Term 1 Volume 5 4 March 2015 College Newsletter from the Principal... COLLEGE OPEN DAY – FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2015 Our Open Day will be held on Friday, March 13 commencing at 4.30pm with all families warmly invited. Please help spread the word so that the wider community can visit the College and view our state of the art facilities and our Clancy Project plans for our current building works. ENROLMENTS – YEARS 5 & 7, 2017 The enrolment deadline for Years 5 and 7, 2017 is March 27, 2015. Early interviews will be held for siblings prior to this date. A reminder to current parents who wish to enrol their son in Years 5 and 7 in 2017, please ensure an enrolment application for your son is submitted by the deadline. Any enquiries regarding enrolments, please contact College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood on registrar@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Dear members of the College community COMMEMORATING 100 YEARS AND CELEBRATING 60 YEARS We are currently planning two very significant events. The first event is a special Ceremony in commemoration of the ANZAC Centenary (Commemorating 100 Years) which will be held at the College on Friday, April 24, 2015 commencing at 9.30am. As a community we will come together in prayer and song to honour all the men and women who have served our nation in uniform over the past hundred years. Their diligence has kept the ANZAC spirit alive and ensured it is just as relevant to Australia today as it was during the First World War. Following the Liturgy, a formal ceremony will be held in the College grounds which will include students laying a commemorative wreath, playing the Last Post and the lowering of the Australian flag. We have extended an invitation to members of the Sydney University 2nd Commando Battalion, Old Boys who are currently serving in the Forces, as well as, Prime Minister Abbott, Hon Michael Baird (Premier of NSW), Hon Brad Hazzard (Attorney General and Minister for Wakehurst), Cr Michael Regan (Mayor Warringah) and Cr Jean Hay (Mayor of Manly). Following the formalities the boys will receive an ANZAC commemorative token and enjoy ANZAC biscuits. In the afternoon our Year 9 boys and 15 members of staff will depart the College for Camp Gallipoli situated at Centennial Park. The boys will participate in various activities including a light horse procession with the symbolic eternal flame and a Gallipoli themed movie. The boys will sleep under the stars and be woken by the sound of the bugler playing the Reveille (the bugler’s wake-up call). During battle, the half-light of dawn was one of the most favoured times for an attack. Soldiers in defensive positions were woken in the dark before dawn, so by the time first light crept across the battlefield they were awake, alert and manning their weapons; this is still known today as the “stand-to”. As dusk is equally favourable for attacks, the “stand-to” was repeated at sunset. The second significant event is the 60th Anniversary (Celebrating 60 Years) of the opening of St Augustine’s College, which will be held on Thursday, February 11, 2016 at St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney. We have extended an invitation to Fr Alejandro Moral Anton OSA (the Prior General of the Augustinian Order in Rome), Fr Tony Banks OSA, (Assistant Prior General of the Augustinian Order in Rome and Past Prior Provincial of Australasia), Most Rev Anthony Fisher (Archbishop of Sydney), Bishop Peter Comensoli (Bishop of Broken Bay), Fr Dave Austin OSA (Prior Provincial of the Order of St Augustine Australasia), Bishop Christopher Saunders (Old Boy of the College and Bishop of Broome), Augustinian Fathers and political dignitaries. This will be a wonderful celebration for the whole College community. Following the 60th Anniversary Mass on February 11, students and staff will return to the College where we will open and bless the new College buildings associated with the Clancy Building, Hippodrome and our current Building Our Future 2020 Project. The following evening, we will host a Welcome Cocktail Party to combine the celebrations of our 60th Anniversary and the opening of the new school buildings. Our 2016 Calendar will incorporate the 60 years of history of this great College from 1956 to 2016. Further information will be forwarded to the community in coming months. HOUSE FORMATION LEADERS AND HOUSE CAPTAINS Crane House Goold House Heavey House Margaret McElhone (HFL) Daniel Fee (HFL) Andres Trujillo (HFL) James Gonda (HC) Henry Turner (HC) Zacchary Van Lathum (HC) Hutchinson House James Gordon (HFL) Brendan Watkins (HC) Murray House Kirsty Begg (HFL) Jarod Horan (HC) Reville House Ilona Welch (HFL) Jamie Harrison (HC) I had the privilege to have morning tea with the newly appointed College House Captains and the respective House Formation Leaders, who presented the boys with their badges. Congratulations again to James, Henry, Zac, Brendan, Jarod and Jamie on their appointments. We have already witnessed the excellent House spirit that was evident at the recent Senior School Swimming Carnival and we look forward to the energy and enthusiasm the House Captains will display throughout coming sporting and charity events. Keep up the good work boys. 2015 CLASS PARENTS MORNING TEA Matthew Hutchison and I had the opportunity to meet with the 2015 Class Parent Representatives at a morning tea held last Thursday. We are indeed very fortunate to have representation from all Year Groups and Tutor Groups – thank you to those who have volunteered to support the boys and the College. The role of the Class Parent is, on behalf of the College, to act as a liaison person with other class parents in the respective Year Groups and Tutor Groups in support of College and P&F events. Our thanks to Rosemary Cullen (Class Parent Coordinator as part of the P&F Association) for coordinating this event. For further information please contact Rosemary Cullen on cpcoordinator@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. We encourage all parents to become involved in the various aspects of College life. Reflection: As we approach the third Sunday of Lent, I would like to share with you an article I read in the magazine Schools Matters. “In a recent ABC radio programme a sociologist was making the point that many people in today’s society are stressed due to a sense of ‘disposability’. Relationships may easily be ‘disposed of’ and employment is precarious for many people. Some young people may feel their friend could ‘dispose of’ them if they do not have the latest IT gear or clothing item. Some of the reports about young people having a lack of resilience may stem from an inner sense of ‘disposability’. If life is not perfect, then like the not so perfect products, we ‘dispose of’ it. God never ‘disposes of’ us. God is with us in the highs and lows and particularly when we may not be at the top of our game. God invites us to ‘come as we are’. We take great hope and inner confidence that we need not fear ‘disposability’ as God is with us always. As Pope Francis says ‘we should be people who share our joy’ at being Christians. This is an important message for many of the young people as they face the buffeting experience of life”. Prayers: We continue our prayers for Helen Anglicas, Brendan Cleary and Tim Pickering. Tim Cleary Principal Coming Events . . . Wednesday 4 March Year 7 Parent/Student Study Skills: ELES (7.00 pm) Wednesday 4 March – Saturday 7 March College Production Our Town, Star of the Sea Theatre, Stella Maris College (7.30 pm) Thursday 5 March Rugby Coaches & Managers Meeting, Lecceto Auditorium (8.00 am) College Cross Country, Brookvale Oval Twilight Age Swimming Carnival, Warringah Aquatic Centre (6.45 pm – 9.30 pm) Friday 6 March College Dance (Year 7 – 9), Brimson Centre (6.30 pm – 9.30 pm) Saturday 7 March ISA Basketball Grand Finals, Penrith Monday 9 March Year 8 Reflection Day 1 (Tutor Groups 8.1 – 8.6) ENCORE Music Excursion, Years 9 – 12 (12.05 pm) Tuesday 10 March Year 8 Reflection Day 2 (Tutor Groups 8.7 – 8.12) Broken Bay Primary Swimming Carnival, Mingara Junior Rugby training commences Parent Seminar ‘Restorative Practice Unpacked’, Lecceto Auditorium (7.00 pm) Wednesday 11 March Community Mass, Monica Chapel, Tutor Groups M4 & M5 (8.10 am) ISA Swimming Carnival, Homebush Year 10 Geography Coasts Excursion Thursday 12 March Nepal Photographic Exhibition, Brimson Centre (7.00 pm) Basketball Coaches & Managers Dinner (7.00 pm) Friday 13 March Open Day (4.30 pm – 7.00 pm) Friday 13 March – Sunday 15 March Rowing Camp, Canberra Saturday 14 March St Augustine’s College & Fair Go Australia Sevens Rugby Competition From the Head of School... Restoring Relationships The movie ‘Boyhood’ recently won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture and an Academy Award for Best Actress in a Supporting Role. The film’s uniqueness is its charm as the cast is assembled for a few days of filming every year for 12 years. The result is that we see characters age and mature before our very eyes. The main character is Mason who we first meet when he is six years of age. The manner which the film captures the soul of a young man as he grows through those years is nothing short of wonderful. The movie also explores Mason’s relationships with his parents. Of particular interest is the relationship he has with his father who is on his own path to maturity. His father, also named Mason, struggled with fatherhood and when he lands back into their lives he comes as a bearer of gifts. His journey, however, is an inspiration to any parent who has made mistakes and thinks that they cannot be healed. I think it is safe to say that the task of parenting teenagers today is more perplexing than it has been in any previous generation. It would also be true to say that teenagers need their parents more than ever. For some parents, the challenge of raising teenagers has sadly resulted in broken relationships which seemingly cannot be healed. There were many lessons to be learnt witnessing the developing bond between Mason and his father as they both let go of past hurts in order for their relationship to grow. Next week on Tuesday 10 March at 7.00pm in the Lecceto Auditorium, the College will be conducting the first Parent Education evening for the year on Restorative Practice. A key premise of Restorative Practice is that punishment on its own does not teach anything about self-control, nor does it necessarily lead to more effective ways of solving problems. Restorative Practice aims to support students in learning from their misbehaviour and in reconciling and resolving problems with others through a structured framework. This approach forms the basis to the College’s discipline procedures which endeavour to restore a student’s relationship with his peer or teacher. The Restorative Practice framework can be used in many domains, not just schools. The Parent Education evening will present a framework from a parent perspective which may assist them in the setting up of boundaries, dealing with the impact behaviour has on others and valuing relationships within the family. I warmly encourage your attendance. Year 11 and 12 Music Soiree Last week I had the great privilege, in the intimate surrounds of the Lecceto Auditorium, to be entertained by our talented musicians at the Year 11 & 12 Soiree. The evening showcased the best of our musicians with a number of our boys taking the opportunity to perform their HSC pieces, impressing all with the quality of their musicianship and the confidence in their performance. My congratulations to our Music staff for their magnificent efforts in supporting the boys in their love of music. At the conclusion of the evening, it was my pleasure to present a plaque to David Clegg in appreciation of his support of the Music department over the past 11 years. David is the grandfather of Edward and James Bernasconi (Captain of Music 2013) and Charlie Sundborn David Clegg and Matthew Hutchison (Captain of Music 2015). David, as a jazz pianist, accompanied his grandchildren on many occasions during performances at school functions and examination auditions. Recognition from Prime Minister Tony Abbott Year 8 student, Edward Waddington, recently received a letter of recognition from Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, for the courage he displayed when he utilised his life saving skills to rescue a woman who was in serious trouble at Pippi Beach on the NSW north coast during the holidays. Edward, like many students at the College, is a member of a Life Saving Club providing essential service to the community keeping beaches safe. Academic Matters There are only seven teaching days before Year 12 students commence their mid-year examinations. The Higher School Certificate commences in Term Four and, as such, half of the course content will be examined during this set of examinations. It is also a busy time for all students as many assessment tasks will be due in coming weeks. I encourage parents to use the parent portal to monitor their son’s academic commitments and assist him in planning over the next few weeks. A Reflection … Lord, watch over refugees, Their tired feet aching. Help them bear their heavy loads, Their backs breaking. May they find a place of rest, No fears awake them. May you always be their guide, never forsake them. From ‘A Child’s First Book of Prayers.’ Matthew Hutchison Head of School from the Dean of Senior School... College Open Day 2015 As you may be aware, the College will be holding an Open Day on Friday 13 March, 2015. I wish to thank the many students in the Senior School who have volunteered to act as tour guides. During past events, parents are often very impressed with the way in which our boys inform prospective families about the many facets of our College. NB: Please be aware that all students will be required to wear their correct full summer uniform on Open Day, rather than the Sports Uniform. Lent can be considered a time to stop and take a moment to reflect on the many aspects of our lives, especially in relation to the various messages found in the Gospels. The College theme this year is Random Acts of Kindness, which was developed by the Student Leadership Team. This connects appropriately with the meaning of Lent, whereby the College has recently challenged the student community to ponder upon ways it can bring the message of Christ to others through actions, thoughts and words during the Lenten season. In his recent message for Lent, Pope Francis highlights some pertinent ideas for us to reflect upon in the following: “Indifference to our neighbour and to God also represents a real temptation for us Christians. Each year during Lent we need to hear once more the voice of the prophets who cry out and trouble our conscience. Lent is a favourable time for letting Christ serve us so that we in turn may become more like him. This happens whenever we hear the word of God and receive the sacraments, especially the Eucharist. There we become what we receive: the Body of Christ. In this body there is no room for the indifference which so often seems to possess our hearts. For whoever is of Christ, belongs to one body, and in him we cannot be indifferent to one another. “If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honoured, all the parts share its joy” (1 Cor 12:26) . . . . . . Every Christian community is called to go out of itself and to be engaged in the life of the greater society of which it is a part, especially with the poor and those who are far away. The Church is missionary by her very nature; she is not self-enclosed but sent out to every nation and people . . .” Year 12 Retreat Preparations are well underway for the upcoming Year 12 Retreat, which will be held on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 March, 2015. A specific letter has already been emailed to families about this student experience (also located in ATLAS). The aim of the Retreat is to lead students to an increased awareness of themselves and their true nature, and to a greater intimacy with their peers and their God, with time set aside to allow these young men the chance to reflect, to share and to wonder. Due to the increasing trend of large numbers in Year Groups, the retreat groupings will be smaller and based on the new House system from this year. Four different venues in and around Sydney will cater for the six House groups. The College is convinced that this approach will provide our boys with a much more personal and enriching spiritual experience. I wish to thank the Mission Co-ordinator, Gina Marshall, for her work in co-ordinating this most worthwhile initiative. Grooming St Augustine’s College maintains a high standard of student grooming. As a reminder, please be aware of the College’s grooming expectations. Recently, we have had discussions with some Senior School students about inappropriate hair styles which include undercuts, long strands, obvious steaks in hair, and the need to be clean shaven. Hair that can cover the eyebrows when pulled down is considered to be unsatisfactory. Please note the College expectations stated in the student handbook, which is located in ATLAS, Resources, Publications. Hair Regulations Year 12 Mid-Course Examinations Students are to ensure their hairstyle conforms to the following: The Year 12 Mid-Course Examinations will be held from Monday 16 to Friday 27 March, 2015. A specific letter about the examinations was recently emailed to families and can also be found in ATLAS, College Information, Parents – Senior School. I urge parents and students to read it carefully. Our Year 12 students have been very focused and hard-working this term and I am convinced that they will produce some fine results. Please be aware that the Examinations Timetable has been updated this week due to some room changes. The updated timetable was emailed to Year 12 Parents yesterday and has also been placed ATLAS. • Hair should be neatly cut, and maintained at all times • Hair fringe lengths must be out of eyes • Undercut styles are not acceptable, nor are tracks or lines • Dramatic layered effect of levels is not permitted • Hair should not be overly styled by use of hair products • Hair is not to be tinted or coloured • Long hair is not acceptable, nor are long strands of hair that cover the face or touch the collar • Hair must not be shaved, nor extreme cut with clippers, ‘Number 2’ is the shortest acceptable length • The College has the authority as to the appropriateness of any hairstyle. I kindly request that parents assist with ensuring that their sons meet the expectations of the College in this area. nationally well respected practitioner and educator in this field and the College looks forward to his presentation to our community. God bless Parent Education Seminar Please be aware that the first Parent Education Seminar for 2015 will be held on Tuesday 10 March, 2015. It will commence at 7.00pm in the College Auditorium. The theme of the seminar is Positive Parenting and Restorative Practices Unpacked. The seminar presenter, Maurizio Vespa, is a Frank Chiment Dean of Senior School UNIFORM SHOP NEWS . . . BLAZER TIME SHOP HOURS: Monday and Friday 8am-12pm; Wednesday 8am-4pm (closed for lunch 12.15-12.55pm) ******************** In terms 2 and 3 each year the boys are expected to wear a College blazer and trousers. Years 5 to 9 College issue grey. Years 10 to 12 College issue black with grey trousers. Orders are now open and will close 25 March. Please bring your son in for a fitting as we have 12 different sizes in junior and even more in senior. Costs are $170 for the junior and $200 for the senior. We will also have available the new sports top for those of you who would like a second shirt in sizes 10, 12, 14 and xs. Rugby and soccer uniforms are also available. The new College tracksuit is in stock for $148.00. Thank you Adele and the uniform shop team from the Dean of Primary School... The part of the job I enjoy the most is visiting classes and taking part in the lessons teachers have prepared. We are very fortunate to have exceptional teachers who not only provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum, but also an environment encouraging selfregulation and resilience. I took part in a challenging ‘open-ended’ Maths lesson in Mark Catanzariti’s class recently and was impressed not only by Mark’s higher order questioning but the talk that was generated by the task. I was fortunate to be sitting next to Tom Gerrans who managed to explain the problem to me as well as help decide on the best problem solving strategy to solve it. I also visited Andrew Clyne’s Year 6 class who were deep in discussion as to who their favourite Super Hero was as part of their English unit, appropriately named ‘Heroes’. Being one of my favourite topics, we sang the theme songs to “Iron Man, Hulk and of course Captain America’’. The boys’ animated and confident discussions left me in no doubt that they were really enjoying the topic. Tevita Halaifonua’s class were telling me their favourite books and to my amazement I was told that one of the boys (Daniel Links) has read 21 books so far this term. I gave all boys the challenge of trying to read a minimum of 15 pages per day and then giving me a total number of pages read by the end of term. James Kirkwood’s class was immersed in working out the best conditions for their plants to grow, John O’Brien’s class designing their own investigations around what ants like best to eat and Liz Armenio’s class completing a Visible Thinking routine on ‘Government’. Having the boys construct their own understanding of their learning, which educators call personalisation, is a key indicator for academic success and from my observations we have a team of teachers who not only make learning fun but leave the boys curious and wanting to learn more. I thank all of our teachers for making their classes inviting and in particular for their individual care of all the boys in their classes. Incursion Today Wednesday 4th March, all Primary classes took part in a presentation concentrating on positive behaviours dealing with bullying. The production titled, ‘Saving Lil and Archie’ looked at the reasons why some children bully and make mistakes when using technology and why other children suffer in silence. It looked at emotional health and how we can curb our anger and fear. The play encouraged children to listen to their teachers and parents instructions and make positive responsible connections at school and on the internet. The message is clear: Get at least nine hours sleep every night. Talk about your emotions and get some fresh air and exercise. If you read or see something negative or nasty on the internet/TV/mobile then log off and tell a trusted adult. Only play age appropriate computer games. We all need balance. We all belong. Saving Lil and Archie was an exciting narrative that showed some of the causes and effects of anger, fear, kindness and forgiveness. It demonstrated this to children in a safe way by using the story of two robots that didn’t follow their leader’s instructions. One robot ended up with all the anger and fear and the other is all kindness and forgiveness. Through a twist of fate they are zapped to earth into the path of two twelve year old children; Bella and Archie. I thank Kate Donellan, Social Justice Coordinator for her organisation of such a worthwhile event. Student Leaders I am very pleased to announce our Primary School leaders for 2015. Well done to Victor Russo, Orlando Encina, Jake Juric, Peter Varano, Joshua Sergeant and Ethan Stennar on their selection as Class leader. Their role is ‘enabling others to see and act and grow beyond themselves’. I look forward to presenting these boys with their leadership badges which unfortunately have taken longer to make and get to us than expected. I will inform parents of the date for the presentations which will occur during one of our regular Primary school assemblies. Rather than a quote this week I will leave you with a Mathematical ‘open ended’ task for you to try and solve with your sons. Your sons might even like to bring their solutions to me… good luck. Mathematical question for the week Would you rather have 1 cent which doubles every day for 30 days or $100 000? Predict your response and show your working out… Terry Walsh Dean of Primary School Invitation to our Wednesday Community Mass A reminder that all are invited to Wednesday morning mass in the Monica Chapel. The mass begins at 8.10 am and is guaranteed to finish well before the 8.40 bell. Our Chaplain, Fr Senan Ward OSA, is our celebrant. Parents, guardians and families are welcome to attend any time. Consider joining your son and his Tutor Group on their rostered Wednesday morning. One aspect of Lenten observance is a more active prayer life. Wednesday Eucharist could be the opportunity you’re looking for! Bishop Peter A Comensoli’s Lenten Message 2015 Ash Wednesday 18 February 2015 2015 is a significant year for Australians; it’s the centenary year of the forging of the ANZAC spirit along the deadly shores of Gallipoli. There have been, already, moments of remembrance, and there will be any number of programmes, and events and exhibitions where we can recall, and reflect, and learn again of the evil of war, and the need for each one of us to commit to pathways of peace. There will be, on many occasions, the hearing again of that sombre but noble prayer we recite for the fallen: the Ode of Remembrance. In particular way I am always touched by the words towards the end of the Ode: At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them. We will remember them. Our remembrance is not meant to be a sentimental recollection, it’s meant to be a firm and dignified acknowledgement of those who have sacrificed their lives for the care of our country, and we extend that remembrance to those who were left behind in grief and loss, and to those who returned broken in body and often in spirit. As we say at the end of the Ode: lest we forget. Let us not forget the consequences of turning away from the God who created all people to live in peace with each other; let us not forget how easily we can lose our very humanity to current hatreds. Lent this year, like every year, is our special season of grace to remember the one who died and rose for us, Jesus Christ, and to be renewed in his love for us. Lent is our privileged time, lest we forget the gift of life itself given to us by God. Important Social Justice dates March 4th to March 11th • • • 6 Friday 8 Sunday 12 Thursday World Day of Prayer International Women’s Day 1913: Founding of Canberra as Australia’s Capital World Day of Prayer: Theme: Do you know what I have done to you? The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement which brings Christians of many traditions together to observe a common day of prayer each year. The theme for 2015 service is based upon the Gospel of John 13: 1 – 17. After washing the feet of his community of disciples, Jesus asked this question, “Do you know what I have done to you?” For more information : http://www.worlddayofprayeraustralia.org/ 2015 Gala Day: The CRANE HOUSE Global Connections Gala Day will be held here at the College on Saturday March 28, 2015. The event will run from 11am to 2pm. All families are warmly invited to attend. A BBQ lunch will be provided. Please RSVP to kdonnellan@saintaug.nsw.edu.au On the day approximately 20 families from St Joachim’s Primary School in Lidcombe will join us for lunch and activities. Catholic Mission works closely with these newly arrived refugees and over the past 3 years the College has held this day. People who have attended previously have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Year 5 & 6 Brainstorm Productions: Today students in the Primary School attended a performance by Brainstorm Productions entitled – Saving Lil and Archie. This show was a fun way to demonstrate how to deal with anger and fear and also promotes kindness and forgiveness. The performance also highlights safe and appropriate use of technology. It encourages children to limit screen time, get more sleep and do more exercise. Student Volunteering: On Saturday 28th February three Year 8 students – Riley Marosa, Benjamin Simpson and Joshua Morrison, volunteered with the Disabled Surfers Association. The boys had a brilliant day helping those less able in the surf at Collaroy. “They were all a bit nervous in the beginning as they didn’t know what to expect, however by the end of the day they loved helping out and the smiles around were worth a million dollars. All of the students are very excited about being involved next year.” Karen Marosa For more information about the association visit: http://disabledsurfers.org/ Matthew Talbot Hostel: Students from Crane and Heavey are encouraged to volunteer each Monday at Matthew Talbot Hostel. To join the roster please contact me. For more information visit: https://atlas.saintaug.nsw.edu.au/resources/sea/events-and-volunteering Indigenous Immersion: Students from Goold and Reville are encouraged to volunteer each Friday at NCIE as a part of our Indigenous Immersion. To join the roster please contact me. For more information visit: https://atlas.saintaug.nsw.edu.au/resources/sea/events-and-volunteering Kate Donnellan Social Justice Co-ordinator CRANE Year 11 Liam Taylor For showing maturity and initiative by taking care of cleaning duties in Moran House. Year 5 Cyril Mundine For proudly sharing his indigenous language with his peers. GOOLD Year 12 Luke Lough For his dedicated mentorship of a Year 5 student. HEAVEY Year 10 James Barton For his punctuality and wearing his uniform with pride. MURRAY Year 6 Christopher Caruso For always taking the initiative and helping those in need. Year 7 Joshua Pascali-Nowytarger For being kind and helpful to a new student at the College. Year 8 Year 12 Henry Ferguson Riley Marosa For showing true community spirit by always being willing to help out. For volunteering with the Disabled Surfers Association. REVILLE Year 11 Angus Jarrett Year 9 Isaac Gilmore For his commitment to the indigenous immersion programme. For always displaying commitment and positivity. OPEN DAY We’re currently undergoing our largest building project in 60 years. Please join us for our FRIDAY MARCH 13, 4:30PM TO 7:00PM 4:30pm to 7:00pm 4:30pm to 7:00pm INFORMATION STANDS Brimson Centre & St MacKillop Centre COLLEGE TOURS COMPLIMENTARY BBQ & ICE-CREAM 5:00pm & 6:00pm PRINCIPAL’S ADDRESS Brimson Centre Parents! - Enrolment applicants for siblings (Years 5 & 7) looking at entry for 2017 must be submitted to the College Registrar, Philippa Sherwood by Friday 27th March, 2015 registrar@saintaug.nsw.edu | 9938 8223 PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD. COME & SEE OUR COLLEGE IN ACTION. ALL WELCOME *Some students may be helping at Open Day. Information will be communicated in due course. Lianne Williams | Marketing Manager | lwilliams@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Currently interviewing for Years 5 & 7, 2017 T: 9938 8200 | E: registrar@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Federal Parade Brookvale NSW 2100 | CRICOS No.03300G www.saintaug.nsw.edu.au Career Expo • Stella Maris, Manly have invited St Augustine’s students to their Career Expo on 10/3/15. The Expo runs from 4 – 7pm at the Benedict Campus, near the roundabout on Pittwater Road, opposite Harris Farm. Representatives from universities, TAFE, private colleges and employer groups will be available. Senior students are encouraged to attend and parents are most welcome. Gap Year Programmes • • Student Exchange Australia and New Zealand is hosting information sessions on 5/3/15 & 25/3/15. Projects Abroad Volunteer Overseas information session is on 30/3/15 Miscellaneous • Engineers Australia: 2015 Autumn School of Engineering is held 13-17/4/15 • University of Notre Dame: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery Information Session is on 22/3/15. The session is designed to help prospective students learn more about the admissions process, gain an overview of course content, meet current students and view the facilities. Work Experience at Fire and Rescue NSW provides school students in Years 10 to 12 with the opportunity to develop industry-specific and generic work skills in an authentic work environment at the State Training College, Alexandria. • • UNSW is hosting their Built Environment Parent and Student Information Session on 25/3/15 UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering High School Work Experience Program is held 15-19/6/15 • • UNSW Medicine information evening is on 12/3/15 University of Sydney Museum Work Experience Program applications are now open • It is advised that students wishing to study at ADFA apply in year 11 as it is a competitive selection process which may take up to 12 months to complete. • Sydney Aviators Open Day will be held on the 8/3/15 at Bankstown Airport • McDonalds Brookvale is currently hiring new crew. Apply via https://apply.mcdonalds.com.au/public/index.cfm • The new look My Career Profile, from Myfuture, is a personalised career exploration service that builds the users career profile, explores career ideas, considers the users career options and develops a career plan. Universities • Cadetships • Cadetships provide cadets with paid employment while they undertake university studies. This year Professional Cadetships Australia will be offering the Business Cadetships Program and the Engineering & Technology Cadetships Program. Private Colleges • Australian College of Physical Education is hosting a Campus Tour on 10/3/15 • College of Event Management Information Session is on 27/3/15 • Sydney Design School Information Session is being held 26/3/15 • Australian College of Applied Psychology is hosting an information session on 18/3/15 • Academy of Information Technology Information Night is on 17/3/15 • AIE Online Experience Day, held on 7/3/15, includes overview sessions on the range of online courses in 3D animation, game programming and game design offered by AIE. Further information on any of the above is available from Paul McAlinden at the College. Study Skills Impact of reading from a screen vs printed material Taken from an article by Dr Prue Salter Students now spend a lot of time reading from a screen: computers, kindle, mobile devices. The research into the implications of this is still in the early stages, however current evidence indicates that at this point in time print may be slightly superior to the screen in relation to comprehension, learning, retention and ease of use. However, as screen technology continues to advance, interfaces become increasingly intuitive and personal preferences change as a result of early exposure to reading on a screen. Technology is here to stay, so the key pieces of advice for students (and parents) are listed below. One of the best articles to read on this debate is by Jabr (2013) The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens http://www.scientificamerican.com/article. cfm?id=reading-paper-screens well. In many ways it is a matter of attitude, be open to learning in many different ways and look for opportunities to improve the way you learn in all mediums. Target Goal Setting in Year 10 The new pilot programme for Year 10 students is underway and parents have been emailed a goal setting pro-forma to complete. Please email these back to the College with your feedback by the 9th March. Interviews with House Leaders will occur over the coming weeks. This programme aims to help students manage their own learning and growth. By setting, monitoring and reflecting on their goals, they gain a deeper understanding of their own learning. The success of this programme will come from the active participation of all those involved. In summary, advice for students and parents is to: Elevate seminars DEVELOP BOTH PAPER AND DIGITAL LITERACY SKILLS Students need to develop their reading, comprehension and learning skills in both arenas. They need to develop one set of skills to build their competence in reading and learning from paper, however they also need to develop a completely different set of skills: digital literacy and navigation skills. In the last three weeks, Year 10 to Year 12 have attended presentations on study skills from successful students now at university. Students found the seminars provided valuable advice and ideas relevant to their year group. CREATE OPPORTUNITIES TO MAINTAIN HANDWRITING SKILLS In Australia there is comprehensive testing being undertaken to look at holding both NAPLAN and final Year 12 examinations online. There are no indications as to when this will take place. At this point in time, as tests and examinations are still handwritten, students are advised that when it comes to exam time, they should handwrite their study notes or if typed then print them out when they are learning them. They should also actively create opportunities to maintain their handwriting skills, consciously choosing to handwrite at times when they might normally type. LEARN TO TOUCH TYPE Learning to touch type is a skill that definitely pays off in the senior years in terms of saving huge amounts of time. Click onto www.studyskillshandbook. com.au where there are links to free “learning to touch type” websites in the Technology Tools unit. Go to the end of this page for username and password details. The concept of ‘digital natives’ has been debunked (Bennett, Maton & Kervin, 2008) and we cannot assume that all students are comfortable with technology. Instead it is true that different students will be at different points along this path. Students need to keep both skill sets. In you have to write essays in an exam without the aid of a computer, then you need lots of practise in this area! If you find it hard to remember what you are learning on the screen then make notes on paper, but at the same time also look to improve and develop your digital learning literacy skills as Online Study Skills Handbook The ELES Online Study Skills Handbook provides an interactive online guide for the school community. To access the handbook, go to www.studyskillshandbook.com.au Login as a subscriber with these details: username: staugustines password: 146results Up-Coming Events . . . Wednesday 4th March Years 7 & 8 Parent/Student Study skills Evening To contact the Academic Advisors, Middle School students and parents should email Kylie Bowra at kbowra@saintaug.nsw.edu. au and Senior School students and parents should email Tricia Briggs at tbriggs@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. Dear Parents & Caregivers Please note the following information . . . Absence from School Daily Schedule All students should arrive at the College by 8:40am in time for the commencement of Period 1 at 8:45 am. School finishes at 3:25 pm. The College Daily Schedule lists bell times and is published in the College Calendar. A copy is also included in this diary. Before and After School Supervision Morning teacher supervision commences at 8.20am. Students arriving before 8.20am must remain quietly in the main Quadrangle underneath the shade cloth next to the canteen until the commencement of teacher supervision. Absences If a student is absent from school, his parents / guardians are required to call the College by 9:00am on the first day of absence. A signed parental note / email detailing the date or dates and the reason for his absence should be provided to his Tutor/Core Teacher upon his return. This allows the College to fulfil statutory requirements regarding attendance records. It is compulsory for all students to attend Reflection Days, Retreats, camps, the College Athletics Carnival,Swimming Carnival, the relevant Celebration of Excellence Evening, College Walkathon and all other activities organised by the College. A reminder SMS message will be sent to parents if parental contact has not been received by 10.00am. Late Arrivals Any student arriving at school after the 8:40 am bell must report to the Front Office. Late students are required to sign the Late Book and have their Student Diary stamped. On arrival to class, the diary must then be presented to the teacher. Persistent lateness may result in students making up this time during Friday Detention. Only in exceptional circumstances will problems with public transport be accepted as an excuse. Any student that attends a morning meeting with a member of staff or music tuition and is unable to attend Period 1, must report to the Front Office to have their name marked. This will ensure that a SMS text message is not generated unnecessarily. Early Departures Parents are asked, where possible, to arrange medical, dental and other appointments outside of school time. Should parents wish their sons to leave school early on a particular day, an explanatory note to his House Formation Leader / Student Formation Leader / Dean of Primary is required. The House Formation Leader / Student Formation Leader / Dean of Primary will issue a leave pass to be presented to the Front Office prior to departure. Students are required to sign the Early Departure Book and parents MUST collect their son from the Front Office. Students will not be permitted to leave the College unaccompanied during school hours. If the student returns that same day, he must also sign back in on arrival. Augustine Resource Centre (ARC) The ARC (Library) is open until 6.00pm Monday to Thursday. Subject specific assistance is available during this time as scheduled in the Tolle Lege. The ARC is available before school from 8.15am and at lunch time for student use. The ARC is closed at recess. Holiday and Special Leave Requests Students are expected to be in attendance at the College for the entire term as gazetted in the College Calendar and Student Diary. Parents requesting permission for extended holiday periods must seek permission from the Head of School in writing, at least two weeks in advance. Unapproved absence on the last day of term will require the presentation of a medical certificate. Examinations If a student is absent on the day of an assessment task (inclusive of examinations), his parents must notify the College on or before the examination day. In such, cases, a medical certificate is required. P&F President’s Report On Sunday I had lunch with 3 other St Augustine’s families at Garfish in Manly hosted by Mark Dickey from Garfish and Bernard Smith from Wine Tragics. This was part of a prize we bought at last year’s Foundation Spring Gala Dinner. We all had a great time and enjoyed the day with people who are part of the school community. The day came about because both Mark and Bernard had sought to contribute to the school community by giving their time and service as auction prizes. There are many ways in which we can all give to the school and help build the community this was just one example. In coming weeks we will have both the College Open Day and P&F Father and Son Breakfast - I encourage you all to join and contribute either on the day or, with the Father & Son Breakfast, beforehand in helping organise the event. If you have any capacity for this please contact P&F Event Co-ordinator Gabrielle McKinnon (see below). This week the P&F is holding our Term 1 Online Forum. This is a great vehicle for those who cannot attend the P&F meeting but still want to ask a question of the P&F or make a suggestion. As the school is rolling out the new ATLAS portal, for this term, we will carry out the forum through emails (next term we should be back to the full online open forum via ATLAS). Please email questions or suggestions to pandf@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. We will reply to the emails and, where appropriate, publish the question and answer in coming weeks. (Roster and job description provided before the event) • • • Set up: 3pm-4pm Cooking, Serving and Welcoming: 4pm-5pm; 5pm-6pm; 6pm-7pm Clean up: 7pm-8pm Term 1: P&F Father & Son Breakfast Week 10 Monday 30 March 7.30-8.45am For this event we ask for our female community members to volunteer so that the men can spend the morning with the boys. We are looking for people to volunteer to help with the initial organization of this event. We need 3 or 4 people to work with Gabrielle to do the preliminary organisational work. Please contact Gabrielle on the details below. If you can help as a volunteer on the day at the P&F Father and Son Breakfast please contact Gabrielle McKinnon on gabmck@bigpond.net.au Diary date: Men will be asked to volunteer for the Pink Breakfast in Term 4, Tuesday, 20 October. P&F Meetings If you have an item, question, suggestion for an information topic for our P&F meetings please emailCraig Jackson at PandF@saintaug.nsw.edu.au. College Events, P&F Events, and Diary Dates: P&F Class Parent and Year Group Representatives Term 1: P&F Online Forum Week 6 Monday 2 – Friday 6 March Last Friday we held our Class Parents Morning Tea. This was a wonderfully well-attended event where we were able to welcome our Class Parents and Year Group Parents to the College and thank them for their invaluable assistance in the forthcoming year. Happily, almost all Year Group and Tutor Groups are now represented, but we still have vacancies in 8.6, 8.8, 8.9, and 8.10. If you are interested in filling these roles or would like to know more about the Class Parent programme, please get in touch with Rosemary Cullen at cpcoordinator@saintaug.nsw.edu.au Each Term the P&F holds an online forum for those parents who cannot make it to a P&F meeting but have questions or issues they would like to raise. This Term forum can be accessed through the P&F email (above) next term we will be back to the school portal. We try and respond to all issues raise. Term 1: Open Day Week 7 Friday March 13 4.30-7.00pm Do you like a community barbeque? Do you love to chat to people and answer queries? Yes? Then we have a job for you! The P&F supports the College Open Day by running the BBQ which feeds the many visitors to the school. If you would like to volunteer to assist please contact Gabrielle McKinnon gabmck@bigpond.net.au. I wish to extend my thanks to all those involved. Craig Jackson P&F President pandf@saintaug.nsw.edu.au ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS In an effort to further enhance the study culture that exists in the College, students are offered additional academic support after school in the Augustine Resource Centre (ARC). The ARC is open for students in Years 5 - 9 until 5:00pm and until 6:00pm for students in Years 10 - 12 on Monday to Thursday. We are fortunate to have a number of recent past scholars from the College, including Keith Hardy, Jordan Candido and Josh Wigney, available to support students with their studies during these times. Academic staff also generously make themselves available to assist boys. Students, particularly in Years 11 and 12, are encouraged to stay on at school and complete their homework in study partnerships in our well-resourced library. It is a great opportunity for all students to ask for help in areas where they may be struggling and also to consolidate work they have studied in class. All students attending the ARC after school must have work to complete. ARC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HELP ARC PRIMARY SCHOOL HELP Mon Mark Catanzariti Wed ARC LANGUAGES HELP ARC MATHS HELP DAY Mon Tues Wed Thurs Wed Tues 2 TEACHER Dave Gale / Anna Harmer Aleksi Kohonen Carolyn Drew Anna Hayes TEACHER 7 - 9 Mon Tues Wed Keith Hardy Thurs Monique Douglas DAY Wed Thurs Thurs TEACHER 10 - 12 Kirsty Begg Tricia Briggs Asheeka Nand Kirsty Begg Tricia Briggs Kirsty Begg Asheeka Nand TEACHER Carolyn Drew Science/Physics/Chemistry Graham Bruce Science/Physics Sean McLean Science/Biology ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 7 – 9 DAY Mon Wed TEACHER Kylie Bowra Kylie Bowra ARC STUDY SUPPORT YEARS 10 – 12 DAY Mon Wed Vicki Lewis Library & Information Services Co-ordinator CANTEEN Aaron McLuckie Japanese 10 - 12 Claudia Angelucci Italian ARC SCIENCE HELP ARC ENGLISH HELP DAY Madeleine Conlon TEACHER Tricia Briggs Tricia Briggs Canteen Roster – Term 1, 2015 Thursday 5/3/15 Friday 6/3/15 Monday 9/3/15 Tuesday 10/3/15 Wednesday 11/3/15 Lauren Richardson Janeen Kernot Karen Ingram Maria Caronna Julie Londero Katrina Harvey Jeanene Kennedy Diana Candido Vanessa Huijsen Zina Sgangarella Ana Gleeson Sonia Kervic Jo Hood Gina Farrage Robyn Price Sandy Blank Kym Bult Emma Herbert Theresa Opadchy Sue Jones Jodie Moore Jacinta King Dear parents We are now halfway through the term and so far feedback has been positive with the reduced menu. Thank you to all parents that have been able to volunteer in our temporary canteen. We really value your time and energy. If you are unable to make your rostered time, please contact me. If you have a few hours spare or have friends who would like to join you on the canteen roster, please contact me. Annabel Nelson Canteen Co-Ordinator T: 91269904 M: 0414638395 E: nelson.a@saintaug.nsw.edu.au PARENT SEMINAR SERIES Positive Parenting and Restorative Practices Unpacked Term 1 Tuesday, 10 March 2015 7.00pm – 8.30pm St Augustine’s College – Auditorium RSVP: Friday, 6 March 2015 ksimon@saintaug.nsw.edu.au A parent evening titled “Positive Parenting with Restorative Language and Practices” explores the challenges of parenting as well as provide an insight into a variety of parenting styles. Strategies and guiding principles are provided to encourage parents to develop quality learning relationships, which contributes to the building wellbeing and resilient children. • The evening provides parents with an opportunity to: • Meet other parents and share common experiences • Discuss the important role parents as the primary educator • Share what we have learnt from our parents • Understand the science of the human brain and behaviour • Gain some insight on current studies on effective parenting styles that reflect a Restorative approach • Provide useful tips for parents with our children Presenter, Maurizio Vespa has been an educator for 23 years in the Catholic School system. He has a Masters in Education, Diploma in Teaching, Graduate Diploma in Counselling, Certificate in Mediation and Conflict Coaching. He is an accredited Triple P Parenting Facilitator and the Director of Restorative Wellbeing. He has worked with over 330 school communities across NSW, Victoria, Queensland, Canberra and South Australia. Maurizio is currently on the Board of Restorative Practices International and the Chairperson for the NSW Chapter of RPI. Maurizio Vespa Do you want a feel good experience… fun with friends and a skill for life? Then come and join the choir. No obligations, free sessions this week! The NEW rehearsal times are: • • Junior School Choir (years 5 – 6) Mon and Thurs lunches (1st half) in the L1.2 Senior School Choir Tuesday 7.30 – 8.30am in the auditorium CONTACT Please contact Lynne Papahatzis to ensure that your email address is added to our systems. In your email, please let us know your son’s name, and in which co-curricular ensembles/bands/choirs/activities he is involved. OUR TOWN Our Town Opens tonight! Many students have spent over one hundred hours putting this together, and it promises to be a performance not to forget. This production is in collaboration with Stella Maris College in Manly and will be staged at the ‘Star of the Sea Theatre’. Bookings can be made here. OPEN DAY Open Day is Friday 13 March (4:30pm-7:00pm). All boys in the concert bands, stage bands (1 and 2), the choirs, bass guitar ensemble, the drum line, Jazz Ensemble and selected Theatresportsmen will perform from 4:30-7pm. Please see the below schedule for a rough order of performance times. START 4:30 4:30-4:40 4:40-4:50 4:50-5:00 SPEECH 1 5:00 5:15-5:25 5:25-5:35 5:35-5:45 5:45-6:00 SPEECH 2 6:00 6:15-6:25 6:25-6:35 6:35-6:45 6:45-7:00 CLOSE 7:00 AUD Brass Ensemble Bass Guitar Ensemble Choirs Theatresports Theatresports Close Quadrangle SB2 PSCB MSCB SB1 SSCB The Drum Line JAZZ MUSIC CAPTAIN AND SECTION LEADERS FOR 2015 We congratulate Charlie Sundborn, College Music Captain for 2015, and welcome him to this leadership role within the College. Charlie is a dedicated and talented musician. He plays with Senior School Concert Band, The Jazz Ensemble and Stage Band 1 and currently studying the HSC Music 2 and Related Course. To Assist him in his role, we have selected Dave Brown (Year 11) and Liam Thomas (Year 11) as Percussion and Brass section leaders respectively. REHEARSAL SCHEDULE DAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY TIME 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 Lunch 1 ENSEMBLE Stage Band 2 Stage Band 3 Bass Guitar Ensemble Primary School Choir AGE Open Primary School Open Primary School VENUE L1.1 AUD L1.1 L1.2 STAFF Montz Power Smith Olz/Ling TUESDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 Middle School Concert Band Senior School Choir The Drum Line (Percussion) Middle School Senior School Open BRI AUD L1.1 Power Olz/Ling Montz WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY 7:30-8:30am 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 Primary School Concert Band Stage Band 1 Brass Ensemble Primary School Open Open L1.1 AUD L1.1 Power Montz Ling THURSDAY THURSDAY 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 Senior School Concert Band Primary School Choir Senior School Primary School BRI L1.2 Power Olz/Ling 7:30-8:30am Lunch 1 + 2 Jazz Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Open Open L1.1 L1.2 Montz Montz FRIDAY FRIDAY CONCERT BAND NEWS For the last 3 Sundays the Concert Bands have been working hard at workshops. Each workshop went for 5 hours and was very constructive. Thanks to all the families who set aside the time for their sons to attend. For those who were not there it is imperative that you do a lot of extra practice at home so you are not behind and let the other band members down. The first performances for each group will be at Open Day on Friday 13 March. See schedule below. Thank you to those rowing and debating families who have already let me know they will not be there to perform at Open Day. Primary Band Concert Band music link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dnjjgc60z0p8lhk/AAC9Pohzm3jMHCDg1q52Jtya?dl=0 If your son is interested in this, please contact Joseph Montz to find out more. CHOIR REHEARSAL POSTPONEMENT Please note that due to staff absence, Primary School Choir rehearsal for lunch Thursday 12th March has been moved to lunch Friday 13th March in the Auditorium. THEATRESPORTS Intermediate and Senior Theatresports teams will be selected later in Term 1 and these teams will attend training and compete in the Interschool’s Theatresports Competition TBA. LEARNING AN INSTRUMENT Middle School Concert Band music link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bukssyxztvi4orp/ AAAkD086Sdyw02S_pLX0KxuKa?dl=0 If you would like to start learning an instrument in 2015, the College provides several instrumental tutors. Please enroll by contacting Lynne Papahatzis. Senior School Concert Band music link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/iieixmw92p932gd/AABWE7UULSpLkAyjTxVo4yla?dl=0 INSTRUMENT DONATIONS STAGE BANDS We warmly invite any boy interested in extending their playing to come to Stage Band. We have 3 Stage Bands at the College. Stage Band 1 is for the established players at the College. Stage Band 2 is mainly for boys in Middle and Senior School, and Stage Band 3 is mainly aimed at Primary School students. We currently have openings for the following instruments: • Saxophones (Alto, Tenor and Baritone) • Trumpet • Trombone • Rhythm Section (Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum Set and Piano) The College Music Department is always looking to acquire instruments. Doesn’t matter how big or small it is, or whether it is not in full working order, we’ll fix it up and find it a great new home! If you have an instrument lying around unused, please contact Joseph Montz. UPCOMING EVENTS • • March 4 March 13 Joseph Montz OUR TOWN OPENING NIGHT Open Day Performing Arts Co-ordinator CROSS COUNTRY Captain of the Boats, Zac Von Appen won the School Boy SIngle Sculls with a personal best finishing time, showing outstanding form. The College Cross Country is being held tomorrow on Thursday 5 March at Brookvale Oval. Times have changed due to an unavoidable schedule change with the Council. Please note the following amended times: Both Year 9 crews made the A final finishing 5th and 7th respectively. • • Our Yr 10 eight split into a Yr 10 Four and Year 10 Quad. The Four with Bjarne Ungemach, Felix Daddo, Dan Samus, Jack Donkers with coxswain Monty Ravenscroft won by over 20 seconds. Period 4: Secondary students Period 5 & 6: Primary Students Any secondary student wishing to compete in the event should meet Mitchell Cooper on the College Oval at the beginning of period 4. Congratulations to all involved and all the best with your preparations for the upcoming competition in Canberra as well as the Nationals. Primary students should go directly to their classroom at the beginning of period 5 and then the class teachers will take all Primary students to the College Oval to meet Mitchell Cooper. RUGBY TRAINING TWILIGHT AGE CHAMPIONSHIP SWIMMING CARNIVAL The Twilight Age Championship Swimming Carnival is being held tomorrow (Thursday 5 March) at the Warringah Aquatic Centre. The carnival commences at 7.00pm sharp and will conclude at approximately 9.30pm. Swimmers should arrive at 6.30pm and report to Bob Ferguson or Anita Harris (Teachers in Charge of Swimming). School Rugby training for juniors (11 – 15 years age) commences on Tuesday 10 March at Nolan’s Reserve, from 3.45pm – 5.00pm. Buses are provided to transport the students from the College to trainings, however students then need to be collected from the oval. The buses do not come back to school. Please click the following link for the programme of events: Twilight Programme School rugby training is compulsory and must have priority over Club trainings at all times. Students however, who have a clash with their College summer sport commitment are excused from training, they must continue to fulfil and complete their summer commitment. Mouthguards and rugby boots are compulsory at training sessions. Sports mouthguards are available from Dentex Dental. Please email Alexi Petratos (Old Boy) and Peter Nouris to make an appointment dentexdental@live.com or call on 9798 7777. BASKETBALL Any rugby clothing is permitted at trainings, students do not need to wear the College jersey / shorts for training sessions. Congratulations to all of the College ISA teams that competed in the semi-finals last Saturday at Penrith. All teams had exciting games and we are very proud to have all teams progressing through to the Finals on Saturday 7 March. AUSTRALIAN SPORTS CAMPS Students have been notified by email if they have been selected to compete at this event. For all game times and detailed information please refer to summary from Emma Donnellan, Teacher in Charge of ISA Basketball. ROWING Congratulations must also be given to all of our College Rowers who also had an exceptional day on Sunday at the NSW Schoolboy Championships, Head of the River. All competitors rowed admirably. Highlights were: Year 10 eight with Bjarne Ungemach, Felix Daddo, Dan Samus, Peter Brongo, Zac Alford, Harry Hronopoulos, Kieran Riach, Jack Donkers and coxswain Monty Ravenscroft won Silver in the first school boy eights division, qualifying for the Australian Championships in three weeks time. Australian Sports Camps invite participants from St Augustine’s College to attend their Autumn 2015 Rugby Union Programmes during the April School Holidays. Venue: UNSW Playing Fields & St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill The programmes cater for all ages and abilities (6 – 17 Years). The senior programme focuses on refining skills with smaller groups, senior coaches and video reporting. The programmes cover all facets of Rugby Union and are designed to improve participant footy skills and maximise enjoyment. Please contact the ASC directly on 1300 914 368 or email admin@australiansportscamps.com.au if you would like further information. John Papahatzis Head of Sport & Co-Curricular CRICKET BASKETBALL COMPETITION DRAW ISA BASKETBALL SEMI FINALS Please visit the MWJCA website for updated draw information and ground locations. In the ISA semi-finals all five St Augustine’s teams played at Penrith Sports Centre at Cambridge Park to secure a spot in the Grand Finals which will be held next weekend. http://manlyjuniorcricket.nsw.cricket.com.au/ Click on “Matches” and across to “Fixture” to see draws page. Select your age group and Division from “Grade” section and hit “Go” and it will bring up your teams’ draw. Subsequent Rounds will be added closer to the next rounds. CRICKET BAT HANDLE RE-GRIPPING ny boy looking to spice up their bat this season with some colour, bring it in to the PE office for same day service. Only $10 fully fitted. Colours include Pink, red, black, white, and green. CRICKET TRIVIA Congratulations to Bernard Smith (again!) who correctly answered Justin Langer as the only Test cricketer to outscore the entire opposition in both innings of a Test match. Langer did this against Pakistan (191 in the 1st innings and Pakistan made 172. 97 in the second innings & Pakistan made 72) This week’s question: How many times in Test cricket has the No. 11 batsman been the top scorer for their team? Email me the names of the batsmen for your chance to win! CRICKETERS OF THE WEEK Congratulations to Harry Brock (75) and Lachlan Charles (97 not out) of the U16-18 Reds who contributed to a great team total of 248 against Wakehurst on Saturday. Last week, to go with his 65 runs, Lachlan Morley claimed 5-6 off 4 overs with one maiden. Great spell of bowling! Down in the U13 Golds match, after wicketkeeping for the first half of the match, Lachlan Burgess came on to bowl a perfect line and length claiming 5-6 off 4 overs - 3 bowled, 1 LBW and 1 caught behind. Very impressive. MANLY MINIBASH VICTORIES Well done to the U16-18 Reds who claimed this year’s title with a close win over The St Augustine’s Gold team in the Final at Nolan Reserve on Thursday. Nick Osborne was named Player of the Final. The U14 Golds also won their T20 Grand Final during the week. Well done to all the St Augustine’s teams who participated in this great initiative by the MWJCA. MARK TAYLOR SHIELD TRIALS Yr 5 and Yr 6 cricketers of a high standard are invited to trial for this year’s Mark Taylor Shield XI. The trial will take place on Wednesday 4th March at the Brookvale nets (3:30pm – 5:20pm). Interested boys must register their name before the trial at the PE staffroom in the Brimson Centre. James Scholtens TiC Cricket jscholtens@saintaug.nsw.edu.au In the U13’s, after a slow start Saints were down early, however they got into rhythm and gradually took control of the match giving St Pat’s limited opportunities to score. Great team defence and rebounding from all players saw Saints edge in front. Zack Kimball, Nick Sidery and Ben Porter controlled the back court while Tom Latu, Jack Reddy and Banjo Talbot were tough inside. Tom West, Jacob Ratcliff, Daniel Ala and Joe Purvis displayed some great attacking skills and drives to see Saints take out the match 36-24, well done to all boys and good luck in next week’s Grand Final. The U14’s were down 6-0 at the beginning of the game against a determined Oakhill side, however after some good team play Saints came out firing later in the first half and were able to keep their lead and improve on it during the second, winning the Semi Final 21-14. All boys worked hard and proved why they are the team to beat in the competition. Stand out performances this weekend were given by Luis Ross and Eromon Uadiale, who were outstanding in the post and on the boards and Jake Fisher, who lead the team from the point, impressively brought the ball up the court through Oakhill’s intense press, and controlled the tempo of the game. This week the U14’s will be preparing to face an extremely physical Saint Pat’s in the Grand Final, good luck to all players. The U15’s took on Redfield College over the weekend in semifinal action in Penrith. After a slow start, the boys stormed to a double digit half-time lead, aided by Tom Massey’s sharp shooting from long range, and some tight half-court defence. Not wanting to give Redfield any hope of clawing their way back in this one, the boys went on a 20-2 run in the first 7 mins of the 2nd half to expand the margin to 30points. In the end it was a comfortable win, with the boys earning a spot in the finals next Saturday against Oakhill College. Aiden Pashley, Will Wiggins, and Sam Porter lead all scorers with double figures. Final Score Saints 73-22. The U17’s struggled in both matches against Oakhill in the regular season pipping them at the post both times. On Saturday they came out with plenty of focus and applied pressure from the tipoff with well executed offense unselfish play and great team defence putting a margin on Oakhill in the first five minutes which they never recovered from. With Matt Helm, Rory Fowler, Louie Hudson, Seamus Frazer and Anthony De Lorenzo leading the way. Lachlan Channell, Brayden Capstick, Sam Brooker, Lachlan Mitrovich and Mark Bourke followed suit giving Oakhill not a chance. A great team win where everyone contributed, final score Saints 39-11. In the College Firsts Saints came out with focus and intensity and gave St Pat’s little opportunity with tight defence and well executed offense building a 10-2 lead early. Ben Marr unstoppable, Brock Bogg and Ben Woollett controlling the boards. In the 2nd quarter Saints zone defence worked well early but St Pat’s found some holes having a mini run to level the scores at halftime. Saints held their intensity in the third quarter with some great play to find team mates open as Saints pulled away again. Isaiah Lee found his range from the three point area, Denis Radosevic and Ben Marr found Ben Woollett and Brock Bogg inside for some nice finishes while Angus Richmond was tough on the boards. The final quarter saw Saints keep intensity and build an 18 point lead, all players playing well. Final Score Saints 60-45. IPSHA Our IPSHA teams played The Kings School at their outdoor courts in Parramatta. The Year 5’s were in a very close match with tough defence from both teams, Saints did well in a tight one to get the win. Final Score Saints 16-15. The Year 6’s had a great game where team defence and fast breaks were a really a big factor. Joseph Chilcott made some good steals and finished off with some good drives to the basket. Eden Massey and Scott Walters with solid defence resulting in fast break points. Liam Painter and Lachlan Cameron had some good offensive rebounds and great combinations between Jed Walsh, Dylan Richmond and Noa Faatui saw Saints come away with the win 32-24. Year 7 Preseason @ St Pius X Our top Year 7 teams took on the best from St Pius on the weekend at their annual preseason competition. Both teams went down in tough encounters, however showed signs of great skill development and team work. The second round of this tournament will take place this Saturday where we look to improve on last week’s results. This Week… ISA Basketball Grand-Finals Saturday 7th February, 2015 All games will be held at Penrith Basketball Stadium Address: Herbert Street, Cambridge Park SAC Team Opposition Game Time Court Duty U13 Oakhill U13 10:30am 5 1 person from each team to do duty- manager to allocate U14 St Pat’s U14 11:30am 2 1 person from each team to do duty- manager to allocate U15 Oakhill U15 12:30pm 2 1 person from each team to do duty- manager to allocate U17 St Pat’s U17 1:30pm 2 1 person from each team to do duty- manager to allocate 1 V Oakhill 1 V 1:30pm 1 1 person from each team to do duty- manager to allocate ST st IPSHA Round 5- Saturday 7th March, 2015 AWAY Vs Newington College Address: 200 Stanmore Road, Stanmore SAC Team Opposition Game Time Court Duty Year 5 Newington B 10:30am Newington New Gym N/A Year 6 Newington A 11:15am Newington New Gym N/A Year 7 Preseason Round Robin- Saturday 7th March, 2015 AWAY Vs St Pius X College Address: Dreadnought Rd, OXFORD FALLS SAC Team St Augustine’s Suns Opposition St Pius X Game Time 10:00am Court 2 Duty N/A St Augustine’s Hawks St Pius X 10:00am 1 N/A Emma Donnellan ISA Basketball TIC ROWING Two Gold and one Silver at Head of the River Our first Yr 9 crew of Marcus Oates, Kieran Riach, Connor Hopkins, Patrick Easson and coxswain Kyle Riach, qualified for the A-Final in the first Yr 9 quad scull division. Stroke, Kieran Riach, had the Yr10 eight race only one hour before and the crew finished 5th in this strong field. The second Yr 9 crew of Harry Nasby, Torben Ungemach, Tom Croxford and Lachlan Brain and coxswain Finn Mitchell also made the A-Final and finished 7th. The Yr 8 squad was challenged in the lead up to this regatta. Injuries, absence and crew members filling in Yr 9 crews lead to a mixed crew, which had not rowed in this combination before. The crew rowed a strong heat, but was short to qualify for the A-Final. Yr 10 Four GOLD: Bjarne Ungemach, Felix Daddo, Dan Samus, Jack Donkers - cox: Monty Ravenscroft The St Augustine’s squad raced in the NSW School Boy Championship last weekend, also known as the Head of the River. It was the first time St Augustine’s boated a Yr. 10 eight (with Bjarne Ungemach, Felix Daddo, Dan Samus, Peter Brongo, Zac Alford, Harry Hronopoulos, Kieran Riach, Jack Donkers and coxswain Monty Ravenscroft) in the first school boy eights division. St Joseph’s College was the favourite and as expected they went out the fastest. A battle for silver evolved between Scots College and St Augustine’s, with Scots leading by a bow canvas at the half way mark. The signature push for 10 strokes at the 1000m mark saw our boys surging past Scots and developing it into a solid lead of one boat length. St Augustine’s won Silver behind St Joseph’s. With the time of 6min 26sec, our boys qualified for the Australian Championships in three weeks. The second race was our Captain of the Boats - Zac von Appen, representing our College in the School Boy Single Sculls. He won his heat superbly and qualified to race on one of the middle lanes in the final. Zac von Appen faced strong competition from sculling power houses like Kinross, Newcastle Grammar and Sydney Rowing Club. Zac led the field strongly and managed to win this race by over 6 boat lengths. The finish time was his personal best and shows his outstanding form this season. In the afternoon our Yr 10 squad got back on the water, this time the eight split into a Yr10 Four and Yr.10 Quad. The Four with Bjarne Ungemach, Felix Daddo, Dan Samus, Jack Donkers and coxswain Monty Ravenscroft won by over 20 seconds! over Kinross, Redlands, Sydney Boys High and Cranbrook. Next weekend, training will be conducted at our sheds before the entire squad goes to Canberra for the ACT Championships. The Rowing Committee Attention swimmers (Years 7-12) If you would like your son considered for the following events, could you please email Anita Harris official times (i.e. ones that can be found on the Swimming Australia website). They need to be Long Course times. The ISA will then select the fastest swimmers from those who have asked to be considered. I will need the times by Thursday 5th March. • • • • 100m Backstroke, breastroke, butterfly 200m Backstroke, Breaststroke, butterfly 400m Freestyle & IM 800m Free & 1500m free (these are both open events so it is unlikely that you will be selected if you are a junior swimmer) Anita Harris Swimming School Boys Single - GOLD: Zac von Appen - School Boy Single Scull Champion FUTSAL Congratulations to all teams that made the semi finals last week and to those who will be playing this week in catch up rounds , semis and finals. Would all players please ensure they return their playing shirts ASAP Draw for this week . . . Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday U/11 Div 2 Semi Final 5pm Saints Red Devils V Lizards Final 6-15pm 5pm Saints V Saints Tigers 5pm Tika Taka V Saints Lads Semi Final 6-30pm Toe Nails V Saints Seals Final 7-15pm 4-30pm Seaforth V Saints Robins 5pm Man Utd V Saints Lads 5-30pm Curly V Saints Lions U/12 Div2 U/13 Div 1 U/13 Div 2 U/13 Div 3 Monday Saints Super Hoops V Saints Royals Soccer Freaks V Saints Owls 5-30pm Saints Foxes V Mosman High 6-30pm Saints Hammers V Saints Eagles 7pm Saints Hatters V Mosman High 4-30pm Saints Daggers V Green St 5pm Saints Gunners V Thunderbolts U/14 Div 1 U/14 Div 2 U/14 Div 3 Friday 5-30pm 6pm U/15 Div 3 5-30pm Saints Glaziers V Dee Why 6pm Saints Dragons V Footbrawlers 6-30pm Saints Cottagers V Raging Bulls Saints Diamonds V Marist SPC White V Saints Barcelona Lord Welbeck V Saints United Hurricanes V Saints Clarets Semi Finals 5-30pm 6-15pm final Thursday U/16 Div 2 Semi Finals 5pm 6-15pm Final Friday U/18 Div 2 Final 7-45pm U/18 Div 3 Final 8-30pm Water Polo FOOTBALL (SOCCER) We are currently going through the process of selecting and grading teams in both Open and Intermediate Divisions. By its very nature, this process can cause some feelings of disappointment among boys and often parents as well. This is particularly so when it also means that some boys will miss out on a spot in a team altogether. As things stand, we have been able to accommodate all boys in the Open Division, but with almost 70 boys registered in Intermediate (Years 8 &9), this will unfortunately not be possible. We have the right to enter two teams into the competition (22 players), and it is quite likely that we will be able to enter a third team (another 11 players) leaving us some way short of being able to accommodate everyone. As with most team selections, there will be very little between the last few boys who make the squad and the first few boys who miss out. Team Selection I am regularly in conversation and negotiation with the Administrator of the competition to obtain more opportunities for our boys to participate and I will take every chance to do so. Please be understanding of the difficulties involved in this process. Open Training has started, will a very strong attendance at the first session on Wednesday 25 February. Training Time: Wednesdays Warringah Aquatic Centre, 7am – 8am. A bus will bring the boys to school at the end of training. Boys will be notified by an e-mail to parents which team they are in. Intermediate The preliminary selection process concluded today, Thursday 5 March. From this process, 33 boys will proceed to be graded into teams. These will occur on the following days: Year 9 – Monday 9 March straight after school. A bus will transport the boys to Warringah Aquatic Centre and parents will need to make arrangements to collect their son from the pool at 5pm. Year 8 – Monday 23 March straight after school. A bus will transport the boys to Warringah Aquatic Centre and parents will need to make arrangements to collect their son from the pool at 5pm. As in the past, boys will be placed into teams for the season and there is no possibility for any boy to change teams for any reason. Should any boy withdraw for a team or if additional opportunities become available, the next boys on the list will be placed into vacant positions. Paul Hull TiC Water Polo Team lists have been posted on the Football notice board located in the stairwell near the front College office. Students can collect a note of their team list from outside the PE staffroom. The numbers of students wanting to play football in 2015 has again increased adding to the huge task of team selections. Ideally we would love to place players in a team they all want to play in, realistically this is not always the case. Decisions must be made which most players may be happy about but also may disappoint some. For grading’s we enlist volunteers who have experience in football, coaching or playing to help make these tough decisions. Please keep this in mind with team selections. The next step is to find a coach and manager for every team. Unfortunately we do not have enough resources at the College to cover most teams and rely heavily on volunteers from parents for these roles. Each team in the Manly Warringah Football Association requires a team coach and manager. Teams cannot start training until a team coach has been appointed. If you can help or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. Below is a list of teams still in need of a coach and/or manager 11’s Team 2 : Coach and Manager 11’s Team 3 : Coach 12’s Team 2 : Coach and Manager 12’s Team 3 : Coach 13’s Team 1 : Manager 13’s Team 2 : Coach and Manager 13’s Team 3 : Coach and Manager 14’s Team 2 : Manager 14’s Team 3 : Coach and Manager 14’s Team 4 : Coach and Manager 14’s Team 5 : Coach and Manager 14’s Team 6 : Coach and Manager 15’s Team 1 : Manager 15’s Team 2 : Manager 15’s Team 3 : Coach and Manager 15’s Team 4 : Coach and Manager 15’s Team 5 : Coach and Manager 16’s Team 1 : Manager 16’s Team 2 : Coach and Manager 16’s Team 3 : Coach and Manager 16’s Team 4 : Coach and Manager 18’s Team 1 : Manager 18’s Team 2 : Manager 18’s Team 4 : Coach and Manager 18’s Team 5 : Coach and Manager 18’s Team 6 : Coach and Manager Volunteer Needed St Augustine’s Football cannot operate without the help of parent volunteers Grounds Co-Coordinator: We are in need of someone to look after Passmore Reserve field set-up and pack down throughout the season. If you can help with any of the above roles please contact Chris Gray at the College via email. Upcoming Events • Saturday 4th April : First competition game Chris Gray TicFootball (Soccer)
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