451 Old Cleveland Road East Birkdale 4159 Ph: (07) 3820 4333 Fx: (07) 3820 4300 Email admin@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au BSSSnewsletter@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au BSSS Student Leadership Team From the Principal’s desk… Dear Parents/Caregivers Have a look around you, check the calendar and we are already in the second half of the term (week 6). If you sign in at the front office, stick on your orange sticker, take a walk you will notice our teachers and teacher aides working extremely hard in classrooms on the basics – that is literacy and maths. You will also notice a lot of new faces who are working with teachers through various programs to improve student learning outcomes in reading and numeracy. This year, our time table has been modified to facilitate quality learning blocks in English and Maths using high yield strategies that are evidence based. Our staff are currently working in professional learning communities in the areas of teaching, reading, vocabulary development and mathematical problem solving. Our school targets this year in relation to student learning outcomes are intentionally high. Our school has traditionally been very effective in lifting the learning for those students who are performing below the rest of the class. Our focus not only this year and in years to come will be to move students from the middle of the class to the top of the class. We know as a school that we can improve in performance and school effectiveness. As a parent, we need you to support the school to improve student learning by: 1. Applying a deliberate interested in your child’s learning (what, how, when) 2. Regular communication with your child’s teacher regarding his or her learning progress 3. Celebrating learning with your child Yours in Education Craig Douglas Learning Leader www.birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au Office hours 8am-4pm Birkdale Sth Grapevine Term 1 Thursday 5 March Junior Band Reh begin 3pm Monday 9 March Chess Club 8am Parade –2.30 QW Grade 4 P&C AGM 7pm Tech Lab Tuesday 10 March District R/L trials Wednesday 11 March CoderDojo 8am Welcome Sausage Sizzle & Music Uniform fittings District R/L trials Monday 16 March Chess Club 8am Newsletter home No Parade this week 3 Way Conf 3-6pm Tuesday 17 March 3 Way Conf 3-6pm Thursday 19 March Brainways Friday 20 March Brainways Young Leaders Day Saturday 21 March Bush Dance 4—7pm Harmony Day Monday 23 March Chess Club 8am Brainways Parade –2.30 QW Grade 3 District Soccer Trails Keeping Parents Informed 2 March 2015 Edition 3 Be Green! Read from the screen and think before you print… Deputy Chat... Loreyse Agnew-Green Parent Volunteers Many of our teachers have been overwhelmed in Prep and Year 1 with parent helpers this year. Thankyou – we are so grateful that you have offered assistance for Literacy Groups, Maths Groups, Art activities and home jobs. Some parents are staying for half days and longer. This really makes classroom operations so much more manageable – enhancing opportunities. We are bound to offer all of our Parent Volunteers a Volunteer training session where we run through Student Protection and Volunteer Protocols. This session will be held this Friday morning 6 March at 9am in the tech lab. If you are unable to attend we will send home a volunteers handbook with a sign off to indicate you have read the handbook – to be returned to the office. Supported Reader training Thanks to the parents who attended last Thursday 26 for our first training session of 2015. Some of our participants are interested in doing the extended version of the course which will take 2-3 sessions. We will advise when dates are selected for this training in our next newsletter. 3 Way Conferences The dates set down for Term 1 Conferences are Monday 16 March and Tuesday 17 March from 3-6pm. There is a time allocation of 10 mins per student, including changeover time. So being on time is imperative. This year we will be continuing with our online tool to book your timeslot for the 3 Way conferences. Keep an eye out for more information on how to book. The purpose of this meeting is to share Student Goals for this semester and provide feedback about how the year has begun, express any concerns and bond a student/parent/teacher partnership for learning Curriculum... Fiona Lane HOC Welcome to the halfway point of term 1. Students are settled and have been working hard on their goals and new curriculum challenges. This is a great time for us to consider our children’s independence. Do you find yourself walking your child into their classroom, bringing their backpacks in from the car and unpacking their lunch box. Children who are of school age should be moving safely away from being overly reliant on adults to being more willing to act independently. Michael Grose (Author and Educator) believes that training for independence needs to begin early, and by developing independence we are promoting self-confidence. When we teach kids to do things for themselves we give them the silent message that tells them we believe that they are capable. This helps to support their resilience for problem solving too. When children are independent they tend to deal with problematical situations in a more confident way and usually have a few strategies to draw on to help solve the issue. Thus increasing their resilience and decreasing their reliance on others to problem solve for them. Let’s work on having some fantastic independent problem solvers here at Birkdale South. Our Science lessons are heating up this term in year 6 with experiments about solutes and solvents and how heat and cold and impact their reactions. Discussions about reversible and irreversible changes have occurred as well. In year 5 students are reading the novel Deltora Quest. I was able to read with 5A and we discovered an interesting word from the text and had a great deal of discussion around the meaning of the word – we used text clues and connections to the world to discover the meaning of the word ‘garment’. Interestingly no one had heard the word before. This allowed for some great conversation about what other words we use to say the same thing. Synonyms are a great way of working with your child to build their working vocabulary. But more about that next time. Thanks for taking the time to read HOCs corner, I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. Positive Behaviour for Learning... Congratulations to those classes that have filled a beehive. Great Work! 1/2E 2B 3B 4C 5B (When a class has accumulated 50 bee stings, they get to put a bee on the hive. 20 bees fill a hive). Megan Willmott Be Safe! Lessons at the moment are focusing on being safe around our school. I have to say I am definitely seeing more children walking around the buildings. It is terrific to see. But this is not the only way to keep safe! • • • Always wearing a hat is being sun safe. Staying within designated play areas at all times avoids unseen accidents. We use appropriate gates to enter and exit our school as driveway gates put pedestrians in danger of being hit by cars entering or exiting. Don't forget we can all help children to make safe choices by being good role models! Be Safe! Be Responsible! Be Respectful! Be a Learner! Deadly News... Kim Paulson Yura everyone, it’s been a busy start to 2015. I acknowledge that we are on Quandamooka Country and I also acknowledge Elders past and present both Indigenous and non-Indigenous who have guided us in our learning. BSSS Jajam dancers have started off the year by ‘welcoming’ the preps to BSSS. Indigenous students who gave an amazing performance were Anna, Nyah, Alyssa, Andy, Lucinda, Bella, Elizabeth, Tanielu, Zane, Rawiri, Oliver and Katelin. We also extended the welcome to the whole school community for 2015. Over the next couple of weeks the Jajam Dancers will be practicing and if there are any new Indigenous students who wish to be a part of the group please come and see Kim on a Tuesday. Yuwayi Workplace Health and Safety... Narelle Davy Lets not run unless we are on the oval having fun Students have been reminded this week that they need to walk safety around the school grounds. Being safe means: • Waiting until you are dismissed by your class teacher from the eating area. • Sticking to the pathways to the oval or any play area. • Walking to tuckshop if collecting boxes • Walking to tuckshop if buying food Mobile Phones Parents please remind students who bring a mobile phone to school that it needs to be signed in at the office before 8:50am and signed out after 3pm. Also talk about safety when using a mobile with your child. We have had member of our community let us know that recently they watched a BSSS student cross the road talking on their phone, not via the correct crossing or checking to see if the road was clear. Students should never walk and talk on the phone and never cross a road while using their phone. Thank you for your help in this matter. Classroom Spotlight... Lower School— Prep to 3 Year 1A The Science unit we are working on is called ‘Material Madness’. In this unit students explore materials and describe their properties. They describe the actions they use when making physical changes to a material to make an object for a purpose. Students recognise that the properties of a material affect the physical changes that can be made and the purpose for using a particular material in their everyday lives. They respond to questions, make predictions and investigate the effects of making physical changes to materials and objects through guided investigations. This week we changed a flat square of paper to a cup by folding it. We also conducted a strength test by predicting and testing what would happen when the material was pulled. Science is fun in Year One! Upper School— 4 to 6 Year 5A This term, students in Year Five are exploring the development of British colonies in Australia through their History unit. During the colonial period, the early settlers did not have the modern entertainment that we have today. There were no iPads, no television and no internet. The settlers had to make their own fun and one activity they often chose to do was dance. The Year Five students have begun learning some traditional bush dances from this time period and are experiencing how much fun dancing can be. Students will continue to learn traditional dance moves every Monday so that they can produce their own dance to modern music at the end of the term. Specialist Hightlights... The Team Ellen Gibbs Classroom Music, Joanne Wolfe Instrumental Music, Julie Schmidt Strings Ryan Sensei Language, Jean Schenk Library and Dean Johnson and Yvette Butterworth Sports Physical Education ♫♪ Music Miss Gibbs Classroom Music Spotlight This week we feature 5A who have been busy writing their own lyrics in the style of funk. Students were focusing on using rhyming words in a topic of their choice. They then recorded their compositions using iPads to share with the class and reflect on their learning. Ensembles—Choir, Band, String The annual Inclusive Music Program welcome BBQ is on Wednesday 11 March (please be advised this is the correct date not 12 March as written on the letter). There will be a uniform fitting for all students in Senior Choir, Junior and Senior Strings and the Junior and Senior Bands. We would like to extend an invitation to all families of students involved in any ensembles to join us for the BBQ. Ms Wolfe (Junior & Senior Band) jwolf4@eq.edu.au Ms Schmidt (Junior & Senior String Ensembles) jesch4@eq.edu.au Ms Gibbs (Junior & Senior Choirs) egibb34@eq.edu.au We are also looking for volunteers to help with the fitting of uniforms and BBQ preparation. Please indicate if you can assist us on the return slip. All families who are attending must return their attendance slip to Miss Gibbs in the Music Room by Monday 9 March so we can plan for catering. If you need a replacement permission letter please see Miss Gibbs. Practice Times Junior Choir Wednesday 1st Break Senior Strings - Friday 8am (Group lesson during the day for both Junior and Senior Strings Senior Choir Tuesday 1st Break Junior Band - Thursday (Group lessons during the day) Boys Choir Friday 1st Break Senior Band - Wednesday 3 to 4pm (Group lessons during the day) Junior Band Rehearsals are beginning on Thursday 5 March after school in the music room from 3-4pm. Birkdale South’s Got Talent BSGT is on again in Term 2. Nomination forms will be handed out in Week 8, so students need to start thinking if they would like to do an act this year. Students may sing, dance, play an instrument or perform a short drama piece. Heats will require students to perform for a maximum of 1 minute. Library It is great to see so many students borrowing books. Students from Year 1 - 6 are able to borrow 2 books and Preps 1book. Books can be borrowed by students at both breaks from Monday to Thursday. Please be aware that students with any overdue books are unable to borrow until the book is returned or replacement fee paid. Please don't hesitate to contact the Library on 3820 4333 for assistance. A very busy time to be had by all in the Library at break times. Students are loving playing Mario Kart on the WII. It is great that they are all getting along sharing and taking turns. Next week we will be starting our Easter activities. Language—Japanese This term Japanese language students are studying the writing scripts used by Japanese people. The main script is called hiragana and consists of 46 basic characters and sounds. The English alphabet is used to help make meaning and pronunciation of these characters. Students have made bookmarks to take home that may help them learn this new writing system. Please encourage your children to practise as that is one of the best ways to learn! Sport and Physical Education PREPS in PE Prep students at Birkdale South have had a fantastic start to the year during PE lessons. Their ability to adapt to each learning environment has been impressive and their willingness to participate is overwhelming. Preps have been involved in PMP as well as focused lessons. PMP is all about gross motor skills and body co-ordination. The focus lessons have been working towards developing hand-eye co-ordination and ball skills. Every student has been encouraged to get a ball at home and practise, practise, practise. PE Reminders • Cross-country training is on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8am sharp. • Please return Project Consent forms for students selected for district sport trials ASAP. BSSS Superstars We would like to acknowledge all sporting achievements both in and outside of school. Therefore if your child has achievements you would like recognised please send through your child's achievement details to our admin email address (admin@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au) marked to my attention and we will include it under our Superstar section of the newsletter. Finance and Admin Megan Murphy xPads More and more xPads are being rolled out into classrooms each day, with all of the subscriptions we are receiving. The more subscriptions, the more iPads. We have had a great response already, and would be great to have more subscriptions therefore more xPads for the students. The cut-off date to subscribe is Thursday 5th March. If you need any information or the participation forms, please see the office. Layla and Daniela in 3/4D enjoy learning using the ipads and would even stay after school to use them if they could! Activity Year Level Cost Due Date School Fees for 2015 1-6 $60 Thursday 5 March 2015 School Fees for 2015 Prep $110 & $40 Thursday 5 March 2015 xPad Program Chess Tournament P-6 Selected students $40 $20 Thursday 5 March 2015 Friday 6 March 2015 Bugs Ed 3 incl. 3/4D $8 Tuesday 17 March 2015 ICAS P-6 Friday 20 March 2015 Senior Choir Various $8.80 per subject $20 Junior Strings Senior Strings Various Various $60 $80 Overdue Overdue Junior Band Various $60 Overdue Senior Band Instrument Hire – includes deposit of $50 which will be returned at end of year when instrument returned in good working order Various Various $80 $150 Overdue Overdue Overdue Support Team The Team Danee Cikoja Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy, Megan Wilmott Special Education Teacher, Dorin O’Sullivan Guidance Officer, Sue Dah Advisory Visiting Teacher—Behaviour Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 students will take part in the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). This program will run over 3 days, from 12th-14th May. A series of tests will assess the areas of language conventions, writing, reading and numeracy. It is important for all students to be present for these tests and we ask that you mark these dates on your calendar. These tests will be marked externally by Queensland Studies Authority who will coordinate the administration, marking and reporting of the assessments for Queensland Schools. NAPLAN 2015 Results from the tests will provide important information about children's progress in literacy and numeracy. Following the tests, schools and students will receive a statement of performance in relation to the national benchmarks. Tuesday 12th May Year 3 Language Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Writing Year 5 Language Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Writing Wednesday 13th May Thursday 14th May Reading Numeracy All students across the country are expected to take place in the testing. The only change of arrangement is made via exemption, adjustment for disability or parent withdrawal. Parents/ Carers of students who are exempt or require an adjustment for disability will be contacted in the coming weeks to sign the necessary application form. Reading Numeracy Should you choose to withdraw your child from the NAPLAN testing process, you will need to make contact with the office before Friday 1st of May, 2015 to complete the necessary application – available at the office. C A B E Our Leadership Teams A. Debating B. Music C. Chaplaincy D. Sport E. Student Council D School Banking School Banking Every Wednesday Karen Standring Calling for Volunteers - WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our students really enjoy participating in the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program and to keep this program running, we need your help. HELP We are looking for volunteers who can spare a small amount of their time on Wednesday mornings. The position requires the counting of money, inputting of deposits and the ordering and distributing of School Banking rewards. The Commonwealth Bank is on hand to provide you with support in all aspects of the program. Your help will greatly benefit students as they develop vital saving skills and also help our school with fundraising. Please indicate your interest in volunteering for this great program by emailing the P&C at pandc@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au. Thank you for your consideration. Chappy’s Chat John Rutter Well the Chappy Room is open for business. It’s been a great week for me getting started and being able to meet you guys around the school, in classrooms and at break times in the Chappy Room. Thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome at Birkdale South SS. As I get settled in “Rainbow Central” I have found a large number of new and preloved school uniforms that have been donated to Chaplaincy for passing on to families which is fantastic and I thank those families for that. So, as none of the uniforms are in my size, I wanted to invite anyone who would like some replacement or spare uniforms for their children to come and visit me and take some home. I have a range of Sizes from 4 to 16 and various items from Boys Shorts, Girls Skorts and Skirts, Shirts and Dresses. I also have a range of jumpers and track pants for winter coming up. I know with my own kids uniforms, especially my boys, that they often come home with new stains, rips and marks on their shirts and spares and replacements would be appreciated; so all of you please feel welcome. We had our Chaplaincy Committee meeting this week and we welcome both Mrs Mi Mi and and Mrs Purton from Grades 3 and 4 to that Committee, and I personally thank them for their input and support. We are all very enthused for the coming year in Chaplaincy and the first event we are now in the swing of planning is the Annual Bush Dance which is just 3 weeks away. We will have more details for follow but keep this in mind as I know that it has been a great event in previous years and a lot of fun. Take care of each other and see you all around our school. Chappy John P&C News Important Announcement The BSSS P & C Association is in URGENT need of a Treasurer. Our Treasurer for the last 6 years, Karen will be moving onto High School in 2016. We are seeking a person who would like to take on this position in 2015 so Karen can assist 100% with training. President—Cathy Bidois www.facebook.com/BSSSPandC pandc@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au Necessary requirements: *Internet Access. *MYOB knowledge (helpful but not necessary). Unfortunately if we are unable to find someone to fill this position then a paid book keeper has been quoted at $450.00 per month! Events Thursday 5 March Last day to order Senior Shirts If you are interested in this position please email the P & C at pandc@birkdalesouthss.eq.edu.au and our wonderful Karen will be in contact with you. Please consider this request and help us spread the word with a LIKE COMMENT or SHARE as we need you! Thank you Monday 9 March P&C AGM 7pm Tech Lab Friday 13 March Welcome Back Disco P & C AGM Meeting Everyone welcome to our P&C annual general meeting Monday 9th March 2015 at 7pm in the Tech Lab. Welcome Back Disco Disco was postponed due to the rain. It will now be on Fri 13th March. Hold on to your ticket or if you didn't purchase one before they will be on sale before school on 11, 12 and 13 March. Preps to grade 3 from 5 to 6.15pm and grades 4 to 6 from 6.30 until 8pm. A fun night. Come dressed in your disco best or as your favourite Fri 13th character. Hotdogs, chips, drinks and iceblocks on sale. Any help in the canteen would be welcome on the night. Easter Raffle Books of tickets will come home on Wednesday. $1 per ticket with a ticket sellers prize for both the junior and senior school. Fifteen prizes in all. Every child who sells a book gets an Easter egg. More tickets are available by putting your name in the book at the tuckshop. Tickets will be returned to your child. Thank you for your support. All sold books to be returned to the tuckshop. Uniform Shop News Year 6 Polo shirt orders close this Thursday 5 March so late orders will miss out. Pick up an order form from the office or uniform shop. Please ensure students try on the sample polo's for correct sizing as they are custom made and no spare stock is held in store. Winter uniforms – Before you know it the weather will get cool so please place your orders by 12 March for winter uniforms. Long sleeve polos are custom made, cost from $33.50 each and take 4 weeks to make. Red jackets are $27.00 each. Grey tights for girls cost from $6.95 each and must be ordered. Monday 16 March Book Club orders due Book Club If you ordered 3 books from issue one and have not received them please see the office as a set of books ordered had no name. Tuckshop Roster Week 6 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 C Bastow J Gidley S Adams, P Penna K Padlie, L Riggs C Clark, D Reed, A McFaul 2/3 3/3 4/3 5/3 6/3 C Bastow N Lander S Adams, P Penna K Padlie, L Riggs, K Seiber C Clark, D Reed, A McFaul Week 7 Uniform Shop Opening Hours Tuesday and Thursday 8 am to 10am Please join us for… Chatter Matters Interactive workshop providing practical strategies to help you support children’s oral language development from 0—5+ years When: Wednesday 4 March 6.00—8.00pm Registration from 6.00 – 6.15 Stalls with resources for viewing and discussions with professionals Where: Redland Community Centre 29 Loraine Street Capalaba Register online by 2 March An informative evening for parents, grandparents, carers, early childhood educators, and teachers. Talk with Professionals including speech therapists, educators and more. Collect useful hints, tips and resources. Discover programs and organisations in Redlands which can support you and your child. http://chattermatters.eventbrite.com.au Communication skills—talking & listening—are vital skills for children to learn so they can reach their full potential Everyone Welcome! Presented by Early Learning Redlands—a community group dedicated to supporting lifelong learning Stepping Stones Triple P Parenting Group The Stepping Stones Triple P group program provides practical strategies to help parents to promote their child’s development and to change problem behaviour if it is occurring. The program involves five (2 1⁄2 hour) group sessions that provide information and opportunities to practice the strategies, and three (15 to 30 minute) individual telephone consultations to assist parents to refine the use of their parenting skills and to develop independent problem solving skills. Where: Let’s Talk Developmental Hub 33 Stoneham Street, Stones Corner, 4120 When: Thursday 30th April 2015, Time: 9:30am – 12:00. Cost: FREE (A compulsory questionnaire will be collected before, 3 months after, and 12 months after program attendance) Who: Any parent/caregiver of a child with a disability age 2-‐12 years How: RSVP online here: http://www.triplep-‐steppingstones.net/au-‐en/get-‐help/find-‐a-‐stepping-‐stones-‐session/349/ More Information? Stepping Stones Project Team: 3365 6499 or steppingstones@uq.edu.au Information collected aims to help all families of children with a disability and we thank you. Stepping Stones Triple P | Positive Parenting Program® Stepping Stones Triple P | Positive Parenting Program® 1 1
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