CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR MARCH 10, 2015 LEGISLATIVE CHAMBERS - 2:00 P.M. Agenda and Link to Agenda Items Available at ROLL CALL 1. City Clerk calls the roll. 2. Pledge of Allegiance. 3. Invocation by Councilmember Rich Pahls of District No. 5. CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION - NOTIFICATION OF OPEN MEETING ACT 4. City Clerk certifies publication in Daily Record, the Official Newspaper of the City of Omaha on March 6, 2015, notice re: Pre-Council and Regular City Council Meetings, March 10, 2015. A current copy of the Open Meeting Act is posted in a white binder on the east wall of the Legislative Chambers. WHENEVER ANY PERSON HAS BEEN INVITED TO SPEAK, OR HAS BEEN GRANTED THE OPPORTUNITY OF SPEAKING BEFORE THE COUNCIL DURING A HEARING, EACH PERSON WILL BE REQUESTED TO BE BRIEF, AND TO LIMIT HIS OR HER PRESENTATION TO TEN MINUTES. WHEN MORE THAN ONE PERSON WISHES TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON A GIVEN QUESTION, THE PROPONENTS WILL BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY OF FIRST ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL. THE OPPONENTS OF THE QUESTION WILL BE GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO SPEAK AFTER THE PROPONENTS' PRESENTATION. THE PROPONENTS WILL BE GIVEN A BRIEF PERIOD FOR REBUTTAL OF ANY NEW MATERIAL INTRODUCED DURING THE OPPONENT'S PRESENTATION, AFTER WHICH THE PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE CONCLUDED. IT IS CITY COUNCIL PROCEDURE THAT EACH SIDE RECEIVE TWENTY MINUTES FOR THEIR PRESENTATION. COUNCILMEMBERS WILL ASK QUESTIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC HEARING. ZONING ORDINANCES ON FINAL READING and Planning Board Attachments 5. Ord. to rezone the property located Southeast of I-680 and Irvington Road from DR – Development Reserve District to GI – General Industrial District – over from 2/24/15 and continue the public hearing. ((PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO TODAY – CAN BE PASSED TODAY)) (a) 6. Res. that the plat entitled SEATON INDUSTRIAL PARK (LOT 2), located Southeast of I-680 and Irvington Road, is hereby approved and accepted – Outside City – over from 2/24/15 and continue the public hearing – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) (a) 7. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a request to rezone property located Southeast of I-680 and Irvington Road from DR-Development Reserve District to GIGeneral Industrial District – over from 2/24/15 – see attached. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the Final Plat of SEATON INDUSTRIAL PARK (LOT 2), a subdivision outside the city limits, located Southeast of I-680 and Irvington Road – Outside City – over from 2/24/15 – see attached. Res. that, the Subdivision Agreement between the City of Omaha and Warehouse 51, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Corporation, as recommended by the Mayor, providing for the Watershed Management fees and sewer connection to the Omaha Sanitary Sewer System, is hereby approved. The Subdivision is to be known as Seaton Industrial Park (Lot 2) and is located southeast of I-680 and Irvington Road – over from 2/3/15 and continue the public hearing – over from 2/24/15 and continue the public hearing – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) -2- 8. Ord. to rezone property located Northeast of 168th and Ida Streets from AGAgricultural District to DR-Development Reserve District. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – CAN BE PASSED TODAY)) 9. Ord. to rezone property located Northeast of 168th and Ida Streets from AGAgricultural District to R4-Single-Family Residential District (High Density). ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – CAN BE PASSED TODAY)) (a) 10. Res. that the plat entitled HIGHLAND HILLS (formerly known as HIGHLAND RIDGE) (Lots 1-190, Outlots A-C), located Northeast of 168th and Ida Streets, is hereby approved and accepted – Outside City – over from 2/24/15 – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) (a) 11. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a request to rezone property located Northeast of 168th and Ida Streets from AG to DR and R4 – see attached. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the Phase I Final Plat of HIGHLAND HILLS (formerly known as HIGHLAND RIDGE) (Lots 1-190, Outlots A-C), located Northeast of 168th and Ida Streets – Outside City – over from 2/24/15 – see attached. Res. that, the Subdivision Agreement among the City of Omaha, CR INVESTMENTS, INC., a Nebraska corporation, The Highland Hills Home Owners Association, and Sanitary and Improvement District (S.&I.D.) 563 of Douglas County, Nebraska, as recommended by the Mayor, providing for the public improvements, 1% administrative fee, Interceptor Sewer Fee, Watershed Management Fee, Parks fees, and sewer connection to the Omaha Sanitary Sewer System, is hereby approved. The Subdivision is to be known as Highland Hills (Lots 1-190 and Outlots A-C) and is located northeast of 168th and Ida Streets – over from 2/24/15 – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) -3- “PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL RULE VII E AGENDA ITEM NOS. 12 THROUGH 15 SHALL BE LAID OVER TWO WEEKS FOR PUBLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING” RESOLUTIONS RE: PRELIMINARY PLATS AND PLAT 12. Res. that the preliminary plat entitled NORTHEAST JOINT USE FACILITY REPLAT 1, located generally east of the 20th and Jaynes Street intersection, along with the attached conditions, is hereby accepted; and, the preparation of the final plat of this subdivision is hereby authorized – Inside City – see attached. (a) 13. Res. that the replat transmitted herewith entitled NORTHEAST JOINT USE FACILITY REPLAT 1, located generally east of the 20 th and Jaynes Street intersection, is hereby approved, and concurrently a portion of the existing plat entitled Northeast Joint Use Facility, and described on said replat, is hereby vacated – Inside City – see attached. (a) 14. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat of NORTHEAST JOINT USE FACILITY REPLAT 1, a minor plat inside the city limits, located generally east of the 20th and Jaynes Street intersection – Inside City – see attached. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the Final Plat of NORTHEAST JOINT USE FACILITY REPLAT 1, a minor plat inside the city limits, located generally east of the 20th and Jaynes Street intersection – Inside City – see attached. Res. that the preliminary plat entitled SECURITY PLACE, a minor plat inside the city limits, located northeast of 35th Avenue and Farnam Street, along with the attached conditions, is hereby accepted; and, the preparation of the final plat of this subdivision is hereby authorized – Inside City – see attached. (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat of SECURITY PLACE, a minor plat inside the city limits, located northeast of 35th Avenue and Farnam Street – Inside City – see attached. -4- 15. Res. that the plat transmitted herewith entitled SECURITY PLACE, located northeast of 35th Avenue and Farnam Street, is hereby approved, and concurrently all of the existing plats entitled Lots 13 thru 20, together with the south 7.5 feet of Lots 12 and 21, Block 13, West End Addition, together with the vacated alleys adjoining said lots, and described on said replat, is hereby vacated – Inside City – see attached. (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the Final Plat of SECURITY PLACE, a minor plat inside the city limits, located northeast of 35th Avenue and Farnam Street – Inside City – see attached. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * SPECIAL USE PERMIT – RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY 16. Res. that the Special Use Permit application submitted by St. John Lutheran Church for a Major Amendment to a Special Use Permit (assumed) to allow Religious Assembly in a DR-ED-Development Reserve District-Environmental Overlay District, located at 4519 Kelby Road, Omaha, Nebraska, is hereby approved and the Permits and Inspection Division is directed to issue the necessary permit therefor, provided the conditions set out in Exhibit "A" of the above referenced application, conditions set out in Exhibit "B", and all applicable local or state statutes, ordinances or regulations are complied with. That the proposed Special Use Permit has been reviewed and evaluated pursuant to, and meets each of, the criteria set forth in Section 55-885 of the Omaha Municipal Code – over from 2/24/15 for publication and public hearing – had publication – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the request of St. John Lutheran Church for a Major Amendment to a Special Use Permit (assumed) to allow Religious Assembly in a DR-ED-Development Reserve District-Environmental Overlay District, located at 4519 Kelby Road – over from 2/24/15 – see attached. -5- “PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL RULE VII E AGENDA ITEM NOS. 17 THROUGH 18 SHALL BE LAID OVER TWO WEEKS FOR PUBLICATION AND PUBLIC HEARING” SPECIAL USE PERMIT – AUTOMOTIVE SALES 17. Res. that the Special Use Permit application submitted by Mohamed Aboutaleb, for a Special Use Permit to allow Automotive Sales in a CC-Community Commercial District for property located at 11714 West Dodge Road, Omaha, Nebraska, is hereby approved and the Permits and Inspection Division is directed to issue the necessary permit therefor, provided the conditions set out in Exhibit "A" of the above referenced application, conditions set out in Exhibit "B", and all applicable local or state statutes, ordinances or regulations are complied with. That the proposed Special Use Permit has been reviewed and evaluated pursuant to, and meets each of, the criteria set forth in Section 55-885 of the Omaha Municipal Code – see attached. (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a Special Use Permit to allow Automotive Sales in a CCCommunity Commercial District located at 11714 West Dodge Road – see attached. SPECIAL USE PERMIT – BROADCAST TOWER 18. Res. that the Special Use Permit application submitted by SBA Communications/Verizon Wireless for a Special Use Permit to allow a Broadcast tower, with a waiver of Section 55-108 Height, to allow a 105’ tall tower in a DRDevelopment Reserve District for property located at 16140 Fort Street, Omaha, Nebraska, is hereby approved and the Permits and Inspection Division is directed to issue the necessary permit therefor, provided the conditions set out in Exhibit "A" of the above referenced application, conditions set out in Exhibit "B", and all applicable local or state statutes, ordinances or regulations are complied with. That the proposed Special Use Permit has been reviewed and evaluated pursuant to, and meets each of, the criteria set forth in Section 55-885 of the Omaha Municipal Code – see attached. (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the request of SBA Communications/Verizon Wireless for a Special Use Permit to allow a Broadcast tower, with a waiver of Section 55108 Height, to allow a 105’ tall tower in a DR District, for property located at 16140 Fort Street – see attached. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -6- LIQUOR 19. CLASS “C” – AJD, LLC, dba “Stoli’s Lounge”, 715 North 120th Street. New application, Old location. Present licensee is D.Aramo, LLC, dba “Stoli’s Lounge”, 715 North 120th Street, who has a Class “C” Liquor License – see attached. ((YOU HAVE YOUR HEARING ON THE APPLICATION BUT YOUR MOTION SHOULD BE TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION EITHER TO GRANT OR DENY)) 20. CLASS “C” – BH Ventures, LLC, dba “The Diamond Room”, 605 North 13 th Street. New application. New location. Property posted: 02-23-15; Notification sent: 02-27-15 – see attached. ((YOU HAVE YOUR HEARING ON THE APPLICATION BUT YOUR MOTION SHOULD BE TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION EITHER TO GRANT OR DENY)) 21. CLASS “I” – ACJ Clubmex, Inc., dba “Club Mex Restaurant”, 3018-3022 North 93rd Street. New application, Old location. Presently licensed to J & C Corporation, dba “Club Mex , Mexican Food Bar”, 3018-3022 North 93rd Street, who has a Class “I” Liquor License – see attached. ((YOU HAVE YOUR HEARING ON THE APPLICATION BUT YOUR MOTION SHOULD BE TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION EITHER TO GRANT OR DENY)) 22. Crab Addison, Inc., dba “Joe’s Crab Shack”, 701 North 102 nd Street, requests permission to appoint Chelsea Stride manager of their present Class “C” and Catering Liquor License location – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – MOTION NEEDED TO APPROVE OR NOT TO APPROVE)) 23. Northwoods Coffee Company, Inc., dba “Fox Hollow Coffee”, 1919 Papillion Pkwy #103, requests permission to appoint Carol M. Enke manager of their present Class “C” Liquor License location – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – MOTION NEEDED TO APPROVE OR NOT TO APPROVE)) -7- CONSENT AGENDA (Any member of the City Council may cause any item placed on the Consent Agenda to be removed there from. Items removed from the Consent Agenda shall be taken up by the City Council immediately following the Consent Agenda in the order in which they were removed unless otherwise taken out of order as otherwise provided by the City Council Rules of Order.) (The public hearings on Agenda Item Nos. 24 through 27 were held on March 3, 2015.) CONSENT AGENDA – ORDINANCES 24. Ord. to amend Section 23 - 177 of the Omaha Municipal Code by amending the pay range for the employment classification entitled Payroll Manager by reassigning the salary range for the classification from 26 AEC ($78,943 to $96,343) to 28 AEC ($86,103 to $104,746); to repeal Section 23 – 177 as heretofore existing; and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. 25. Ord. to amend Section 23 - 177 of the Omaha Municipal Code concerning employment classifications by adding the employment classification entitled Assistant Payroll Manager with a salary range of 18.1 MC ($58,832.54 to $70,940.74); to repeal Section 23 - 177 as heretofore existing; and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. 26. Ord. to amend Section 23 - 177 of the Omaha Municipal Code by changing the salary for the employment classification known as City Treasurer from 23.1 MC ($70,269 to $85,972) to 28AEC ($86,103 to $104,746); to repeal Section 23 - 177 as heretofore existing; and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. 27. Ord. to amend Omaha Municipal Code section 30-263; to reconcile conflict from previously adopted amendments concerning the evaluation of consumer fireworks permit applications and procedures and restate the standard adopted in March 2013; to clarify eligibility criteria; to repeal section 30-263 as heretofore existing; and to provide the effective date thereof – see attached. ((MOTION NEEDED THAT THE ORDINANCES ON THE CONSENT AGENDA BE PASSED)) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -8- (The public hearings on Agenda Item Nos. 28 through 36 are today. If you wish to address the City Council regarding these items, please come to the microphone, indicate the Agenda Item Number you wish to address, identify yourself by your name, address, who you represent, and if you are a proponent or opponent.) CONSENT AGENDA – RESOLUTIONS 28. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, Change Order No. 1 for Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. to administer the necessary modifications to OPW 52222 (CSO), being the South Interceptor Force Main – Central Segment and South Gravity Sewer, and OPW 51873 (CSO), being South Interceptor Force Main – South Segment Project located near Missouri River from I-480 to Missouri River Wastewater Treatment Plant, is hereby approved; and that, the Finance Department is authorized to pay an additional $243,001.68, for these changes from the Sewer Revenue Improvement Fund 21124, CSO Control Implementation Organization 116918 – see attached. 29. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the contract with Next Phase Environmental, Inc. for OPW 52390 (CSO), being Adams Park Landscape Improvements in the amount of $598,137.28 is hereby approved; and, that the Finance Department is authorized to pay this cost from the Sewer Revenue Improvement Fund 21124, CSO Control Implementation Organization 116918, year 2015 expenditures – see attached. 30. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the contract with Nebraska’s Best LLC for OPW 52747, being tree/stump removal at various locations for year 2015 in the amount of $68,515.00 is hereby approved; and, that the Finance Department is authorized to pay this cost from the Capital Special Assessments Fund 13573, Special Assessments Organization 116168, year 2015 expenditures – see attached. 31. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the bid in the total amount of $39,913.00 from Masonry Construction, Inc., to furnish all labor and materials to repair the entrance walls, columns, and gate at the Gerald R. Ford Birthsite, 3202 Woolworth Avenue, being the lowest and best bid received within bid specifications, attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted. The Purchasing Agent is authorized to issue a purchase order in conformance herewith. Funds in this amount shall be paid from the 2010 Parks and Recreation Bond Fund No. 13355 and Organization No. 117317, Parks and Cultures Bond – see attached. -9- 32. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the park closing hours will be suspended at Common Ground Community Center, 1701 Veterans Drive, Omaha, Nebraska, between 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, 2015 and 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 19, 2015, to accommodate the overnight event, for the Olympus Clubs from Elkhorn High School and Elkhorn South High School – see attached. 33. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the attached bid of Danko/Maintainer Custom Bodies, Inc. in the amount of three-hundred fifty-five thousand, threehundred and eighteen dollars ($355,318.00) for the purchase of one (1) Fire Apparatus – Light and Air Truck is hereby approved; and, the Finance Department is authorized to pay the cost of such purchase from Public Safety Bonds Fund 13299, Organization 114512, Project 1862, Account 47033 – see attached. 34. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the attached bid of Smeal Fire/Danko Apparatus in the amount of one million, four-hundred seventy-four thousand and seventy dollars ($1,474,070.00) for the purchase of two (2) 100-foot 1500 GMP Waterway Aerial Ladder Fire Apparatus is hereby approved; and, the Finance Department is authorized to pay the cost of such purchase from Public Safety Bonds Fund 13298, Organization 114512, Project 1862, Account 47033 – see attached. 35. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the purchase based upon the quote from Motorola Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $565,069.50 for 171 Motorola APX 6500 mobile radios, 45 speakers, hardware, software and warranties, is hereby approved, and that the Finance Department of the City of Omaha is authorized to pay $565,069.50 for the cost of the change order for the radio project from the City Capital Improvement Fund 13112, Organization 131555 City Capital Improvement, Account 44117 Radio Communication Equipment. The City will finance the purchase of the equipment through the issuance of lease purchase bonds by the Public Facilities Corporation. The Omaha Police Department will make annual payments to the Public Facilities Corporation over a seven year period to repay the bonds – see attached. - 10 - 36. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the purchase from Asset Lighting & Electric, the lowest bidder according to specifications, in the amount of thirty eight thousand and thirty eight dollars ($38,038) for the purchase of one thousand and four hundred (1,400) BRK Electronics #910B smoke and carbon monoxide detectors for the Omaha Fire Department (OFD), Public Education and Affairs Bureau to continue the free smoke and carbon monoxide detector installation program, is hereby approved; and that, the Finance Department of the City of Omaha is authorized to pay Asset Lighting & Electric in the amount of $38,038 for the purchase of one thousand and four hundred (1,400) BRK Electronics #910B smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, budgeted from and funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) FY2013 Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program – Fire Prevention and Safety Grant, award #EMW-2013-FP-01003, Fund 12168, Organization 114551 – see attached. ((MOTION NEEDED THAT THE RESOLUTIONS ON THE CONSENT AGENDA BE ADOPTED)) * * * * * * * * * * * * * ORDINANCES ON FINAL READING 37. Spec. Ord. levying a special tax assessment for cutting and clearing weeds, grass and worthless vegetation in accordance with Sections 18-21 through 18-30 of the Omaha Municipal Code on certain lots in the City of Omaha, Group No: 2015-01 – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING HELD 3/3/15 – CAN BE PASSED TODAY)) (a) 38. Amendment requested by the Parks, Recreation and Public Property Department – see attached. Spec. Ord. levying a special tax assessment for cutting and clearing weeds, grass and worthless vegetation in accordance with Sections 18-21 through 18-30 of the Omaha Municipal Code on certain lots in the City of Omaha, Group No: 2015-02 – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING HELD 3/3/15 – CAN BE PASSED TODAY)) (a) Amendment requested by the Parks, Recreation and Public Property Department – see attached. - 11 - 39. Spec. Ord. levying a special tax assessment for litter removal in accordance with Sections 18-21 through 18-30 of the Omaha Municipal Code on certain lots in the City of Omaha, Group No: 2015-03 – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING HELD 3/3/15 – CAN BE PASSED TODAY)) (a) Amendment requested by the Parks, Recreation and Public Property Department – see attached. RESOLUTION 40. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the contract with F&B Constructors for OPW 52736, being Greater Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau Renovation in the amount of $52,400.00 is hereby approved; and, that the Finance Department is authorized to pay this cost from the Omaha Convention & Visitors Bureau Fund 21109, Administration Organization 115911 – over from 3/3/15 and continue the public hearing – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) “PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL RULE VII D THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON AGENDA ITEM NOS. 41 THROUGH 42 SHALL BE HELD ON THE THIRD READING” ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING and Planning Board Attachment 41. Ord. to approve an Amendment to the Land Use Element of the Master Plan for the City of Omaha, to change the future land designation from industrial to highdensity residential and office/commercial for an area generally bound by Millard Avenue on the north, “Q” Street on the south, 134th Street on the east and 136th Street on the west; and to provide for the effective date hereof – see attached. 42. Ord. to approve a Major Amendment to a Mixed Use District Development Agreement for West Dodge Station, to to allow for Automotive washing and Vehicle storage on Lot 2, Replat 5, located east of Cuming Street at approximately 182nd Street between the City of Omaha and Great Western Bank via GYC Properties, LLC, providing site development standards; and to provide for an effective date – see attached. * * * * * * * * * * * * * - 12 - 43. Ord. vacating 40th Street from Jones Street north to previously vacated 40th Street; Emile Street from 40th to 41st Streets; and, the north/south alleys not previously vacated in Block 1, Potters Addition and Block 1, Vandercook Terrace, all more specifically described in the attached Exhibit A; and, providing the effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of the vacation of 40th Street from Jones Street north to previously vacated 40th Street, Emile Street from 40th Street to 41st Street, and the north/south alleys not previously vacated in Block 1, Potters Addition and Block 1, Vandercook Terrace – Inside City – see attached. ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING 44. Ord. authorizing the issuance of a purchase order to DPC Industries, Inc. in the amount of $423,750.00 for the purchase of sodium hypochlorite to be utilized at the Wastewater Treatment Plants to be effective for a period of 12 months and is extendable for two one-year periods with approval of both parties; to provide for payments from appropriations of more than one year in accordance with Section 5.17 of the Home Rule Charter of 1956, as amended; to provide for payments from a specific account; and to provide an effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) 45. Ord. authorizing the issuance of a purchase order to Univar USA, Inc. in the amount of $384,300.00 for the purchase of sodium bisulfite to be utilized at the Wastewater Treatment Plants to be effective for a period of 12 months and is extendable for two one-year periods with approval of both parties; to provide for payments from appropriations of more than one year in accordance with Section 5.17 of the Home Rule Charter of 1956, as amended; to provide for payments from a specific account; and to provide an effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) 46. Ord. approving an Agreement for the sale of City-owned real property; to provide that notwithstanding any provisions of the Omaha Municipal Code to the contrary, the City is authorized to enter into the attached Agreement with Holy Name Housing Corporation, a Nebraska Non-profit Corporation, 3014 North 45th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68104, to convey thirty-six (36) properties, as identified on Attachment “A” of the Agreement, for development of affordable single-family homes for the sum of One and No/100 Dollars ($1.00); and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) - 13 - 47. Ord. approving an Agreement for the sale of City-owned real property; to provide that notwithstanding any provisions of the Omaha Municipal Code to the contrary, the City is authorized to enter into the attached Agreement with Omaha Economic Development Corporation, a Nebraska Non-profit Corporation, 2221 N. 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, to sell property legally described in the attached agreement and located near 24th and Lake Streets adjacent to the Blue Lion Building, for the sum of One and 00/100 Dollars ($1.00); there are no expenditures associated with the conveyance of the property; and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) 48. Ord. approving an Agreement for the sale of City-owned real property; to provide that notwithstanding any provisions of the Omaha Municipal Code to the contrary, the City is authorized to enter into the attached Agreement with Omaha Economic Development Corporation, a Nebraska Non-profit Corporation, 2221 N. 24th Street, Omaha, NE 68110, to sell property legally described in the attached agreement and located near 24th and Burdette Streets, for use in the Fair Deal Redevelopment Project, for the sum of One and 00/100 Dollars ($1.00); there are no expenditures associated with the conveyance of the property; and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) 49. Ord. approving an Agreement for the sale of City-owned real property; to provide that notwithstanding any provisions of the Omaha Municipal Code to the contrary, the City is authorized to enter into the attached Agreement with RH Land Management Company, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Corporation, 3555 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68131, to sell property legally described in the attached agreement and located near 24th and Lake Streets adjacent to the Blue Lion Building, for use with the Blue Lion Building, for the sum of One and 00/100 Dollars ($1.00); there are no expenditures associated with the conveyance of the property; and to provide the effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) 50. Ord. approving a redevelopment and tax increment financing loan agreement between the City of Omaha and Security National Bank of Omaha, a Nebraska corporation, to implement the Security National Bank Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Project Plan site located at 3504 and 3512 Farnam Street which provides for the demolition of a 1960’s vintage building and the new construction of a larger, more operationally efficient 13,000 gross square foot building to accommodate the expansion of banking services, and improvements along Farnam Street to comply with the urban design guidelines; the agreement authorizes the use of up to $505,200.00 in excess ad valorem taxes (TIF) generated by the development to help fund the cost of the project; and providing for an effective date – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) - 14 - 51. Ord. to approve a contract between the City of Omaha and Omaha Public Schools for the City to provide, through its assignment, up to eleven Associate School Resource Officers and marked police cruisers, subject to the availability of such cruisers and the School District’s needs, to specifically designated locations, involving appropriations of more than one fiscal year in conformity with Section 5.17 of the Home Rule Charter, to perform police work within the District with each Associate School Resource Officer working no more than 28 hours per week while school is in session during the regular school year, from the first day of the semester of August, 2014 and ending on July 31, 2015. The reimbursement payment from the Omaha Public Schools to the City will be in the amount of $28.50 per hour for each officer; and to provide an effective date hereof – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY)) DOUGLAS COUNTY ELECTION COMMISSIONER 52. Douglas County Election Commissioner transmits invoice for the City of Omaha’s portion of the costs associated with the November 4, 2014 General Election – see attached. ((MOTION NEEDED TO RECEIVE AND REFER TO THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT)) “PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL RULE VII D THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON AGENDA ITEM NOS. 53 THROUGH 59 SHALL BE HELD ON THE THIRD READING” ZONING ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING and Planning Board Attachments 53. Ord. to rezone the property located generally east of the 20th and Jaynes Street intersection from R4(35)-Single Family Residential District (High Density) and GIGeneral Industrial District to GI-General Industrial District. (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a request to rezone property located generally east of the 20th and Jaynes Street intersection from R4(35)-Single Family Residential District (High Density) and GI-General Industrial District to GIGeneral Industrial District – see attached. - 15 - 54. Ord. to rezone the property located at 4958 South 36th Street from HI-Heavy Industrial District to R4-Single-Family Residential District (High Density). (a) 55. Ord. to rezone the property located at 505 North 41st Avenue from R3-SingleFamily Residential District (Medium Density) to R5-Urban Family Residential District. (a) 56. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a request to rezone the property located at 505 North 41st Avenue from R3 to R5 – see attached. Ord. to rezone the property located at 1503 North 58th Street from R4(35)Single-Family Residential District (High Density) to R5-Urban Family Residential District. (a) 57. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a request to rezone the property located at 4958 South 36th Street from HI to R4 – see attached. Planning Board and Planning Department recommend approval of a request to rezone the property located at 1503 North 58th Street from R4(35) to R5 – see attached. Ord. to amend Section 1 of Ordinance No. 40154, passed October 21, 2014, to correct the rezoning of Lot 2, Seville Square Replat 1 from LC – Limited Commercial District to LO – Limited Office District (property is also located within an ACI-4(PL)-Area of Civic Importance Overlay District) located southeast of 148th Street and Cass Circle – see attached. (a) Planning Department recommends approval of Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 40154, passed by the City Council on October 21, 2014, to correct the rezoning of Lot 2, Seville Square Replat 1 from LC to LO (property is also located within an ACI4(PL)-Area), located southeast of 148th Street and Cass Circle – see attached. - 16 - ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING and Planning Board Attachments 58. Ord. to approve a Major Amendment to a Mixed Use District Development Agreement for Altech Business Park, to allow for Automotive sales on Lot 2, Replat 5, located at 3880 South 149th Street, between the City of Omaha and Donovan Properties LLC, providing site development standards; and to provide for an effective date – see attached. (a) 59. Planning Board and Planning Department recommends approval of a Major Amendment to a Mixed Use District Development Agreement for Altech Business Park, to allow for Automotive Sales on Lot 2, Replat 5, located at 3880 South 149th Street – see attached. Ord. to approve a Major Amendment to a Mixed Use District Development Agreement for Maple Creek, to allow additional signage, located southwest of 162nd Street and West Maple Road, between the City of Omaha and DHK, LLC, providing site development standards; and to provide for an effective date – see attached. (a) Planning Board and Planning Department recommends approval of a Major Amendment to a Mixed Use District Development Agreement for Maple Creek, to allow for additional signage, located southwest of 162nd Street and West Maple Road – see attached. * * * * * * * * * * * * * “PURSUANT TO CITY COUNCIL RULE VII C THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON AGENDA ITEM NOS. 60 THROUGH 64 SHALL BE HELD ON THE SECOND READING” ORDINANCES ON FIRST READING 60. Ord. declaring the necessity of acquiring, for use by the City of Omaha, the necessary private property for Hell Creek at Westwood Lane Rehabilitation Project identified as OPW 52101, providing that the City negotiate with the property owners for temporary construction easements, providing that if said parcel cannot be obtained by negotiation, condemnation proceedings be undertaken and completed; and, providing for the effective date hereof – see attached. - 17 - 61. Ord. declaring the necessity of acquiring, for use by the City of Omaha, the necessary private property for the purpose of the 84th Street Public Improvement from Dodge Street to Pacific Street project, identified as SP 93-09A; providing that the City negotiate with the property owners for land acquisition, permanent easements and temporary construction easements, providing that if said parcel cannot be obtained by negotiation, condemnation proceedings be undertaken and completed; and, providing for the effective date hereof – see attached. 62. Ord. declaring the necessity of acquiring, for use by the City of Omaha, the necessary private property for the purpose of the 114th Street Public Improvement from Pacific Street to Burke Street project, identified as SP 93-05, Federal Project No. STPC-5011(8) C.N. 22236; providing that the City negotiate with the property owners for land acquisition, permanent easements and temporary construction easements, providing that if said parcel cannot be obtained by negotiation, condemnation proceedings be undertaken and completed; and, providing for the effective date hereof – see attached. 63. Ord. to accept the bid of Aramark Uniform Services to provide Linen, Towels (Laundered) – OFD for the Omaha Fire Department; the term of the agreement is for one year at a weekly cost of $360.00 and total annual cost of $18,720.00 with the parties having the option to mutually agree to extend the agreement monthly for an additional 12-month period at no increase in cost; and to provide an effective date hereof – see attached. 64. Ord. to amend Section 40-592 of the Omaha Municipal Code regarding condensate disposal, to amend and harmonize procedures with the Omaha Plumbing Code for design, review and inspection; to repeal Section 307.2.1 as heretofore existing; and to provide the effective date thereof – see attached. * * * * * * * * * * * * * - 18 - CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 65. Chairman of the Board of Equalization reports approval of Plans of Assessment with adjustments made at their regular meeting held March 3, 2015 – see attached. ((MOTION NEEDED TO APPROVE)) EXECUTIVE SESSION 66. Motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing labor negotiations, personnel matters and litigation. This agenda, which shall be kept continually current, shall be available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, Omaha-Douglas Civic Center, 1819 Farnam, LC 1, Omaha, NE, during normal business hours. All requests for sign language interpreters (signers) will require a minimum of 48 hours advance notice. Alternative formats require a minimum of 72 hours advance notice. Please contact Sandra L. Moses 444-5552 if arrangements need to be made. - 19 - SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FOR MARCH 10, 2015 LEGISLATIVE CHAMBERS – 2:00 P.M. – PREPARED MARCH 9, 2015 AT 11:00 A.M. Agenda and Link to Agenda Items Available at ADDITIONAL RESOLUTION 67. Res. that, as recommended by the Mayor, the City Council concurs with the bid award to Chas, Vrana & Son Construction Company for HSIP-133-2(112), State Control No. 22336, and OPW 51496, being N-133 (90th Street) and N-64 (Maple Street) Intersection Improvements Project, in the amount of $1,586,635.80, with the City’s maximum local share in the amount of $158,663.58 being paid from the 2010 Transportation Bond Fund 13183, Organization 117117, in accord with the approved program agreement with NDOR for the project; and that the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the bid concurrence on behalf of the City of Omaha, and that the Mayor and City Clerk are also authorized to sign the attached NDOR documents – see attached. ((PUBLIC HEARING TODAY – CAN BE ADOPTED TODAY)) This agenda, which shall be kept continually current, shall be available for public inspection in the Office of the City Clerk, Omaha-Douglas Civic Center, 1819 Farnam, LC 1, Omaha, NE, during normal business hours. All requests for sign language interpreters (signers) will require a minimum of 48 hours advance notice. Alternative formats require a minimum of 72 hours advance notice. Please contact Sandra L. Moses 444-5552 if arrangements need to be made. - 20 -
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