TMRE [Tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester]

AAT Bioquest®
Product Technical Information Sheet
Last Updated July 2013
TMRE [Tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester]
Ordering Information
Product Numbers: 22220 (25 mg)
Storage Conditions
Avoid exposure to light
Keep at -20 °C and desiccated
Chemical and Physical Properties
Molecular Weight: 514.95
Appearance: Red powder
Solvent: DMSO
Spectral Properties: Excitation = 549 nm; Emission = 574 nm.
Biological Applications
Positively charged rhodamine dyes (such as rhodamine esters and rosamines) are selectively localized in
mitochondria, thus they are widely used for labeling mitochondria of live cells. Like JC-10 and JC-1, TMRM and
TMRE are widely used for measuring mitochondrial membrane potential besides their selective mitochondrial
staining. These two particular rhodamine esters stain mitochondria in orange fluorescence. Their spectral
properties are similar to those of TRITC, making the use of TMRM and TMRE quite convenient. TMRE is
slightly more hydrophobic than TMRM.
Sample Protocol for Staining Cells
The following procedure can be adapted for most cell types. Growth medium, cell density, the presence
of other cell types and other factors may influence staining. Residual detergent on glassware may also affect real
or apparent staining of many organisms, causing brightly stained material to appear in solutions with or without
cells present.
1). Make 1-10 mM DMSO stock solution. The DMSO stock solution is good for 6 months if stored at -20 °C.
2). Seed cell line(s) and run treatment(s) for desired amount of time.
Optional: 10 min before adding TMRE (next step), add 100nM to 10 µM FCCP to one sample in media as
positive control.
3). Add TMRE to cells in media to final concentration of 50-1000 nM.
4). Incubate 15 to 30 min at 37 °C
5). Measure the fluorescence intensities with ex/em = 540/590 nm (cut off at 570 nm)
1. Criddle DN, Murphy J, Fistetto G, Barrow S, Tepikin AV, Neoptolemos JP, Sutton R, Petersen OH. (2006) Fatty
acid ethyl esters cause pancreatic calcium toxicity via inositol trisphosphate receptors and loss of ATP synthesis.
Gastroenterology, 130, 781.
2. Forster K, Paul I, Solenkova N, Staudt A, Cohen MV, Downey JM, Felix SB, Krieg T. (2006) NECA at
reperfusion limits infarction and inhibits formation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore by
activating p70S6 kinase. Basic Res Cardiol, 101, 319.
3. Greco NJ, Seetharaman S, Kurtz J, Lee WR, Moroff G. (2006) Evaluation of the reactivity of apoptosis
markers before and after cryopreservation in cord blood CD34(+) cells. Stem Cells Dev, 15, 124.
©2012 by AAT Bioquest®, Inc., 520 Mercury Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Ordering:; Tel: 800-990-8053; Fax: 408-733-1304
Technical Support:; Tel: 408-733-1055