CVEN9855 Water and Wastewater Analysis and Quality Requirements Semester 1, 2015 COURSE DETAILS Units of Credit Contact hours Class 6 3 hours per week Wednesday, 9:00 – 12:00 Val 121, Valentine Annexe building H22 Workshop Wednesday, 9:00 – 12:00 Lab 315, Civil Engineering building H20 Course Coordinator and Lecturer Prof Richard Stuetz email: Lecturer Dr Nhat Le email: Workshop Dr James McDonald (Field work coordinator and laboratory demonstrator) email: Guido Ortega (Laboratory demonstrator) Kelvin Ong (Laboratory demonstrator) Dr Gautam Chattopadhy (Laboratory manager) email: INFORMATION ABOUT THE COURSE This course will address the presence and implications of impurities in water and wastewater. It will consider both chemical and microbial substances that may contaminate various types of waters. Specific attention will be devoted to analytical methods for the detection and monitoring of water and wastewater contaminants. HANDBOOK DESCRIPTION The effects of impurities in water and wastewater on its suitability for various beneficial uses, and methods used for detecting impurities. Analytical methods used in water and wastewater treatment for monitoring and processes. OBJECTIVES The objective of the course is to provide students with a sound understanding of the rationale behind water quality standards set for potable water supply and wastewater disposal. The course is intended to equip students with basic knowledge of laboratory and online analytical methods used for water analysis and quality assessment. With this, students are expected to be able to properly understand and interpret chemical and microbiological water quality data. TEACHING STRATEGIES Private Study • Review lecture material and textbook CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 1 Lectures Workshops (Laboratory Work) Assessments (examinations, laboratory reports) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Complete lab report and assignments Download materials from Moodle Keep up with notices and find out marks via Moodle Find out what you must learn Summarise essential course material from associated reading Hear announcements on course changes Be guided by discussion questions and additional reading Ask questions Hands-on activities to set laboratories Students must record results during the lab session and complete a laboratory report with these findings discussed. Ask questions for clarification during laboratory classes Demonstrate your knowledge and skills Demonstrate higher understanding and problem solving Enhance your knowledge by undertaking necessary research to complete these tasks EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES By the completion of this course students are expected to understand concepts relevant to the analysis of water and wastewater treatment objectives and verification. Students should have an appreciation for the rationale of water quality guidelines and practical aspects of water quality monitoring for potable water supplies, water reuse applications and wastewater disposal. In addition to the formal lecture contact time students will be expected to read additional material provided during the lectures and will be given additional references for further background knowledge. Assignments will provide problem solving for individual sections of the course. Undertaking these assignments will put into practice and demonstrate the student’s overall understanding of sampling and analysis of water and wastewater treatment systems as well as the applications of water quality guidelines. For each hour of lecture contact time it is expected that a student will undertake at least 1.5 hours of private study. ASSESSMENT The final grade for this course will normally be based on the sum of the scores from each of the assessment tasks. The Final Examination is worth 50% of the Final Mark and the class work (assignments and laboratory report) is worth 50% of the Final Mark. The formal exam scripts will not be returned. Students who perform poorly in assignments are recommended to discuss progress with the lecturer during the semester. Final Examination = 50%; Assignments = 50% See additional information on eLearning (UNSW MOODLE) for final exam and supervision arrangements for distance students. Note: The lecturer reserves the right to adjust the final scores by scaling if agreed too by the Head of School. Details of each assessment component, the marks assigned to it, and the dates of submission are set out below. ASSIGNMENTS Assessment Details Marks Due Date 1. Assignment 1 25% 17 April 2015 2. Assignment 2 (Laboratory Report) 25% 22 May 2015 All assignments and reports are to be submitted electronically via UNSW Moodle (by TurnItIn). No hard copies will be accepted. No emailed versions will be accepted. Assignments and reports are due before midnight on the due date. Late assignments will receive a 10% penalty per week or part thereof. CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 2 COURSE PROGRAM SEMESTER 1, 2015 Week 1 Date 4/3 Topic Lecturer Rationale for water quality monitoring and analytical Richard Stuetz principles 2 11/3 Bulk parameter, physical, and inorganic chemical Richard Stuetz analysis Trace organic chemicals analysis 3 18/3 Nhat Le 4 25/3 Trace metals analysis Richard Stuetz 5 1/4 Microbiology and microbiological analysis Richard Stuetz Break 8/4 Mid-semester Break 6 15/4 Non-teaching Week (for internal students) (Distance student Laboratory class)* 7 22/4 Field Site Tour (Internal students)** James McDonald 8 29/4 Laboratory class Part 1 (Internal students) James McDonald 9 6/5 Laboratory class Part 2 (Internal students) James McDonald 10 13/5 Online (continuous monitoring) analytical techniques Richard Stuetz 11 20/5 Odour measurement and assessment Richard Stuetz 12 27/5 Statistics of data analysis Nhat Le 13 3/6 Water quality and public health in drinking and Michael Storey recycled waters (Sydney Water Presentation) * TBC: proposed date for distance students to attend one day Laboratory class **Additional details on eLearning (UNSW MOODLE) RELEVANT RESOURCES • No specific textbook recommended. • Useful reference books: CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 3 Water Quality & Treatment: A Handbook on Drinking Water, 6th Edition. (2011) Edzwald JK (Ed). McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN: 978-0-07-163011-5. Rice, E. W, Baird R. B, Eaton, A. D. and Clesceri, L. S. (Eds.) (2012) Standard Methods for the Examination of nd Water & Wastewater, 22 Edition. American Public Health Association, Washington DC, USA. Khan SJ (2010) Quantitative Chemical Exposure Assessment for Water Recycling Schemes. Waterlines Series No 27, National Water Commission, Canberra. ISBN: 978-1-921107-94-8.. • Useful journal articles (most available for free download through UNSW library): Ademollo, N., Patrolecco, L., Polesello, S., Valsecchi, S., Wollgast, J., Mariani, G. and Hanke, G. (2012) The analytical problem of measuring total concentrations of organic pollutants in whole water. Trends Anal. Chem, 36, 71-81. Alothman, Z. A., Khan, M. R., Wabaidur, S. M. and Siddiqui, M. R. (2012) Persistent Organic Pollutants: Overview of their extraction and estimation. Sensor Letters, 10(3-4), 698-704. Andrade-Eiroa A, Canle M, Cerda V. (2013) Environmental Applications of Excitation-Emission Spectrofluorimetry: An In-Depth Review I. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 48 (1):1-49. Andrade-Eiroa A, Canle M, Cerda V. (2013) Environmental Applications of Excitation-Emission Spectrofluorimetry: An In-Depth Review II. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 48 (2):77-141. Badjagbo, K. and Sauve, S. (2012) Mass spectrometry for trace analysis of explosives in water. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 42(3), 257-271. Bhaduri, P., Stedtfeld, R. D., Srinivasan, S., Kostic, T., Herzog, A. B., Kronlein, M. R., Stedtfeld, T., Liu, Y. C. and Hashsham, S. A. (2012) Detection and occurrence of indicator organisms and pathogens. Water Environ. Res., 84(10), 786-813. Bisutti, I., Hilke, I. and Raessler, M. (2004) Determination of total organic carbon - an overview of current methods. Trends Anal. Chem, 23(10-11), 716-726. Bourgeois, W., Burgess, J. E. and Stuetz, R. M. (2001) On-line monitoring of wastewater quality: a review. J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 76(4), 337-348. Burylin, M. Y. and Temerdashev, Z. A. (2013) Permanent Chemical Modifiers in Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic Analysis: A Review. Inorganic Materials, 49(14), 1264-1271. Butler, O. T., Cairns, W. R. L., Cook, J. M. and Davidson, C. M. (2012) Atomic spectrometry update. Environmental analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27(2), 187-221. Capdeville, M. J. and Budzinski, H. (2011) Trace-level analysis of organic contaminants in drinking waters and groundwaters. Trends Anal. Chem, 30(4), 586-606. Chong, S. S., Abdul Aziz, A. R. and Harun, S. W. (2013) Fibre Optic Sensors for Selected Wastewater Characteristics. Sensors, 13(7), 8640-8668. Christoforidou, E. P., Riza, E., Kales, S. N., Hadjistavrou, K., Stoltidi, M., Kastania, A. N. and Linos, A. (2013) Bladder cancer and arsenic through drinking water: A systematic review of epidemiologic evidence. J. Environ. Sci. Heal. A, 48(14), 1764-1775. Connon, R. E., Geist, J. and Werner, I. (2012) Effect-Based Tools for Monitoring and Predicting the Ecotoxicological Effects of Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment. Sensors, 12(9), 12741-12771. Gago-Ferrero, P., Diaz-Cruz, M. S. and Barcelo, D. (2013) Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry for the multi-residue analysis of organic UV filters and their transformation products in the aquatic environment. Analytical Methods, 5(2), 355-366. CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 4 Gonzalez, S., Lopez-Roldan, R. and Cortina, J. L. (2013) Presence of metals in drinking water distribution networks due to pipe material leaching: a review. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 95(6), 870889. Guillarme, D., Schappler, J., Rudaz, S. and Veuthey, J. L. (2010) Coupling ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. Trends Anal. Chem, 29(1), 15-27. Gupta, V. K., Nayak, A., Agarwal, S., Dobhal, R., Uniyal, D. P., Singh, P., Sharma, B., Tyagi, S. and Singh, R. (2012) Arsenic speciation analysis and remediation techniques in drinking water. Desalination and Water Treatment, 40(1-3), 231-243. Harman, C., Allan, I. J. and Vermeirssen, E. L. M. (2012) Calibration and use of the polar organic chemical integrative sampler-a critical review. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 31(12), 2724-2738. Harrington, C. F., Clough, R., Hansen, H. R., Hill, S. J. and Tyson, J. F. (2010) Atomic spectrometry update. Elemental speciation. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25(8), 1185-1216. Henderson, R. K., Baker, A., Murphy, K. R., Hamblya, A., Stuetz, R. M. and Khan, S. J. (2009) Fluorescence as a potential monitoring tool for recycled water systems: A review. Water Research, 43(4), 863-881. Hudson, N., Baker, A. and Reynolds, D. (2007) Fluorescence analysis of dissolved organic matter in natural, waste and polluted waters - A review. River Research and Applications, 23(6), 631-649. Jeong, H. S., Lee, S. H. and Shin, H. S. (2007) Feasibility of on-line measurement of sewage components using the UV absorbance and the neural network. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 133(1-3), 15-24. Jouanneau S, Recoules L, Durand MJ, Boukabache A, Picot V, Primault Y, Lakel A, Sengelin M, Barillon B, Thouand G. (2014) Methods for assessing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): A review. Water Research. 49 (0):62-82. Kaushik, R. and Balasubramanian, R. (2013) Methods and Approaches Used for Detection of Cyanotoxins in Environmental Samples: A Review. Crit. Rev. Env. Sci. Tech., 43(13), 1349-1383. Kitis, M., Karanfil, T., Kilduff, J. E. and Wigton, A. (2001) The reactivity of natural organic matter to disinfection byproducts formation and its relation to specific ultraviolet absorbance. Water Science and Technology, 43(2), 9-16. Kitis, M., Karanfil, T., Wigton, A. and Kilduff, J. E. (2002) Probing reactivity of dissolved organic matter for disinfection by-product formation using XAD-8 resin adsorption and ultrafiltration fractionation. Water Research, 36(15), 3834-3848. Kozlowska-Tylingo, K., Namiesnik, J. and Gorecki, T. (2010) Determination of Estrogenic Endocrine Disruptors in Environmental Samples-A Review of Chromatographic Methods. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 40(3), 194-201. Langergraber, G., Fleischmann, N. and Hofstadter, F. (2003) A multivariate calibration procedure for UV/VIS spectrometric quantification of organic matter and nitrate in wastewater. Water Science and Technology, 47(2), 63-71. Le Bonte, S., Pons, M. N., Potier, O., Chanel, S. and Baklouti, M. (2002) Generic monitoring tools for water characteristics assessment. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 3(1-2), 351-357. Ma, J. A. and Dasgupta, P. K. (2010) Recent developments in cyanide detection: A review. Anal. Chim. Acta, 673(2), 117-125. Makinson, K. A., Hamby, D. M. and Edwards, J. A. (2012) A review of contemporary methods for the presentation of scientific uncertainty. Health Physics, 103(6), 714-731. CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 5 Mesquita, D. P., Amaral, A. L. and Ferreira, E. C. (2013) Activated sludge characterization through microscopy: A review on quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques. Anal. Chim. Acta, 802, 14-28. Michalski, R. (2013) Application of IC-MS and IC-ICP-MS in Environmental Research. Spectroscopy, 28-31. Michalski, R. and Lyko, A. (2013) Bromate Determination: State of the Art. Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 43(2), 100-122. Mompelat, S., Jaffrezic, A., Jarde, E. and Le Bot, B. (2013) Storage of natural water samples and preservation techniques for pharmaceutical quantification. Talanta, 109, 31-45. Nerin, C., Salafranca, J., Aznar, M. and Batlle, R. (2009) Critical review on recent developments in solventless techniques for extraction of analytes. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 393(3), 809-833. Oliveira, R. D. and Santelli, R. E. (2010) Occurrence and chemical speciation analysis of organotin compounds in the environment: A review. Talanta, 82(1), 9-24. Ort, C., Lawrence, M. G., Reungoat, J. and Mueller, J. F. (2010) Sampling for PPCPs in Wastewater Systems: Comparison of Different Sampling Modes and Optimization Strategies. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44(16), 6289-6296. Ort, C., Lawrence, M. G., Rieckermann, J. and Joss, A. (2010) Sampling for Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) and Illicit Drugs in Wastewater Systems: Are Your Conclusions Valid? A Critical Review. Environ. Sci. Technol., 44(16), 6024-6035. Pakade, Y. B. and Tewary, D. K. (2010) Development and applications of single-drop microextraction for pesticide residue analysis: A review. J. Separation Sci., 33(23-24), 3683-3691. Pinto, M. I., Sontag, G., Bernardino, R. J. and Noronha, J. P. (2010) Pesticides in water and the performance of the liquid-phase microextraction based techniques. A review. Microchemical Journal, 96(2), 225-237. Popp, M., Hann, S. and Koellensperger, G. (2010) Environmental application of elemental speciation analysis based on liquid or gas chromatography hyphenated to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry-A review. Anal. Chim. Acta, 668(2), 114-129. Post, G. B., Cohn, P. D. and Cooper, K. R. (2012) Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), an emerging drinking water contaminant: A critical review of recent literature. Environ. Res., 116, 93-117. Ragavan, K. V., Rastogi, N. K. and Thakur, M. S. (2013) Sensors and biosensors for analysis of bisphenol-A. Trends Anal. Chem, 52, 248-260. Ravelo-Perez, L. M., Herrera-Herrera, A. V., Hernandez-Borges, J. and Rodriguez-Delgado, M. A. (2010) Carbon nanotubes: Solid-phase extraction. J. Chromatogr. A, 1217(16), 2618-2641. Reynolds, D. M. (2002) The differentiation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable dissolved organic matter in wastewaters using fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 77(8), 965-972. Rezaee, M., Yamini, Y. and Faraji, M. (2010) Evolution of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method. J. Chromatogr. A, 1217(16), 2342-2357. Richardson, S. D. (2012) Environmental Mass Spectrometry: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues. Anal. Chem., 84(2), 747-778. Richardson, S. D. and Ternes, T. A. (2011) Water Analysis: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues. Anal. Chem., 83(12), 4614-4648. Rieger, L., Langergraber, G., Thomann, M., Fleischmann, N. and Siegrist, H. (2004) Spectral in-situ analysis of NO2, NO3, COD, DOC and TSS in the effluent of a WWTP. Water Science & Technology, 50(11), 143152. CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 6 Sanchez-Rodas, D., Corns, W. T., Chen, B. and Stockwell, P. B. (2010) Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry: a suitable detection technique in speciation studies for arsenic, selenium, antimony and mercury. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 25(7), 933-946. Tankiewicz, M., Fenik, J. and Biziuk, M. (2011) Solventless and solvent-minimized sample preparation techniques for determining currently used pesticides in water samples: A review. Talanta, 86, 8-22. Thomas, O. and Constant, D. (2004) Trends in optical monitoring. Water Science & Technology, 49(1), 1-8. Tomsikova, H., Aufartova, J., Solich, P., Sosa-Ferrera, Z., Santana-Rodriguez, J. J. and Novakova, L. (2012) High-sensitivity analysis of female-steroid hormones in environmental samples. Trends Anal. Chem, 34, 35-58. Trinh, T., Harden, N. B., Coleman, H. M. and Khan, S. J. (2011) Simultaneous determination of estrogenic and androgenic hormones in water by isotope dilution gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr. A, 1218(12), 1668-1676. Vanderford, B. J., Mawhinney, D. B., Trenholm, R. A., Zeigler-Holady, J. C. and Snyder, S. A. (2011) Assessment of sample preservation techniques for pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and steroids in surface and drinking water. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 399(6), 2227-2234. Vasel, J. L. and Praet, E. (2002) On the use of fluorescence measurements to characterize wastewater. Water Science & Technology, 45(4-5), 109-116. Visco, G., Campanella, L. and Nobili, V. (2005) Organic carbons and TOC in waters: an overview of the international norm for its measurements. Microchemical Journal, 79(1-2), 185-191. Volk, C., Wood, L., Johnson, B., Robinson, J., Zhu, H. W. and Kaplan, L. (2002) Monitoring dissolved organic carbon in surface and drinking waters. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 4(1), 43-47. Warwick, C., Guerreiro, A. and Soares, A. (2013) Sensing and analysis of soluble phosphates in environmental samples: A review. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 41, 1-11. Wei, K. L., Wen, Z. Y., Wu, X., Zhang, Z. W. and Zeng, T. L. (2011) Research Advances in Water Quality Monitoring Technology Based on UV-Vis Spectrum Analysis. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 31(4), 1074-1077. Wu, J., Pons, M. N. and Potier, O. (2006) Wastewater fingerprinting by UV-visible and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Water Science & Technology, 53(4-5), 449-456. Zhang, J. and Zhang, C. (2012) Sampling and sampling strategies for environmental analysis. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 92(4), 466-478. Zuloaga, O., Navarro, P., Bizkarguenaga, E., Iparraguirre, A., Vallejo, A., Olivares, M. and Prieto, A. (2012) Overview of extraction, clean-up and detection techniques for the determination of organic pollutants in sewage sludge: A review. Anal. Chim. Acta, 736, 7-29. Zwiener, C. and Frimmel, F. H. (2004) LC-MS analysis in the aquatic environment and in water treatment – a critical review. Part I: Instrumentation and general aspects of analysis and detection. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 378(4), 851 - 861. Zwiener, C. and Frimmel, F. H. (2004) LC-MS analysis in the aquatic environment and in water treatment technology - a critical review - Part II: Applications for emerging contaminants and related pollutants, microorganisms and humic acids. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 378(4), 862-874. • Any additional materials provided on UNSW Moodle. CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 7 DATES TO NOTE Refer to MyUNSW for Important Dates available at: PLAGIARISM Beware! An assignment that includes plagiarised material will receive a 0% Fail, and students who plagiarise may fail the course. Students who plagiarise are also liable to disciplinary action, including exclusion from enrolment. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work or ideas as if they were your own. When it is necessary or desirable to use other people’s material you should adequately acknowledge whose words or ideas they are and where you found them (giving the complete reference details, including page number(s)). The Learning Centre provides further information on what constitutes Plagiarism at: ACADEMIC ADVICE For information about: • Notes on assessments and plagiarism, • School policy on Supplementary exams, • Special Considerations, • Solutions to Problems, • Year Managers and Grievance Officer of Teaching and Learning Committee, and • CEVSOC. Refer to Academic Advice on the School website available at: CVEN9855 – Semester 1, 2015 – Course Profile - 8
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