADTE.
Committee: Anthony Stevens, Lyn Allsop, Dr Carly Lassig, Gail
Young, Dr Wilma Vialle
The conference will be held at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition
Centre, Southbank, Brisbane.
The Centre's home city of Brisbane is the capital of the state of
Queensland in the heart of Australia's premier tourist region. Located on
the eastern seaboard of Australia, Brisbane is Australia's only subtropical
capital city. Brisbane is Australia's fastest growing city with direct access to
Australia's iconic world heritage listed natural attractions.
The Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre is the official venue for the
G20 Leaders Summit 2014.
A variety of sponsorship opportunities will be available at the 2015
Conference. The Committee is happy to negotiate a package that will be of
maximum benefit to your Organisation or Company and QAGTC. We are
also happy to discuss any new proposals you may wish to put forward.
Your participation as a sponsor and/or displayer will ensure your access to
the delegates at this International Conference, affiliated organisations and
of course, their clients.
Acknowledgment of the sponsors and exhibitors will be included on
Conference material, on the website and displayed at the Conference.
If you wish to discuss a package more suitable to your company, please
contact Lyn Allsop, Conference Organiser, +61 7 3343 2388 or email
The Major Sponsor option will provide the following benefits:
Your Organisation will be able to choose one of the following key
entitlements (options are limited):
Naming rights to one (1) of the Keynote Speaker Conference Sessions (3
 Your Organisation will receive naming rights to a Conference
Session including:
 Acknowledgement on all promotional material where the
session is mentioned including the website and handbook
 Acknowledgement by the Session Chair
 Acknowledgement on the slides used in the session room
Naming Rights to one (1) of the Conference Lunches
 Your Organisation will receive the naming rights to a Conference
Lunch including:
 Acknowledgement on all promotional material where the lunch
is mentioned including the website and handbook
 Acknowledgement by the Session Chair just prior to the lunch
 The opportunity to provide signage (to be approved by the
Conference Organisers) to be placed near the serving area
Major Sponsors will also receive:
 Sponsor Display area of 2m x 2m will be allocated for your display.
 Two Complimentary Registrations including access to Conference
 Acknowledgement as Major Sponsor on Promotional Material
 Acknowledgement in the Conference Handbook, which is
distributed to delegates.
 Your Organisation’s logo will be featured and you can include a
promotional paragraph. Sponsor to provide Hi-res Artwork.
 Conference Website
 Acknowledgement on the QAGTCConference.com.au website
including logo, promotional text and a hotlink to your website.
 Conference Endorsement
 Your Organisation is authorised to use the following phrase on
promotional material until the conclusion of the Conference:
 Official major sponsor of the QAGTC/AAEGT/IRATDE
International Conference: Illuminating the Spectrum of
Giftedness and Talent Development
 Half Page Advertisement
 Your Organisation can provide a half page advertisement for
inclusion in the Conference Handbook. Final artwork must be
provided in the format specified by the Conference Organisers.
 PowerPoint Presentations
 Your Organisation will be acknowledged as a Major Sponsor on
the PowerPoint presentation slides to be screened throughout
the Conference.
 Complimentary Satchel Insert
 An opportunity for your Organisation to place important
information in the hands of all delegates. One item, up to A4 size
or negotiated with Conference Organisers, can be included in
delegate satchels to be distributed at registration.
This Sponsor option will provide the following benefits:
Naming rights to one (1) of the Concurrent Conference Sessions.
 Your Organisation will receive naming rights to a Conference
Session including:
 Acknowledgement on all promotional material where the
session is mentioned including the website and handbook
 Acknowledgement by the Session Chair
 Acknowledgement on the slides used in the session room
 Sponsor Display
 An area of 2m x 2m will be allocated for your display.
 One Complimentary Registration including access to Conference
 Acknowledgement as Sponsor on Promotional Material
 Logo acknowledgement in the Conference Handbook, which is
distributed to delegates. Sponsor to provide Hi-res Artwork.
 Conference Website
 Acknowledgement on the qagtcconference.com.au website
including logo, promotional text and a hotlink to your website.
 Conference Endorsement
 Your Organisation is authorised to use the following phrase on
promotional material until the conclusion of the Conference:
 Official major sponsor of the QAGTC / AAEGT / IRATDE
International Conference : Illuminating the Spectrum of
Giftedness and Talent Development
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Your Organisation will be acknowledged as a Sponsor on the
PowerPoint presentation slides to be screened throughout the
 Complimentary Satchel Insert
 An opportunity for your organisation to place important
information in the hands of all delegates. One up to A4 item can
be included in delegate satchels to be distributed at registration.
The Individual Session Sponsor option will provide the following benefits:
Naming rights to one (1) of the Concurrent Conference Sessions:
 Your Organisation will be acknowledged exclusively as the sponsor
of one of the conference concurrent sessions including:
 Acknowledgement on all promotional material where the
session is mentioned including the website and handbook.
 Acknowledgement by the Session Chair.
 Acknowledgement on the slides used in the session room
 Complimentary Satchel Insert
 An opportunity for your Organisation to place important
information in the hands of all delegates. One up to A4 item can
be included in delegate satchels to be distributed at registration.
 Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Teas will be served in the display area.
Each display area includes:
 Area measuring 2 metres wide x 2 metres deep
 Acknowledgement in the delegate handbook including promotional
paragraph and contact details
 Your participation displayed on the Conference website
 One complimentary exhibitor registration which includes morning and
afternoon teas and lunches
 Trestle table, two chairs and power to booth.
Promotional item to be placed in each delegate’s satchel – up to A4 size
(approved by the Conference Organisers)
Conference Organisers to advise quantity by the beginning of February
2015 and material to be received by 2015 QAGTC / AAEGT / IRATDE
Conference Organisers by 28th February 2015
All prices listed are in Australian Dollars. All payments must be made in
Australian Dollars. Cheques, direct bank transfers and credit card
payments will be accepted. All amounts include Australian Goods and
Services Tax (GST) of 10%.
Once you have selected your preferred sponsorship package submission is
via the application form herein and the Sponsor and Conference
Organisers agree to the conditions as indicated per sponsorship level.
Sponsorship is through completion of the completed Sponsorship
Application Form accompanied by payment and submitted by 1 of the
following methods:
(1) Email to: office@qagtc.org.au
(2) Post to:
2015 QAGTC/AAEGT/IRATDE Conference Organisers
PO Box 2311
Mansfield DC, QLD 4122
(3) Fax to: +61 (0)7 3343 2377
Sponsorship cancellation must be made in writing and emailed to
Sponsorship cancellations received up to 30 days prior to the conference
will receive a full refund, less a $100 handling fee. Cancellations received
less than 30 days and up to 7 days prior to the conference will receive a
50% refund. No refunds will be given for cancellations received within 7
days of the conference.
The entitlements listed in this document are offered on the basis that
confirmation of a sponsor’s involvement is received prior to the deadline
specified by the Conference Organisers (e.g. production of promotional
The Conference Organisers reserve the right to amend these packages
subject to change in the program format.
It is the responsibility of sponsors to provide the materials listed in the
sponsor package, once the commitment has been made.
Those companies which get the most out of their sponsorships are those
who actively promote their presence at the Conference and provide
photographs, text and any other materials in a timely manner to the
2015 QAGTC/AAEGT/IRATDE Conference Organisers
PO Box 2311
Mansfield DC, QLD 4122
E-mail: office@qagtc.org.au
Website: www.qagtcconference.com.au
P: +61 (0)7 3343 2388
F: +61 (0)7 3343 2377
Please complete and return this form by 1 of the following methods:
(1) Email to: office@qagtc.org.au
(2) Post to: 2015 QAGTC / AAEGT / IRATDE Conference Organisers
PO Box 2311
Mansfield DC, QLD 4122
(3) Fax to: +61 (0)7 3343 2377
Title: .......................... Last Name:...................................................
First Name: ......................................................................................
Organisation: ...................................................................................
Position: ...........................................................................................
Postal Address: ..................................................................................................
Suburb: .................................................State: .................. Postcode:................
Email: .................................................................................................................
Major Sponsor @ $5,500 (including GST)
Sponsor @ $3,300 (including GST)
Session Sponsor @ $2,200 (including GST)
Display Area @ $1,650 (including GST) (2m x 2m)
Satchel Insert @ $750 per insert (including GST)
Sponsorship Level Total ………………………………….
Display area
Total ………………………………….
Satchel Insert
Total ………………………………….
Total amount payable
We agree to co-operate with the Conference Organisers and abide by the
conditions herein for the 2015 QAGTC/AAEGT/IRATDE International
Conference of Giftedness, Talent Development and Excellence.
Upon receipt of confirmation of acceptance, full payment will be made.
Signature: ............................................................... Date:……………………
Payment Options
(1) Cheque - Please make cheques payable to QAGTC Inc
and post to P O Box 2311, Mansfield DC, QLD 4122
(2) Bank Transfer direct credit to
Commonwealth Bank Account BSB 064-000 Account Number
13829830 in name of The Queensland Association for Gifted and
Talented Children Inc.
(3) Please debit my credit card for the total amount owing on this form.
Only MasterCard or Visa accepted.
Cardholders name: ....................................................................................
Credit Card number:....................................................................................
Expiry date: ................. / ................ CSV ………………………..
Signature: ................................................................