Sacred Heart Catholic Church Saint Mary Catholic Church Elberton, GA Sunday, March 15, 2015 ~ Fourth Sunday of Lent “At this the Jews answered and said to him, ‘What sign can you show us for doing this?’ Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.’” John 2: 18-19 Fr. Rafael Castaño, Pastor Fr. Dominic Tho Tran, Parochial Vicar Office Phone & Fax: 706-376-4112 1009 Benson St., Hartwell, GA 30643 Deacon Jerry Korte 706-436-3781, Deacon Barry Phillips 864-958-0601 email: Website: Church secretaries: Belinda Thayer and Christine Alfano Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30am– 12:30pm For a pastoral emergency, after office hours– please call 706-431-2255 Regular Mass Schedule Monday 12 noon Tuesday 12 noon Wednesday 6 :00 pm Thursday 9 :00 am Friday 9 :00 am Saturday 5:30 pm Sunday 8:30 am 10:45 am Spanish 11:00 am English at St. Mary In Elberton 155 Forest Avenue 1:00 pm Vietnamese Adoration All Fridays—9:30 am -1:00 pm 6:30 pm First Friday followed by Vietnamese Mass Sacrament of Penance Wednesday 5:10-5:45 pm Saturday 4:00-4:45 pm Thank you to Father Dan Crosby for your wonderful words and prayers. We truly enjoyed your spirit and guidance. Fr. Dan Crosby's address: 1740 Mount Elliott, Detroit, MI 48207 Thank you also to all who helped with the refreshments and serving at the receptions and luncheon. It is greatly appreciated! The Gift of Age: A reflection from Fr. Dan Crosby Lord Jesus, you promised "Behold, I make all things new!" We ask you to renew us in mind and body. Help us to use our years of experience By sharing the wisdom we have acquired With enthusiasm and imagination. Expand our interests so that we might find new ways Of helping others, especially younger people Who may be looking for guidance and support. We thank you, Lord Jesus, for the beauty of years, The freshness of dreams, And the encouragement of happy memories. Let our lives, through your Spirit work in us, Become second Springs, Bursting with the joyful colors of hope. The warm breezes of love, And the delicate showers of grace Which nourish the continual growth we desire. Bless all who love us and those whom we love And unite us ever more closely As members of your body on earth Until the day when we reign with you for ever." Woman and Youth of the Year recognition at St Ann from Sacred Heart Congratulations—Betty Hampel and Elizabeth Sanchez! MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS Saturday, March 7 Sunday, March 8 Monday, March 9 Tuesday, March 10 Wed., March 11 Thursday, March 12 Friday, March 13 Saturday, March 14 Sunday, March 15 5:30 pm Mass +Helen Smith by Jim and Pam Trubell 8:30 am Mass +Dominic Tam Thank Tran Chan by The and Lanthy Pham 10:45 am Spanish Mass 11:00 am Mass at Saint Mary in Elberton 1:00 pm Vietnamese Mass 12:00 pm Mass Bill Wall by Leona Wall 12:00 pm Mass Frances Klotz by Bill and Leona Wall 6:00 pm Mass The Success of Master Plan 9:00 am Mass 9:00 am Mass and Adoration 5:30 pm Mass +Jerry Harris by Jim and Pam Trubell 8:30 am Mass +Vincent Michael Carney by Bob and Carol Beazley 10:45 am Spanish Mass 11:00 am Mass at Saint Mary in Elberton 1:00 pm Vietnamese Mass Spanish Announcements Gracias a las Personas que han hecho su prometido para el Annual Appeal 2015.Si usted desea comprometerse con esta causa, por favor pida un sobre al Padreal finalizar la Misa. Gracias por su colaboracion. Congratulations to Elizabeth Sanchez! She has been selected as the Student of the Year. Elizabeth is currently teaching Religious Education, was the head of the Spanish Ushers and helps in our church with great love and a smiling heart. Congratulations Elizabeth. 1) Bautismos: Proximos Bautismos el 25 de Abril a las 10:00AM. La preparacion para estos dos dias sera el Sabado 28 de Marzo a las 10:00AM. Padres y Padrinos asistir. Gracias 2) Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma hay Viacrucis en Espanol a las 6:00PM Next Parish Council Meeting: March 18 at 6:45pm after 6pm Mass. Columbiette Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance Saturday, March 14 Doors open 6pm Dinner served at 7 pm Tickets are $18 DJ and Silent Auction Master Plan Meeting~ First meeting: March 12, 2015 at 5:45pm. Program: Mass with the Master Plan committee members and visitors at 5:45 pm. Meeting for members only at 6:30 pm. There will be three representatives from the Catholic Construction Services of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. John Schiavone - Peter Faletti - Dennis Kelly 2nd Collection: March 8 Rectory Fund March 15 Catholic Relief Services Saint Mary's Mission Announcements: Sacred Heart's office 706-376-4112 Sunday Mass: 11:00 am Wednesday: Adoration, Confession and Rosary at 5:00pm, Mass at 5:30pm April 2nd: 5:00 pm Last Supper Celebration April 3rd: 5:00 pm Passion of Jesus Christ April 5th: 11:00 am Easter Sunday Mass St. Mary’s goal for the Archbishop's Annual Appeal for 2015 is $3,700. For pastoral emergencies after office hours, please call the Rectory at 706-431-2255. Please call the office or email to submit the names of the homebound parishioners of Saint Mary. Thank you to all who participated in the Lenten Mission. It was a great way for our community to come together. Error on envelopes—the address when mailing in your contribution is incorrect. Please mail to Sacred Heart in Hartwell. The parish is holding a fundraiser for our new accessibility ramp. We are selling these vases. There is a limited quantity so get them while they last. Sale Price $50 Please call the SHJ office if interested. Lector Schedule: March 8—Brian/Raul March 15– Laura/Linda March 22– Mary/Madison PARISH EVENTS Sunday, March 8 8:00 am—Rosary– Sanctuary 8:30 am—11:00 am—Youth/Men/Women CRSP Meetings—Bsmt of FH 9:30 am—12:00 pm—Our Lady’s Circle—Meeting Room 9:45 am—10:45 am—Religious Ed—Rel Ed Building 10:00 am—Spanish RCIA—Fr Rafael’s Office 10:30 am Spanish Rosario—Sanctuary 11:45 am—12:45 pm—Religious Ed—2nd session—Rel Ed Building 12;00 pm—2:00 pm –CRSP Continuation (all groups) - FH bsmt mtg rm 12:00 pm– 1:30 p—Misioneros de Jesus y Maria—Basement of FH 12:00 pm—1:00 pm—CRSP Lunch—FH Mon March 9 6:00 pm-9:00 pm– Vietnamese Lenten Reflection—Sanctuary 7:00 pm-8:00 pm—Knights’ Meeting—Knights’ Rm 8:00 pm-9:00 pm–AA meeting-Meeting Room Tues March 10 6:00 pm-9:00 pm– Vietnamese Lenten Reflection—Sanctuary 7:00 pm-8:30pm– Misioneros de Jesus y Maria—Basement of FH 8:00 pm-9:00 pm–AA meeting-Meeting Room Wed March 11 5:00 pm—6:00 pm—Saint Vincent de Paul Meeting—Meeting Rm 5:40 pm– Liturgy of the Hour Prayer Group - Sanctuary 6:30 pm—Master Plan Meeting– Meeting Rm 6:30 pm—7:30 pm—CRSP—FH Thurs March 12 Columbiette’s prepare for St Patrick’s Day Dinner—FH—all day 5:45 pm—6:45 pm—Master Plan Meeting—Meeting Rm 7:00 pm– 8:30 pm—Choir Practice—Sanctuary Fri March 13 Columbiette’s prepare for St Patrick’s Day Dinner—FH—all day 9:30 am—Rosary and Adoration 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm- Knights activity—Knights’ Room 5:00 pm-6:30 pm—Lenten Dinner—FH 6:00 pm—Stations of the Cross in Spanish– Sanctuary 7:00 pm—Stations of the Cross in English—Sanctuary Parish Events continued… Sat March 14 3:00 pm—5:00 pm—Misioneros de Jesus y Maria (Coro)– Bsmt of FH 6:00 pm—11:00 pm—Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance—FH Sun March 15 8:00 am- Rosary—Sanctuary 8:30am-11:00 am—Youth/Men’s/Women’s CRSP Groups– Bsmt of FH 9:45 am—10:45 am—Religious Ed Classes– Rel Ed Building 10:00 am-11:00 am—Spanish RCIA– Meeting Room 11:45 am—12:45 pm—Religious Ed Classes– 2nd session– Rel Ed Building 12:00 pm-1:30 pm– Misioneros de Jesus y Maria —Basement of FH 12:00 pm—1:00 pm—CRSP Lunch—FH 1:00 pm—2:00 pm—RCIA—FH Vietnamese Lenten Reflection— March 9th and 10th from 6:00 pm—9:00 pm in the Sanctuary All are invited to attend. Our ladies Circle Yard Sale April 18th OLC would like to remind everyone the need for those yard sale items you have collected. Look for other information about the yard sale in the bulletin in the coming weeks. Anyone interested in reserving an 8ft. table for $20, Please call Kris Ann Alexander at 770-715-0332 or email TODAY— Our Lady's Circle will meet in the Meeting Room on Sunday, March 8 after the 8:30 am Mass. All women of the parish are invited to attend. BIBLE STUDY—****Check for date changes**** Since we are reading the Gospel of Mark in our liturgies this year, I am going to teach a class on Mark's Gospel. I will teach on varied Tuesdays. I will teach at 1:00 pm and then, the same class at 7:00 pm. Classes will last one hour. You will need a bible during classes. The next classes are scheduled for: Mar. 17; Mar. 24 Additional classes will be scheduled later. All classes will be in the meeting room. ~Deacon Jerry Lenten Lunch Lift 2015 Location: Date: Host: Cornerstone Baptist Mar. 11 Cornerstone Baptist and Faith Lutheran Sacred Heart Mar. 18 Hartwell First UMC ist, Mar. 25 Sacred Heart, First and Sharon Presbyterian, and St. Andrews Episcopal Cokesbury United MethodSardis Baptist, Liberty Hill United Methodist, and Bethesda UMC Service of the Nails on Friday, April 3rd at 12:00 noon at Hartwell First United Methodist Church in the Sanctuary. You are invited to get your Spring shopping done early at an annual fundraiser that will benefit PATH (Post Abortion Treatment & Healing) The Artsy Market at St. Jude - A Spring Art and Gift Show March 19 & 20 Unique Spring gifts for Confirmation, Easter, First Communion, Mothers Day, Graduation, Teachers, yourself, etc. Ministry Hall at St. Jude Church—7171 Glenridge Dr., Sandy Springs, 30328 Thursday, March 19, 6:00 – 9:00 pm (wine & appetizers) Friday, March 20, 8:30am – 1:30 pm (coffee & nibbles) You will find monogrammed gifts, fine art, personalized stationery, trendy and religious jewelry, gourmet gifts, casseroles to go, hand-poured candles, Trinity Bookstore, and so much more! Lenten Fridays: 6:00 pm Spanish Station of the Cross 7:00 pm English Station of the Cross Friday March 20th: 7:00 pm Trilingual Station of the Cross HOLY WEEK March 28/29: Palm Sunday Masses, usual schedule March 31st: Noon Communion Service April 1st 6:00 pm Mass Mass April 2nd: 6:30 pm Last Supper Trilingual celebration 6:00 pm Passion of Jesus Christ l Celebration 7:30 pm Live Passion of Jesus Christ in Spanish ( in campus) April 4th: 8:30 pm Trilingual Easter Vigil Celebration April 5th: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 8:00 am English Mass 9:30 am English Mass 11:00 am Spanish Mass s 1:00 pm Vietnamese Mass Lenten Dinners by The Knights of Columbus Friday Nights during Lent from 5:00 pm—6:30 pm Mar. 13th Mar. 20th Mar. 27th Mar. 13th: Shrimp and Scallops over Rice with green beans Mar. 20th: Baked Tilapia with Noodles with broccoli Mar. 27th: Fish and Chips and Cole Slaw Dinner served between 5 and 6:30 PM All dinners $6 and includes beverage and dessert Ministry Schedules Ushers for March: Saturday 5:30 pm— Bill Wall, George Ferenchak, Jim Wallace, and Dominick Capobianco Sunday 8:30 am— Pat Christman, Marion Rabalais, Bob Beazley, and Bill Griggs Saturday, March 7 EM’s—H* Ann Roedler Lectors— Kris Alexander and Berita Parsons Sunday, March 8 EM’s—H* - Angela Griggs, * Carol Ford, and Joe Ford Lectors— Michelle Schleier and Madison Congdon Altar Servers—Jillian Hoell, Laurel Griggs, George Parham, Jaden Willette, Flannery Hogan Nursery— Cheri Griggs and Kate Alfano Saturday, March 14 EM’s-H* - Helen Brandeburg and *Kris Ann Alexander Lectors– Lavonne Cole and Helen Brandeburg Sunday, March 15 EM’s- H*– Bill Griggs, *Art Bussure, and Cheri Griggs Lectors– Pat Hansen and Alan Davies Altar Servers– Connor McDuffie, Duncan McDuffie, Zoe Palmer, Kate Alfano, Simon Le Nursery— Adrianna Hoell and Laurel Griggs Attention Lenten Lift Lunches Attendees— We would like to encourage you to bring a can of Beef Stew, Canned Chicken, Tuna / Salmon, or Peanut butter when they come to the lunches. Our Food Pantry is low on proteins and is having difficulty buying them at the Athens Food Bank. REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Parishioners: Fr. Terry Kane Alina Schreller Larry Schreller Maryann Latone Russell Becker Sandra Skelton Melanie Harris Eleanor Nagele Diane Latone Teresa Kotal Debbie Breeden Joe Brandeburg Gale Zgraggen Gene Larkin Jay Earle Truong Bui Father Foley Marian Mead Elaine Beckham Marshall Martin Kim Campbell Ed Hasel John Bowman Dorothy Pane Art Bussure John Alderfer Family & Friends Joseph Patrick Ford II Lorenzo Zambino Valerie Fritsch Legato Kerry Clemmensen David Myers Jeanette Brooks Joy Bryant Linda Gagnon Dusty DeStefano Ril Longden Susan Haseldon Tom Spinelli Doug Boswell Richard Seihan Emily Gawel Linsay Schultz Loretta Barrett Nancy Morin Betty Bryson Lisa Wilson John Winders Dale Bryson Anthony Scalici Sister Regina Gegie Brenda Ashworth David Stone Kurt Werner Pat Gagnon Giavonna Giglio Carol Ankerich Dell Ouellette Jean Mitchell Max Carpenter Camille Russo Tom Hoskins Frances Doar Tanya Ashworth Sandra Gualtieri Pam McGarity Parker King Bell Barnawell Jane Dooling William H. Stowe Karen and Charles Schlock Harriette Brown Johnathon Swinsburg Tom McKinney Becky Lambeth Gerald Hawkins Pat Farnitano Stella Seybolt +William Doker Jimmy Moorehead Mary Ann Sanders Martha Hall Bibbi Tschudy Hugh Hackney Fran Weber Leo Latini Nick Corish The Knights of Columbus Scholarship Selection Committee is currently accepting applications for our “Private Art McKay Memorial Scholarship” that will be awarded June 21, 2015. Interested High School Seniors graduating this year with continuing education can get an application from any Knight or copy in the church office. This award will be awarded to a single exceptional student; are you that student? BEST CUTS DORIS ZAKRO— OWNER PARISHIONER 15 S. Forest 706-371-3457 NEW HOURS Mon & Tues—9am-6 pm Wednesday 9am -? Vickery Place Ida Lopez Tax Specialist 2 Registered Tax Return Preparer Ayuda profesional para preparer sus taxes. Es tu dinero. Recuperalo con Block Dill’s Shopping Center 665 Cook St. Royston, GA 30662 Tel: 706.245.9878 Fax 706.245.9996 Personal Care Home Quality Senior Care in Downtown Lavonia For information call 706-356-5551 Or email Contact Jennifer and Jay Beck Owners and parishioners
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